Australian Securities & Investments Commission Form 525 Corporations Act 2001 568A(I) Notice of disclaimer of onerous property If there is insuffcient space in any section of the form, you may photocopy the relevant page(s) and submit as part of this lodgement Company details Company name Timbercorp Securities Limited (in liquidation) ACN/ABN ACN 092 311469 Lodgement details Who should ASIC contact if there is a query about this form? Finn/organisation (Ref: 0 I 1499489) ARNOLD BLOCH LEIBLER ASIC registered agent number (if applicable) 1987 Telephone number (03) 9229 9999 Postal address or D X Address Level 21, 333 Coliins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Please provide an es,imate of the time taken to complete this fonn hrs mins 1 Copy of notice i. We, Name Mark Anthony Korda and Leanne Kylie Chesser of, Postal address Level 24, 333 Coli · Strike out whichever is inapplicable ins Street, Melbourne, VIC the liquidators of the company, for the purposes of paragraph 568A(I)(a) and (b) give notice that i disclaim the propert described in the Schedule. 2. The propert is propert of the company and consists of propert that may give rise to a liability to pay money or some other onerous obligation. ASIC Form 525 23 December 2004 Page 10f3 2 Schedule Describe the disclaimed propert. Registered Lease No K688679 between Derek Charles Bunn and Margaret Joyce Bunn both of 394 Redmond-Hay River Road Albany Western Australia and the Company for the following land: Part of Lot 5772 on Deposited Plan 206199, volume 1866, folio468. And commencing on 1 January 2009. Registered Lease No K679648 between Bruce Richard Genoni and Jennifer Margaret Genoni both of 29 Boscombe Avenue City Beach Western Australia (fonnerly both of 5 Mason Street Cranbrook Western Australia) and the Company for the following land: That part of Lot 6448 on Deposited Plan 208094, volume 1633, folio 804. And commencing on 1 Januar 2009. Registered Lease No K54 1 333 between David Reginald Packard and Debra Leanne Packard and the Company (as transferred by Registered Transfer K54l 332 from Timbercorp Limited (ACN 055 185 067) on 28 Januar 2008)for the following land: That par of Lot 1 on Plan 17 i 3 1, volume 1866, folio 539 the subject of Head Lease G65 103 i. And commencing on 1 Jaiuary 2009. Registered Lease No K536932 between Peter Desmond O'Brien and Shirley Anne O'Brien both of Post Offce Box 922 Camarvon Western Australia as joint tenants and the Company for the following land: That part of Lot 7085 on Deposited Plan 172440, volume 1786, folio 111 the subject of lease H180972. And commencing on I January 2008. Sublease under Registered Lease No G638852 between Executive Forestr Pty Ltd (ACN 1 16 728 600) (as assigned by Deed dat~d 17 October 2008 in favour of Timbercorp Securities Limited (ACN 092 3 i 1 469) between Executive Forestry Pl Lld (ACN 116 728 600) and Felice Ditri and Bernadette Margaret Ditr both of 26 Jamieson Street Pemberton and Arhur Andrew Mills and Janice Faye Mills both of 12 Robinson Street, Pemberton Wstern Australia) and the Company for the following land: That part ofLot 12654 on Deposited Plan 17131, volume 1916, folio 799 the subject of the Lease G638852. And commencing on 6January 2009. Registered Lease No K9l6567 between Franca Romilda Tognel1 of75 Lockyer Avenue Albany Western Australiaand the Company for the following land: Part ofLot 5793 on Deposited Plan 206371, volume42l, folio 146A. And commencing on 1 March 2009. Registered Lease No K868090 between Arthur Savera Smith and Pamela Jeanette Smith both of 442 Bennett Road Napier Western Australia (fonnerly of RM 9606 Bennett Road Napier) and the Company for the following land: Those pars of each Lot i on Diagram 85372 volume 2166, folio 495 and Lot 7 on Diagram 96668 volume 2166, folio 494 marked AI, A2 and A3 on the stetch attached to the lease. And commencing on I March 2009. Registered Lease No K523862 between Richard Theodore Verwood fonnerly of Post Offce Box 47 Jannali NSW now of27 Riverton Drive Rossmoyne Western Australiaand the Company for the following land: That par of Lot 5 on Diagram 85018 marked 'J on Deposited Plan 58846, volume 1977, folio 243. And commencing on 1 January 2009. Lease between Gary Patrick Coffey and Christine Margaret Coffey and the Company foithe following land: Those parts of Lot 12670 on Deposited Plan 208997, volume 1921, folio 248 marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the sketch at annexure' A' of this lease. And commencing on I January 2009. Lease between Gary Patrick Coffey and Christine Marga-et Coffey and the Company for the following land: Those pars of Lot 12257 on Deposited Plan 207958, volume CR3136, folio 549 marked 1,2,3 and 4 on the sketch at annexure 'A' ofthis lease. And commencing on I January 2009. Registered Lease No K830264 between Gavin Oppennan Hamilton fonnerly of RM 9106, Bornholm South Road, Bornholm, but now of 204 Bornholm South Road, Bornholm Western Australia, as executor of the Will Robert of Anderson Hamilton (deceased), (leave being reserved to Ella Edith Hamilton and William Frank Siviour to come in and prove the Wil) as to one undivided half share and the said Gavin Oppennan Hamilton personally as to one divided half shar$d the Company for the following land: Par of Lot 1955 on Deposited Plan 127526, volume 941, folio 114. And commencing on 1 Januar 2009. Lease between Shaun Edwin Reynolds and Sheryl Susan Reynolds both of Lot 11 Chrystal Brook Road Narrkupmd the Compan, for the following land: Those parts of Lot i 1 on Plan 21562 marked A I and A2 on Ihe sketch attached to this lease, volume 2087, folio 664. And commencing on 1 January 2009. Registered Lease No K762094 between Edvige Mary Bice Zambonetti of Road Mail Box, Jackson Road Napier via Albany, and Ken Anthony Zambonetti and Angela Mare 2200 Settlement Road Napier and the Company for the following Zambonetti both of PO Box 253 Albany, and Edwin John Zambonetti and Christine Michele Zambonetti both of land: That part of Lot 5794 on Deposited Plan 206516, volume 1869, folio 646 delineated andstippled on the sketch attached to the lease. And commencing on i October 2008. ASIC Form 525 23 December 2004 Page 2 of3 Registered Lease No K762092 between Edwin John Zambonetti and Christine Michele Zambonetti both of2200 Settlement Road Napier and the Company for the following land: That par of Lot 5803 on Deposited Plan 207606, volume 1389, folio 960 delineated and stippled on the sketch attached to the lease. And commencing on 1 October 2008. Registered Lease No K533836 between Edward Grey Edgerton-Warburton and Elizabeth Rose Edgerton-Warburton of 'St Werburghs', Mount Barker, Western Australia and the Company for the following land: Those parts ofLot 2764 on Deposited Plan 138294, volume 1713, folio 735 and Lot 2791 on Deposited Plan 138293, volume i 198, folio 853. And commencinv on I January 2009. Registered Lease No K5491 18 between Cameron Fanns Pl Ltd (ACN 008 707 926) and the Company for the following land: Those parts of Lot 2058 on Deposited Plan 206244, volume LR2079, folio 290; Lot 2078 on Deposited Plan 206238, volume LR3079, folio 322; and Lot 2080 on Deposited Plan 206235, volume LR3079, folio 324 marked B on the sketch in the lease. And commencing on I Januarv 2009. Signature S':2 '£-d Date signed 29/09/2009 Notes: 1. A person claiming an interest in the disclaimed propert may apply to the Court, within the time pennitted by subsection 568B(I), for the disclaimer to be set aside. 2. A disclaimer, as from the day on which it takes effect under subsection 568C(3). is taken to have tenninated the company's rights, interests, liabilities and propert in or in respect of the disclaimed propert, but does not affect any other person's rights or liabilities except in so far as is necessary in order to release the company and its propert from Iiablity. Lodgement ASIC Form 525 Send completed and signed fonns to: For help or more information Australian Securities & Investments Commission PO Box 4000, Gippsland Mail Centre VLC 3841 Telephone 03 5177 3988 23 December 2004 Email info.enquiries(! Web Page 3 of3
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