Number 1 March 2013 Yinnar South Newsletter Australia Day Community Breakfast at Martin Walker Reserve Residents of Yinnar South and district assembled to share breakfast, catch up on news and relax on a beautiful morning at the Martin Walker Reserve. Given the level of interest in the event, the Yinnar South Citizen Association is planning to hold this gathering again next year. In this Issue: P2: Newsletter information, editorial P3: Deppeler’s weather and community diary P4: School News P5: School News & Playgroup P6: Church News & Newly wedded P7: Fire Brigade & Birth notice 1 P8: Community Garden P 9: Community singing & Fiddlehead Festival P 10: ARC Yinnar & Yinnar South Citizen Association P11: Lifeline & Monash University P12: Community Directory Newsletter Info Editorial This free newsletter is made possible with the support of our advertisers, the YSCA, and volunteers. 460 copies are distributed to local households and 50 copies are available from the Yinnar General Store. Back copies can be obtained from the Editor. All letters and articles are published in good faith but the comments or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor or the YSCA. Articles are gratefully received but will be published at the Editor’s discretion. Pictures submitted should be in .jpg format. Welcome to the first Yinnar South Newsletter for 2013. There will be four newsletters produced this year. The deadline for your contributions are: Friday 18 May Friday 23 August Friday 22 November. Advertising: David Walker 5169 1611 The following rates are for a business card size advertisement. Double space may be purchased for double the rate. All contributions are welcome. However, as the editor I reserve the right to amend the content if necessary. If you are unsure about how to proceed with sharing a story I am happy to assist. Feedback from readers is also welcome, don't hesitate to contact me or email with your comments and ideas. Advertisements for community groups are free. No of issues Price GST Total 1 issue $7.50 $0.75c $8.25 2 issues $15.00 $1.50c $16.50 3 issues $22.50 $2.25 $24.75 4 issues $30.00 $3.00 $33.00 Editor: Joelle Champert Ph: 5163 1393 Mobile 0408 504 305 or 50 Lewis Road Yinnar 3869 I hope you will enjoy this and the forthcoming newsletters. I look forward to your contributions Joelle DPR Plumbing For all types of plumbing, installation, service and repair to Air Conditioning, Central Heating, Gas Appliances, Hot Water Services and Pumps. Supply and install Split System Air Conditioners Prompt Service - No job too small e-mail: Newsletter online You can find the newsletter at our blog at Current and back copies can also be found at: Like us on Facebook and see the newsletter before it hits the mailbox. 2 David P Reggardo Licence No 18319 5169 1728 0417 343 929 SPRING WATER WATER COOLER RENTAL Now $99p.a. 15 litre Refills $9.00 DELIVERED FREE! Gippsland's locally owned & operated Spring Water Company 1800 555 525 Deppeler Weather For Your Diary 2013 Before we start with 2013 rainfall, we finished 2012 with December recording 79.5mm, bringing the 2012 year total to 1020mm, our average being 837mm. YSCA Meeting. The driest month was July with 39mm, the wettest month was June with 139mm and June also had the highest 24 hour rainfall recording with 62.5mm on June 5. Now for 2013 rain and so far that has not been much to write about! Did we really think the ground would ever dry up and so quickly? In January we recorded only 4mm, compared to last year in January when we had 64.5mm. Our February total so far, up to February 17th, is 13mm compared to the 2012 February total of 100.5mm. Will 2013 be a dry year like 1990 when we only had 3mm for January and ended up with a below annual average rainfall or like 1967 when we recorded only 589.5mm, and the Middle Creek stopped for the first time in February 1968? Looking at the records since 1953, (sixty years of figures), and prior to the years 2011 (1074mm) and 2012 (1020mm) we experienced a recording of 1000+ mm of rain every 4-8 years, except for the period between 1993 and 2010 when we had eighteen years of below 1000mm of rain. Wednesday 8 May Wednesday 14 August Wednesday 13 November 7.30 at YS Hall Yinnar Sth Newsletter Deadline Friday 18 May Friday 23 August Friday 22 November Yinnar South CFA Training at the Fire Shed 9.30am, Every Sunday Morning Holy Innocents Church Service 2013 5th Sunday of the Month Ring 5134 5659 Sunday 30 June Sunday 29 September Yinnar St Play Group Fridays 9.30 to 11 Ring 5169 1540 Yinnar / Yinnar South Landcare For dates of next meetings ring Bob 5163 1229 Yinnar CFA 4th Monday of the month, 8pm at the Fire Station. Yinnar Friendship 1st Monday of the month Group 12 for lunch at the Yinnar Pub. Boolarra & District Book Club 1st Monday of the month 7pm. Ring 5169 6494 for venue. B.J. Bennett & Co. Real Estate The Real Estate company that services Yinnar, Yinnar South, Mirboo North, Boolarra, Churchill and Morwell. Ideally located to service the Yinnar South area. We have access to cash purchasers locally and from Melbourne with our eight internet sites. If you are considering selling your property contact The Rural Specialists Morwell: 219 Commercial Road, 5134 2790 3 Your Local Agent Graeme Jarvie 0407 512 455 Yinnar South Primary School Yinnar South Primary has leapt to life this year with an exciting burst of energy. We have five delightful new preps, a new uniform and a new school logo that reflects the school’s values, a new website and our chooks have started laying. What more could we want? On a serious note, our new logo statement, “Individual Focus, Global Perspective” clearly indicates the school’s agenda. Our teaching and learning program is tailored to meet the needs of each individual child. Students are working through a ‘stages not ages’ approach which means that they progress at their own pace. This is particularly beneficial for students who need to be extended. Global Perspective represents the importance we place on students understanding their role as global citizens. Students learn Mandarin (Chinese) and we are part of the Asia Literacy Project. We are currently developing projects linking our students with others around Australia and hope to develop a sister school in another country. We embrace sustainable practices and have recently become members of ResourceSmart. Our Lifestyles program focuses on healthy eating and living. We create a two course meal once a week with as much produce as possible out of our garden. We want our students to have unlimited opportunities in the future. New Preps A is for Apple… First Day Fun! We have been very busy embracing the arts this term with the students creating artwork to decorate the Fiddlehead Festival. Artists, Leslie Anne Schmidt and Yvette Aitkens from ARC have led the students in four 2 hour sessions of vibrant art and instrument making. Rehearsals were hot work but lots of fun. Steve did an amazing job and so did the students. 4 School news cont... Yinnar South Primary Playgroup Playgroup continues to grow with more than 20 families now involved. The playgroup runs on Friday mornings from 9.30 till 11.30. Our playgroup is very friendly and all are welcome. The primary school students visit and read to the play groupers (or perform) most weeks as part of their values program. This play group is great for all ages. Yinnar South Primary joins the Street Parade with the instruments they made during the art project Students in Grades 2 – 6 were also part of the local schools’ drumming and dancing performance led by Steve Shultz. The students performed enthusiastically and really enjoyed the experience. Parents and staff also helped to run the children’s craft tent on the day. We would like to thank the organisers of Fiddlehead who have worked so hard to bring this event to the community. In particular I would like to thank Deanne Seath for organising the activities for the children’s craft tent. What a great start to the year! School Tours can be booked by calling the school on (03) 5169-1540 Come along and be part of the Yinnar South Primary Community. Enquiries can be made by calling the school on (03) 5169 1540 HELP WANTED The Holy Innocent church committee is looking for a volunteer to help with the maintenance of the church grounds. This will involve mowing and weeding as necessary. Anyone keen on gardening with a bit of time on their hands should contact Ian Hornibrook on 5163 1216 PROSPER VALLEY GRAVEL Domestic Water - Gas Tip Truck Hire Sand - Gravel - Pine Bark Ph: 5169 6462 Mob: 0428 696 462 Fax: 5169 6680 346 Budgeree Road via Boolarra 3870 Email: 5 Church News The Holy Communion service at Holy Innocents on 27th of January was the first time Rev Brenda Burney had celebrated there. Services are now back to normal, being held in the individual centres. The first birthday of our combined parishes was celebrated in fine style at Churchill on 17th February, with even a birthday cake. Robyn Maugher had created a DVD presentation of the highlights of the past year which was most enjoyable. Annual reports were presented and discussed but there was plenty of time afterwards for a yummy morning tea. Parish activities include a Lenten Bible study each Monday at Rev’d Brenda’s home and each Thursday afternoon at Yinnar Uniting Church. Donations made in January for bush fire victims were sent to SHARE Tasmanian bushfire appeal. You may have heard of the World Day of Prayer, which is a common day of prayer each year. All are welcome to the Cooperating Churches in Churchill on Friday 1st March at 7pm. The theme this year is “I was a stranger and you welcomed me”. For details of other activities such as Coffee Connections and Saturday Breakfast, which both have interesting speakers coming along, or any other queries you can ring the Church office phone on 51 221480 Next service: Sunday 30 June 6 Newly Wedded Local CFA Fire Captain, Peter Brimblecombe, changed his yellows for a dark brown suit when he walked his youngest daughter, Claire, down the aisle at Lyrebird Falls in Kallista. Claire exchanged vows with Dan Hammond of Thorpdale, who wore a slim fit charcoal suit. She wore a latte Victorian inspired satin gown, embellished with silver lace and pearls. Bridesmaids were sister Laura Brimblecombe, and long time friend Emma Ockenden. They wore dainty, v-neck, knee length layered cobalt blue dresses and carried bouquets of white lilies. The couple honeymooned in Bora Bora while their son, Michael, holidayed in Yinnar South. Yinnar South Fire Brigade I hope everyone had a good Christmas and new year. With the fire season well upon us the Yinnar South Brigade have been busy with supplying crews to the Aberfeldy fire with the tanker 1 at Licola for 3 day deployments staying at the Licola lions camp with our main job being asset protection of Glenfallock Station. and don’t leave it to late to leave . Fires that maybe one or two ridges away can be on your door step in minutes not hours. In the event of a large fire in the Yinnar South area please remember you are NOT guaranteed a fire truck to turn up on your door step to protect your house or property The Brigade is always looking for new members so if you have thought about joining give me a ring to discuss on how you can become a member. For those that didn’t know our tanker 2 made Thats all for nowststay fire safe. Mark Bruerton 1 Lieutenant the front page of the herald sun a few weeks 0428 223 361 ago on the Sunday . It was deployed to Heyfield to do asset protection at the Heyfield timber mill but then was called to a large grass spot fire near the golf course the photo was taken from a distance but it looks like the fire was right on them but it wasn’t . At the moment we have 3 new trainees doing their minimum skills and should be finished in the next couple of weeks. With the large amount of fires happening around the state at this stage we have been very lucky right thru the Latrobe shire, with minimal amount of fires i.e. grass and bush fire. However, be vigilant as fires can start very easily whether it be a spark from a lawn mower or angle grinder or even a cigarette butt . Fire restrictions are still on and will be for quiet awhile as we all know we haven’t had any descent rains since well before Christmas so the bush and grass lands are basically 100 % cured. The rate of spread with any fire on windy weather would be very quick. Report the first sign of smoke and if the fire is in your area please have your fire plan ready MORWELL JOINERY WORKS HAZELWOOD PROPERTY MAINTENANCE For Quality Architectural Commercial & Domestic Joiner y Mark & Sandra Maynard Kitchens & Kitchen Designs Shop Fittings Custom Made Joinery General Cabinet Making 16 Davey Street (PO Box 770) Morwell Victoria 3840 Phone: 5133 9552 Fax: 5133 9382 7 Julie and David Reggardo were very proud to become Grandparents in January 2013. Their daughter Meg gave birth on the 14th to a little boy, Hunter Logan, 8lb 13oz. ▪ Windows ▪ Lawns ▪ Gutters ▪ Product Sales ▪ Ride on Mower ▪ Pruning ▪ Hard Rubbish Removal ▪ High Pressure Cleaning Email: Mobile: 0412 549 376 Ph: (03) 5163 1782 garden activities via the subcommittee of management. Have the right to vote for subcommittee of management and/or be elected to the subcommittee of management. NEXT WORKSHOP: Sunday 7 APRIL, Switch Room, arc Yinnar 1.30 – 3.30pm THE JOYS OF HERB GARDENING: Medicinal, Culinary & Pest Control Benefits” with Penny Woodward. Penny is a passionate organic gardener and a well-known gardening writer and photographer who regularly contributes to the ABC’s Organic Gardener Magazine and her own website at She is also a panellist on Melbourne’s 3CR community radio gardening program (855 AM, at 7.30 - 9.15am every Sunday) and has written seven books on edible and useful plants, including Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies, Community Gardens, with Pam Vardy, Pest-Repellent Plants, Asian Herbs and Vegetables, Growing Easy Herbs and Herbs for Australian Gardens. RSVP to or call Catheryn 0435 048 153 For more info: or call Catheryn on 0435 048 153 Yinnar Farm & Hardware Supplies and Produce Small engine repairs, gardening and more WORKING BEES Learn how to manage a sustainable garden HANDS ON by attending working bees in the garden on the 2nd & 4th Saturday’s of the month, 4-6pm, at rear arc Yinnar GARDEN MEETINGS Participate in Planning all aspects of the garden, from what we grow to where we go next & what workshops we have. Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month at 5.30pm in the foyer at ARC Yinnar MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Community Garden Membership is $10 per year. Participate in the distribution of garden produce at working bees. Distribution of any excess produce will be detailed on the information board at the shed. Learn how to manage an organic garden using integrated pest management principles. Discounted rates to garden events that have a fee charge, priority access to workshops with limited spaces. Receive information on upcoming events, workshops & activities via email. Contribute to decision making about the 8 Main Street Yinnar 3869 5163 1413 PROSPER VALLEY EXCAVATION Landscaping Drainage House Sites Shed Sites Dams Driveways Brent O’Brien Ph: 51 696 462 Mob: 0428 696 462 Fiddlehead Festival Snapshots COMMUNITY SINGING LUMEN CHRISTI ECO-CENTRE W ILLIAMS ST , CHURCHILL EVERY SECOND S ATURDAY 2-5PM APRIL 13: GOSPEL; AFRICAN/AMERICAN SONGS MAY 11: SEA SHANTIES JUNE 8: ABORIGINAL JULY 13: SONGS TO BE ANNOUNCED AUGUST 10: PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL IN $3 (18 A CAPELLA TYERS AND UNDER FREE) PLEASE FOR AT THE A PLATE OF FOOD TO SHARE INFORMATION RING YVONNE ON 5122 2573 OR MICHELLE: 5122 2635 EMAIL: MARK SMEE MOTORS 28 Main Street, Yinnar, 3869 (P.O. Box 209, Yinnar) MECHANICAL REPAIRS Phone: 5163 1666 Churchill Chiropractic Total Body Care for the Whole Family Dr. David A. Forys Chiropractor Chiropractic Care Dietary Counseling Bowen Therapy Therapeutic Massage 5122 3336 9 LaBerta K. Forys Dietitian Gippsland’s creative waste 2013 Yinnar Sth Citizen Association The last meeting was held on the 6th Feb. One’s person trash is another person treasure Logging Routes R. Stamps report – Post audit inspection of the roads prior to the log trucks. The Timber Traffic Reference Group meeting is scheduled for the 21st February, An exhibition & competition showing the this date is unsuitable for G. Blakely, he will try to get this rescheduled. quirky, tasteful, inventive ways The bus shelter that was due for completion Gippsland people adapt the ‘stuff’ before the 2012 year is still not in position. around them. Opening Event & Awards: Saturday 18 May: from 3 pm All welcome. Martin Walker Reserve Picnic Tables Steve Cahill has contacted us to say the sets are ready. J. O’Kane from the City has given N. Albutt a verbal agreement to install bollards around the drive and to make concrete slabs for the tables and chairs to be anchored. Exhibition Dates: 18 May—8 June, 2013. Exhibition Hours: Tuesday – Friday 12 – Australia Day Celebrations This was really well attended with approximately 30 people 4pm; weekends 11am – 3pm. there. Every one spoke well of it and it will now Supported by Gippsland Regional Waste Management Group. The Judging panel of 3 will consist of representatives from GRWMG, arc Yinnar & local community. Free entry. be an annual event. I. Hornibrook suggested that we contact John Harris from Yinnar re making it official. Treasurers Report Cash Bal: $340.82 Common Fund$12,617.00 G. Blakely proposed that we adopt the ‘New Model of Rules’ and that everyone fills out a membership form so that we have a current registry of Members. J. Reggardo as the public officer will fill out and send off the 2012 Annual Statement. Committee election Elected unopposed: Greg Blakeley President David Walker Treasurer Julie Reggardo Secretary Next Meeting: Wed 8 May, 7.30pm, Yinnar Sth Hall ARC Yinnar Open Entry Postcard Exhibition Thursday 4 April to Friday 10 May Yinnar Milk Bar and Country Café Cappuccino - Cake - Sandwiches - Chickens - Hot Food Sit In or Take Away Opening event Friday 5 April, 6.00pm Or call 5163 1310 10 Opening Hours Mon - Fri 8.00am - 6.00pm Sat - Sun 9.00am - 5.00pm Main Street Yinnar 5163 1285 Donated Gowns Lifeline Gippsland have been donated some bridal wear from a shop in Traralgon . The lovely young ladies that you see are the grand daughters of Yvonne Kingston. Yvonne volunteers her time and in this case her grand daughters. There have been one hundred gowns of various styles donated. The majority will be placed at the Lifeline Shop at Churchill, a window display will be set up at the end of March. Some of these gowns will also be going to Sale, Moe and Lakes Entrance Shops. If you are looking for that special dress at a special price please pop in and have a look you will be pleasantly surprised. MONASH UNIVERSITY Community invited to provide input on regionally-focused university Communities across Gippsland are being encouraged to provide their input and ideas on how tertiary education could be improved as Monash University and the University of Ballarat begin a consultation process to shape the proposition for an expanded, regionally-focused university. Driven by an objective to increase and improve tertiary education participation in regional areas of Victoria, the proposition would see Monash University’s Gippsland campus join with the University of Ballarat under a new name. If approved, the regionallyfocused university would have scope to offer a range of courses and research options better tailored to students, industry and community in Gippsland. To help inform the proposition, and ensure planning reflects the needs of key stakeholders throughout Gippsland, Monash University and the University of Ballarat are undertaking a comprehensive consultation process, with community forums in Leongatha, Traralgon, Warragul and Bairnsdale. Lifeline Gippsland would like to extend our thoughts to all those volunteers who continue to do all their good work when they have please visit the Gippsland Future website at their own mountains to climb. Lifeline Gippsland acknowledges further information: your efforts. Tim Grainger (Monash University) Thank you and take care. on 0419 655 533 11 Le-anne O’Brien (University of Ballarat) on 0419 553 608 Community Directory If you belong to a group that would like to be listed or need to change details, please contact the editor. Details below. Organisations listed in bold text have been updated this issue. Organisation/Group Contact Persons Phone Number 1st Yinnar Scouts ARC Yinnar CFA - Yinnar South Brigade Holy Innocents Church - Yinnar South Churchill & Monash Golf Club Churchill Toy Library G.O. Club (Golden Oldies), Churchill FC Rooms Justice of the Peace Line Dancing in the Valley: Colin Richards Group Leader 0467 677 759 5163 1310 0428 223 361 0412 691 172 5169 1772 5122 3557 5169 1623 5169 1684 5169 1623 5169 1764 or 0408 221 716 5169 1623 5122 2737 5169 1651, 0409 402 459 5163 1577, 0428 631 577 Possums of Yinnar Playgroup Wild Dog Cloggers Yinnar and District Citizens Association Yinnar and District Judo Club Yinnar and District Lions Club Yinnar Basketball Association Inc Yinnar Bowls Club Yinnar CWA Yinnar Dancercise Mark Bruerton Rae Billing Vicki Verheyen Simone Gillette Joan Gardner Robert (Bob) Reynolds Joan and Jim Gardner Marney Kanavan Joan and Jim Gardner John Harris Peter Brimblecombe Herb Smith, Secretary Kim Crookston (President) Gaye Jenkins (Secretary) Ladies: Olive Robson, President Mens: Brian Carpenter, President Evelyn Littlejohn, President Michelle Carpenter, Secretary Maryanne Haesler 5169 1592 5122 1088 5122 1605 5122 3381 5122 1605 5133 9743 Peter Linton: President Leanne Millsom: Secretary Yinnar Junior Guides (6 years +) Meagan Young Yinnar Recreation Reserve Committee of Management Peter Quigley 5163 1505 0409 136 985 5122 1895 0417055842 Yinnar / Yinnar South Landcare Group Equipment Officer: Spray Tank Hire Bob Read: President Will & Marney Kanavan 5163 1229 5169 1764 or 0418 841 295 Yinnar South Citizens Association Greg Blakeley David Walker 5169 1620 5169 1611 Yinnar South Hall Hire Yinnar South Pony Club Yinnar South Primary School Marion Haines 5169 1595 Gina Zammit, Secretary Katy Grandin, Principal 5166 1255 5169 1540 Sharon Mongan 5169 1540 5163 1201 Yinnar Football & Netball Club Yinnar South Playgroup Yinnar South Tennis Club Yinnar Tennis Club Articles for next Newsletter due Wednesday 15 May, 2013 The assistance of Derek Holcombe and David Walker is gratefully acknowledged. Australian Paper proudly supports the Yinnar South Community. 12
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