East Kent NARPO Newsletter “Eis Servire Qui Serviverunt” www.eastkentnarpo.org.uk Christmas Lunch Number 139 February 2014 Notice of Branch Annual General Meeting This years lunch was again held at the Ashford International Hotel; this being the sixth year in succession. A total of seventy four members and guests gathered in the bar for pre lunch drinks. It is not surprising that after a year apart in most cases, people had an awful lot to talk about. For the real ale drinkers, at long last the hotel had one available; a good pint of London Pride. Master of Ceremonies, Tom Creighton once again was resplendent in his crimson regalia and called members and guests to order for a one o’clock lunch. David Edwards said grace and absent friends were remembered. Although not quite as well attended as last year everyone sat down to a good festive lunch and old times were remembered. After the lunch Bill & Trish Eggleton ran the raffle (some of us were lucky!) It was welcoming to see some new faces and hopefully in the future more new faces will appear, not only at the Christmas lunch, but to other luncheons throughout the year. Our thanks once again to Bill & Trish for their efforts in arranging the day. The East Kent Branch AGM will be held at the ARCA Hall, 151 Ashford Road, Thanington, Canterbury on Tuesday 15th April 2014. 7pm for 7.15pm start. Items for the Agenda should be forwarded to the Secretary as soon as possible. NARPO EAST KENT BRANCH DIARY DATES 2013 Notice of William Thrift Trust Annual General Meeting A General Meeting will follow the AGM. Items for the Agenda should be forwarded to the Secretary as soon as possible. IN THIS EDITION • Chairman’s Column: Page 2 • Editorial: & East Kent Training Day: Page 3 • Branch Accounts: Page 4 • William Thrift Accounts: Page5 • Ted Wight Anecdote & Health Issues Page 6 th Committee Meeting th Annual General Meeting • East Kent Obituary Snowball - Secretaries and Treasurers Reports: Page 7 Committee Meeting • AGM Agendas: Thursday 7th August Committee Meeting 4th & 5th September Narpo Conference, Brighton • Small Ads & Hackers Page 9 Tuesday 11 February Tuesday 15 April nd Thursday 22 May th Thursday 6 November Committee Meeting © 2014 All rights reserved. The East Kent NARPO Branch Newsletter is published by the Branch Executive Committee. Opinions expressed by contributors are theirs, and not necessarily those of the Branch Committee. EO&E. Printed in Broadstairs by Seward Copyshop Church Street St Peters Broadstairs CT10 2 TU • Obituaries: Page 8 Page 10 • Nationwide Travel Insurance: Page 11 • Branch Directory: Page 12 East Kent NARPO Newsletter Chairman's Column Happy New Year to one and all and I hope Father Christmas fulfilled all your wishes. Rain, more rain, wind and gales: flood alerts, flooding with damage to property and loss of life - and its only the 5th January! Hopefully I am wrong, but look ahead four to six weeks and perhaps the wording will be ‘snow, drifts and transport at a standstill’. Once again the year has gone in the blink of an eye, and the committee continues to work for the benefit of our Branch. I will be standing down at the May executive meeting when a new committee is elected. I would like to reflect on the past five years and what has changed regarding East Kent N.A.R.P.O. Both the Branch Rules, together with those of the William Thrift Trust, have been revisited and changed, so that they reflect the present day demands. A booklet was written for the assistance of Committee members and deliverers, which gives information regarding where to seek assistance for members when required. This booklet has been updated for the coming year and hopefully be available before May. Quarterly meetings with the Head of Human Resources and the other Kent Narpo Branches began, and continue to be a very useful exercise. These meetings have brought a better liaison and understanding between us and H.Q. at Maidstone. Training on a national basis for officers holding Executive Positions was instigated by National, and I am glad to say that all Officers - Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary - have now completed the two day course. A Training Day for Branch deliverers was successfully held in 2012, and this year another day is being planned, with invitations being extended to the other Kent Branches, i.e. Maidstone, Tonbridge Wells, Dartford and Medway. Membership continues to increase and is now in excess of 1200, despite losing friends, colleagues and former committee members. They will be missed but our memories of them will continue. Social events continue to be arranged by Bill Eggleton. We have tried to find acceptable venues for these meetings to attract greater numbers but this year was disappointing. Page 2 Delivery of News Letters continues in a first class manner thanks to John Piears. Obituary notifications are now in the capable hands of Gerry Skinner and are very efficient. So my friends, you will have noticed that my column is similar to last year, but I feel that those of you who cannot attend the A.G.M. in April should be informed as to what has been going on in the past and what will happen in the future. Last, but not least, don’t forget to let us know if there is someone who needs our help, maybe it’s just a phone call, but it can make all the difference. We, your committee, believe in ‘welfare for our members’, so please help us to do this. Best regards T om Witney Chair The National Conference in Sep- On The Move tember 2013 was held in York but was subdued by the death of the President’s wife, whose funeral was the day of Conference. However, the Conference was successful, but with no controversial motions on the agenda it proved to be a somewhat sedate affair. Richard Amos, Woodchurch to Bethersden Gary Collyer, Canterbury to Chestfield Richard Moseling, Northiam to Bexhill-on-Sea I am pleased to say that National still hold our branch as one of the best organised, and if possible they would like to see some of the other N.A.R.P.O. Branches follow our example. Our Branch is financially secure, thanks to the effort of our Treasurer, Lynn Gridley. Stuart Walker, Dover to St. Margarets Bay Roy Bushe has moved address in Deal Robert Pears has moved to Feltwell, Norfolk Ian Newman, Canterbury to Belper, Derbyshire William Beeforth, Tankerton to Whitstable East Kent NARPO Newsletter Editorial We have been through one of the wettest and windiest winter periods that I can remember; global warming? or is it just a natural progression of weather patterns that evolve over the years? I know what I think! The Branch Christmas lunch was not as well attended as previous years. With a membership of over twelve hundred, plus in most cases, their partners, I find it quite staggering that seventy four people, in most cases made up by thirty seven couples, actually supported the function. That equates to just 3.5% of the membership actively supporting the Branch. I echo what Tom mentioned in his column: It is disappointing and the poor response does not support the aims of our organisation. NARPO is about supporting each other and friendship. These types of occasion are an ideal opportunity to meet old friends and maybe make a few new ones. Please help us with any ideas you have that can assist us to make our branch better for everyone. All said and done we need your support to make NARPO a success. We can't do it without YOU! That said, I wish all of our members a brilliant 2014 bringing with it a summer to remember, for the right reasons, which hopefully starts a bit earlier than last year. I would ask that you keep sending in stories, snippets and skeletons. They are very welcome. Dave Ashwell Editor Branch Membership Branch membership now stands at circa1209. Page 3 Welcome to New Members Glenn Vincer, Broadstairs Paul Cooke, Whitstable Beverley Kenward, Hythe Cenotaph Service 2014 Nationally NARPO are usually allocated 50 places for the Cenotaph at the Remembrance service and march past. Places go very quickly and are allocated by the CEO at Wakefield on a first come first served basis. If you wish to take part this year, please advise the Branch Secretary as soon as possible, as you must be proposed by the Branch. A reserve list is held, so please apply now, you may still get a place. Subscription Increase Membership subscriptions have been increased in line with the Police pension increase of 2.7%. Below are the new rates for 2014. Full & Associate membership £1.63 a month or £19.56 a year Additional Members £11.74 for the year Widows unchanged at 42 pence per month or £5.04 a year Direct Debits will be taken in early April. Those members who do not pay by Direct Debit, or by deduction from Pension, should forward their cheque for 2014 to the Treasurer, Lynn Gridley. Acknowledgements The Matt Cartoons © are copyright and reproduced by kind permission of Matt/The Daily Telegraph. ‘A Ted Wright Anecdote’ - Courtesy of Ted Wright Marilyn Barton, Folkestone Marjorie Fisher, Hardwick Steve Pope, Ash Anthony Hubbard, Faversham Raymond Kiff, Birchington Anita James, Dover Large Print Large print Newsletters are available by arrangement with John Piears [see page 12] for any member who is visually impaired. The Newsletter is double the normal size. EAST KENT NARPO TRAINING DAY In order to give the best welfare service to all members the East Kent Branch will be holding a second training day for committee members and deliverers of the newsletter. The day will include inputs from professionals in the field of welfare who will pass on their expertise. This is an opportunity to improve your knowledge and assist those members who may need help and assistance. The training day will be held at the Thanington Community Centre, Ashford Road , Thanington near Canterbury on Friday 30 May 2014 from 0900 hours to 1600 hours Refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided and we anticipate a lot of interest. There will be 20 spaces available on this course. We aim to make this an interesting and stimulating day and the contribution of those delegates attending will be crucial to its success. Interested? If you would like to attend Please contact Bob Pollard or by e mail on pollardr@sky.com or by phone 01227 363594 East Kent NARPO Newsletter Page 4 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of RETIRED POLICE OFFICERS East Kent Branch Statement of Accounts as at 31st December 2013 Receipts & Payments 2013 2012 Receipts £ Subs 20126.32 18889.15 Social 2831.00 2048.00 100.00 245.00 Other income £ 22.17 63.78 23079.49 21245.93 701.89 903.05 Printing & Stat 3162.60 2766.03 Comm'ee Exp 1379.85 1205.74 Meeting Exp 205.00 250.00 Diaries 161.50 210.00 Welfare 1011.53 977.71 Social 3342.50 2667.50 Precept 7648.22 7197.86 Conference Exp 1579.30 1200.40 Misc 2030.19 2474.51 0.00 1091.78 21222.58 20944.58 1856.91 301.35 Unity Deposit A/c 14003.95 9376.76 Unity Current A/c 4273.34 2438.60 0.00 3949.67 18277.29 15765.03 15765.03 15181.26 1856.91 301.35 655.35 282.42 18277.29 15765.03 Investment income Payments Postage Laptops Surplus for the year Balance Sheet T R Property Investment as @ 5/10/2012 Reserves Brought forward Movement for year Increase/decrease in value of investments Carried forward I have examined the books, statements, etc., and find that the various accounts as shown are a true record. Ian Pascall FCA Honorary Auditor Due to the steady increase in membership, the accounts show an increasingly healthy balance. T R Property Investment are no longer managed in the same way as before, so the decision was made to invest the funds elsewhere. 45 welfare payments were made this year. My thanks to Mr Ian Pascall of McCabeFord Williams for examining the accounts. Lynn Gridley Honorary Treasurer East Kent NARPO Newsletter Page 5 William Trift Trust Statement of Accounts as at 31st December 2013 Receipts & Payments 2013 2012 Receipts Interest Dividends 25.30 1413.14 24.22 1413.14 1438.44 1437.36 350.00 733.50 350.00 733.50 1088.44 703.86 92.41 9301.17 6669.46 26081.14 342.41 7979.37 6652.82 28691.69 42144.18 43666.29 Brought forward Surplus for year Inc (dec) in value of Stocks 43666.29 1088.44 -2610.55 43470.46 703.86 -508.03 Carried forward 42144.18 43666.29 Payments Welfare Grants BalanceSheet Unity Bank Unity Bank Deposit a/c Close Bros Government Stocks Reserves I have Examined the books, statements, etc., and found that the various accounts as shown are a true record Ian Pascall FCA ……………………………………………….. Honorary Auditor My thanks to Mr Ian Pascall of McCabe Ford Williams for examining the accounts. Lynn Gridley ………………………………………………. Honorary Treasurer East Kent NARPO Newsletter Page 6 A Ted Wright Anecdote Health Issues In the early 1970's there was a TV police series called 'Softly. Softly. TaskForce'. Tony Dallman has written in with an account of his health issues over the past three to four years. In it was a miserable, dis-spirited Dog Handler called PC Snow (well played by Terence Rigby) Not a bit like me I must state at this moment because I loved my job! The first dog that 'he worked' in the series was a big, black, long-haired dog called Bowesmoor INKY (both on and off screen). INKY was the father of my 'Proper' Police Dog (Bowesmoor) BESS! (Another of her claims to fame, being able to say that her Dad was a thespian!) The subsequent dog that was supposedly worked in the program by the same handler was a smooth coated GSD called RADAR One evening I was on patrol with Bess and the night duty CID officer and I saw a telephone box being wheeled across a side street. Hello I thought. 'That's a bit unusual'. I spun into the side road with headlights full on and promptly ruined a scene where they were filming a episode of the series. Anyway, after them blaming me and me blaming them we all settled down for a cuppa and a bacon roll at their refreshment wagon. Who should come wandering over but 'PC Snow himself' so I thought I'd have a chat with him to see if I could pick up any tips...but didn't. It transpired that he was not allowed to move RADAR the dog from one part of the set to another as the owner had to do it. All PC Snow was allowed to do was to stand still and hold the lead. (No wonder he was so bloody miserable!) Anyway having imbibed in their tea I let him walk BESS up and down as though he was doing heelwork. I almost saw tears in his eyes as she was the spitting image of her dad, INKY, who by that time had gone to that great tracking ground in the sky. True story! Ted Wright His account is primarily intended to assist people who have experienced similar issues. After a lengthy period suffering with severe back problems, in August 2011 he was admitted into Kings College Hospital and underwent 7hrs of surgery involving 2 major ops on his back. He then required a double barreled illeostomy which resulted in him having to have a bag. He underwent a reversal in May 2012 and things are starting to improve. He emphasises that anyone who has been through the process of having an illeostomy, that there are support groups. Along with a couple of other people just over two years ago he started a group called the "Thanet Stoma Buddies Support Group" who meet twice a month and the group is growing all the time, having members from out as far as Herne Bay. He says that they have had people join having just undergone the op as well as those who have had one for some time, they have even had people come along who are waiting for the op and have found it very helpful. If anyone out there requires or wants any information then get in touch and if Tony can help he will. There are support groups in Dover and Ashford and possibly Canterbury and obviously in Thanet. Members of the Thanet committee attend meetings all over Kent if its in relation to Ostomist issues and bring back information for the group. Tony’s email address is asrdallman@hotmail.co.uk Colin Ticehurst has written in about the ‘Memory Lane’ photo in the last issue, of staff at Margate Police Station in June 1961. He has ‘identified’ (an old police term) the girl on the left in the floral dress as Bridget Ashby. It just so happens that he and Bridget married in 1964. That being the case I think his identification would stand up to cross examination. (Any reader who can’t pick out Bridget needs a visit to Specsavers) East Kent NARPO Newsletter Page 7 East Kent Branch Obituary Snowball SECRETARY REPORT 2013 – 2014 As we get older we realise that we are in a smaller circle of friends and acquaintances as life and age takes its toll. To assist members in being aware of the passing of friends and colleagues we operate a snowball system to pass on Obituary and funeral details to those who want them. This is run by East Kent NARPO for its own members only. All deaths of persons in receipt of a police pension must be notified to a HQ department who, once the funeral details and family wishes are confirmed, circulate them to the 5 NARPO branches in Kent. The East Kent Branch scheme is an “Opt in” scheme i.e. you have to confirm to the administrator that you want to be included. Currently there are some 160 out of 1200 members on that database. If the deceased is not receiving a pension then there is no obligation to contact the Force on death and we simply may not officially know of their passing. Our Membership now stands at 1209 (November 2013 figures) an annual increase of 41. We welcome all the new members. Please keep us informed of any change in circumstances so our records may be updated. Socially this year we arranged a Luncheon at the Sene Valley Golf Club, which proved popular, so we plan to repeat this again, along with the Ramsgate Lunch and the Christmas Lunch. It goes without saying that we do need your support to make these events successful. Three Members of the Committee went on a Branch Officers Training Course offered by NARPO HQ in Wakefield and all those who attended found it most useful. The Force also has on their intranet an obituary page where ALL deaths in service and of pensioners are recorded for serving officers and staff to view. This is not available to retired officers unless still working for the Force in a civilian capacity. Currently NARPO do not receive notifications of the death of police widows and of serving officers. However those that reach the administrator and can be confirmed are circulated. It is important to understand that rumours abound amongst pensioners even more so than within the police itself and there are several instances where people are rumoured to be deceased when they are very much alive. We cannot therefore circulate without confirmation and this normally comes from the Force. Originally the snowball was rolled out by telephone, but this has been largely discontinued, though I am aware some people do still pass on messages to others by phone. The Branch however no longer has a structured telephone snowball. If you change email address or there is a problem with your account it will not be followed up. You will either temporarily or permanently stop receiving notifications depending on the nature of the fault. If the administrator receives regular “bounce back” from an email address then that is removed from the records. The administrator currently provides the computer and the e mail domain address as a service to the Branch. The only way family can obtain such things as the Force Flag or an Official Uniformed presence at a funeral is by contacting Kent Police HQ on 01622 653104. If the Branch member was in receipt of their pension from a Force outside Kent then that is the Force that must be notified. The Administrator of the scheme is Gerry Skinner and the email address is obitseastkentnarpo@skinner2a.co.uk Our Financial situation is shown in the accounts. My thanks, as always go to all the members of the Committee and deliverers for all their support during the past year. Patricia Eggleton East Kent Branch Secretary SECRETARY’S REPORT FOR THE WILLIAM THRIFT TRUST 2013 – 2014 The main aim of NARPO is the welfare of our members. We are fortunate to have the William Thrift Trust and the purpose of this Trust is to provide financial or material assistance by grants, the purchase of equipment or items of welfare for our members in need. Applications to the Trust are welcomed. Patricia Eggleton East Kent Branch Secretary British Hospitals - True Stories One day I had to be the bearer of bad news when I told a wife that her husband had died of a massive myocardial infarct.. Not more than five minutes later, I heard her on her mobile phone reporting to the rest of the family that he had died of a 'massive internal fart.' Submitted by Dr. Susan Steinberg Royal London Hosp. East Kent NARPO Newsletter Page 8 Annual General Meeting of the National Association of Retired Police Officers 15th April 2014 at 7pm (for 7.15pm) to be held at Ashford Road Community Hall, 151 Ashford Road, Thanington,Canterbury Agenda 1. Chairman’s Opening Address 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting April 2012 4. Matters Arising from the Minutes 5. Secretary’s Report (previously circulated with the Feb. Newsletter) 6. Treasurer’s Report (previously circulated with the Feb. Newsletter) 7. Election of the Executive Committee 2014 -2015 8. Any Other Business William Thrift Trust Fund Agenda 1. Chairman’s Opening Address 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Minutes of the AGM Meeting April 2012 4. Matter Arising from the Minutes 5. Secretary’s Report 6. Treasurer’s Report 7. Election of the Trustees 2014-2015 8. Appointment of Auditor 9. Any Other Business REUNION & BUFFET WILL COMMENCE AT 9PM (APPROX) Please note that should any member wish to make comment concerning the Branch accounts and/or the reports, the Secretary should be advised in writing by 20th March 2014. This would allow any points to be addressed promptly and accurately. East Kent NARPO Newsletter Page 9 Members wishing to place an advert should send the details to me together with a cheque for £5 which will be for welfare purposes. Please make cheques payable to ‘The National Association of Retired Police Officers East Kent Branch’ and forward to Mr. D. Ashwell, Windmill Lodge, Mill Lane, Willesborough, Ashford, Kent TN24 0QG. Services offered by advertisers are not specifically endorsed by this Branch. The Editor reserves the right to refuse or withdraw advertisements at his discretion and does not accept liability for clerical or printer’s errors, although every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Advertisements in the East Kent NARPO Newsletter are accepted only on the understanding that the advertisers warrant that the advertisements do not contravene the Trade Description Act 1968, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Business Advertisements (Disclosure) Order of 1997 and conform to the British Code of Advertising Practice. Los Lobos Spain - Apartment to Rent Madeira For that special holiday for two this modern apartment with uninterrupted breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, is within 5 minutes walk of the beach, bars and restaurants. Set in the picturesque village of Canico, the apartment has all the modern facilities to make your stay as pleasant as possible . The capital of Madeira, Funchal is only 13km away and easily accessed by public transport or taxis from outside the apartment. Guests will be met at the airport on arrival and taxied to the apartment. This at an additional cost of 25 Euros each way. Cost: £500 for two weeks—£275 for one week. Ground floor apartment in village. Two double bedrooms with two bathrooms with the opportunity to sleep up to six people using double sofa bed in living area. Kitchen, private terrace and roof terrace with mountain views. Large shared pool. Beaches and waterpark within 10-15 minutes. Golf and other attractions nearby. Car essential, 55 minutes from Almeira Airport. August 2013 fully booked. Reduced rate of £30 per night for other bookings. Put http://15a-carpe-diem,tumblr.com into your address bar (not search engine) for details. Telephone 01233 631839 for non obligation chat. For full colour brochure and full details Tel; 01303 779272 Our heartiest congratulations to Colin and Valerie McCarthy of Whitstable in celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary on 9th November 2013. They were presented with a gift of champagne and an orchid on behalf of East Kent NARPO. Colin is quoted as saying, “They said it would last and it did” E-Mail Hackers There has been an increasing number of members who have had their E-Mail accounts hacked where their EMail address book is compromised. Those addresses are then contacted by the hacker generally to the effect that the owner of that E-Mail account is somewhere in the world and stranded without means to get home (I'm surprised the story line seems not to change much!) Normally the first the owner of the hacked account knows about it is when his addressees contact him. There is a method by which the owner of the hacked account can be alerted immediately the hack takes place. By entering AAAAAAA@AAAA.com into your address book then you will get immediate notification that an email to that address is undeliverable which will alert you to that fact you have been hacked. What you should be aware of however, is that if you have been hacked then you have undoubtedly got a Trojan/Worm on your computer. You should ensure that you have the appropriate anti virus software checking your emails/internet, then you shouldn’t get hacked. Editor East Kent NARPO Newsletter Page 10 OBITUARY NOTICES It is with great regret that I inform you of the following deaths. We send our sympathies to their families. Please note: Information available at the time of publication is often very limited. Banister, Marjorie aged 96 years of Deal, who died on 2nd November 2013. Marjorie was the widow of former Police Sergeant 712 Bernard Banister who died in 1992. Barton, George Michael, former Police Constable 3744 aged 74 years of Folkestone, who died on 2nd October 2013. He leaves a widow, Marilyn. George joined the Force in October 1965 and retired in July 1996, having served in Rochester, Wainscott, Sevenoaks and Folkestone. Bugden, Robert Malcolm, former Police Sergeant 2934 aged 75 years of Broadstairs, who died on 30th November 2013. He leaves a widow, Valerie. Bob joined Kent Police in March 1960 and served initially at Ashford, then Deal, Dover, Hythe, Chatham, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, Margate and the Police Federation Office before retiring in May 1990. Bob was an active member of the Police Federation both as the Sergeants representative for Thanet and as Assistant Secretary to the J.B.B. On retirement he also became an active member of the East Kent Branch of NARPO, holding several positions including Newsletter editor from 19922006, Vice Chairman, Assistant Secretary, newsletter deliverer and most recently as coordinator of the East Kent Snowball scheme. He was a committee member from 1992-2009 Constantine, William former Police Inspector 3914 aged 86 years of Maidstone, who died on 9th November 2013. He leaves a widow, Nora. William joined Manchester Police c1948, transferring to Kent in 1966. He was a Training Instructor based at the then Police Training Centre in Sandgate and served at FHQ before retiring in 1977. Eatwell, Florence a widow member , aged 90 years of Seabrook who died on 13th November 2013. She was the widow of former police constable Bob Eatwell who died in October 1984 Ely, Audrey widow of the late Bill Ely who died on 4th November 2013. Mead, George former Police Superintendant 4186 aged 89 years of Maidstone, who died on 15th October 2013. He leaves a widow, Joyce. George joined Devon Police in 1950 transferring to Kent in 1969 and retired in 1983, having served at Maidstone HQ and Traffic . He was responsible for setting up Sevenoaks Police station. Reynolds, Annie of Encombe, Sandgate died recently. Annie was the widow of the former Detective Sergeant Raymond Reynolds. Pawsey, James (Jim) former Police Constable 2282 aged 80 years of Whitstable who died on 22nd November 2013. He leaves a widow, Miriam. Jim joined Kent Police in 1954 and served initially at Gravesend, followed by some eight years on the Kent Marine section before being posted to Whitstable in 1965, where he first became enquiries officer and then station officer before retiring in 1984. Pilcher, William Richard, former Police Sergeant 1253 aged 98 years of Maidstone, who died on 11th November 2013. William joined Rochester City Police in 1939 and following a period of conscription to the Royal Artillery 1942 – 1945, he joined Kent County Constabulary, retiring in 1969 having served at Dartford, Gravesend and Maidstone. Smith, Iris Naomi Maud (Babs). honorary widow member, aged 89 years of Ashford, who died on 9th December 2013. Babs worked for many years in the canteen at Ashford Police Station and will be fondly remembered by many former officers. Sproul, William Craddock (Bill), former Detective Inspector 2695 aged 75 years of Westbrook, who died on 15th October 2013. He leaves a widow, Susan. Bill joined Kent Police in 1958 and served at Dartford, Gravesend, Nackington, Margate and Dover. Bill retired in 1990 and spent many enjoyable days pursuing his love of fishing in Scotland. East Kent NARPO Newsletter Obituaries Continued from Page 10 Tiller, Richard Leonard, former Police Sergeant 2487 aged 85 years of Margate, who died on 16th December 2013. He leaves a widow, Pamela. Richard worked in T3 Nackington as a motor cyclist. He was a Constable in Margate and Ramsgate and spent the majority of his service as a uniformed Sergeant. Tuff, Ernest former Police Sergeant 1862 aged 95 years of Rainham, who died on 9th November 2013. Ernest served with the army during the 2nd World War and was Mentioned in Dispatches. He joined Kent Police in 1950 and retired in 1974, having served at Deal, Ramsgate and finally Rochester as a Custody Sergeant. Page 11 Nationwide Building Society Travel Insurance There is a problem which may affect those of you who have a Nationwide Building Society Account, which offers as part of the perks ' free holiday insurance' providing a minimum of £750 is paid in per month. Police pensioners (along with many other Forces) get a pension payment every month - except when occasionally they are paid on the 1st of the month and also on the last day of the same month. This happens if the first day of the subsequent month falls on a Sunday, when pensioners then receive two payments in one month and none in the next. As soon as this happens Nationwide's computers register that a payment for one month has been missed and the holiday insurance is cancelled automatically and they do not bother to inform the account holder. This problem was first highlighted by a Sussex pensioner and after many arguments he got a ‘rider’ put on his account to stop future cancelations of his travel insurance. Please check if you have an account of this type, please do not presume that you are covered and if necessary insist on a 'rider' Letter From Down Under I would like to offer a word of thanks to the officers of the past driving school, particularly those with whom I came into contact for teaching me "The System." This would probably have been mid fifties. Have You Really Retired? Nigel Evenden has kindly brought it to my attention that officers who have retired are still being shown as serving officers on the Kent Police Website in the localities in which they last served. I have been in touch with the site administration and have been told that the responsibility for updating this information lies with each local area. They will be advised accordingly! Editor I have just passed my third compulsory driving test and without doubt what I was taught has been of great help to me now and in the past. I don't know what the requirements are in England, but here, after 70 years, one must have an annual medical before a licence is renewed and after the age of 85 one must have a medical and a compulsory driving test each year. Thank you, your teachings have been a great help. To live here in Perth, a most beautiful city, it is of great value to be able to drive around because it is a very spread-eagled city with so much to see and do. In conclusion I would add that I look forward to the East Kent Narpo Newsletter although there are now not many names in it I know. With any luck I may make a visit next year. Albert Hover ‘Get Well Soon’ :- Harry Pain, Mick Curteis, Colin Broadbridge, Joan Locke, John Scott, Vince & Janice Tyson, Gary Collier, Mandy O'Sullivan ‘Our Continuing Thoughts’ :- Fred Brisley, Phil Terry, Graham & Joan Avery, Peter Ford, Graham Campbell, Sue and Peter Coleman The East Kent Branch of NARPO Serving those who served www.eastkentnarpo.org.uk Branch Directory Page 12 Chairman: Tom Witney 01227 766215 chairman@eastkentnarpo.org.uk Vice Chairman Bob Pollard 01227 363594 pollardr@sky.com Branch Secretary Mrs. Patricia Eggleton 01303 812009 secretary@eastkentnarpo.org.uk Mrs. Lynn Gridley 47 Park Avenue Deal CT14 9AW 01304 364806 treasurer@eastkentnarpo.org.uk Mrs. Diane Witney 01227 766215 depsecretary@eastkentnarpo.org.uk Primrose Cottage 74 Swan Lane Sellindge, Ashford TN25 6HB Treasurer Membership Secretary 16 Meadow Road Canterbury CT2 8EU Obituary Snowball Gerry Skinner 01227 272357 obitseastkentnarpo@skinner2a.co.uk Newsletter Distribution John Piears 01843 845425 j.piears@btinternet.com Newsletter & Website Editor Dave Ashwell 01233 627340 editor@eastkentnarpo.org.uk Welfare Bob Pollard 01227 363594 pollardr@sky.com Election to the Branch Committee The following members are standing for election to the 2013/2014 Committee at the Annual General Meeting. Election of William Thrift Trustees Ashford Dave Ashwell Herne Bay Bob Pollard Birchington John Piears Hythe Bill Eggleton Broadstairs David Lawson Margate David Edwards Canterbury Tom Witney Ramsgate Tom Johnson Canterbury Rural Peter Reynolds Romney Marsh Jim Rose Deal & Walmer Alison Shea Swale Bill Williams Dover Jim Boughton Tenterden Annie Williams Folkestone Roy Chadwick Whitstable Gerry Skinner Nominations for Election to the Branch Committee Any member who wishes to stand for election at the forthcoming AGM should forward their names, together with that of the proposer and seconder, to the Branch Secretary before the Annual General Meeting.
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