DEAR EDUCATORS, We have always been proud to share our founding story, because Free The Children started in a school. One dedicated teacher saw that Craig and his classmates—just 12 years old at the time—were raising awareness about the issue of child labour and looking for more ways to take action. This educator gave guidance and support to our small band of shameless idealists when we needed it most. Eighteen years later, teachers still help drive our movement as our network expands to include two million youth around the world. To this day, educators continue to be our greatest allies not just on the domestic front, but also internationally. We have built 650 schools and school rooms, opening doors to 55,000 students every day in developing communities that share our passion for education. Our holistic and sustainable development model, Adopt a Village, is founded on the belief that if you break down the barriers to education, a community will never need charity again. This Campaigns Kit, used in conjunction with the We Act program, is our way of thanking educators and putting the resources for meaningful social issues education and community service into their hands. The kit includes how-to guides leading you through the steps of organizing a food drive, fundraiser or any action that your students want to take to better communities locally or globally. But more than that, we offer a broader curriculum for engaging your students around the issues you’ll be tackling. In each specialized booklet, you’ll find: • Ready-to-go instructions for organizing a campaign • Tips and tricks for fundraising • More information on resources available through Free The Children • Sample lessons and links to extended curriculum We’re sincerely grateful that you’ve decided to embark on this journey with us, and we hope you will stay in touch with our team as you go forward. Your Educational Programming Coordinator is always available for guidance and support throughout your journey with We Act. Thank you for continuing to lead the way for youth empowerment. Through the support of one dedicated educator, our group was able to grow into a global movement. We can’t wait to see what you and your band of world-changers will achieve this year. SHOW YOUR BELIEF IN EDUCATION Help us build 200 schools in developing communities around the world. Across Africa, to honour Nelson Mandela as a champion of education, 100 of these schools will be built in his name and 10,000 students will Be the change! be provided with school supplies. Here are three ways you can support the Year of Education: 1. Build a school with Brick by Brick and track your fundraising with the poster included in this kit. 2. Provide bricks for schools by collecting coins with We Create Change. 3. Give children the ABC’s of education by selling ABC Rafiki Friend Chains to fundraise for school kits. Craig and Marc Kielburger Co-FounderS, Free The Children Educator’s Guide | 3 ABOUT FREE THE CHILDREN Free The Children is an international charity and educational partner that believes in a world where all young people are free to achieve their fullest potential as agents of change. We work internationally to free children from poverty and exploitation through a holistic and sustainable development model called Adopt a Village. Domestically, we offer innovative programs that educate, engage and empower youth to become the change they want to see in the world. Our goal is to create systemic change by working with educators to inspire a generation of active global citizens. We have seen time and time again how young people are looking for something more than what material culture is offering them—and it’s educators who have the passion and experience to provide it. We Act Thank you for participating in We Act! This comprehensive program combines social issues education with meaningful community service and provides the practical tools needed to turn inspiration into knowledge and action. Designed as a menu of resources available to teachers and students, the We Act program can be used in-class to achieve community service initiatives or as extracurricular activities within student-led clubs. The resources are flexible to enhance a school’s existing initiatives or to spark new ones. We Act transforms school communities through positive changes in student behaviour, heightened engagement and the belief that it’s cool to care. This Campaigns Kit is just one of the resources available through the program. We Act also offers: the support of an Educational Programming Coordinator (EPC) to help plan and fulfill your service commitment; educational materials, including weekly emailed lessons plans on timely news events; campaign resources and fundraising tool kits on local and global issues such as bullying, hunger, and education; an online community for connecting you to the causes you care about; and the fundraising resources to “adopt a village” in Asia, Africa or Latin America. 4 | Educator’s Guide The Story of Adopt a Village ADOPT A VILLAGE COUNTRIES Decide which Adopt a Village country you want to support! Once you’ve selected your country, choose which pillar you want your donation to go to. Kenya Since 1999, Free The Children has been working with Kipsigis and Maasai communities in Kenya, building schools, libraries, water projects, latrines, kitchens and teachers’ accommodations, as well as implementing alternative income programming with youth, men’s and women’s groups. Rural China Since 2002 we’ve been implementing education projects in some of China’s poorest areas, where schools have the least governmental or community support and rapidly become dilapidated and unsafe. We refurbish schools and introduce small business programs that empower entire families, and have recently begun expanding our health programming. India Free The Children has been operating in India since 1998. We work in the rural areas of Rajasthan, one of India’s driest states, focusing on issues like gender equality and water access. Our goal is to bring sustainability by building on the local knowledge base and building up the community’s capacity to upkeep projects like schools, health centres and small businesses. Haiti With a 12-year history of development in Haiti’s Central Plateau region, Free The Children’s recent work has focused on bringing stability and sustainability to those affected by the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake of 2010. Adopt a Village is helping to rebuild this, devastated, but resilient country by providing health and education and improving household and community livelihoods. Ecuador Our work in Ecuador began in 1999. Since then, we’ve developed deep ties with indigenous Quichua communities in Ecuador’s most resource-poor rural areas. We implement systemic change by starting girls’ groups—part of our Alternative Income and Livelihood pillar— and help locals recognize the potential of girls to be both learners and earners for families. Ghana In the last decade, Free The Children has refurbished classrooms, schools and water projects in Ghana. Today, we focus our efforts on the Western coast, where child labour is rampant in the palm oil and fishing industries. We are working closely with our communities to free children to attend class in our new schools and spread the message of the importance of education. Nicaragua Free The Children has been building and repairing schools and school rooms in the Central Pacific Region of Nicaragua since 1998. Nicaraguans face many challenges like poor access to education, employment and resources such as sanitation facilities and medication. Free The Children works closely with local leaders, families, educators and students to ensure the community is given ownership of new projects. Sierra Leone In the aftermath of a devastating 11-year civil war, Free The Children began working in Sierra Leone in 2002. Most of the youth we work with have been deeply affected by the war or the echo of its impact on the country—children who were left with no access to education. We build and refurbish schools and wells and provide health care for prominent local health issues, like diarrhea and epilepsy. 5 Pillars 1 Purpose Adopt a Village is Free The Children’s holistic and sustainable development model created in response to the needs of the communities with whom we partner. We started by building schools, but we became aware that girls couldn’t attend because of household chores like fetching water from distant sources. We expanded to water projects, giving girls access to water and education. However, illness still prevented students from attending class. We introduced health programs, but soon realized that even healthy children missed school when their families needed them for work. We added alternative income programming to empower women with financial independence. Children were then able to attend school, but hunger still affected students in time of famine. Finally, with the help of founding partner PotashCorp, we developed Agriculture and Food Security initiatives to give families the resources to produce accessible nutritious food for the whole community. Working together, the five pillars of Adopt a Village—Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Health, Alternative Income and Livelihood, and Agriculture and Food Security—address the root causes of poverty and break down the barriers to children’s education. Each pillar supports the others, amplifying their impact and providing solutions that are holistic, sustainable and maintained by the community itself. Through our Adopt a Village model, we are empowering communities to break the cycle of poverty forever. Educator’s Guide | 5 GET YOUR GROUP STARTED 1 Step 1: Connect with your EPC Your Educational Programming Coordinator (EPC) is your best friend at Free The Children. They are always ready to offer support and encouragement to you and your students throughout your year of action. Talk to your EPC, who can: • Send resources to your school • Answer questions about campaigns • Accept donations and send you updates about the Adopt a Village community you are supporting • Answer your questions about We Act • Connect you with other departments at Free The Children and Me to We • Help you get support from school administration and other educators Keep your EPC posted on what your group is up to. We’ll make sure to offer whatever support you need. Find your EPC at 2 3 Step 2: Get permission and build a team Before you get started, you’ll want to seek the support of your school’s administration and reach out to other teachers about getting involved. We usually suggest sending a letter or email to any staff whose support is important to the success of your group. If you’d like a template letter to work from, just send an email to your EPC and they’ll get you started. Step 3: Get your students on board! Okay, time to get excited! Let everyone know you’re starting a Free The Children group. Come one, come all! Free The Children’s programming is inclusive of all causes—just bring your passion for change. 6 | Educator’s Guide 4 • Make announcements, put up posters and spread the word in your school newsletter—make sure you mention the time and location of your first meeting. • Now’s a good time to get in touch with your EPC to get your hands on some ready-to-go educational and promotional resources! We have lesson plans and educational resources you can use to bring social issues into your group or any course you teach! 5 • Set your goal. Decide what your fundraising goal is and begin brainstorming event ideas. (Check out pages 8-10 for ideas on how to do this.) Make sure everyone feels included and is given a job to do. • As a group, decide on any other local and global issues you want to take action on throughout the year, then have students volunteer to take the lead on different issues. To make this easy, we’ve drawn up a little formula to help your students discover how their gifts and passions can contribute to your group. It goes something like this: GIFT + ISSUE = CHANGE It’s a simple idea with extraordinary results. And it’s how you can get your group excited about choosing the actions they want to take. Step 5: Dive in! Organize your first event! This kit comes with a collection of ready-to-go campaigns. All you need to do is draw up an action plan for how you want to share the roles and responsibilities of organizing campaigns. On the blackboard, draw a chart in three columns. See below for the example. Step 4: Start the meetings Gather everyone together for your first meeting. Set the mood with some ice-breakers so your group can get to know each other. Set the stage at your first meeting: • • • • Introduce Free The Children, its mission and projects. You can find more about us online at We’ve also prepared some videos to help you introduce our work. Check them out at You’ll also want to talk about Adopt a Village, Free The Children’s holistic and sustainable development model. Check out page 2 and 3 for more information or visit Talk to your group about organizing a weekly meeting time to keep things going or set aside regular class time to focus on social issues. Consider inviting your EPC to your meetings. We can join you on the phone, online or—hopefully—in person! Finish the meeting by asking your group to start thinking about which Adopt a Village pillar they would like to fundraise for, and in which country. Gift+ Issue= Change In the first column, ask your students to write down activities, hobbies and other interests that they think of as gifts. Can you sing, bake, draw, play a mean kazoo, hopscotch like a champion? Anything goes here! In the second column, write down the Adopt a Village pillar and country your students have chosen to support. In the third column, write down ideas for connecting your gifts to the issues you care about. For example: Gift+ Issue= Change SoccerHealth in IndiaSoccer tournament fundraiser BakingClean water in rural ChinaBake sale KazooEducation in KenyaNon-stop kazoo until fundraising goals are met As a group, decide which idea would work the best with everyone’s gifts. Run with it! Use the following chart to come up with a timeline and share roles and responsibilities. Action Responsibility Potential Challenge Solution Deadline Complete Go big at your second meeting: Example: Jess and Alex Principal may Get feedback Dec 10 Yes • Meet with principal not approve and return with Take a vote! Have your students decide on which country and pillar they want to support. Share this with your EPC, who can help set you up with ideas and resources. Remember, you don’t have to support all the pillars in your chosen country. Often it’s easier to focus on just one! for approval of new proposal fundraising proposal Educator’s Guide | 7 FUNDRAISING TIPS AND TRICKS! This is the best part—you’ve chosen your issues, you know the country you’re fundraising for, and it’s time to get busy! But how to start? SNACK ATTACK ►► Book a table in a spot where you’ll get a lot of foot traffic. ►► Sell freezies, pizza, subs, cookies etc., every week, bi-weekly or monthly. Because who doesn’t like snacks? Make sure to bring information about your Free The Children group. ►► Go a step further and make it a full-out embarassing teacher talent show! ►► Agree to play dodgeball against one or more of the school’s sports teams. ►► Snap a pic and post it on We365. Let us know which snack is flying off the shelves. ►► Spend a night sleeping in a tent in the gymnasium. ►► Extra challenge: ►► Shave your head on the school steps. ►► On a health kick? 100% fruit juices, vegetable snacks or bananas and apples are all healthy alternatives. ►► Cook your best dish for a teacher “top chef” competition where students taste and critique dishes. ►► Buy organic ingredients from your local farmers’ market. ►► Bring in the pies! Top-fundraising students throw pies at the brave teachers who step up to the challenge. ►► Theme your food choices around the Adopt a Village country you are supporting. RUMMAGE SALE ►► Ask students, teachers and community members to bring in materials for a rummage sale: handmade crafts and jewelry, old toys, gently used clothing or books. These are a few of our favourite models and incentives for fundraising. Remember, fundraisers don’t have to be extravagant—the most effective campaign makes use of the resources that are readily available. ►► Perform a karaoke or dance routine to a song chosen by the students. ►► Set up booths in a busy spot at your school and let the selling begin! ►► Extra Challenge: Double up and hold your Rummage Sale and Friday Fun Fair together. SENDING IN DONATIONS Please remember to indicate which Adopt a Village country and pillar you wish to support, and include a brief description of how you raised your funds. If you would like to donate via credit card or set up a personal fundraising page, please contact your EPC. To send in donations, reach out to your EPC about getting a donation form. You can make a cheque out to “Free The Children” and mail it, along with the form, to: THE DARE (FOR THE BRAVEST OF TEACHERS) FRIDAY FUN FAIR ►► Ask students to donate extra games and toys as prizes. ►► Get your students to plan a series of carnival games and activities like basketball free-throw, bottle bowling, watermelon-eating contests, beanbag toss and a water balloon range with live teacher targets—for the truly brave! ►► Students buy tickets to play games and win prizes. ►► Extra challenge: Set up concession stands to sell healthy drinks and snacks. Want your students to give 110 percent during their fundraisers and make some memorable moments? Set a fundraising goal and agree to undergo a special dare if they succeed. Here are some stunts we’ve seen teachers and principals pull as huge incentives for students who achieve their goals. Pick something that will challenge you, as well as them. These stunts make for the best memories! ►► Spend the day teaching in a costume. Monkey suit, zombie make up, school mascot costume— the victorious students decide! Free The Children c/o (Insert EPC’s name and your We Code) Re: (Insert campaign name) 233 Carlton Street Toronto, ON, M5A 2L2 ART SHOW EXTRAORDINAIRE ►► Paintbrushes at the ready! Get the school’s artists, of any age, to submit their pieces to a school art show followed by a sale or auction. ►► Set a date for the art show! Encourage students to invite their parents, grandparents, neighbours and friends to browse and purchase or bid on the artwork. ►► Post a picture of a crowd favourite on We365. Maximize your fundraising by having a raffle or door prizes at the event. ►► Extra Challenge: Choose a theme for your art show that reflects the issue you are fundraising for. GAME ON! ►► A video game/movie day is a tried, tested and true fundraiser! Have students donate money to play video games or watch a movie. This can be done at lunch time or after school. 8 | Educator’s Guide Educator’s Guide | 9 GIVE YOUR YEAR A SOCIAL MEDIA BOOST WHAT IS WE365 AND HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? We365 is a mobile app and website that helps students and educators build a better world, every day of the year. Each student downloads the free mobile app to join this digital community that connects them to the causes closest to their hearts. We365 tracks and verifies volunteer activities for school, and helps students fundraise for the charity of their choice, on their own or as a group. Students can tackle local and global challenges on We365. With every action, students can create a portfolio of their social impact and share it with others—friends, teachers, future employers. Encourage your students to join others in their community, and around the world, on JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us on social media to get updates on events, news and exciting opportunities for your students. Join a network of like-minded change-makers. WORKING WITH THE MEDIA A MESSAGE FROM THE FREE THE CHILDREN PUBLIC RELATIONS TEAM To our educators, Thank you so much for all that you do with your students to support Free The Children. We can’t tell you enough how much we appreciate your support. Every year, we see tons of news articles across the country featuring the incredible accomplishments from the schools that work with us. As such, we want to ensure you feel supported and comfortable when/if you decide to reach out to your own local media outlets (TV, radio, newspapers) to raise awareness about the amazing efforts you and your students are taking to support local and global causes with Free The Children. The following are a few steps to help guide you through this process: 1 2 Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: 10 | Educator’s Guide STEP #2 Develop a media list. This may include: ►► Community newspapers/radio and TV shows ►► Free The Children ►► Free The Children has developed an extensive collection of resources to equip educators to bring social issues into the classroom. ►► Check out our issue-based educational resources, including elementary and secondary curriculum, resource guides, lesson plans, activities and other teaching tools at freethechildren. com/teach. All resources, which cover local and global issues, are created in-house in collaboration with educator consultants. Remember: ►► National newspapers/networks Media contact information can be found on individual media sites, and you can reach out to producers, city reporters, assignment desks and news editors. 3 STEP #3 Decide how you are going to outreach to the media on your list and compile the information. This can include: ►► Informal pitch via email or phone ►► Media alert We365: Identify the opportunity/purpose for contacting the media. ►► Daily newspapers RESOURCES ►► Visit to access videos about Free The Children, whether you want to learn more about our international or domestic programming, or about how Free The Children got started. STEP #1 ►► Press release ►► Event listing ►► Phone call 4 STEP #4 Begin your outreach. ►► Your communication with the media should be done on behalf of yourself or your school, not Free The Children. ►► If you use the Free The Children brand in any of your PR/advertising materials, please send the material to us—the PR and Publicity department (contact information below)—so we can review it to ensure accuracy. ►► If you receive an interview request (or if you are asked a question in the middle of an interview) related specifically to Free The Children and do not feel comfortable answering it, please refer the media to us (contact information below). ►► Please contact us if you receive a request from the media to speak with a member of Free The Children. Should you have any questions or require any assistance from Free The Children, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help! Warm wishes, The PR Team! Julia Thomas, PR Manager ►► Keep things simple and personal. ►► Be confident and concise when communicating with the media. Free The Children 416-925-5894 ext. 831 ►► Make sure your pitch stands out. Highlight what you and your students are doing differently from other groups. Educator’s Guide | 11 Want to put a spotlight on your school’s actions? Submit your stories and photos to your EPC and through the online survey, and we might profile you next year! Holland Landing Public School is small, but that didn’t stop the students from making a big splash during the Year of Water. In November 2012, the students had a speaker from Free The Children come to the school and talk about her experiences in Kenya. She told the students about the long water walk that many Kenyan women make every day to fetch water, which often comes from dirty water sources. Walkin’ for Water: Holland Landing Public School, ONTARIO 12 | School Profile After hearing the speech, the students of Holland Landing knew they had to help. They started with a penny drive to fundraise for water projects in Free The Children communities. Their spare change really added up, and they raised $780. The most exciting part? “Challenging students to see how many bags each class could fill,” says Jennifer Chiarot, an educator at the school. But even more plans were afoot for the next half of the year. They soon drew motivation from another role model and speaker—Spencer West, who lost his legs at age five. Inspired by Spencer’s story, his climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro and his 300-kilometre walk to raise money for clean water projects, the students decided to do their own water walk in June. For the two weeks before the walk, the students sold Me to We’s Water Rafiki Friend Chains to encourage everyone in the school to get involved—a total of 60 rafiki friend chains. Every rafiki sold provided one person in a Free The Children community with clean water for a year. The day of the water walk, the weather was beautiful. The whole school, from junior kindergarten to Grade 8, walked the perimeter of the school field, while a student who volunteered to DJ added an air of excitement with some tunes. Halfway through the fivekilometre walk, the intermediate students broke out into a flash mob. Talk about excitement! And their enthusiasm is already gearing up for the coming year. With a full slate of Free The Children campaigns planned, the students of Holland Landing are looking forward to diving into their new year of action. At the top of their list? “We are definitely looking forward to We Day,” says Chiarot. “We are thrilled to have earned tickets.” We can’t wait to see what We Day will inspire them to do next! School Profile | 13 YOUR YEAR OF ACTION Participate in any of these campaigns and access the materials and resources created for both youth and educators. OCTOBER 2013 NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2013 ►► October 31: We Scare Hunger ►► We Create Change kicks off (continues all year!) ►► ABC Rafiki Friend Chain fundraiser begins (continues all year!) ►► Free The Children launches holiday campaign ►► Youth Summits (multiple cities throughout the year) FEBRUARY & MARCH 2014 APRIL, MAY & JUNE 2014 ►► February 14: We are Love ►► April 17: We are Silent ►► February 24 to March 7: We Stand Together ►► April 29: Spencer West’s road trip kicks off ►► Applications for Me to We Trips and Take Action Camps ►► Applications for Me to We Trips and Take Action Camps TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL Take Action Camps Throughout the year, we try to provide as many opportunities as we can for youth to take leadership and social issues education to the next level. If your students have already mastered Free The Children’s campaigns and want to go even further, make sure you let them know about these additional opportunities to take action and connect with other passionate youth. Send your students to summer camp! Free The Children and Me to We’s Take Action Camps are unforgettable, week-long experiences that take place every spring and summer in Ontario and Arizona. Along with gaining leadership skills, exploring local and global issues, and learning the real benefits of volunteerism, youth create friendships and make memories that last a lifetime. But there’s also lots of room for fun, including dance lessons, soccer games, arts and crafts, and more! Returning participants are also offered the chance to register for advanced leadership training in specific streams— Arts and Activism, Journalism for Justice and Social Innovation. Youth Summit Take the lead. Encourage your students to take part in Free The Children’s Youth Summit, a free, one-day, annual event for student leaders to connect and share their experiences and interests. Through a series of interactive workshops and activities, young people ages 11 to 20 take the necessary steps toward becoming leaders and Free The Children ambassadors. ONE CHAIN. ONE CHILD. ONE YEAR OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Every ABC Rafiki Friend Chain equips a child overseas for school for one year—supporting the gift of education in Free The Children communities. The ABC Rafiki Friend Chain is a 48” long, stretchy chain with glass beads. Each piece is unique and handmade by a mama in Kenya. Participants leave the event with a new network of peers to support their world-changing efforts. Youth Summit events take place in Canada, the US and the UK. See the website or contact your EPC for cities and dates. Stellar Youth PROVIDE THE ESSENTIALS FOR SCHOOL: Is the next world leader in your Free The Children group? Do you have a superstar youth who is passionate, enthusiastic and committed to changing the world? We want to hear about it! Me to We store | 223 Carlton Street, Toronto, ON, M5A 2L2 | Bulk orders: 647.288.0104 ext. 1912 14 | Educator’s Guide Share your top change-makers’ stories with your EPC, who will connect them with like-minded youth and new opportunities to take their involvement in local and global issues even further. Email us at Bursaries are available for camp participants. For more information on how to apply, visit Me to We School Volunteer Trips As a teacher, you know that there’s no better classroom than the greater world itself. Me to We school volunteer trips are unparalleled travel experiences that give your students the chance to immerse themselves into an eye-opening, vibrant culture in a Free The Children community. Each trip is built around four pillars: community interaction, cultural immersion, leadership development and meaningful volunteerism. Me to We offers school volunteer trips to Ghana, Nicaragua, India, rural China, Ecuador, Kenya, as well as a unique environmentally focused adventure trip to Arizona. Learn more at or call 1-877-638-6931 ext. 510. Educator’s Guide | 15 sample LESSON ELEMENTARY Lesson Barriers to Education; Core Lesson 1 Purpose: Students will learn about the barriers to education that many children around the world experience. INSPIRE YOUR STUDENTS: BOOK A SPEAKER Do you want to motivate your students? We’re proud to share our team of professional speakers with you. Our speakers are passionate, knowledgeable individuals who can help raise awareness about Free The Children at your school and inspire your students to take action. If booking a speaker isn’t financially or geographically possible, connect with your EPC about a live video speaking option. Tour Speakers Thanks to the generous support of sponsors, Free The Children is able to offer speaking tours across select regions. These speeches are entirely free of cost and include a one-hour keynote address for your whole school and a two- to three-hour workshop for up to 25 students. Tour speakers offer talks specialized to a particular theme (for example: clean water issues, the environment, food security) instead of speaking generally about global issues. To book a tour speaker, email Instructional method: Group activity, class discussion 3. Ask students to define the term “barrier.” Name some examples of barriers to education (e.g. poverty, lack of school facilities, child labour, etc.). Differentiated instruction: 4. Distribute photocopies of the story on page 18. Have one student read aloud while the rest of the students follow along. ►► Break into groups to read the attached scenario and brainstorm potential barriers to education. 5. Allow students 15 to 20 minutes to independently write down a list of barriers. Then, bring the class back together in one group. ►► Have students research and write their own scenarios illustrating barriers to education. 6. Invite students to discuss the different barriers that exist in Sohan’s life. As students name different barriers, write them on the blackboard. Ask students to add any additional thoughts about the scenario and about the value of education. Course connections: Language, Social Studies and History Estimated time: 45 minutes Steps: 1. Ask students why education is so important. Have students explain the benefits of getting an education. Outreach Speakers 2. Explain that there are many barriers that restrict children around the world from accessing a proper education. 7. Explain that there is no single solution for overcoming the barriers to education. That’s why Free The Children believes that to help a developing community, you have to not only build schools, but provide solutions to all of the obstacles preventing children from accessing a proper education. Outreach speakers give tailored speeches about how they came to be passionate about global issues, while also sharing the history of Free The Children’s youth-led movement of global change and sustainable development model. Outreach speakers are: ►► Eager to speak to any age group, but specialize in Grades 3 and up ►► Ready to customize their speeches for your individual needs ►► Available free of cost, although there may be an honorarium for travel expenses incurred Contact your EPC about booking an outreach speaker. Bureau Speakers The Me to We Speakers Bureau is comprised of some of Free The Children’s foremost icons and activists, such as Craig and Marc Kielburger, Roxanne Joyal, Spencer West and Molly Burke. There is a fee associated with booking Me to We speakers, and we ask that clients cover travel and accommodation expenses for the speaker and one assistant. Me to We speakers are happy to customize their speeches to your needs. Visit to meet the speakers and learn about their stories and specialties. To book your Me to We speaker, visit the website or call 1-877-638-6931. 16 | Educator’s Guide Educator’s Guide | 17 Sohan Meena: The Struggle to Stay in School Sohan Meena’s parents believe that you learn more by working than you do at school. But that’s not the real reason why Sohan and his younger brother were working before either had turned 10. Sohan’s father grows maize for his family and works in construction. His mother, in addition to taking care of her eight daughters and two sons, works at the construction site alongside her husband. In the unforgiving land around the village of Lai Gow near Udaipur, India, the Meena family is doing everything they can to put food on the table. As the eldest son, it’s Sohan’s responsibility to put aside his own future to help feed his younger siblings. In 2009, when Sohan was just 13 years old, the owner of a quarry took him to the city of Udaipur to work in his house as a cook. Sohan left his school and his community to help support his family, hoping that his young siblings would be luckier. But despite the barriers, he was still determined to go to school. After a few years of working in the city, Sohan heard that a Free The Children school was built right in his own community. He returned home, thrilled at the opportunity to receive a good education. His family still needed money, so Sohan got a job cooking for a work crew of a nearby stone quarry. He would wake early and quickly clean the kitchen and cook breakfast for the crew. From 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sohan went to school, where he made many friends and excelled in his classes. After school, however, he immediately returned to the quarry to make dinner for the workers. Between school and work, Sohan was hardly able to spend any time with his family. He hopes to finish school so he can get a better job and maybe even play a part in bringing electricity to his village—a dream he’s had all his life. 5 easy steps FOR participatING in THE ABC Rafiki fundraiser 1. 1 Wear your sample chain and put up the posters included in this kit to share the cause with friends and family. 2. 2 Collect order information and payments from family and friends and fill out the order form. 3. 3 Send or deliver a completed order form and cheque made out to Me to We. Remember to include your school’s We Code. 4. Once Me to We receives 4 completed order forms and amounts, your ABC Rafiki Friend Chains will be sent to you. 5. 5 Distribute the chains and wear with pride! 18 | Educator’s Guide Jennifer Hudson supports education by wearing the ABC Rafiki Friend Chain.
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