(',725¶6127( Hallmark Channel has Breaking News, go to www.crownmediapress.com for more images and more information. TWITTER: @HallmarkMovie, @KSorbs, @GailOGrady, @MeredithBax, @GregEvigan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 31, 2013 Contact: Sheri Helmers, 818-755-2490 sherihelmers@crownmedia.com FOR A LONE RIDER TO FIND HIS HOME ON THE RANGE, +(¶//+$9(72)$&(7+( FIGHT OF HIS LIFE THREE-TIME EMMY® NOMINEE MEREDITH BAXTER, KEVIN SORBO AND THREE-TIME EMMY® 120,1((*$,/2¶*5$'<-2,1:(6%52:1$1'*5(*(9,*$1 ON THE RUGGED TRAILS OF THE WILD WEST IN µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶ A HALLMARK MOVIE CHANNEL ORIGINAL WORLD PREMIERE MARCH 23 A hidden family history leads a lone gunfighter to meet his long-lost father in the midst RI D YLROHQW UDQJH ZDU LQ ³6KDGRZ RQ WKH 0HVD´ D +DOOPDUN 0RYLH &KDQQHO 2ULJLQDO :RUOG Premiere, Saturday, March 23 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C) ,Q ³6KDGRZ RQ WKH 0HVD´ VWDUULQJ :HV %URZQ ³³'HFHSWLRQ´ .HYLQ 6RUER ³+HUFXOHV´ WKUHH-time Emmy®-QRPLQHH *DLO 2¶*UDG\ ³1<3'%OXH´WKUHH-time Emmy®-QRPLQHH0HUHGLWK%D[WHU³)DPLO\7LHV´³$:RPDQ6FRUQHG 7KH%HWW\%URGHULFN6WRU\´DQG*UHJ(YLJDQ ³$IWHUWKH)DOO´DVNLOOHGEXWVWRLFERXQW\KXQWHU in the rugged American West finds the family he never knew when he journeys to discover the VWRU\EHKLQGKLVPRWKHU¶VPXUGHU²and demand justice. Bounty hunter Wes Rawlins (Brown) is a man of few words DQG WKH $PHULFDQ :HVW¶V quickest draw. A silent but calculatingly honest man, Wes is devastated when his mother is brutally murdered by a couple of outlaws who are still on the run. Determined to solve the crime and bring justice to his family, Wes leaves his adopted grandparents (Baxter and Barry &RUELQ ³7KH &ORVHU´ DQG VHWV RII WR ILQG WKH IDWKHU KH QHYHU NQHZ D UDQFKHU QDPHG 5D\ Eastman (Sorbo). Ray is in the midst of an increasingly bloody feud with a corrupt neighbor, Pete Dowdy (Evigan), who grHHGLO\ZDQWV WRWDNHDOORI5D\¶VODQG$V:HVJHWVWRNQRZKLV father and two half-VLEOLQJV5D\¶VGHFHLWIXOZLIH0RQD2¶*UDG\KROGVDVHFUHWWKDWIXHOVWKH war to a colossal final showdown. When Wes jumps in to defend his new family, he learns the tUXWKEHKLQGKLVPRWKHU¶VPXUGHUDQGVRRQKLVOLIHZLOOQHYHUEHWKHVDPH ³6KDGRZRQWKH0HVD´LVD0HGLDSRRO3URGXFWLRQLQDVVRFLDWLRQZLWK/DUU\/HYLQVRQ (more) +$//0$5.029,(&+$11(/µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶± Lead Sheet ± Page 2 Productions. Larry Levinson is the executive producer. Matthew Fitzsimons, Amanda Phillips Atkins and Randy Pope are co-executive producers. David S. Cass, Sr. directed from a script by Lee Martin. Hallmark Movie Channel, the second linear channel from Crown Media Holdings, Inc., simulcast in SD (Standard Definition) and HD (High Definition), is a trusted family-friendly network devoted to quality storytelling. Available in 50 million homes and one of the fastest- growing cable TV networks, Hallmark Movie Channel is a 24-hour digital cable network dedicated to bringing viewers original movies with a mix of classic theatrical films, and SUHVHQWDWLRQVIURPWKHDFFODLPHG +DOOPDUN+DOO RI)DPHOLEUDU\ ,QWRGD\¶VFURZGHGWHOHYLVLRQ landscape, the network offers viewers a diverse range of film genres, including mysteries, westerns, coming-of-age dramas, and epic fantasies. Hallmark Movie Channel on Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest --HALLMARK MOVIE CHANNEL-- Title: Format: Network: Two-hour Hallmark Movie Channel Original World Premiere Storyline: Executive Producer: Co-Executive Producers: Producer: Production credit: Directed by: Written by: Director of Photography: Production Designer: Edited by: Casting by: Cast: CREDITS µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶ Hallmark Movie Channel In the rugged American West, a lonesome bounty hunter KRSHVWRWUDFNGRZQKLVPRWKHU¶VPXUGHUHUE\Fonfronting the father he never knew. When a dangerous range war breaks out, he jumps in to defend his newfound family and their land, and finds long-kept secrets and hidden alliances KROGWKHFOXHVWRKLVPRWKHU¶VGHDWK Larry Levinson Matthew Fitzsimons Amanda Phillips Atkins Randy Pope Lincoln Lageson A Mediapool production in association with Larry Levinson Productions David S. Cass, Sr. Lee Martin Maximo Munzi Scott H. Campbell David Urbina Penny Perry Amy Reece Wes Brown (Wes Rawlins) Kevin Sorbo (Ray Eastman) Meredith Baxter (Emily Rawlins) *DLO2¶*UDG\0RQD(DVWPDQ (more) +$//0$5.029,(&+$11(/µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶± Credits ± Page 2 Greg Evigan (Pete Dowdy) Shannon Lucio (Rosalie Eastman) Barry Corbin (Jake Rawlins) © 2012 Mediapool, LLC -- HALLMARK MOVIE CHANNEL-- µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶ CAST BIOS KEVIN SORBO (Ray Eastman) ± For seven years, Kevin Sorbo played the hulking, heroic leDGLQ86$1HWZRUN¶V³+HUFXOHV 7KH/HJHQGDU\-RXUQH\V´DUROHWKDWPDGHKLPDVWDU But the self-described jock from Minnetonka, Minnesota (the home of Tonka Toys), the fourth of five kids, got the acting bug at age 11 seeing something quite different ± the musical Oklahoma DQG6KDNHVSHDUH¶VThe Merchant of Venice DW0LQQHDSROLV¶VIDPHG*XWKULH7KHDWHU Though he made his first commercial - for Target - while attending the University of Minnesota, Sorbo graduated from Moorehead State University in Fargo, North Dakota, with a dual degree in advertising and marketing. In 1982, after college, Sorbo moved to Texas, where he began studying acting in earnest. A model friend there convinced him to travel to Europe, where he stayed for three years, building a tremendous commercial reel, with spots shot in cities from Milan and Munich to Paris and London. Within days of his return to the States in 1985, he shipped off to Australia for new commercial assignments, returning to L.A. six months later. Sorbo remained in demand through the early 90s, for both television and commercial work ± he estimates appearing in 57 spots in the three years prior to being cast as Hercules. $IWHUDSSHDULQJLQVXFKVHULHVDV³0XUGHU6KH:URWH´³&KHHUV´DQG³7KH&RPPLVK´DQGDIWHU seven call backs with producer Sam Raimi, Sorbo was given the role of Hercules. The character appeared first in a series of two KRXU PRYLHV DV SDUW RI 86$ 1HWZRUN¶V ³7KH $FWLRQ 3DFN´ DORQJVLGH :LOOLDP 6KDWQHU¶V ³7HN :DUV´ DQG RWKHUV ± Hercules being the sole survivor of the group and landing its own series. The show was filmed in New Zealand over the next seven years, producing over 100 one hour episodes and launching several spinoffs. 1RW ORQJ DIWHU OHDYLQJ WKH VKRZ LQ 6RUER UHWXUQHG WR WKH 86 DQG ZDV DVNHG E\ ³6WDU 7UHN´FUHDWRU*HQH5RGGHQEHUU\¶VZLGRZ0DMHO%DUUHWWLIKHPLJKWEHLQWHUHVWHGLQDSSHDULQJ in one of heUKXVEDQG¶VXQSURGXFHGVHULHV³$QGURPHGD´ZKLFKKHDFFHSWHG Sorbo spent the next five years playing the heroic Captain Dylan Hunt, whose ship was locked in a time warp for 303 years and finally set free in the future. Sorbo also served as executive producer for the series. 7KURXJK KLV WHQXUH RQ ³$QGURPHGD´ KH DOVR PDGH 79 DSSHDUDQFHV LQ VXFK VHULHV DV ³'KDUPDDQG*UHJ´³7ZRDQG+DOI0HQ´DQGDUHFXUULQJUROHRQ³7KH2&´ He also starred in two direct-to-YLGHRIHDWXUHILOPUHOHDVHVIRU6RQ\³:DONLQJ7DOO´DQG³:DONLQJ7DOO´ and the +DOOPDUN&KDQQHO2ULJLQDO0RYLH³7KH6DQWD6XLW´ Sorbo lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Sam Jenkins, and their three children. ### WES BROWN (Wes Rawlins) ± Wes Brown was born in Fort Worth, Texas, and raised in (more) +$//0$5.029,(&+$11(/µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶± Cast Bios ± Page 2 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he attended Louisiana State University. Prior to graduating from LSU, Brown got his first role in his home state, filming the 2006 sports draPD³*ORU\5RDG´ on location in Southern Louisiana. Soon after, he relocated to Los Angeles and landed another VXSSRUWLQJ UROH LQ WKH :DUQHU %URV IHDWXUH ³:H $UH 0DUVKDOO´ LQ ZKLFK KH SOD\HG DFWRU ,DQ 0F6KDQH¶VVRQ Brown is perhaps best known for his UROHRQ+%2¶V(PP\ZLQQLQJYDPSLUHVHULHV³7UXH%ORRG´ in which he had a recurring role as Luke, a former football player with a vengeance against vampires. That season won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. From there, Brown went on to do a four episode arc on ³3ULYDWH 3UDFWLFH´DVWKHGUXJ-addicted love interest to Dr. Amelia Shepard. 0RVW UHFHQWO\ %URZQ KDG D UHFXUULQJ UROH RQ ³´ DQG KDV JXHVW VWDUUHG RQ ³6FDQGDO´ ³'HVSHUDWH +RXVHZLYHV,´ ³&6, 0LDPL´ ³&ULPLQDO 0LQGV´ and ³1&,6´ In addition, KH V KDG UHFXUULQJ UROHV RQ WKH &:¶V ³+DUW RI 'L[LH´ DQG WKH 1%& PHGLFDO GUDPD ³7UDXPD´ Brown was a series regular in the Lifetime NetZRUN¶V PLQLVHULHV ³%HDFK *LUOV´ VWDUULQJ 5RE Lowe and has stDUUHG LQ WKH +DOOPDUN &KDQQHO 2ULJLQDO 0RYLHV ³/RYH %HJLQV´ DQG ³/RYH¶V (YHUODVWLQJ&RXUDJH´ &XUUHQWO\ %URZQ LV D VHULHV UHJXODU RQ WKH QHZ 1%& GUDPD ³'HFHSWLRQ´ VWDUULQJ DORQJVLGH Victor Garber, Tate Donovan and Meagan Good, which will premiere in 2013. ### MEREDITH BAXTER (Emily Rawlins) ± Born in Los Angeles, California, Meredith Baxter was the only daughter born to aspiring actress Whitney Blake and radio announcer Tom Baxter. After her parents divorced, when she was five, her mother wed Hollywood producer Jack Fields. Baxter attended Hollywood High School, where she found her niche in the highly esteemed drama department. Bit by the acting bug, she went on to train at Michigan's Interlochen Arts Academy. While developing her acting skills, she met Bob Bush, to whom she was married from 1966-69. After their divorce, Baxter became a 22-year-old struggling actress and a single mother of two. With the help of her stepfather, she began her professional career with supporting roles in the critically SDQQHGKRUURUILOP³%HQ´DQG LQWKHSROLWLFDOWKULOOHU³$OO WKH3UHVLGHQW V0HQ´ZKLFKVWDUUHGDustin Hoffman and Robert Redford. During the 1970s, Baxter found more lucrative work on the small screen. In 1972, she and actor David Birney (whom she married in1974) starred as the title characters in the CBS sitcom ³%ULGJHW/RYHV%HUQLH´7KHVHULHVfailed to find a wide audience and was cancelled after one season. As the decade progressed, Baxter made a name for herself in the role of Nancy /DZUHQFH 0DLWODQG RQ WKH GUDPDWLF VHULHV ³)DPLO\´ -80). Her performance as the eldest daughter of a single mother earned her respect from her peers, as well as two Emmy® nominations. (more) +$//0$5.029,(&+$11(/µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶± Cast Bios ± Page 3 Baxter also had enormous success when producer Gary David Goldberg handpicked her to play hippie mom (O\VH.HDWRQRQWKH1%&VLWFRP³)DPLO\7LHV´-89), which introduced her to a whole new generation of viewers. Baxter and actor Michael Gross were cast as the liberal parents of conservative children played by Michael J. Fox, Justine Bateman and Tina Yothers. After the series' acclaimed seven-year run, Baxter returned to television movies in an attempt to land more serious roles. She shattered her wholesome image with dramatic turns as a SV\FKRWLF NLGQDSSHU LQ ³7KH .LVVLQJ 3ODFH´ DV D PXUGHUHU LQ ³$ :RPDQ 6FRUQHG 7KH %HWW\%URGHULFN6WRU\´DQGDVDPHPEHURIWKH'RQQHU3DUW\LQ³2QH0RUH0RXQWDLQ´ (1994). For the remainder of the 1990s, Baxter settled into a routine of dozens of TV appearances. In 2006, she appeared as a temporary co-KRVWRQWKH³7RGD\VKRZ´ZLWKUHJXODU host Matt Lauer7KHQH[W\HDUVKHPDGHDJXHVWDSSHDUDQFHRQWKH$%&GUDPD³:KDW$ERXW %ULDQ´DQGRQWKH79VHULHV³&ROG&DVH´,QVKHVWDrred in the Hallmark Channel Original 0RYLH³%RXQG%\D6HFUHW´RSSRVLWHRI/HVOH\$QQ:DUUHQ 0RVW UHFHQWO\ %D[WHU KDV VWDUUHG LQ WKH +DOOPDUN &KDQQHO 2ULJLQDO 0RYLH ³1DXJKW\ RU 1LFH´ during the holiday season 2012, and will appear in the upcoming Hallmark Channel Original 0RYLH³5HDGLQJ:ULWLQJ5RPDQFH´LQ6KHKDVDOVRKDGUHFHQWUROHVRQ$%&)DPLO\¶V ³6ZLWFKHGDW%LUWK´³'DQ9V´³%URWKHUV´DQGDYRLFHUROHRQ³)DPLO\*X\´ In addition to her work as an actress, Baxter works as an entrepreneur. She launched her own line of beauty and skin products, called Meredith Baxter Simple Works, which helps raise funds for her breast cancer research foundation. ### *$,/ 2¶*5$'< 0RQD (DVWPDQ ± *DLO 2¶*UDG\ LV DQ DZDUG-winning actress who is besWNQRZQIRUKHUDFFODLPHGUROHDV'RQQD$EDQGDQGRRQWKHKLWVHULHV³1<3'%OXH´ 2¶*UDG\ VWDUUHG LQ WKH VHULHV IRU WKUHH \HDUV IURP WR JDUQHULQJ KHU WKUHH Primetime Emmy® Award Nominations for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series in 1995. 2ULJLQDOO\ KDLOLQJ IURP 'HWURLW 0LFKLJDQ 2¶*UDG\ JRW KHU VWDUW LQ DFWLQJ ZLWK commercials, including a famous Pepsi commercial she filmed with Michael J. Fox in 1989. Some of her early television work included roles on ³:HUHZROI´³&KLQD%HDFK´ ³&KHHUV´³0DWORFN´³0XUGHU6KH:URWH´³'HVLJQLQJ:RPHQ´³6LON6WDONLQJV´³%XUNH¶V /DZ´DQG³3URPLVHG/DQG´ $IWHUILQGLQJVXFFHVVRQ³1<3'%OXH´2¶*UDG\ZHQWRQWRVWDULQVHYHUDORWKHUVHULHV receiving acclaim for her many varied roles and performances. Most notably, she (more) +$//0$5.029,(&+$11(/µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶± Cast Bios ± Page 4 starred for three seasons on the Emmy®-Award ZLQQLQJGUDPD³$PHULFDQ'UHDPV´LQ which she played matriarch Helen Pryor alongside Tom Verica and Brittany Snow. 2¶*UDG\ DOVR KDG UHFXUULQJ UROHV RQ ³0RQN´ ³%RVWRQ /HJDO´ DQG ³'HVSHUDWH +RXVHZLYHV´ DQG JXHVW-starring roles on numerous hit series, incOXGLQJ ³/DV 9HJDV´ ³&6,´³*KRVW:KLVSHUHU´³/DZ2UGHU6SHFLDO9LFWLPV8QLW´³+HOOFDWV´³'URS'HDG 'LYD´³1HFHVVDU\5RXJKQHVV´DQG³+DZDLL)LYH-2´ 2¶*UDG\ LV DOVR QR VWUDQJHU WR ILOP She has starred in several made-for-TV movies, including the +DOOPDUN &KDQQHO 2ULJLQDO 0RYLHV ³$OO , :DQW IRU &KULVWPDV´ DQG ³/LYLQJ 2XW /RXG´ WKH +DOOPDUN 0RYLH &KDQQHO 2ULJLQDO ³$IWHU WKH )DOO &%6¶V ³0D\GD\´ /LIHWLPH1HWZRUN¶V³:KLOHWKH&KLOGUHQ6OHHS´DQG³6ZLPPLQJ/HVVRQV´DQG86$¶V³7KH Hostage Negotiator´ DPRQJ PDQ\ RWKHUV +HU IHDWXUH ILOP FUHGLWV LQFOXGH ³7KUHH $PLJRV´³%ODFNRXW´³7KH-RVHSKLQH%DNHU6WRU\´³'HXFH%LJDORZ0DOH*LJROR´³+RSH 5DQFK´DQG³$Q$PHULFDQ&DURO´ In 1996, People PDJD]LQHQDPHG2¶*UDG\DVRQHRIWKH0RVW%HDXWLIXO3eople in the world. She has one child, a son, and resides in Los Angeles. ### GREG EVIGAN (Philip Danville) ± Greg Evigan has enjoyed success as an actor, singer, songwriter and musician. He is known around the world for his character portrayals of B.J. 0F.D\RQWKHKLWWHOHYLVLRQVHULHV³%-DQGWKH%HDU´DQG-RH\+DUULVLQ³0\7ZR'DGV´ Born in South Amboy, New Jersey, Evigan, who has been successful in both drama and comedy, started his talented career in music, performing in local New Jersey bands. At age 17, he got his first job as a singer in the original Broadway production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Two years later, he continued his stay on the Broadway stage in the leading role of Danny Zuko in the original production of Grease. After EvigaQ¶V EDFN±to-back hit shows on Broadway, music and television producer Don Kirschner brought him to California. Evigan recorded an album with Paul Shaffer, the notorious EDQGOHDGHURI³/DWH1LJKWZLWK'DYLG/HWWHUPDQ´Evigan and Shaffer supplied original music for the 79VHULHV³$<HDUDWWKH7RS´DQG were signed to Casablanca Records. They recorded an album together as the duet Greg & Paul. Evigan went on to star in thirteen television series, twelve films and more than 56 different television shows iQFOXGLQJ ³'HVSHUDWH+RXVHZLYHV´³&ROG&DVH´ ³&6,0LDPL´ ³-$*´ ³5HED´ ³7RXFKHG E\ DQ $QJHO´ ³0HOURVH 3ODFH´ ³th +HDYHQ´ ³3DFLILF 3DOLVDGHV´ DQG ³)DPLO\ 5XOHV´ In 2009, he executive produced the made-for-79 PRYLH ³3KDQWRP 5DFHU´ IRU WKH 6\-Fy Network, in which he also had a starring role as J.J. Sawyer. In October 2010, Evigan starred LQWKH+DOOPDUN0RYLH&KDQQHO2ULJLQDOILOP³$IWHUWKH)DOO´ (more) +$//0$5.029,(&+$11(/µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶± Cast Bios ± Page 5 Evigan has sung the theme songs for many of the series that he has appeared in, including the ³%- WKH %HDU´ WKHPH ,Q DGGLWLRQ KH FR-wrote and sang the theme for the hit series "My 7ZR'DGVFDOOHG ³<RX&DQ&RXQW 2Q0H´ DQGVDQJDGXHW ZLWK6KHU\O&URZIRUWKH36 I Love You" soundtrack. A musician who plays the piano, drums, saxophone and writes in a variety of different styles of music, Evigan is currently mixing a new CD, with more original pieces, recorded with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios in London, featuring Evigan at the piano. Evigan has his own recording studio in Woodland Hills, California where he produced and sang on his pop album, ³6ORZ'RZQ´IHDWXULQJWHQRIKLVRULJLQDOSLHFHV +LVODWHVWSURMHFWVLQFOXGH1%&¶V³7KH)LQGHU´DQG$(¶V³7KH*ODGHV´(YLJDQ and his daughter Vanessa recently co-wrote and produced the pilot of a half-KRXUFRPHG\FDOOHG³8Q5HDO´which is completed and in the pitching stages. Evigan considers his greatest achievement raising three children with his wife Pam²Briana, an actress, Jason, a musician and Vanessa Lee, an actress. --HALLMARK MOVIE CHANNEL-- µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶ PRODUCTION BIOS LARRY LEVINSON (Executive Producer) ± Larry Levinson has served as executive producer on a wide range of movies, from miniseries to feature films. He has overseen numerous Hallmark Channel Original Movies in every genre, from adventure to drama to romance. /HYLQVRQDOVRH[HFXWLYHSURGXFHGWKHSRSXODU+DOOPDUN&KDQQHO0\VWHU\0RYLHIUDQFKLVHV³-DQH 'RH´³0F%ULGH´ ³0\VWHU\:RPDQ´DQG³0XUGHU´ +LVILOPFUHGLWVLQFOXGH³/DUU\0F0XUWU\¶V6WUHHWVRI/DUHGR´DQG³/DUU\0F0XUWU\¶V'HDG0DQ¶V :DON´+HH[HFXWLYHSURGXFHG%XUW5H\QROGV¶³+DUG7LPHV´WHOHILOPVIHDWXULQJGHWHFWLYH/RJDQ 0F4XHHQ +H DOVR H[HFXWLYH SURGXFHG ZLWK DFWRU 'HQQLV 4XDLG ³(YHU\WKLQJ WKDW 5LVHV´ DQG ³0DUN 7ZDLQ¶V 5RXJKLQJ ,W´ :LWK DFWRU 7RP %HUHQJHU /HYLQVRQ H[HFXWLYH SURGXFHG ³5RXJK 5LGHUV´ )RU WKH +DOOPDUN &KDQQHO /HYLQVRQ¶V VXEVWDQWLDO ZRUN DV H[HFXWLYH SURGXFHU RQ RULJLQDO ILOPV LQFOXGHV³7KH/DVW &RZER\´ ´6WUDLJKW)URPWKH+HDUW´³/RYH&RPHV6RIWO\´ ³$XGUH\¶V5DLQ´ "The King DQG 4XHHQ RI 0RRQOLJKW %D\´ ³+DUG *URXQG´ ³$ 7LPH WR 5HPHPEHU´ ³-XVW 'HVVHUWV´ ³$ 3ODFH &DOOHG +RPH´ ³7KH /RQJ 6KRW %HOLHYH LQ &RXUDJH´ ³/LIH RQ /LEHUW\ 6WUHHW´ ³.LQJ 6RORPRQ¶V 0LQHV´ ³/D )HPPH 0XVNHWHHU´ ³7KH 7UDLO WR +RSH 5RVH´ ³7KH Reading 5RRP´ ³2XU+RXVH´ ³:KHUH7KHUH¶V$:LOO´³/RYH¶V(QGXULQJ3URPLVH´³2XW RIWKH :RRGV´³7KLFNHU7KDQ:DWHU´³$OZD\VDQG)RUHYHU´³7KH7KUHH*LIWV´DQG³/RYH%HJLQV´ /HYLQVRQDOVRVHUYHGDVH[HFXWLYHSURGXFHURQ³7KH&KULVWPDV&DUG´LQ7KHILOm stands DVWKH+DOOPDUN&KDQQHO¶VKLJKHVW-rated original movie. ### DAVE S. CASS, SR. (Director) ± 7KHUH KDYHQ¶W EHHQ WRR PDQ\ DVSHFWV RI ILOPPDNLQJ WKDW 'DYLG&DVVKDVQ¶WEHHQLQYROYHGZLWK,QDFDUHHUWKDWKDVVSDQQHGILYHGHFDGHVKHKDVDFWHG directed, produced and written for countless television and motion picture projects, becoming RQHRIWKHPRVWUHVSHFWHGVWXQWFRRUGLQDWRUVLQWKHEXVLQHVV&DVV¶VFDUHHUEHJDQLQDVD stunt performer for Robert Shelton on the streets of Old Tucson, a popular location for both WRXULVWV DQG +ROO\ZRRG SURGXFWLRQ FRPSDQLHV+H SHUIRUPHG VWXQWV LQ6DP 3HFNLQSDK¶V ³7KH 'HDGO\&RPSDQLRQV´WKHUHLQDQGZDVLQWURGXFHGWR-RKQ:D\QHWZR\HDUVODWHUZKLOH WKH'XNHZDVILOPLQJKLVZHVWHUQ³0F&OLQWRFN´SURPSWLQJDPRYHWR+ROO\ZRRGZKHUH he would continue to double for the likes of Wayne, Robert Mitchum and countless others. Cass has acted and performed stunts, eventually becoming a stunt coordinator in the early 80s, for dozens of TV series and feaWXUH ILOPV LQFOXGLQJ ³<RXQJ %LOO\ <RXQJ´ ³*XQVPRNH´ ³%RQDQ]D´³0LVVLRQ,PSRVVLEOH´³7KH5RFNIRUG)LOHV´³7KH6WUHHWVRI6DQ )UDQFLVFR´ (more) +$//0$5.029,(&+$11(/µ6+$'2:217+(0(6$¶± Production Bios ± Page 2 ³+LJKZD\ WR +HDYHQ´ ³.HQQ\ 5RJHUV DV 7KH *DPEOHU´ ³0DWW +RXVWRQ´ ³6PRNH\ DQG 7KH %DQGLW 3DUW ´ ´.QLJKW 5LGHU´ DQG PDQ\ RWKHUV KLV UXJJHG JUXII DSSHDUDQFH FRQWLQXLQJ WR bring the actor roles. :KLOHZRUNLQJVWXQWVIRU$%&¶VSRSXODUVHULHV³+HUH&RPHWKH%ULGHV´&DVVJRW his first directing assignment, shooting 2nd Unit for veteran western director Virgil Vogel. He would continue working 2nd Unit throughout the 70s, eventually helming television projects since the ODWH V LQFOXGLQJ ³+DUG 7LPH 7KH 3UHPRQLWLRQ´ IRU %XUW Reynolds. Most recently he has GLUHFWHGDQXPEHURI³0\VWHU\:RPDQ´ILOPVIRU+DOOPDUN&KDQQHOLQFOXGLQJ³0\VWHU\:RPDQ :LOG:HVW0\VWHU\´LQDVZHOODV+DOOPDUN¶VPLQL-VHULHV³-RKQVRQ&RXQW\:DU´ In the past several years, Cass has continued directing many made-for-TV movies, including the +DOOPDUN &KDQQHO 2ULJLQDO 0RYLHV ³$YHQJLQJ $QJHO´ ³6DFULILFHV RI WKH +HDUW´ ³0XUGHU /RFNHG5RRP0\VWHU\´³0\VWHU\:RPDQ,QWKH6KDGRZV´³'HVRODWLRQ&DQ\RQ´³%DFNWR<RX DQG0H´DQG0DUFK¶V³%RXQGE\D6HFUHW´ Cass is married, lives in Los Angeles, and is the father of David S. Cass, Jr., who has followed in KLVIDWKHU¶VIRRWVWHSVDVD+ROO\ZRRGVWXQWSHUIRUPHUDQGFRRUGLQDWRU ### LEE MARTIN (Writer) ± /HH0DUWLQ¶VORYHIRU:HVWHUQVVtarted at an early age. She was born in the mountains in Northern California and grew up on various cattle ranches as her family followed the rodeo circuit. A prolific writer, Martin began writing in the third grade and had sold 42 short stories, mostly Westerns, before Avalon published her 17 traditional Western novels. Martin switched to screenplays and writes in most genres but concentrates on Westerns. A member of Western Writers of America, Martin continues to write screenplays full time with an occasional novel. --HALLMARK MOVIE CHANNEL--
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