Lowell Elementary School Lowell Elementary School 2150 Hunter Road, Indpls, IN 46239 Michelle Wagner, Principal Kim Griffin, Administrative Asst. PHONE – 532-3900 - FAX - 532-3949 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: http://lowell.warren.k12.in.us/Lowell/ MONDAY IS A BLUE DAY Lunch cost for student - $1.75 per day ** Extra Milk – 50 cents **Lunch cost for adult - $2.55 per day. WELCOME TO OUR NEW PRINCIPAL AND STAFF Lowell would like to welcome Michelle Wagner, our new prinicipal to the Lowell family. We would like Jennifer Gardner, EL teacher; Nadia Ghazi, 1st Grade teacher; Lorin Hinsberger, 4th Grade teacher; and Kate Youngstafel, Special Ed. Lowell also has a new nurse this year, Jane Gross, LPN. Michelle Stierwalt will be our Interventionist and Jennifer Perkins will be our Title I Assistant in Kindergarten. Ms. Wagner, Principal FREE CHILDREN’S HAIRCUTS AT JCPENNY JCPenny's salons will be giving away FREE haircuts for the entire month of August for students in K-6. There are locations at Castleton Square Mall and Greenwood Park Mall. Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year! We are looking forward to a great school year. We invite parents to visit any time and to let us know if you have any concerns or questions. YOU ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE LOWELL FAMILY! WE ARE LOWELL Our theme at Lowell this year is “ABC” Academic Achievers, Best Behaviors, and PARENTS—PLEASE MONITOR YOUR CHILD’S CLOTHING Students must wear pants on their waist; they must wear clothing that properly covers their body; and they must not wear clothing, hair styles, tattoos, jewelry or other items that will distract them or others from learning. The final decision about appropriateness of school dress will be made by the school. Students that do not follow the dress guidelines will be required to wear a school uniform. We appreciate parents’ cooperation in insuring that your child is properly dressed for school each day. NO FLIP FLOPS PLEASE! This year, we are asking parents to not send their child to school in flip flops. Tennis shoes and/or sandals with a buckle should be worn. This will allow our students to play safely in gym class and on the playground. If you have any questions, please call Ms. Wagner at 532-3900. BUS SAFETY Please take some time to discuss bus safety rules with your child this week. For your child’s own personal safety, it is important that: 1) Students remain seated properly throughout the trip to and from school. 2) Students refrain from talking loudly or yelling. 3) Students stand a safe distance from the 4) 5) roadway while at the bus stop. Running, playing, pushing, and other unsafe behaviors are not allowed in at the bus stop. Parents picking up their child at school should use the car rider line by the playground. Please do not ask for your child to be dismissed early except in extremely unusual circumstances such as doctor’s appointments. Thanks for your support! We all need to work together to ensure that your child is safe! Students should bring a note if there is to be any change in dismissal routine (example: bus riders who will be car riders that day. If a student does not have a Lowell does not offer peanut butter and jelly as a lunch option. Instead, we offer cheese sandwiches as choice D on the menu. Please make a note of it. Children will be granted a maximum of one outstanding charge for lunch after which the child will be provided with a cheese sandwich and milk at the cost of $.50 per lunch. There will be NO charges for breakfast. If hardship circumstances exist, Free and Reduced applications are still available. Parents need to send money to pay for all meals until they have received a letter of approval from the Food Service Office. Please remember monies can be deposited in advance to avoid your child being served a cheese sandwich and milk. Breakfast and Lunch Fees Universal Breakfast - No Charge ~ Lunch – $1.75~ Reduced Lunch –$.40 Again this year, all students were asked to register for school prior to the first day. If you were not able to complete this registration process, it is important that you do so as soon as possible. ALL BOOK RENTAL IS DUE IMMEDIATELY! Kindergarten – $90.00 Grade 1 – $155.00 Grade 2 – $125.00 Grade 3 – $117.00 Grade 4 – $121.00 STUDENT ARRIVAL PARENTS ARE REMINDED THAT IF YOU ARE DROPPING OFF YOUR CHILD, YOU NEED TO STAY WITH YOUR CHILD UNTIL THE DOORS ARE OPENED AT 8:25 A.M. If you need to drop off your child earlier, you might wish to check into morning child care, which is offered at the Warren Early Childhood Center. We are unable to allow students to enter the building before 8:25 a.m. Buses unload at 8:30 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 8:40 a.m. Park by the sidewalk and DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR The special class and lunch schedule will operate on a three-day rotation. In each week’s Lantern, there will be a line indicating Monday’s rotation for each. For example, this past Monday was a RED day for lunch/recess. The rotations for the rest of this week were as follows: Tuesday: WHITE special and lunch/ recess Wednesday: BLUE special and lunch/ recess Thursday: RED special and lunch/recess Friday: WHITE special and lunch/ recess The following Monday will be a BLUE lunch day, and rotations will continue from there. PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOUR CHILD HAS THE PROPER SHOES FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION EACH DAY THAT IS SCHEDULED! All medications must be brought to the school by a parent or guardian. The occasion may arise when the school district wants to recognize your child or your child’s school. This might include your child’s photo, your child’s name, or your child’s work in some of the district publications, newsletters, school district website, or in staff training videos. We may also want to tell the media (including newspapers, television and radio) about your child’s achievements. We never knowingly release information about a student to anyone who wants to use it for commercial/political purposes. However, we will honor your request to not include your child in these types of recognitions if you notify your child’s school office in writing that you do not want this type of information released. RECESS All children are expected to go outside for recess when weather permits. If a child needs to stay indoors because he/she is recuperating from a recent illness, a note of explanation should be sent to the teacher. If a child is to remain indoors for a week or more, a note from the family doctor should be sent to your child’s teacher. Indiana law allows for only one exception. Students with chronic health conditions such as asthma, allergies which would require SCHOOL PICTURES emergency treatment, such as epi pen, etc., On Friday, August 24th individual are allowed to carry prescribed medications school pictures will be taken. Order if documented by a doctor’s order or note. forms will be sent home with students. This note must be presented to the school nurse. DO NOT SEND MEDICATIONS WITH VISITOR’S BADGES YOUR CHILD ON THE BUS. At Lowell, we are taking several measures There is a form that MUST be filled to further insure the security of students. out by the parent/guardian in order for We are requesting your help in this efschool personnel to dispense medicafort. This year, ALL visitors will be tions. The medicine must be in the origasked to wear a visitor’s badge when visitinal prescription bottle. ing a classroom or other areas of the building. We appreciate your cooperation in insuring the safety of all Lowell students. CAR RIDERS DROP OFF DIRECTIONS Parents who are dropping off students in the morning should use the car rider line at the front of the school. Cars may enter the northeast school entrance and proceed south along the front sidewalk. Students should remain in the car until an adult signals that it is time to enter the building. If cars are lined up along the entire front sidewalk, entering cars should proceed to the back of the parking lot, loop around the circle and form a line on the north side of the portable classrooms to the north of the building. Keep moving forward and turn right at the front sidewalk. Cars should proceed forward behind those that are already lined up and drop off students only when they are totally stopped. This should be as far south along the building as possible. PLEASE DO NOT HOLD UP THE LINE BY STOPPING IN FRONT OF THE DOOR TO DROP OFF STUDENTS IF THERE IS SPACE TO MOVE FORWARD. Parents should remain in the car and allow students to exit ONLY on the sidewalk. If parents need to come into school or release your student from the other side of the car, please park in the parking lot and walk your student into the building. AFTERNOON CAR RIDER PICK UP INSTRUCTIONS Drivers should park along the circle by the playground. The first car should proceed east along the sidewalk and make the turn facing north. next to the sidewalk. Cars should form a line and parents should STAY IN THE CAR. The line should extend around the circle. Once the line has extended past the circle, cars should enter the far north side of the parking lot and join the line that has formed around the circle. Please do not get out of your car to place students in the car. ALSO – PLEASE BE SURE CHILDREN CAN ENTER THE CAR ON THE SIDEWALK SIDE OF YOUR CAR. IF THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, PLEASE PARK IN THE PARKING LOT AND WALK UP THE SIDEWALK BY THE PLAYGROUND TO RETRIEVE YOUR CHILD. EXIT TO YOUR PARKED CAR THE SAME WAY. (Remember not to block the exit lane for cars leaving from the circle area and proceeding east toward Hunter Road. )
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