We appreciate your interest in Children’s Home Society of North Carolina. You have taken the first step in opening your heart and home to a waiting child. To begin the process we are attaching information about our programs, as well as an application and medical history forms for you to complete and return to us. Please mail to: Support Services Children’s Home Society of North Carolina 131 Wind Chime Court Raleigh, N.C. 27615 The children being referred from Departments of Social Services are of school age, with an average age of nine, and have been abused or neglected. They may be developmentally delayed or medically fragile, and some are part of a sibling group who need to stay together in a family. These children require unconditional love and patience because of their prior experiences and circumstances. The State of North Carolina requires a completed Responsible Individuals List form, according to 10A NCAC 70A .0102, for all adult members of the household—to determine they have not had child protective services substantiate a claim of child abuse or serious neglect. The form is enclosed and must be completed, signed, and returned to us. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions about the application at 919.676.4784 You might also like to visit our web site at www.chsnc.org. Again, thank you for your interest. We look forward to working with you in the future as we strive toward improving the lives of children in the foster care system. Page 1 of 4 Application for Foster Care/Adoption Services CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY OF NORTH CAROLINA Website: www.chsnc.org Name of Applicant(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip County Home Telephone: _______________________ How did you learn about our agency? ______________________________ 1) Applicant One: Full Legal Name: ____________________________________________________________ Age: _______ First Middle Last Other Names Known By (i.e. previous married names/alias): ____________________________________________________ Cell: _________________ Work: ______________ E-mail address: _____________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________ Birthplace: ___________________________________________________________ City Race:______________ Sex: _________ Height: Circle One: Single Married Separated County Weight: Divorced State Religious Affiliation: ______________________ Widowed Legal Resident of NC? Yes ____ No _____ Education:____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Highest level reached; Certificate, GED, Diploma, or Degree received, grammar school, high school, college or other) Do you have a valid driver’s license? Yes _____ No _____ Employer: ________________________________________________________City/State:___________________________ Occupation/Job Title: ___________________________________________ Length of Employment: ____________________ Full Time: _______ Part Time: _______ Work Hours: _____________________ Salary: ___________________ per month Explain: ________________________________________________________ Any Serious Health Problems? How long have you lived at your current address: _____________________________________________________________ If less than 5 years, please give addresses for the last five years: __________________________________________________________________________ From: __________ To: _________ Street City State Month/Year Month/Year __________________________________________________________________________ From: __________ To: _________ Street City State Month/Year Month/Year __________________________________________________________________________ From: __________ To: _________ Street City State Month/Year Month/Year 2) Applicant Two: Full Legal Name: ____________________________________________________________ Age: _______ First Middle Last Other Names Known By (i.e. previous married names/alias): ____________________________________________________ Cell: _________________ Work: ______________ E-mail address: _____________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________ Birthplace: ___________________________________________________________ City County State Page 2 of 4 Race:______________ Sex: _________ Height: Circle One: Single Married Separated Weight: Divorced Religious Affiliation: ______________________ Widowed Legal Resident of NC? Yes ____ No _____ Education:____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Highest level reached; Certificate, GED, Diploma, or Degree received, grammar school, high school, college or other) Do you have a valid driver’s license? Yes _____ No _____ Employer: ________________________________________________________City/State:___________________________ Occupation/Job Title: ___________________________________________ Length of Employment: ___________________ Full Time: _______ Part Time: _______ Work Hours: _____________________ Salary: ___________________ per month Any Serious Health Problems? Explain: ________________________________________________________ How long have you lived at your current address: _____________________________________________________________ If less than 5 years, please give addresses for the last five years: __________________________________________________________________________ From: __________ To: _________ Street City State Month/Year Month/Year __________________________________________________________________________ From: __________ To: _________ Street City State Month/Year Month/Year __________________________________________________________________________ From: __________ To: _________ Street City 3) Are you primarily interested in: ______ Adoption State Month/Year Month/Year _____Foster Care Are you currently, or have you ever been a licensed Foster Parent? Yes ____ No ____ If checked yes, which agency? (Agency name & address): _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Licensed From: __________ (Month/Year) To: ___________ (Month/Year) Are you an Adoptive Parent? Yes ____ No ____ If checked yes, which agency? (Agency name & address): _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Has anyone in the household been charged or arrested with any offense? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, when? _______________________________ On a separate sheet, please explain what happened. Have you ever been investigated by any Dept. of Social Services regarding child abuse or neglect? Yes ____ No _____ If yes, when? ___________________________(Month/Year) Was the case substantiated? Yes ____ No ____ Unknown _____ If yes, please explain what happened on a separate sheet of paper. 5) Facts About Marriage and Children: Marriage Date: ___________________ Place of Marriage: ______________________________________________________ Previous Marriages: Applicant One-Date: How Terminated: Date Terminated: ____________ Applicant Two-Date: __________ How Terminated: Date Terminated: ____________ Page 3 of 4 Please list children of this or previous marriages, giving name, age, sex, whether born to you or adopted by you. If adopted, please give agency of adoption. Use separate sheet of paper if needed. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Additional Financial Information: Other resources such as savings, investments, real estate, etc: _____________________________________________________ If renting, please give monthly rate: Valuation of home if owned: __________________________ Is there a mortgage on your property? ______________________ Monthly payment: _________________________________ 7) Questions related to your plan to adopt or foster a child or children Most children have serious and/or major health problems and may include any of the following special needs. Please indicate your willingness to consider the following: Hearing Orthopedic Sickle Cell Alcohol Abuse Prematurity (less than 32 wks) Sight Psychiatric Diagnosis HIV Drug Abuse Mental Retardation Emotional needs Behavioral problems Therapy/Counseling Sexual Abuse Learning disability Medically Fragile Developmental Delays Speech issues Gender Identity Sexualized Behavior a) Would you consider a child or children of the following ages? (Please circle ALL preferences) 13 or older 10-12 6-9 b) Would you consider a family of children of the following numbers? (Please circle preferences) 1 2 3 4 5 c) Do you own or operate a home day care, after school care, or otherwise provide any form of childcare? Yes ___ No ___ d) Foster/Adoptive parents are expected to transport a foster or adoptive child to appointments, meetings, court appearances, etc. Is there anything which would prevent you from doing so? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Are you interested in applying for a specific child or children? If yes, specify name(s), ID #, or agency: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ No ____ Date Completed MAPP: __________ 9) Are you in the process of application with another agency? Yes If yes, specify name of agency:__________________________________________________________________________ 10) Have you ever worked with Children's Home Society of NC? Yes_____ No _____ If yes, when? _________________ I understand that it is my privilege to withdraw my application at any time if I do not wish to continue the process for adoption/foster care licensing through Children's Home Society. I further understand that I am under no obligation to explain my reason to the agency. Likewise, I understand that CHS may not give us a specific reason if the agency chooses at any point not to proceed with our application for adoption or foster care licensing. The completion of MAPP or any other group training process does not guarantee adoption or foster care licensing. I certify that all information given by me in this application process is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and any willful misrepresentation of this information disqualifies my application. CHS has a commitment to respond to each client with respect and to ensure quality services and equal application of policies and procedures. All client information and contacts are handled confidentially. A copy of the CHS grievance policy and confidentiality statement will be given to you at your first interview. CHS does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, political belief, religion, or mental or physical disability. CHS also adheres to the regulations set forth in the Indian Child Welfare Act. SIGNED: Applicant One: Date: __________________________ Applicant Two: Date: _________________________ ****************************************************For Office Use Only *********************************************************** Date of Inquiry: ____________ Date Application Received: ______________ Case #: _______________________ Made Case Date: _______________ Program: ___________________ SW Assigned: _____________________________ Assigned Date: ______________ Region: __________________ Rev.10/11 Page 4 of 4 MEDICAL HISTORY FORM NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________ HEALTH HISTORY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Any history, past, or present of: Head or back injuries Neurological disorders, convulsions, etc. Heart disease, high blood pressure, or rheumatic fever Lung disorders, asthma, tuberculosis Stomach, gall bladder, or other gastro-intestinal disorders Allergies to food, drugs, plants, etc. Blood disorders, anemia, leukemia, etc. Kidney trouble Venereal disease Diabetes or other glandular disorders Surgery Physical disabilities Psychological disorders, mental health diagnosis, drug/substance abuse Other chronic illnesses, diseases, or disorders YES NO If any of the above questions were answered yes, provide explanation: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ What do you consider your state of health: Excellent Good Fair Poor To the best of my knowledge, the above information is correct. ____________________________________________________ ________________ Signature Date DSS-5017 (Rev. 04/11) Child Welfare Services MEDICAL HISTORY FORM NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________ HEALTH HISTORY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Any history, past, or present of: Head or back injuries Neurological disorders, convulsions, etc. Heart disease, high blood pressure, or rheumatic fever Lung disorders, asthma, tuberculosis Stomach, gall bladder, or other gastro-intestinal disorders Allergies to food, drugs, plants, etc. Blood disorders, anemia, leukemia, etc. Kidney trouble Venereal disease Diabetes or other glandular disorders Surgery Physical disabilities Psychological disorders, mental health diagnosis, drug/substance abuse Other chronic illnesses, diseases, or disorders YES NO If any of the above questions were answered yes, provide explanation: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ What do you consider your state of health: Excellent Good Fair Poor To the best of my knowledge, the above information is correct. ____________________________________________________ ________________ Signature Date DSS-5017 (Rev. 04/11) Child Welfare Services North Carolina Division of Social Services Responsible Individuals List (RIL) Information Request Instructions for completing DSS-5268 (please read carefully): Employee (E), Applicant (A) or Volunteer (V) G.S. § 7B-311 authorizes the release of information regarding substantiated cases of abuse and serious neglect from the Responsible Individuals List (RIL), for the sole purpose of determining current or prospective employment in certain situations, or fitness to provide care for children. This includes applications to foster or adopt a child. Print E, A, or V’s Full Name (including MI): _________________________________________________ First Name MI Last Name E, A, or V’s Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): All sections of this form must be completed and signed by the agency and the prospective employee/applicant/volunteer. Please print legibly or type all information. Incomplete or illegible forms will be returned via fax without the RIL check being completed. Requests for information may be submitted by: Fax: (919) 715-6714, Attn: RIL Mail: Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. NC Division of Social Services Attn: RIL 325 N. Salisbury St. Mail Service Center 2408 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-2408 Agency Requesting Information ______/______/______ E, A, or V’s Social Security Number (last four digits) ______ ______ ______ ______ E, A, or V’s Gender: ___ Male ___ Female Other names used (maiden, nickname, former married name etc.): _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Employee (E), Applicant (A), or Volunteer (V) Acknowledgement: Mailing Address:____________________________________________________ I acknowledge that I have been informed that the North Carolina Division of Social Services will disclose to the above named agency whether my name appears on the Responsible Individuals List, indicating that I am identified as being responsible for the abuse or serious neglect of a juvenile. City/State/Zip:________________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________________ Date: Agency Name:______________________________________________________ ________________________________________ FAX:_______________________________________________________ Type of Agency (Check One) __ Child Care Provider __ Child Placing Agency __ Group Home Facility __ Other Provider of Adoption __ Adoption Home Study NCDSS Office Use Only __ __ __ __ __ Child Caring Institution County DSS Guardian ad Litem Other Provider of Foster Care Foster Parent Applicant Agency License Number (if available)_____________________________ Agency Certification: I herby request information from the North Carolina Responsible Individuals List. I certify that I am a person representing a child caring institution, child placing agency, group home facility, or a provider of foster care, child care or adoption services that needs to determine the fitness of individuals to care for or adopt children. I either currently employ the individual listed below, or am strongly considering the individual for an employment, contract, or volunteer position. I will only use the information requested to determine whether to hire or retain the individual. Name and Title: (PRINT) ___________________________________________________________________ ____ Form submitted incomplete ____ Ineligible to request information ____ As of __________________ E, A, V’s name is NOT on the RIL ____ As of____________________ E, A, V’s name is on the RIL Finding: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Completed by: Staff Name (Print): _____________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date:________________________________________________ DSS-5268 (rev. 08/12) Child Welfare Services North Carolina Division of Social Services Responsible Individuals List (RIL) Information Request Instructions for completing DSS-5268 (please read carefully): Employee (E), Applicant (A) or Volunteer (V) G.S. § 7B-311 authorizes the release of information regarding substantiated cases of abuse and serious neglect from the Responsible Individuals List (RIL), for the sole purpose of determining current or prospective employment in certain situations, or fitness to provide care for children. This includes applications to foster or adopt a child. Print E, A, or V’s Full Name (including MI): _________________________________________________ First Name MI Last Name E, A, or V’s Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): All sections of this form must be completed and signed by the agency and the prospective employee/applicant/volunteer. Please print legibly or type all information. Incomplete or illegible forms will be returned via fax without the RIL check being completed. Requests for information may be submitted by: Fax: (919) 715-6714, Attn: RIL Mail: Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. NC Division of Social Services Attn: RIL 325 N. Salisbury St. Mail Service Center 2408 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-2408 Agency Requesting Information ______/______/______ E, A, or V’s Social Security Number (last four digits) ______ ______ ______ ______ E, A, or V’s Gender: ___ Male ___ Female Other names used (maiden, nickname, former married name etc.): _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Employee (E), Applicant (A), or Volunteer (V) Acknowledgement: Mailing Address:____________________________________________________ I acknowledge that I have been informed that the North Carolina Division of Social Services will disclose to the above named agency whether my name appears on the Responsible Individuals List, indicating that I am identified as being responsible for the abuse or serious neglect of a juvenile. City/State/Zip:________________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________________ Date: Agency Name:______________________________________________________ ________________________________________ FAX:_______________________________________________________ Type of Agency (Check One) __ Child Care Provider __ Child Placing Agency __ Group Home Facility __ Other Provider of Adoption __ Adoption Home Study NCDSS Office Use Only __ __ __ __ __ Child Caring Institution County DSS Guardian ad Litem Other Provider of Foster Care Foster Parent Applicant Agency License Number (if available)_____________________________ Agency Certification: I herby request information from the North Carolina Responsible Individuals List. I certify that I am a person representing a child caring institution, child placing agency, group home facility, or a provider of foster care, child care or adoption services that needs to determine the fitness of individuals to care for or adopt children. I either currently employ the individual listed below, or am strongly considering the individual for an employment, contract, or volunteer position. I will only use the information requested to determine whether to hire or retain the individual. Name and Title: (PRINT) ___________________________________________________________________ ____ Form submitted incomplete ____ Ineligible to request information ____ As of __________________ E, A, V’s name is NOT on the RIL ____ As of____________________ E, A, V’s name is on the RIL Finding: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Completed by: Staff Name (Print): _____________________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date:________________________________________________ DSS-5268 (rev. 08/12) Child Welfare Services
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