doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2010.00690.x Aren’t they just black kids? Biracial children in the child welfare system cfs_690 441..451 Rachel A. Fusco*, Mary E. Rauktis*, Julie S. McCrae*, Michael A. Cunningham† and Cynthia K. Bradley-King* *School of Social Work, †Department of Biostatistics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Correspondence: Rachel A. Fusco, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, 4200 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217, USA E-mail: Keywords: child abuse, child protection (policy and practice), minority ethnic families, race Accepted for publication: February 2010 A B S T R AC T In the USA, African-American children are overrepresented in the child welfare system. However, little is known about the child welfare system experiences of biracial children, who are predominately both White and African-American. To better understand this population, data from public child welfare in a US county were used to examine biracial children in the child welfare system. Results showed significant racial differences between children in the child welfare system. Despite the common belief that biracial children will have experiences similar to African-American children, the child welfare system seems to view them differently. Biracial children are more likely to be referred, rated as high risk and investigated compared with White or African-American children. Their mothers were younger, and were more often assessed as having physical, intellectual or emotional problems. These caregivers were also considered to have lower parenting skills and knowledge compared with White or AfricanAmerican caregivers. Although the disproportionate representation of African-American children in the system has been well documented, this study provides evidence that biracial children are also overrepresented. Despite the fact that this is a rapidly growing population in the USA, there is little research available about biracial children and their families. INTRODUCTION It is only in the last 40 years that whites and ethnic minorities could legally marry in the USA. In 1967, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Loving v. Virginia that anti-miscegenation laws were a violation of individual civil rights and held that language prohibiting marriage between people of different races should be struck from states’ constitutions. Although the number of interracial marriages has increased since that ruling, they still comprise less than 5% of all marriages in the USA. (US Bureau of the Census 2007). Many African-Americans are of mixed race, and historically, these individuals were born to African-American mothers outside of marriage (Collins 2001). Under the ‘one drop rule’ that long existed in the USA, individuals with any known 441 Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15, pp 441–451 African ancestry or ‘a single drop’ were legally designated as black (Roth 2005). These children were absorbed with their mothers into the AfricanAmerican community (Williamson 1980; Davis 1991). However, the end of anti-miscegenation laws has led to an increase of biracial children born to white mothers, thus changing the official categorizations of racial categories to include ‘interracial’. Research on identity determination has primarily focused on transracial adoptions (Samuels 2009) and black-white intermarried couples (Roth 2005). Less clear is how children born to custodial white mothers fit into an existing racial category and how this may associate with factors known to predict involvement in the child welfare system. The extant literature on interracial couples suggests that they experience social isolation and disapproval © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Biracial children in child welfare R A Fusco et al. because of their relationship. Gaines (2001) found that these couples were frequently ostracized from their families of origin and some couples hid their relationship from friends and family (Wang et al. 2006). Interracial couples often experience housing discrimination (Onwuachi-Willig & Willig-Onwuachi 2009) and each partner is also likely to experience racism regarding their partner in their own community (Byrd & Garwick 2006). There is even some evidence that interracial couples are more likely to experience intimate partner violence (Hattery 2008), and violence within these relationships is more chronic and severe than violence between couples of the same race (Fusco 2010). Children of interracial relationships are likely to experience racism in the school playground through name calling and other forms of verbal aggression (Tizard & Phoenix 1993). The presence of institutional racism and the American ideal of the monoracial family can result in interracial families becoming isolated and marginalized. Given that the risks such as low social support and domestic violence contribute to a family’s involvement in the child welfare system, it is surprising that there is little research from the USA about the involvement of biracial children with child welfare services and the child and parent factors that may lead to entry into care. What is known about biracial children in child welfare comes primarily from studies conducted in the UK. The higher rate of entry into the child welfare system for mixed-parentage children became evident there as early as the 1950s (National Children’s Home 1954; Foren & Batta 1970; Gill & Jackson 1983; Small 1986; Barn 1990; Barn et al. 1997). A 1989 study by Bebbington and Miles showed that a mixed-parentage child was more than twice as likely to enter the system as a white child. A more recent study found that 8% of children involved in the UK child welfare system were of mixed parentage (Owen & Statham 2009) even though these children represented only 3% of all children under age 18 (Office for National Statistics 2001). In one of the most comprehensive studies to date, Barn (1999) examined the demographic and social profiles of white women involved with black men and explored the reasons why biracial children came into the UK’s child welfare system. The most common biracial family structure was a never-married white women and a non-resident black-Caribbean father. The mothers were the primary caretaker of the children, were often unemployed and lived in public housing. The referrals came from the families themselves and difficulties in family relationships and 442 Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15, pp 441–451 parental neglect/inadequacy were the two major reasons for family breakdown and entry into care. Interestingly, mixed-parentage children were found to be particularly vulnerable in areas where there was a small black population (Bebbington & Miles 1989). Several themes underlie the limited research into the reasons for why mixed-race children in the UK came into the child welfare system. The lack of social support and isolation appears to be a common experience (Barn 1999; Harman 2008). Social disapproval from family and both the black and white communities isolates these mothers during a period when they are most in need of support. Isolation can have a deleterious effect on their mental health and wellbeing (Banks 1996; Twine 1999). The lack of social support is thought by some to be a contributing factor to the high number of children entering care (Barn 1999). Racism is prevalent and often expressed through verbal abuse such as degrading comments about a white woman’s sexual relationship with a black man (Tizard & Phoenix 1993; Harman 2007) or in complaints to authorities about the family (Hartcliffe and Withywood Black Support Group 1993), vandalism and physical threats. Poverty is also a factor, although it alone does not account for the particular vulnerability of the mixed-race family. Harman (2008) conducted a qualitative study of social workers’ perceptions of the experiences and supports of lone mothers of mixed-parentage children in England. Her hypothesis was that social workers’ views about the mothers’ circumstances would have an important bearing on the support provided. In addition to the factors found in earlier research, social workers often provided support to the mothers in managing the hair and skin care of the children both of which have been described as important indicators of maternal competence (Ali 2003). The social workers in the study identified that the mothers were often reluctant to engage with social services, perhaps because of fears of being seen as inadequate because they were white. Another important theme that emerged was that of the social worker’s understanding of the attitudes that the mother held about race and what this meant for the child’s identity. Lack of interest about the child’s heritage was perceived by the social workers as racist as well as more obvious negative feelings and statements about the race of the father. Finally, this study highlighted the social workers perception of the identity of the mixed-race child. While the workers used a range of terminology to describe the children’s heritage, the dominant perspective was that the children © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Biracial children in child welfare R A Fusco et al. had an overall social and political location as black children.Yet her interviews with the mothers revealed that the majority of them described their children as ‘mixed race’. As Harman notes, additional research is needed to explore whether this difference in perspective impacts the helping relationship and if it is a source of tension. The review of the research from the UK suggests that mixed-parentage families are vulnerable and that the reasons for entry into care are numerous and complex. There is far less written about this group in child welfare research from the USA. According to the 2005–2007 American Community Survey, the number of people who identify as mixed race rose to approximately 6 million, making it the country’s fastest-growing demographic during that period (US Bureau of the Census 2007). Although the USA is becoming a more diverse nation, racial disproportionalities exist in many areas, including child welfare services (Dunbar & Barth 2008; Kohl 2007; Wulczyn & Lery 2007). There is a growing body of research documenting the extent of disproportionate numbers of children of colour in child welfare (Derezotes et al. 2005; Hill 2006; Kohl 2007). Despite research showing that child maltreatment is unrelated to race or ethnicity (Sedlak & Schulz 2005), AfricanAmerican families are overrepresented in their referral to child protective services (Fluke et al. 2003; Lemon et al. 2005). An analysis of data from five states revealed that African-Americans were twice as likely to be investigated as whites (Fluke et al. 2003). Most unequivocal are findings that African-American children are overrepresented among children in foster care. In the year 2000, every state showed disproportionate rates of African-American children entering foster care, with rates that range from 1.58 to more than 65 times the rate of white children (Vandergrift 2006). Less clear is whether the same disparity patterns exist for children of two or more races. Is this group of children and youth experiencing the same level of disparity and disproportionality in child welfare services as that of African-American children and youth? This exploratory study seeks to answer this important question by examining the referral and service paths of biracial children to child welfare services in a large urban county in the north-east. This county has a growing population of biracial children and it is unclear if their involvement with child welfare services is similar to that of African-American children or to that of white children. Therefore, this paper aims to answer the following questions: 443 Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15, pp 441–451 1 Are biracial children referred to child welfare services at a rate proportionate to white and AfricanAmerican children? 2 Are the risks assessed for biracial children and parents the same as those assessed for white and African-American children? 3 Are biracial children investigated at the same rate as white and African-American children? Although several terms are used in the literature to describe children of more than one race (e.g. mixed parentage, multiracial), in this study the term ‘biracial’ refers to having parents of two different races. METHODS Population This study is focused on a large urban county in the north-eastern USA. In the 2000 census, multiracial children represented 2.4% of all children under the age of 18 in the county (Kids Count 2006). By 2007, children of two or more races living in the county had increased to 3.9% (US Bureau of the Census 2007). US Census data on race come from self-reports, and individuals can choose more than one race (US Bureau of the Census 2007). Sampling The study aimed to view CWS service patterns among a representative sample of children referred to CWS in 2006. To do so, the desired sample size was calculated to have the ability to observe a 1.5-fold increase in the odds of a non-white child’s case being investigated compared with baseline after adjusting for other covariates in a logistic regression model. Assuming a baseline investigation rate of approximately 70%, a correlation of 0.05 between race and all other modelled covariates, and assuming 50% of the children in the database are white, it was determined that 520 children must be sampled (Hosmer & Lemeshow 2000). A stratified sampling design was utilized. Strata were defined by the gender, race, age group and type of report: Child Protective Services or General Protective Service (GPS). There were 7849 children and youth under the age of 18 referred to CWS in 2006. Variables related to gender, race or both were missing for 354 children, resulting in a final sampling frame of 7495 unique children.The required sample size of 520 was then allocated across the strata using proportional allocation, where the sample size within a stratum © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Biracial children in child welfare R A Fusco et al. is assigned proportional to the stratum size. The required number of children to sample in each stratum was rounded up to the next highest integer or if the calculated sample size for a stratum was less than two: two children were selected resulting in a final sample size of 544 children. The survey select procedure in SAS software version 9.1 (SAS Institute 2004) was used to randomly sample the children (using simple random sampling without replacement) within each stratum. Tabulation of the sampled records following field data collection revealed several strata with an insufficient number of observations (less than two). These strata were collapsed by age category to obtain a sufficient number of records. Each child’s final sample weight was calculated from the base weight and adjustment for non-response. The base weight is the total number of children per stratum divided by the required sample size per stratum, or the inverse of the child’s probability of selection. The final weight, adjusted for non-response, is the total number of children per stratum divided by the number of children actually sampled per stratum. The final weight is used in subsequent analyses. In the analyses, data on the final sample of 460 children are weighted to sum to 7495, the population referred to CWS in 2006. Data collection Data sources consisted of (1) administrative and demographic data maintained by the county and (2) referral and risk assessment information collected from case files. Two research assistants were supervised by the principal investigators, and data collection occurred between May and October 2008. Data were missing or unable to be located (primarily risk assessments or referrals) in 84 records so that the total number of complete child records was 460.These data were checked for accuracy and then merged with the administrative data so that a complete data set (demographics, referral, intake, referral and risk) was created. Measures Referral/intake form Referral data are collected at the time of the referral by the individuals screening the calls. These data include child age and gender, number of adults and children in the home, maltreatment type, prior CWS history, prior child abuse hotline reports and an overall risk rating for the referral. 444 Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15, pp 441–451 Risk assessment The risk assessment used is a consensus-based measure of risk in which the worker assigns a ranking score of none, low, moderate or high risk to 15 child, caregiver and family items. Child items include vulnerability, severity and recentness of abuse/neglect, prior abuse or neglect and the extent of emotional harm. Caregiver items are age, physical, intellectual or emotional status, parenting skills and knowledge, substance use, access to children, prior abuse and neglect and the relationship with the children. Family environment is scored on the presence of violence, the condition of the home and the presence of supports and stressors. A score is also assigned to the overall severity and the overall risk.Workers are trained in the risk assessment using a standard curriculum and must receive a passing score in using it to assess risk in a video vignette. Workers who do not achieve a passing score receive remedial training. Data analysis To understand rates of disproportionality in the county’s child welfare system, a Disproportionality Index (DI) was calculated. First, a rate per 1000 children was computed for each racial group at referral and investigation. This was the number of AfricanAmerican children, for example, referred to CWS divided by the total number of African-American children in the population under age 18 in the county according to census. Next, the rates were compared in relation to white children. The rate for AfricanAmerican children was then divided by the rate for white children. Bivariate chi-square tests of association, and multivariable, logistic regression analyses were used to predict the likelihood of case investigation given child race and other child and family characteristics. For all analyses, sampling weights were used to infer to the total population of children who were the target of a referral to CWS in 2006. SAS software version 9.1 (SAS Institute 2004) was used for all analyses. R E S U LT S Demographics The sample included 56 children coded as biracial in the CWS system. In 70% of these cases, the child was parented by a white mother and an African-American father. About 11% of the children had African- © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Biracial children in child welfare R A Fusco et al. Figure 1 Age differences among groups at referral. American mothers and white fathers. Somewhat unexpectedly, about 18% of the mothers identified as biracial themselves, although the racial breakdowns are not available. Among mothers who are identified as biracial, 50% had children with an AfricanAmerican father and the other 50% of the fathers were white or Hispanic. Roughly 1% of the sample had missing data for the mother and/or father’s race. Table 1 Disproportionality index Rate compared with white children Child race Referred Investigated Served African-American White Biracial 3.03 1.03 1.04 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.36 1.12 0.86 Differences among groups at referral As shown in Fig. 1, biracial children were significantly younger at the time of the referral compared with other children (P = 0.03). Well over one-third of biracial children (38%) were younger than age 5 compared with 24% of African-American children and 28% of white children. The percentage of biracial children decreases as the children grow older. African-American children were referred to CWS with a significantly greater number of other children listed in the home at the time of intake compared with white and biracial children. Over one-third of AfricanAmerican children were referred to CWS with four or more other children (39%) compared with 20% of white children and 25% of biracial children. Biracial children had the highest rates of having a teenager as a parent (11%), while African-American families have the highest rates of previous referrals to CWS (69%) compared with 58% of white children and 49% of biracial children. Disproportionality rates In 2006, 37% of the children referred to CWS were African-American although African-American children make up 18% of the total population of children in the county (Kids Count 2006). White children and youth composed 51% of children referred to CWS in 2006 and their representation in the population is 77%. Biracial children were 12% of the children referred and 2% of the county’s child population. 445 Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15, pp 441–451 The DI (Table 1) displays the rates for referral, investigation and service for African-American and biracial children relative to white children. As seen in Table 1, the rates are disproportionate, with AfricanAmerican children being referred at three times the rate and biracial children being referred at four times the rate compared with white children. Investigation rates among the races are similar, with slightly higher rates for biracial children. Differences in risk assessment Taken as a group, a relatively small proportion of the total cases were rated as high risk (2%), compared with moderate (54%) and low (44%). It is unclear whether this is a true representation of the risks or whether it is because of rater drift or agency culture that impacts how workers use the risk assessment. In the subsequent analyses, moderate and high-risk ratings were combined. The most frequently rated moderate-to-high risk factors for all children were child vulnerability (65%), caregiver impairment (43%) and access to children (37%). The least common moderate-to-high risk factors were emotional harm (4%), home condition (8%) and family supports (10%; Table 2). Child vulnerability is highly correlated with child age, suggesting that this risk is primarily an indicator of younger children. Table 2 shows the proportion of children rated with moderate or high risk for each risk assessment item by © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Biracial children in child welfare R A Fusco et al. Table 2 Proportion of children with moderate or high ratings on risk assessment domains by child race Moderate or high risk (%) African-American (n = 98) White (n = 142) Biracial (n = 38) Total (n = 278) Child factors Vulnerability Severity/recency of abuse or neglect Prior abuse or neglect Emotional harm 61 11 16 3 68 12 11 6 74 9 12 0 65 11 13 4 Caregiver factors Age, physical, intellectual or emotional status* Cooperation Parenting skills/knowledge* Substance abuse Access to children Prior abuse or neglect* Relationship with child 44 15 22 16 43 33 14 37 19 15 20 34 13 8 64 9 36 32 38 20 15 43 16 20 20 37 20 12 Family Family violence Home condition Family supports Stress 22 10 9 39 25 7 12 29 28 3 10 34 24 8 10 33 Overall severity 12 15 24 15 Overall risk 33 31 40 33 Risk assessment domain Note: Analyses are weighted. The total sample n is 460, which represents 7495 children. Of the 460 children referred, 309 were investigated. Thirty-one children were missing risk assessments. *Significantly related to child race/ethnicity in bivariate analyses (P ⱕ 0.05). race. A significantly higher proportion of biracial children (64%) are rated as having moderate to high risk in terms of caregiver age, physical, intellectual and emotional status, compared with African-American (44%) and white children (37%). Parents of biracial children had the highest rates of moderate to high-risk parenting skills and knowledge (36%) compared with 22% of African-American and 15% of white children. African-American children have the highest rates of moderate-to-high risk ratings regarding previous abuse or neglect (33%) compared with 13% of white children and 20% of biracial children. No other risk assessment characteristics varied significantly by child race. Differences in investigation and service Table 3 displays the results of logistic regression analyses predicting case investigation according to referral characteristics. Child race significantly predicted case investigation, with African-American children less likely to be investigated compared with white children [odds ratio (OR) = 0.70, P < 0.05].This differs from the findings of prior research in which investigation rates 446 Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15, pp 441–451 for African-American children were greater than for white children (Fluke et al. 2003). Biracial children were twice as likely to be investigated compared with white children (OR = 2.27, P < 0.05). Children referred to CWS along with four or more other children were more likely to be investigated (OR = 3.13; P < 0.05), as were children with two adults listed at referral (OR = 4.66, P < 0.001).When there were three or more adults in the household, the case was less likely to be investigated. Children living in poverty, measured by the child having a history of receiving temporary assistance to needy families, were twice as likely to be investigated compared with children who did not have a history of public assistance (OR = 1.99, P < 0.05). Finally, compared with referral allegations of ‘other’, children whose allegation was ‘evaluation request’ were significantly less likely to be investigated (OR = 0.11, P < 0.001). Allegations of ‘other’ were the most likely to be investigated, when all factors were considered. These include acting out or youth with mental health problems, truancy, positive maternal substance use, emotional maltreatment and homelessness. In this analysis, the type of referral, GPS or child abuse hotline, was not a significant predictor. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Biracial children in child welfare R A Fusco et al. Table 3 Results of logistic regression analyses predicting case investigation Independent variable (reference group) Odds of investigation b SE(b) Child age (15–17 years) 0–4 years 5–9 years 10–14 years 3.44* 1.59 1.99 0.64 -0.13 0.09 0.3 0.23 0.25 Child gender (female) Male 1.12 0.06 0.14 Child race/ethnicity (white) Black Biracial 0.70* 2.27* -0.51 0.67 0.23 0.3 No of children at intake (one) Two to three Four or more 1.84 3.13* 0.03 0.56 0.19 0.24 No of adults at intake (one) Two Three or more 4.66*** 0.36*** 1.36 -1.19 0.25 0.28 Child TANF since July 2002 (no) Yes 1.99* 0.34 0.15 Referral reason (other) Physical or sexual abuse Neglect Evaluation request 0.58 0.28 0.11*** 0.46 -0.28 -1.19 0.44 0.39 0.25 Prior reports or CYF (No) Yes 1.40 0.17 0.16 Referral type (not ChildLine) ChildLine 2.00 0.35 0.19 Note: Odds ratios shown are adjusted for all other variables in the table. *P ⱕ 0.05. **P ⱕ 0.01. ***P ⱕ 0.001. CYF, Children, Youth and Families; SE, standard error; TANF, temporary assistance to needy families. In summary, the multivariable results give a picture of the factors that predict who are opened for investigation. Cases in which there are younger children, households with more children, lower income and two adults living in the home are more likely to be investigated. Biracial children are significantly more likely to be investigated than either white or AfricanAmerican children. DISCUSSION Results show that there are significant racial differences between children in the county’s CWS system. Although the disproportionate representation of African-American children in the system has been well documented, this study provides evidence that biracial children are also overrepresented. Despite the fact that this is a rapidly growing population in the US, there is little research available about biracial children and their families. Biracial children in the county under study were much more likely to be referred to CWS than either white or African-American children. Their cases were 447 Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15, pp 441–451 also more likely to be investigated. A finding that is then unexpected is that biracial children were actually less likely to have a prior history than AfricanAmerican children. It has been well documented that a prior history of maltreatment is a risk factor for future maltreatment (e.g. Baird 1988; Baird et al. 1993; DePanfilis & Zuravin 1999; D. DePanfilis, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, unpublished). A distinctive picture of the caregivers of biracial children emerged from this research. Caregivers of biracial children were most often biological mothers who were white. These mothers of biracial children were younger, and were more often assessed as having physical, intellectual or emotional problems. These caregivers were also considered to have lower parenting skills and knowledge compared with white or African-American caregivers. Although fathers were often identified as a second adult in the risk assessment, the study was not able to determine solely from the records if the mothers of the biracial children in this study were living with or married to the child’s father at the time of the report in 2006. However, some interracial couples continue to experience © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Biracial children in child welfare R A Fusco et al. disapproving reactions from family, friends and acquaintances even after the relationship has ended (Root 2001). Case studies of interracial couples report that these couples experience difficulty in integrating within larger familial and social networks. Hibbler & Shinew (2002) report that African-American–white couples limit their recreational activities because of perceived racial discrimination. African-American men with white partners in particular have reported having their racial identities challenged and being accused of disloyalty after partnering with a white woman (Byrd & Garwick 2006), and Rosenblatt et al. (1995) found that the most frequently mentioned reaction to interracial couples was resentment on the part of African-American women to partnerships between African-American men and white women. In light of this information, there are two possible explanations for the current findings. One is that discriminatory treatment, disapproval from family and associates about the current or past relationship, and reduced social support may be sources of stress that disproportionately affect families, and therefore contribute to more child maltreatment within this community. Although the current study did not find significant differences in the levels of family risks by race, almost 30% of biracial families were rated as moderate or high risk because of family violence, and more than a third were rated as moderate or high risk because of family stress. Another explanation is that white women with biracial children are looked upon more harshly because of their relationships with African-American men, and people making referrals and investigating allegations are influenced by racial biases. A finding that was unexpected was the relatively high percentage of mothers who identified as biracial. Some previous studies have shown intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment (Egeland et al. 1988; Cicchetti & Carlson 1989; Pears & Capaldi 2001). It is possible that the biracial mothers were involved in the child welfare system themselves, and are now at higher risk for entering the system as caregivers. This highlights the tremendous complexity of race and racial categories. At what point does an individual move from biracial to a single race? Is the child of an African-American–white mother and an AfricanAmerican father biracial? Or is the child AfricanAmerican? If the father is white, is the child then white? Harman (2008) found that child welfare workers may have described black-white biracial children as biracial, but these children were still largely 448 Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15, pp 441–451 seen as black. However, a study of racial identity by Roth (2005) showed that most African-American– white families chose to identify their children as biracial.The study further concluded that the way parents racially identify their children has a strong impact on the children’s self-identification. Although this study contributes to the nascent literature on biracial children in the child welfare systems, it has some limitations. First, several of the field data measures, particularly ratings of risk and maltreatment types reported, were biased in one or another category. For example, there were high numbers of ‘evaluation request’ listed as the reason for referral and only 2% of the cases were rated as ‘high risk’ in the risk assessments. Consensus-based risk assessments are not as sensitive and as accurate as actuarial measures in predicting risk (Baird & Wagner 2000). In addition, administrative data do not have the same level of precision as data collected for research purposes. Therefore, random or systematic measurement error could impact the findings. Another challenge of using administrative data for this study is that the manner in which data on race was obtained is unknown. Workers may have asked the clients’ race, or may have made decisions about the child’s race made on the physical appearance of the child, mother and father. Although this may have led to some error in the classification of children, the data were checked to ensure that children coded as biracial had parents coded as two different races. Finally, while the findings on biracial children are notable, they are based on a relatively small number of children in one county. Communities with other demographic compositions, including a larger biracial population, may yield different results. Additional research using a large national sample with a variety of family compositions is needed in order to corroborate and enlarge on these findings. Despite the dearth of information about multiracial families, there are some current initiatives that may help these families. As there is evidence that interracial couples may experience decreased social support, which can be a contributing factor in child maltreatment, family support services can perhaps fill in some of the gaps. These primarily communitybased preventive programs are designed to alleviate stress and promote parental competencies and behaviours that will increase the ability of families to successfully nurture their children; enable families to use other resources, especially informal support services and opportunities available in the community; and create supportive social networks to enhance © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Biracial children in child welfare R A Fusco et al. childrearing skills. Examples of community-based family support services and activities include respite care for parents and other caregivers; assistance to families for obtaining basic concrete needs; mentoring and parenting education programs, including teen parent programs; and a range of centre-based activities (e.g. parent support groups) and homevisiting activities. However the findings from the research conducted in the UK suggest that communities can be both a positive and a negative support factor for biracial families (Bebbington & Miles 1989; Tizard & Phoenix 1993). Community-based prevention programs will not offset the negative consequences of living in a community where being the object of threatened violence, racial slurs and reporting to child protection is a common occurrence. Additional research needs to be conducted looking at the contextual factors of neighbourhoods so that community-based prevention efforts relevant to the unique experiences of these families can be tested. The young age of both the mothers and children in this study is also notable. Young age of the child operates as a ‘primacy rule’ in that younger children will always be rated at higher risk on the risk assessment tool. However, young African-American children in monoracial families were not rated at a similar level of risk, and the mothers did not have a similar profile of young age, and physical, intellectual and emotional concerns. While additional investigation is needed, nurse home-visiting programs may be an intervention that could be effective with these families, because it increases the maternal social network, and has been found to be particularly successful with younger mothers. Home visiting programs have shown not only a decrease in child maltreatment among receiving families, but also fewer subsequent pregnancies, greater workforce participation and reduced use of public assistance and food stamps (Olds 2002, 2006). Professional help givers could provide emotional and practical help because the research suggests that white women who have biracial infants are likely to be isolated from their families of origin as well as from the black community (Harman & Barn 2005). In summary, the population of biracial children in the USA is growing, and there is some evidence that multiracial families may have unique needs. The field of child welfare needs to move beyond the belief that ‘these are just black kids’ and additional research is greatly needed to better understand the needs of this population. Interviewing parents to get firsthand accounts of their experiences in parenting biracial 449 Child and Family Social Work 2010, 15, pp 441–451 children, and how they become involved with the child welfare system, could further illustrate some of the strengths and challenges and provide information to inform existing interventions. Studies using wellconstructed national samples that include a variety of family and racial and ethnic compositions as well as analysis of data from state child welfare databases would better inform our understanding of the referral, investigation and service patterns of multiracial families. 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