about Children’s Hospital of Michigan children’s spring 2009 Tiny patient’s Heart Transplant Successful Smooth Surgeon-in-Chief Transition Young volunteer: Great Role Model Donors Come in All Sizes Family-centered Care Delivers Results Dear Friends, Donors continue to play an important role in how we offer health care throughout the region. In early March, the Children’s Hospital of Michigan opened the new Alex J. Etkin Specialty Center which was made possible in part through a significant gift from Toby Etkin, and Douglas and Judith Etkin. Located at Franklin Road and Northwestern Highway in Southfield, it replaced our site on Lahser Road in Southfield. The 10,000 square-foot facility houses a range of outpatient pediatric specialties including adolescent medicine, endocrinology, ENT/otolaryngology, gastroenterology, neurology, neurosurgery, speech pathology and audiology, and a diabetes clinic. Your commitment to our mission of helping children live healthier lives has never been more important than it is today. By supporting the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, you are helping us offer the very best health care right where it’s needed most. Please accept our most sincere thanks for your dedication to the young patients and families we serve. Sincerely, Herman B. Gray, M.D., M.B.A. President, Children’s Hospital of Michigan Painting is a perfect tribute T By Rosemary Tokatlian here’s a beautiful watercolor hanging near the elevators in the Carls Ambulatory Building that is extremely special. The painting which depicts children riding on carousel horses was donated by the Beznos family in honor of Manes S. Hecht, M.D., a renowned Children’s Hospital of Michigan pediatrician. What makes this painting special is that it was painted by Dr. Hecht’s wife, Marjorie Hecht Simon, who felt this painting needed to be displayed at Children’s Hospital. Dr. Hecht passed away many years ago, but his spirit lives on at the very place that brought him so much joy. A Detroit artist since 1947, Mrs. Hecht Simon was born in Chicago and trained as a painter at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Approximately 70 of her watercolors are part of the permanent collection at Detroit Receiving Hospital, many of which she donated. She is a remarkable woman who has a zest for life. She continues to paint and travels extensively. spring 2009 About Children’s is a Children’s Hospital of Michigan Development Office publication. President Herman B. Gray, M.D., M.B.A. Vice President, Development Patrick R. Kelly Managing Editor Rosemary Tokatlian Editorial Staff Ellen D. Burnett Sarah E. McCallum Cynthia K. Rowell Sarah L. Spradlin Saudia L. Twine Jodi L. Wong Feature Writers Marti Benedetti Sheila M. Edwards Marcy Hayes Todd Schulz Design and Printing Grigg Graphic Services Photography Donna Terek Medical Photography Department Detroit Medical Center 15 Tiny Patient’s Heart Transplant Successful Table of Contents 2 Smooth Surgeon-in-Chief Transition 8 Family-Centered Care Delivers Results 24 Young Volunteer: Great Role Model 28 Donors Come in All Sizes For more information or to make a donation, please contact: Children’s Hospital of Michigan Development Office 3901 Beaubien • Detroit, MI 48201-2196 Office: (313) 745-5373 Fax: (313) 993-0119 Web: www.childrensdmc.org General Hospital Information: (313) 745-KIDS (5437) Smooth Surgeon-in-Chief transition keeps Children’s Hospital on track to bright future The goal is to ‘‘make Children’s Hospital one of the top surgical departments in the country.’’ – Richard A.K. Reynolds, M.D. Michael Klein, M.D. led the hospital’s 11 surgical departments for 12 years. 2 About Children’s Spring 2009 T By Todd Schulz he Surgeon-in-Chief at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan has a big job. He or she oversees the hospital’s 11 surgical departments, which perform roughly 15,000 operations each year. The myriad of responsibilities include keeping patients safe, providing surgeons with the best possible resources, recruiting a talented medical team and communicating with the hospital’s administration. Fortunately, the hospital’s new Surgeonin-Chief, Richard A. K. Reynolds, M.D. possesses the talent, training and experience to tackle the demanding position. Just ask his predecessor, Michael Klein, M.D. who filled the job for the past 12 years before stepping down in mid-January. “It’s a difficult job that requires making difficult decisions,” said Klein, 65, who now serves as Director of the Advanced Surgical Technology Institute in Detroit. “Dr. Reynolds is well-equipped for the job. Aside from his accomplishments as an orthopedic surgeon, he’s devoted time to managerial training. That will be a good thing. We need younger people with new ideas. I’m very optimistic.” Reynolds, 51, boasts a master’s degree in health care management from the Harvard School of Public Health. He joined Children’s in 2006 as Chief of Orthopedic Surgery. Reynolds’ goal is to “make Children’s Hospital one of the top surgical departments in the country.” Getting there, he said, requires several major changes, including: • Developing and expanding the hospital’s pediatric transplant capabilities. Children’s Richard A.K. Reynolds, M.D. wants to “make Children’s Hospital one of the top surgical departments in the country.” Hospital physicians currently perform cardiac and kidney transplants. Reynolds envisions a comprehensive transplant unit that includes liver, lung, small bowel and pancreas services. • Acquiring cutting edge imaging tech-nology that allows neurosurgeons to perform CT scans or MRIs during surgical procedures. Doing so would allow doctors to see, for example, whether they’ve removed an entire brain tumor from a patient. • Constructing a new operating room facility that offers more space, resources, and state-of-the-art technology. Reynolds looks forward to sharing his vision for Children’s future with the hospital’s stakeholders and donors. “The support of our donor community is vital to helping us reach our goals,” Reynolds said. “There are countless people who have benefited from the top-flight Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 3 surgical services at Children’s. Now, they can patients are developing bedsores and retrainhelp us take the crucial steps that will allow ing engineers to start new companies in us to provide the best pediatric care in the biomedical fields, he said. country for years to come.” Klein also is currently serving as Interim Klein also is taking on sizable challenges Chief of Pediatric Surgery at Children’s in his new role with the Advanced Surgical Hospital. Technology Institute, an innovative collaboKlein and Reynolds worked closely during ration between the Detroit Medical Center, the Surgeon-in-Chief transition. Both men the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Center, bring a wealth of experience and talents to Wayne State University and the Center for their respective new positions, said Herman Smart Sensors and Integrated Microsystems B. Gray, M.D., M.B.A., president of (CSSIM). The idea behind the partnership is Children’s Hospital. to identify emerging medical needs and use “Under Dr. Klein’s leadership, Children’s advanced technology to develop products has advanced its scope of expertise and use of that provide practical solutions. innovative technologies for surgical treatment “The vision is to bring technology that in children,” Gray said. already exists rapidly to the bedside and “Dr. Reynolds brings a unique combinaactually create products and companies,” tion of clinical and business expertise (to the Klein said. job). He will apply this talent and vision to For example, doctors now use Raman grow and expand the quality of care of all spectroscopic laser technology to determine the surgical programs throughout Children’s whether patients have cancer and other Hospital.” diseases. But there’s a need for a smaller, Both Reynolds and Klein will continue more nimble device doctors can use in their to care for patients and perform surgeries offices or during surgery. in addition to their administrative duties. “We envision a wand that doctors can wave “That’s critical to stay in touch with what’s to tell whether a patient has cancer or not,” happening,” Reynolds said. Klein said. The new institute will identify an industrial To learn more about how to support the Surgical Department at the Children’s Hospital partner to build such a device or license the technology, Klein said. Other possibilities of Michigan, please call (313) 745-5373 or visit www.childrensdmc.org. include developing a device to detect when 4 About Children’s Spring 2009 Awards Distinguished volunteer wins prestigious award J By Marcy Hayes osephine “Jo” Kessler admits to having introduced a few couples, but her real talent as a matchmaker involves the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Firsts a long-time volunteer and Jo Kessler, board member, says she’s constantly scouting for prospects. Her goal is to find likely candidates to get involved with the hospital. “I’m good at finding out what people are interested in, and introducing them to offering advice on how best to capture the attention of others. In recognition of her many talents, the Children’s of Hospital of Michigan selected Jo Kessler to receive the 2008 Distinguished Volunteer Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Greater Detroit Chapter. At a special awards dinner celebrating National Philanthropy Day — and in a room filled with family, friends and representatives from other non-profits — she was lauded for her decades of devotion to the hospital. “Thankfully, Children’s Hospital has a group of volunteers, of which Jo is one, that have provided a remarkable level of service and commitment to the hospital,” said Patrick R. Kelly, vice president of development at Children’s Hospital. “She has made a huge impact, but never a big to-do about helping.” Jo Kessler has had long and varied connections to the hospital in her own right. One of her daughters, Susan Kessler, M.D., is a pediatrician and previously worked in the Infectious Diseases department; Distinguished volunteer Jo Kessler (center) with Children’s Hospital when her infant grandson needed Donor Relations Manager Cindy Rowell and Vice President of specialized care, the family chose the Development Patrick R. Kelly. experts at the Children’s Hospital of opportunities where their special interests Michigan; and her late husband, Charles can do the greatest good,” says Jo Kessler, Kessler, M.D., was also a Children’s who lives in Huntington Woods. She Hospital volunteer. helps Children’s Hospital in multiple ways, In ways large and small, it’s clear that among them finding volunteers and donors, Jo Kessler and Children’s Hospital are bringing new friends to fundraisers and perfectly matched. ������������ ������������ �����������\ ���������/ ������������ ������������| ����������� ���������� Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 5 Cupid sometimes slings arrows in Children’s Hospital corridors L ucille “Lu” Kleinman, R.N. wasn’t exactly looking for a boyfriend. She had been widowed for five years and was busy raising her two daughters and working as a registered nurse at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. But one day in March 2001 while working in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, she was told they needed help on another floor. That’s when she first spotted Gary Kleinman, also a registered nurse. “I was kind of lost, and he was really helpful orienting me where things were located. I was immediately attracted to him,” says Lu, who began working at Children’s Hospital in 1973. Gary, who had been married for 20 years, was divorced and raising three teenagers. He was working four jobs to keep his family on solid financial ground. “I had done some dating and it was disastrous. I was ready to give up,” he says. One day Lu appeared on his floor. “She was in the medication room trying to obtain morphine for a patient. It was in a lock box and required about ten steps to get to the medication. I saw she was struggling and offered to help,” Gary says. Lu let a coworker know she was interested in Gary and found out he was single. The coworker told Gary, who made a point to formally introduce himself to Lu. But little progress was made in the following weeks. The two kept thinking about each other, but no contact was made for a month. Finally, Gary got Lu’s phone number from another coworker and called her. Her 6 About Children’s Spring 2009 By Marti Benedetti teenage daughter took the call and left no message for her mother. Undaunted, Gary called again and this time he got Lu. They had a long phone conversation followed by dinner in Detroit’s Greektown. “It was right out of the movies – life imitating art,” Gary explains. “We hit it off and dated for six months,” Lu says. “Then we got engaged.” The engagement came as a bit of a surprise for Lu. The two were strolling through the mall the day after Thanksgiving when Gary told Lu he wanted to buy her a pair of earrings. When they got to the jewelry store, he suggested buying her a ring instead. She chose the one she liked, and he proposed to her. The couple had a long engagement. They condensed their two houses to one in Clinton Township and were married in 2003 in the garden at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas. Lu has a 26-year-old daughter, Lauren, a teacher in Atlanta, and a 22-yearold daughter, Emily, who lives at home and attends college. Gary has Shoshana, 29, who works in sales; Miriam, 26, a Wayne State University doctorate student; and Yosef, 25, a marketer in Cincinnati. “My kids love Lu. She is very real, very down to earth, and she has something that is hard to find: common sense,” Gary says. “She’s a great person, smart and brave. “She came into my life when I was at the bottom. I love her very much, and she’s very good to me,” he says, adding that Lu even appreciates his celebrity imitations. “She’s also a gourmet cook.” Gary and Lu, who are both 57, sometimes have the same shifts and drive to work together. “We try not to talk about work too much. But if we need to talk about it, it’s good that we understand each other’s jobs.” Gary also teaches nursing students from Schoolcraft College and Davenport University at Children’s Hospital. “He started that in September, and he loves it,” Lu says. “Teaching nursing is very important,” Gary says. “I like being an instructor. Nursing is one of the most important jobs out there. Everyone (in the medical system) needs you.” The twosome appreciate the outdoors so they frequently hike, bike and bird watch. Lu is a movie buff, and they both enjoy a competitive game of Scrabble. “I love people,” Lu says. “I’ve made lots of good friends at Children’s Hospital, both coworkers and patients. I’ve taken care of babies and taken care of them again 20 years later.” “I like that we are working in the same place because it is like a family,” Gary adds. Married in 2003, Lu and Gary Kleinman first met at Children’s Hospital. Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 7 Dede Dankelson, a founding council member, has seen many improvements at the hospital since her son Peter began treatment. Young patients, families prosper because of family-centered care council I t is heart-breaking for a family when a child faces a multitude of health problems. The child and family often endure years of surgeries and medical procedures. Take Peter Dankelson, who was born with Goldenhar Spectrum, a birth defect that resulted in a missing ear, no ear canal, and cysts in both eyes, a cleft palate, an underdeveloped lower jaw and other anomalies. Now Peter is 8 and his family fully appreciates improvements that have been made at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan by its FamilyCentered Care Advisory Council. “I think overall when you participate on a council, it gives you a sense of empowerment for yourself and others,” says Dede Dankelson, Peter’s mom and a member of the advisory council since it began about three years ago. “I vowed when I was struggling, when Peter was little, that I would help others going through this.” 8 About Children’s Spring 2009 By Marti Benedetti Patient and family-centered care is an innovative approach to the planning, delivery and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care patients, families and providers. It drives change in a hospital to create effective partnerships with patients and their families. “Patient and family-centered care has been going on at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan for years,” says Beverly Crider, director of the hospital’s Patient- and Family-Centered Care program. “Good practitioners have been doing this for a long time intuitively. We had a parent professional advisory council as early as 1986. But more formal efforts began here in 2004.” That is the year Herman Gray, M.D., M.B.A., president of Children’s Hospital, hired Crider to her post. As the parent of a child with several health issues who received years of care at Children’s Hospital, Crider was an ardent parent advocate. Her daughter, Meredith, is now 29. “Meredith turn to Dianne, myself and Sarah and was the first child in Michigan, if not ask if we had any questions or concerns. the nation, allowed to go to school with The nurses did a great job of introducing medical supports,” she says. themselves and telling us how to reach them “Everyone who brings their children day or night with a pager or cell phone.” here benefits from the council’s work.” Such treatment gave the couple and their Crider adds. daughter a great Jim and Dianne feeling of security. Patient and family-centered McPharlin of Jim has seen care is an innovative approach many positive Grosse Pointe Woods can testify changes added as a to the planning, delivery and to that. Their result of the advisory evaluation of health care daughter, Sarah, council. The hospital now 19, had a has a new visitation that is grounded in mutually heart transplant at policy. Before familyChildren’s Hospital beneficial partnerships among centered care, only when she was 12. parents could stay health care patients, She continues with a sick child. to receive care at But the council families and providers. Children’s Hospital helped the hospital even though she is now a freshman at recognize that families come in many Michigan State University. configurations, not just mothers and fathers. Jim is a founding member of the So now a grandmother and a father or a advisory council. “We felt we were part cousin and an uncle can stay with a child. of a team helping Sarah,” he says. “When A family center with educational we went to (doctor) rounds, they would materials has been built. A relaxation room Youth Advisory Council Gives Young People Outlet For Improving Hospital Environment Families of Children’s Hospital of Michigan patients gain support from the Family-Centered Care Advisory Council, but what about getting more advice from the young patients? That’s the job of the hospital’s Youth Advisory Council, comprised of ten 11- to 20-year-olds, who met for the first time in the fall of 2008 and continue to meet monthly. The young people evaluate food service, provide feedback on what they would like to eat, select artwork for the hospital and talk about what changes would make their experience better or easier. “We want the youth to have a voice,” says Beverly Crider, director of Children’s Hospital Patientand Family-Centered Care. “These are fun-spirited gatherings in our board rooms. The kids are enthusiastic. They like them so much, they want meetings every week.” Crider says the health care team at Children’s Hospital is dedicated to doing the best job possible so it welcomes feedback – both good and less favorable -- from the patients. Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 9 Founding council member Jim McPharlin discusses an upcoming presentation with Bev Crider, director of the hospital’s Patient- and Family-Centered Care program. 10 About Children’s Spring 2009 offers a quiet, peaceful place to nap, read and rest. Families stretched thin have use of a concierge to run errands. The hospital is working on enhancing electronic medical records so families just need to give a child’s medical history once. A Family Information Guide shares words of advice from other families at Children’s Hospital. And, finally, a Youth Advisory Council has been created. (See sidebar on page 9.) “The council is a great, dynamic group of people, including parents and staff,” Dede says. “I enjoy listening to the other side – the doctors and the nurses and their frustrations. Together we come up with solutions to issues. I understand more about the way things work so I’m calmer if I have to wait awhile with Peter to see a doctor.” Peter, who had a tracheotomy at birth due to an obstruction of his airway, had his trach tube removed in 2004 and still has an open hole in his neck. He was unable to eat orally for the first two years of his life and continues to transition from the feeding tube to oral eating. Yet despite Peter’s challenging start, he is cognitively normal, very social and alert. “They call him Mr. Charming Personality,” Dede says, adding he deals with his health issues with a keen sense of humor. She says the council, which meets monthly, also offers emotional support. “We have gotten to know one another’s stories, and I enjoy hearing how all the children and families are doing. There’s such a mutual respect among council members,” she adds. Crider says there is an emphasis on helping patients and their families to use their hospital experiences to help Children’s Hospital make quality improvements. “None of what you tell the hospital staff falls on deaf ears,” says Dianne McPharlin. “When you present something, it goes to the top of the house.” For more information about the FamilyCentered Care Advisory Council, call Bev Crider at (313) 966-7424. Awards Unique cardiac consortium unites doctors, gathers data from around the globe T here’s never enough information when it comes to caring for hearts. “That’s why the Congenital Cardiovascular Interventional Study Consortium (CCISC) was created to let cardiac doctors from around the world compare notes on the best and latest treatment and follow-up techniques. The Children’s Hospital of Michigan is the data coordinating center for the CCISC, which was formed in 2004 and is the only project of its kind in the world. Firsts By Todd Schulz North America, South America, Europe and the Middle East. “We’re on the cutting edge,” Forbes said. “We’re the first ones to institute this and it’s taken off. There’s no doubt it’s made an impact on the way we look at and deliver medicine. It’s making us all better doctors and it will help us avoid asking the same questions 10 years down the road.” Fortunately, the number of pediatric and adult patients with congenital heart disease is relatively small. But that means a small population of patients to consider for research purposes. By pooling data, doctors can better tackle oft-debated questions. For example, Forbes is studying the best approach to treat patients with narrowing of the aorta, which is the main artery that distributes blood to all parts of the body except the lungs. Is the solution surgical? Is it a balloon angioplasty? Or, is it placing an intravascular stent? “We want to know, all things being equal, which one is better,” Forbes said. “It may turn out that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. It may be that one treatment may better fit a particular patient than another. So far, more than 40 sites around the world have contributed to the study by entering data on a password-protected Web site created by Wayne State University’s School of Medicine. The CCISC has also launched two additional major study projects with the principal investigators based in Florida and California, respectively. ������������ ������������ �����������\ ���������/ ������������ ������������| ����������� ���������� Thomas Forbes, M.D. leads the Congenital Cardiovascular Interventional Study Consortium. Thomas Forbes, M.D., director of the catheterization labs at Children’s Hospital, is overseeing the consortium, which combines the knowledge of roughly 130 physicians from Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 11 12 About Children’s Spring 2009 Feature - Critical Care Feature - Cardiac Sciences Device helps Sterling Heights teenager rebuild life after cardiac arrest S ara Ruvolo’s world changed dramatically in the past three years. After suffering a cardiac arrest and traumatic brain injury, the Sterling Heights teenager was forced to learn to walk, talk and eat again. But one of the few constants in Sara’s life has been the care and affection she’s received at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. “I love it there,” she said. “It’s never sad there. It’s always happy – and it’s always been that way.” Sara, now 16, was born with a congenital heart block and had a pacemaker implanted at Children’s Hospital on her second day of life. The pacemaker generally worked well for her first 13 years. But that ended with a jolt in May 2006. Sara had developed a rare condition, cardiomyopathy, or a bad heart muscle. She was saying good night to her parents in the kitchen of the family’s home when she suddenly collapsed. “She said she felt dizzy and then she just fell down,” Sara’s mother, Sue, said. “She was just laying there on the floor in the kitchen. It was surreal. Horrible.” Sue Ruvolo, a respiratory therapist, and her husband, Tom, immediately started performing CPR while their son, Tony, hailed the ambulance. Emergency medical personnel used a defibrillator to restore Sara’s heart to a normal rhythm, shocking her eight times on the way to the hospital. Eventually, Sara was admitted to Children’s Hospital, where she received an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) Sara Ruvolo is grateful for her family. Pictured are mom Susan, brother Tony, and father Tom. By Todd Schulz that also functions as a pacemaker. The combination device, which is commonly used in adult patients, is designed to monitor her heart. In addition to pacing, it can detect any irregularities and, if necessary, deliver a life-saving jolt of electricity. “It allows people to live a pretty normal lifestyle,” said Peter P. Karpawich, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.C. who directs the hospital’s Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology program and has treated Sara since she was an infant. “Patients that have these devices implanted know that if they have a problem and something happens, they will have a better chance of survival.” Sara Ruvolo Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 13 Unfortunately, the stopping and restarting using an ICD. However, because her heart of Sara’s heart cut off oxygen flow to her brain, pumping function was not normal, her device was attached to her heart with an extra lead resulting in a traumatic injury. She spent six so it contracts more normally, a new concept weeks in rehabilitation at Children’s Hospital, called cardiac resynchronization pacing therapy, where she started the grueling process of reacKarpawich said. quiring basic skills such as feeding herself and walking.“Sara had to start over from scratch on everything,” Sue Ruvolo said. “She couldn’t hold her head up and she had no strength in any of her muscles. Even sucking through a straw was a big milestone.” Communication also was a challenge. Sara was largely unresponsive in the days following her surgery. That started to change when her brother Tony visited and she reacted to his voice. Gradually, Sara regained her ability to speak and her personality started to peek through. After many months of intensive physical, occupational and speech therapy, she eased her way back into school and activities. Though she regained many skills, some – Sara Ruvolo and her physician Peter Karpawich, M.D. such as playing the piano – did not return following the injury. “She’s doing excellent,” he said. “Sara’s heart Today, Sara is a junior at Cousino High function has improved and, overall, it was a School in Warren, where she attends mostly very successful implant. She’s a great kid and mainstream classes and is doing well academishe’s going to do well.” cally. Sara hopes to go to college and pursue Much of the credit for Sara’s progress goes to a career that allows her to work with children. the care provided by Karpawich and Children’s She’s a typical teenager who loves hanging out Hospital, her mother said. with friends, watching movies and listening to “Children’s has just been phenomenal,” Sue music on her iPod. Ruvolo said. “Dr. Karpawich is extraordinary. Sara rarely stops to consider the ICD device He’s known Sara since she was born and they that’s protected her heart without incident for have a great relationship. We’re so grateful the last three years. for everything the hospital has done for her. “I never really think about it unless I talk “The love and support of her family and about it with my friends,” she said. “It doesn’t friends has also greatly helped in Sara’s affect me at all.” recovery. We’re just so proud of her That’s not the case for Sara’s parents, who accomplishments and her strength.” harbor lingering fears of another cardiac To learn more about how to support episode. But the ICD’s constant protection Cardiac Sciences at the Children’s Hospital offers reassurance, Sue Ruvolo said. Sara is one of a dozen of the more than 250 of Michigan, please call (313) 745-5373 or visit www.childrensdmc.org. patients with pacemaker devices currently 14 About Children’s Spring 2009 Tiny patient’s heart transplant one of many success stories By Marti Benedetti Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 15 Feature - Neurology Feature - Critical Care Feature - Cardiac Sciences T By Marti Benedetti he first time Augustine Powell saw her baby daughter, she was connected to machines via a tangle of tubes at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Her toes and fingers were purple. Vega had been delivered the day prior, Monday, June 7, 2004, at Hutzel Hospital by emergency C-section. She was not breathing and was rushed to Children’s Hospital. The right side of her heart was smaller than the left and not functioning properly. Vega was placed on the heart transplant waiting list on Friday. On Sunday, Powell, who was home from the hospital and at her baby shower, was told a donor had been found. On Monday, after nine hours of surgery, Vega received a new heart, donated by the parents of a month-old boy. “The doctors said because she was so tiny, the surgery was risky. I told the doctors my baby is going to be okay. I just knew it,” says Powell. “After the surgery, Dr. (Henry) Walters told me the transplant was good.” More than four years later, Vega still holds the record as the smallest (5.7 pounds) and the youngest (seven days) to receive a heart transplant at Children’s Hospital. Vega came home to her mother and siblings in Detroit after two months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital. She was cared for by her family, including her grandmother, Teresa Powell, and aunt, Oriana Powell. “She was on 13 medicines that had to be distributed at different times, but she recovered quickly,” Powell says. Now 4-years-old, Vega takes just four medications a day. She sees her doctor at Children’s Hospital every three months. She’s in preschool and takes modeling classes. She’s an active, self-assured child, and “my little drama queen,” Powell says. It is not unusual for her to make up scenes and have her family watch her perform. Thomas J. L’Ecuyer, M.D., medical director of the cardiac transplant program at Children’s Hospital, says Vega is doing very well. “She’s a little smaller than other Augustine Powell visits Vega in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital. 16 About Children’s Spring 2009 Children’s Hospital Celebrates 11 Years of Heart Transplants The staff at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan has much to be proud of 11 years after launching its heart transplant program in spring 1998. Sixty-six transplants have been performed at the hospital. “It filled a void we had in our cardiac surgical program. It was the only procedure we did not perform,” says Henry L. Walters III, M.D., Children’s Hospital chief of cardiovascular surgery, who played a key role in bringing heart transplants to Children’s Hospital. “There are times when standard cardiac surgeries do not work and it is necessary to replace the heart. We used to have to transfer our patients to another hospital. “We’ve proven we need it. We’re the busiest program in the state and one of the busiest in the country,” he adds. The heart transplant team at Children’s Hospital includes Walters; Thomas J. L’Ecuyer, M.D.; Ralph Delius, M.D.; Sanjeev Aggarwal, M.D.; Joanne Dupuis, R.N., M.N., C.P.N., transplant coordinator; Andrea Martinovich, R.N., B.S.N., transplant coordinator; Rebecca Marocco, M.S.W., social worker; Letitia B. Warren, R.D., C.S.P., registered dietician; Jimmy Leleszi, D.O., psychiatrist; and many other care partners. April is National Donate Life Month, a time to increase awareness of organ donation. Visit new.giftoflifemichigan.org to learn more. kids her age, but quite healthy. She has spent very little time in the hospital since the transplant,” he says. L’Ecuyer says children who get heart transplants can have healthy, fairly normal childhoods spending little time in the hospital. Several Children’s Hospital transplant recipients have played on high school sports teams and some have gone on to college. Although the quality of life in a heart transplant recipient is typically excellent, some may require a second transplant later in life. “Fortunately, those who are transplanted as babies are more likely to do well in the long run,” he adds. “Overall, we’re very proud of our statistics,” he adds. “We have better than the national average success rate for patients surviving while waiting for a transplant and at any time after transplant.” “I love Children’s,” Powell says. “It’s the people who work there that make it special and incredible. The intensive care unit, where I spent a lot of time visiting Vega, was an uncomfortable place at first because it was unfamiliar, but the staff took good care of me and Vega.” Powell says she feels related to Joanne Dupuis, R.N., M.N., C.P.N., one of the transplant coordinators. “We talk all the time still.” In fact, the two women were in the hospital watching the Discovery Channel together when they came up with Vega’s name, which means the brightest star in the sky. L’Ecuyer attributes the hospital’s success to its team approach. “We all believe in transplantation. Our patients go from being incredibly ill to having a high quality of life. We get to know these families like our own. The team has a common goal – to help our patients’ lives be as great as possible, to be like Vega.” To learn more about how to support Cardiac Sciences at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, please call (313) 745-5373 or visit www.childrensdmc.org. Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 17 Feature - Critical Care Feature - Cardiac Sciences Stent continues to fix children’s hearts for life A a simple trip to the doctor in 2006 to take care of a pesky earache led to the discovery of a heart malfunction when Austin Wimp was 8 years old. “Austin’s pulse rate was hard to find in his lower extremities. They also could hear a clicking in his heart,” says his mother, Austin relaxes because he knows his heart is working well thanks to the Genesis stent inserted by Children’s Hospital Interventional Cardiologist Daniel Turner, M.D. 18 About Children’s Spring 2009 By Marti Benedetti Deborah Wimp of Milford. “One valve was not working right.” Austin was taken to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan for tests, where doctors discovered that the active, spirited boy’s aorta – the heart’s largest artery – was too narrow. He was scheduled for an overnight procedure whereby a Genesis stent would be inserted into the artery to widen it. The stent is able to be dilated with the child to adult size, preventing future surgeries. “The stent was inserted into his aorta through a small hole in his groin,” Deborah says. “Before they had this stent, he would have needed open heart surgery followed by an extensive recovery time in the hospital.” But thanks ro Children’s Hospital physicians, Austin was back to his busy lifestyle in a week. The Genesis stent has an interesting history at Children’s Hospital. In 2002, Cordis Corp., a Johnson & Johnson company, came out with a new stent and asked a team of pediatric cardiologists at Children’s Hospital if they could help make it better for use in pediatric patients, says Daniel Turner, M.D., an interventional cardiologist at Children’s Hospital. Tom Forbes, M.D., director of the catheterization labs at Children’s Hospital, worked with other cardiologists on the prototype stent. “The company incorporated some of what the Children’s doctors wanted and produced the Genesis stent,” Turner says. “It continues to be far better than any other stent available and today is the most widely used stent for this treatment in the world.” He says the stent, made of wire mesh and shaped a bit like a pencil, is strong and can handle great pressure. It is flexible enough to accommodate a 10-pound baby, yet can expand to fit a 200-pound adult. That’s the beauty of it. The stent used on Austin at 8 years old should serve him well when he is in his 20s, 30s and even 50s. He underwent catheterization at the end of December of 2008 for a check up, three years after the stent was inserted, and it was still doing its job. The sixth grader, who has three older siblings, likes to play video games such as Nintendo but also enjoys golfing, lacrosse, jumping on the backyard trampoline, swimming and general running around and playing, Deborah says. He is discouraged from playing sports such as football or hockey, where weightlifting may be required. Turner says 11-year-old Austin is doing very well as are the 187 others who have had the Genesis stent placed into their hearts over the years at Children’s Hospital. Children who get the stent for the reason Austin did are typically 4 years or older. But children as young as four months have received the Genesis stent for heart problems. “As far as we know, Austin will have a normal life,” Turner says. “He needs to have the stent checked periodically and will need it stretched once more when he is fully grown.” Turner, whose niche as an interventional cardiologist includes closing holes or stretching valves in the heart, says he sees the need for the stent procedure quite often. They insert a Genesis stent every other week or so, averaging 30 a year. He points out that Children’s Hospital is on the forefront of other specialty heart procedures. For the past twenty years, the Cardiac Electrophysiology program has played a lead role in the development of new techniques for treatment of heart rhythm abnormalities including pacemaker leads designed with the child in mind. This includes the recent FDA-released smallest diameter pacemaker lead available. Peter P. Karpawich, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.C., director of the Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology Services at Children’s Hospital, was on the design advisory board and performed the first lead implant in a child in the United States. In addition, the use of newer pacemaker therapy for treatment of severe heart failure, called resynchronization pacing, was first applied to a patient with congenital heart disease at Children’s Hospital. The hospital also performs the Hybrid procedure, which replaces the Norwood procedure in some patients, since about a year and a half ago. It enables surgical and interventional catheterization procedures to be performed at one sitting. Hybrid procedures take less time and are thought to be safer, as they are less complex and require reduced recovery and rehabilitation time for children. National tracking results show that the Hybrid procedure is a life-saver for young patients. The survival rate is more than 90 percent for infants compared with the Norwood method, which produces about a 70-80 percent survival rate. To learn more about how to support Cardiac Sciences at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, please call (313) 745-5373 or visit www.childrensdmc.org. Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 19 Personal Giving Wieczorek Family Foundation donates to make a difference at Children’s L By Todd Schulz ike many families, the Wieczoreks “It’s very informal,” Zagacki said. “We all vote on the decisions. We have a real heart of Mount Clemens have estabfor children.” lished a holiday tradition of That makes Children’s Hospital a natural helping others. fit for the Wieczorek Family Foundation’s Since 2001, the foundation has helped list. Each year, the foundation contributes fill the wish lists of many local charitable tens of thousands of dollars to the hospital’s organizations, including the Children’s most pressing need, Zagacki said. Hospital of Michigan. “We want to make sure the money is The Wieczorek Family Foundation was used for what the hospital needs most and founded to support women and children in generates the biggest return,” she said. “We the Detroit area. The family members – don’t want to just give to a charity and not father Dale, the president and CEO of know what happens to it. We feel Children’s Detroit-based Motor City Electric Co.; is using our donations properly.” mother Paulette; and daughters Courteney The Wieczorek Family Foundation’s most Zagacki and Shannon Wright — gather recent gift matched a contribution from every fall to determine which organizations the Mandell L. and causes the founand Madeleine H. dation will support. It’s a time we get together Berman Foundation “It’s a lot of fun,” enabling Children’s said Zagacki, who is and help those in need. Hospital to purchase the human resources a Cerebral/Somatic manager at Motor We are making important Oximeter system City Electric, one of decisions to help others and that’s used during the nation’s largest pediatric heart electrical contractors. remember those who are surgeries. Additional “It’s a time we get less fortunate than us. funding from the together and help Wieczorek Family those in need. We – Courteney Zagacki Foundation also are making imporwas made available to support cardiovascular tant decisions to help others and remember research. those who are less fortunate than us.” Children born with congenital heart And don’t picture a stuffy meeting around defects often need open-heart surgery, a corporate board room. The process is which requires them to be placed on simple and intimate. The four foundation cardiopulmonary bypass. If an insufficient officers plop down together in the family’s amount of blood or oxygen flows to the home office and listen as each member brain during bypass, the patient could suggests charities they feel deserve support. ‘‘ ’’ 20 About Children’s Spring 2009 The Wieczorek Family (left to right): Shannon Wright, Paulette Wieczorek, Dale Wieczorek and Courteney Zagacki. suffer neurological damage. House and to support the hospital’s music The Cerebral/Somatic Oximeter is therapy program. designed to detect low oxygen or blood-flow Music therapy promotes healing through levels in the patient’s brain and immediately music, providing group and bedside activialert surgeons, who can take corrective steps ties that can help young patients reduce pain, to avoid brain damage. The system is a criti- manage stress, communicate and express cal upgrade for the 200 or so infants and themselves emotionally. The therapy ranges children who undergo open-heart surgery from humming to infants to letting teenagers each year at Children’s Hospital, including bang out their frustrations on a drum. eight to 10 who receive heart transplants. Providing practical help to kids is precisely “It’s sad to think of any child needing open- what the Wieczorek Family Foundation heart surgery,” Zagacki said. “Our foundais trying to accomplish with its donations, tion wants to try to make a difference in the Zagacki said. The foundation plans to lives of children. There’s nothing worse than continue its partnership with Children’s seeing a sick child or a parent who needs to Hospital in the coming years. get help for a child and they have no means “We believe children are the future, the or they don’t know what to do.” next generation,” she said. “They’re innocent The Wieczorek Family Foundation was and they certainly don’t deserve sickness. formed as a tribute to Dale Wieczorek’s Our family has been really fortunate that brother, Glen, who passed away in 2001. we haven’t experienced significant illnesses. The foundation donated about $130,000 to But we recognize others aren’t so lucky.” local charities in 2008, mostly to organizaTo learn more about how to support the tions helping women and children, Zagacki Children’s Hospital of Michigan, please said. Past gifts to Children’s Hospital have call (313) 745-5373 or visit focused on social work to help patients’ www.childrensdmc.org. families staying at the Ronald McDonald Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 21 Lawyer sees board role as ambassador to community D erek Sarafa wanted to be a lawyer since he was 14. Now a partner with Winston and Strawn, a legal firm with offices around the world, Sarafa has joined the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Board of Trustees hoping to use his perspective to help strengthen connections with our local community. “If there is some small thing that I can provide, I am looking forward to serving,” he said. Recruited by fellow board member, Tony Antone, Sarafa was looking for a way to become more involved in charitable works. Derek Sarafa By Sheila M. Edwards After learning about Children’s Hospital and seeing the work being done for children and their families, Sarafa characterizes his invitation to join the Board as “humbling.” Sarafa’s connection with Children’s goes back over 20 years to the time his brother had received treatment at Children’s for a kidney problem. He also has a nephew who has been a patient at Children’s. “You don’t have to be a parent to understand the importance of what Children’s provides,” he said, “you can see it in the faces of the families.” Lefkofsky inspired to serve on Foundation board S teven R. Lefkofsky knows first-hand what it’s like to be a kid with a medical issue. Diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at age 7, he spent his childhood dealing with his condition, even though it was relatively mild. Later, when his own son needed tests to rule out a potential problem, Lefkofsky and his family learned what makes Children’s Hospital unique. “It starts at the top; how it is run. Then, it’s the great staff – the physicians and nurses. They really care Steven R. Lefkofsky 22 About Children’s Spring 2009 By Sheila M. Edwards about kids,” he said. “Care is their priority.” That’s what Lefkofsky remembered when he was asked to join the Board. “I want to give back to the community with both time and resources,” he said. “Kids don’t have the same ability to speak up for themselves, so they need others to help.” “When you think you’re having a bad day, think about the kids at Children’s. Now your day will suddenly not look so bad,” said Lefkofsky, “and maybe you’ll be inspired to get involved yourself.” Leslie Colburn’s family legacy lives on in library L eslie E. Colburn was a dear friend to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. A strong supporter of the hospital, Mr. Colburn was appointed to the Board of Trustees in 1986. He served on various committees including Medical Affairs and Patient Care. Most recently, he served on the hospital’s Advisory Board. Mr. Colburn established The Phyllis Ann Colburn Family Library at Children’s Hospital in memory of his late wife. The library helps ensure that patients By Rosemary Tokatlian are entertained by books, videos and games, and that educational materials are available to families. Mr. Colburn passed away on Dec. 4 at the age of 90. Memorial tributes to The Phyllis Ann and Leslie E. Colburn Family Library, as it is now known, support the young patients at Children’s Hospital and will continue Mr. Colburn’s legacy. To support The Phyllis Ann and Leslie E. Colburn Family Library, contact the Leslie E. Colburn Development Office at (313) 745-5373. Medical pioneer was a trailblazer M edical and sickle cell education pioneer, Charles D. Whitten, M.D., was a trailblazer in many ways. Dr. Whitten was the associate dean emeritus of the Wayne State University School of Medicine and as the chief of pediatrics at Detroit Receiving Hospital, he was the first African-American to head a department in a Detroit hospital. He founded the post baccalaureate program at Wayne State University School of Medicine, which was a national model for the inclusion of under-represented minority students at schools of medicine. He also formed the Sickle Cell Detection By Rosemary Tokatlian and Information Center, the most comprehensive community program in the country, and facilitated the creation of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (SCDAA). Dr. Whitten passed away Aug. 14 at the age of 86. His legacy in helping patients with sickle cell disease is carried on by his daughter, Wanda Whitten-Shurney, M.D., who is a physician in the Sickle Cell Clinic at Children’s Hospital which was Charles D. Whitten, M.D. founded by her father and was recently appointed as Medical Director of the Michigan Chapter of the SCDAA. Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 23 Volunteer Spotlight Young volunteer is a great role model T Children’s Hospital Volunteer Tim Bowman plays Connect Four with 10-year-old Yousef Aldahan. im Bowman calls himself the “King of UNO,” but it’s his status as just one of the guys that makes him so In Memorium valuable as a Children’s Hospital of Michigan volunteer. There’s a weekly session of the classic card game in the fifth-floor playroom. A volunteer since 2006, Bowman figures By Marcy Hayes he’s logged hundreds of hours and played thousands of games. Still only 22, he’s particularly good at drawing in the cooler teenage boys who are reticent to join the fun yet attracted by the challenge. The trash talk flies, and as the kids try to knock the king from his throne, boredom vanishes. At one point, Bowman planned to become a sketch comedy writer. Instead, he’ll be heading off to medical school in the fall. If it’s a sharp detour, it certainly helps explain his natural bond with the kids. He first toyed with the idea of a medical career while researching a college paper about his twin brother’s special Ketogenic diet. After only a few biology classes, Bowman was hooked. It’s no surprise that he’s leaning toward pediatrics. “I look like a 12-year-old, and I have the same sense of humor,” he explains with a smile. But the real attraction is children’s carefree approach to life. “They’re genuine. Kids will say anything,” he says. “They don’t care what you think.” Erin O’Mara, the hospital’s volunteer and community relations manager, says he’s a great mentor and role model. “Everyone is very impressed with Tim,” she says. “He’s the whole package. Tim has the tremendous ability to keep it all going at once, like he has eyes in the back of his head.” For more information on becoming a volunteer, call (313) 745-5326 or visit www.childrensdmc.org. 24 About Children’s Spring 2009 Dear Friends, The culture at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan continues to be focused on the forefront of patient care. The Family-Centered Care Advisory Council (page 8) focuses on partnerships between patients, their families and health care providers. Familycentered care is based on the assumption that families know their children best and are an important part of the health care team and the healing process. We’ve received numerous accreditations and awards over the past year. Familycentered care plays a large role in achieving such accolades. Awards from U.S.News & World Report, Magnet and the Leapfrog Group all speak to the superior care that is delivered at our hospital. It’s part of our culture and how we do business. Advocacy Our Children’s Hospital of Michigan donor community is also a critical partner in helping us offer the best possible care to our patients by the best pediatric physicians in the area. As always, we are very grateful for your generosity. Sincerely, John D. Baker, M.D. Chairman of the Board Children’s Hospital of Michigan U.S.News America’s Best Children’s Hospital 2008 Ranked among America’s Best Children’s Hospitals in Cancer, Neurology and Neurosurgery Top 5% Nationally in Nursing Excellence Top Hospital for Safety and Quality Practices News C hildren’s Hospital of Michigan meets the highest national standards set for medical and nursing staff, hospital personnel and patient care. Our young patients and their families are assured the finest medical care and the highest quality of hospital services. The Children’s Hospital of Michigan is a member of the Detroit Medical Center, the academic health system for Wayne State University, and is affiliated with Wayne State University’s School of Medicine, College of Nursing, and College of Pharmacy and Allied Health. The Children’s Hospital of Michigan is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Children’s is accredited by the American College of Surgeons as a Level 1 trauma center and as a regional poison control center by the American Association of Poison Control Centers. The hospital is certified by the Health Care Finance Administration (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act) and licensed by the Michigan Department of Community Health. Daniel, 3 with his Mom, Melanie Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 25 Executive Staff Herman B. Gray, M.D., M.B.A. President Shawn Levitt, R.N., M.S.A. Vice President/Chief Operating Officer Joseph T. Scallen Vice President, Finance Jeffrey M. Devries, M.D., M.P.H. Vice President, Medical Affairs Charles J. Barone II, M.D. Chief of Hospitalist Division Diane Chugani, Ph.D. Chief of Pharmacology and Toxicology Harry T. Chugani, M.D. Chief of Neurology Edward R. Dabrowski, M.D. Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Chandra Edwin, M.D. Interim Chief of Endocrinology Aseana, 9 Mohammad F. El-Baba, M.D. Chief of Gastroenterology Howard S. Fischer, M.D. Co-Chief of Ambulatory Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Yvonne Friday, M.D. Co-Chief of Ambulatory Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Steven D. Ham, D.O. Chief of Neurosurgery Michael S. Haupert, D.O. Chief of Pediatric Otolaryngology Joseph M. Hildebrand, D.D.S. Chief of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Richard A. Humes, M.D. Chief of Cardiology Luanne M. Ewald, F.A.C.H.E. Vice President, Business Development and Strategic Planning Rhonda Foster, Ed.D., M.P.H., M.S. R.N., Vice President Patient Care Services Chad M. Grant Vice President, Professional Services Patrick R. Kelly Vice President, Development Lori R. Mouton Vice President, Marketing, Communications and Community Relations Tarry L. Paylor Vice President, Human Resources Medical Staff Chiefs Herman B. Gray, M.D., M.B.A. President Bonita Stanton, M.D. Pediatrician-In-Chief Richard A.K. Reynolds, M.D. Surgeon-In-Chief Chief of Orthopaedics Mary Lu Angelilli, M.D. Chief of Staff Jeffrey M. Devries, M.D. Vice President, Medical Affairs Ibrahim F. Abdulhamid, M.D. Chief of Pulmonary Medicine Gyula Acsadi, M.D. Vice-Chief of Neurology Basim I. Asmar, M.D. Chief of Infectious Diseases Michael D. Klein, M.D. Interim Chief of Pediatric Surgery Stephen R. Knazik, D.O., M.B.A. Chief of Emergency Medicine Yegappan Lakshmanan, M.D. Chief of Urology Mary Lieh-Lai, M.D. Co-Chief of Critical Care Medicine Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D. Co-Chief of Hematology and Oncology Tej K. Mattoo, M.D. Chief of Nephrology Ellen C. Moore, M.D. Chief of Immunology, Allergy and Rheumatology Yaddanapudi Ravindranath, M.D. Co-Chief of Hematology and Oncology John D. Roarty, M.D. Chief of Ophthalmology David R. Rosenberg, M.D. Chief of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation Board of Trustees Arlene A. Rozzelle, M.D. Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ashok P. Sarnaik, M.D. Co-Chief of Critical Care Medicine Seetha Shankaran, M.D. Chief of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine James P. Stenger, D.D.S. Chief of Dentistry David Stockton, M.D. C hief of Genetic and Metabolic Disorders Henry L. Walters III, M.D. Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery J. Michael Zerin, M.D. Chief of Pediatric Imaging Maria M. Zestos, M.D. Chief of Anesthesiology Board of Trustees *John D. Baker, M.D., Chairperson *Joanne B. Faycurry Vice Chairperson *Gloria W. Robinson Vice Chairperson *Alan Woodliff, Ph.D. Vice Chairperson *Frank Couzens, Jr., Treasurer *Joseph T. Scallen, Assistant Treasurer *Sara E. Wallace, Secretary *Mary Lu Angelilli, M.D. Tony Antone *Elaine Baker *Douglas M. Etkin Cynthia N. Ford Maxine Frankel Matthew Friedman The Honorable Hilda Gage Erica Ward Gerson John Ginopolis *Rosanne Gjostein *Herman B. Gray, M.D., M.B.A. Patricia Heftler Leslie Helppie Reverend Nicholas Hood, III *Joseph G. Horonzy Arthur B. Hudson *Gilbert Hudson Jane Iacobelli Anne-Maré Ice, M.D. Josephine Kessler *Nick A. Khouri Cynthia N. Ford Chairperson Jonathon Aaron Maurice J. Beznos James F. Carr, Jr. Larry Fleischmann, M.D. Maxine Frankel Spring 2009 Linda Kowalski Jacob *Edward C. Levy, Jr. John G. Levy Carol Marantette *Florine Mark Alyssa Martina Linda O’Brien *David K. Page Jessica S. Pellegrino *Michael C. Porter *Richard A. K. Reynolds, M.D. Bruce H. Rosen Derek J. Sarafa Ashok P. Sarnaik, M.D. Aaron H. Sherbin *Thomas L. Slovis, M.D. *Bonita Stanton, M.D. Lyle Wolberg *George A. Wrigley * Executive Committee Honorary Board Maurice J. Beznos Margot Coville Margaret Fisher William R. Halling Robert C. Larson William P. MacKinnon Jane Buell Mills Ruth Townsend Advisory Board The Honorable Trudy DunCombe Archer Robert H. Bluestein Alexa I. Canady, M.D. Julie Fisher Cummings Alan W. Frank James Grosfeld Joseph C. Murphy Thomas L. Schoenith Katie Valenti Joan Warren Eastside Advisory Board John D. Baker, M.D. Dana Camphous-Peterson Mark Deldin Luanne M. Ewald Herman B. Gray, M.D., M.B.A. Sheriff Mark Hackel Earl Stilson The Honorable Tracey A. Yokich John Ginopolis Brian Hermelin Judy Kramer Jack Krasula Steven R. Lefkofsky Edward C. Levy, Jr. Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D. Rita Margherio Anita Masters Penta Dick Purtan Patricia Rodzik Jatinder-Bir Sandhu William M. Wetsman Contact Information: Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation 3911 Beaubien St. Detroit, MI 48201-9932 (313) 964-6994 Patrick R. Kelly, Executive Director 26 About Children’s News It’s a wrap; Honigman volunteers support Snowpile I n December, more than 50 attorneys, staff and their families from the law firm Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP wrapped presents for the Children’s Hospital of Michigan’s Snowpile and Adopt-a-Family events, a holiday gift program for hospitalized children. This was the second year the Honigman team wrapped presents for patients. Four times each year, attorneys and staff from Honigman get together to help the community and further strengthen their team, said Rich Marsolais, senior business development manager. “It’s helping a great cause and this event caps the year off nicely.” Parents magazine ranks Children’s Hospital among best P arents magazine ranked the Children’s Hospital of Michigan among the top children’s hospitals in the country. Children’s Hospital ranked 25 out of 100 hospitals surveyed and is listed as a runner-up, online at parents.com. The results of the extensive survey appeared in the February 2009 issue of Parents magazine. “It’s rewarding to be nationally recognized for the work that we do to ensure that every child gets the best care possible,” said Herman B. Gray, M.D., M.B.A., president of the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Biggby Coffee and Subway open at Children’s T he long awaited opening of the joint Biggby Coffee and Subway arrived on February 6, 2009. Located next to the Ophthalmology Clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, throngs of happy customers flocked to the restaurant and were promptly served a favorite beverage or sandwich. Biggby Coffee offers gourmet coffees, teas, and a daily selection of specialty cookies and pastries, fruit cups, bagel sandwiches, salads and more. A large variety of sandwiches, salads and wraps are available at Subway’s quick service restaurant. Both Biggby Coffee and Subway are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Complimentary WiFi is available and credit cards are accepted. Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 27 Christoph Bartschat has fun with the Rockettes during his check presentation. Kids Helping Kids Christoph Bartschat demonstrates donors can come in all sizes A nita Bartschat had three young children at home and a husband out of the country, and a doctor was taking her into a back room to deliver the results of a blood test for 10-year-old Christoph. This can’t be good, she told herself on that day nearly two years ago, and she was all too correct. “Your son is in critical condition,” the doctor said. It didn’t seem possible. Maybe Christoph hadn’t been his usual ‘Energizer Bunny’ self, but “you don’t think your child could be that sick when they are still running around,” she says. “You don’t think they’d be running at all.” In Memorium 28 About Children’s Spring 2009 By Marcy Hayes But he was – and today, he is again. Christoph, 12, is not only a medical success story, he’s become an inspiration. And at the same time he’s a patient, he’s become a remarkable fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. The ultimate verdict on that overwhelming day was acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Now, with the worst behind Christoph and his family, Anita Bartschat is surprised to realize she’s almost grateful for the experience – not for the illness itself, but for everything they have learned about kindness, determination and the hospital. Neighbors she hadn’t known long at the time opened their hearts and homes in the things happen. “What causes leukemia?” he months after Christoph fell ill, she says. If asked one day. It was a simple question, that wasn’t enough, today many of them but one that would give direction to the are part of Christoph’s ALL Stars, the Bartschat family’s fundraising future. “I foundation created to help raise money for was amazed we couldn’t find the answer childhood cancer research. anywhere,” his mom says. “That was when Everything has played out against a we decided research to find the answer was backdrop of the day-to-day plan that what we, as a family, wanted to support.” made Christoph’s treatment as tolerable As these sorts of things often do, a walk to as possible. Children’s Hospital of Michigan raise money begat an additional raffle and doctors “laid out a road map,” Bartschat a party with an auction. Soon autographed says, that “as long as everything went as footballs and baseballs were arriving in the planned, they would follow. Somehow, mail. Local restaurants provided free food, it just seemed more manageable.” and businesses donated auction items. Thankfully, things have gone very well. The Bartschats wanted to raise awareness Christoph turned out to be what is referred of childhood cancer while they were raising to as a rapid responder; four weeks into treat- money at the party, so they circulated a ment he was 98% cancer free. Today, about sign-up sheet for blood donors. Anita half-way through the 3 ½-year treatment explained that in just his first five months plan, he is back at school, and the hair he of treatment, Christoph had needed 32 lost during chemotherapy has re-emerged thick and curly. It was straight before, Bartschat says, and in another sort of transition, the boy she always thought of as kind has become incredibly empathetic. Bored as he received his treatments, Christoph decided that the Hematology/ Oncology clinic needed a DVD player for the flat-screen television in the transfusion room – and that he was going to raise the money to buy one. Moneymaking options being limited for 10-year -olds, Christoph decided on a tried-and-true summertime transfusions. When the last guest left, the favorite, a lemonade stand. Despite being fundraiser had brought in $20,000, 16 new in the middle of the worst part of his treatblood donors, and a small army of converts ment, Christoph spent an afternoon flagging to the Children’s Hospital cause. down passing cars and explaining that he was Christoph’s ALL Stars, which took its raising money for Children’s Hospital. His name from the team of walkers in the first earnest effort proved irresistible and he ended fundraiser, has since hosted a second event. the day with a whopping $200. The tally that time: $25,000, a remarkable While ALL sapped his energy and took total from a remarkable young man with his hair, it didn’t change Christoph’s inquisian impressively mature devotion to the tive nature and ceaseless desire to know why Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Children’s Hospital Special Events Officer Kelly Landis, Anita and Christoph Bartschat, and Joanne Wang, M.D. Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 29 BBQ raises funds for cardiovascular research J By Rosemary Tokatlian eff and Crystal Kalinowski’s 4-year-old ¨QWERTYUIOP{} son, Ian, was born with a rare form ASDFGHJKL:””?><MNBVCXZ¡?£¢ ¡?£¢‹›??‡?·‚—?’?؈¨Á?‰´„ÍÎÏ?Ó of a congenital heart disease called ¸?Ç???Â??? truncus arteriosus. Ian had two open heart surgeries at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan and as a result is living an active, healthy life. The Kalinowskis wanted to give back to the hospital that helped their son and The Jeff, Peyton, Crystal and decided to hold a fundraiser in their Ian Kalinowski pictured with backyard. Named after Ian and his sister, the Verve Pipe’s Brian Peyton, Ian & Peyton’s 1st Annual Beats Vander Ark (middle). & BBQ Fundraiser was a huge success with $3,500 raised for cardiovascular research at Children’s Hospital. More than 150 of their friends and family gathered to hear a live acoustical session by Verve Pipe front man Brian Vander Ark and to enjoy a beautiful evening together last July. For more information about the next Ian & Peyton’s Beats & BBQ Fundraiser to be held on July 11, 2009, please contact Crystal Kalinowski at cpalculict@hotmail.com. Festival of Trees preview party was a hit F Natalie Mensinger, 5, tells Santa what she would like for Christmas. By Rosemary Tokatlian estival of Trees, a benefit for the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, kicked off its 24th annual weeklong celebration of holiday trees with a preview party on November 22. The sold out event featured FOX 2’s morning anchor Alan Lee as master of ceremonies, a visit from Santa Claus, delicious food, and of course, more than 50 different full-size holiday trees. Festival of Trees, which supports pediatric research, has raised more than $7.4 million for the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. For more information about Festival of Trees, visit www.fot.org. Festival of Trees President Greg Koukoudian, Children’s Hospital President Herman Gray, M.D., M.B.A. and his wife Shirley, Director of Clinical Support Services at Children’s Hospital, and Fox 2 News Morning Anchor Alan Lee. 30 About Children’s Spring 2009 Palm Palace chooses Children’s Hospital W ¨QWERTYUIOP{}hen asked why they chose to ASDFGHJKL:””?><MNBVCXZ¡?£¢ support the Children’s Hospital ¡?£¢‹›??‡?·‚—?’?؈¨Á?‰´„ÍÎÏ?Ó of Michigan, Clinton J. Hamet, ¸?Ç???Â??? chief operating officer of Palm Palace Restaurants, LLC, answered, “It starts twenty-some years ago with my daughter, Jayna.” Jayna was 2 or 3 years old and was seriously injured when running with a pair of cuticle scissors, recalled Hamet. Rushed to emergency and eventually to Children’s Hospital, Hamet and his wife spent several days with Jayna in the hospital while it was determined that the wound had missed her heart by a hair. “If she had been running with regular straight scissors, they would have pierced her heart,” he said. “I remember praying for her to be okay, and I pledged that I would give back in whatever way I could.” “The nurses and doctors who took care of her were magnificent. They helped her get through a bewildering time which was very emotional for us,” Hamet said. “We got to know many of the other parents whose kids were at Children’s also. They were all glad when we were able to take Jayna home, even though we knew that some of their kids wouldn’t be so lucky.” So, in April 2008, when the owners of Palm Palace were discussing which charity they would support, Clint Hamet got the By Sheila M. Edwards chance to tell Jayna’s story and arrange to help patients at Children’s Hospital. After the grand opening of their first restaurant in Clinton Township, the Palm Palace group donated $2,500 to the Child Life Toy Fund at the hospital. This fund provides money to purchase toys to give to patients when they reach milestones in their treatment or to help them get through a difficult time. Bearing a little scar near her heart, Jayna, now 26, is studying clinical psychology and plans to work with children. “Maybe someday she’ll even end up on the staff at Children’s Hospital,” said Hamet. Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 31 Then and Now Stout Risius Ross Charity Bike Ride participants (left to right): Marie Halpin, Janet Rozelle, Lisa Martin, John Marquardt, John Ross, Christopher Thompson, Paul Scheele, Steven Roach, and Oliver Glenn. 32 About Children’s Charity bike riders go the distance to support Children’s Hospital ¨QWERTYUIOP{} ASDFGHJKL:””?><MNBVCXZ¡?£¢ ¡?£¢‹›??‡?·‚—?’?؈¨Á?‰´„ÍÎÏ?Ó edaling for a purpose is nothing ¸?Ç???Â??? P new to John Ross. The Birmingham business executive twice rode his bike from the Detroit area to Mackinaw City to honor the memory of his older brother, Terry, who was killed in a hit-and-run accident in 1980. In August 2008, Ross decided to make the same cycling trip to benefit the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. But this time, he didn’t go solo. Ross led nine people, including his wife, Lisa Martin, Christopher Thompson, Janet Rozelle, John Marquardt, Marie Halpin, Oliver Glenn, Paul Scheele and Steven Roach on the Stout Risius Ross Charity Bike Ride, a five-day, 550-mile round trip journey from Clarkston to Mackinaw City. The riders collected pledges from friends, family and coworkers to raise about $5,300 for the hospital’s Child Life Department. “We wanted to do something for kids in need,” said Ross, founder and managing director at Stout Risius Ross, Inc., a financial advisory firm located in Southfield. “We all felt very fortunate that we’ve gotten this far in life without suffering serious illnesses. I’d heard great things about Children’s Hospital and I thought, ‘maybe we can help kids so that someday they can do a ride like this themselves.’ ” Spring 2009 By Todd Schulz An avid fitness buff and biker, Ross knew the route north to Mackinaw City well. He pedaled it alone in 1985 to honor his late brother and decided to make the trip again in 2007 after his parents passed away. “I wanted to rededicate myself to my brother,” Ross said. “When I told clients and friends what I was doing, many of them said, ‘Boy, that sounds cool. I’d love to do that some time.’” Ross filed those folks in his memory and challenged them to follow through last summer. To train for the grueling event, Ross attended indoor “spinning” classes twice per week and biked outdoors whenever possible, including jaunts of up to 75 miles on the weekends. He also completed three “century” rides of 100 miles to build his endurance. The group set out on Aug. 13 and pedaled about 130 miles to West Branch, braving a summer thunderstorm along the way. The following day they covered the remaining 145 miles or so to Mackinaw City. They spent a day relaxing at Mackinac Island before turning for home. Only four bikers, including Ross, his wife Lisa Martin, Paul Scheele, and Steven Roach completed the entire trip. Three riders returned with their families and two riders were injured. One was tossed from his bike because of a blown tire and broke his shoulder. Another dropped out because of a ruptured muscle. Thus, the four friends who finished the trek were as proud as they were exhausted. “It was just a real sense of accomplishment,” Ross said. “This was a pretty challenging thing to do and once you commit to it, there’s no backing out. My wife was petrified when I did it by myself in 2007. But she said it was one of the best things she’s ever done.” The money raised was used to stock the inpatient activity centers in the hospital. The centers are intended as fun gathering spots where patients can work on arts-andcrafts projects, play board games and bond with siblings and friends in a non-threatening atmosphere. “Patients can go there and hang out in a more natural, normal environment,” said Deanna Scanlon, Child Life Projects Specialist. “We hope the activity centers help kids forget they’re in the hospital, even if it’s only for a minute.” The bike trip donation filled the activity centers’ cupboards with art supplies, games, puzzles and other goodies, Scanlon said. “This was a significant gift that helps meet the needs of our patients and families,” Scanlon said. “We’re very grateful. We couldn’t do what we do without generous donations like this.” That’s precisely the type of practical help Ross pictured when he concocted his charity bike ride. He’s considering a sequel event this summer. “It was a great time for camaraderie and building friendships while getting in shape for a great cause,” Ross said. The group waits for a storm to pass. Cheboygan is the last stop before Mackinaw City. Outside of Bay City. Final stop on the journey is Clarkston. Children’s Hospital of Michigan childrensdmc.org 33 Children’s Health Night Nonprofit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID 3901 Beaubien St. Detroit, Michigan 48201-2196 Detroit MI Permit No. 4772 Tigers vs. Orioles Wed., August 5 @ 7:05 P.M. Tickets are only $22 Proceeds benefit the Social Work Department Purchase 101+ tickets and designate the department of your choice! To purchase tickets or for more information, please contact Saudia Twine (313) 993-8816 stwine@dmc.org Below is a partial list of upcoming fundraising events benefiting the Children’s Hospital of Michigan. For additional details please contact the person listed. Children’s Hospital of Michigan calendar of events July 9 Keeping Kids in the Game Comerica Park, Detroit Contact: Saudia Twine (313) 993-8816 or stwine@dmc.org July 20 C.A.T.C.H. Golf Classic Meadowbrook Country Club, Northville Contact: Jim Hughes (313) 876-9399 or jhughes@catchcharity.org August 5 Children’s Health Night Comerica Park, Detroit Contact: Saudia Twine (313) 993-8816 or stwine@dmc.org August 24 Visteon Sixth Annual Golf Classic Oakland Hills Country Club, Bloomfield Hills Contact: Sarah McCallum (313) 745-0145 or smccallu2@dmc.org If you would like information on hosting an event in support of Children’s Hospital, please call the Children’s Development Office at (313) 745-5373 or visit www.childrensdmc.org. Chelsi, 17
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