Volume 4 Issue 2 Winter 2011 OPENINGDOORS TO C H I L D R E N W I T H S P E C I A L H E A LT H C A R E N E E D S NAC Holiday Party – a Great Success! INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 Letter from the Executive Director 3 Spanish-Speaking Parents Group Artists’ Corner 4 Former Client Speaks New Board Members 5 NAC Holiday Party 6/7 Celebrating Volunteers 8 NAC Gala Grants at Work Thank You Donors Corporate Volunteers Support NAC’s Mission “ NAC owes much of its success to generous volunteers who donate their time, energy, and talents to help our children and families. We are especially fortunate to have the support of almost a dozen corporations who send teams of employees to volunteer at NAC events. Corporate groups come with a cohesiveness and sense of purpose that make them enthusiastic and effective. Many volunteers have expressed gratitude that their companies provided them with a volunteer opportunity at NAC, and their positive attitudes are evident in their work with the children. With the fellowship and support of coworkers, they play games, face-paint, and help medically fragile young people celebrate and enjoy life. All of us at NAC send a special thank you to our corporate volunteers and the companies that help us achieve our mission.” J E S S I C A L U T Z K E , L M S W , Director of Volunteers, Community Relations & Training NAC has many events throughout the year that depend on volunteer assistance including the NAC December Holiday Party, the NAC Halloween Party, and the NAC Kids Olympics. As this agency grows, it is increasingly important that we can rely on teams of corporate volunteers to make these events successful. C O N T I N U E D O N P A G E 2 New Alternatives for Children, Inc. 37 West 26th Street New York, NY 10010 T 212.696.1550 F 212.696.1602 15 West 26th Street New York, NY 10010 T 212.994.7940 F 212.994.3003 www.NacKidsCan.org W H O W E A R E A N D H OW YO U C A N H E L P Who We Are NAC’s comprehensive programs ensure that children with complex medical/mental health conditions live in safe, loving and permanent birth, foster or adoptive homes. How You Can Help The rewards of getting to know NAC children and families are extraordinary. For information on volunteer activities, please contact Jessica Lutzke, Director, Volunteers and Community Relations, at 212.696.1550 x230 or jlutzke@NacKidsCan.org. You will find information about donations, NAC’s wish list, volunteer activities and how to become a foster parent at www.NacKidsCan.org OPENING DOORS PAG E 2 New Alternatives for Children, Inc. B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S President Virginia Aaron Vice Presidents John R. Cannell, Esq. Jonathan A. Knee Patricia S. Levinson Andrew P. Mezey, MD, MS Secretary Barbara R. Rauch, LCSW Treasurer Louis Lipschitz President Emerita Elizabeth S. Pforzheimer Diane Abbey Terri D. Austin, Esq. Bryan Beller Pascal Desroches Vivian Farah Alan R. Fleischman, MD Robert L. Friedman Jill Sabin Garner Susan G. Gevertz Carol Gutman Peter R. Haje, Esq. Joseph R. Ianniello Ronald Iervolino Thomas A. Jarecki Mark N. Kaplan, Esq. Meryl R. Kaynard, Esq. Fern June Khan, MSW Robert D. Marcus Adam L. Miller Thomas Newman Eugene A. Pinover Sanford B. Prater Eric J. Rosen Glenn Rufrano Meryl Sherman Susan M. Slater, MSW Alma T. Young, MSW, Ed.D. Advisory Directors Margaret Grey, Dr. P.H. K.D. Hendricks-Muñoz, MD Sandra Lerner Cecily Truett Directors Emeriti Iris Abrons Dale G. Berger Michael P. Gaertner Louis Maloof Wayland M. Mead, Esq. Stephen Richardson, Ph.D. Lorraine Tregde, MPA Duncan Whiteside Mary C. Wolf Executive Director Arlene Goldsmith, LCSW, Ph.D. DOING BIG THINGS Dear Friends, A line in President Obama’s State of the Union Speech made me think about NAC. He spoke about Center Rock, the company whose employees worked around the clock creating drilling equipment to rescue the miners in Chile. After all 33 miners were saved, an employee said, “We proved that Center Rock is a little company, but they do big things.” While NAC has grown considerably, we are still smaller than many NYC child welfare agencies. We are, however, DOING BIG THINGS. Our outcomes in safety, permanency and well-being for our children and families are extraordinary. Young adults have entered college and others are graduating with Master’s degrees. 75% of NAC parents in PIP (Partners in Parenting) are working or in school. The current economy has impacted NAC families. Mental health concerns in both children and families have significantly increased. Requests for basic necessities including food, clothing and housing are at an all-time high. We have expanded our food and clothing banks. Staff are addressing the lack of affordable, accessible housing. We continually assess how we can best support our families to meet their emerging needs; in response, we have expanded our Mental Health, Education, Nursing and Quality Assurance Departments. New groups have been added to our wide array of support and therapeutic programs. The variety of indispensable supports that NAC provides every day offers security, safety, opportunity and newfound hope to NAC families. Thank you for your belief in NAC as we continue to DO BIG THINGS! Arlene Goldsmith, LCSW , Ph.D. E X E C U T I V E D I R E C TO R C O N T I N U E D F RO M PAG E 1 Corporate Volunteers Support NAC’s Mission We have been fortunate to connect with young professionals who want to make an ongoing commitment to a NAC child as a mentor – as a friend, role model, and confidant. Their career advice is invaluable for our older teens. Volunteers also accompany NAC children and staff to museums, theater, movies, the beach, parks, and other outdoor events. Volunteers have donated Yoga and dance classes, led programs on money management, and provided make-overs for NAC teenagers. Volunteers may receive matching grants or in-kind donations for NAC from their employers as a result of their work with NAC. Employee groups and volunteers have contributed generously to our food pantry and clothing bank. We welcome new volunteers, both corporate and individuals, and new ideas for making the NAC community more rewarding for all of us. www.NacKidsCan.org OPENING Thank youVolunteers! DOORS PAG E 7 There is always so much to do around the Holidays – NYC is brimming with parties, events, gift shopping, and time with family and friends. So, when busy New Yorkers spend the Saturday before Christmas with NAC children and families, we know that these volunteers are remarkable people, and that they are having a great time. This year more than 100 corporate and individual volunteers from Accenture; Société Générale; New York Life Insurance; Friends of Alexis Farah and Arvind Singh; New Yorkers For Children Teen Advisory Board; and Polo Ralph Lauren came to the party, and we are deeply grateful for their participation. Angel on a Leash provided pet-assisted activities. The Jeunes Virtuoses de New York delighted families with classical selections, and the amazing Ladies of Elegance step-danced. As always, the volunteers helped set up and run activities, joined the children in games, danced, and assisted parents with their children. We also received a wonderful response to our web site’s Holiday Wish List, with more than 100 gifts coming in from all over the country from individuals and corporations. We received gifts from The Esteé Lauder Companies, Polo Ralph Lauren, The Today Show and other companies. Bloomingdale’s donated all the “Big Brown Bags” which our families use to take home their gifts. OPENING DOORS PAG E 3 Pet Assisted Therapy Adds Reading Aloud Children can gain confidence and improve their reading skills by reading aloud to a pet. The experience is enjoyable and calming, and research shows that children with attention deficit disorder can improve their ability to focus. NAC’s pet assisted therapy sessions now start with each child reading aloud for a few minutes to the dogs – an appreciative and totally non-judgmental audience. Spanish-Speaking Parents Group – a Great Success! ¡ U N BU E N É X I TO ! When English is not a family’s first language, the challenges of caring for a child with disabilities can be greatly compounded. Language barriers are everywhere, but at NAC’s Spanish-Speaking Parents Group, parents get answers to all their questions, including questions about schools and homework; healthy food preparation; housing, tenants’ rights and benefits; and understanding medical diagnoses and treatment. Parents also learn to advocate for themselves and their children as they come to understand better the systems they must confront. Jhoselin Martinez, Recreation Specialist, and Dannet Ellis, Preventive Services Social Worker developed the fall 2010 series to include Artists’ CORNER Attention Parents! Parents in all NAC programs are invited to attend the Parent Open Art Studio. Take a break from your everyday stress and get support from others while creating jewelry, sewing, knitting or painting. We meet on Thursdays from 10:30 to 1:00 in NAC’s 6th floor conference room. Call Linda Peck at 646.352.9074 to confirm your attendance. Spanish translations of new NAC materials. There was a schedule of guest speakers from NAC staff, including Dr. Mike Vergara, Pediatric Nurse Nydia Mendez, and Resource Specialist David Shichman. In just a few weeks, the results were tangible. NAC Educational Specialist Joel Herrera successfully assisted a family in obtaining a more appropriate classroom placement for their child. A mother reported that, with recipes for foods that were not previously familiar to her family, her four-year-old was eating new foods. Parents reported more confidence in caring for their children after discussions regarding diagnoses and treatments. The group was so successful that all nine members asked to be included in the spring series. There will be new parents as well, with more sessions, and additional speakers, including Amy Pacifici, NAC’s Vocational Specialist. OPENING DOORS F O R M E R C L I E N T S P E A KS N AC W E L C O M E S NE W B OAR D M E M B E R S Dear Arlene, Vivian Farah is retired from Saks Fifth Avenue where she was the Vice President, DMM. She came to NAC with broad experience in the non-profit sector. She has served on several boards and fundraising committees including the Rye Country Day School, Harmonie Club, Trinity School (Atlanta, Georgia), and Young Audiences of Atlanta. She graduated from Wayne State University in Michigan with a major in business. Vivian has been an active member of NAC’s benefit committee. Her daughter, Alexis Farah, has become an active volunteer at NAC as well, encouraging many of her friends to volunteer at NAC events. We know that the past passes by so quickly, but we didn’t know that the time passed by so quick that the children have grown so much that we have to leave the Agency. Of course in some way we are happy seeing how this showed that we have also grown as a family, gaining new experience and learning new things. However, at the same time we are feeling sad due to the fact that NAC became a part of our family. I can’t find the way to say THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE. As a Director, you are very special to us. I give thanks to the Health Department, Recreation for Adults and Children Department, and the Vocational Department. I am also grateful for all the help that the Educational Department had given us from elementary to the transition to college. Last but certainly not least, I give thanks to all the Social Workers throughout the years. PAG E 4 Tom Newman is a media executive focused on the digital space. He is the President of Interactive One, the digital division of Radio One, where he oversees sales, programming and the product. Most recently, he served as AOL’s Senior Vice President of Network Development. Mr. Newman graduated from Harvard College and earned his J.D. from Harvard Law School. He is involved in several non-profit organizations, including serving as a Board Member and Treasurer for Asphalt Green. Tom comes to NAC with a deep empathy for our children with special needs. We are delighted to have Vivian and Tom as part of the NAC family. We deeply appreciate their experience and enthusiasm for NAC’s mission. NAC held its Third Annual Book Fair on November 11, Veterans Day, which is a holiday for NYC public schools. We had over 1,400 donated books to distribute to children and teens of all reading levels. Along with a reading circle, reading sessions with therapy dogs, and interactive reading activities led by volunteers, NAC provided transportation, snacks for families and food pantry give-aways; and informational materials for parents with pointers on how to encourage children to read. We would like to thank Scholastic, Inc., McGraw-Hill Companies, and Bluford Books for their donations. Thanks to Jessica Lutzke and Caroline Greig, who joined NAC this past fall in the newly created position of Reading Specialist, for their efforts in organizing this event. I thank NAC for covering all our needs and dreams. Finally, we thank you so much for giving Steve the opportunity to go to camp this summer. I honestly think that it’s one of the best times of his life if not THE best time. Once again, thank you so much, keep giving the same support to all families that need it. God bless all of you. Sincerely, Sonia, Jorge, Cynthia and Steve Caceres Adoption News O P E N I N G D O O R S S TA F F Domonique was adopted by Michelle Maddox on January 27, 2011. Editor Marcia Scanlon Joseph was adopted by Maria Greo on October 7, 2010. If you know a family who can give a loving foster/adoptive home to a child with medical or mental health challenges, please encourage them to go to: Joseph and Christopher were adopted by Greg and Lora Pellicano on November 8, 2010. Contributors Pam Adams, Kyle Cheseborough, Jessica Lutzke, Harvey Mar, Jhoselin Martinez, Sarah Meltzer, Linda Peck, Brian Schatz, Carolyn Synol, Jenny Traslavina www.NacKidsCan.org/recruitment Congratulations to these NAC children and parents on their recent adoptions! Carina Rivera was adopted by Kenneth and Lorna Davis on November 23, 2010. or call: NAC’s Homefinding Department 212.696 .1550 or 646.352.9047 Distribution Lydia Roman Designer Shari Finger Design LLC Photography Steven Freeman and NAC Volunteer Steven Barall (Pages 5/6/7); Steven Freeman (Page 8) OPENING A good time was had by all! The annual NAC Holiday Party for all our children and families on December 19 was made possible by the support of wonderful volunteers. Volunteers from the community and corporate groups shared their enthusiasm and energy to help make it a very special day. We thank them for their kindness and dedication to improving the lives of NAC children. Corporate philanthropy is crucial to the NAC Holiday Party, and we are grateful for corporate support. Not only did companies provide volunteers, but several generously sponsored activities. We send a warm thank you to Accenture, The Estée Lauder Companies, New York Life Foundation, Polo Ralph Lauren, and Société Générale. Our appreciation, as well, to Arvind Singh and Alexis Farah for organizing a group of their acquaintances as volunteers. Photography by: Steven Freeman DOORS PAG E 5 OPENING Corporate Volunteers Speak “ What I get from volunteering with NAC is always a renewed sense of spirit at seeing all of the happy faces. The young people and kids of NAC are some of the happiest people I have ever met and they give me more that I can ever give. I do it not only because there is a need but I truly feel happy, blessed, and alive to be able to do it. After the NAC holiday party I could not stop smiling all the way home. It was pure joy. Thank you.” A N TO N I O G O N Z A L E Z New York Life Insurance “ Volunteering provides a significant source of fulfillment in my life. Being able to give back to the community in which I live and work is extremely important to me. The Estée Lauder Companies’ partnership with NAC has provided me with many worthwhile opportunities to work directly with children and families from our community who are in need of extra care and support.” PERRI HILLSBERG The Estée Lauder Companies “As an employee of Société Générale, I have had the pleasure of volunteering for the NAC organization again for the third year in a row. The time spent with these blessed children during the holiday season fills my heart with joy, which is what the season is all about – giving back. So thank you to NAC and Société Générale for being in partnership together.” YA M I R A S I U Société Générale DOORS PAG E 6 Gala A N N I V E R S A RY G A L A Above: Honorees Helen and Peter Haje NAC ’s 28th NAC’S 28TH A N N I V E R S A RY G A L A Grants OPENING AT W O R K PAG E NAC’s Annual Benefit Gala, November 9, 2010, at The Pierre, New York City marked our 28th year. We celebrated what “NAC Kids Can” achieve, and honored our good friends Peter and Helen Haje. Peter is a long-time NAC Board Member. We would also like to give special mention to the following: Benefit Committee Chairs were Virginia and Roger Aaron, and Vivian and Roger Farah. Virginia is NAC’s Board Chair and Vivian is a NAC Board Member. Dinner Chairs included Richard D. Goldstein, Chairman & CEO, AEP Capital LLC; Robert D. Marcus, Senior Executive Vice President & CFO, Time Warner Cable Inc.; Laura Parsons, PsyD, Psychologist, New Alternatives for Children, Inc., and Robert B. Schumer, Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP. Thanks to Peter, Helen, and a host of NAC friends, Board members, and volunteers, the Gala raised more funding than any previous NAC event to invest in our children’s futures. We extend gratitude also to Polo Ralph Lauren and Time Warner Cable for their generous assistance in underwriting the gala. We are thrilled that The Pinkerton Foundation has awarded a major three-year grant to NAC’s Educational Services Department. We have also recently received grants for our Educational Services from The Achelis Foundation, The Joseph L. & Ann C. Warner Fund and a Manhattan Borough Needs Grant for our College Bound program. Also, thanks in large part to earlier grants from The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation and The F. & E. Cummings Memorial Fund, we created the position of Special Education Teacher/Reading Specialist to provide or arrange tutoring services for younger NAC children. NAC now has six full-time staff dedicated to helping both our children and parents receive the best possible educational services. Thank You DONORS NAC is pleased to acknowledge the following corporations and foundations that have made grants to us since September, 2010: Achelis Foundation, Aetna, Inc., Florence V. Burden Foundation, J.E. & Z.B. Butler Foundation, Cleveland Foundation, Mary Jane H. and Peter J. DaPuzzo Family Foundation, DIRECTV, Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, The Hearst Foundations, Helen Hoffritz Charitable Trust, Lancit Charitable Trust, Lazard Capital Markets Charity Day, Manhattan Borough President’s Office, Millennium Foundation, The New York Community Trust, New York Life Foundation, NYMEX Foundation, Pinkerton Foundation, Robin Hood Foundation, Société Générale, and the Starr Foundation. We thank the Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program for helping to stock the NAC food pantry. Above: Carl Pforzheimer, NAC Chair Emeritus Elizabeth Pforzheimer, Peter Haje, and Arlene Goldsmith 8 The circumstances of our children’s lives often inhibit their perceptions of the world and the possibilities of what they can achieve. NAC’s Educational Services staff remain vigilant to assure that schools are meeting the complex needs of every student, that all students’ and parents’ rights are honored, and that students understand just how much they each can achieve. The Educational Services Department also provides parenting skills education, including assistance with foster/adoptive parent training. Above: Board Members Vivian Farah and Rob Marcus join Board Chair Virginia Aaron in congratulating Honorees Helen and Peter Haje Above: Board Member Joe Ianniello and Arlene Goldsmith DOORS
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