www.liwomanonline.com October 2013 FREE exclusive interview Wanda Sykes Breast Cancer Awareness Update what to do October Calendar plus an extensive listing of Support Groups Covered by Most Medical Insurance Plans with Little or No Out-of-Pocket to Patient Medicare Accepted Alternative Therapy to a CPAP Machine Dr. Barry Chase, DDS, PC, D. ACSDD Headquarters 324 S. Service Road, Suite 116 Melville, NY 11747 (631) 393-6888 Dr. Robert Bergida, DDS Chase Dental SleepCare of Kew Gardens 116-14 Metropolitan Ave. Kew Gardens, NY 11418 (718) 849-9472 Dr. Theodore Field, DMD Chase Dental SleepCare of Boca Raton 3020 N. Military Trl., Suite 250 Boca Raton, Fl 33431 (561) 443-4133 Dr. Barry Chase, DDS, PC, D. ACSDD Dr. Gregory P. Doroski DMD Dr. Elizabeth A. Doroski, DDS Chase Dental SleepCare of Riverhead 887 Old Country Rd., Suite B Riverhead, NY 11901 (631) 727-0770 Dr. Randy L. Furshman, DDS & Associates Chase Dental SleepCare of South Miami 7800 SW 87th Ave., Suite A-140 Miami, Fl 33173 (305) 598-2622 Chase Dental SleepCare of Manhattan 65 Broadway, Suite 901 New York, NY 10003 (631) 393-6888 More Locations Coming Soon! 2r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN STATE-OF-THE-ART COSMETIC SURGERY IN NEW YORK 19 4689 4'9 8&9 43!19 74( (02175-91,3+8461#93$93886%83+9/219*26)9-808%3575819219/519(2758671#921 &80092197/89(34"83%5209+53096879.443$94*562756+97/898&943!9(021751,3+83)9'580.#93$93886%83+95193864&68.9'439/51956-38.5%089720867926. 1!5001$989-2694'7869%8918869469%47/904-20926.96275462097808"51546926.972!81 (35.89569/5194&69,65,89&88!0)932.5491/4&9&/5-/92531946918"832098& 43!9 32.549 17275461$9 9046+9 &57/9 &35756+9 /519 4&69 &88!0)9 68&1(2(839 -40,*69469-41*875-91,3+83)#9/895197/89+4 7498(8379'439*26)9(,%05-275461 26.9/219%886962*8.946894'97/89%817941*875-9,3+84619'43985+/79)8231 %)97/8946+91026.93811$ ! ! # "# " ## !# "# !" #"" "#!#" "##!#! 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''&)'$#$'%)#%)#&)(%()'"(! )')!(()#%)#'"%$(%$ '&) &((!$) #"$"'%#) "%'&#$"'%) #) ) '&) "!"$) &((%(& '!($"&(& ' COSMETIC PLASTIC SURGERY ADVERTORIAL To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr3 October 2013 Good Advice Volume 13 Number 5 Advice columns from Long Island Woman advertisers Breast Surgery Combined with Tummy Tuck and/or Liposuction by Charlotte Rhee, M.D., FACS Many of my patients come seeking help with the changes that can occur after childbirth; a woman’s breast can grow to uncomfortable proportions or just the opposite can happen. more on page 5 Dread the Dentist? by Maureen Demsey State of the Art Comfort Dentistry is dedicated to painless dentistry. Our unique dental practice is created by visionary dentist Dr. Alex Shvartsman, out of frustration after hearing for decades how much people hate “going to the dentist.” more on page 7 Are You Dense? Why You Should Know About Your Breast Density by Barry R. Morgenstern, M.D., D.A.B.R. While mammography remains the single best test for breast cancer screening, its sensitivity is diminished by up to 20 percent in patients with dense breasts. more on page 12 page 26 6 FYI/Picks 10 Meet These Long Island Women Long Island Style 14 Book Corner Long Island Women in History 16 Catching Up with Carol News 12’s Carol Silva’s Monthly Column 20 Health Breast Cancer Awareness News 26 Island Memories Those Who Left and Those Who Returned 29 What to Do October Calendar of Events 33 Support Groups 18 Exclusive Interview Wanda Sykes 0/"OX-ALVERNE.9ssINFO LIWOMANONLINECOMsWWWLIWOMANONLINECOM 3UBSCRIPTIONS/NEYEARISSUESnVISITWWWLIWOMANONLINECOMSUBSCRIPTIONSHTML ¹#OPYRIGHTBY,ONG)SLAND7OMAN!LLRIGHTSRESERVED.OPORTIONOF,ONG)SLAND7OMANMAYBEREPRODUCEDWITHOUTPERMISSION ,ONG)SLAND7OMANISPUBLISHEDMONTHLYBY-ARAJ)NC Get your free e-subscription to the page-flip digital edition of Long Island Woman at www.liwomanonline.com Like Us on Facebook 4r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 coming next issue November 2013 The Long Island Woman (exclusive) interview with Andie MacDowell Reserve your ad by Friday, October 11th call 516-505-0555 x1 ads@liwomanonline.com Look Your Best For The Holidays - Beauty Treatments For A Busy Calendar by Dr. James C. Marotta With all of the shopping, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, and socializing, who has time to beautify? Actually, it’s easier than you think. In less than an hour, there are several things you can do to look picture perfect for the holidays. more on page 13 The Future Lift: A New Hybrid Facelift Technique by Andrew A. Jacono, M.D., FACS For years, my patients have had to choose between better results or less scarring. With hybrid face lifts, they get the best of both worlds. more on page 17 Elder Law Crisis Planning by Marc Alhonte, Esq. Sometimes an elderly spouse has suffered catastrophic illness (a stroke, Parkinson’s disease, dementia), and must be cared for in a nursing home facility. The cost of care there may be $450 a day. Will the family’s finances be decimated? more on page 24 Acupuncture for Pain, Diabetes, Weight & Hair Loss by Dr. Dazhi Chen, Ph.D., LAC Pain Management Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for pain relief. It promotes self-healing, and has no negative side effects. In 70% of cases, back, neck, sciatica, knee and shoulder pain will be significantly reduced after three to four treatments. more on page 24 Breast Reduction Using The Lollipop Scar Technique by Charlotte Rhee, M.D., FACS The weight of large breasts can cause the bra straps to dig into the shoulders leaving groove markings. Large breasts get in the way of physical activities, such as running.. more on page 24 Osteoporosis by Dr. Alex Rosioreanu Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to decreased bone mineral density and increased risk for fractures. About 10 million Americans have osteoporosis (80% are women), and around 34 million are at risk for the disease. more on page 24 Early Intervention Available for Correction of Dental Abnormalities by Linda J. Golden DDS Parents have tremendous opportunities when it comes to choosing the appropriate dental appliance for children in need of dental alignment. more on page 25 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN A Woman Knows… Cosmetic Surgery performed by a female surgeon committed to the quality care of women Fall Specials for Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Breast Augmentation Call for Details COMPLIMENTARY COSMETIC CONSULTATION Charlotte Ann Rhee, MD, FACS 257 E. Jericho Tpke. Huntington Station Board Certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon 631-424-6707 www.liplasticsurgery.com Surgery of the Breast Skin Care Cosmetic Surgery Breast Augmentation Breast Uplift Breast Reduction (Lollipop Scar) Microdermabrasion Chemical Peels Restylane/Juvéderm Botox/Dysport Face/Neck Lift Eyelid Surgery Liposuction Tummy Tuck Repair of Torn Earlobes Good Advice Breast Surgery Combined with Tummy Tuck and/or Liposuction by Charlotte Rhee, MD, F.A.C.S., P.C. Many of my patients come to me seeking help with the changes that can occur after childbirth. Following childbirth, a woman’s breast can grow to uncomfortable proportions or just the opposite can happen. A woman’s breast can actually lose volume and shrink, resulting in the breast appearing “deflated.” Additionally, a large number of women come to me seeking help with the post partum changes of their abdomen. During pregnancy the skin and abdominal wall muscles are stretched. Following childbirth, the abdomen can protrude and the skin can be loose or sag. In some cases, the abdominal muscles can be so weakened that the individual may look like she is still pregnant. Despite daily workouts including sit ups and crunches, a tummy tuck may be needed to restore these muscles. ing breast reduction. Both groups of women want to have breasts that are proportional to their body size with the most natural result possible. In certain situations, a breast lift is also needed to tighten lax skin. The laxity can be the result of pregnancy or weight loss. When a breast lift is needed, I utilize the lollipop scar technique. A breast lift procedure is very similar to a breast reduction. The only difference is that with a breast reduction, breast tissue is removed. Combined Breast/Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Procedures. Many of my patients who have breast surgery also have other procedures performed at the same time. This allows for one surgery and one recovery. The most common combined procedures performed by Dr. Rhee are breast surgery, whether it is a breast reduction or augmentation, combined with tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. For those patients Breast Reduction Many of my patients who desire breast augmentation together with a tummy tuck, I am able to place Women with very large pendulous breasts may experience varied medical the breast implants through the tummy tuck incision, leaving the breasts without who have breast problems including back and neck pain. Also, the weight of large breasts can any scars. cause the bra straps to dig into the shoulders leaving groove markings. Large surgery also have other Liposuction is also commonly performed at the same time. Despite diet and breasts get in the way of physical activities such as running, making exercise procedures performed exercise, certain areas of the body are prone to carry excess fat. For these areas, liand weight loss very difficult if not impossible. Breast reduction (reduction posuction can help. The most common areas for liposuction are the love handles at the same time. This (upper hip area) and thighs. mammaplasty), is a surgical procedure which makes breasts smaller. There are many different breast reduction techniques. The more traditional allows for one surgery Patients who have combined procedures do surprisingly well. In addition to method (inverted T-scar) leaves the breasts with a vertical, long horizontal having the benefit of just one recovery process, there can also be a significant and one recovery. scar (along the breast crease). “I utilize the Lejour technique, which leaves savings in price. the breast with a single vertical incision (lollipop scar) and, in my opinion, To learn more, please call our Huntington office to schedule a complimentawith a rounder more natural appearing breast and a better cosmetic result.” Breast reduc- ry consultation with Dr. Rhee at (631) 424-6707. Located at 257 E. Jericho Tpke., Huntington tions are performed as an outpatient procedure and are covered by insurance. Station. www.liplasticsurgery.com. Dr. Charlotte Rhee is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon specializing in Breast Augmentation Women who come to me seeking breast enlargement have very similar goals to those seek- breast surgery. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr5 fyi Celebration of Survivorship Irene Virag at the Breast Cancer Celebration of Survivorship into a decorating masterpiece. Admission to the Showhouse is $30 per person or $20 per person when purchased in groups of 20 or more. For more information, visit americanheartshowhouse.com. They work in many different worlds–an artist, a husband and wife in their 80s, a woman in the fashion industry, a bank manager, a former teacher, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. What they all have in common is that they are breast cancer survivors and all will speak at the annual Breast Cancer Celebration of Survivorship on Thursday, October 17 from 6-9 PM in the University Center Ballroom at Adelphi University in Garden City. The event, which is sponsored by the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program, is free and open to the public. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Irene Virag, a garden writer and also a breast cancer survivor, will moderate the panel. Reservations are required; call 516-877-4325 to reserve your spot. Uptown Artworks Opens Flagship Store Arts Alive Long Island Festival This October’s 2nd Annual Arts Alive Long Island Festival is a month-long, region-wide celebration that promotes Long Island as a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive place where people want to live, work and visit. During the festival, arts and culture take center stage at Long Island’s premier performing arts centers, museums, art venues, fine dining destinations and outstanding cultural sites. The website continues year-round as a source for information and exchange about arts and culture on Long Island. Arts Alive Long Island is at the heart of Long Island Arts Alliance’s (LIAA) mission to promote the region’s arts and cultural institutions. For more information, visit artsaliveli. org. by Debbi Honorof “Home is Where the Heart Is” Designer Showcase On Saturday, October 26, the inaugural Designer Showhouse to benefit the American Heart Association opens in Glen Cove. Approximately 25 top interior designers and landscape designers from the New York Metropolitan area will turn a spectacular, classic Colonial Revival estate Uptown Artworks, the country’s premier manufacturer of handmade custom pillows, wall art and personalized gifts, has opened its new flagship retail store on Long Island’s North Shore. Located at 475 Port Washington Blvd. in Port Washington, the shop offers retail customers an opportunity to see the company’s 100+ creative designs, inspired by typography and vintage subway signs. Debuting are Long-Island themed pillows and a new product category: custom Lucite serving trays. Owner Lori Blum, a longtime North Shore resident whose online success encouraged her to open the brick-and-mortar boutique works with customers to personalize their designs and create one-of-a-kind gifts and home décor. Custom pillows and wall art give buyers a unique opportunity to feature their own words, family themes or commemorative events. For more information, visit uptownartworks.com or call 516883-4245. Lori Blum, owner of Uptown Artworks in Port Washington Ephemeral Art One of the Arts Alive Festival’s signature events is Ephemeral, an exhibition that explores the human relationship with the transitory and invites visitors to take part. It takes place at Adelphi University on Wednesday, October 2 beginning at 11 a.m. Using materials ranging from skin, sand, chalk, and earth, artists investigate the role of human experience, memory, and mortality in our lives, while raising questions about our expectations of the art object, our experience as viewers, and the function of creation. For more information, visit adelphi.edu/artmuseum/exhibitions. 6r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Good Advice Dread the Dentist? Dread the Dentist? by Maureen Demsey State of the Art Comfort Dentistry is dedicated to painless dentistry. Our unique dental practice is created by visionary dentist Dr. Alex Dr. Alex Shvartzman Shvartsman, out of frustration after hearing for decades how much people hate “going to the dentist”. “With today’s modern technology, and the desire to deliver comfortable dental care there is no reason people have to suffer at the hands of a dentist. My dental office has become a refuge for the phobic and anxious dental patients” says Dr. Shvartsman. The entire staff is committed to your comfort and health. COMFORT offer Sedation (Sleep) Dentistry. In the comfort of our office safe, Board Certified Anesthesiologist-supervised IV sedation is available. The dentists focus on your treatment, while the anesthesiologist focuses on your safety and comfort. You are always treated like close friends and family when you are in our dental office. When you are under our care you will notice many important differences. Our focus is to provide you with outstanding service in all aspects of your treatment. CONVENIENCE You will be pleased by our convenient evening and weekend appointments. You do not need to take off from work or find baby-sitters just to have dental treatment. Many patients also take advantage of longer appointments to save on the number of visits. We have invested in CEREC CAD/ CAM technology to fabricate all crowns in a single visit. Afraid of needles? We have the solution: all of our injections start with a needlefree puff of anesthetic using an innovative technology for your comfort, just like on CONFIDENCE We take our time with every patient, Star Trek! In addition, our custom pharmafrom thorough full hour cy-made numbing gel will professional cleanings to ensure a pain-free profesWith today’s modern never double booking pasional cleaning. We use the tients so that we can focus most effective dental anestechnology and the on your care 100% thetic so that even “hard to desire to deliver Dr. Shvartsman’s dental numb patients” can finally office provides the most enjoy a pain-free- dental comfortable dental experience. care, there is no reason current technology that dentistry has to offer. His Every treatment room is equipped with a TV for your people have to suffer at dental practice has become entertainment and water- the hands of a dentist. the most technologically advanced office on Long falls for your relaxation. Island. He fully practices Soothing décor and new age music will relax your mind and soothe modern, 21st century dentistry. From 3-D your spirit. Bose’ noise reduction head- Digital x-rays and CEREC CAD/CAM one phones and quieter electric drills help you visit crowns to various Dental Lasers and enjoy a more tranquil dental experience. computer guided implant surgery our Many patients enjoy our complementary practice stands out among other Long Iswarm hand moisturizing treatments during land dental offices. Our philosophy is that all dentistry should their visit. Your comfort is ensured by our commitment to gentle dental care, sincere be cosmetic, from a simple filling to new compassion, advanced training, innovative dentures. We are dedicated to helping you technology and a relaxing environment. achieve the confidence that comes with Our super-soft dental chairs, neck pillows a great smile. Dr. Shvartsman’s advanced and cozy blankets will make you feel like training in the areas of Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, Biomimetic Dentistry and you are sitting on a cloud. Dr. Shvartsman always makes sure that Occlusion combined with his passion and you are completely numb before treating love for dentistry assure you are in capable you. Every patient has the power to stop and caring hands. That is why many Denany procedure with just a raise of their tists, Dental Ceramists, Dental Hygienists hand. The patient is always in control of and Dental Assistants form other dental offices trust Dr. Shvartsman and his staff with their procedure. For those who are anxious during dental their and their family’s smiles! Isn’t it time you had a great dental extreatments we offer Nitrous Oxide (sweet air), Valium anxiety reduction to help you perience? For more information contact Dr. Shvartsrelax. As you lay back and relax, your dental visits will fly by. Many patients have ac- man at State of the Art Comfort Dentistry, 260 E. Main St., Smithtown. 631- 361tually fallen asleep during treatment! For the very apprehensive patient we 3577. www.smithtownsmiles.com. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN MENTIONTHISADANDRECEIVE $ 100 savings INITIALEXAM NEWPATIENTSONLYs%XPIRES We Are Committed to your Comfort ”Laser & Drill-Free Icon Dentistry CEREC crown in one visit! .O.EEDLE)NJECTIONSs4RANQUILATMOSPHERE #OMFORT'AS.ITROUS/XIDE)63EDATION Dear Dr. Shvartsman, It was a blessing to work with you, here is why: I came to your clinic for amalgam fillings removal and it was extremely important for me that the procedure will be done safely and properly. The consultation with you was very thorough and you addressed all my concerns and special needs. The treatment was unparalleled to any dental work I had experienced in the past. The treatment was professional, safe and AMAZINGLY PAINLESS! And one more thing - everybody made sure that I was comfortable and relaxed throughout the treatment, and you took the time to explain everything you were doing. My experience really exceeded my expectations! Thank you so much. — Orly K The DENTIST that other dentists TRUST with their SMILE! Dr. Alex Shvartsman %-AIN3TREET3TE3MITHTOWN 631-361-3577 WWWSMITHTOWNSMILESCOM October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr7 Picks fyi October Book Pick Suddenly Solo: A Lifestyle Road Map for the Mature, Widowed or Divorced Man Its about spending quality time with family... by Harold “Hal” Spielman and Marc Silbert Though this book is written for men, many women have found it useful. Suddenly Solo has real-world answers to questions about dating, housekeeping, finances, sex and many other issues. Told in a light-hearted way—but backed by extensive, original research—Suddenly Solo is a welcome companion for the mature divorced or widowed man or woman transitioning into a new world. For more information, visit suddenlysolo.org. Product Pick Homegrown Pillows Looking for natural methods like aromatherapy to alleviate chronic pain? Then check out these pillows and hot/cold wraps. All of the products are handmade using quality cotton fabrics. Each product is generously filled with flaxseed and fresh herbs. To order, visit homegrownpillows.com. Restaurant Pick Passione /LD#OUNTRY2D#ARLE0LACEssPASSIONERESTAURANTCOM We may be 3,000 miles from mainland Italy, but Passione’s authentic Italian cooking will have you longing for the old country. An exquisite décor and excellent service add to the outstanding dining experience. Many dishes are available in both regular and family portion sizes. Their “Skinny Girl” pasta dish is made with spaghetti squash and tastes amazing! Click Pick Spend that quality time at Woodloch, TripAdvisor’s #2 Resort for Families in America. Inclusive midweek rates start at $149 per adult/nt. Restaurant Hunter fios1news.com/longisland/restauranthunter This is the companion website to Verizon’s new 30-minute show. Emmywinner Rob Petrone searches for the best eats the Island has to offer. You can view clips from past episodes on the site. Event Pick Ridotto presents Pianist Vassily Primakov 800.woodloch | Woodloch.com Nestled in the picturesque Pocono Mountains. 8r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 World-renowned Russian pianist Vassily Primakov performs an all-Chopin recital on Sunday, October 20 at 4 p.m. in the Ridotto Concert Series. The concert takes place in the Huntington Jewish Center, 510 Park Ave. For information and to purchase tickets, visit Ridotto.org or call 631-385-0373. To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN “VISION IS SEEING WHAT’S INVISIBLE TO OTHERS.” Barry Morgenstern, M. D. BOARD-CERTIFIED Radiologist BREAST IMAGING AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY As advanced as medical technology can be diagnostic images are only as insightful as the radiologist reading them. That’s why our radiologists, graduates of top institutions, are experts in sub-specialties like breast imaging, neuroradiology, musculoskeletal imaging, and more. The extra insight they offer enables them to transform even complex topics into simple black and white for patients and their physicians. For information, please contact a nearby location. Bay Shore Commack Huntington Patchogue Plainview West Islip 631.655.2261 631.462.0525 631.427.8860 631.475.5300 516.822.3600 631.422.4474 MedArtsRad.com Meet These Long Island Women by Vivian Swift Long Island Style Brittany Grimes Barbara Kaplan Phyllis Levy For Brittney Grimes, modeling isn’t all about being beautiful on the runway. As a poet, published author, and spoken-word performer, Brittney says that being a fashion model is just part of leading an artful life. Born and raised in Baldwin, Brittney became a literary prodigy at the age of eight in 1995, when she published her first book, Poetry For A Child By A Child. She then won first place at Showtime at the Apollo by reciting one of her own verses, Children of the World. Network television came calling and Brittney was featured on Nickelodeon, Good Morning America, and CNN Person of the Day. Her backlist (four books in total) earned her the kind of recognition – glossy magazines and the New York Times – and awards – from the National Organization for Women, National Council of Negro Women, and the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education – that would have made her Ivy League material when it came time to apply to college. But Brittney chose to “stay true to my Long Island roots” and she recently graduated from Hofstra University with a B.A. in English and Creative Writing. Brittney often speaks to local civic and academic organizations about her range of accomplishments and about her upcoming young adult novel to be published in 2014. In building her career as a print and runway model, Brittney incorporates the skills she’s learned in her public life as a poet and motivational speaker. She cites Kathy Ireland (LONG ISLAND WOMAN, August 2013) as her role model in using the fashion world as a portal for future entrepreneurial success. She is following Kathy’s advise to stay “grounded and strong and secure.” In other words, Brittney just has to stay true to her Long Island roots. To fully experience Barbara Kaplan’s definition of Long Island Lifestyle, you’d need to spend an entire day dropping into health and beauty seminars, self- and home-improvement workshops, travel and wealth management forums, and spiritual and educational gatherings. Lucky for you, she’s made that easy! She’s the lifestyle visionary behind the annual Over 50 Fair that brings together Long Island’s choicest purveyors of quality-of-life products and services. This year’s fair was held on September 29 at the deluxe Melville Marriott and featured over 80 exhibitors of life enhancing specialties including pop-up restaurants sponsored by some of Long Island’s most accomplished chefs. Barbara’s rise as a lifestyle guru began a mere five years ago when she organized a large scale event for a Long Island charity. To her surprise, she discovered that she had a gift for event planning. It’s a skill that, even with a Master’s degree in Applied Math from Stony Brook University, she had never factored into her career goals. But the proof is in the pudding: her Over 50 Fair has been a resounding success ever since she began holding it four years ago. The fair has become an inspirational life-enrichment resource for Long Islanders “of a certain age” and of a certain sophistication and adventurousness. But there’s more to Long Island lifestyle than this one fair. So in April, Barbara puts on the All Kids Fair, a mother and family-centric celebration that brings together mental, physical, and spiritual resources from yoga classes to college-planning counselors. From her childhood in East Meadow to raising her two sons in the Roslyn school system, Barbara has acquired the expertise to know what it takes to create a happy and healthy Long Island lifestyle. Find her best life recommendations at www.over50fair.com and www.allkidsfair.com. Phyllis Levy lives for high fashion. As a couture style consultant who works exclusively on Long Island, she is all about matching exceptional women to exceptional clothes. She focuses on clothing that will express and enhance the Long Island lifestyle. Casual, trendy, but also tasteful and luxurious: the Long Island look is what Phyllis calls Cool Girl Chic. For nearly two decades Phyllis Levy has outfitted her clients a la mode as an independent wardrobe consultant for the Carlisle Collection. Carlisle is a high-end fashion house with European-sourced design – their cashmeres and woolens come from the same Scottish mill used by Chanel. The company can offer affordable couture by presenting its immaculate fashion-forward garments only through private showings. In her one-on-one consultations, Phyllis helps women of all ages transform their fashion aspirations into a wardrobe that make them look and feel confident, classy, and au courant. As a high schooler in Deer Park, Phyllis showed an early talent for spotting quality style when she was appointed to the Teen Fashion Board for Macy’s department stores on Long Island. After graduating from Hofstra with a B.A. in English, she gave up a budding teaching career in the Cold Spring school system in order to launch herself as an entrepreneur, starting with her own fashion consulting business called We’re Sisters Too. And then she discovered Carlisle, a house that epitomizes the esthetic and quality that she most values in couture. Now Phyllis is growing the Carlisle brand throughout Long Island. By mentoring like-minded fashionistas as Carlisle consultants, Phyllis will bring impeccable style and design to every walk-in closet from Great Neck to the Hamptons. Her fashion hot line is plevy@carlisle-etcetera.com. To suggest someone for Meet These Long Island Women, email vswift@liwomanonline.com 10r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com IS YOUR BLADDER KEEPING YOU DOWN? Dr. Press has the answers to help you regain your life again – Always afraid of exercise or laughing because of leaking urine? – Can’t go to a movie or dinner without a hundred bathroom trips? – Embarrassed by urine leak or odor during intimacy? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! These are some common female pelvic health problems that Dr. Press treats Every Day: s5RINE,OSS&ROM%XERCISE!CTIVITY s&REQUENT5RINARY4RACT)NFECTIONS s/VERACTIVE"LADDER s5RINE,OSS$URING3EX s$ROPPED"LADDER!ND/THER0ELVIC/RGANS s6AGINAL,OOSENESS NO NEED FOR A HYSTERECTOMY!!! 3%%7(!49/5#!.$/4/&)8 9/527%!+",!$$%24/$!9 #ALL4ODAYTO3CHEDULEAN!PPOINTMENT %AST3ETAUKET\2IVERHEAD\'REENPORT WWWSCOTTPRESSUROLOGYCOM 3COTT-0RESS-$0# Board Certified Urologist Suffolk County’s only Urologist who is Board Certified in Female Pelvic and Reconstructive Surgery. Member of American Urogynecology Society, Fellow of the American Urological Association, Fellow of American College of Surgeons Director of Robotic Urology at Peconic Bay Medical Center 3ERVING,ONG)SLANDSINCEs*OHN4-ATHER(OSPITALs3T#HARLES(OSPITALs(UNTINGTON(OSPITAL To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr11 Good Advice ARE YOU DENSE? Why You Should Know About Your Breast Density by Barry R. Morgenstern, M.D., D.A.B.R. While mammography remains the single best test for breast can- screening test that has been shown to decrease deaths from breast cancer. If you find out you have dense breasts, you should discuss potential next steps with cer screening, its sensitivity is diminished by up to 20 percent in patients with dense breasts. In response, several states including your doctor. Studies have shown that screening breast ultrasound and MRI can help New York have adopted laws requiring patients and referring phy- find breast cancers that can’t be seen on a mammogram. However, both ultrasound sicians be notified when a radiologist determines that the pattern and MRI show more findings that are not cancer, which can result in added testing and unnecessary biopsies. Another new tool in the fight against breast cancer is 3D mamof breast tissue on a patient’s mammogram is dense. What does it mean to have dense breasts? Breasts are made up mography (also known as breast tomosynthesis). Clinical trials have demonstrated 3D mammography detects up to 40% more invasive cancers, especially in paof a mixture of fibrous, glandular and fatty tissue. Fibrous and glandular tients with dense breasts, along with a reduction in false positive studies. tissues appear white on a mammogram while fatty tissue shows up as 40% of patients For patients who are interested in additional screening options, a dark. If most of the tissue on a mammogram is fibrous and/or glandular, breast cancer risk assessment may be appropriate. Every woman’s risk the breasts are considered to be dense. Breast masses, both benign and have moderately for breast cancer is different and many factors - such as family history, malignant, also appear white, making it more difficult for radiologists to dense breasts. BRCA gene mutation, previous chest radiation therapy, and previous spot cancer on mammograms in patients with dense breasts. biopsies that show you are high risk - must be taken into account when Having dense breast tissue may also increase your risk of getting breast cancer, but there are varying levels of risk. Only 10% of patients have extremely determining whether additional forms of breast cancer screening are necessary. Medical Arts Radiology provides comprehensive, individualized breast cancer dense breast, and for these women breast cancer risk is about 2 times greater than average. 40% of patients have moderately dense breasts (referred to as “heteroge- screening services that include 2D and 3D mammography, ultrasound and MRI. neously dense”). For these women, the risk is only 1.2 times greater than average. Minimally invasive needle biopsy of the breast is also performed under stereotactic, ultrasound and MRI-guidance. All five of their dedicated facilities (Bay Shore, HunTherefore, breast density is a risk factor, but not a strong one. It is important to understand that recommendations for mammography are exactly tington, Patchogue, Plainview and West Islip) are designated Breast Imaging Centers the same for women with dense breasts as for the rest of the population. All women of Excellence by the American College of Radiology. For more information, visit their website at MedArtsRad.com. should begin annual screening mammography by age 40. Mammography is the only advertisement Lovelier Legs at… The Varicose Vein Center Jerry G. Ninia, MD, RVT, FACPH Fellow American College of Surgeons LASER NOW Hair Removal | Photorejuvenation Microdermabrasion | Non-Surgical Face Lift 99 DEALS $ Put your best face forward and freshen up with this amazing $99 deal that includes Microderm of full face, Laser Photofacial including hair removal, fine lines, pore size, acne, rosacea, etc., and hyaluronic face mask. PLUS detoxifying foot bath for $99 LASER TOENAIL SESSION for both feet $ 99 We provide Non-Surgical Treatment for Varicose Veins and Spider Veins Specializing in: s)NJECTION#OMPRESSION3CLEROTHERAPY s5LTRASOUND'UIDED3CLEROTHERAPY s#UTANEOUS3KIN,ASER4HERAPY s&OAM3CLEROTHERAPY s!MBULATORY0HLEBECTOMY s%NDOLASER6EIN4HERAPY Plus ELVeS™ (Endo Laser Vein System) The latest procedure for minimally invasive varicose vein treatment Uniquely Effective for Replacing Vein Stripping Most Medical Insurances Accepted %AST-AIN3T0ORT*EFFERSON 631-474-1414 www.mdvein.com 8JUIUIJT"Et&YQJSFT 516.382.0398t#PPLPOMJOFPSCVZHJGUDBSETBU www.laser-now.com 12r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Don’t Wear The Mask of Old Age This Halloween! Treat Yourself! Microdermabrasion Photofacial Reg. $130 Reg. $399 SPECIAL $99 SPECIAL $299 Plus 15% Off Any Chemical Peel Offer Expires 11/1/13. May not be combined with any other offer except VIP & RAF. Not redeemable for cash. Leading Facial Rejuvenation Specialist u Injectable Treatment Expert Dr. James C. Marotta Dual Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon SPECIAL 2-Day Event THERAPEUTIC PUMPKIN MASK ONLY $79! Exfoliates & Moisturizes October 18th & 21st *No other discounts apply. Special pricing limited to event days. 267 East Main Street, Suite B5 | Smithtown | 631-982-2022 / Smithtown / 631-982-2022 F AFacial C I A LPlastic P L ASurgery, S T I C P.C. S U/RMain G E RStreet Y MarottaMD.com Marotta Gift Certificates Available Like us Good Advice Look Your Best For The Holidays - Beauty Treatments For A Busy Calendar by Dr. James C. Marotta October is here and signs of the upcoming holidays are everywhere Photofacials: Uneven skin tone, blotchy patches and sun damage can really age the face you look. Before you know it, Thanksgiving will be upon us, and the and neck. A quick and easy way to erase these imperfections is with a photofacial. In my start of many social gatherings with family and friends will begin. With practice I offer an IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial. IPL is like a laser, but instead of one all of the shopping, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, and socializing, who wavelength, it uses the energy of many different wavelengths, making the treatment safer, has time to beautify? Actually, it’s easier than you think. In less than more efficient, and with less downtime than a laser. IPL photofacials are also great for elimian hour, there are several things you can do to look picture perfect for nating spider veins and broken blood vessels as well as treating Rosacea. Photofacials can be the holidays. done in about 15 minutes and the results are typically seen within 7- 14 days. Injectable Treatments: If you want to look Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels and Facials: These common younger and more refreshed in a matter of minskin rejuvenation treatments are excellent at refreshing the skin to You can come in for an utes, injectables are the perfect solution. Fillers like Restylane, Jumake it appear brighter, healthier and more youthful. My practice ofvederm, and Radiesse are ideal for erasing or eliminating wrinkles, injectable treatment just days fers chemical peels ranging from superficial to deep, depending on the plumping up sagging skin, and diminishing bags, circles or hollowing degree of correction you’d like to achieve. An alternative to a chemical before a holiday or event – in peel is microdermabrasion which gently removes ultra thin layers of under the eyes. If you’re simply looking to smooth out wrinkles or fine lines, Botox & Dysport are alternate treatments that can be done withdead and damaged skin cells from the face and neck. Like a facial, other words, they are ideal in minutes. For patients who are looking to both smooth out wrinkled the treatment is relaxing and comfortable and leaves the skin smooth for the person with a busy skin as well as add volume, I recommend my signature “Liquid Facelift” and rejuvenated. Since you can have a microdermabrasion treatment or which utilizes fillers in combination with Botox or Dysport for amazing, facial a day before, or even the same day as a social function, they are calendar. immediate results. Patients love these non-surgical procedures because great beauty treatments during the busy holiday season. they typically take less than 15 minutes to have done, have little to no Makeup and skin care products: Don’t forget that good home skin downtime, are affordable, and last for several months. You can come in for an injectable care is just as important as in-office treatments. We recommend MarottaMD skin care prodtreatment just days before a holiday or event – in other words, they are ideal for the person ucts to help cleanse and rejuvenate your skin on a daily basis and also offer a full line of Jane with a busy calendar. Iredale Medical Mineral Makeup to include in your beauty routine. Our licensed aesthetiNon-Surgical Facelift: Ultherapy® is the only FDA approved non-invasive procedure that cians and makeup artists can assist you in selecting which products and colors are right for harnesses the power of ultrasound to reach the same tissue targeted in a facelift without you or even apply your makeup for a special event.. disrupting the surface of the skin. Ultherapy® restores collagen deep from within to lift and Dr.Marotta is a dual Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon with extensive experience tighten the skin from the inside out giving you natural results. For the ultimate non-surgical in mini-facelifts, endoscopic forehead and midface lifts, as well as deep-plane facefacelift, I recommend YOUTHerapy™ which is a combination of Ultherapy® & Injectables. It lifts. He operates out of his office in Smithtown which is an AAAHC accredited facility. Visit www.MarottaMD.com to learn more! Call 631-982-2022. takes about an hour, has no downtime, and gives immediate results. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr13 Book Corner by Debbi Honorof Long Island Women in History H ave you ever driven around Long Island and wondered about the genesis of street names or parks or the story behind historic homes, museums, gardens, and other cultural venues? In Natalie Naylor’s fascinating new book, Women in Long Island’s Past: A History of Eminent Ladies and Everyday Lives (The History Press, 2012), you’ll learn about many of the women who helped to transform Long Island into the unique place it is today. Dr. Naylor, a retired Hofstra University history professor, provides a glimpse into the lives of hundreds of women who impacted Natalie Naylor Long Island history. Some lived their entire lives here and others spent time during their formative years, but all left a lasting impact: religious leaders, aviators, philanthropists, writers, artists, political activists, scientists, entrepreneurs—and four first ladies. You learn not just about these intriguing and courageous women; you’ll learn about the history of Long Island, from the very early Native Americans and Colonial settlers to more recent times. Professor Naylor gives her readers a passionate account of women who worked for the common good, fought for women’s rights, paved the way for equality, and helped to create and foster this wonderful place we call home. As Dr. Naylor writes, “they are almost invisible in the records and histories of the last four hundred years.” With this book, Natalie Naylor has changed that. I recently sat down with Professor Naylor to learn more about the book and the women who inhabit its pages. How did the idea for this book come about? It started more than three decades ago. I was teaching grad courses in Women’s history and Long Island history at Hofstra and a student named Loretta asked why there were no women in the textbook. So I started researching women in Long Island history. The first thing I did was consult Notable American Women, a standard reference work of three thick volumes. Over the years, as I continued to You’ll learn teach both courses, I also continued my research and wrote about many numerous articles on the subject. Although I had thought about writing a book, I didn’t commit until 2012. I recently of the women tracked down the student—it took almost two months—and she was delighted that I found her. I sent her a copy of the who helped book and we plan to meet soon. to transform Tell me about your background in history. My dad was the unofficial historian of Peekskill, where I Long Island grew up and he wrote a book about Civil War days there. As into the an undergrad, I majored in political science with a minor in history, but I took mostly American History coursunique place it American es. I have a Masters from Teachers College and taught social studies in a Westchester junior high school. I went back to is today. Teachers College for an Ed.D and started teaching American 14r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 Social History at Hofstra in 1968. I retired from Hofstra in 2000, but I continue to be closely involved with a number of Long Island historical organizations. How did you choose the women you included in the book? They had to have lived and worked on Long Island during their years of accomplishment. In addition to notable women, I also wanted to include ordinary women whose names haven’t made it into the history books, but whose accomplishments are important. I cut off the book around 1970 because it’s hard to view the recent past in perspective. Which story was your favorite? My favorite—and I plan to write more about her— is Rosalie Gardiner Jones. She was known as “General Jones” in the suffrage movement. She led a hike to Albany in December 1912 through snow and rain to present a petition to the Governor and another to Washington, DC in 1913 for the Wilson inaugural. She was a little eccentric but a real maverick. Any plans for a sequel? No sequel is planned, but certainly more articles. After the book was written, I learned how many Long Island women have been key to the environmental movement. Women not only donated land for many of the preserves on Long Island—named in memory of their husbands—they were also instrumental in starting environmental organizations and garden clubs and fighting for clean water and against the use of pesticides. How will women of the future view the history of our time? They’ll wonder why it took so long for women to achieve equality. O Brenda’s Book Briefs I’m Brenda Janowitz, lawyer-turned-author of Recipe for a Happy Life (St. Martin’s July 2013). I’m delighted to present you with “Brenda’s Book Briefs,” my monthly column on what I’m reading, and what \RX VKRXOG EH UHDGLQJ <RX FDQ ÀQG PH online at brendajanowitz.com. New Money by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal (YHUGUHDPRIZDNLQJXSRQHGD\WRÀQGRXW\RX·UHWKHVROHKHLU WRDELOOLRQDLUH·VIRUWXQH",Q/RUUDLQH=DJR5RVHQWKDO·VNew Money (Thomas Dunne Books, 2013), Savannah Morgan goes from a modest Southern upbringing to Manhattan high society in a New York minute. This delightful coming-of-age story will touch you, make you laugh, and keep you turning the pages long into the night. Zago Rosenthal is the author of the powerful young adult novel, Other Words for LoveDQGWKLVIRUD\LQWRZRPHQ·VÀFWLRQLV just as successful as her work for younger readers. Lorraine Zago Rosenthal is a writer to watch. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Column Integrative Medicine blends conventional mainstream medicine with evidence-based alternative treatments. Xr-0/(*4-"/%80."/rMonth 2013 To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Month 2013r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rX S outh Shore Laser Looking Young Never Gets Old NON SURGICAL LASER LIPO Treats sagging skin to tighten and re-contour the face and body ULTRASOUND BODY CONTOURING Permanently destroys fat cells s.EWEST&$!APPROVEDTECHNOLOGY s,OSEINCHESAFTERYOURlRSTTREATMENT s.ONINVASIVEALTERNATIVETO3MARTLIPO s./$/7.4)-%s./.%%$,%3 "OTOXs*UVEDERMs.ATURAL#OLLAGENs2ADIESSEs3CULPTRA CLEARLIFT&ACELIFTs,ASER(AIR2EMOVALs,ASER3KIN4IGHTENING ,ASER3KIN2EJUVENATIONs,ASER!CNE4HERAPY ,ASER3KIN0IGMENTATIONs6ITILIGOs-ELASMAs2OSACEA Injectables performed by one of the finest injectable specialists, James Christian Sardelli, RPA-C CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION as seen on 631-482-8913 98 E. Main Street, Babylon Village www.SouthShoreLasers.com A Whole Approach to a Healthy Lifestyle! ATKINS WELLNESS SOLUTIONS Integrating Homeopathic, Botanical and Nutritional Medicine We Specialize in and create programs for: &XVWRP+RPHRSDWKLF5HPHGLHV 2SWLPDO1XWULWLRQ+HDOWK\$JLQJ :HLJKW&KROHVWHURO0DQDJHPHQW 1XWULWLRQDO6XSSRUWWR)LJKW&DQFHU 'HWR[LILFDWLRQ 'LJHVWLYH,VVXHV )RRG6HQVLWLYLWLHV«DQGPXFKPRUH Full Body THERMOGRAPHY Non-invasive alternative to mammography without radiation Dr. Stephen Atkins, Ph.D “Good nutrition is not an alternative therapy, it is a fundamental part of health.” Hours by appointment – 631-470-2499 UÊÌÃ7iiÃðV ÇxÊ*ÀëiVÌÊ-ÌÀiiÌ]Ê-ÕÌiÊ££{]ÊÕÌ}Ì]Ê 9Ê££Ç{Î To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN !LLERGY4ESTINGs$IAGNOSIS#AREOF!STHMA2HINITIS )NSECT3TING!LLERGY4ESTINGs!LLERGEN)MMUNOTHERAPY Get Relief Now! Allergies Hay Fever Asthma Eczema Dermatitis Sinusitis Itchy Eyes Sneezing Fatigue Chronic Cough Moodiness Irritable Bowel Syndrome ,INCHITZ-EDICAL7ELLNESS0,,# 70 Glen Street, Suite 300, Glen Cove sLINCHITZWELLNESSCOM October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr15 Catching Up with Carol by Carol Silva “I’m the Luckiest Guy I Know” O ctober 4, 1980, Manhasset’s Frank Bice was Captain of the Siena College football team. Frank was having a good game against St. John Fisher in Rochester. He’d just grabbed his fourth interception of the season when a St. John receiver split. Frank hit him as hard as he could. “I didn’t get my head up in time. I landed on my back. I couldn’t feel anything. I broke my neck. They called an ambulance.” A priest got in the ambulance and prayed Hail Marys on the way to Strong Memorial Hospital. Emergency room doctors removed his helmet and jersey. They took X-rays. Then they told Frank he was paralyzed. The priest gave him the Anointing of the Sick – the “When we’re blessing for someone who might be dying. That was the day Frank says, “My life started all over again.” going through “I was 21 years old. I prayed for grace to say ‘yes.’ I told God ‘If you give me the grace to live the rest of my life with a tough time a positive attitude, I’ll say yes to whatever you ask of me.’” the best way Three months later Frank was flown to Manhattan’s Rusk Rehabilitation Institute. For five months Frank’s famout, is to help ily visited daily. So did his friends from Manhasset, boarding-school and Siena College. “My buddies wrote notes someone to the nurses on my body. (If I told you what they said, I’d else! It forces be arrested.) The nurses rotated my body every 2 hours. One guy hid a fake hand. When the next nurse rotated you out of me the hand fell out. She ran out thinking my arm had fallen off!” yourself.” A family priest from St. Mary’s, Manhasset also visited. “It was a little strange. He didn’t talk. He just whispered in my ear, ‘Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.’ But it was what I wanted from a priest. I had enough friends.”So Frank started repeating it. “It helped me focus on what I had to be grateful for. I’m alive. I have a great family, friends, a bright future. I started to become grateful for my new life.” “I’m the luckiest guy I know. Because God has taken me to places I wouldn’t have gotten if I didn’t have this injury.” He worked on Wall Street for 14 years, but found a better fit teaching and coaching Lacrosse and football at his Connecticut boarding school. “The kids carried me on and off bus.” Frank got his Masters at Yale and now teaches and coaches at Sacred Heart Academy in West Hempstead. He delivers online life’s lessons, ministers as a Deacon back at St. Mary’s and his first book is titled Your Cross is Your Gift. Frank says we can’t control whether we get a cross to carry, but we can choose our attitude. “First, ask God ‘Where’s the gift in this?’ And when we’re going through a tough time the best way out is to help someone else! It forces you out of yourself. You’ll be rewarded 10-times over!” Frank’s attitude? “It’s 33 years later and I still consider myself the luckiest person who ever lived.” He means it. O News 12’s Carol Silva has been bringing Long Islanders their local news for more than 25 years weekdays starting at 5:00AM on News 12 Long Island. Be Lifted • SHORT-TERM REHABILITATION & SUB ACUTE CARE • Being unable to work because of an injury or illness is certainly no vacation. But, returning to a productive life is the critical mission of the experienced medical and rehabilitative team at Broadlawn Manor’s Inpatient Sub-Acute and Rehabilitation Center. • Board Certified and Licensed Medical Professionals • Leading Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Program • Innovative Technology and Proven Treatments • Post-Surgical Care, Wound Care, Vital Stimulation™ and Pain Management • Centrally Located on the Nassau/Suffolk Border +ELLY/-ALLEY-ATTONE-$ 631-608-5600 www.broadlawn.org 399 County Line Road Amityville, NY 11701 Ultherapy – CoolSculpting – Invislift – Botox – Dysport – Restylane – Lashes MicroCurrent Facial Sculpting – Endermologie – Facials – Painless Laser Hair Removal A Member of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. "/.$3435)4%'2%!4.%#+ssWWWAESTHETICASSOCIATESCOM We C a re F o r P e o p l e . 16r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Column Integrative Medicine blends conventional mainstream medicine with evidence-based alternative treatments. Xr-0/(*4-"/%80."/rMonth 2013 To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Month 2013r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rX Watch Dr. Jacono’s TV Show Facing Trauma on $UAL"OARD#ERTIkED&ACIAL 0LASTIC2ECONSTRUCTIVE3URGEON ANDREW A. JACONO, MD, FACS Read Dr. Jacono’s New Book The Face of the Future, Look Natural, Not Plastic: B OTOX ® C O S M E T I C RESTYLANE JUVÉDERM® RADIESSE U LT H E R A ® SCULPTRA® FRAXEL LASER LASER GENESIS A Less-Invasive Approach to Enhance Your Beauty and Reverse Facial Aging ANDREW A. JACONO, MD, FACS !VAILABLEAT"ARNES.OBLE AND!MAZONCOM &ACIAL0LASTIC2ECONSTRUCTIVE3URGEON &ELLOWSHIP4RAINED$UAL"OARD#ERTIFIED Plastic Surgery Seminars Now Offering $500 OFF* Non-Surgical Facelifts with Minimally Invasive Facial Plastic Surgery & Non-Surgical Treatments Date: Wednesday, October 23 Time: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. RSVP: (516) 773-4646 Trust Your Face to a Specialist L A S E R H A I R R E M OVA L LASER VEIN THERAPY LIMELIGHT LASER M AT R I X C O 2 FRACTIONAL LASER PEARL LASER T I TA N L A S E R An ultrasound treatment to tighten, firm and LIFT your skin! AS SEEN ON THE DR. OZ SHOW! *Discount for full face treatment only. 440 Northern Boulevard Great Neck, New York 11021 990 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10075 (516) 773-4646 (212) 570-2500 L O CAT E D O N T H E M I R A C L E M I L E 440 Northern Boulevard Great Neck, New York 11021 info@JSpaMedSpa.com www.JSpaMedSpa.com (516) 773-2424 www.newyorkfacialplasticsurgery.com Good Advice The Future Lift: A New Hybrid Facelift Technique by Andrew A. Jacono, M.D., FACS The aging process, if you haven’t noticed, has a wear-and-tear effect on Future Lift, which fuses the optimal features of older-generation, short-incision “mini” face our skin and our bodies. As we enter our forties and early fifties the jaw line lifts with deep plane face lifts. Hybrid face lifts yield superior, natural looking results with minand neck begin to loosen, creating jowls, neck laxity, vertical bands in the imal scarring and a shorter recovery (7-10 days). In addition, this lift restores volume to the neck, and that much dreaded “turkey neck.” In recent years we have cheekbones and smoothes nasolabial folds, resulting in a youthful, beautiful, heart- shaped become intolerant of these consequences, and more of us are seeking to face and authentic result that does not appear tight or “overdone.” For years, my patients rewind the clock and revitalize our physical being. have had to choose between better results or less scarring. With hybrid face lifts, they get the There were over 100,000 facelifts performed in 2009 according to the best of both worlds. American Society of Plastic Surgeons, but the techniques used vary widely. There are corporate The Future Lift uses a short incision, while lifting the facial tissue and muscles simultaneoussponsored face lifts that are advertised on television claiming no downtime, trademarked lifts, ly so patients get the superior results of a deep plane face lift, combined with the minimal scarmini lifts, S-lifts, MACS lifts, and deep plane lifts. This is all very confusing, ring of a “mini lift.” It is not only an option that delivers best-in-class and most of us do not understand the vital differences. How do you decide results, but a procedure that offers longer-lasting results as well. The stanThe most state-of-the-art what procedure gives the best results, with minimal scarring and downdard lifetime of a “mini lift” is between three to five years, but with newer face lift is a recently time, and the longest lasting results? This is the most commonly asked hybrid face lifts results typically last 12 to 15 years. question by my patients. developed hybrid technique, Just like a “mini face lift,” The Future Lift can be performed under local Short-incision “mini” face lifts, often the ones advertised on television, anesthesia in about an hour and a half. General anesthesia is not necesthat I call the Future Lift. utilize an abbreviated incision to lift the skin. While the incision is small sary, making this a safe procedure as well. Given the level of difficulty in (hidden inside the ear) leaving minimal scarring, post-operative bleeding performing this procedure, as a more detailed understanding of the anatoand bruising is a trademark of these procedures. They typically tighten only the skin and do my is required, I encourage any patient considering this procedure to seek a physician who spenot lift and tighten the muscles. As a result, they can leave patients with a windswept, cializes in facial plastic surgery and possesses the level of expertise required to perform a hybrid “pulled” appearance, and the results last only three to five years, as the underlying facial musface lift. As a committed facial plastic surgeon, I assure that all of my patients have a clear cles are not tightened. The facial muscles are the structure of the face, the beams that hold up understanding of the different types of procedures. Any patient considering a face lift should the face lift if you will; and if not treated the lifted face will fall earlier than desired. be aware of all of their options. Compared to “mini” face lifts, a deep plane face lift yields more effective, longer lasting To learn more about this innovative procedure, please call our New York or Great Neck offices at results with my patient population. It is a procedure that lifts the skin and muscle as one unit, 212-570-2500 or 516-773-4646, or you may visit us at www.NewYorkFacialPlasticSurgery.com. as well as lifting the mid-face and cheek area. On the downside, deep plane face lifts require Dr. Andrew Jacono is a Dual Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He is a very large incision, resulting in more noticeable scarring which makes hiding your procedure Section Head of the Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at North Shore University Hospital virtually impossible. and an Assistant Professor of Facial Plastic Surgery at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, and The most state-of-the-art face lift is a recently developed hybrid technique, that I call the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr17 THE LONG ISLAND WOMAN INTERVIEW Wanda Sykes What a Wandaful World On TV, she’s one of the funniest sitcom ensemble players of recent years (Curb Your Enthusiasm, The New Adventures of Old Christine). On film, she’s a kid-friendly voice in the animated Over the Hedge to Ice Age: Continental Drift and a sassy presence in such grown-up comedies as Pootie Tang and Evan Almighty. And onstage in front of a microphone, well, she’s Wanda Sykes, brave, honest and funny. Born in Virginia and raised in the suburbs of Washington DC, Sykes wasn’t exactly cracking jokes from an early age. She was simply mouthy and blunt – perhaps too much so for her army dad and banker mom. “When I was younger, I talked a lot,” Sykes confessed during our recent conversation. “I would say funny things that would get me in trouble. It was being outspoken rather than being funny.” But the approach, perspective and delivery would shift in junior high school. “That’s when I knew I could make my friends laugh, my teachers and all. I don’t think there was `a moment’ I knew I was funny. I started making my peers laugh, and I thought, `Okay, I have something here going on.’ But I was a good student. I didn’t want the title `class clown’ because I knew my parents would not be happy about that. They would just think I was at school goofing off. So I remember asking my classmates not to vote for me for class clown.” Sykes did perform during her school years – but it was behind a drum kit. “I was in a band. Yeah, I used to play a lot,” she recalls. “I still have the drum set; it’s somewhere in a storage unit right now.” The comedienne doesn’t remember much about her school performances except that she began playing in fifth grade and that one high-school production she was in was set in a nightclub, so her band was the actual group playing in the club. Asked if she ever thinks of getting the snares out for a bash, Sykes, the mother of two children with her partner, chuckles, “With kids? That would be dangerous to have a drum set around. They would drive me nuts with that – the same way I drove my parents nuts.” But music would not become Sykes’ calling. In fact, like many teens, she was fairly rudderless after high school. “I knew that I had to go to college,” says Sykes, who attended Hampton University in Virginia. “But I had no idea what I wanted to do or wanted to be. My plan was to be a college graduate, really! So I just picked marketing and got a B.S. in that.” When I joke that “b.s.” is a rather appropriate term for most marketing, Sykes chuckles but notes that the degree did get her a job with the National Security Agency as a contracting specialist. “That was as close to marketing as you can get for the government, I guess,” Sykes says. “And I bought stuff.” Since we were chatting just days after news broke that former NSA contractor Edward Snowden had leaked classified documents and was shuttling through international airports looking for asylum in places like Russia or Ecuador, I couldn’t resist asking Sykes what she thought about the whole government leaks issue. “I think the NSA does a great job,” she replies. “They’re a good group of people keeping our nation safe. And I think Snowden is a criminal. He should be tried for treason. `Cause when you sign the agreement, it says you’re going to protect our information. He broke that.” She’s black, a lesbian and a breast cancer survivor. “I can’t be the poster child for everything!” If it seems surprising that a black lesbian woman would take such a pro-government stance, keep in mind that Sykes will speak her mind, whatever political side that happens to be on. In 2009, she became the first black woman, as well as the first openly gay person, to be the featured entertainer at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner – an occasion she used to lambaste right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh. Although that appearance caused some controversy, it was nothing compared to the worst – and creepiest – gig of Sykes’ career. “I was at a club in New Jersey,” she recalls, “doing a little one-nighter. It was me and two other comics. We get there, and the place is just really seedy. And I remember this guy; he bent over and a gun fell out. The gun was just spinning around in the middle of the floor. And the scary thing of it was, that everyone checked to see if it was their gun! (mimics) `You have yours?’ Oh, is that your gun?’ `Yeah, it was my gun.’ And I was thinking, `Okay, everyone here has a gun but me.’ So I did a really quick set and got out of there. Maybe five minutes, and I was out.” Hell-gigs are par for the course for comedians paying their dues, although Sykes’ very first attempt at stand-up comedy – a talent show sponsored by a local radio station – went really well. She figured, “Okay, this is cool. I have a bunch of strangers laughing, and it feels great. I by David Lefkowitz wanna keep doing this.” Of course, ignorance can be a kind of blessing. Sykes’ second gig was at a comedy club, and suddenly, there was more pressure and an understanding that the long haul demands more than a few good jokes and beginner’s luck. “It was my first time ever going into a comedy club,” says Sykes. “You get up, and there’s a lot of waiting around to get onstage. And I watched a lot of comics going before me and just bomb. So fear sets in, and you think, `Oh boy, this could go horribly wrong.’ So I wasn’t as loose the second time. And even the third or several times after that. It wasn’t like the first time; it took time. It took a little while for me to go, `Oh, I see how this goes.’ But I knew I wanted to do it because I didn’t stop. I just kept going on.” Luckily, Sykes had a mentor or two to guide her out of the pitfalls and into professional work. The emcee of the radio station contest, Andy Evans, “showed me where the comedy clubs were and worked with me as far as material. He was my first coach.” Soon, Sykes was writing for The Chris Rock Show, which was where “everything started for me,” the comedienne told Las Vegas Weekly. “I learned a lot from Chris and HBO.” For Sykes, the most important lesson – and the dividing line between comedians who killed and those who got killed – is gaining confidence. “Of course, you have to have the material,” she allows, “but you have to be confident and not just rely on the material. And you have to be into it. You have to be likeable and make the audience feel comfortable so that they will laugh.” Asked which performers influenced her work and desire to be a standup, Sykes, 49, cites television of the 1960s-70s as a comedy classroom. “Growing up, we watched all the variety shows; there were so many of them. We used to watch the Smothers Brothers all the time. I loved watching Sanford and Son, All in the Family – pretty much anything Norman Lear did. There was Moms Mabley, Flip Wilson, Bill Cosby. And as soon as I got older, of course, Richard Pryor and George Carlin.” That said, Sykes avoids watching current comics, simply because she doesn’t want to be thrown off her game. “When I’m out working,” she admits, “I just don’t want to hear another voice in my head.” Still, Sykes recently produced and hosted a comedy showcase of female comedians for the Oprah Winfrey Network. “I had to go through all these tapes and pick the comics that I wanted to be on the show,” Sykes says. “I really enjoyed the process, and the girls were all really funny. So I guess, when it’s work, and it’s something I’m producing, yeah, I can watch a lot of comics. But other than that, I’m not doing it.” SYKES IN SNIPPETS Favorite Books as a Child: I read pretty much everything by Octavia Butler. Recent Book Read: Tracy Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Mountains. Songs Now on your iPod: I love that Robin Thicke song, “Blurred Lines.” And I always listen to Bob Marley – especially the Legend album. Favorite Snack: I love salt-and-vinegar anything. Potato chips. Favorite Pastime: I love to bowl. Gym Routine: I don’t go to the gym. I have a treadmill and elliptical in my house that I’ll use maybe two or three times a week. But I love to walk my dogs, Riley and Simon. Favorite Comedy Routine of Yours: I used to love doing that bit, “Drink Man,” although I haven’t done it in a long time. What Sykes will do is make sure her material stays fresh by constantly adding to it or changing it. “I’ll think of something I think is funny,” says the comedienne of her process, “and I’ll make myself a little note – either on my phone, or I’ll write it down on a piece of paper. (Now it’s more by phone, because I’d be losing the piece of paper!) But the next time I’m about to do a show, I go through my little notes and just try it out. I’m always trying out new material. The best part is when I’m the middle of a show, and something just hits me. I build on that piece or think of something onstage, and I do it right there.” Spontaneity has also been a mark of Sykes’ personal life. Famously, she came out as a gay woman at a Pride rally. “That was after the passage of Proposition 8 in California,” recall Sykes. “And from then on, it was also in my comedy. I mean, I was probably talking about it in my comedy beforehand, but people weren’t really catching on.” Asked if she realized she was gay during her seven-year marriage to record producer Dave Hall, Sykes said, “No, I was a married woman. I mean, I knew, probably, as a kid that I was gay. But that’s not how you’re supposed to live. So you just push all that aside and live how society says you’re supposed to live. So I did that. I wanted to fit into it, so that’s who I was. It wasn’t until after that, that I said, `Okay, why aren’t my relationships working? What’s going on?’ And then it was like, `Okay, I know. I know what’s going on.’” What’s been going on with Sykes in recent times is more film roles (this summer’s The Hot Flashes), tons of talk-show appearances on everything from Ellen to The Tonight Show, and, of course, stand-up gigs across the country (she’ll be at Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center on October 5th). Health-wise, she’s doing fine following her double mastectomy in 2011. Since breast cancer ran in her mother’s side of the family, Sykes chose to be proactive. As for sharing the news with the public, Sykes joked with Ellen Degeneres at the time, “I don’t know, should I talk about it or what? How many things could I have? I’m black, then lesbian... I can’t be the poster child for everything!” Though the big 5-0 looms for her in March, Sykes says she’s not obsessing about age. “I’m way behind on trying to plan a party or celebration for the 50th, but that’s pretty much what I’ve been thinking about, not the age itself. What do I wanna do? How am I going to celebrate?” No doubt, as she always does, she’ll think of something. X David Lefkowitz co-publishes Performing Arts Insider (TotalTheater. com), hosts Dave’s Gone By (davesgoneby.org) on UNC Radio. Read him at: davelefkowitzwriting.wordpress.com/about/ Wanda Sykes with Julia Louis Dreyfuss on The New Adventures of Old Christine. Health by Joanna Pompilio Breast Cancer Awareness News Blood pressure drug may raise breast cancer risk W tible portion is now being treated. Because radiation only travels about a centimeter, this new procedure will limit the amount of damage the treatment inflicts on healthy tissue. In the new procedure, probes are used to help deliver the radiation directly into the patient’s incision site. Instead of treating the entire breast, the radiation is targeted at the area where the tumor was located prior to being removed. Typically, patients would receive monthly chemotherapy for a year after surgery, followed by daily radiation treatments for three to five weeks. The intraoperative treatment, which takes about two and a half hours, cuts out radiation treatments for many patients, and recovery time is faster. Many patients are discharged the same day as the surgery. Chemotherapy treatment depends on the size and type of tumor. Aesthetically, the results leave little to no burning or scaring. Because this treatment requires one dose of radiation at one time, it is a huge improvement over the inconvenience of repeated trips to the hospital for standard radiation therapy. omen taking a type of blood pressure drug for more than a decade may raise their breast-cancer risk, a study found. This is the first potential link between long-term use of the popular medicines, also called calcium channel blockers, (like Pfizer’s Norvasc) which may more than double the risk for breast cancer. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, is the first time these drugs, which include verapamil, gallopamil, and fendiline, have been associated to increasing women’s risk for breast cancer, but the researchers stressed that the finding needs to be confirmed by other studies before any action is taken to avoid these drugs. The study shows a link, but does not prove a relationship between the drugs and breast cancer. Medications for treating high blood pressure, called antihypertensives, are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States with an estimated 678 million prescriptions filled in 2010, including 98 million prescriptions for calcium-channel blockers. In the study, more than 1,900 Seattle-area women diagnosed with breast cancer were studied to determine which medications they were taking to manage chronic conditions; when compared to a control group of women who didn’t have breast cancer. ResearchFinding a lump in your breast means you have ers found that women who were on calcium channel blockers and breast cancer. had been taking them for at least 10 years were more than twice as The Truth likely to have been diagnosed with breast cancer. It is unclear why Only a small percentage of breast lumps calcium-channel blockers may raise a woman’s chance of developing turn out to be cancer. But if you discover a breast cancer. persistent lump in your breast or notice any The next step in the current research would be to examine more changes in breast tissue, it should never be groups of people who take blood pressure medications, to better ignored. It is very important that you see a understand the relationship between the calcium-channel blockers physician for a clinical breast exam. He or she and cancer risk. However, if patients are concerned, may possibly order breast imaging studies to and because there are several classes of hypertendetermine if this lump is of concern or not. Researchers sives, patients can certainly discuss their options with Take charge of your health by performfound that their physician and look into alternative blood presing routine breast self-exams, establishing sure treatments. ongoing communication with your doctor, women getting an annual clinical breast exam, and scheduling your routine screening mamIntra-Operative Radiation Therapy who were mograms. In 2013, the American Cancer Society estimates on calcium there will be 40,030 male and female deaths from A mammogram can cause breast cancer to breast cancer. However, new strides in treatment opchannel spread. tions may dramatically reduce that number for 2014. Intra-Operative Radiation Therapy, also known as The Truth blockers and one day radiation treatment, for patients with breast A mammogram, or x-ray of the breast, curhad been cancer is a new stride in treatment and allows docrently remains the gold standard for the early tors to tailor a medical plan more specific to each detection of breast cancer. Breast compression taking them patient and their type of breast cancer. while getting a mammogram cannot cause The new procedure, using intrabeam intraoperative cancer to spread. According to the National for at least radiotherapy, allows a patient undergoing a lumpecCancer Institute, “The benefits of mammog10 years were tomy to also receive the necessary radiation in one raphy, however, nearly always outweigh the dose while still under sedation. Surgeons are using potential harm from the radiation exposure. more than intra-operative radiation therapy to specifically tarMammograms require very small doses of get the area where the tumor was removed, and the radiation. The risk of harm from this radiation twice as likely radiation treatment immediately follows. This treatexposure is extremely low.” to have been ment is especially relevant since traditionally, the site The standard recommendation is an annual where cancers will most likely come back is the site mammographic screening for women begindiagnosed with where it was previously found. Instead of treating ning at age 40. Base your decision on your the whole body with radiation, just the most suscepphysician’s recommendation and be sure to breast cancer. BREAST CANCER MYTHS 20r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 discuss any remaining questions or concerns you may have with your physician. If you have a family history of breast cancer, you are likely to develop breast cancer too. The Truth While women who have a family history of breast cancer are in a higher risk group, most women who have breast cancer have no family history. Statistically only about 10% of individuals diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history of this disease. If you have a first degree relative with breast cancer: If you have a mother, daughter, or sister who developed breast cancer below the age of 50, you should consider some form of regular diagnostic breast imaging starting 10 years before the age of your relative’s diagnosis. If you have a second degree relative with breast cancer: If you have had a grandmother or aunt who was diagnosed with breast cancer, your risk increases slightly, but it is not in the same risk category as those who have a first degree relative with breast cancer. If you have multiple generations diagnosed with breast cancer on the same side of the family, or if there are several individuals who are first degree relatives to one another, or several family members diagnosed under age 50, the probability increases that there is a breast cancer gene contributing to the cause of this familial history. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com 1973 Union Blvd., Bay Shore 631-666-5000 www.ojmedtech.com Attentive Compassionate OB Gyn Care Family Planning Fertility Concerns and Consultation State of the Art Ultrasonography Menopausal Treatment Uro-Gyn Hi-Risk OB COME MEET OUR EXCELLENT TEAM OF PROVIDERS AND STAFF 444 Merrick Rd #LL3, Lynbrook 1175 West Broadway, Suite #33, Hewlett 516-536-5656 516-616-4522 OPEN SUNDAY www.winthropwcca.com Mon.- Fri. and Evening Hours -OST)NSURANCES!CCEPTEDs+NOWLEDGEABLEONLAWSOF4AHARAT(AMISHPACHA+ALLAHS To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr21 You choose your pharmacy so why not your lab? Medical tests are a fact of life ... but high costs and inconvenience don’t have to be. Sunrise Medical Laboratories is an independent lab providing a full range of testing services to meet the healthcare needs of the entire family. Our extensive network of neighborhood patient service center locations offers convenient hours and friendly, personalized service. The next time your doctor orders laboratory testing, choose Sunrise. For more information call 800.782.0282 or go to www.sunriselab.com The Choice Is Yours Meet the Health Professional in the December issue of Susan Smith, M.D. 123 Business St., Smithtown 631-555-1234 www.website.com see ad on page 13 This is a sample of a Meet The Health Professional listing. It includes a color photo of the health professional, contact information and 100 words of copy about the health professional describing his or her background, qualifications, achievements and the services offered by the practice. Long Island Woman reaches over 140,000 health-minded Long Island women at over 1,000 convenient locations throughout Long Island. ong Island Woman health professional advertisers will be included for free in Meet The Health Professional in the December issue. Reservation deadline is Nov. 8th. For more information, call the advertising department at 516-505-0555 x1 or email ads@liwomanonline.com. sample/actual size 22r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 Reach Long Island’s Primary Healthcare Decision-Makers Over 140,000 health-minded women look to Long Island Woman for useful information when choosing a health professional. If you’re a health professional and would like to join other Long Island health professionals in this useful guide for Long Island women that highlights your background, qualifications and services, then call or email Long Island Woman to find out how advertisers can be featured for free in Meet the Health Professional. Reserve Your Space & Copy by Friday, November 8th For more Information call 516-505-0555 x1 or email: ads@liwomanonline.com Health Intraoperative radiation therapy also has fewer side effects than traditional radiation therapy including redness, rashes, irritation, fatigue, swelling, tissue stiffness, and scarring. Since this procedure is still being studied, doctors are only using it for patients with early stage breast cancer who are age 60 or older. The cancerous growths have to be less than two centimeters and they must be hormone receptor positive. However, experts expect that as more studies are conducted, over time, the minimum age will drop. Breast-Feeding May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk A new study by the Journal of Clinical Nursing has discovered that breast-feeding for six months or longer may delay or reduce the risk of breast cancer. New research has found that the act may delay the start of cancer by 10 years, as long as women breast-feed for more than six months and do not smoke. The study was carried out by a group of researchers from the University of Granada in Spain, to assess the relationship between breast cancer and breast-feeding. The study involved 504 female breast cancer patients between the ages of 19 and 91 diagnosed with breast cancer and being treated in San Cecilio University Hospital in Granada. The researchers discovered that non-smoking women who breast-fed their child for six months or longer were not diagnosed until, approximately, age 68. Whereas both non-smokers and women who either did not breast-feed or did so for less than six months,were diagnosed at an average of age 58. Despite patient’s family history of cancer, female non-smokers saw a lower breast cancer risk if they breast-fed, while smokers saw no benefit. While experts have no concrete evidence explaining why breast-feeding helps lower breast cancer risk, they believe, the most probable reasons is the hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy and lactation. Age of breast cancer diagnosis, length time of breast feeding, family history of cancer, obesity, alcohol consumption, and smoking habits, were all included in the analysis of the patients. The authors of the study added the incidence of this disease could be reduced from 6.3% to 2.7% if women were able to breast-feed their children for more than six months. They added that the move away from breast-feeding is a big factor in the increase in breast cancer cases. Research suggests that breast-feeding has only a slight effect on breast cancer risk and that effect is only among women who have breast-fed for a long time. Breast-feeding seems to be more protective against the most aggressive types of breast cancer, including tumors in women with mutations in the BRCA1 gene, basal-like cancers, hormone-receptor negative, and possibly triple negative tumors. The findings confirm the results of previous studies on the topic. Both breast-feeding and pregnancy are thought to help protect women against breast cancer by reducing estrogen levels. While it is not clear just how much breast-feeding may impact cancer risk, it has many other health advantages for mothers and babies. O To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com )NTRODUCING$"REAST4OMOSYNTHESIS North Shore-LIJ Imaging now offers 3D Breast Tomosynthesis as part of its comprehensive breast imaging services. Our staff of dedicated, board-certified mammographers ensure the highest level of interpretive skills with expertise you can count on. Other benefits include: s0RODUCESAMOREDETAILEDTHREEDIMENSIONALIMAGE s%NHANCESACCURACY s4HEPATIENTEXPERIENCEISEXACTLYTHESAMEASA standard mammogram Schlanger, Gottlieb, Partners Council Breast Imaging Center at the Center for Advanced Medicine ,AKEVILLE2OAD Lake Success, NY 11042 (516) 734-8600 .OADDITIONALCOSTs.OSPECIALIZEDPRESCRIPTIONREQUIRED Additional specialized imaging services include: s$IGITAL-AMMOGRAPHYINCLUDING$4OMOSYNTHESIS s"REAST5LTRASOUND s"REAST-2) s"REAST"IOPSIES – Stereotactic n-2)GUIDED n5LTRASOUNDGUIDED The Bohlsen Women’s Imaging Center at North Shore-LIJ Imaging at Great South Bay -AIN3TREET Islip, NY 11751 (631) 439-7237 North Shore-LIJ Imaging at Syosset 100 Lafayette Drive Syosset, NY 11791 (516) 622-3456 2APIDRESULTS5NCOMPROMISEDQUALITY North Shore-LIJ Imaging To schedule an appointment or learn more about the services we offer, call the location nearest you or visit us at northshorelij.com/imaging. -EDICAL0LAZA at Glen Cove Glen Cove, NY 11542 (516) 674-0500 North Shore-LIJ Imaging at Great Neck 935 Northern Blvd., Ste. 200 Great Neck, NY 11021 (516) 829-4414 To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr23 Good Advice Good Advice Acupuncture for Pain, Diabetes, Weight & Hair Loss Breast Reduction – The Lollipop Scar Technique by Dr. Dazhi Chen, PhD, NYS Licensed Acupuncturist by Dr. Charlotte Rhee Pain Management Acu- proach, you will not gain back the weight puncture is a very effective you lost, can see results as early as the FIRST treatment for pain relief. WEEK, food cravings and appetite will be It promotes self-healing, reduced, you’ll have better self-control and and has no negative side your metabolic function will improve. effects. In 70% of cases, Hair Loss: Both men and women sufferers back, neck, sciatica, knee may notice that their hair has stopped falling and shoulder pain will be SIGNIFICANTLY out after the first four to six weeks, and afREDUCED after three to ter 8-12 weeks, patients four treatments. may see their hair start Diabetes: With acu- s"LOODSUGARLEVELDOWNAFTER to grow back. puncture, blood sugar Other Health BenHOURTREATMENT levels can drop most of efits: Acupuncture dis$ONOTGAINBACKWEIGHT minishes stress, insomthe time after only one to two hours. s0AINMAYBERELIEVED nia, depression, fatigue, Weight Loss: Being allergies, constipation, AFTERTHREETREATMENTS overweight or obese can menopausal symptoms, increase the risk for de- s(AIRSTOPSFALLINGOUTINSIX headaches and improves veloping many diseases. fertility. You will experiWEEKS Unfortunately, popular ence an increased sense weight-loss programs of well-being. Acupuncmay work in the short-term but most dieters ture is a safe alternative treatment. gain back the weight they lost almost imIf you would like to discuss your spemediately after discontinuing the program. cific concerns, call Dr. Chen at 516-562Numerous factors contribute to weight gain 9221 or email altmedny@gmail.com. 277 and difficulty in losing weight, including Northern Blvd, Suite 306, Great Neck. stress and metabolism. I have developed www.camtherapycenter.com a healthy, successful treatment for losing Dr. Chen is a credentialed acupuncturist at weight with acupuncture. With my apNorth Shore-LIJ Health System. Women with very scar) leaves the breasts with a vertical large pendulous and a long horizontal scar (along the breasts may experi- breast crease). I utilize the LeJour techence a variety of nique which leaves the breast with a medical problems single vertical incision (lollipop scar) including back and neck pain. Also, and in my opinion, with a rounder the weight of large breasts can cause and more naturally appearing breast the bra straps to dig into the shoul- with a better cosmetic result. ders leaving groove Breast reductions are markings. Large breasts performed as an outpaThe LeJour technique tient procedure and are get in the way of physical activities such as leaves the breast with covered by insurance. If running and other a single vertical incision you would like to learn sports which can make more about this proce(lollipop scar). exercise and weight dure, please call our loss very difficult if not Huntington office to impossible. schedule a complimentary consultaBreast Reduction, also known as tion with Dr. Rhee at (631) 424-6707. reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical Dr. Charlotte Rhee is a Board procedure undertaken to make the Certified Plastic and Reconstructive breasts smaller. There are many differ- Surgeon who specializes in surgery ent breast reduction techniques. The of the breast. Visit www.liplastic surmore traditional method (inverted T- gery.com. advertisement advertisement Good Advice Good Advice Elder Law Crisis Planning Osteoporosis by Marc Alhonte, Esq. by Dr. Alex Rosioreanu Sometimes an elderly the healthy spouse holding the assets spouse has suffered will file a Spousal Refusal. A Spousal catastrophic illness (a Refusal states that the healthy spouse stroke, Parkinson’s dis- refuses to contribute their assets to the ease, dementia), and nursing home’s cost. It allows the ill must be cared for in a spouse to get Medicaid. There will be nursing home facility. The cost of care no requirement to spend down the asthere may be $450.00/day. Will the sets. Later, the Medicaid agency may defamily’s finances be decimated? Assuming no insurance is in place, the cide that the healthy spouse can afford to contribute to the cost of ill spouse will need Medicfacility care. Whether this aid to cover the cost of care. What is happens and how much of a Being eligible for Medicaid means having very few as- spousal refusal? contribution is requested is a case-by-case determination. sets. But, an ill spouse can transfer their assets to a healthy spouse But, the healthier spouse in the comand may become eligible without munity is always better off, because spending down all the marital assets. they have avoided total impoverishment, thanks to New York’s law allowHow? If there have been no other gifts with- ing Spousal Refusal. For a free consultation contact Marc in the last five years, transferring the assets between spouses creates no penal- Alhonte at Karol, Hausman and Sosnik, ties that disqualify Medicaid eligibility. P.C. in Garden City at (516) 745-0066. When the Medicaid application is filed, www.khspc.com Osteoporosis is a After menopause, estrogen deficiency bone disease that leads results in a rapid reduction of bone to decreased bone density. (In men, a decrease in testostermineral density and one has a similar, but less pronounced, increased risk for frac- effect.) While osteoporosis occurs in all tures. About 10 million ethnic groups, those of European or Americans have osteo- Asian ancestry have a greater risk, as porosis (80% are women), and around do those with a family history of frac34 million are at risk for the disease. ture or osteoporosis. A small stature is also a risk factor associSome estimates suggest that about half of all The biggest risk factors ated with the development of osteoporosis. In women over the age of for osteoporosis are addition, smoking and 50 will fracture a bone because of osteoporosis. advanced age and being excessive alcohol consumption can accelerate Osteoporosis is usually female. bone loss. diagnosed using a DualFactors that may help energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) bone density scan. The protect against osteoporosis include quick and painless scan uses two kinds regular weight-bearing exercises (walkof low-energy X-rays that produce im- ing, dancing, running), and eating a ages showing bone mineral density. diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Dr. Alex Rosioreanu is a board certiFrom this scan, doctors are able to estimate how likely it is that a patient will fied radiologist with a subspecialty in Musculoskeletal Imaging. For more suffer a bone fracture. The biggest risk factors for osteoporo- information, please visit www.zprad. sis are advanced age and being female. com. advertisement advertisement 24r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN EnhancetRefinetRestore the Youthful Contours of Your Face Roger B. Katz, M.D., Medical Director MASTER INJECTION TECHNIQUE s"OTOX s*UVEDERM s$YSPORT s0ERLANE s"ELOTERO s2ESTYLANE s&RAXEL,ASER 3KIN2EJUVENATION s%YELID3URGERY s"REAST!UGMENTATION s4UMMY4UCK s0ERMANENT-AKE5P s&ACE,IFT s,ASER s#HEMICAL Peels SMOOTH LIFT Erase Signs of aging. Eliminates Glabella Lines, Lip Lines, Cheek Lines, Chin Lines and Lines around Eyes. Long Lasting, Affordable and Beautiful Results Call for a SMOOTH LIFT Consultation Look Refreshed - Not Frozen One Area of Botox® $175 Includes initial treatment and 2 week follow up. We do not limit units New patients only. Expires 10/31/13. Not to be combined with other offers. $100 Off Any Treatment Eliminate Wrinkles, Enhance Your Lips Restore Your Jawline, Sculpt Your Cheekbones Roger B. Katz, M.D. CALL TODAY FOR A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION The North Shore Cosmetic Medical Center 239 JERICHO TURNPIKE, SYOSSETs516-496-9797 Expires 10/31/13. Not to be combined with other offers. northshorecosmeticmedicalcenter.com Hablamos Español Good Advice Early Intervention Available for Correction of Dental Abnormalities by Linda J. Golden, DDS Parents have tremen- function in the developing child. In many dous opportunities when cases, the exercises, which are unique it comes to choosing the habit-correcting techniques in combinaappropriate dental appli- tion with a system like the Myobrace, may ance for children in need correct malocclusions thus preventing the of dental alignment. Yet with all the ad- need for braces in the future. Parents are now being given a choice to vancements in dental brace therapy, the thought remains, What if, perhaps, there treat the cause of more than just orofacial deformity. When utilizing were a way to potentially avoid braces altogether? What if, perhaps, myofunctional orthodontics, The latest in orthodontic there were a way dentists can also produce healthier patients that are advancement is the introduction of myofunctional to potentially avoid able to grow without the orthodontics. Myofunctional braces altogether? detrimental habits that limit facial growth. orthodontics is the utilization Myofunctional orthodontics produces of systems like the Myobrace in combination with exercises for the treatment of stable upper-palate-arch development soft-tissue dysfunction in the mouth in the and resolves lower-teeth crowding. Myofunctional orthodontics are one early childhood years (4 to 8 years) in an of the many procedures offered at effort to address soft-tissue dysfunction. Myofunctional orthodontics is described Golden Dental Wellness. For a complias the utilization of oral appliances, educa- mentary evaluation call 516-627- 8400. tion and exercises to treat soft-tissue dys- www.goldensmile.com. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN ,INDA*'OLDEN$$3 You Deserve a Healthy Smile For over 20 years, our wellness center has been an oasis in healthcare, treating every aspect of oral health with an array of non-invasive diagnostic tools with a holistic approach. s3AFE-ERCURY2EMOVAL s:IRCONIA)MPLANTS s7ATERLASE,ASER s#%2%# 3D 444 Community Drive, Suite 204, ¼ mile north of the LIE (495), Manhasset sWWWGOLDENSMILECOM October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr25 Island Memories by Mira Temkin Memories of Those Who Left Long Island and Some Who Returned J ust like Dorothy discovered in the Wizard of Oz, there’s no place like home, or in this case, no place like Long Island to grow up. For those fortunate enough to have been raised here, Long Island offered young women an idyllic world. It allowed them a safe, uncomplicated place to pursue an education, hang out with friends and prepare for their futures. Many young women grew up on Long Island, went off to college, but returned to raise a family. Others left and never came back. Still, others left and did return to the place “where everyone knows your name.” Establishments like Nunley’s Amusement Park in Baldwin; Lollipop Farm Jones Beach in Syosset and the Oceanside Kiddieland were just a few of the places that brought back sweet memories. Almost everyone spoke of the Jericho Cider Mill and Eisenhower Park with great affection. Roosevelt Field, “Once you Bayville Mid Island Plaza and Flakowitz’s Bakery were also remembered. Fortunately, Jones Beach continues to thrive (and survive make a friend after Hurricane Sandy) allowing Long Island women a chance to introduce another generation to this waterfront treasure. in New York, Long Island Woman spoke with a group of women to find you have that out how they felt about growing up on Long Island, their favorite memories and how their communities impacted their friend for life. life choices. In Denver, Audrey Burke grew up in North Massapequa and loved that all of her friends lived right around the corner. “There were people are so many places we could walk to, like Carvel for ice cream and the movies. We walked everywhere and didn’t even think friendly, but about it.” Burke, a retired nurse, who’s lived in Coral Springs, it’s hard to get Florida for more than 25 years, recalls a massive blizzard when to know them. her father had to dig a tunnel to get her home. “But still, he didn’t have to go far. I was just a block away.” That’s what I Born and raised in Glen Cove, Shayne Silver Kohn attended University of Maryland, but came back to Queens College miss.” 26r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 for graduate school. After that, the warm winds of Florida beckoned and Kohn settled in Lake Worth. What she liked about Glen Cove was the small town atmosphere and diversity, something she didn’t come to appreciate until she was older. “There were five elementary schools, but only one junior high and one high school, so you pretty much knew everyone in Glen Cove before you graduated,” she said. Her favorite memories were Pryibil Beach and Morgan Park for July 4th celebrations and school outings. “I remember going to the Old Brookville Diner with friends and scouring the Roosevelt Fields flea market.” When asked if she still had family in the area, she replied no. “My parents and brother followed me here.” Kohn, who owns a medical fitness company, misses the change of seasons and the green scenery. She also misses the strong work ethic up North. “In New York, people have careers. In Florida, they have jobs.” “Like most girls in Roslyn, I led kind of a charmed life,” said Carole Wagner Grauer, a Certified Financial Planner, who has lived in Denver for 35 years. “It was easy. We had everything we ever wanted or needed and it was the only life we knew. I hung out with friends at West End Beach and Sands Point.” Carole feels people are different in New York. “Once you make a friend in New York, you have that friend for life. In Denver, people are friendly, but it’s hard to get to know them. That’s what I miss.” Another Colorado transplant is Ellen Hinton, who grew up in Jericho and now lives in Loveland, Colorado. She felt that Jericho was “tight knit.” “Everyone looked out for each other. We were able to play after dark and not worry about anything. Our neighbors watched out for all of the neighborhood kids and we felt safe.” Ellen misses being able to go fishing off the piers or on the party boats. She admits that nothing compares to living on Long Island. “The community here is not as friendly. People are nice, but the safe feeling you’d get in Jericho isn’t the same here. I’d go back to Jericho in a heartbeat.” Pamela Lopez has fond memories of growing up in Jericho, but made her home in Los Angeles, where she freelances as an associate TV director. Her experiences with the Oyster Bay Teen Repertoire Theater and upstate drama camp fueled her desire to be in the entertainment business. She also remembers enjoying cruising in her dad’s boat on the Long Island Sound and square dancing in Cantiague Park. Over the years, family brought her back to Jericho. One of the things Pamela liked best about living on Long Island was being just a train ride away to New York City. Pamela said she misses the fall in Long Island as well as New York’s pace and sophistication. “I’ve never stopped missing New York,” Pamela said. Stacey Goldsmith, also a Jericho native, relocated to Highland Park, Illinois in 2003 where her husband got a job. She loved growing up in Jericho because it was so small and welcoming. She recalls hanging out with friends at Tobay Beach and going into the city with her family for dinner and a Broadway show. Stacey feels that children on Long Island are given a lot more independence. “There,” she says, “kids go off to sleep-a-way camp at 3rd and 4th grade for the whole summer. If you didn’t go, there was no one else home.” Stacey said that if her and her husband, from Dix Hills, hadn’t come to Chicago, they would have chosen to raise their family on Long Island. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Great Neck Medical Spa Let Us Beautify You! Try Specializing in: s3MART,IPO4RIPLEX s#ELLULAZE#ELLULITE2EDUCTION s"OTOX s$ERMAL&ILLERS CELLULAZE s3KIN4IGHTENING s,ASER2EJUVENATION s(AIR2EMOVAL s020&ACE,IFTS the only long term treatment for cellulite $2,500 per area for limited time only and more Dr. Deborah Marciano 770 Middle Neck Road, Suite P2 Great Neck Call to schedule a complimentary consultation! 516-439-5075 www.greatneckmedicalspa.com Trouble hearing in groups of people? Don’t understand words clearly? TV too loud? Let Long Island Hearing help you. You will “Hear the Difference” (Between Wantagh Ave & Jerusalem) 516.735.9191 NESCONSET/ SMITHTOWN 55 Southern Blvd (Inside Primary Medical Care of Suffolk County) 631.972.5211 (By Appt. Only) HICKSVILLE 388 So. Oyster Bay Rd. (1/10 mi. North of Woodbury Road) 516.933.HEAR (4327) Need a Hearing Test? Hearing Aid? Repair? ([SHULHQFH&RQVLVWHQF\5HOLDELOLW\ “Helping People Hear Better” TM Since 1985 Providers for most insurance companies ?'6824)59+647-59):16597-+1)319: ?1.:-8:1.1+):-9?')3259'-3+64?;)8)5:--,-9:"81+-9 262111N0911 3475 Hempstead Tpke. )33(6;8 -)8-9:6+):165%6,)> LEVITTOWN '-9-8<1+-)334)2-9)5,46,-39?#-7)183)*6578-419-9?@!" ($' To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr27 Island Memories ... And Those Who Came Back Sharon Ritz grew up in Jericho, lived in Chicago, returned to Roslyn, and then settled in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Her fondest memory was visiting her grandparents in East Hampton when it was more of a small beach community. “We used to feed the seagulls, visit the toy shop and go to Montauk.” Sharon also recalls hanging out with her friends at the Jericho Cider Mill where you could get anything apple and Milleridge Inn with its historic buildings and restaurant. “When I came back to Roslyn, I loved bringing my children to the Nassau County Museum of Art and let them see the sculptures.” Denise Morris grew up in a few Long Island communities Sharon also in the 70s, moved to Florida, then returned to Lindenhurst. recalls hanging She now lives in Oyster Bay where her favorite spot is still Southside Fish and Clam. “We’re happy to be close to the out with her water and it’s a great town.” Carol Hoenig and her husband lived in Massapequa Park, friends at the then moved to upstate New York to live in a farmhouse for what she called an “idealistic return to nature” that didn’t Jericho Cider match reality. Not soon after, they realized they missed the Mill where “convenience of culture” and headed back to Bellmore. “We missed the quick ride into Manhattan and the lifeyou could style,” Carol said. “I wouldn’t be where I am now, if I hadn’t get anything moved back. Although I’ve been divorced for several years, I own my own publishing consulting business and live in the apple. house where I raised my kids. These opportunities would not have opened up if I hadn’t been here.” Whether you’ve been on Long Island forever, or you’re a lucky transplant, celebrate your good fortune. There are many who would swap places with in you in a New York minute! O you should be advertising in Child & Adolescent Center of Excellence Children’s Inpatient Program: Ages 5 – 12 Adolescent Inpatient Program: Ages 13 – 18 Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Inpatient Program: Ages 13 – 18 Individualized Treatment for: • Depression/self harm • Behavioral/emotional illness • Substance abuse or chemical dependency Inpatient: • Medical and mental health assessment • 24-hour nursing care • Cheerful, safe and secure environment • Education through BOCES • Group therapy and vocational services Does your child need help coping with emotional trauma or a life-changing event? Or perhaps a substance abuse problem? Our compassionate individualized treatment has helped families overcome crises for over a century. We can help. Call us today. Partial Hospitalization program for adolescents is a supportive intensive day treatment program for individuals who continue to remain in the community.* Conveniently located on Nassau/Suffolk border. Most Insurances Accepted. Medicare and Managed Medicaid. *Transportation is provided within catchment area. 94% of Long Island Woman readers DO NOT read any other Long Island woman’s publication.* A Member of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. 400 Sunrise Highway, Amityville, NY 11701 • www.South-Oaks.org • (631) 608-5610 28r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 Long Island’s only award-winning monthly woman’s publication (since 2001), conveniently available at over 1,000 targeted Long Island locations. *Results of Long Island Woman reader survey, April/May 2013. www.liwomanonl ine.co m August 2013 FREE exclusive interview Kathy Ireland Vegetarian BBQ Recipes Women’s Health Update what to do Aug ust Calendar listing of Support Groups plus an extensive To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 ads@liwomanonline.com To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com what to do Classes, Lectures & Seminars 1 sGet Ready for Football: 6pm. Bertucci’s. 881 Walt Whitman Rd., Melville. twfg.org. The Women’s Finanical Group sponsors this lesson on the basics, rules and terms of the game. Presented by Steven Michalik. sMeditation Group: 7:30-9:30pm. Smithtown. 631-724-9733. lightawakenings7.com. 2 sThe New Health Care Law: What It Means To You: 7:30pm. The Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island. 38 Old Country Rd., Garden City. 516-741-7304. 4 sTalk on Ethiopian Jews in Israel: 7pm. Kehillath Shalom Synagogue. 58 Goose Hill Rd., Cold Spring Harbor. 631-367-4589. kehillathshalom.org. 5 s!N!FTERNOON WITH *ESSE6ENTURA 2pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. Ventura will discuss his book, They Killed our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK. sPoetry Writing Workshop: 3-5pm. 246 Old Walt Whitman Rd., Huntington Station. 631427-5240 x115. waltwhitman.org. With Robert Gibbons. sWalking with Whitman Poetry in Performance: 7-9pm. 246 Old Walt Whitman Rd., Huntington Station. 631-427-5240 x115. waltwhitman.org. With Sandra Alcosser and Robert Gibbons. 8 sThe Path to Wellness after Cancer SurvivorSHOP 0ROGRAM ,IFE !FTER 2ADIATION 4HERAPY 5:30-7pm. Monter Cancer Center. 450 Lakeville Rd., Lake Success. 718-470-8964. Registration required. 10 sYiddish Theatre: Laden with Tear and Happiness: 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulapublic. org. Multimedia lecture with John Kenrick. 11 sDon Clavin’s Tax Forum: 2pm. Oceanside Library. 30 Davison Ave., Oceanside. 516-7662360. oceansidelibrary.com. 12 s0HOTOGRAPHY 7ORKSHOP FOR "EGINNERS 8:30am. Connetquot River State Park and Preserve. Sunrise Highway, Oakdale. 631-581-1072. friendsofconnetquot.org. Reservations required. 16 s! 0ASSION FOR 3NOWY /WLS 6pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-281- 6001. Call for reservations. Presentation by Norman Smith. sCreative Writing Workshop: 7pm. Oceanside Library. 30 Davison Ave., Oceanside. 516-7662360. oceansidelibrary.com. sYour Chakras: 7:30-9:30pm. Smithtown. 631724-9733. lightawakenings7.com. 19 sTechnology Training: 10am-12pm. Oceanside Library. 30 Davison Ave., Oceanside. 516-7662360. oceansidelibrary.com. Coop Apps for Your iPad, iPhone and iPhone Touch. 23 sPlastic Surgery Seminar: 5-6pm. 516-7734646. Seminar on minimally invasive facial plastic surgery and non-surgical treatments. 24 sEgyptian Mummification Unraveled: 7pm. Oceanside Library. 30 Davison Ave., Oceanside. 516-766-2360. oceansidelibrary.com. With Dr. Regina Gilbert. sShakespeare and the Jews: The Merchant of 6ENICE 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulapublic.org. With Dr. James Kolb. 28 sChrist Stopped at Eboli: 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-2393262. peninsulapublic.org. Lecture about Carlo Levi with Stanislao Pugliese. 29 sCeramic Tool Making Workshop: 6:309:30pm. Art League of Long Island. 631-4625400. artleagueli.org. Learn how to make your own tools for working in clay. sYour Chakras: 7:30-9:30pm. See Oct 16th. ONGOING s!DOLESCENT3UPPORT-ENTORING By appointment. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator: Marlene Natalie. For adolescents with cancerrelated illnesses. s"ALLROOM ,ATIN $ANCE ,ESSONS Mondays 8:30-9:45pm. Suffolk Y JCC. 74 Happauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. suffolkyjcc.org. $9. s"REAST #ANCER %XERCISE 0ROGRAM Noon-1pm, Saturdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. For breast cancer patients who are finished with treatment. s#ANCER $ISCUSSION 1-2:30pm, Wednesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator, Geri Barish. An informal, ongoing chat for people whose lives have been touched by cancer. s#ARDIO "ALLROOM: Sundays at 10:30am. Sky Athletic Club. 310 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre. 516-678-9400. skyathletic.com. Fast paced cardio dance class, all levels, no partner needed. s#ROCHET #LASS noon-1:30pm, Thursdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. The group is designed to help cancer patients draw strength from each other and enjoy togetherness in this circle of friendship. To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN october s$ECOUPAGE !RT #LASS: 12:30-2:30pm. Tuesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Reformatting paper images to create something else. sDiabetes Education Program: Thursdays from 12:30-2:30pm through December 2013. Tower Conference Room at North Shore University Hospital. 300 Community Dr., Manhasset. 855-36-GOALS. diabeteswellness@nshs.edu. Geared towards people with diabetes but also open to family members who want to learn more about diabetes and helping their loved one cope with the disease. Free. s&ITNESS FOR /LDER !DULTS 9:05am. Fridays. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7201. nassaulibrary.org/longbeach. sHow To Meditate: 5 week course, Tuesdays from 7:30-9:30pm. Smithtown. 631-724-9733. lightawakenings7.com. sItalian Classes: 10am-12pm. Oct. 15th to April 5th. Saturdays. Stony Brook University. Stony Brook. 631-632-7444. stonybrook.edy/ italianstudies. sIntroduction to Computers: 1:30-3:30pm. Tuesdays. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7201. nassaulibrary. org/longbeach. s*APANESE #LASSICAL $ANCE: 5-7:30pm. Tuesdays. Long Island Japanese Culture Center. 5 Linden Pl., Glen Head. 917-226-1195. takahashi. mieko@gmail.com. Learn to wear kimono and dance with a fan in the elegant Soke Fujima style. Beginners of all ages. For free trial lesson, contact the instructor. s+OGA: Wednesdays at 9:30am. Sky Athletic Club. 310 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre. 516678-9400. skyathletic.com. Fusion fitness class that combines kickboxing and yoga with instructor Jon Koga. s-AT9OGA-ONDAYS 9:15-10:30am Mondays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-7664341 x111. friedbergjcc.org. Yoga Instructor Sandy Pinz. s0OTS OF (OPE: Thursdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. An innovative art class for cancer patients, using terra cotta flowerpots. s2EIKI #LINIC Wednesdays by appointment. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Learn about and experience this simple healing technique. For all cancer-related illness. s3CREENWRITERS$ISCUSSION'ROUP 7:30pm. Every other Monday. Cinema Arts Centre Sky Room. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. s4HAI 3TRIKE: Tuesdays at 7:15am and Fridays at 10:30am. Sky Athletic Club. 310 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre. 516-678-9400. skyathletic. com. Muay Thai kick boxing class mixed with kettle bell training. s7RITERS 2OUND 4ABLE 11am-noon, Wednesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Freelance writer and author Lyna Caruso facilitates this creative writing workshop for those affected by cancer. Eight-week program. Registration required. Free. s9OGA3TRESS 2EDUCTION 11am-noon, Wednesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., SPOTLIGHT Rita Wilson Rita Wilson will take us on a musical journey with a Gala concert performance that will be followed by a glamorous Hollywood-like Party. Although Wilson is well-known as an actress and a film producer, her early show biz ambitions were actually musical. Her debut album, AM/FM, is an intimate and beautifully sung collection of classics from the ‘60s and ‘70s that together make up the soundtrack to her life. And as The Huffington Post declares of her elegant renditions of songs, “Rita Wilson’s performance on this debut CD is tasteful, classy, and reverent -- a songwriter’s dream.” When: Saturday, November 9 Where: Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main St., Port Washington Tickets: Gala tickets begin at $300. Concert-only tickets are available in the balcony and are $65. Contact gala@landmarkonmainstreet.org, visit www. landmarkonmainstreet.org or call 516-767-6444. advertisement Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Mondays 1:30-2:30 pm. 6-week program. For all cancerrelated illness. Entertainment 2 s"ARNABY "YE 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. 3 s!N%VENINGWITH-ICHAEL73MITH 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. s"UDDY 'UY 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. 4 s"RAZILLIAN 'UITARIST *OAO ,UIZ Call for time. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. s#ELEBRITY !UTOBIOGRAPHY 8pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. October 2013r-0/(*4-"/%80."/r29 what to do SPOTLIGHT Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631656-2148. dhpac.org. s,A3CALAS,A4RAVIATA6-9pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. 8 s$R2ICHARD+OGAN-USICAND-ED 7pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. s*ETHRO4ULLS)AN!NDERSON8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s0ETER 'ABRIEL .EW "LOOD 7:30pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. Rock music on screen. Lillias White – The Music of Cy Coleman, with the Gary Haase Trio The show explores Lillias’s personal and professional history with famed composer Cy Coleman, which began when she made her Broadway debut in Barnum. The song list includes crowd-pleasing hits such “Witchcraft” and “The Best is Yet to Come.” “White is a force of nature.” Cabaret Scenes Magazine When: Sunday, November 3 @3 p.m. Where: The Madison Theatre at Molloy College, 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. Tickets: Call 516-323-4444 or go online at www. madisontheatreny.org advertisement s4HE ,EVINS AND!VI7ISNIA 8:30pm. Garden Stage at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Central Nassau. 223 Stewart Ave., Garden City. 516-248-8891. gardenstage.com. s/THELLO 7:30pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. Presented by The National Theatre. s2OBERT2ANDOLPHANDTHE&AMILY"AND 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. 5 s!N %VENING OF )RISH -USIC WITH %D 2YAN 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. s'LAD2AG$OLL7ORLD4OUR 8:30pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. s*AY"LACKAND"ILL-EDLEY8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s3TARS 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. 6 s"ELLINS AND 0ICON 2pm. Dix Hills Performing 30r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 9 s6ANESSA #ARLTON 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. 10 s-ASON *ENNINGS 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. 11 s"ADLANDS AND 'REEN -OUNTAINS 7:309:30pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. sJoan Rivers and Steve Tyrell: 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s,OU 'RAMM 4HE 6OICE OF &OREIGNER 8pm. Landmark on Main Street. 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516-767-6444. landmarkonmainstreet.org. s.9 "ANJO 3UMMIT 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516299-3100. tillescenter.org. 12 s"ENNY 'OODMAN TH !NNIVERSARY 4RIBUTE 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter. org. s"RIAN7ILSONAND*EFF"ECK8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s4HE(IGHLAND$IVAS 8pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. s3WEET (ONEY IN THE 2OCK 8pm. Landmark on Main Street. 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516-767-6444. landmarkonmainstreet.org. 13 sEngelbert Humperdinck: 7pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s&INCH 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. s0ORGYAND"ESS(IGHLIGHTS 3pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. october s*ONAS"ROTHERS,IVE4OUR8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. 17 s%MERSON3TRING1UARTET8pm. Staller Center at Stony Brook University. Stony Brook. 631-632ARTS. stallercenter.com. s%XPLORE3PIRIT 7pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s4HE /PERAS OF 'UISEPPE 6ERDI 7:30-9pm Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-7664341. friedbergjcc.org. 18 s!MERICAN!COUSTIC 8pm. Landmark on Main Street. 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516-7676444. landmarkonmainstreet.org. s!NTIGONE2ISING 8pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. s'LADYS +NIGHT AND -INT #ONDITION 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s-ELISSA%RRICO 7:30 and 9:30pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. s0ETER7OLFANDTHE4RAVELERS 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter. org. 19 s!NN (AMPTON #ALLAWAY PRESENTS THE 3TREIsand Songbook: 8pm. Landmark on Main Street. 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516-767-6444. landmarkonmainstreet.org. s""+ING 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. s"EST OF "ROADWAY!NNIVERSARIES 8pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. s(OT !UTUMN .IGHTS 7pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800745-3000. livenation.com. s4HE(UNGRY(UNGRY'AMES 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. s2OB"ARTLETT 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631969-1101. boultoncenter.org. 20 s/( 7pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. s!N !FTERNOON OF #HAMBER -USIC 2:30pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulapublic.org. With The Pierrot Consort. s"EST OF "ROADWAY !NNIVERSARIES 3pm. See Oct. 19th. s$AVID 3EDARIS 7pm. Staller Center at Stony Brook University. Stony Brook. 631-632-ARTS. stallercenter.com. s)NTERSECTION4RIO #ONCERT 3pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. 22 s#OHEED AND #AMBRIA 7pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. 23 s'UITAR&ESTIVAL!.IGHTOF!LHAMBRA 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. s4HE&RAY 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. 24 s*AMES (UNTER 3IX 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s4HE&RAY 8pm. See Oct. 23rd. 25 s!DELPHI 3YMPHONY /RCHESTRA 8pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. s!RT!FTER$ARK7-9pm. Art League of Long Island. 107 East Deer Park Rd., Dix Hills. 631-4625400. artleagueofli.org. An evening of art, music, wine and cheese. s"RIAN2EGAN8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s4HE %NGLISH "EAT 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. s'UITAR &ESTIVAL!N %VENING WITH "UCKY 0IZZARELLI 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. s)DAN2AICHEL0ROJECT 8pm. Landmark on Main Street. 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516-7676444. landmarkonmainstreet.org. s.INE$AYS#$2ELEASE0ARTY 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter. org. s/PEN-IC0OETRYAND/THER2EADINGS7pm. Oceanside Library. 30 Davison Ave., Oceanside. 516-766-2360. oceansidelibrary.com. s3AVION 'LOVERS 34E0Z 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. 26 s'UITAR&ESTIVAL'UITARSON&IRE 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. s+ELLER7ILLIAMSAND*AKE3HIMABUKURO 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. s,A3CALAS#ARMEN3-5pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. sRoger Hodgson: 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-7453000. livenation.com. s3IR*AMES'ALWAY,ADY*EANNE'ALWAYWITH )RISH#HAMBER/RCHESTRA 8pm. Tilles Center for To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN r SPOTLIGHT october oceansidelibrary.com. Ben Brantley, New York Times 31 s(AROLD!RLEN4HE "LUES IN THE .IGHT 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulapublic.org. With Harvey Granat. s4HE/PERASOF'UISEPPE6ERDI 7:30-9:30pm. See Oct. 17th. ONGOING David Sedaris When: Sunday, October 20, 7 pm Where: Staller Center for the Arts, Stony Brook University Tickets: $40 available online at stallercenter.com or call 631-632-ARTS (2787) Events & Exhibits 3 s#OMMACK9*##/PEN(OUSE3pm. 74 Happauge Rd., Commack. 631-732-1959. Singles over 60, meet and socialize with dynamic people and widen your circle of friends. 4 27 5 28 s*AMIE &ORD 7:30pm. Landmark on Main Street. 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516767-6444. landmarkonmainstreet.org. s!,ATE1UARTET1:30pm. Oceanside Library. 30 Davison Ave., Oceanside. 516-766-2360. Barrow Street Theatre 27 Barrow Street at 7th Ave. sTheresa Caputo: 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. She will speak about and sign her new book; There’s More to Life Than This. the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. s'UITAR&ESTIVAL4HE&LIRTATION#ONCERTO 2pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. s+EYBOARD +ALEIDESCOPE $AVID (OLZMAN 8pm. 5pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-8774000. aupac.adelphi.edu. s,INDA%DERWITH4HE.ASSAU0OPSTH!N NUAL"ENEFITFOR5NIVER#EREBRAL0ALSYOF.AS sau County: 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. s.EIL 3EDAKA AND *EFFREY "IEGEL 3pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-6785000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. s2ICHARD-ARX 7pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. SmartTix.com (212) 868-4444 2 s!LICE (OFFMAN 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. She will speak about and sign her new book; Survival Lessons. advertisement DESIGN: FRAVER With sardonic wit and incisive social critiques, David Sedaris is one of America’s pre-eminent humor writers. He will read from his work in an evening that promises to be both hilarious and original on Sunday, October 20 at 7 pm. In his new book of essays, Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls, the humorist turns a wry eye on his adopted home in rural England, his childhood, and the annoying people he comes across in airport lounges. With readings made up of well-worn material, works-in-progress, and even diary entries, every public reading by Mr. Sedaris is an event. s4HE 'REAT !MERICAN 4RAILER 0ARK -USICAL Through Oct. 6th. CM Performing Arts Center. 931 Montauk Hwy., Oakdale. 631-218-2810. cmpac.com. sLes Miserables: Oct. 19th to Nov. 24th. CM Performing Arts Center. 931 Montauk Hwy., Oakdale. 631-218-2810. cmpac.com. s4WELVE!NGRY -EN Through Nov. 3. John W. Engeman Theater. 250 Main St., Northport. 631261-2900. engemantheater.com. PHOTO: JOAN MARCUS N what to do sPhotoshopCS6: 9:30am-12pm. Art League of Long Island. 631-462-5400. artleagueli.org. Intro to Character and Creature Design. 6 s9OUNG .ATURALISTS #LUB 1-3pm. Brookside County Park. 59 Brook St., Sayville. 631-5811731. gsbas.org. 7 s3ALVATORE*,A'UMINA7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. He will speak about and sign his new book; Long Island Italian Americans. 8 s/CEANSIDE'ARDEN#LUB0UTTING9OUR'ARDEN TO "ED 7pm. Oceanside Library. 30 Davison Ave., Oceanside. 516-766-2360. oceansidelibrary.com. 10 s#INEMA!RTS #ENTRE TH!NNIVERSARY 2pm. North Ritz Club, Syosset. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. sErica Jong: 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN October 2013r-0/(*4-"/%80."/r31 what to do SPOTLIGHT 20 sTH !NNIVERSARY 7ALK!LONG FOR ,UPUS 10am. Eisenhower Park. Field #6. 516-7833370. lupusliqueens.org. s,ONG)SLAND!UTO3HOW See Oct. 18th. 21 s&UNDRAISING'ALA#ELEBRATION7-11pm. Timber Point Country Club. Great River. 516-5517593. friendsofconnetquot.org. All proceeds benefit Connetquot River State Park. 24 s!N%VENINGWITH!LYSON2ICHMAN7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631271-1442. bookrevue.com. She will speak about and sign her new novel; The Mask Carver’s Son. Breast Cancer Cut-A Thon Come join Safie Salon and Day Spa for amazing hair cuts, free food, chinese auctions and LOTS of fun for all! Book your appointment 516-541-7007 or just walk in! Only Services being donated are: Haircuts - $25 Express Manicure - $8 Pink Hair extensions - $10 (each) 100% donations go to www.BeautyforaCure.com benefiting Long Island breast cancer charities and women survivors! When: Sunday October 27th, 11am-3pm Where: Safie Salon and Day Spa, 519 Central Ave., Massapequa advertisement Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue. com. She will speak about and sign her new book; Fear of Flying. sTales from the Front Stoop: 2-3:30pm Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341. friedbergjcc.org. With Majorie Gottlieb Wolfe, freelance writer author and humorist. 17 sMaurer Foundation Pink Diamond Gala: 6:3010:30pm. The Carltun, Eisenhower Park. East Meadow. 631-524-5151. maurerfoundation. org/diamond. Maurer Foundation is a breast cancer charity. 18 s,ONG )SLAND !UTO 3HOW Nassau Coliseum. 1255 Hempstead Tpke., Uniondale. nassaucoliseum.com. 19 s)SLIP !RTS !NTIQUES AND #OLLECTIBLES &AIR 10am-4pm. Brookwood Hall Park. Montauk Highway, East Islip. 631-224-5420. s,ONG)SLAND!UTO3HOW See Oct. 18th. 32r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 25 s3TAN "RODSKY 4HE -AN AND (IS 7ORK 7-8:30pm. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. Meet and greet with the artist and presenters. Registration recommended. 28 sWally Lamb: 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue. com. He will speak about and sign his new book; We Are Water. 29 sTim Conway: 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue. com. He will speak about and sign his new book; What’s So Funny?: My Hilarious Life. 30 sMelissa Joan Hart: 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. She will speak about and sign her new novel; Melissa Explains It All: Tales From My Abnormally Normal Life. ONGOING s!DULT #ONNECTIONS 7:30pm, Thursdays. Friedberg JCC. 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341 x111. friedbergjcc.org. $7 dues per month. Additional fees apply occasionally for theme dinners. s!FTERMODERNIS-@!- Through October 13th. Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. s4HE !LEF "ET OF "EING A -ENSCH Sundays 1-4pm. Suffolk Y JCC, Alan and Helene Rosenberg Discovery Museum. 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x140. suffolkyjcc.org s!LEX +ATZ 3ELECTIONS FROM THE7HITNEY -USEUM OF!MERICAN!RT Through October 13th. Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. s!RTS !LIVE ,) &ESTIVAL October 2013. Across Nassau and Suffolk Counties. artsaliveli. org. Part of National Arts and Humanities Month. Presented by the Long Island Arts Alliance and Bethpage Federal Credit Union. s"OOK,OVERS"ONANZA1:30-5pm, on the first Wednesday of each month. Extended hours until october 8pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Library Wing on Merrick and Kirkwood Avenues. 516-379-6434. s#ONNECTIONS 7-8:15pm, second and fourth Wednesdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. syjcc.org. Widow and widowers group for ages 50 and up. $9. s#URRENT %VENTS #LUB 11:30am, Mondays. Friedberg JCC. 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. Contact Debbie Rosen 516-634-4169. friedbergjcc.org. Breakfast with facilitator, Matt Shalette, in a discussion highlighting world, national, local news and the week’s hot topic. s%MPHEMERAL %XHIBITION Through October 20th. Adelphi University. Ruth S. Harley University Gallery. 1 South Ave., Garden City. adelphi.edu s&AMILY3UNDAYATTHE-USEUM 1pm, Sundays. One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-4849337. nassaumuseum.org. Docent-led family walk-through of the exhibition and, beginning at 1:30 pm, supervised art activities for the whole family. Special family guides of the main exhibition are available in the galleries. Museum admission required. s&ARMERS -ARKET Wednesdayss through November. Christopher Morley Park. 516-5718113. nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/parks sFeast or Famine: Through November 3rd. Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery. 107 Deer Park Rd., Dix Hills. 631-462-5400. artleagueli.org. Exhibit by the Long Island Craft Guild. s&RIENDSHIP #IRCLE 12:30-3pm. 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $6. s'IVE "ACK 3UNDAYS Once a month ZwangerPesiri Radiology provides free radiological exams (MRI, CT SCAN, X-ray, Mammography, etc.) for uninsured Nassau and Suffolk County residents. For more information, upcoming dates, and phone numbers, visit ZPgivebacksundays.org. s'OLD#OAST-ANSION4OURS Thursdays to Sundays through October 31st. Sands Point Preserve. 516-571-7900. nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/ parks s.#-!S 3CULPTURE 0ARK Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. More than 50 works by renowned artists set amidst the 145-acre property. s.#-!S7ALKING4RAILS AND 'ARDENS Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. The museum’s 145 acres include many marked nature trails through the woods. Experience the many lush examples of horticultural arts. s.IGHT3KY/BSERVING3ESSIONS7pm-midnight, Saturdays. Custer Institute and Observatory, 1115 Main Bayview Rd., Southold. 631-7652626. CusterObservatory.org. Guided tours of the night sky through powerful telescopes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation $5. s0ETER -AX Oct. 26th to Feb. 23rd. Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. s2!$)3( (Reserve a Day for Interesting Social Happenings): 11:30am-1:30pm, Tuesdays, MidIsland Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $6. s2!02ETIREES!CTIVITY0ROGRAM: 12:30-3pm, 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-8223535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 55 and up. $6. s2%!#( 2ECREATIONAL %DUCATIONAL !RTISTIC#ULTURAL(APPENINGS 10:30am-noon, Tuesdays. Sid Jacobson JCC, 300 Forest Drive, East Hills. 516-484-1545 x134. sjjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $10. s2ECENT!CQUISITIONSThrough November 24th. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. s4HE2ISEOFTHE*ACK/,ANTERNS2ETURNSOct. 4th to Nov. 3rd. Old Westbury Gardens. 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. 516-333-0048. oldwestburygardens.org or therise.org. Tickets must be purchased in advance. s3INGLES#HAT#HEW 7:45-9:30pm, Wednesdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. syjcc.org. Group for all singles facilitated by a certified social worker. Refreshments served. $9. sSelf Defense for the Real World: October 4th9th. Modern Warrior Self Defense School. 711 N. Wellwood Ave., Lindenhurst. 631-226-8383. info@modernwarrior.com. 5th Annual Female Self Defense Week. s3OCIABLE3INGLES 3-5pm, first and third ahursdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x121. syjcc.org. Group for active, single seniors ages 60 and up. $4. Registration required. s3OPHISTICATED3INGLES 7:30-9:30pm, Mondays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-7664341 x133. friedbergjcc.org. Singles ages 40 and up meet weekly; facilitated by Irwin Pfeffer. $8. s3QUARE$ANCINGFridays, 7-8:30pm. Wildwood State Park. Hulse Landing Road, Wading River. 631-929-4314. s3TAN"RODSKY2ETROSPECTIVEThrough December 1st. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. s7EDNESDAY #LUB 10:30am-1:30pm, Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 70 and up. $6. sYoung Naturalists Club: 1-3pm. Meets the 1st of every month. Brookside County Park. 59 Brook St., Sayville. 631-581-1731. gsbas.org. This club focuses on creating interest in the natural world around us and becoming stewards of a natural area. !LLLISTINGSFORWhat to Do consideration must be SUBMITTED BY EMAIL CALENDAR LIWOMANONLINE COMBYTHEFIRSTOFTHEMONTHFORTHEFOLLOWING MONTH/CTFOR.OVEMBERISSUE No information will be accepted by TELEPHONE Listings are published on a space available BASIS To Spotlight your Event call the advertising department at 516-505-0555 x1 email: ads@liwomanonline.com To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Support Groups COPEFOUNDATIONORG s!!!L!NON-EETINGS s"EREAVEMENT *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP MATHERHOSPITALORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s!LCOHOLICS!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENT "AY3HORE .ORTH3HORE,ONG)SLAND*EWISH(EALTH3YSTEM &REEPORT NORTHSHORELIJEDU NASSAUNYAAORGSUFFOLKNYAAORG s"EREAVEMENT s#HILDRENOF!LCOHOLICS'ROUP 516-378-2992 3T,OUISDE-ONTFORT2##HURCH s$EBTORS!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENTX !SCENSTION,UTHERAN#HURCH"AYSHORE2D$EER0ARK &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE DANYCINFO FRIEDBERGJCCORG s&AMILIES!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENTX *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON 'OOD3HEPHERD(OSPICE MATHERHOSPITALORG GOODSHEPHERDHOSPICENET s&OOD!DDICTS!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENTX ,AKE'ROVE -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW )SLIP MIYJCCORG s'AMBLERS!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENTX s/VEREATERS!NONYMOUS /UR,ADYOF#ONSOLATION-ELVILLE OLCCHSLIORG *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s"EREAVEMENTX s3EXUAL!DDICTIONS!NONYMOUS3!./.3!#/50,%3 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS 347-531-5977 SJJCCORG FRIEDBERGJCCORG s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERS'ROUP*!3! s$EATHOFA#HILD3UPPORT'ROUP &RIEDBERG*##.EIL#T/CEANSIDE 3T3YLVESTERS#HURCH-EDFORD JASAORG s'RIEF3HARE s%ARLY/NSET!LZHEIMERS'ROUP 0LAINEDGE"APTIST#HURCH"ETHPAGE ,)!& s(%!,(ELP%ASE!,OSS ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATION LIAFORG 3T4HOMASOF#ANTERBURY#HURCH3MITHTOWN s&RIENDSHIP#IRCLE s(OLOCAUST3URVIVORSAND&RIENDSX 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK s,ETS$O,UNCH9OUNG/NSET SUFFOLKYJCCORG 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s,OSSOFA"ABY s3HABBAT2ESPITE0ROGRAMX 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMYJCCORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s3POUSESOF!LZHEIMERS$EMENTIA0ATIENTS s,OSSOFA#HILDX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW "ROADLAWN-ANOR!MITYVILLE MIYJCCORG s"REAST#ANCER&AMILYAND&RIENDS !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER"REAST(EALTH s3OUTH&ORK"REAST(EALTH#OALITION #ENTER7)SLIP SOUTHFORKBREASTCOM GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s3PANISH3PEAKING7OMENWITH"REAST#ANCER s#ANCER'ROUP 516-877-4314 &RANKLIN(OSPITAL6ALLEY3TREAM s#ANCER0ATIENTAND3URVIVOR'ROUP s3POUSESAND0ARTNERSOF4HOSEWITH"REAST#ANCER ,ONG)SLAND#ANCER(ELPAND7ELLNESS#ENTER"AY3HORE 516-877-4314 Addictions s$AY4IME'ROUPFOR"REAST#ANCER s2ECENT7IDOW7IDOWERX !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE s&AMILY3UPPORT FRIEDBERGJCCORG (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT s2ECENTLY"EREAVED'ROUP INORG 3UNRISEOF.,YNBROOK.,YNBROOK s(EADAND.ECK#ANCER3UPPORT s3IBLING"EREAVEMENT'ROUP 3YOSSET(OSPITAL#ONFERENCE2OOM!" %LIAS(ICKS(ISTORICAL(OME/LD*ERICHO4PKE*ERICHO s(UNTINGTON"REAST#ANCER!CTION#OALITION COPEFOUNDATIONORG s7IDOWSAND7IDOWERSX HBCACORG 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK s,EAN/N-E SUFFOLKYJCCORG (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT s7IDOW7IDOWERX INORG *##OF7EST(EMPSTEAD7(EMPSTEAD s,IFE'OES/N &%'30ARTNERSIN#ARING&RIEDBERG*## 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP s7IDOW7IDOWERX GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS s,IVE,OVE,AUGH!GAINBREASTCANCER SJJCCORG s7IDOW7IDOWERAGESANDUP *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON 0ARKWAY#OMMUNITY#HURCH(ICKSVILLE MATHERHOSPITALORG s7IDOW7IDOWERAGESX s,OOK'OOD&EEL"ETTER &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER FRIEDBERGJCCORG "REAST(EALTH#ENTER7)SLIP s7IDOWS'ROUPX GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s7OMENFOR3OBRIETY s"EREAVEMENTX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW s-ETASTATIC"REAST#ANCER 3T-ARYS#HURCH(ARRISON!VE%)SLIP MIYJCCORG WOMENFORSOBRIETYORG !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY MARYSEASTISLIPORG s7IDOWSAND7IDOWERSTO!GE Alzheimers s"EREAVEMENTX X s-ID)SLAND3KIN#ANCER CCMACORG s!DULT#HILDRENOF)NDIVIDUALSWITH!LZHEIMERS'ROUPS 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK ,)!& SUFFOLKYJCCORG SUFFOLKYJCCORG s.ATIONAL/VARIAN#ANCER#OALITION./## ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATION 631-672-2027 s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSUICIDE LIAFORG Breast and other Cancers ,ONG)SLAND#HAPTER(UNTINGTON3TATION "ROOKHAVEN(OSPICE OVARIANORG s!LZHEIMERS!SSOCIATION s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSUICIDE s!DELPHI.EW9ORK3TATE7IDE"REAST#ANCER(OTLINE 800-877-8077 s"REAST#ANCER 516-374-3190 %LIAS(ICKS(ISTORICAL(OME/LD*ERICHO4PKE*ERICHO 2ONKONKOMAALZORGLONGISLAND s!MERICAN#ANCER3OCIETY!#3 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT COPEFOUNDATIONORG s!LZHEIMERS'ROUPS ,)!& INORG s"EREAVEMENTON CANCERORG ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATION s"REAST#ANCER s.EWLY$IAGNOSED"REAST#ANCER (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT LIAFORG !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY INORG OR s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERSX s"REASTAND/VARIAN#ANCERX -ATHER(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSFOR#HILDRENAND&AMILIES #OMMUNITY0ROGRAMS#ENTEROF,)2ONKONKOMA MATHERHOSPITALORG 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG s!LZHEIMERS&AMILY#AREGIVERS .ORTH3HORE#HILDAND&AMILY'UIDANCE#ENTER s"REAST#ANCER s.IGHT4IME'ROUPFOR"REAST#ANCER "RISTAL!SSISTEDAT,YNBROOK s$ROP)N"EREAVEMENT'ROUP 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER"REAST(EALTH !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERS'ROUP 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP #ENTER7)SLIP s#LOSE+NIT'ROUPKNITANDTALKGROUPFORWOMENWITH 4EMPLE%MANU%LOF,ONG"EACH,ONG"EACH GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG BREASTCANCER BREASTCANCERHELPINCORG s3TRENGTHFOR,IFEEXERCISECLASSES 631-675-6513 s#ANCER'ROUPS 6ARIOUSLOCATIONS STREGTHFORLIFE.9ORG .ORTH3HORE,ONG)SLAND*EWISH(EALTH3YSTEMNORTHSHORELIJEDU s3TRENGTHTO3TRENGTHWELLNESSPROGRAMS s#ANCER3URVIVORS X 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s3UPPORTFOR0EOPLE7ITH/RAL(EADAND.ECK#ANCER s#ANCER3UPPORT'ROUP s,OSSOFA3IBLINGX (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT Bereavement INORG -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW s!NIMAL"EREAVEMENT'ROUP MIYJCCORG s#ANCER3UPPORT'ROUPFOR7OMENWITH"ILATERAL ,ONG)SLAND6ETERINARY3PECIALIST#ENTER0LAINVIEW s,OSSOF3POUSE -ASECTOMIES s"EREAVEMENT (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE %LIAS(ICKS(ISTORICAL(OME/LD*ERICHO4PKE*ERICHO INORG To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN 3YOSSET3TONY"ROOK SPOHNCORG s4HRIVING4HROUGHAND"EYOND#ANCER 516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT INORG October 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr33 Support Groups s4HYROID#ANCER3URVIVORS(OTLINE 877-588-7904 s9OUNG7OMENWITH"REAST#ANCER !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s"REAST#ANCER(OTLINE 800-877-8077 Caregivers s!DULT#HILDREN#AREGIVERS -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW *!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER MIYJCCORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP 516-227-8945 %LMONT0UBLIC,IBRARY s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX &%'33YOSSET FEGSORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX 'OOD3HEPHERD(OSPICE GOODSHEPHERDHOSPICENET s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP 4EMPLE%MANUEL,ONG"EACH s3INGLES'ROUP s!LOPECIA NAAFORG -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s!RTHRITIS s3ANDWICH'ENERATION s3INGLES'ROUP ARTHRITISORG &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE FRIEDBERGJCCORG s"ARIATRIC FRIEDBERGJCCORG ,)0/,ONG)SLAND0OST/PS s*!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER 3POUSES3IBLINGS s3INGLES3UPPORTAND$ISCUSSION LIPONATIONORG 0ARKWAY#OMMUNITY#HURCH(ICKSVILLE 4EMPLE#HAVERIM0LAINVIEW s"ENIGN%SSENTIAL"LEPHAROSPASM(EMIFACIAL3PASM JASAORG s7OMEN3EPARATINGAND$IVORCING 631-525-3646 ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,) s3POUSES#HILDREN3IBLINGS -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW Domestic Violence, Rape and LMNIORG MIYJCCORG Sexual Abuse s"RAIN!NEURYSM s"RIGHTER4OMORROWS 4HE"RAIN!NEURYSM#ENTERAT.ORTH3HORE5NIV s7ELL3POUSESOR0ARTNERSOFTHE#HRONICALLY)LLAND (OSPITAL-ANHASSET $ISABLED BRIGHTERTOMORROWSINCORG 3T#HARLES2EHAB#ENTER!LBERTSON s+IDS+IDS 631-439-0480 NSALANT NSHSEDU ROSEBIRDLADY AOLCOM s"RAIN!6-AND!NEURYSM s#HILD!BUSE-ALTREATMENT2EFERRALS ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,ONG)SLANDMNI Divorce and Separation ORG s$IVORCE#ARE s%LDER!BUSE s"RAIN4UMOR0ATIENTSAND4HEIR&AMILIES ,IFE#ENTEROF"ETHPAGE #OALITION!GAINST$OMESTIC6IOLENCE(EMPSTEAD s$IVORCE3UPPORT'ROUP s&AMILY6IOLENCEAND#HILD!BUSE ."ELLMOREAND#OMMACK !LLIANCETO2ESTORE)NTEGRITYIN$IVORCE!2)$ &%'3 GUARDIANBRAINORG s$IVORCED3EPARATEDX FEGSORG s#OMA4RAUMATIC"RIAN)NJURY2ECOVERY!SSOCIATION -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW s.ASSAU#OUNTY#OALITION!GAINST$OMESTIC MIYJCCORG 6IOLENCEHRHOTLINE 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITY(OSPITAL/CEANSIDE 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS SJJCCORG s*!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER #AREGIVERS'ROUPS s$IVORCEDAND3EPARATED3TEP'ROUP DAYHAVENORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX #OMMUNITY#HURCHOF%AST7ILLISTON 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s$IVORCEDAND3EPARATEDX s#AREGIVERS'ROUP 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP SJJCCORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s$IVORCED3EPARATED s#AREGIVERS'ROUP 516-227-8945 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK 3HELTER2OCK0UBLIC,IBRARY SUFFOLKYJCCORG CADVNCORG s#ROHNS#OLITIS'ROUP s0ROTECTIONOF#HILDRENAND9OUNG0EOPLE *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON X MATHERHOSPITALORG $IOCESEOF2OCKVILLE#ENTRE2OCKVILLE#ENTRE s#HRONIC&ATIGUE&IBROMYALGIA s2APE3EXUAL!SSAULT(OTLINE.ASSAU#OUNTY#OALITION $IABETES(EART#LUB !GAINST$OMESTIC6IOLENCE 516-542-0404 'LEN#OVE(OSPITAL'LEN#OVE s3ELF%STEEMIN2ELATIONSHIPS s$IABETES'ROUP !SCENSION,UTHERAN#HURCH$EER0ARK (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT s3EXUAL!BUSE3URVIVORSX s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX s$IVORCED3EPARATED $IOCESEOF2OCKVILLE#ENTRE2OCKVILLE#ENTRE 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK s3UFFOLK#OUNTY#OALITION!GAINST$OMESTIC6IOLENCE SUFFOLKYJCCORG SUFFOLKYJCCORG s#ARING&OR9OUR3POUSE*!3! s$IVORCED3EPARATEDAND7IDOWED 516-551-9143 SCCADVORG *##OF7(EMPSTEAD7(EMPSTEAD 3T+ILIAN#HURCH#ONKLIN3T(EMPSTEAD s4HE2ETREATHOTLINEFOR$OMESTIC6IOLENCE JASAORG s3EPARATED$IVORCED#OUNSELING 631-329-2200 s'RANDPARENTS'ROUP 516-227-8945 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER,YNBROOK s6ICTIMS)NFORMATION"UREAU6)"3OF3UFFOLK#OUNTY %LMONT0UBLIC,IBRARY s3EPARATION$IVORCEX 631-360-3606 s,ETS$O$INNERSPOUSESOF9OUNG/NSET!LZHEIMERS &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE PATIENTS FRIEDBERGJCCORG Health Related 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s3INGLESX s!DHESIONSSCARTISSUEPAIN s,ETS$O0IZZAKIDSWITHPARENTSWITH9OUNG/NSET 3TONY"ROOK5NIVERSITY(OSPITAL3TONY"ROOK 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK !LZHEIMERS SUFFOLKYJCCORG ADHESIONSFOUNDATIONORG CHAKRAS~YOUR BODY’S ENERGY SYSTEM Improve Your Life Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually Third Eye & Crown Chakra HOW TO MEDITATE – 5 WEEK COURSE Begins 10/22 – Attendance @ 1st Class Required ONGOING MEDITATION GROUP Achieve Inner Peace & Understanding ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS - Charts Interpretive Session Available PRIVATE SESSIONS: REIKI, SIGNATURE CELL HEALING Past Life Regressions/ Meditations Prepaid discounts & sliding scales available Information / Registration: JUDITH S. GIANNOTTI, M.A., R.HY. 631-724-9733 www.lightawakenings7.com 34r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rOctober 2013 Buy this Space and reach over 140,000 Long Island women for as low as $145 a month For more information: 516-505-0555 x1 ads@liwomanonline.com Laura Livov Integrated Systems of Healing Did you know that illness shows up in your energy before it manifests in the physical body? Get your energy balanced to relieve stress and improve health and well-being in your life. s),OVEA0ERSONWITH$IABETES 3YOSSET(OSPITAL s%ATING$ISORDERS 2EACHING/UT!GAINST%ATING$ISORDERS"ALDWIN ROAEDORG s%PILEPSY 3T#HARLES(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON s%PILEPSY3EIZURE$ISORDER %PILEPSY&OUNDATIONOF,ONG)SLAND'ARDEN#ITY EPICLIORG s&ACE0AINAND4RIGEMINAL.EURALGIA ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,) LMNIORG s&IBROMYALGIA CONTACT!NTONELLA#AIZZA .ELLAC YAHOOCOM s(EARING)MPAIREDAND#OCHLEAR)MPLANT0ATIENTS .ORTH3HORE,)*(EALTH3YSTEM(EARINGAND3PEECH #ENTER.EW(YDE0ARK s3OUTH3HORE7OMENS(EART 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIPGOOD SAMARITANHOSPITALORG Contact Laura today! s(EPATITIS#3UPPORT'ROUP!MERICAN,IVER&OUNDATION 631-754-4795 Eden Energy Medicine Quantum Biofeedback Past Life Regression s()6!)$3 &%'3#OPIAGUE FEGSORG 631-241-4507 Laura@LauraLivov.com www.LauraLivov.com s)RRITABLE"OWEL3YNDROME 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITIES(OSPITAL#OUNSELING#ENTER "ALDWIN To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Support Groups s,UPUS *##! ,UPUS&OUNDATIONOF,ONG)SLAND"ELLMORE s!NXIETYAND0ANIC'ROUP s,YMPHEDEMA MHASUFFOLKORG (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT s#OUNSELING INORG &%'3 s-ELANOMA0ATIENTS#AREGIVERS FEGSORG CMBC OPTONLINENET s$EVELOPMENTAL$ISABILITIES)NSTITUTE s-ULTIPLE3CLEROSIS.ATIONAL 631-864-8337 3MITHTOWNFAMILYSUPPORTSERVICES ,ONG)SLANDOFlCE DDIINFOORG s0ARENTING9OUNG#HILDREN s'REEN3EMINARS *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP MATHERHOSPITALORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s0ARENTSOF!DULT#HILDREN7ITHA$EVELOPMENTAL$ISABILITY s.ICOTINE!NONYMOUS NICOTINEANONYMOUSORG s0ARENTSOF#HILDREN7ITH!UTISM X Weight Loss s"ARIATRIC3UPPORT'ROUP -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP MIYJCCORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s0ARENTSOF,ESBIANAND'AY#HILDREN s-ULTIPLE3CLEROSIS 631-694-4370 s$EPRESSION s'REEN3EMINARS 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER,YNBROOK 3YOSSET(OSPITAL#ONFERENCE2OOM!" 3YOSSET(OSPITAL$OCTORS,OUNGE *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON s0ARENTSOF3PECIAL.EEDS#HILDREN MATHERHOSPITALORG s-YASTHENIA'RAVIS s%MOTIONS!NONYMOUS X %MMA3#LARK-EMORIAL,IBRARY3ETAUKET *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON s0OST"ARIATRIC3UPPORT'ROUP -%2#9 &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDEFRIEDBERGJCCORG MATHERHOSPITALORG -ERCY-EDICAL#ENTER2OCKVILLE#ENTRE s.ATIONAL&EDERATIONOFTHE"LIND 516-868-8718 s0ARENTSOF9OUNG#HILDREN"IRTHTO&IVE s'RANDPARENTS2AISING'RANDCHILDREN s.ATIONAL-ULTIPLE3CLEROSIS3OCIETY X s/VEREATERS!NONYMOUS *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER7OODMERE MATHERHOSPITALORG -ELVILLE 0ARENTING2ESOURCE.ETWORKORG s,AWYER!SSISTANCE0ROGRAM,!0 888-408-6222 s/STOMY!SSOCIATIONOF,).ASSAU 516-759-0734 s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION s/VERWEIGHT7OMEN s,ONG)SLAND)NFANT$EVELOPMENTAL0ROGRAM PFALICOM s0AIN-ANAGEMENT3UPPORT Women’s Issues 516-546-2333 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIPGOOD s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION s,ESBIAN'ROUP SAMARITANHOSPITALORG s-ENTAL)LLNESS&AMILY3UPPORT (%,0 (ENRIETTA!COMPORA#OMMUNITY#ENTER"LUE0OINT -ENTAL(EALTH!SSOCIATIONOF.ASSAU#OUNTY 0OSTPARTUM2ESOURCE#ENTEROF.EW9ORK s0ARKINSONS3UPPORT s7).'37OMEN)N.ETWORK'IVING3UPPORT (EMPSTEAD POSTPARTUM.9ORG 3MITHTOWN0ARKINSON4HERAPY#ENTER 3MITHTOWN-ETHODIST#HURCH3MITHTOWN s-ENTAL(EALTH!SSOCIATIONIN3UFFOLK#OUNTY s0OST4RAUMATIC3TRESS$ISORDER $ARTMOUTH3T7ESTBURY PFALICOM s0ARKINSONS3UPPORT s7OMENS3ELF!WARENESS3ELF#AREAND3ELF2EALIZA,INDENHURST 3YOSSET(OSPITAL#AFETERIA s0RISON&AMILIES!NONYMOUS TION MHASUFFOLKORG #OMMUNITY0RESBYTERIAN#HURCH %$!#OUNSELING#ENTER7ESTBURY s0ARKINSON$ISEASE3UPPORT 631-862-3560 s-OOD$ISORDERS $EER0ARK!VE$EER0ARK LIAPDAORG s7OMEN(EARTOF.ASSAU1UEENS MHASUFFOLKORG MHASUFFOLKORG ,)*-EDICAL#ENTER.EW(YDE0ARK s3LEEP!PNEA s-OOD$ISORDER'ROUP s2ELATIVESAND&RIENDSOFPERSONSWITHA-ENTAL)LLNESS 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITIES(OSPITAL/UTPATIENT#LINIC s7OMEN(EARTOFTHE3OUTH3HORE GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG 3OUTHSIDE(OPITAL.AYSHORE "ALDWIN MHASUFFOLKORG s3LEEP$ISORDERS s.ATIONAL!LLIANCEON-ENTAL)LLNESS.!-) s3UICIDE0REVENTION(OTLINE35)#)$% s7OMEN(EARTOF(UNTINGTON 631-271-3766 -ATHER(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON 4HE(UNTINGTON(EART#ENTER(UNTINGTON 0ARENTING&AMILY)SSUES MATHERHOSPITALORG .!-),ONG)SLAND/LD"ETHPAGE s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION !LL LISTINGS FOR 3UPPORT 'ROUP CONSIDERATION MUST BE s3TROKE3UPPORT NAMIORG 0OSTPARTUM2ESOURCE#ENTEROF.EW9ORK SUBMITTEDBYTHElRSTOFTHEMONTHFORTHEFOLLOWING .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL#OMMUNITY$RIVE s.!-)(UNTIGTON POSTPARTUM.9ORG MONTH 3EPTEMBER FOR /CTOBER ISSUE BY EMAIL %NTRANCE!PT-ANHASSET s.ATIONAL)NFERTILITY.ETWORK%XCHANGE.).% s0REGNANCYAND)NFANT,OSS SUPPORT LIWOMANONLINECOM s3TROKE3URVIVORS#AREGIVERS 516-794-5772 .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL-ANHASSET .OINFORMATIONWILLBEACCEPTEDBYTELEPHONE,ISTINGS 0LAINVIEW(OSPITAL0LAINVIEW s.EW-OTHERS'ROUP s0REGNANCY)NFORMATIONAND2EFERRAL 631-853-3033 AREPUBLISHEDONASPACEAVAILABLEBASIS If you a support group listed in this 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP s3TROKE4")#AREGIVERS'ROUP s3INGLE0ARENT3UPPORT'ROUPX guide no longer exists or has updated GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG #OMMON'ROUND!LLIANCE0LAINVIEW -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG information, please email us at COMMONGROUNDALLCOM s0ARENTING3PECIAL.EEDSX support@liwomanonline.com. 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS Smoking Cessation To advertise a for-profit support group Mental Health/Miscellaneous SJJCCORG s!MERICAN#ANCER3OCIETY!#3 call 516-505-0555 x1 s!DOPTION(OTLINE ORCANCERORG PATRICIA BONO 310 Merrick Road Rockville Centre ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR PSYCHIC Gain insight into the physical, mental emotional and spiritual aspects of your animal friends. 516-678-9400 skyathletic.com Mention Long Island Woman for a Free Month South Shore’s leading club for Women with over 100 Fitness Classes and Free Childcare 516-922-7574 speaks2spirits@gmail.com www.patriciabono.com To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN WINNER Distinctive Window Fashions Expert Shop At Home Service 516 594-6100 www.distinctivewindowfashions.com TAROT 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