North Carolina COUNCIL for EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN Spring 2008 Newsletter North Carolina’s Connection for Exceptional Children Dear NCCEC Members, Thank you for taking the time to read the NC-CEC newsletter! We recently had record attendance at the annual state conference in Wilmington. If you were unable to attend this year mark your calendars for next year! The NC-CEC annual conference will be February 4-6, 2009 at the Hilton Riverside in downtown Wilmington. Plans for the 2009 NC-CEC conference are already underway and we welcome your thoughts, ideas and suggestions regarding how we can make the 2009 conference the best ever! Please consider completing a Call for Proposal included in this newsletter I had the pleasure of attending the 2008 CEC Teacher of the Year Luncheon at the International CEC convention in Boston, Massachusetts. Our very own Perry Slade was recognized as NC-CEC’s 2008 Teacher of Excellence. Please consider nominating a teacher for next year’s award. Nominations will be available on our NC-CEC website this summer and the award recipient will be announced at our 2009 state conference in Wilmington. NC-CEC also awards several mini-grants, a student scholarship and the Felix Barker leadership award each year. NC-CEC gained 365 new members in 2007! Thanks for helping us get the word out! Current student CEC members approaching graduation can now extend your membership for two additional years at the student rate through the “TAKE 2!” program. This is a savings of 40%. Please visit the national CEC website for more information: In 2007, NC-CEC held four drive-ins throughout the state. We would like to continue these regional meetings as part of our mission to provide you with important information and to build a stronger network among parents, teachers, professors, related service providers, school psychologists, administrators and the many others who work in the field of special education. Please contact your regional representative with ideas for meetings and/or events in your region. Contact information can be found in the newsletter or on our NC-CEC website: Please continue to email me with your concerns and ideas for strengthening our organization. I enjoy your emails and look forward to hearing from you. As your school year and semester winds down I leave you with the following quote as food for thought. Never underestimate the impact you have on the students you come in contact with daily… "So my reward to you is that you have sent me out in the world with the tools to become anything I want to be and...I will keep trying hard so that someday maybe I will make such a difference in someone's life like you've made in mine." - From a student to her "once in a lifetime" special education teacher - Thanks for all you do for students with special needs! Julie Irene Bost NC-CEC Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 3 INSIDE THIS ISSUE A Word from the President NC-CEC Officers NC-CEC’s Teacher of Excellence 2008 NC-CEC Mini-Grant Recipients 2008 NC Regional Representatives Contact Info NC CAN Up-Date Teacher Tips Student NC-CEC News 2009 Scholarship Application 2009 Call for Proposals 2008 Call for Nominations 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 INSERT NC-CEC Officers 2007-2008 Past President: Donna Tilley-Gregory President: Julie Bost President Elect: Jennifer Diliberto Treasurer: Margaret Blackwell Secretary: Charmion Rush Membership: Bobbie Grammer CAN Coordinator: Lynn Zubov Newsletter: Debbie Metcalf Website: Tara Jeffs Student Coordinator: Beth Hair PAGE 1 NC-CEC Highlights NC-CEC’s Teacher of Excellence 2008 Mrs. Perry Slade National Board certified teacher Perry Slade has a multi-pronged, school-wide strategy for helping students with special needs find success at Woodlawn Middle School in Alamance County, North Carolina. Besides chairing the Exceptional Children’s department and teaching language arts and math to student with exceptionalities, Mrs. Slade serves on the student assistance and school leadership teams, helps teachers modify assignments and tests, mentors new teachers, and conducts staff development on accommodations, autism and positive behavior supports. Additionally, she tutors students who need extra help and uses her planning time to read tests aloud. Her success is well documented. Mrs. Slade’s students have achieved as much as three and one-half years of growth in one year. In addition, Woodlawn’s EC program recently achieved AYP, with 91 of 96 students scoring proficiently in reading and math. Colleagues say Mrs. Slade epitomizes caring, collaboration and competency in everything she does. She knows the name of every student, and it can be guaranteed that no Woodlawn student will ever forget her. NC-CEC Mini-Grant Recipients – 2008 Congratulations to the following CEC members who were each awarded a $500 mini-grant at the NC-CEC State Conference! Cathy Misenhiemer, Director of Special Programs, Lexington City Nancy Yelverton, Transition Facilitator at Carrboro High, Chapel Hill Schools High School Project Title: Wilderness Experience Project Title: Jaguar Unique Celebrations (Student-Operated Small Business) The Wilderness Experience is a practical outdoor learning program designed specifically to target children under 18 with disabilities. While the target group is predominately children with serious behavioral/emotional disorders, it will also accept referrals for children in other disability groups. It is a three day, two night backpacking trip into the mountain wilderness areas of NC. With sufficient funding, there would be no cost to the child’s family in order to participate. The primary goal of the project is to establish a schoolbased small business for our Occupational Course of Study students. Because this is a brand new school, they want to build a brand new business. A secondary goal is to build relationships within the school and community that will help students obtain and keep jobs. Margaret M. Corbi, EC Teacher, Pactolus School, Pitt County Schools Project Title: FAB 5 (Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary & Comprehension) Library Tara Galloway, Gaston County Teacher of Exceptional Children Project Title: Optimize Interventions Using DIBELS Data This project focuses on selecting students with disabilities in first grade who have been identified as needing strategic interventions based on assessment results of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS). The project will provide selected students with interactive computerized instruction that supplements core reading instruction. In addition, students will have access to manipulatives and other interactive instructional materials in learning centers in regular classroom setting to practice essential reading skills. NC-CEC Newsletter This project will focus on the development of a working library to instruct students who have unique literacy needs that are not responsive to instruction or supplemental services provided to the general school population. This project will serve a dual purpose. In addition to instructing students with these resource materials, the faculty will also be introduced to how they can be used for differentiation of instruction. This addition to Pactolus’ newly formed Academic Learning Center will lend itself to open dialogue and collaboration within the school community to better serve its children. PAGE 2 Regional News Do you know who your NC-CEC Regional Representative is? Remember to contact your regional representative if you have questions about how you can get more involved in CEC. If you have ideas for regional programs/meetings, please share them. It is easy for us to plan regional ‘drive-in’ meetings that address member needs. Region Name Email Northeast (Co-Rep) Lora Lee Smith-Canter Northeast (Co-Rep) Alana Zambone Southeast Linda Annas Central (Co-Rep) Dianne Owens Central (Co-Rep) Wendy C. Lee West VACANT - Northwest (Co-Rep) Rose Marie Matuszny Northwest (Co-Rep) Morgen Alwell Southwest Vaneta Smiley NC CAN Up-Date Lynn R. Zubov, Ph.D. Winston-Salem State University North Carolina CEC CAN Coordinator While educators generally take the summer off, it appears as if politicians take election year off. Last congressional year there was movement to reauthorize No Child Left Behind (NCLB); however, it appears that the litigation has stalled. As you are probably aware, NCLB affects many people. A number of public interest groups are vying to ensure their constituents are being best served and CEC is no exemption. For NCLB to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities, CEC is advocating for improvements in the following areas: • A process must be developed to enable middle and high school special education teachers who teach multiple core subjects to demonstrate that they meet highly qualified requirements via a variety of methods. • Student assessment must be changed to more fairly and accurately measure student progress. • States must be allowed to measure students’ growth in achievement as well as their performance in relation to pre-determined levels of academic proficiency. • Multiple indicators of student achievement, in addition to standardized tests, should be used to determine student and school performance. • School improvement plans should be allowed sufficient time to make a difference in student achievement before sanctions are applied. Furthermore, sanctions should not be applied if they undermine existing effective reform efforts. • NCLB must recognize and address the unique learning needs of students with gifts and talents to allow these students to realize their potential. • NCLB funding must be increased without reducing the monies allocated to other education programs. In addition to NCLB, CEC is also attempting to secure adequate funding for the education of gifted and talented students. In 2007, less than 3 cents out of every $100 of the federal K-12 education budget was devoted to meeting the needs of the nation's gifted and talented students. The Javits program is the only federal program dedicated to addressing the needs of students with gifts and talents. Unfortunately, President Bush did not request any funds for this program for fiscal year 2009. Senators Grassley (Iowa) and Dodd (Connecticut) and Representatives Gallegly (California) and Matheson (Utah) are circulating a letter to their colleagues in Congress asking for their support of the Javits program. The letters request an increase in funding for the Javits program to $11.25 million for FY 2009, which still is only a minute fraction of the federal education budget. These are only two of the many issues CEC is advocating. At times, CEC sends out a “Call for Action” where they ask members to let their voices be heard. If you would like to receive these up-dates or have any other questions, feel free to contact me at NC-CEC Newsletter PAGE 3 Submit your ‘Teacher Tips’ to for our next newsletter! + Teacher Tips! With the End of Grade/Course Tests right around the corner, here is a strategy that might help reduce test anxiety! The BRAVE Strategy Breathe deeply. • Take long, slow deep breaths throughout the test. • Focus your attention on your breathing and make it steady. Relax. • When you feel your muscles tightening, try to slowly relax each muscle one at a time. Tell yourself mentally that you are relaxing each muscle. • Start relaxing your muscles from the top of your body and go down. Attitude is everything! • Maintain a positive attitude through the entire test. • During the test, tell yourself that “I can do it!” • Put a star next to the answers that you are sure you got right to show that you can do it. Visualize yourself in your favorite place. • When you find yourself becoming very anxious, close your eyes for a few seconds and imagine yourself in your favorite place. End is in sight! • Even if you feel that the test will last forever, remember that it will be over before you know it and your anxiety will fade! For this and many more test taking and other strategies, go visit The Learning Toolbox at James Madison University at: *************************************************************************************** Looking for helpful interventions, activities and tips for teachers, parents, and students who are faced with behavioral/social challenges at different levels, including bullying? Check out: PACER: Bullying Prevention Interactive Web Site for KIDS! PACER Launches Exciting, New, First-of-a Kind Bullying Prevention Web Site! Children in second through sixth grades now have an entertaining, safe way to learn how to respond to bullying. PACER's new Kids Against Bullying Web site includes a cast of 12 animated characters, celebrity videos, kid videos, Webisodes, games, contests, stories, artwork, poems, information, and much more. The site is for all children. Children with disabilities are integrated throughout the website: NC-CEC Newsletter PAGE 4 SCEC Spotlight Michael Rowe Receives 2008 CEC Student Scholarship Michael Rowe, a student at North Carolina A & T State University, was awarded the 2008 CEC Student Scholarship at the NC-CEC State Conference. Michael is currently student teaching and will graduate with a double major in both elementary and special education. He is currently president of the SCEC chapter at his university, has led book and magazine drives, participated in Very Special Arts and Special Olympics, and has presented at state and local conferences. Some quotes from faculty include: "Mr. Rowe has breathed life into the (SCEC) chapter, held high expectations for all members, and developed outstanding community and school outreach projects. Michael is passionate about making a difference and being an "agent of change" in our schools. Michael with CEC-President Elect, Jennifer Dilberto "Mr.Rowe demonstrates originality, intellectual creativity, strategic planning, enthusiasm, and perseverance towards set goals. He will be an asset to any school program.....I have found Mr. Rowe to be an innovative team players with a personality that is most agreeable." Congratulations, Michael, and thanks for all you do for NC-CEC! NC-CEC Conference Poster Presentation Highlights NC-CEC Newsletter PAGE 5 North Carolina 2009 Student Scholarship Application This scholarship will be awarded to a graduate or undergraduate student to support educational needs. The scholarship will be awarded to an individual who has modeled support for and interaction with individuals with disabilities in addition to university course requirements. The scholarship will be awarded at the 2009 NC-CEC State Conference Awards Luncheon on Thursday February 5th in Wilmington, NC. Applications should be typed, and additional pages may be used as needed. Applicants may provide up to three letters of recommendation. Deadline for application is December 8th, 2008, and should be sent to: Beth Hair Greensboro College, Special Education Dept. 815 West Market Street 110 Proctor East Greensboro, NC 27401-1875 Questions? Call Beth Hair, NCCEC Student Coordinator, at 336.272.7102 ext. 454, or email Julie Bost, NCCEC President, at Name: _________________________________________________________________ SCEC Affiliation and Membership Number: ______________________________________________________________________ Licensure Area: _________________________________________________________ Future Goals and Plans: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Explain how you would benefit from this scholarship: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ How have you contributed to SCEC, and how will you contribute in the future? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ CALL FOR PROPOSALS North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children 2009 State Conference February 4th, 2009 Pre-Conference February 5th -6th, 2009 General Conference DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: December 1st, 2008 Title of Presentation:________________________________________________________________________________ Lead Presenter Information: Name:_______________________________________________ Position/Title:_________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ School/Business:_____________________________ City:__________________________________________________ State:________________ Zip:__________________ Email:_________________________________________________ Office Phone:________________________________ Home Phone:___________________________________________ Fax Number:_________________________________ Co-Presenter(s) Name/Address: ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________I INCLUDE: Presentation Summary for Conference Program Purposes (25-50 words): Provide a description of the nature of the program, program format, presenter’s role in the program, planned materials for participants, and targeted audience. Presentation Description for Conference Selection Committee Purposes (up to 2 pages): Provide a detailed description of the nature of the program, program format, presenter’s role in the program, planned materials for participants, and targeted audience. Area: Please indicate the area(s) of applicability for the proposed presentation (e.g. transition, IEP, behavior, assistive technology, assessment, significant cognitive disabilities, collaboration, diversity, reading, writing and/or math strategies, etc): Audio-Visual Needs (LCD projector and overhead available): Presentation Format (general session or poster): Please note in minutes the anticipated length of your presentation/training session:________________ (60-90 minutes) Are you willing to present as a poster or general session? ____yes If no, circle your preference: poster general _____no Selection Criteria: Presentation selection is based on the following criteria: innovation for the field, creativity in interaction with participants, audience appeal, clarity of organization and presentation, feasibility of presentation, degree to which it addresses a special need or strand area, and overall balance of topics among strands. The Selection Committee is responsible for selecting all papers and programs presented and for determining the session length. The Selection Committee will review each proposal and notify you in a timely manner. Email or Send Proposals To: Jennifer A. Diliberto SEND: Greensboro College 112 Proctor Hall East 815 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 EMAIL: Presenters will be notified on or before December 15th, 2008 and are expected to confirm attendance at 2009 conference by: 1. submitting conference registration and $50.00 conference fee by November 15, 2008 2. reserve hotel room on or before January 12th, 2009 (if staying overnight) Hotel information located on registration form. NC-CEC North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children “Save the Date” February 4-6, 2009 Spring 2008 Newsletter North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children 210 Eleanor Street Greenville, North Carolina 27858 Questions? NC-CEC email address:
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