Phone (909) 885-8502 / 254 Carousel Mall, San Bernardino, CA 92401 Summer Edition 2007 Roseanne Barr “Roseanne Talk Live” Chapter One Completed for the Lady on the “Up-Side” of Talk Radio There’s been a new sheriff in town for a month or so and she’s kicking butt and taking names, and where better to do that than on KCAA Radio!? We’re talking about the one and only Roseanne Barr, and she’s brought her super-sassy but loveable brand of no-BS broadcasting to the one radio station gutsy enough to allow her to ‘get her talk on’ and do it with some of the biggest names on the International scene. In the space of one week her guest list reads like a roster of some of the most enduring icons of the last five decades: Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal, Dick Cavett and the list goes on. And, just in case you think the show is only about “rich old White men,” as she affectionately refers to them, there have been brilliant, fresh, women’s voices as well, like author and journalist, Laura Flanders, and Phyllis Bennis, internationally-recognized authority on Middle Eastern affairs and specifically, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Roseanne is accompanied on her daily show (5-6 PM, Mon. thru Fri.) by her radio (and real life) sidekick, Johnny Argent. “I first encountered Johnny more than five years ago when he wrote (on my website) some of the funniest and most insightful stuff I’d seen in a long time,” says the Domestic Goddess and ruler of the airwaves for close to a decade with her Grammy winning sitcom, The Roseanne Show on ABC. “I considered him a find then, as a writer and thinker and we’ve become a good team, I think. We’ve collaborated on my live act, which is doing great” … (she’s been extended at New York, New York)… “as well as my HBO Special. “Blonde and Bitchin’.” Politically, Roseanne is Working Class all the way (like the show that made her famous) but she’s just as likely to pin back the ears of a Left-leaning guest as she is those on the Right when they need it. “I try to make it a point to apologize to those I’m about to offend,” she says with one of her trademark laughs. I just want to put the “us” back in Jesus AND The USA and I’m praying every day for the Separation of Church and Hate! I’m a mom and a grandma, now, and I’m basically saying, hey, let’s get it together, everybody, the kids are watching and counting on us Roseanne Barr and Johnny Argent and so is the rest of the world! And, hey, we need to laugh, too, and talk about the up-side and remember to spend time discussing solutions and the things we’re KCAA Disarms CBS And Builds National Audience “If I don’t protect his rights, I sacrifice mine!” Fred Lundgren, KCAA Radio owner explaining his stand on the “Imus controversy”. KCAA CEO, Fred Lundgren Many observers thought they were witnessing a reenactment of the Alamo starring that Texas straight shooter, Fred Lundgren, as the proud CEO of KCAA Radio, Lundgren drew the “line in the sand” by defending the “free speech” rights of talk show icon, Don Imus. Lundgren, CEO and president of the Southern California radio station KCAA, considered the firestorm of controversy that resulted from an Imus racial slur and decided that despite Imus being fired by CBS, the Imus in The Morning program would continue to be aired on KCAA for two weeks, so listeners could debate the issue. As the rage machine grew and chased Americans to their various See “KCAA Builds...” page 4 FOR, not just against.” That’s the unique and tantalizing Roseanne Barr. (The Roseanne Show goes on hiatus beginning June 15. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER AT WWW.KCAARADIO.COM KCAA 1050 am Goes 24/ 7Anytime And All Of The Time… Anytime and all of the time…Thanks to getting the final approval for nighttime broadcasting, anytime and all of the time is when you can listen to the great programs on KCAA. April showers included tears of joy from KCAA sales director Todd Rowan as April also brought the FCC approval for the long awaited 24-hour programming. “A strong signal and strong programming is a benefit for the Inland Empire businesses that want to reach our great audience said Todd. I am excited to be able to show off our after dark programs.” “This approval took a bit longer than I expected, said Fred Lundgren, owner of KCAA, but now that it is here, it was well worth the wait. I have no doubt that the fine staff and broadcasters at KCAA will take advantage of this opportunity to reach out and serve more of the Inland Empire residents and visitors.” Thanks to live video and audio streaming, KCAA Internet TV is not ‘just’ available as scheduled… Because of the pod-cast archives, every program is available on demand at, “anytime and all of the time.” 2 Rockin’ With Rooney “Insight” with Brian Oxman Brian Oxman Ted Rooney not only plays great Rock-n-Roll music, he tells “Up-Close” stories about legendary rockers… Tune in Monday through Friday at 8 p.m. Ted, born in 1950 into a show business family... His mother was actress Martha Vickers and his father, Hollywood Legend Mickey Rooney. He began acting at the age of two and performed in a number of TV shows: Wagon Train, Lassie, and Rifleman. He also per- formed in several movies, including “Andy Hardy Come Home” co-starring with his Dad, and in “It Happened to Jane” co-starring with Doris Day. By the age of 12 he fell in love with music and started a band called The Offspring. He ultimately played with bands including ‘The Yellow Payges’, ‘Palace Guard’ and with ‘The Rooney Brother’. By the early 70’s, Ted played with the popular ‘Tight Squeeze’ . With his bands, he has opened for many top rock acts and has toured over 20 years. Currently Ted works as a D.J., which keeps him close to his “Rock Roots”. “Insight” with Brian Oxman debuts on KCAA Radio 8-9 a.m. each week day. Brian Oxman takes on the toughest and most controversial issues in the legal world. Prosecution versus Defense – not just balanced, but bright and penetrating, with an international view of legal issues that affect people from every Hall of Justice throughout the globe. Criticism that is “irreverent,” critique that is “sound,” and censure that is “just” are the foundations of “Insight” with Brian Oxman. Kathryn Milofsky, who has worked for CBS, the BBC, GM TV, and the London Times, produces the show, and her extraordinary talents have secured guest interviews for Mr. Oxman with Senator Robert Dole, Dr. Michael Baden, Heather Mills McCartney, Dr. Joshua Perper, Kenneth Starr, Jerry Brown, Saddam Hussein’s attorney, Curtis Doebbler, and many others. “Insight’s” ability to bring top names to its programs sets it apart, and its interviews are controversial, exciting, and provocative. Attorney Brian Oxman is well known for his representation of Michael Jackson, the Jackson Family, Denver Bronco’s owner Patrick Bowlen, Apollo Astronaut Richard Gordon, Former Governor Jerry Brown, AT&T, Amtrak, Creators Syndicate, and many others. He is a commentator See “Brian Oxman” page 4 Autumn Leaf Takes the Worry and Guesswork Out Of Investing RIcky Bailey, Annie Simmons & Chad J. Ward Thought about investing but concerned about the risk? Autumn Leaf Real Estate Investment Club (ALREIC) is determined to ease your worries if you decide to put your hardearned dollars into real estate. ALREIC is a dynamic leader in the real estate investing field. The organization aims to set the standards of excellence for real estate investing, by building an organization in which high standards permeate all aspects of their business as a state if mind, with the goal of quality service to their membership and clientele. Their motto: Home of the “NO BRAINER” Investment, emphasizes both their vision and how they came to exist - beginning with several individuals in search of a place to invest. All they could find were companies selling books and tapes, asking them to do all the real work. They needed real estate and they needed it in the “NOW,” not six months later. According to ALREIC co- founder Annie Simmons, “We were determined to stop ‘Looking for a Needle in a Haystack!’ So we began with a small group of local associates (neighbors and a mail courier), and began to invest and create huge profits for ourselves and our investors.” Annie Simmons is now Chief Executive Officer of ALREIC, with more than a decade of real estate experience. She is also the host of the “Home of the No Brainer Investment Show” every Saturday at 1 p.m. on KCAA. An active investor, Annie specializes in “No Brainer” investment properties, and devotes her time to traveling the U.S. negotiating for ALREIC Members and teaching beginning and experienced investors how to purchase properties across the nation. Ricky Bailey, another ALREIC co-founder, is the Chief Financial Officer and Real Estate Broker for the firm, with ten years of experience working in the Banking industry is currently pursuing his Brokers License in six more states and opening satellite offices in each. Chad J. Ward is Chief of Operations and has 10 years of Financial Banking experience and over 7 years experience as an Investment Counselor, and is an avid investor. Staff Coordinators for Marlene Collins and Bonnita Schaffer; handle the daily concerns of ALREIC member and non-member investors, ensure that contracts are accurate, property management is setup, maintain daily contact with out-of-state builders, and make prompt acknowledgement of investor dollars. In short, they “Take the Worry and Guesswork Out of Investing.” The Property Management team looks out for each investor’s best interests by placing qualified tenants and maintaining high standards for investors’ properties. This team is comprised of Property Manager, Lavon Robinson; Out-of-State Property Manager, Tasha Rothchild; Network Administrator, Paul Jordan, and Administrative Assistant, Terry Medina. For more about ALREIC, visit, call (951) 693-5870, or better yet, tune in at 1 p.m. every Saturday on KCAA and get investment know-how direct from Annie. 3 About “Living Beyond Disease” and Michele Longo O’Donnell Michele Longo O’Donnell Michele Longo O’Donnell is a health care provider, minister and spiritual counselor. In 1965 Michele became a registered nurse and went on to complete two years of undergraduate work at Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio. There she devoted several years to nursing on pediatric intensive care, emergency room and coronary care units. After the unprecedented healing of her second daughter from mental retardation, she left medicine to attend a Bible college. During the three years there, she was responsible for the healthcare of the 300 students. In 1973 Michele moved to San Antonio, Texas. A combination of life experiences and the increased knowledge of spiritual healing led Michele to a belief in holistic treatment for the relief of disease related suffering. In 1975 she started the first metabolic holistic clinic for the treatment of degenerative diseases. This clinic today combines spiritual and emotional healing with physical and metabolic treatment. During the past 30 years, while treating thousands of patients, Michele has recognized that there are principles of Life, that when understood and adhered to, result in healing…no matter what the disease or how severe the symptoms. In 1999, Michele wrote her first book, “Of Monkeys and Dragons: Freedom from the Tyranny of Disease,” which outlines the life principles for healing. She shared her experiences with the hope that readers everywhere might come to understand the possibility and simplicity of living without the devastation of disease. Due to an overwhelming response to the first book and a desire for a more in depth explanation and understanding of these truths, in 2005 Michele wrote her second book, “The God That We’ve Created: The Basic Cause of all Disease.” This writing expands upon her belief that we were never intended, by our Creator, to live with pain, misery and tears. Further it reveals that disease, and all suffering, is a learned experience, and therefore can be unlearned. Today, Michele O’ Donnell is in demand as an inspirational speaker and motivator, traveling extensively throughout the U.S.A., as well as Canada and Europe. Please check her website to see when she will be in your area. Michele is the host of weekly radio shows in Texas, Colorado, Florida, Arizona, and California called Living Beyond Disease. In addition, Michele has an annual retreat in the beautiful Texas Hill Country the last weekend of each February. She has two grown daughters, Linda and Lara, and currently lives in Canyon Lake, Texas with her husband, George O’Donnell. VISIT HER WEBSITE: and tune into the radio program “Living Beyond Disease” streaming over the internet. For more information or to schedule an interview with Michele, contact her by phone at (210) 738-1872 or E-ail to Tune into her show on KCAA 1050 AM or on every Sunday morning from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. Can Snoring Kill You? By Dr. Steve Tatevossian DDS, FAACP Let me tell you a story about my patient Ned. Ned is a family man in his 50’s who was known for falling asleep in front of the TV and snoring so loud his children had disturbed sleep. Ned had three car accidents because he fell asleep at the wheel and recently, his wife started sleeping in the guest room because she couldn’t get a good nights rest next to Ned. Ned’s wife would stay up listening to him stop breathing (30 seconds) then suddenly awaken with a loud snort while tossing and turning. Now Ned was your typical stubborn male that refused to see his physician regularly, he started taking vitamins to increase his energy, had a slight alcohol problem, bad diet, acid reflux, overweight, memory loss, High blood pressure and High cholesterol— not to mention irritability! The reason Ned came to see me was he was wearing down his teeth and they were getting cold sensitive. My exam revealed premature acid wear on his teeth, an enlarged tongue, and a very narrow airway (throat). Ned was also grinding his teeth in his sleep and had chipped edges. I had Ned fill out a sleep questionnaire and he scored poorly, signifying daytime sleepiness. A sonar test, which identifies the existence of an airway problem, was performed with positive results. After speaking with his physician, we referred Ned to a sleep lab for an overnight sleep study, which revealed he suffered from a condition where one stops breathing in his sleep called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). The diagnosis meant Ned held his breath in his sleep (40times/hour); decreasing oxygen levels and this affected his overall health, increasing his chances of a stroke/heart attack. At the sleep clinic, the physician placed Ned on a breathing machine called CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), similar to a scuba mask that forces air thru his nose/mouth to keep his airways open. Ned could not tolerate the cpap even though he felt improved energy levels and less fatigue, so he sought out alternatives. At the King House Dental Group we have been making dental mouthpieces to help man- age sleep-disordered breathing/snoring for many years. We made Ned a sleep appliance (retainer like) that improved his OSA, which he was able to wear at night. Ned began to lose weight, his blood pressure normalized; cholesterol dropped 110 points and he is sleeping in the same bed with his wife. The moral of this story is there are many Neds out there who end up with a heart attack (about 40,000/year) because they aren’t aware of OSA. It is estimated that 18 million Americans (1 in 15) suffer from this life threatening disease called OSA, and only 15% have been diagnosed. The National Sleep Foundation estimates 59% of snorers have a sleep disorder. People can live happier, healthier lives thru proper diagnosis and treatment. For a screening examination or further info contact us at 909-7925000 or Sylvester Bland, Jr. Is The Lightman In The 5th Dimension In 1977 Sylvester Bland’s first major entrepreneurial endeavor resulted in his becoming the 1st mobile disc jockey in Los Angeles County. He ultimately provided music for thousands of music lovers playing hits from the classical charts and big bands, R & B, jazz and rock and roll. He gave his life to Christ in 1980. In 1982 he completed Zoe Christian Leadership Training Center and became a Pastor and founder of Fort Jerusalem located in Compton California. From 1982 to 1986 he also founded Gala Creations, which was a full service catering company, and for two years it was the official caterer for Christian owned KKLA Radio station. In 1988 he received an AA degree in general education from Compton College. He received a “Certificate of Appreciation” from the city of Los Angeles for an organization called, “Young People for Young People” for the enhancing activities for Community Betterment. He has worked for Southern California Edison for almost 30 years. He was the founder and has been the Pastor of Home Churches International going on 11 years. During this period of time the Community of Riverside has come to know this ministry for its presentation of the Good News Games, the Ol’ Time Country Picnic, and the Gospel Basketball Tournaments. For five years he (Pastor Bland/HCI) has been a Major Sponsor for the annual major events held in Jurupa Valley, such as the 911 Candelight Vigil and the Memorial Hero’s Parade and Festival where thousands participated. In 2001 he received a special Appointment to serve as a Riverside County Sheriff Commissioner. In 2004 he received a Certificate of Recognition from the United States Congress and the California State Senate as a Volunteer Honoree of the Riverside County Community Action Partnership. For over 20 years he as broadcast live call-in talk shows over various radio stations, including KMAX of Los Angeles, KHPY of Moreno Valley, and KPRO of Riverside, bringing The Gospel to millions. Blanding is happy to be a part of the KCAA radio family where he can reach even more people with his teachings. Tune into his show “The Lightman in the Fifth Dimension” every Saturday at 6 p.m. $$$ “ATTENTION ALL PC OWNERS” $$$$$ IF YOU OWN A CAMERA, PRINTER, CD OR DVD BURNER, AND KNOW FULLY HOW TO OPERATE YOUR PC YOU CAN MAKE UNLIMITED INCOME BY TAKING PICTURES RIGHT IN YOUR OWN CITY, SELL EACH PHOTO UP TO 5 TIMES FREE INFO, SEND 3 STAMPS OR ORDER BOOKLET (PUBLISHING DATE APROX JUNE 2007) $49.95 CA. RESIDENCE ADD $4.00 SALES TAX, WE PAY ALL SHIPPING *POSTAL MONEY ORDERS SHIPPED FIRST* *No Credit Cards / Cash, Check, or Money Order BIG PICTURE CO - PO BOX 432, YUCAIPA, CA 92399 (909) 810-3594 4 Continued from front page KCAA Builds National Audience emotional responses to the “Imus mess”, KCAA stirred things up by promoting the fact that they would be airing the controversial slurshow… The news coverage alerted Imus fans and free speech fans from all across America and they tuned into the KCAA website by the tens of thousands… For two weeks KCAA rebroadcast previously aired Imus programs while under extreme legal threat from CBS to stop. The CBS legal threat against little ‘o’ KCAA appeared so lopsided that it made the Alamo look like an even fight… But who knew? “I’ve been in a lot of rodeos, and been bucked by some mighty big horses, but I always got back on… CBS is big and tough, but they couldn’t buck the truth.” said Lundgren. What Imus said wasn’t right, but in America, he has the right to be wrong! He should have been punished but he should not have been fired… Many people disagreed with me but they have that right and I gave them airtime to say so… I am extremely grateful for the support from the thousands of new KCAA listeners from all over America that now hear and see our programming on the Internet. We are also enjoying a marked increase in our international audience.” A World You Can Count On… The Magical World Of Numbers! Elizabeth Summers As your host each week, Elizabeth Summers will lead you on a journey through the meanings of codes called NUMBERS. Your personal NUMBERS speak volumes of information all about YOU. The NUMBERS represent sounds, the sounds represent energies, the energies represent experiences-from this incarnation as well as other lifetimes you have had as a human. YOUR past and present is written in code within YOUR birth name and birth date. Numerology is an ancient esoteric “tool” developed thousands of years ago and is as old as astrology. Ancient peoples, not having radio, electronics, not even books is most instances, developed communication through the use of glyphs which have traveled through the ages and are now called NUMBERS. NUMBERS are part of our daily lives as humans. However, your knowing the abstract meanings behind your codes will reveal is- sues about your personality, career choices, Karmic “stumbling blocks”, the themes and situations of a particular calendar year or age—the list go on. A new world of insight and empowerment will open before you. As a Master Esoteric Numerorologery, interpreter of the ancient Tarot cards and a student of Astrology, Elizabeth Summers brings the expertise of many facets of metaphysical studies. A spiritual counselor, author, teacher, radio and television personality, Elizabeth Summers finds her joy in sharing with the listener, as well as the private client, the practical and spiritual understanding of the NUMBER codes. With a light-hearted and sometimes humorous energy, Elizabeth Summers will be your tour guide of self-exploration from the human as well as the soul perspective. So have your pencils, note paper and open hearts ready each week to come aboard and take a magic carpet ride into and all through THE MAGICAL WORLD OF NUMBERS. The Magical World of Numbers broadcasts on Sundays at 8 p.m. Email: Programming Shows Talking With Wendell Wendell’s magnetic personality and charismatic style will be a major factor in his success. Why? Because, everyone wants to know Wendell! An actor/ model himself, Wendell has graced many red carpets, and magazines promoting everyone else’s fashions and jewelry; Wendell says, “it’s time for me to show them what I’m working with!” Tune into Wendell Every Saturday from 2pm to 3pm on KCAA 1050- AM National Defense: Dedication to the Troops and Your Hot Topics With Jerry Newberry Support the VFW and the National Defense Radio Show with Jerry Newberry every Saturday from 4p.m. to 5p.m. The Prophetic Watch In 1992 Ronnie McMullen was called to the ministry. It took years to understand the prophetic call that was on his life, and how he was to use God’s gifts for God’s glory. Most churches in the early to mid-90s did not accept the prophetic. Then by the late 90s, “the church” wanted the prophetic, but only if it delivered a “good news” message. Repentance was not part of the status quo. With Y2K approaching, the churches decided to open the doors to what God is saying. God used Y2K to bring churches to their knees. After finding out Y2K was nothing more than a scare, the churches returned to their religiosity yet adopting the prophetic as long as it spoke of their desires (the tickling of ears). During this time, Ronnie knew that he must deliver the uncompromised Word of the Lord. God will not bless a false prophet. Tune in Mon – Fri 9 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Overcomer Ministry Here are the commands of the Lord. 1. Get out of the cities. 2. Get out of debt. 3.Get out of the churches. 4. Get the TV out of your home. 5. Stop going to doctors. 6. Get with God’s people (few in number). 7. Be prepared to wait for His coming until. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28 Maranatha. Brother Stair TUNE IN EVERY MORNING MONFRI 5am to 6am “Programming Shows” Continued on page 7 “The Many Moods of Vince Daniels” It’s been a heck of a first year already on KCAA Saturday mid-day’s, where The Vince Daniels Show (“The Many Moods of Vince Daniels”) has been going strong from the studios of KCAA from 10am to 1pm. Guests have spanned the political and entertainment spectrum from “Minuteman Project” founder, Jim Gilchrist, to the Green Party’s Peter Comejo, along with recent appearances by MSNBC’s David (“Hardball”) Shuster to conservative talk show host, Neal Boortz. Recently, Vinnie was visited for a full hour by a living legend, Art Linkletter. Semi-regular contributors comprise the make-up of this 3-hour live talk/variety show and include Daniels sidekick and announcer, Jay Boatman covering politics. Crista Curtis handles news of the popular culture. Television Week magazines, James Hibberd talks T.V; Steven Greydanus tells you what’s new at the movies; Samantha von Sperling is the “etiquette” expert on the Many Moods Manners Moment. Jerry Sluciewicz and George Gamble are the money and financial experts. Stephanie Frasco occasionally joins the show with her advice to the lovelorn. While Jay Boatman is not able to be on the show every single week, Vinnie has been conducting a search for a female co-host. She will be introduced on the June 16th show. On that day, Vince’ former co-host, Mikey Mondavi will fly in from Georgia to be in-studio and officially check this new person out. The last time Mikey visited KCAA, an investigation was launched on the show of the Narconon Stonehawk Drug Rehabilitation Center in Battle Creek, MI. This sparked much controversy and more Stonehawk/Scientology shows are planned. While “The Many Moods” strives to be a tightly segmented show with multiple topics, there are times that certain subjects cry out for 3 hours of attention. Such will be the case on June 2nd when Vinnie, Jay and Crista entertain and debate the Abortion issue. A full 3hour quiz show format is planned for sometime this summer. It will be a game show focusing on T.V. trivia, complete with prizes. In addition, the show will go on the road sometime this summer for another remote broadcast at the Pechanga Casino and Resort, in Temecula. That same day, just before Vinnie, “The Inland Empire Coffee Radio Show” will also broadcast from there. Hosts Cliff Young and Ralph Torres were recently named Daniels’ permanent guest hosts. Listeners are invited to join the audience at Pechanga. A date will be announced soon. Continued from page 2 Brian Oxman for CNN, Fox, MSNBC, Court TV, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, AM Canada, GM TV London, Fuji TV Japan, Spiegel TV Germany, and many others. He is an innovator in the legal discussions that have captivated audiences with the most urgent subjects of our time – unrest in the Middle East, abortion, the death penalty, the war crimes’ tribunal in Iraq, violence against women, political and corporate corruption, celebrity scandals and abuse of power. Brian Oxman will bring top news makers to KCAA, and our listeners can participate in world controversies by talking on the phone with people who are making news right now. 5 The Donna “D” Knows Real Estate Tune in to hear Donna Dostalik talk about what’s happening in today’s ever changing real estate market! Find out where the hottest areas are for investment in and outside of California! What to do and where to do it! Donna “D” has all the information you’ll ever need to effectively buy and sell real estate in the Inland Empire, LA and Orange County and even San Diego County as well as all mountain resort areas including Mammoth Lakes California! She sells Northern California properties, ranches, land, commercial, investment, rental and residential properties and has been doing so for over 21 years! Donna will talk about river properties and she will showcase her listings on each show! If you have questions about foreclosures or who is the best lender, just give her a call at 909-772-5233 or check out the show every Saturday at 7am… Or check out re/max unlimited listings at! Donna specializes in all locations, including San Bernardino and Riverside Counties and even Ventura County! Find out more by listening to Donna “D”! “Rockin Real Estate” Real Estate With A Rock-N-Roll Beat… Listen in to Jeff Heller of Accredited Real Estate Schools talk about what the school teaches and about the requirements and tools you need to become a real estate salesperson or broker, with a Rock-nRoll flavor to it... He plays his own written Rock-nRoll music. Listen in every Saturday from 5 to 6 pm. Call into the show at 909888-5222… If you’re selling your home he’ll plug the open house for you for free! Accredited Real Estate Schools is an independent family owned and operated Real Estate School, founded in Northern California by Bryan and Rana Church in the early 1990’s. Bryan is the Director of Education for the school. Jeff Heller, Rana’s brother, at that time was a Computer operations manager for a company in the San Francisco Bay Area. Jeff was asked in 2000 to run and become a partner in a school in Southern California and he obliged. Since then Jeff has developed an online secure testing site and developed software and internet streaming products for the school, and with his networking background has put on the map. Jeff is a real estate broker and teaches real estate brokers and salespersons exam prep with media technology in a classroom environment. The school teaches a comprehensive knowledge of real estate and the content of the salesperson and broker state exams. Check out the school website, www.accreditedschools. com or Call: 800721-0710 for school schedules and Products. “Real Estate Exposed” Monday Evening on KCAA at 6:00 p.m. Todd Kolber U.S. Real Estate Depot has debuted its new radio program “Real Estate Exposed” on KCAA 1050 am with much enthusiasm that the exposure to a new audience will allow expansion of its clientele and educate the interested listener about the truth in real estate transactions. The radio program discusses the incentives of the transaction and who really has the consumer’s best interest in mind. Join us and listen as we discuss who knows the true market value of properties, comps and appraisals, and why becoming informed about the market is in your best interest whether you are going to buy or sell property. The show is brought to you by U.S. Real Estate Depot (866) FLAT-FEE or on the web. U.S. Real Estate Depot is a flat fee commission brokerage serving most all of Southern California where you get paid to find your own home. Our website provides the tools and teaches you the skills to learn how to search for your new home online and without a realtor. This is the future and it’s happening today. Tune in to the radio show, we will be discussing the methods of searching in great detail. You can also log on, or give us a call to find out how you can The “Renegade” Shows The Way To Wealth James Johnson, your “Wealth Renegade”, is a California native, raised in Seattle, WA and has been living in California since 1981. James served 4 years in the Marine Corp and holds a black belt in Judo & Jujitsu. James has been a successful business owner for over 22 years and is licensed in Health & Life Insurance, is a certified tax preparer and currently owns a successful estate planning company, All Mark Insurance Services, Inc. James & his associates are able to help with Estate Planning, Life Insurance, LTC Coverage, Tax Advice & Preparation, Revocable & Non-Revocable Trusts, Living Trusts, Mortgages, Business Consulting, Foundations & much more. Working with James will give you a look into some unique approaches to estate planning with the emphasis being on safe money alternatives, so your hard earned money is working for you, but not at risk. Not everyone with financial and retirement concerns has their own personal financial planner, and even if they do, will want to tune into a new financial radio talk show focused on educating consumers. All Mark Insurance Services, Inc. has developed an educational radio talk show that starting airing on May 9, 2007 on KCAA “The Wealth Renegade Hour”, part of the KCAA series “Ask the Experts.” “Most consumers don’t have the proper foundation of education nor the ability to do the proper due diligence on various financial and retirement firms that are pitching them their services.” says Frank Alley, Executive Vice President of All Mark Insurance Services, Inc. “They don’t know what they don’t know – and we have decided to take a very pro-active approach of broadcasting an educational show that will help consumers learn how to optimize all of their assets without being the victim of the latest schemes.” Says James Johnson, President of All Mark Insurance Services, Inc. In addition, various financial booklets will be distributed free of charge to any and all consumers that call into the show. The booklets explain that consumers (especially seniors) who do want to seek financial advice on financial planning, retirement planning, not out-living their money, how to choose a financial advisor, the proper use of reverse mortgages and several other booklets. Consumers can find out how to go about attaining information and education for smart decisions and avoiding scams. “It benefits the consumer to do some research,” says James Johnson. “Our booklet shows consumers where they can find online information on individuals and companies and if they have a checkered past. They can also find online information from the Department of Justice and other government regulators on the latest scams and how to spot them.” The booklets are already helping consumers, especially seniors. One All Mark Insurance Client didn’t know that an individual that hosted a dinner seminar the client attended had come from a company recently shut down for major investor fraud and mail fraud for the nearly identical investment strategies being pitched at the dinner seminar she attended. “The booklet saved her retirement,” says Frank Alley. An X-treme Reality That Needs Checkingout… Checking Reality…Extremely Extreme Reality Check with Tim Burke, Ray Peyton & Heather Bias is a unique new show to hit the airwaves at KCAA 1050AM. The Extreme Reality show is an open forum for all listeners to join in and discuss save thousands on your next real estate transaction. For more information join us every Monday evening from 6-7pm for the “Real Estate Exposed” radio show on KCAA 1050 am or call us toll free at (866) FLAT-FEE, locally at (909) 949-6063 or on the web at anything from the War in Iraq to Sex in the Sack. This daily variety show will really get you thinking. Roseanne Barr refers to the host of the Show Tim Burke as “Radical”. Weekdays from 4-5PM this show brings you hard news, light hearted views, the comical side of life, current events and just points out the ignorance of people and politicians we encounter in our day to day lives. His friends and others often refer to Tim as the guy that’s not afraid to say what others think! This was ever present by his refer- Time Burke ence to both Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as Racial Terrorists. This show will really get you thinking. The creator, Tim Burke has been a stand-up comedian and improv talent for over 17 See “X-Treme ...” Page 7 6 A GREAT WAY TO SPEND YOUR SATURDAY MORNING Good coffee, good friends and good music. The Inland Empire Coffee Radio Show is a fun and informative hour of talk, music and more, covering the wealth of offerings from local independent coffeehouses and artists. Host Cliff Young roasts coffee locally, lectures about coffee nationally, and travels the world to source great coffees. Cliff’s longtime involvement in the coffee industry has made The Inland Empire Coffee Radio Show an essential destination for many pioneers and mavericks of the coffee world. Cliff’s co-host and producer, Ralph Torres (a veteran of the Inland Empire music scene) brings in local musicians, writers, actors and artists for a weekly presentation of the best the area has to offer. BEING A S.L.O.B. Support Locally Owned Businesses! Cliff and Ralph both believe that a dollar spent with a local business adds more to the community than a dollar spent at a national chain store. They have no use for the generic swill served up by the “Green Mermaid” and the other cookie-cutter coffee chains that have sprung up like crabgrass throughout the region. They know (and their listeners are learning) that the best coffee comes from people right here in the Inland Empire - coffee roasted with care and served up by shop owners that add to the community. SHOW GAINS NATIONAL LISTENERS, CALLERS Since their inaugural broadcast in January 2007, The Inland Empire Coffee Radio Show has welcomed guests from all over the United States. From Nick Cho of Murky Coffee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to Martin Diedrich of Kean Coffee in Irvine, CA...the best and brightest in the coffee world have paid a visit to the most listened to show about coffee in the world. LOCAL FAVORITES ALWAYS WELCOME Most every show features a live appearance by one of the Inland Empire’s many great independent shop owners. Darren Conkrite of Back to The Grind in Riverside and Mike Perry of Coffee Klatch in Rancho Cucamonga are among the ever-growing lineup of regional coffee purveyors who have joined Cliff and Ralph in the studio. YOU’LL HEAR IT HERE FIRST The Inland Empire Coffee Radio Show’s “creative” guests have included singer/songwriters Marianne Keith, Kelly McGuire, John Mcgill and Bruce Fitzsimmons, actor/songwriter/pop culture icon Reggie Bannister (of the Phantasm horror series) and Redlands mystery author Lisa Logan. COFFEE MATTERS! Cliff Young is the Roastmaster of Inland Empire Coffee, where it’s all about high quality: the quality of the coffee beans, the quality of life for the growers, and the quality of IE’s business practices. JOIN US FOR A CUP The Inland Empire Coffee Radio Show airs every Saturday morning at 9AM on KCAA 1050 AM. You can learn more about the show and past episodes at, and you can get the very best coffee in the region by visiting IE Coffee at Join Cliff and Ralph for good coffee, good friends and good music! 7 Continued from page 4 The Dr. Kathleen Hall Show” Welcome to The Stress Institute™! Do you believe stress affects health? We do. That’s why we created The Stress Institute™ to promote health, wellness, stress awareness and life balance. We are passionate about providing organizations with information, education, programming, and solutions for mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Look to us for the most credible and up-todate information on stressrelated topics. Tune into Kathleen Hall every Tuesday from 3p.m. to 4p.m. Programming Shows The Bob Morgan Show! Monday – Friday 10p.m. to 1p.m. With over 45 years of Top 40 radio under his collective belt, Bob Morgan is two (or more!) of radio’s most talented personalities. Bob Morgan spent well over a decade at KGBS AM&FM/TEN-Q/KHTZ in Los Angeles under the blanket of the historic Storer Broadcasting outlet on Western Avenue. In the eighties, he filled the bill perfectly for the original oldies station in Los Angeles, KRLA. During his stay at the stations, Bob filled every role from music director, news director and assistant manager in addi- tion to his regular daily show. Bob filled every daypart, and was consistently a winner in every slot. He worked with almost every radio personality in Los Angeles, including such legends as “Emperor” Bob Hudson, Ron Landry, Bill Ballance, Dave Hull, Roger Christian, Al “Jazzbeaux” Collins, The Real Don Steele and Bobby Dale just to mention a few. He is in every sense of the word, a major market radio talent. With his off-the-wall sense of humor and timing, his listeners not only realize he is slightly nuts, but more importantly, he actually listens along with his audience to the music he plays. You can’t listen to Bob without coming away with a feeling you’ve just been exposed to a very sick man. Sports Nuts Sportsnuts is the only Local live Sports Talk Program in the Inland Empire. “The Overground Railroad” Mike and Kim It is the vision of the OverGround RailRoad to open up roundtable discussions on today’s hot topics: politics, religion, spirituality, sex, and the Occult. Working together we can find solutions to make a better universe for us all. The OverGround RailRoad show was the result of Mike and Kim’s many discussions during karaoke, regarding today’s current events. They decided to do something about it. Radio was the perfect solution. One hour a week, Sundays 1 to 2p.m. they have created a place for all to participate and exercise our freedoms. A fellow patron happened to be in the radio business and began shopping the idea around to local stations. KCAA would prove to be the perfect home. KCAA offered the OverGround RailRoad the open forum to discuss freely the hot topics that affect us all. February OverGround RailRoad debuted, Black history was the first show topic. Every show continues to inspire both Kim and Mike to pursue the vision of the OverGround RailRoad. Michael C. Dussault was born in Taunton, Massachusetts. He graduated from the University of Massachusetts with a B.A. in Political Science and Film. Dussault has lived in Los Angeles for the past 7 years, where he’s involved in local-state and federal politics. Kim Johnson is the CEO of Bright Iris Productions, A company that focuses on producing occult works. After her mother Iris Bright passed away (10 yrs ago) her studies in the sacred sciences began. Alchemy, hermetic, tarot, numerology, astrology, study of ancient signs, and the philosophy of Christ have all become her passion. A small town girl at heart, Kim would rather be training barrel-racing horses in Costa Rica. Until then she is a Santa Monica beach girl, who creates designer broomsticks (and a few other occult goodies. for more info) that let your imagination soar through the story of you. KCAA SPONSORS EZ Tree House Plans 281-599-9800 email: Sportsnuts airs at 3 PM Saturdays and is hosted by “The Sports Encyclopedia”, Brian Logan and “Professional Comic” Kenny Frye! Segments in the show include Wait On Ice at 3:15, Rich Schick on Local Sports at 3:30, and the Big Kahuna Commentary at 3:45. From time to time, the creator of Sportsnuts, Nick La Capria also makes appearances. The program is fast paced, takes listener calls in, and also goes into the Inland Empire Community by making Public Appearances! A Lighter version of The Sportsnuts radio show airs Saturdays 3-4 P.M. PDT in the Inland Empire on KCAA 1050 A.M. or In the 50 United States on Web Stream House 2 Home Lending, Inc. 623-209-0102 i e coffee 1500 Crafton Ave., #111 Mentone, CA 92359 909-794-2255 email: Pennysaver 2830 Orbiter St. Brea, CA 92821 714-996-8900 Redlands Blueprint 922 B New York Street Redlands, CA 92374 909-792-3478 email United Cab & Airport Express Riverside, CA 92507 951-567- 4111 Inland Body & Paint 15445 Valencia Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 909-434-0466 Whacked Out Wednesdays / A Professional Comedy Workout Wednesday Nights at 9:15 p.m. Inland Empire Help Wanted Serra’s Dine & Dance P.O. Box 781 12449 Ventura Blvd. Mira Loma, CA 91752 Studio City, CA 91604 Ray Berg, Regional 323-878-5525 Marketing Director email: 951-675-6551 FAX: 951-727-8987 Email: whackedoutwednesdays Continued from page 5 X-Treme Reality years. Ray Peyton has over 30 years of radio experience and brings an array of moodiness to the show daily. Heather Bias provides the show with insights of a 21-year-old female (if there is such a thing as an insightful 21 year old female). Originally brought in to help the show avoid locker talk, Heather is often the first to talk about boobs and other anatomy. Catch the live audio and video feeds at www.- weekdays from 4-5PM or on the local airwaves on KCAA 1050AM. You never know what you’ll see or hear so don’t miss one episode or you may just miss the best show ever! 8 Redlands Blueprint & Commercial Printing Co. 922 New York St., Redlands, CA, 92374 Phone: 909-792-3478 9 KCAA Listeners E-Mail From Around The Country Thanks for putting IMUS back on the air. As an African American we have other REAL issues to solve other than worrying about some bad remarks. It’s ironic that some African American entertainers get paid to use the words ‘HO’ and ‘N____as’ in their craft and everybody thinks its OK. And what’s even more hilarious is when some of the African American population within some of their own communities refer to themselves as ‘Ho’s’ and ‘N_____s’. We are truly a confused people when it comes to the use of these words. Maybe the Black community should fire Jesse and AL for incompetence. They’ve FAILED to solve the real issues addressing the Black communities. I guess Imus should have gotten permission from somebody in the Black community to use the word ‘HO’ in his dialogue. TJ I just logged on and read the news down here in Florida. I wanted to drop a note letting you know I support what you are doing. Big KUDOS!-to you, it’s time someone stood up and said we still have free speech. Anywho, I’m sure your email box is filling fast so take care and keep it going! Best Regards, Michael Azzaro I support your efforts to keep Imus on the air. Public opinion can be reversed. Bill Bailey Thank you for having the courage to stand up to the suits. I’ve never been a huge fan of Imus, don’t really like his raunchy mouth, but that’s not the point. Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech? Things are sure changing in our country and not for the good. I’m glad somebody has the balls to stand up. Thanks again! Barb, St. Joe, MI Boston misses Don Imus! I’ve listened to you all morning and will continue. Keep it up please.....great job! I wll forward your station call letters to everyone I know! Thank you! Sincerely Arthur Calabro Kudoos to KCAA for continuing to play Imus! I have not been an Imus listener but knew exactly what the suits at CBS and MSNBC knew about him. He is NOT politically correct and never has been. He did a stupid thing but has apologized profusely and lost his job not because of what he said but because such “moral” people as Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson called for his dismissal. I would hope their transgressions are also not forgiven! Maybe Imus should call for their jobs! (oh, excuse me I forgot they don’t have jobs...) Again, Thank You for giving Imus the right I thought all Americans had, Free Speech. Patti Goerler, Altamonte Springs Florida I am glad that one radio station is not bowing down to jesse jackass and the rest of the angry Black folks who constantly bitch and whine about literally nothing at all. If Imus said the “N” word I could see people getting a little upset; but he didn’t. If you listen to a “hip hop” station or even you have Blacks using the infamous “N” word and call each other that word that they hate so much. I think Blacks need to drop this inner city BS use proper English instead of “ebonics” or “jive talk” that no one can understand. Thanks Jess Haseman Thanks for keeping Imus on the air. At least I know that the whole world isn’t going crazy and some of us realize why we live here, in America. Christine Asmar Tinton Falls, New Jersey breaking business contracts and the law. This is a GREAT example of very poor management in hopes of gaining publicity and revenues. Shame! That’s gonna be one heck of a check you have to write! Stan Gafner Thank you for having the courage to right a very serious wrong, keeping IMUS on the air is a sign that the suits at KCAA have a backbone. I hope your courageous act spreads to the east coast. Thanks again, John O’Malley I understand and respect your position, but I don’t agree with you that racial epithets toward schoolgirls are any more entitled to First Amendment protection than child pornography. I too fear the power of government, especially the current administration, when it comes to many issues under the Bill of Rights. For that reason I would not support state or federal legislation to deal with this issue. I am a long-time fan of Don Imus. Like you, I have been irritated by some things he has said, and he has certainly pushed the envelope of good taste near the breaking point on occasion, but he is a very witty man, and there is much truth in most of the insults he hurls. But enough is enough. I believe that broadcasters such as yourself have an obligation to the general public that is at least co-equal to whatever duties you feel toward Mr. Imus. Part of that obligation, in my view, extends to the establishment of parameters, the extension of which you will not permit. What is called for is for broadcasters (not the government) to draw a line somewhere. I certainly would hope that your devotion to the First Amendment does not extend to the tolerance of material that is clearly and indisputably harmful. I do not question your legal right to continue to broadcast Mr. Imus, but I seriously question the soundness of your reasoning. With all good wishes, I remain, Very truly yours, John Farrell Certainly everyone has a right to make a choice. And it is no surprise to me that yet another person in power is stepping up to show HIS irresponsibilty. Another reason why Freedom of Speech has taken on a mind of its own......motivated by unconscious people who’s mama told them no too many times. Now is their chance to say, I am not doing it and you can’t make me. Bravo Fred Lundgren, chairman of 1,400-watt KCAA (1050 AM), I hope your daughter never faces what you are supporting. Molly Gehring Pennsylvania I was just browsing through some “news” items on the internet and came across the amazing story that your station intends to run “The Best of Imus” shows in “defiance” of CBS Radio taking him off the air. Have you no sense of dignity or compassion? This man said some horrifically nasty things about a group of young women who are outstanding role models and never did anything to deserve being called WHORES. As far as the nappy headed part goes – do you understand that some of these young women don’t even have CURLY hair? I mus got exactly what he deserved in this situation and anyone who says they “support” his actions should be sent down the pike with him. How could any human being on this planet not understand that what he did and said was wrong, that he of all people had a responsibility to act appropriately and that there must be consequences to actions such as his? I really don’t know where your station is located, but I will make it a point to find out and AVOID your city or town. I am outraged that any public media venue would dare. Cristie L. Agtey Friends – If you agree PLEASE join me in expressing your feelings to this station and pass this along to your friends. I think a demonstration of the MAJORITY feeling in the country is in order! Why is it that people like to add fuel to the fire and start a division between people?, I myself am a Black woman and I feel that what Imus said was wrong, but there should also be consequences for the hip hop community that calls us bitches and hoes. What do you feel you will accomplish by playing his re-runs? Will you play Imus for using his re-runs on your show, if that’s the case then I can see that your trying to help or rather assist him financially. Shame on you for putting that man back on your radio. I just hope that no one in your family is ever a victim to such prejudice! It’s a good thing you are limited to what viewers you can reach! Sherri Ahlbrand My comment is on irresponsible management. The business and contractual situation regarding the CBS owned, copyrighted Imus material that KCAA is so childishly flaunting, shows extreme disregard by management of KCAA’s business relationship with CBS Radio and obligations KCAA has to abide by the law in our society. I do hope KCAA and the individuals there calling the shots receive the full benefit of the consequences of First of all, why be angry at KCAA for taking a stand against the firing of IMUS? You are a valued listener, but you have hundreds of stations on the dial from which to choose. Nationally, you may pick from 15,000 AM and FM stations plus hundreds of satellite, cable and broadcast TV stations. Add to this, the growing number of Internet stations from which to choose. You could also turn off the radio or TV and listen to your own thoughts. You could read a book, a newspaper or a magazine. A society that maintains these choices for you (including the choice to hear or turn off the IMUS program) serves its citizens better than setting the trap of forced censorship. Imus In the Morning aired on KCAA for 3 hours per weekday. Surely, you can find something else to occupy your time when KCAA programs don’t meet your approval. It appears, by objecting to IMUS reruns, you are asking KCAA to censor itself just like CBS did when they fired IMUS. KCAA is a broadcast station. We do not narrowcast to any person. We broadcast to groups of people. We listen to everyone and then we air “Broadcasts”. When you attempt to force KCAA to censor the favorite programs of others, you must be ready for the censorship of programs you enjoy but others may find offensive. Once started, where does this censorship spiral end? KCAA had a morning weekly audience during IMUS of over 60,000 local and area listeners. That number excludes the internet. By a large majority, our listeners disagree with the firing of IMUS, as do I. KCAA aired IMUS re-runs and conducted the IMUS listener forum to defend our rights of free speech; a fundamental right that must surpass our subjective desires to prevent each other from hearing offensive speech. Respectfully, Fred Lundgren 10 “Empire Talks Back” Subscribe To the KCAA QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER On the case for truth and justice… Being ‘Solutionary’ and Taking No Prisoners! Visit Wallace Allen I am Wallace Allen, the host of ETB. I am as impressed with society’s good intentions as much as I am with society’s quest for distractions and excuses. We want to know the truth and we want that truth to reflect fairness and balance, while at the same time it should also justify our lack of participation. As I heard an old man say as he described many members of our society, “They want to have the baby, but they don’t want the pain”. Freedom requires participation. You should not complain about government if you skip your opportunity and obligation to vote. If you do vote you must insist that your vote is counted and even then, you must be vigilant about the conduct of the elected, regardless of who won. When job availability is ruined by greedy managers who outsource the jobs that used to feed you and your neighbors, you need to speak up. When government contracts go to the cronies of the elected and bureaucratically entrenched, despite their lack of qualification or contract compliance, you need to speak up. Corruption should not be accepted and certainly not ignored. Which is worse, dumb leadership or the people who blindly follow dumb leadership? If we are concerned about the conduct of our youth then we need to supply them with mentors and opportunity and examples of conduct that lead them in the direction that provide the socially redeeming results desired. We need to celebrate and support those who are leading the effort to empower our youth… Some parents, teachers, coaches and good neighbors to name a few. The world is not a perfect place but we are in a perfect position to improve it. We help to change the world with everything we do… Lets be sure that we do the things that cause the changes we want. I am delighted to have access to experts like Lita Pezant, the editor of Westside Story Newspaper, Celes King IV, the VP of California CORE and D. Baxter Todd, Managing Director of the Interbanc Group. They provide fresh perspectives on the issues that affect our daily lives and future. With their help, my goal is to show how we can turn life’s sour lemons into our sweet lemonade. Tune in to KCAA 1050-AM or on the net at, Monday through Friday at 7 Pm. We will be there, but we won’t be waiting! 11 Essential Nourishing Mist... The breakthrough natural skin care product of the century. Never before has anyone been able to take Sea Vegetables and fully suspend them in a liquid form. Then synergistically combine them with Botanicals and Essential Oils to create the most effective nourishing mist product for your face and neck ever. This is only possible because of our proprietary process that reduces the surface tension, allowing all the ingredients to fully suspend in a fine mist that rapidly absorbs into the skin and permeates the cells. Essential Nourishing Mist uses only the highest quality Sea Vegetables that are hand-harvested from the coldest, purest waters from around the world. Sea Vegetables from colder waters provide a heartier plant with a much higher nutrient content. In turn,providing your face and neck with all the vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and phytonutrients in Nature’s perfect balance to give you a healthy, radiant complexion. Example: Your skin is primarily protein, our Sea Vegetable blend contains 36 amino acids which includes all 9 essential amino acids to truly rejuvenate your skin. We combine our Sea Vegetable blend with only the highest quality botanicals that Nature has to offer. We have selected a synergistic blend of Botanicals to enhance the health of your skin. Then we add 100% organic first-pressing essential oils to complement and round-out our Essential Nourishing Mist formula. Go to: for more information 12 Subscribe to the KCAA Newsletter at
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