The association between urinary sodium excretion and blood pressure in children. R Cooper, I Soltero, K Liu, D Berkson, S Levinson and J Stamler Circulation. 1980;62:97-104 doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.62.1.97 Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 1980 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0009-7322. Online ISSN: 1524-4539 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document. Reprints: Information about reprints can be found online at: Subscriptions: Information about subscribing to Circulation is online at: Downloaded from by guest on August 22, 2014 The Association Between Urinary Sodium Excretion and Blood Pressure in Children RICHARD COOPER, M.D., IVAN SOLTERO, M.D., KIANG Liu, PH.D., DAVID BERKSON, M.D., SOPHIE LEVINSON, M.D., AND JEREMIAH STAMLER, M.D. SUMMARY This study explored the association between sodium excretion and blood pressure (BP). A new method was used to minimize the measurement error introduced by the large intrinsic variability of 24-hour sodium excretion. The ratio of intra- to interindividual variation was used to estimate the number of measurements needed to characterize the individual. When seven consecutive 24-hour samples were collected from 73 children, ages 11-14 years, a significant correlation between mean individual sodium excretion and BP was demonstrated. The independent relationship persisted when controlling for height, weight, pulse, age, sex and race (p = 0.045), but was eliminated by simultaneously considering mean creatinine excretion. Although the cross-sectional association described is quantitatively weak, a linear relationship between BP and sodium over the range consumed in this society could be important for prevention. CHRONIC HIGH SODIUM INTAKE has long been thought to play a role in the development of high blood pressure.' Cross-cultural comparisons support the hypothesis of a sodium-blood pressure relationship, and extremes of sodium intake, both high and low, have been shown to alter blood pressure. 1-2 The association within a population, however, over the range usually ingested by industrialized societies, has been difficult to demonstrate."1-8 Using a new approach, this study shows a positive cross-sectional association between sodium excretion and blood pressure in children ages 11-14 years.'9' 20 Methods The study was an extension of a blood pressure survey among children in the parochial schools of Chicago (Levinson S, Berkson D: manuscript in preparation). Through contact with interested science teachers and school personnel, two schools were chosen for an intensive study of the relation of sodium excretion and blood pressure. The proposed study was presented as part of the curriculum to science classes of the sixth through eighth grades and the children were asked, with parental consent, to volunteer. The relationship between nutrition and cardiovascular disease was posed in general terms and salt intake was mentioned as one of several dietary factors. The participants were requested not to alter their usual eating patterns. From the Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University Medical School, and the Heart Disease Control Program, Division of Adult Health and Aging, Chicago Health Department, Chicago, Illinois. Supported by NHLBI grant 1 BOL HL23468-01 and the American Heart Association. This work was done while Dr. Cooper and Dr. Liu were postdoctoral trainees in Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Nutrition and Preventive Cardiology, supported by the NHLBI, NIH, USPHS, and while Dr. Soltero was a fellow of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas, Caracas, Venezuela. Address for correspondence: Richard Cooper, M.D., Department of Community Health, Northwestern University Medical School, 303 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Received July 13, 1979; revision accepted December 20, 1979. Circulation 62, No. 1, 1980. A description of the study population recruited from the two schools is presented in table 1. All the students in school A were black and those in school B were white. Of 108 students in three target classrooms, 78 (72.2%) volunteered and complete records are available for 73 (67.6%). Previous experience and statistical analysis indicated that the crucial methodologic problem involved minimizing sizable measurement error introduced by a high ratio of intra- to interindividual variation in daily sodium excretion.19 Based on findings in adults, we estimated that seven 24-hour urinary sodium determinations were needed to characterize the individual.19 Groups of six to 10 children were carefully instructed on the procedure for collection of 24-hour urine samples. The sample was divided into an overnight portion, defined as any urine voided after going to bed at night and first morning void, and daytime sample, the remainder of the day. Carrying cases and plastic bottles were provided each student on a daily basis. Every effort was made to collect the seven samples on consecutive days. When a child was ill, missed school or accidently discarded urine, an additional 24-hour sample was obtained the following week. Although not necessarily the same day of the week, repeat weekday samples were collected on a week day and repeat weekend samples on a weekend. Children were encouraged to remain in the study until all seven samples were collected. Only three children, who, clearly experienced difficulty, were dropped. Overall, participation and interest in the project remained high throughout. Mean creatinine excretion, standardized for body weight, was well within the accepted normal range for this age, suggesting adequate collection for the group. Random variation in completeness of collection would be included in the estimates of intraindividual variation and only weaken the potential sodium-blood pressure relationship. Two 24-hour samples containing only 1.0 mEq of sodium each were discarded at the time of analysis as incomplete collections. Height and weight were measured in light street clothes with shoes. Blood pressure was obtained in a quiet room in the sitting position, with arm resting on 97 Downloaded from by guest on August 22, 2014 CIRCULATION 98 TABLE 1. Characteristics of Study Population School A School B Characteristic Students enrolled in participating classes 50 108 Students who volunteered and completed the study 48 30 78 Participants with complete data 45 28 73 17 17 27 Age (years) 11 12 13 11 - 14 16 23 6 Sex Boys Girls 19 26 12 16 Results Group mean values for blood pressure and other variables on the 73 participants are presented in table 2, by sex and school. The impact of age on many of the variables is readily apparent in the contrast between the two schools. Children in school A were a grade above those in school B and were an average of 1.4 years older. Except for heart rate, all measurements were consequently higher in school A. The difference between the schools was particularly marked for urinary creatinine, 1.7 times greater for school A students. Boys were 4.4 pounds heavier than girls, although virtually identical in age and height, and had higher systolic blood pressures and lower heart rates. They had higher daily levels of excretion of sodium, potassium and creatinine compared with girls. Measurement of diastolic blood pressure was subject to more variability than systolic and was less reproducible, in part because only the fifth phase was recorded. The coefficient of variation for diastolic was 15.6%, while only 1 1. 1% for systolic. Similarly, the correlation between the mean of the two measurements at the first and second sessions was 0.600 for systolic and 0.343 for diastolic. Correlation between the means of the two visits for heart rate was 0.568. Daily urinary sodium excretion by sex and school is presented in table 3 and for the entire sample in figure 1. The nadir in sodium output for the pooled sample was on Wednesday, and the maximum on Saturday. The coefficient of variation also tended to increase toward the latter part of the week, particularly on Saturday. School A and school B clearly followed different patterns in the trend of sodium excretion over the week, while boys and girls were similar, reflecting the pattern of their school. These differences were also apparent in the urine volume and were noted during the study. Diet records and direct questioning suggested that the black children in school A tended to eat away from home, particularly in the fast-food Total 58 VOL 62, No 1, JULY 1980 23 6 31 42 table at heart level, after 5 minutes of rest. Pulse rate counted for 30 seconds and blood pressure recorded with both random-zero sphygmomanometer and standard mercury instrument; after a 30-second pause the same procedure was repeated. Fifth-phase diastolic Korotkoff sounds were recorded. Two observers made all blood pressure measurements. They had been trained and certified by the procedure used in the Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program.21 The same measurements were made before and after the week of urine collection, at an interval of about 4-6 weeks. The average of four random-zero readings was used in the analysis. Urine samples were analyzed by automated laboratory methods for sodium, potassium and creatinine. Duplicate samples were submitted blind to the laboratory for approximately 10% of samples; a technical error of 5% was estimated for sodium. a was TABLE 2. Blood Pressure and Related Variables by Sex and School Pooled SD Variable Mean Age (years) 12.2 0.9 Weight (lbs) 109.8 22.8 Height (in) 61.6 4.3 Body mass index 20.3 3.6 10.4 94.1 Systolic BP (mm Hg) Diastolic BP (mm Hg) 57.8 9.0 Heart rate (beats/min) 79.3 10.1 7-day average sodium (mEq) 132.7 43.5 7-day average creatinine (mg) 856.9 357.6 7-day average 41.4 potassium (mEq) 12.6 = Abbreviation: BP blood pressure. Boys Mean SD Girls SD Mean School A Mean SD 12.8 0.7 20.8 115.6 62.9 4.5 20.7 3.7 8.8 95.0 58.9 8.6 76.7 9.8 School Mean 11.4 100.7 59.6 19.8 92.6 56.2 83.5 B SD 12.3 112.4 61.8 20.7 95.8 57.6 75.6 1.0 25.0 4.8 3.7 10.1 9.4 10.6 12.2 108.0 61.5 20.1 92.9 58.1 82.0 0.8 21.2 3.9 3.6 10.5 149.2 46.0 120.6 37.6 140.0 47.3 121.1 34.3 1015.8 389.7 739.6 283.3 1011.9 318.7 607.8 266.8 46.8 12.6 37.5 11.2 42.2 12.2 40.2 13.4 8.8 8.8 Downloaded from by guest on August 22, 2014 0.5 23.3 3.0 3.5 12.6 9.6 9.2 99 SALT AND BP IN CHILDREN/Cooper et al. TABLE 3. Urinary Sodium Excretion (mEq) by Day of the Week Mon Tues Sun Sample n 127.7 128.3 130.9 Mean 73 Pooled 53.4 50.2 SD 56.7 Mean Thurs 134.0 Fri 135.8 Sat 149.8 Average 132.7 60.6 63.3 73.2 84.6 43.5 153.6 151.7 135.9 138.5 141.4 155.6 167.6 149.2 52.9 54.3 54.6 71.1 67.8 82.3 102.4 46.0 114.1 109.9 122.6 111.1 128.5 121.1 136.6 120.6 54.0 45.8 46.6 49.3 60.0 62.7 66.9 37.6 128.7 122.4 135.6 132.9 142.4 148.1 170.1 140.0 59.1 52.5 52.0 68.1 68.5 82.2 94.9 47.3 134.4 136.1 117.0 106.4 120.5 115.9 117.0 121.1 53.5 54.8 45.9 42.3 52.2 51.2 51.0 34.3 31 Boys SD Mean Girls 42 SD Mean School A 45 SD Mean School B 28 SD restaurants, on Friday and Saturday, while the ethnic European families in school B celebrated Sunday feast days. A correlation matrix of the related variables is presented in table 4. A high degree of intercorrelation of many of the variables is apparent. Systolic blood pressure correlated positively (p = 0.001) with diastolic blood pressure, sodium, potassium, creatinine, weight and height. Sodium, potassium, creatinine, weight and age are also interrelated. The level of systolic-diastolic correlation is not high (0.456) and sodium and diastolic are not related. Both findings probably reflect the lower diastolic pressure in boys than that in girls, as noted previously (table 2). Within this 4-year age span, chronological age was unrelated to both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, although it was a strong determinant of height, weight and sodium. Heart rate fell with age, as expected, producing a consistent set of negative correlations between heart rate and other variables. Sodium/ pound bore no relation to blood pressure and the significant correlations that it gave rise to (i.e., with sodium, potassium, weight, and body mass index) must be dismissed as spurious, since the same or a highly correlated variable is considered in both parts of the correlation. The ratio of sodium to potassium is 150i 134.0 127.7 128.3 H 122.8 Na meq Wed 122.8 100 56.7t 534 50 50. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY not correlated with systolic blood pressure, although there is a significant negative correlation with diastolic pressure (p < 0.05). Weight is apparently a central determinant of all the measured variables, being significantly correlated with each of them except the sodium/potassium ratio. From the univariate analysis it is readily apparent that the crucial issue in testing the relationship between sodium and blood pressure is the potential confounding influence of body size, particularly weight. Sodium and weight are presented in bivariate analysis in table 5. Higher sodium excretion is associated with higher blood pressure for each weight category except between sodium tertile 1 and tertile 2 for children under 109 pounds. Systolic blood pressure in sodium tertile 3 compared with tertile 1 is significantly greater for the children who weighed 109 pounds or more (p < 0.05). To test further the independent relation of sodium to blood pressure, multiple linear regression analyses were done (table 6). In equation I, with both weight and height included as measures of body size, sodium was significantly related to systolic blood pressure (p = 0.045). Weight was the only other statistically significant variable (p = 0.011) and no contribution was made by age, sex, race, heart rate or height. Body H H 135.8 FRIDAY 149.8 SATURDAY 132.7 FIGURE 1. Chicago school children study on salt and blood pressure urinary sodium excretion by day of the week. 43.5 AVERAGE A= X t= SD Downloaded from by guest on August 22, 2014 CIRCULATION 100 0) I m - bl0 to 10 P- m COD ci 'd1CS66 1,4. d t:t r4 0 N 10Ci CXO 0 ,o co 6 4- n 00 o csc z c66 "0$ 0 0 0 04 0 &4 mO C) CO 0 0e 0) to o, ++ 10 Cm 6- 0 CO C 0 ci 0 CO' 6dc; 61 6 o I:d4 - ---4 Co 0 CO 0 to "- CO r- statistical significance (equation III). However, potassium entered in the multivariate analysis instead of sodium was significantly related to systolic pressure - 4- (equation IV). When creatinine was included in the multivariate analysis, it had a strong and independent relationship to systolic blood pressure, overriding the effect of sodium (table 6, equation IV). To assess whether there In * cc cq d CO CO 1O was a pattern of creatinine output suggestive of a dietary influence, average output by day of the week was examined (table 7). Day-by-day variation was small, less than for sodium; the maximum day exceeded the minimum by 11.1Y% for creatinine and 22.0% for sodium. Parallel trends for sodium and creatinine were generally apparent for the sample divided by school and by sex (data not shown). Meat and salt in the diet may have varied from day to day in a similar fashion, although the parallel trend could also represent the degree of completeness of collection. Detailed dietary data are necessary to resolve that issue. Based on equation I, table 6, the total variance "explained" by the variables in this model was 30%. With creatinine in the analysis, 39% of the variance in systolic pressure is accounted for. The same set of equations with diastolic blood pressure as the dependent variable did not yield a consistent set of results. Height and weight as well as sodium were not related, although creatinine was I In ".4 0 o O 10 O 00X 0 e 6 oo 1 P- 6666 0 St %D Co CO '-4 0 Ci c6 6 d 6666dd d l P., ~4) mass index was only poorly correlated with blood pressure and left a large independent role for sodium (equation II). The ratio Na+/K+ did not approach 1-4- +C b* cq 0 cq 0 0 )- cc CD ul0 c6 6 * 1.0 cq * 10 00 C) 6 cmCi d d 6(C I ++ CO c; I co cO m p"4 6m ~0 mt +4 ko 10 * C) cq 4f- +4 * 0 CO CO + CO Ci o o o Ci 4F 10 6 00 +4 * 44CO coC') m 0 cq 6e c; 6 6 d X 10 +4* F+4+ 10 CO 10 Coo 10 co 0 CO i C. 10 CO CO 10 d4 Ci 10 "0 "0 C) .0 O Co Coo CO 0 - ;: +4 1. Co Q) .0 0~ X m~ V c;J2 1.2 a) 10m 1. ~14 *tao0 6 ; * ~Q ... '7, 11 ->p pps ¢.v O & S S w + 0o w g VOL 62, No 1, JULY 1980 OSO' g"0 0:a ~t mAt V V VQ1*. A P. P again significant. The overnight sample also showed no significant relation with systolic pressure. Again, with use of the variables in equation I, the coefficient for the mean of seven overnight sodium values regressed on systolic blood pressure was 0.532 (p = 0.343). This study sampled children over a year apart in mean age, from two different schools (table 2). The age-related differences in means of measured variables introduce the possibility that the relationship between sodium and blood pressure may be a result of combining noncomparable samples. This problem was examined in several ways: None of the differences in mean values for school A compared to school B are statistically significant, although for sodium output it is on the boundary. To test whether the higher sodium excretion in school A is chiefly an age effect, children of the same age (12 years old) in the two schools were compared; the difference was not significant. Further, with correction for age and weight between schools, the samples were similar in sodium excretion. The relationship of sodium excretion and systolic pressure was also assessed for each school separately. Based on the variables in equation I, table 6, the coefficient for sodium in school A was 0.555, and for school B 0.610. Although neither of these values is statistically significant given the small sample sizes, their similar magnitude suggests an equivalent role for sodium in each sample. For the larger sample in Downloaded from by guest on August 22, 2014 SALT AND BP IN CHILDREN/Cooper et al. 101 TABLE 5. Average Systolic Blood Pressure for Categories Classified by Average 24-hour Sodium and Weight Na excretion (mEq) < 117 117-139 > 140 n Weight < 109 lbs Mean SD 90.07 88.96 93.67 15 13 9 t t test upper vs = n 10.25 6.54 9.37 Weight > 109 lbs Mean SD 91.44 98.15 100.46 9 13 14 (0.86 t = 10.85 10.93 10.41 n All Mean SD 24 26 23 90.58 94.06 97.80 10.27 9.77 10.37 2.00* t = 2.45* lower quantile *p < 0.05 for one-tailed test. TABLE 6. Regression Equations of Systolic Blood Pressure on Related Equation I Equation II Coeffi- Standard Coeffi- Standard Variable cient error cient error Average 24-hour sodium (mEq) 0.059 0.029 0.085 0.029 (p = 0.005) (p = 0.045) Average 24-hour creatinine (mg) Variables Equation III Coeffi- Standard cient error 0.020 (p (p Sodium:potassium -0.506 1.719 (p = 0.769) 0.308 0.327 (p = 0.350) 0.159 0.061 Height (in) Weight (Ibs) (p mass = 0.011) index Age (years) = 0.014 Average 24-hourq potassium (mEq) Body Equation IV Equation V Coeffi- Standard Coeffi- Standard cient error cient error 0.614 0.323 (p = 0.062) = 0.030 0.512) 0.005 0.003) 0.224 0.971 (p = 0.024) 0.252 0.328 (p = 0.445) 0.170 0.596 (p = 0.006) 0.122 0.313 (p = 0.698) 0.137 0.058 (p = 0.020) 0.710 0.342 (p = 0.042) -1.527 1.816 (p = 0.403) -0.903 1.917 (p = 0.639) -0.112 2.115 0.958) 1.820 -0.573 (p = 0.754) -1.590 1.708 (p = 0.356) -1.239 2.476 (p = 0.618) -0.573 2.616 (p = 0.827) 2.604 -3.197 (p = 0.224) -0.653 2.516 (p = 0.796) 1.716 2.517 (p = 0.498) Race 0.670 3.416 (p = 0.845) 1.869 3.595 (p = 0.605) 2.761 3.827 (p = 0.473) -0.313 3.417 (p = 0.993) -3.629 3.504 (p = 0.304) Heart rate (beats/min) 0.124 0.101 (p = 0.418) 0.131 0.055 (p = 0.676) 0.104 61.425 26.526 (p = 0.024) 74.969 24.563 (p = 0.003) 75.001 Sex Constant (p (p TABLE 7. Urinary Creatinine Excretion (mg) by Day of the Week Wed Tues Sun Mon 826.5 Mean 821.4 857.6 864.5 Pooled 439.7 SD 410.4 388.9 385.7 (p = = = 0.138 0.452) 26.124 0.005) 0.069 (p 51.524 26.350 (p = 0.055) = 0.117 0.559) 73.690 25.266 (p = 0.001) Thurs 830.1 Fri 884.6 Sat 912.8 Average 409.4 536.7 510.6 357.6 856.9 Mean 977.8 1004.2 1020.7 968.9 966.0 1039.3 1106.4 1011.9 SD 408.6 349.5 364.7 437.7 428.5 598.7 508.8 318.7 Mean 569.1 640.0 595.6 597.5 613.8 636.0 601.5 607.8 SD 266.1 336.0 266.5 339.2 261.7 282.7 332.2 266.4 School A School B Downloaded from by guest on August 22, 2014 102 CI RCULATION school A, the p value for sodium and systolic blood pressure from equation I is 0.06. Discussion To test satisfactorily for correlations between lifestyle and physiologic variables within a population, the subject must first be adequately characterized. This task is particularly difficult for sodium flux, given the large day-to-day intraindividual variation observed in industrialized societies.'9' 20, 22 Furthermore, even with a fixed intake at usual levels, a 3-day cyclical fluctuation in output has been described.23 24 Statistical methods for assessing and minimizing the measurement problem introduced by high intraindividual variability have been presented in detail elsewhere.'9. 20 In this study when 7-day collection of 24-hour urine was used to minimize the effects of intraindividual variability, a significant correlation between mean individual sodium excretion and systolic blood pressure was demonstrated in univariate, bivariate and multiple regression analyses. With height, weight, pulse, age, sex and race simultaneously considered, a significant independent role for sodium was recorded. Dahl and Lover provided impetus to the study of this relationship by their early work reporting significant correlations between salt intake and blood pressure among employees at the Brookhaven Laboratory.25 The original method was based on history of salt use, subsequently shown to be unreliable; only 28 subjects were studied with urine collection, and multivariate analyses were not done.2 Positive correlations within a population were also reported from Belgium by Joosens et al.'8 In multiple regression analysis, 24-hour sodium excretion was significantly related to blood pressure for men (n = 1314), but not for women (n = 713). However, several different samples were apparently combined for this analysis, and it is not clear to what degree differences in group means were taken into consideration. In a subsample of 75 subjects, mean sodium for 10 24-hour collections was significantly correlated with blood pressure, but height, weight, and other variables were not controlled. Similar investigations relying on a single 24-hour collection by Swaye et al. at the Cleveland Clinic yielded negative results.13 Community-based surveys in Framingham, Evans County (Georgia), Wales, Mississippi and the Cook Islands likewise found no association.14-17 Cross-cultural comparisons, and regional comparisons within a country, have frequently shown that higher salt consumption is associated with higher blood pressure levels.3-9 Although such studies are useful in regard to the possible etiologic role of dietary sodium, they do not resolve the issue of an independent role for sodium. Adequate control for potential confounding variables, e.g., body size, other dietrelated factors or psychosocial stress, cannot be readily achieved. However, a recent study of the Qash' qai tribesmen of southern Iran, a population with a high sodium in- VOL 62, No 1, JULY 1980 take and a communal preindustrial lifestyle, strongly reinforces the hypothesis that excess salt intake contributes to risk of high blood pressure.26 Living as desert nomads, these tribesmen have access to natural salt lakes and consume more than 20 g of salt per day; systolic blood pressure equal to or greater than 140 mm Hg was found in 18% of the adults. Other cultural factors were not adequately assessed in that brief report, however. Differences in salt sensitivity may also play a role in both the inter- and intrapopulation variation in hypertension, although this has not been demonstrated. The ratio of sodium to potassium was not independently related to blood pressure in the present study. Langford and Watson reported a significant correlation of blood pressure with that variable using six 24-hour urine samples.'7 The Stanford Three Community Study, relying on a spot morning void, reported an association between change in blood pressure and Na+/K+.27 A significant negative correlation between diastolic pressure and potassium has also been described.28 In the present Chicago study of school children, sodium and potassium were the two most highly correlated variables in this sample (r = 0.731) and as noted potassium was positively related to systolic blood pressure (table 6, equation IV). Of the variables considered in this study, mean 24hour creatinine excretion had the strongest relationship to blood pressure. Even weight was less highly correlated. We are unaware of previous reports of this phenomenon. In the study of adults, Joosens et al. reported a significant coefficient for creatinine in a multiple regression analysis including sodium, but it was strongly negative.'8 Creatinine is measured as a potential index of completeness of sample collection; however, its intrinsic variability limits its usefulness for that purpose,29 as was demonstrated with radioisotope techniques. Muscle mass appears to be the primary determinant of creatinine excretion. The precise role of animal protein in the diet has not been well defined;30 31 serum creatinine, for example, has been shown to double in the hours after a meal of cooked meat.'2 In the present study, the pattern of creatinine excretion over the week showed less day-to-day variation than for sodium and only the suggestion of an increase on Saturday (table 7). Sacks et al. presented evidence suggesting that among a group of "macrobiotic" vegetarians, consumption of animal products was significantly associated with higher systolic and diastolic pressures." Other observational reports have appeared, although the independent role of animal protein cannot be assessed.34 3' Kempner maintained that the altered protein composition of the rice-fruit diet accounted for its antihypertensive effect, although, of course, it was also very low in sodium.'0 If diet does not account for the interindividual differences in creatinine excretion, it may represent a more refined measure of the aspect of body size which determines blood pressure at this age. Height and body mass are strongly correlated with blood pressure Downloaded from by guest on August 22, 2014 SALT AND BP IN CHILDREN/Cooper et al. in adolescent children, with age having no additional effect.37 It has been postulated that blood volume may account for the correlation of body size with blood pressure.38 Blood volume appears to increase more with lean body weight than with adipose tissue39 and blood pressure has been reported as being better correlated with relative weight than adiposity.40 Voors et al. postulated that while height and other measures of stature are significantly related to blood pressure in children, when adulthood is reached other factors begin to be more important.37 Finally, because this finding in regard to creatinine has not appeared in other reports, the possibility must be considered that it is spurious, i.e., a result of chance alone. Although this finding must be confirmed before any conclusions are in both warranted, its consistency and strength boys and girls, for both systolic and diastolic pressure suggest the association is not fortuitous. Black-white differences in blood pressure have been inconsistently reported at this age.41-45 The sample size in this study is too small to test racial differences in salt intake in a meaningful way. After controlling for age and weight there was no significant racial difference in mean sodium output, although the output for the black children did exceed that of the white children by 8 mEq. A larger sample might have yielded a significant result. Given the large difference in blood pressure known to occur by the third decade between blacks and whites, factors relating to elevated blood pressure in adulthood may not operate in children or may be hidden by the larger influence of the process of normal growth and development. The potential public-health importance of a relationship between sodium intake and blood pressure has been widely discussed.5 46 Habitual intake has never been adequately characterized for individuals, however, and the relative contribution of excess sodium intake, if any, to the lifelong process of the development of high blood pressure has not been clearly defined. Furthermore, a possible threshold level has not been established. There appear to be only three moderately well established points on a dose-response curve of sodium intake and blood pressure for populations: very low levels, associated with an absence of hypertension (e.g., South Pacific Islanders, Amazonian Indians), the usual levels in industrialized society, and intake over 20 g/day (e.g., the Qash' qai, Akita prefecture in northern Japan).3' 5, 6, 26 The Tarahumara Indians of Mexico may be a possible exception to the linear relationship inferred from those data, with an estimated intake of 2-3 g/day and an absence of elevated blood pressure, suggesting a threshold effect above the physiologic minimum.47 The data reported here support the hypothesis of a linear relationship over the range presently observed in industrial society, at least for children. Salt intake is not likely to be the sole etiologic factor; the twofold greater prevalence of hypertension among blacks in the U.S. compared with whites, without demonstrable excess salt intake, strongly suggests the interaction of multiple causes. The recommendation in the Dietary Goals for the 103 United States prepared by the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs calls for a reduction in sodium from the current level of 3-4 g/day to 2 g/day." If a linear response can be anticipated, the incidence of hypertension would presumably fall considerably with that preventive measure, although it is very unlikely that the disease would be eliminated. More precise estimates of risk associated with a given level of sodium intake are needed before more secure recommendations can be proposed. A pressing need also exists to characterize individual salt use over several years and examine the relationship to blood pressure. The demonstration of a method to distinguish short-term differences between individuals and the association of sodium excretion with blood pressure reported here are first steps in that direction. Additional cross-sectional studies with larger sample sizes, prospective evaluations and randomized experimental trials are needed to elucidate this problem further. Acknowledgment We acknowledge the generous cooperation of Robert Marciante, Ed.D., and the participating students and teachers of the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago. Irma Robinson provided us with technical assistance without which this study would not have been possible. References 1. Stamler J, Katz LN, Pick R, Rodbard S: Dietary and hormonal factors in experimental atherogenesis and blood pressure regulation. In Recent Progress in Hormone Research, edited by Pincus G. New York, Academic Press, 1955, pp 401-452 2. Dahl LK: Evidence for an increased intake of sodium in hypertension based on urinary excretion of sodium. 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