In spiration INSIDE THIS ISSUE... PAGES 2 & 3

PAGES 2 & 3
A Celebration of Blythedale
Blythedale Welcomes new CMO
A Very Special Birthday Gift
Summer 2013
Pictured above (l-r): Dr. Mehmet Oz with Honoree and President of The Dreyfus Corporation Charlie Cardona, Speaker and Former
Patient Nicole Graham, and Honorees Mimi and Jon Burnham. Below: Blythedale President and CEO Larry Levine welcomes guests.
A Memorable Celebration of Blythedale
Highlighted by extraordinary
honorees, a captivating emcee, and
an unforgettable display of gratitude
from a 16-year-old former patient,
Blythedale Children’s Hospital had
much to celebrate at its 6th Annual
Spring Event. Supporters helped raised
more than $650,000 for the Hospital
at the aptly named A Celebration of
Blythedale, held at The Lighthouse at
Chelsea Piers in Manhattan this past
Dr. Mehmet Oz, acclaimed heart
surgeon and host of the popular
The Dr. Oz Show served as Master
of Ceremonies at the elegant event,
attended by more than 350 Blythedale
> continued on page 2
Letter from the CEO
Dear Friends,
HEDALEAs we enjoy the latter half of our
summer, it’s a great time to reflect
on the first half of 2013, and look
lives of children
with enthusiasm to the remainder of
the year. This spring we welcomed
Dr. Scott Klein to Blythedale as our
new ChiefHospital.
Medical Officer
& Chief
hedale Children’s
As has been
the hallmark of
of Pediatrics (see story on page 4),
y significant progress driven by our tireless pursuit to
and Jill Wegener as our new Chief
of Nursing. Both bring a wealth of
squarespecialty pediatric experience and
L-R: Robert and Andrea Tucker, Lewis and Sara Katz, Blythedale Trustee
a great enthusiasm for Blythedale’s
Jordana Holovach and Gareth Holovach, and Mindy and Arthur Borman.
We are mission. We are thrilled to have them
r end join the Blythedale family.
In April, we honored Jon and Mimi
> continued from page 1
Burnham, and The Dreyfus Corporation
During his opening remarks, Dr. Oz spoke of the important role
and Charlie Cardona, at A Celebration
Blythedale plays in the practice of medicine in the United States, and
d care of Blythedale at Chelsea Piers (pictures
what separates a pediatric specialty hospital from other children’s care
and story at right). These generous
supporters have changed countless
“You have given rise to centers like yours across the nation,” he said.
ion is
lives for the better, and we offer them
“You are not only changing the lives of the kids you are touching today,
elow is
our most sincere gratitude.
but countless others who benefit from those who have taken lessons from
s at the podium
Our summer
as weAn Evening
what you do.”
ry of the work
in 2004 when
he managed
was mowed down by a
with our
Attendees also heard from teen Nicole Graham, a former Blythedale
a traumatic brain
s including
to strike
a reasonable
patient who spent two-and-a-half months at the Hospital, recovering from
in funding
vital Saverio
medicalis a senior in
d gave him
back his
life. Today,
two strokes suffered during her battle against leukemia. She spoke of her
w Advocating on behalf of our
condition upon admission to Blythedale – “unable to move or eat” – and
or, employee or volunteer - can speak to the vital role
thanked her care team for giving
we do. As we tackle this issue,
sing need to build a facility that matches our expert
her back her life, and her ability to
your support of Blythedale is more
dance at her upcoming prom.
unity to join one of our children on their journey of
important than ever. Every day we add
This year Blythedale was proud
rds that Blythedale saved their life, well then… you’ve
a new success story to our book. We
to honor some important members
are changing lives every single day, and
of its community – longtime
couldn’t do itcorporations,
without your and
Trustee Jon Burnham, and his wife,
ent to our Looking
The release
our 2010 Annual
we are of
sure to be
as a opening
very important
the official
of our year in the
newly renovated and expanded Day
we look
and giftand
are providing
it in the nextofissue
gift of health
to future
A Celebration of Blythedale
day is a better day because of your support,
Larry Levine Larry Levine
Trustees President & CEO
President & CEO
Anthony Evnin (left) and
Blythedale Trustee Tim Evnin
Clockwise from above left (l-r): Blythedale Board Chair Owen
Gutfreund, with Hope Furth and Former Board Chair John
Furth; Above: Evan and Terri Wein, Steven Starker, and
Blythedale Trustees Farrel Starker and David Pedowitz; Below:
The Vineyard Vines “family”, including Demi Ferraris and her
husband, Eric, Ian Murray and his wife, Jamie, Shep Murray and
his wife, Margo, and Blythedale Director of Social Work and
Care Coordination Services Susan Murray and Graham Murray.
Left: Gillian Rittmaster with Blythedale Trustee Peter Rittmaster,
and his parents, Jane and Paul Rittmaster.
Many thanks to our
Generous Sponsors
The Dreyfus Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Furth
Billie Tisch
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wachenheim
Mimi, along with The Dreyfus
Corporation. The Burnhams have
been a part of the Blythedale
family for more than 33 years.
The Dreyfus Corporation, and its
President, Charlie Cardona, are
long-time supporters of Blythedale,
particularly as lead sponsors of its
annual golf outing.
“We are deeply grateful to the
Burnhams, and to The Dreyfus
Corporation and Charlie Cardona,
for all they have done in support
of Blythedale,” said Blythedale
Board Chair Owen Gutfreund. “The
commitment and generosity they
have shown, over many years, has
helped to sustain and improve
the essential services Blythedale
provides to its patients and their
All funds raised from A
Celebration of Blythedale
supported Phase II of the Hospital’s
modernization program, including
the new Day Hospital, scheduled to
open later this year.
For more information on special
events to benefit Blythedale,
please contact Christina Caras at
(914) 831-2512 or email ccaras@
BNY Mellon Asset Servicing
BNY Mellon Fixed Income
Jon and Mimi Burnham
Capital Advisors Group
Charles and Ida Cardona
Larry and Randi Cohen
Tim and Mary Evnin
Eileen and Steve Farbman
Matthew A. Feldman and Theanne Chivily
Owen and Victoria Gutfreund
Gareth and Jordana Holovach
Institutional Cash Distributors LLC
Lend Lease / Belway Electrical Contracting
Corporation / C.W. Brown, Inc.
David and Faith Pedowitz
Heidi and Bob Schwartz
The Paul E. Singer Foundation
Farrel and Steven Starker
Alan and Jacqueline Stuart
David and Peggy Tanner
Vineyard Vines
* Due to space limitations, only gifts
of $10,000 or more are listed.
In the Spotlight
TD Charitable Foundation
TD Bank, through the TD Charitable
Foundation, recently donated $6,000 to
Blythedale Children’s Hospital as part of the
bank’s commitment to giving back to the
community. The grant was awarded in support
of the Hospital’s Child Life Program.
The funding TD Charitable Foundation
provides to Blythedale’s Child Life
Department results in direct patient care
services and outreach to families who need it
the most. This has never been more vital than
now, when children with increasingly acute
rehabilitative and emotional needs are being
admitted to the Hospital.
“It is through partnerships like the one we
have with TD Charitable that Certified Child
Life Specialists are able to sustain programs
which have been most successful, and
pilot new ones to stay current in the field,”
said Blythedale Child Life Coordinator Lisa
Levinson. “Blythedale has benefited from TD
Bank’s generosity for many years and we are
most grateful for the Foundation’s continued
support of our work.”
Blythedale has received nearly $25,000
since 2011 from TD Charitable Foundation, in
support of Child Life programming.
Child Life Specialist Jessica Parise and
patient Kaylin show the “surgi-dolls”
they made during a therapy session.
Blythedale Names Scott M. Klein,
M.D., M.H.S.A., New CMO
Blythedale Children’s
Hospital has named Scott
M. Klein, MD, MHSA, its
new Chief Medical Officer &
Chief of Pediatrics. Dr. Klein
joined Blythedale in May.
Dr. Klein comes to
Blythedale with 10 years of
experience at Maimonides
Infant’s and Children’s
Hospital in Brooklyn, where
he served as Vice Chairman
of Clinical Services, Associate Medical Director and Director
of the Pediatric Critical Care Unit. For the past two years, he
served as Chief Medical Officer for Hospice and Palliative Care
at the Visiting Nurse Service of New York.
“Blythedale is at a very exciting point in its history, and we
are thrilled to welcome Scott Klein on board,” said Blythedale
President & CEO Larry Levine. “Dr. Klein brings a unique skill
set and understanding of the delivery of pediatric specialty
care that will enable us to set the standard for how care is
delivered to medically fragile children. He brings a high level of
compassion and a deep understanding of what it takes to work
with some of the New York metropolitan area’s most vulnerable
patients. At Blythedale, he joins a dedicated team of boardcertified physicians, nurses and therapists with wide-ranging
pediatric expertise.”
Board certified in Pediatrics, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
and Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care Medicine, Klein views
himself as a strong advocate for children and their families as
they face difficult medical situations.
“The children we care for at Blythedale are the most
medically fragile patients – children with severe respiratory
conditions, congenital heart ailments, traumatic brain injuries,
severe burns and a host of other injuries or illnesses,” Klein
said. “Both they and their families are facing a very difficult
path. It is our responsibility to deliver the highest levels of
quality healthcare and medical rehabilitation services to help
them recover as best and as quickly as possible and look
forward to the lives ahead of them.”
Klein replaces Dr. Joelle Mast, who has been named
Blythedale’s Chief Science Officer, responsible for expanding
the Hospital’s research program into a nationally-recognized
research institute.
> continued on page 6
Proving that,
Indeed, Happiness
is a Warm Blanket
When longtime Blythedale Trustee
and former Board Chair John Furth
turned 80, his family wanted to
recognize the momentous occasion
in a way that reflected his generous
spirit and willingness to lend a hand to
those in need.
They decided to invite friends
near and far to make a “Blanket
for Blythedale”. What they got in
return was an outpouring of love and
affection for the man who is always
there for others.
Blankets in various sizes and
patterns – crocheted, knitted and
quilted – began to make their way
back to the Furths. They received
more than 80 blankets, from more
than 50 friends and family members,
some from as far away as Arizona and
This past spring, John and his family
delivered the gift to Blythedale.
John’s daughter, Pam, said the
family has spent a lifetime learning
from his philanthropic ways – giving
generously of not only his money, but
also of his time.
“Making blankets was a way of
Above, l-r: Ginny Furth, Hope and
John Furth, Blythedale President &
CEO Larry Levine, Blythedale COO
Maureen Desimone, and Pam Furth;
Below: More than 80 handmade
blankets await their new recipients.
showing his grandchildren there are
many ways to give,” she said. “This is
a lesson, he has taught by example.”
According to Blythedale COO
Maureen Desimone, the gift is one
that will touch many families.
“A handmade crib blanket
automatically helps make a hospital
setting more inviting and comforting,”
she said. “John has given so much
to our patients; this gift is a perfect
tribute to the care he has helped
Blythedale provide.”
Our 2012 Annual
Report is Now Online
We are proud to share our 2012
Annual Report, available online at
The past year was an exciting
one for Blythedale, highlighted
by the opening of The Stavros
Niarchos Foundation Center for
Speech & Audiology. We also
celebrated our first full year in our
new $65.3 million, 56,000 squarefoot inpatient building. Be sure to
check out our new Annual Report,
and read about all the wonderful
things you - our friends and
supporters - helped us achieve in
Celebrities Turn Out for BTIG
Charity Day
This past May, BTIG LLC, a global financial services firm,
held its 11th Commissions for Charity Day.
Blythedale President & CEO Larry Levine and Chief
Development Officer Jane MacDonald joined Blythedale
Trustees Darren Fogel and Farrel Starker, and Farrel’s
husband and BTIG Co-Founder Steven Starker at the starstudded event. Celebrity “guest-traders”, including New
York Yankees Manager Joe Girardi, and players Mariano
Rivera and Mark Teixeira, as well as New York Giants
Quarterback Eli Manning and supermodel Petra Nemcova,
helped raise money for a variety of children’s charities,
including Blythedale.
“All of us at Blythedale are incredibly grateful to
BTIG for the opportunity to participate in this exciting
and unique event,” said Blythedale President & CEO
Larry Levine. “We are truly honored to be one of the
beneficiaries, with the potential to receive significant funds
for our Hospital as a result.”
Since first hosting Commissions for Charity Day in 2003,
NYY Mark Teixeira, Blythedale President & CEO Larry
Levine and Blythedale Trustee Darren Fogel gather for a
BTIG has raised close to $25 million and has donated
those proceeds to over 350 nonprofit organizations.
“We’re proud that our clients and employees have this
opportunity to work together with our celebrity traders
and other special guests to make such a profound impact
on so many lives,” said Steven Starker.
For more information on fundraising opportunities at
Blythedale, please contact Chief Development Officer
Jane MacDonald at (914) 831-2544 or
Dr. Klein Named CMO
> continued from page 4
Disney Sends Blythedale a Special Care Package
Through the generosity of the Disney Hospital Care Package Program,
Blythedale’s Child Life Department received a gift of Disney DVDs, figurines
from all the children’s favorite Disney movies, toy cars and accessory kits.
“The donation definitely brought smiles to the children, and provides
access to resources not all of our families may have,” said Blythedale Child
Life Coordinator Lisa Levinson. “It’s wonderful to know we can provide
normalizing toys for patients who have, because of illness or injury, been
removed from their typical routines.”
“Dr. Mast has played a vital role
in Blythedale’s growth over the last
two decades,” said Levine. “As we
continue to expand our research
capabilities, we are very fortunate that
she will be leading our research team
and overseeing projects that can have
a tremendous impact on the lives of
medically fragile children.”
Dr. Klein received his medical
degree from the Medical College of
Pennsylvania, which is now Drexel
University College of Medicine. He
also received a Masters of Health
Services Administration from
University of Michigan School of
Public Health.
Dr. Klein is married and has twin
Golfers Tee Off for
The beautiful Glen Arbor Golf
Club in Bedford provided the perfect
backdrop for seven foursomes
of Blythedale supporters to raise
$40,000 for the Hospital. The July
24th outing, co-chaired by Stuart Dix
and Michael Brown, included a full
day of golf, and an exciting pitch-off
contest during cocktails. All proceeds
from the event will go to Blythedale’s
Parent Transportation Fund.
Michele Graham, parent of a
former patient, shared her family’s
story during brunch. She spoke of
the time she spent at Blythedale
with her daughter, Nicole, and
emphasized the importance of the
Parent Transportation Program in the
spectrum of a child’s care for those
parents with limited resources or
transport options.
“This was a wonderful outing,
and we are so grateful to be able to
expand the Parent Transportation
Program,” said Blythedale Chief
Development Officer Jane
The day’s winners included Stephen
Grimm, Jack Geoghegan, Lawrence
Dix and Brian Charles (Low Net);
Stephen Grimm (Low Gross), Stuart
Dix (Pitch-Off Winner); and Michael
Brown (Closest to the Pin).
Clockwise from left: Event co-chairs
Stuart Dix and Michael Brown;
Pitch-off finalist Glenn Coben drives
the ball; the winning foursome of
Stephen Grimm, Jack Geoghegan,
Lawrence Dix and Brian Charles;
and Scott Musoff and Blythedale
volunteer Andrew Starker
hit the links.
95 Bradhurst Avenue
Valhalla, NY 10595
Inspiration is designed to inform
our friends in the community
about the services of Blythedale
Children’s Hospital. If you know
someone who would like to be
on our mailing list, or if you have
ideas for future issues, please let
us know.
Call Connie Cornell at
(914) 831-2570 or email
Visit us at our website
Escaping a Riptide
Approximately 100 people drown every year as
the result of being caught in the pull of a rip current.
Additionally, more than 80% of all lifeguard saves are
attributed to these dangerous ocean currents. Riptides, or
rip currents, are long, narrow bands of water that quickly
pull objects that are caught in them away from the shore
and out to sea.
As strong and dangerous as riptides are, they are
escapable if you stay calm and know what to do.
Keep the following tips in mind:
• Do not struggle against the current. Most riptide
deaths are not caused by the tides themselves, but
rather from people who become exhausted struggling
against the current, and cannot make it back to shore.
• Do not attempt to swim back to shore while you
are still in the riptide. You will tire quickly swimming
against the current.
• Swim parallel to shore and across the current. Most
riptides are less than 100 feet wide. If you cannot
swim across while still in it, wait until it subsides,
(usually 50-100 feet from shore) and then swim parallel
before attempting to swim back. If you can’t swim
back, try to get the attention of the lifeguard.
• Always heed the posted warnings. Check for alerts
posted by lifeguards, and look for flags signalling
dangerous conditions.
17th Annual Golf Classic
Monday, September 9, 2013
Join us at Sunningdale Country Club in Scarsdale for a great day to
benefit Blythedale’s Parent Transportation Program! For information on
sponsorship opportunities, or to request an invitation, please contact
Christina Caras at (914) 831-2512 or