a quarterly publication from reaching out you are somebody One of my favorite quotes is from Margaret Mead who said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” I have always believed in the power of ordinary people to do extraordinary things. And nowhere is this more true than here at A Child’s Place. Just 21 years ago, some ladies who worked in uptown Charlotte noticed children playing in a cemetery when they should have been in school. When asked why they weren’t in school, the children told the ladies they weren’t allowed to go to school because they were homeless - they lived in the shelter. Appalled, these ladies got to work to ensure that homeless children could receive the education they deserved. They asked the school system for a teacher and First Presbyterian Church for a Sunday School classroom and A Child’s Place was born as a one-room school for homeless children in Charlotte. Another one of my favorite quotes is: “I always used to say, ‘Somebody should do something about that.’ Then I realized, I am Somebody.” (Lily Tomlin) I am so glad the founders of A Child’s Place realized they were Somebody. I don’t know these women personally. (I wish I did because I sure owe them a debt of gratitude!) I’ll bet they were busy women. I know they had jobs. I imagine they had families and I am guessing they had lots to do. Yet, they carved out the time and energy to start A Child’s Place. I am sure it wasn’t easy work. I know they didn’t do it alone. I can just see them encouraging others to help: each person doing their part, what little each could do and collectively they created a place for homeless children when they had none. Had they waited on Somebody else to do it, A Child’s Place would not exist today. When I joined A Child’s Place 5 years ago, there were 2,208 identified homeless children in Charlotte-Mecklenburg winter 2011 a letter from the executive director Schools. Now, the number of identified homeless children in Charlotte has grown 213% to 4,711. Fortunately, through the support and generosity of our community and the work of a passionate board and staff, A Child’s Place has been able to serve 2,355 children - a 491% increase from the 480 served 5 years ago. I am very proud of the fact that we are serving more children, but I am even more concerned about the 2,356 children who “I always used to say, were not served. ‘Somebody should do something about that.’ Then I realized, I am Somebody.” We need more Somebodies to help us reach the rest of the identified homeless children in our community. - Lily Tomlin We need Somebody to serve as a lunch buddy or tutor for a specific child. We need Somebody to sponsor a family for the holidays. We need Somebody to collect uniforms, snacks, toiletry items and school supplies. We need Somebody to advocate for our children’s rights and needs. We need Somebody to pray for our children. We need Somebody to donate funds so we can continue to provide services and summer camp to even more children. I believe you are Somebody. I believe we all are Somebody. We are ordinary people with the power to do extraordinary things. And together, as thoughtful, committed citizens, we can indeed change the world for Charlotte’s homeless children. – Annabelle Suddreth 1 holiday sponsorship It’s that time of the year again! Thanksgiving and Holiday Sponsorship sign up is now available on our website, www.achildsplace.org. This opportunity means making the season bright for ACP client families. Sponsor a family for Thanksgiving and provide a grocery store gift card for them to use to buy the ingredients for their own special Thanksgiving Meal. Maybe even add a recipe of your own to add a special personal touch. Sponsor a family for the Winter holiday and provide gifts, clothes and a grocery store gift card for our client children to open up during a holiday where they normally would go without. You can make a difference and a happy holiday for the homeless children in Charlotte. Please visit the website for more information. Each donation, however big or small, helps to make this time of year happy for our client families. school supplies Our children were in need, we asked, and you delivered! Thanks to all of our community partners and individual donors ACP client children started the school year off right. With a new book bag filled with school supplies on their backs, a new uniform to fit in with their peers, and confidence knowing that A Child’s Place and the community were supporting them. Unfortunately, many of our client children have to grow up too fast and have worries that most adults have never dealt with. The simple gesture of new supplies and clothes for schools relieves their mind of one more worry. The community has continuously stepped up to the challenge whenever ACP has had a need. Our thanks cannot be said enough, so let us tell you thank you in the words of one of our client children: “ Thank for my new book bag, school supplies and uniform. When I opened my book bag I found it had everything I could ever need.” – David. UWCC Uniforms Donation – Thank you to the United Way of Central Carolinas and Belk for their donation of 1,000 new school uniforms for A Child’s Place client children! SAVE THE DATE! A Swine Evening 2012 will be on June 2, 2012 at the Renaissance Charlotte Suites Hotel, 2800 Coliseum Center Drive in Charlotte. about a child’s place 2 A Child’s Place of Charlotte began in 1989 as a one room school for homeless children, teaching kindergarten through the sixth grade. Today, homeless children are mainstreamed and our social work staff works in Charlotte-Mecklenburg public elementary and middle schools in povertystricken areas. We also consult and provide referral services for every school within our community where homeless children are enrolled. Volunteers, in-kind donations and links to existing community resources extend A Child’s Place staff’s reach. A Child’s Place provides services in four key areas: student support ensures homeless students’ physical, social and emotional needs are met so they are in the classroom and able to focus on their lessons. academic support promotes a stable and positive school environment and addresses homeless students’ educational gaps. parent education and support responds to the unique needs of homeless students and families and assists parents’ efforts to identify and address the root causes of their housing crisis. my place summer day camp provides qualified adult supervision and an academic bridge for homeless students too young to stay alone during the summer break. acp staff My Place means to me love, fun and success because my place cares about us. When volunteers come out and help us with field day, book bags, swim suits and carnivals. Mr. Patrick taught us a new rule to treat people the way you want to be treated. When readers come out to read to us they teach us about safety, friendship and respect. I want to thank all of the staff, volunteers, teachers and coaches. I am going to miss my place summer camp. – My Place Camper achildsplace.org gets a makeover Due to the increase in homeless students this year, A Child’s Place is growing and expanding and we want to make you a part of it! Please join us in celebrating our new official webpage at www.achildsplace.org. We have been working to make the website more accessible and informative to our donors, future donors and clients. Please take the time to peruse the site and follow the easy sign up for our e-newsletter, to volunteer, to sponsor a family for thanksgiving or the holidays, or even fill out an information request if the information you are looking for is not on the site. Thank you and Enjoy! Annabelle Suddreth Executive Director Jane Madison Executive Assistant Laurie Schwartz Development Director Aimee Brunton Partnership Manager Emily Arceneaux Development Associate Jessica Norwood Development Associate Jen Yoger Development Associate Kim Parker Program Director Heather Kilcoin Program Manager Katrina Griggs Program Manager Terry Tiamd Assessment Specialist/ Mecklenburg County Elizabeth Earles Social Worker Virginia Humphreys Social Worker Beth Jorgenson Social Worker Shonise Kennedy Social Worker Fondtrice McCormick Social Worker Kim Mitchell Social Worker Joy Montzka Social Worker Shurna Rabsatt Social Worker Tara Alexander Student Advocate City Side Management – This energetic bunch came to our main office with school supplies, uniforms, book bags and a check!! Thank you for your support, City Side Management! Judy Brooks Student Advocate Tieshia Pickett Student Advocate Ann Sherrill Student Advocate Judy Shorts Student Advocate Mecklenburg Community Church – A book bag for every A Child’s Place student! Thank you Mecklenburg Community Church for the book bag donation at Druid Hills Elementary. My Place Swimming Lessons – My Place Summer Day Camp was able to offer 4 days of swimming lessons to our client campers thanks to local nonprofit SwimMAC and Johnson C. Smith University. Ebony Wiggins Student Advocate Emily Yang Student Advocate Megan Zachary Student Advocate thank you! 3 nadia’s journey board of directors Nadia was a very shy, scared, withdrawn second grader last year. She spent most of her time worrying about her mother instead of her academics. She was worried that something would happen to take her mom away or they would have to move again. She never felt safe in school because of her transitional lifestyle. As a camper at A Child’s Place My Place Summer Day Camp, Nadia finally felt safe. The safety provided by camp allowed her to open up to her peers and camp staff and actually enjoy her time away from home. She began to excel in her education, especially math. Now, at the beginning of her third grade school year, Nadia is a leader in the classroom, exuding confidence. Not only does she enjoy her experience at school with peers she can call friends, but is also expressing her emotions more freely to school and ACP staff members. Her teacher described her as “rockin “at math and highly energetic. Because of her time and experience at My Place Summer Camp, Nadia can now concentrate on what a nine-year-old should instead of worrying about her mom. She can excel and grow in her academics and friendships. A struggle with most ACP client children is being able to express emotions about their current living situation and how to explain their needs. After feeling safe and supported by our ACP staff at My Place and in her elementary school, Nadia can now vocalize her emotions and troubles, which allows our staff to help correct them and ease her mind. our misson: a child’s place works to erase the impact of homlessness on children and their education. officers Jerry Castelloe | President David Bodel | Vice-President Steve Hershfield | Treasurer Gina Hight Sheridan | Secretary Natalie Brown Sandi Buchanan Andy Denton Preeti Kundra Deshmukh Julie Ferguson Dr. Kimmery Fleischli Keith Gargus Tommy Graham Gregg Huether Amy Johnson Saeed Moghadam Natalie Pasquarella Barb Pellin Phillip Pounds John A. Powell III Mike Robinson William T. “Bill” Ryans Mujeeb Shah-Khan Sheila Shirley Tom Tate Edwin Yarbrough Annabelle Suddreth | Executive Director Laurie Schwartz | Development Director Emily Arceneaux | Reaching Out Editor Maria Tranquillo | Newsletter design LeadSource Marketing | Direct Mail Support stay in the acp loop! Send your e-mail address to jnorwood@achildsplace.org so we can add it to our database. Thank you. PO Box 33302 Charlotte, NC 28233 704-343-3790 | phone 704-343-3791 | fax info@achildsplace.org | email www.achildsplace.org Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Charlotte, NC Permit No. 1064 thanks to our sponsors! The 2011 A Swine Evening fundraiser was a great success – raising $160,000 to help area homeless children! And it wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors! presenting sponsor sustaining sponsor supporting sponsors table sponsors thanks to our donors and celebrities! Our celebrity-autographed piggy banks at A Swine Evening are auctioned along with great trips, tickets, meals and more! We’d like to thank these generous donors for making that possible. One last thank you…to our wonderful Event Committee and volunteers whose long hours, energy, creativity and commitment were so much a part of our success! With gratitude, The Board of Directors, staff and client children of A Child’s Place P.S. A Swine Evening 2012 will be on June 2nd at the Renaissance Hotel. You can see more of the piggy banks and photos from the 2011 event at www.aswinevening.com •Alexander Julian •Ali Hillis •Alicia and Ed Gagnon •All About You Salon •Chick-fil-A •Chico •Children’s Theatre •Chili’s and Day Spa •Coach Jimbo Fisher •Annabelle Suddreth •Coachman Cleaners •ArtAspects •Conan •Automotive •Coolio International •CSI Cast •Avett Bros. •Customshop •Bank of America •Dabo Swinney •Baoding Southpark •Dale Davis •Barrington’s Restaurant •Dan Jansen •Bedder, Bedder, •Darrell Waltrip and Moore •Darryl Hall •Bella Originals •Dave and Busters •Ben 10 Cast •David Reutimann •Bev Purdue •Derek Dooley •Bill Cosby •Derek Jeter •Birkdale Golf Club •Discovery Place •Blackfinn •Dobbins Creek Vineyard •Bob and Sheri •Dolly Parton •Bobcats •Dollywood •Brad Daugherty •Donald Trump •Brad Hoover •Dr. Peter Gorman •Brandi Jackson •Eddies Place •Brixx Wood-fired Pizza •Edwin McCain •Carlson Art Glass •Edwin Yarbrough •Carole King •Eli Manning •Carolina Healthcare •Elizabeth Earles Systems •Energy Café •Carolina Pad •Eye Care Carolinas, PC •Carpe Diem •Forbes Magazine •Chante Moore •Fox and Hound •Charlotte Golf Links •Frankie Valli •Charlotte Motor •Georgetown Day Spa Speedway •Gina Sheridan •Charlotte Party Charters •Good Food on •Charlotte Yoga Montford •Gordie Howe •Griffin Brothers •Grove Park Inn •Guitar Workshop •Halo Artists •Harper’s (Carolina Mall) •Harris Teeter •Harry Connick Jr. •Hawthorne NY Pizza & Bar •Highland Creek Golf Club •Hill Harper •HVAC service •Ivy & Leo •Jami Masters School of Dance •Jamie Foxx •Jane Seymour •Janet Evanovich •Jeff Daniels •Jessica Simpson •Jim and Julie Babb •John Kasay •John Leguizamo •John Michael Montgromery •John Oates •Justin Bieber •Karl Rove •Kenny Lattimoore •Kicks & Grins •Kimmery and James Fleischli •Kristie Phillips •Learning Express •Legends Golf Resort, N. Myrtle Beach •Libertos Pizzeria •Lily Tomlin •Little Gym •Loco Lime Mexican •Luce Restorante e Bar •Lugnut •Mad Science •Maggiano’s •Magnolia Grill (Durham) •Mardy Fish •Mariano Rivera •Mark Vitner •Martin Truex Jr. •McCormick & Schmick •McNinch House at Lake Norman •Todd Koeing •Toys & Co •Tracie Horne •Trevor Bayne Pounds •Trey Songz •Pigtails and Crew Cuts •Tricor (Sonny’s BBQ) •Pilates 4U •Truett Cathy •Ralph Melvin •Ty Pennington •Red Rocks •Ultimate Crossfit •Renaissance/Mobile, AL •Uptown Retreat •Resturants.com •US Airways •Rhymer Fitness •Vacation Club by •Rob Schneider Marriott Restaurant •Rock Bottom Brewery •VanLandingham Estate •Mechelle Lewis •Ron the Magic Man •Victory Lane Indoor •Melania Trump •Roy Williams Karting •Michael Waltrip •Scout and Molly’s •Vida Mexican Kitchen y •Mike Krzyzewski Cantina •Sesame Street Cast •Mike Minter •Virginia Tech Athletic •Shutterfly Dept •Mike Rucker •Sideny Lowe •Wanda Koch •Modern Family Cast •Sir Purr •Waterford Golf Club •Modern Mediterranean •Skybrook •WBTV •Modern Salon & Spa •Something Classic •Morningstar Properties •Southern Fiction •WCCB •Morrison Smith •WCNC •Southern Light Jewelers Photography •Westin •Mr. K’s Ice Cream •Spoons •Whiskey Warehouse •Music for All •Starbucks •Whisky River •Myers Park Golf Shop •Steve Frobes •Wines for Humanities •Nanine Hartzenbush •Sugarland •Wolfgang Puck •Nicholas Sparks •Suite •Woven Studio Salon at •North Carolina Zoo •Susan Arceneaux Sola Salons/South End •Olivia Kole •Tasty Yo •XM Snap Radio •Pam and Steve West •Teen Choice Awards •Yia Yia’s Cakes by •Pam Grier Design •Tennessee Tix •PaperSkyscraper •YMCA of Greater •The Traditional Charlotte Golf Club •Pat Summit •Zachary Levi •Time Warner Cable •Paul McCartney •Peninsula Yacht Club •Toby Keith •Zulu Nyala •PERKS •Perry’s of SouthPark •Phillip and Laurie
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