4500 Kennedy Rd. 204-6500 Attendance line 204-6506 PTA Website: LINDBERGH PTA. WORDPRESS.COM FACEBOOK: LINDBERGH PTA TWITTER: Lindbergh_PTA Email: pta.lindbergh@gmail.com May events May 1st, 8th PALS testing Kdg, 1st grade May 12th Incoming kindergarten orientation May 29th Kindergarten field trip to Children Museum June events June 12th Field day and last day of school, students out at 3:23 pm Lindbergh MAY/JUNE 2014 Summer Reading is Essential Please have your children continue to read during the summer. We recommend 15-30 minutes a day. The summer reading programs at the public libraries are a great way to encourage daily reading. Summer School Update The Lindbergh Summer School program runs from June 23 through August 1 for eligible students in grades K-5. There will also be a 4K Summer School for incoming kindergarteners who qualify. If your child is eligible, you will be receiving information in the mail during the week of April 25. Registration is online again this year and information must be returned by May 13, 2014. Classroom and transportation information will be sent to parents of registered students by June 2. Reading and writing classes are offered in the morning by Lindbergh staff and recreational activities are provided during the afternoon. Breakfast and lunch will be available. A morning and an afternoon bus will be available for Lindbergh students who live in the Mendota attendance area. Parents may pick up their child at noon if they don’t want them to participate in the afternoon program. The success of the Lindbergh Summer School pilot will be determined based on student achievement, behavior and attendance. It is essential that students are here every day if the children are going to show academic progress. Please do not hesitate to call Ms. Wigdal or me if you have questions. Kindergarten 2 Sections Dean, Lane Lindbergh to offer 4K Classes Lindbergh will have two sections of four year old kindergarten classes this fall. We will have both a morning and an afternoon section. The children will be taught by both a classroom teacher and an educational assistant. Grade 1 2 Sections Marks, Senft Dr. Cheatham to visit Lindbergh Dr. Cheatham will be visiting Lindbergh on May 6. She will tour the school, speak with staff and meet with our School Based Leadership Team. I will also have an opportunity to share our progress with her this year and to share our plans for 2014-15. Grade 4 2 Sections Langer, Vitale UPDATE 1. Class Sections We will be having straight grades in fourth and fifth grade next year. We expect that student enrollment will be around 238 students (without 4K students). At this time, the grade level sections and teachers are as follows: Grade 2 3 Sections Edge, Miller/Ward, Reich Grade 3 2 Sections Michaels, Landowski Grade 5 2 sections Callies, Kluever 2. Class Assignments Class placements will be given to parents in the gym on Thursday, August 21 from 11:00-6:00 as part of Registration Day. There is always a possibility that classes will need to be added or deleted in September. At this time, class sizes are high in grades K, 1 and 3. If classroom changes are required, some students may need to be moved after the start of the school year. There may also need to be students reassigned to other rooms early in the school year in an effort to balance classes. If you know that your child will not be attending school here next year, please call the Lindbergh office and leave a message. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated so that the school year can be started with class rosters that are as accurate as possible. If you know of new families in your neighborhood who are planning on enrolling their children at Lindbergh in the fall, please encourage them to contact the Lindbergh office as soon as possible. New student enrollment is also scheduled for August 20 from 8:00-12:00 am. Parents should have received a Student Placement Information Form in third quarter progress reports. We are asking parents to complete an individual form for each child. It is very important that we receive this form back because the teachers will begin to work on student placements in May. While parents cannot request a specific teacher for next year, we do want your thoughts on your child’s social, emotional and academic needs. The information that you share with the staff will be given serious consideration as the teachers create classroom assignments for next year. 3. Incoming Kindergarten Students If you have an incoming kindergarten child and live in the Mendota attendance area, you should plan on having your kindergarten child attend Mendota unless the district approves an internal transfer to Lindbergh. 4. School Supply Lists School Supply lists will be sent home in the last report card. Many of the local stores will have a copy on display and there will be a copy posted on Lindbergh’s front door and on the Lindbergh website if your copy gets misplaced over the summer. PTA On behalf of Lindbergh students and staff, I would like to thank Jennifer Hendricks, Chris Najdowski and MaryAnn Willgrubs for the leadership that they have provided to the PTA this year. Once again, it has truly been a pleasure working with them. We are desperately in need of more parents to participate in our PTA next year. Please consider joining this group in the fall. Staff Recognition I must thank Jodi Murphy again for her work as the editor of the Flyer. It is a significant project each month and I appreciate the time that it takes her to put our school newsletter together and get it sent home. Thank You It is difficult to believe that the end of the school year is so close! It seems that the school years go by faster and faster each year. Since this is the last edition Lindbergh Flyer for this school year, the staff and I thank you for allowing us the pleasure of teaching your child. Have a wonderful summer! 2014-15 Calendar Dates Wednesday, August 20 New Student Registration 8:00-12:00 Thursday, August 21 School wide Registration Computer Lab 11:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. LINDBERGH Lindbergh Elementary School Endowment Fund Makes Grants Possible The Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools’ School Endowments provide each school with annual income that is used to fund creative and innovative programs and projects that are not funded within the core school budget. Forty-six schools were awarded grants totaling $69,243. This year Lindbergh Elementary School had $813 in endowment income available to use to make grants for imaginative programs and projects that propel student learning which can’t currently be funded through the core school budget. Our grants committee decided to fund the following projects using the available endowment income: $250 Funds will be used for the kindergarten field trip to the Children's Museum that will give students the chance to tour a log cabin and view historic artifacts. $300 Funds will be used for the 2nd grade field trip to Aldo Leopold Nature Center, which will enhance an insect unit. The children will take a marsh walk and observe insects as well as attend a play. $263 Funds will be used for the purchase of multiple copies of Teach Like a Champion that will increase staff ability to address student academic and behavioral issues. If you have any questions about the School Endowments, please contact Mary Bartzen at 232-7820 or mbartzen@fmps.org. To donate to our El fondo de beneficiencia de la escuela primaria Lindbergh hace posible estas becas. La Fundación para las becas de las escuelas públicas de Madison le provee a cada escuela un ingreso anual, el cual es utilizado para financiar programas creativos e innovadores que no son financiados dentro del presupuesto principal. Se le brindó subsidio a cuarenta y seis escuelas, haciendo un total de $69,243. Este año, la escuela primaria Lindbergh recibió $813 por ingresos de donaciones, los cuales están disponibles para ser utilizados para crear becas para programas imaginativos y proyectos que impulsen el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, los cuales no pueden ser financiados por el momento por el presupuesto principal de la escuela. Nuestro comité de donaciones decidió financiar los siguientes proyectos utilizando el ingreso de la donación: $250 de los fondos van a ser utilizados para la excursión de kindergarten al Museo de Niños, lo cual les dará la oportunidad a los niños de recorrer una cabaña de madera y observar artefactos históricos. $300 de los fondos van a ser utilizados para la excursión de segundo grado al Centro de Naturaleza Aldo Leopold, lo cual aumentará los conocimientos de la unidad de insectos. Los niños van a caminar por el pantano y observar insectos, así como ver una obra. $263 de los fondos van a ser utilizados para la compra de varias copias de “Teach Like a Champion” (Enseña como un campeón), la cual va a aumentar la habilidad del personal para tratar los problemas académicos y de comportamiento de los estudiantes. Si tiene(n) alguna pregunta acerca de las donaciones de la escuela, por favor contacte(n) a Mary Bartzen al 232-7820 o al mbartzen@fmps.org. Para hacer una donación a la escuela, visite la página web de la Fundación para las Escuelas Públicas en www.fmps.org. Lindbergh Elementary School is a Title I school in MMSD. Title I is the largest single program of federal aid for elementary and secondary education. Using a poverty-based formula, Title I allocates funds to school districts on a per pupil basis to offset the effects of poverty on the educational opportunities of students in high-poverty schools. These funds are used to enhance or supplement above and beyond the regular school program paid for by state and local dollars. The Title I funding that we receive supports our School Improvement goals related to high quality curriculum and teaching in an effective learning environment. Our goals for learning are focused on literacy, mathematics and student engagement. Title I funding also supports our Parent Involvement Plan and the activities that engage and empower families throughout the year. La Escuela Primaria Lindbergh es una escuela del Distrito Escolar Metropolitano de Madison que recibe fondos de Título I. Título I es el programa más grande de ayuda federal para la educación primaria y secundaria. Utilizando una fórmula basada en la pobreza y basándose en el número de alumnos, Titulo I asigna fondos a los distritos escolares con el fin de compensar los efectos de la pobreza en las oportunidades educativas de los estudiantes en las escuelas que tienen un alto porcentaje de pobreza. Estos fondos se utilizan para mejorar o complementar el programa escolar regular más allá de lo que es financiado por los dólares estatales y locales. Los fondos Título I que recibimos apoyan las metas de mejoras escolares relacionadas con un plan de estudios de alta calidad y una enseñanza en un medio ambiente efectivo para el aprendizaje. Nuestros objetivos de aprendizaje se enfocan en la lectoescritura, las matemáticas y la participación activa de los estudiantes. Los fondos provenientes de Título I también apoyan nuestro Plan de Participación de los Padres y las actividades que fomentan la participación y la capacitación de las familias durante todo el año. Lub Tsev Kawm Ntawv Phaj Pib Lindbergh yog ib lub tsev kawm ntawv Title I nyob hauv MMSD. Title I yog qhov kev pab loj tshaj plaws ntawm tsoom nom nws rau feem kawm phaj pib thiab phaj nrab. Siv qhov kev txom nyem, Title I thiaj muab tau cov nyiaj tuaj rau cov cheeb tsam tsev kawm ntawv raws li ib tug me nyuam kawm ntawv kom pab tau txoj kev txom nyem hauv cov kev kawm ntawm cov me nyuam kawm ntawv nyob rau cov tsev kawm ntawv txom nyem. Cov nyiaj no raug muab siv los mus pab ntxiv tej yam kev kawm uas tsis yog cov kev kawm xeev thiab tej zej zog muab nyiaj tuaj pab rau them rau ntawd. Title I cov nyiaj peb tau txais ntawd pab tau peb cov hom phiaj txhim kho tsev kawm ntawv txuam rau cov ntaub ntawv kawm thiab kev qhia muaj txiaj ntsim siab nyob rau hauv tej chaw kawm muaj txiaj ntsim zoo. Peb cov hom phiaj rau txoj kev kawm yog xyuas rau tej ntaub ntawv kawm, zauv kawm, thiab tus me nyuam txoj kev sib siab kawm. Title I cov nyiaj pab kuj muab los pab rau peb Tus Laj Txheej Niam Txiv Kev Koom Tes Txuam thiab tej kev kawm uas koom tes nrog thiab txhawb lub zog rau cov yim neeg thoob plaws lub xyoo kawm. LINDBERGH PTA
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