•^^r^r^^^'^F^r^ •»?5B^ •-•J-JI/JI iljt...^, fc^ PI mm m n African Trip RecQunted By IsdbeNe Pearson By MARGARET GRABAM Isafcdle I>earsoa, owner of IsabeOe's Beauty Strap, recently returned from an exciting mooth of touring Africa with a stop-over at Washington. D.C. Mrs. Pearson went to Africa to visit Rosemary Cbnlan, who is froin Keno, and is now working with Catholic W^fare under the Most Reverend Kugene Butler, Bishop of iMombasa. Kenya. Miss ConIan is the sister of Tim Cbnlan, who Mrs. Pearson has been sponsoring at the seminary in the Pontifical Cbllege of Josephemmi in Ohio. Before departing for Africa, she spent a few days in Wasta- ington, I>.C., where Senaitor Catuion arranged a tour for her through the White House and the Capitol buildings. While in W'asMngton, Ifrs. Pearson visited with Father Paschal Kinsel. OFM, who was her tour dk^ector on the trip she made to the Holy Land m ISeS. He took her through the F^«Dcucan MOBastery where the Holy Land oi America is located. Isahelle stated that it was just what the name imfdied— an exact replica of all the shrines found in the Holy Land. She said, "I feK that I was back there again, ev«-y4hiB|g is identical even to their location. Many of the holy shrines are under ground and that is how they were at the monastery." She went on to state that sev«ral other shrines are duplicated, including the grotto of Lourdes and even the oatacombs. The highlight of her visit in Washington was the tour she took throu^ the National Catholic Shrine. The trav^er started ttiat her first thought as she stepped inside the door ot the enormous cathedral and saw the Chism's Report To The People Of Henderson This week discussions were held between resimtatives off the City Manager, City Engineer, FHA, our engineers and this o'ffice concerning the most feasible plat for the first 40 acres ,as well as the entire 160 acre parceL "^ Ttie-ctty-has been requested to appoint members to the Architectural Board to review floor plans for distinctly different homes. Soon we will publish a sample for your edificationMay we take this opportunity to wish you a very merry Christmas and a properous New Year. HANK CHISM costs just pennies a day Sparkletts drinking water 1 loqg aisli leading to <he attar was "I wonder how Luci (Nugent) felt when she stood tare as a nervous bride and looked dovn Ike long v«y shelwd to walk." lirs. Pearson departed for Africa on the 8th of October aai after a short stop-over in Rome arrived in Nombassa on the 13th. She was met I^ Miss Oonlan and spent the next week visiting at tlie mission and traveiiae into the busy country with her to see if any of the near-by tribes needed any help. Aocordii^ to Kfrs. Pearson, the poverty is overwttetanJDg and. . ."some <rf the iaconveiiteaces they live with would absoluteiy throw us. The dedic£^on of the missioaaries is a t>eautiful thing to witness," She went on to aagr, "awl the fact that they have to start from scratch with everything, including teaching the Africans to hamfie a hammer, makes the mlvtinn and surroutMhng buihfings all the more marvehiiB." On Oct XL, IsaMle and Miss Cbnlan slwied «« '^«be big adventure," — two veeks on safari. lliey flew to Nairobi, met thOK guiie awl spent the 0igbt. ia ttie Near Stiuriey BDtel. HK next morning tbej left Nairobi and drove via the Chanta PaBs to Nyeri. arrtvlog aft the Outspan Hotel to time for lunch. later that ^tomoon the totei traosport took them through the forest to the world famous Treetops Hotel, a modem inn built 40 feet alMve the ground in the iH-ancbes of several C^jpe Chestnut trees. ftfrs. Pearson said that they were a little idamed because they wa« taken to tiie hotel by a giUde carrying a highpow»^ rifle and were told they cotdd ncrt come doiwn until the neiot nHxning. It soon became evident why. It was situated by a water bi^ and the nigtit was spent watching elephimts, rhino, buffalo and a variety of amaller game as they came to orink. She noted that the hotel was reaQy buitt in the trees—she had to jump over a limb to get to her room. Tlie hotel aoooniin^daMaps all thnugh her tour were modem and caafortaUe, accordkig to Mrs. Pearaati, aad all had beautiful views, particularly at the Outspan where ML KeaQra could be aeen ft%ma their veranda. On the 25th they left Nairobi and drove southwards across the wide Atfai Plakis, home of ttK Masai, crossed the border into Tanzania's northern territory and then on to Lake Manyara National Park. llieir haae camp here was a hotel situated oo the exteone edet of the Great Bift Watt, and ttie next two days were spent in touring die trc^ ical forests and soda lidce. On Oct. 27 they vent to Ngorongoro, where they descended 2,000 feet to the 100 square miles crater floor and spent tiie day in a paradise of wfid animals and bird life. The next day they refaaned to ArvA» and crossed iato Kenya again to enter Amoseli Game Baserve via NoaoaBga. Tlds reeerve is the home of the black zhino, liop^ JACK ENTRATTER PRESENTS SAMMY DAVIS Jr. FOR SHOW RESERVATIONS TELEPHONE 7354464 TWO SHOWS MOHTLY AT 1:15 AND 12 MUDNiqMT and many other l*s. Pearson said that M vas aat unusual to drive ri^ by trees wtiere manor UwM KQuld he pcrcbad, saooKing sleepily in the sun. Ihey >ist seemed to ignore the trew^ ers. The entire aatei laas conducted in a VolkswsgHi bus which was painted with zetra alr^>e8 so the animals wotdd just think it was one of thanWhen asked if she were frighteoed at any time, WfS'PeersoD refriiad, "No, not really, tiie guides were very confident and seemed to know what they were doing. We did have one episode where a rhino charged us, but he (the guide) just put his foot on the gas and off we went away." She commented that the motor in the car was kept naadiV at d dnies aa that a "quick get-away" was possible. It was in this area that Mrs. Pearson was awarded the honor of beiag caUed Mania ChiM. wliich in Swahih means Leopard Womao. She has the diatfaottoB af baipK die fint peraon to see § leopard la that reserve in afanost two years. UST MINUTE WANT ADS Henderson Home NEWS, Henderson, Nevada Thursday, December 21, 1967 se&filSL POSmON WANTED — babysitting, day or night in my hm. Very rea&nbl. 565-9259. WlAfl^rTED-part-time babysitter, for invalid child. Mature woman. 564-1234. Be Sure Oven Is Clean When Starting Roast RHtNOS ON THE PLAINS IN AFRICA — Picttiradi are two rhino' on the AmMeli Game Reserve. Right after this picture was snapped the rhino who is standing decided he didn't like the photographer and charged. doocs. .moaqiiito netting. "Didnt bodier me a bit" said hts. Pearson. "I slept hke a tog." The next morning was spent (hiving to see and photograph the wild animals in tlieir primeval surroundings with the majeatic doow of saow-capped ML Kflimaniaro looming in the hai^groand. Of al tiie Mdmal i she saw, LOST—wUle fern, puppy with gold trimmed ears, 600 Burton, SG&«813. TGR SMLB—tem Honda Trail 56, needs eag. wmrk, |S0. WWle in this, ai^ Bft-s. her comfkaniofi n a luxury ftfrs. Pearson seems to have taken a fancy to a poor old abandoned nlmihnnt which they had come upon. The guide explained ttuH once the dephaut's usefulness to the herd is ended, they are forced to leave and wandee alone until they die. Wten that happens the had ceooes back to bury it The one thing aha did aot see was a ma$ie, of 9V kiad. The guide taU her that a P3h thon had been sighted a law POOR OLD THING — Pichired is an abandoned elephant photographed by IsabeNo Pearson on a recent safari in Africa. This elephant is doomed to wander alone until his death because his usafulnass to the tribe is Looking forward to tliat h'aditioBal Christinas dinner? The fire chief probably has the same idea, rraninds the American Insurance .Association. To help turn have a quiet day. and at the same time make sure that you have a Merry Ouistmas, be sure your oven is clean and free of grease before you start cooking the Ctu-istmas turkey or roast. A greasy oven is a fire hazard and could not oidy bum your Ctiristmas dinner to a crisp, Init cause a serious fire in your home. llie American Insurance Association advises tliat you turn off the beat and leave the oven door closed until the fu-e is out. If necessary, call the fire departntent. •MMM "Hiis we^ marks the beginning of the third week in Las Vegas' "Support Op«-artion Soapbar Month." Las Vegans everywtiere are responding to the {dea frmn our men in Vietnam for soap. When the American troops first entered Vietnam a little over two years ago, many Vietnamese pteople had never seen a bar of soap. Children and people of all ages were dying daily from infection in even a tiny scratch. Today, through the Marine Corps Qvic Action Program, these people are healthier and have pride in themselves. The Civic Action Program also provides sewing kits, midwife kits, school kits, medical and hygienic supplies. And it was discovered recently tiiat tt>e item most in demand which produces the most immediate results is soap. Gradually, as a result of this program, the Vietnamese are learning to trust our men. In return they do the only things they can to show their gratitude. When they find the VC are massing outside of a village, they tell our men. who are then able to send for reinforcements. T^ey also destroy deadly "booby traps" set by the enemy. WOMOIPAST21 IRRITATION Suffer Many Tre«bl«fl When it teems thu ixxhing will give jrou relief from minor Arrhritic or rheu. mark.- puns, get 100 STANEACK TABLETS oe JO STANBACK POWDERS tad use u directed. Expehence the fast, comforting, cempormry relief Scanback can give joa. U you fail to get relief, retam the unused pan and your purchase pricewill be refunded. Stanback has been granted the Gcxid Housekeeping Seal. Seefo( yoonelf how helpful Sanback can be. Stlnback Company. Salisbury, N. C. After 21, mmmnn Kidney or Bladder IniialiaaB ifcct twice as many wooiea as aea and oiay make you tense and aarvoaa from too frequent, burning or '^'^t nination both day and night. SecoMarily, you may lose sleep and •alier from Headaches, Backache and teel aid, tired, depressed. In such irrttatioii. CYSTEX usually brings fast, rriarini comfon by curbing irritatins germs in suuog. acid urine and by anal•esic pain idief. Get CYST£X at drugSitti. See how fMt it can belp you. HMue dais aad Barren 0»4t-Tov-Seifer moiAs hnpk but they rvely Mtaa Cbnlan, assured her that during tlie r^iny season they were so DumerBus that they would coooe into the house, and that she merely stwnpwl her feet hard on the floor and the snakes would dither out the door. FVom ifrs. Pearson's wide-eyed •ectatton of this fact It wasefipareHt that she gieatlj dlsHfces sanfcae. At the end of the safari, flw travelers retqmd toMnnrtiasa on the East Coast of Africa. Ifrs. Ptearson has many pictares to remind her of the bMUtifId sights she aaw «a tUs memordbte Joim^. and tfaoee of fte coaat along the Indiaa Ocean are porlictdcrly good. I«ot that she win need pictures to remember the events of ttiia trip; just ask her "How WM Africa IsaheUe?" and prepare to be out in ttie bush country, traipsmg uound in the lush green jungle growth, feel <fea treacfa af coid from irilshMpdii ii and know the quiet digmy ef Ijtm African people. Bar vivid de»^pttons and deli^ in Africa makes you feal Upt you have been tlier^ i I I I * Werk Gearaateed JERRY TILMAN. Gea. Mgr. EARL AUTO SS Navy Street MAMA CHUI—Padcing up over the top of her safari bus is Mama Chui, better known as Isabello Pearson. Mrs. Pearson was honored with tho nante, which in Swahili means leopard woman, far being the first person to sight a leopard on the Amoseli Game Reserve in over two yearsPICK UP WIUU^>INGS ATWiCE AFTER OFTS ARE OPENED On Christmas morning, pick op gut wranxngs immediately after presents have been flpentd, cantioae the-American Insurance Association. ftanpled papery are always a me hm^^Jfam Association pointed out If there.^e.wrappiags you wish to save^ fold them up aaatty and put ttiem aiway. HM real: shotiU be gattiered togettier and placed in a waste weferahly the HOUOfffS garbage or trash can outside the home. You have plenty of time between now and Dec. 9 to woric up a little excitement f^ Lynda's getting married in the White House—if you feel so inclined. GLASS CO. Hendenoa THE BILLYBOB PET STORE 17 West Pacific MYNAH BIRDS — PARROTS PARAKEETS — COCKATEELS — LOVE BIRDS — GUARANTEED TO TALK IN 6 MONTHS!! e ACROSS JHOM CORNET DIME STORE e BRING THE KIDDIES! • CHRISTM^ CENTERPIECES • CHRISTMAS CORSAGES the • CHfUSTMAS PLANTS— IN THE WEST Fri. & Sot. tSitt N«t. Hwy 2fS.24P?—BouMer City j| ^ 2 W4tw St.—$d5-M7S—HwKkrson g |» We Wire Flowers AInMi* Anywhere S i 14 YEARS SLRVICB IN OF NEVADA l%Dllf C 111 UKIVEHN InstaHcd Whii* You Wait Contplet* Curved Glass Service • 564-4494 AUTO GLASS 4 PM to 11 PM . A Soop For Vietnam Mei Drive Starts AimwmS-RHEUIIMTISM BIGGEST ANTONK) MORELU AND HIS ORCHESTBA THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS '••* • *•»• ••-•'< • . SVR. Noon to t PM
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