Student Orientation Manual

Student Orientation Manual
Welcome to the University of Missouri Health Care System. The University of Missouri Health Care System is
comprised of University Hospital, University of Missouri Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Ellis Fischel
Cancer Center, Missouri Psychiatric Center, Missouri Orthopaedic Institute. We are pleased that you have
chosen MUHC for your clinical rotation and are committed to the provision of safe, high quality, clinical
learning experiences for your students.
This orientation manual is designed to provide you with the necessary information to make this a successful
clinical experience at MUHC. It contains information about specific hospital policies and procedures you
should be aware of as you practice in our clinical areas. We hope that your clinical experience in our health
facilities is both challenging and rewarding.
If you should need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to contact the Center for Education and
Development at 882-2959, your School liaison.
MU Health Care’s Mission and Vision:
• Mission Statement To advance the health of all people, especially Missourians. Through
exceptional clinical service, University of Missouri Health Care supports the education and
research missions of the University of Missouri.
• Vision Through discovery and innovation, University of Missouri Health Care will be the
health system that people choose for exceptional service and exemplary health care.
MU Nursing Vision
Nursing service at M.U. Health Care is a vibrant, collaborative community that thrives in a
dynamic empowering environment. It is a center of excellence with a positive and supportive care
environment. We create a workplace where nurses are valued and empowered to practice. At the
end of the day, nurses feel satisfied and know they made a difference in someone’s life.
University of Missouri Health Care is committed to providing quality healthcare to our customers.
Our Standards of Performance promote the highest level of excellence in service.
Standards of Performance-The Foundation for Excellence
Positive Relationships A commitment to effective communication, cooperative interactions
and putting others first demonstrates our value of personal trustworthiness.
1. Quality Customer Care
2. Commitment to Co-workers
3. Communication
Pride in Self Through our actions, appearance and demeanor, we demonstrate to others the
values we hold.
1. Attitude
2. Personal Appearance
3. Sense of Ownership
Work Environment-By maintaining a clean, safe and private environment, we demonstrate
our commitment to the well-being of those for whom we care.
1. Safety Awareness
2. Privacy
• Privacy and Security of Confidential Information
Protecting confidential information continues to be a priority within our health care
1. You are to access only the minimum amount of information necessary to accomplish
your assigned job duties.
2. This includes all information in paper and electronic form.
If you need to review your own health information, go to medical records to request the
4. Do not access patient information through IDX, Cerner, or any other medium unless you
need the information to do your job. Inappropriate access to patient information will lead
to disciplinary action.
5. Discuss patient information with authorized personnel only, and only in private location
where unauthorized persons cannot overhear. Elevator or hallway conversations about
patient are unacceptable.
6. Discussions with unauthorized persons are unacceptable behavior, even if you are not
using patient names.
7. Do not give information about patients or staff to anyone over the telephone.
8. Dispose of confidential waste appropriately; shred or place in approved receptacles
specifically used for confidential waste disposal. Never put confidential waste in recycle
bins or the regular trash.
9. We are expected to provide quality health care; maintain the confidentiality of patient
information; treat our patients and their families with respect; and demonstrate
professional behavior at all times. Conversations and discussions in public areas about
our patients give the impression of an uncaring and disrespectful attitude toward their
care and could result in a lack of trust in our abilities.
10. You are to read and sign the Access and Confidentiality Agreement
Code of Conduct
At University of Missouri Health Care, we insist on providing excellent patient care and
conducting business in an ethical manner in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations
and policies. The Code of Conduct is written to guide you and provide you with information on
how we are expected to conduct ourselves as a member of the University of Missouri Health
Care workforce. By adopting a written code of conduct, we:
• Demonstrate a commitment to quality
• Create a framework for honest practices
• Show responsibility
• Demand accountability
The code applies to all medical, business and legal activities performed by faculty, staff, students,
and volunteers AND extends to our contracted agents.
Our 7 Standards of Conduct
1. Compliance with all laws, regulations, policies and procedures
• You are required to know and follow all that apply to your work.
2. Relationship with our patients
• You are expected to recognize and comply with patient rights
3. Relationship with other providers
• You must never accept or offer to take payment in exchange for patient referrals or
the purchase of services from University of Missouri Health Care.
4. Relationship with third-party payers
• Never file or make claims for reimbursement for services that were not provided or
were not medically necessary.
5. Workplace conduct
• The unlawful possession or use of controlled substances is prohibited.
• Maintain the confidentiality of patient, faculty and staff information.
• Activities that conflict with the interests of University of Missouri Health Care are
6. Workplace environment
• Equal opportunity for all employees.
• Sexual harassment is unacceptable.
• Zero tolerance for disruptive behavior.
• Retaliation against any person who reports, in good faith, an actual or perceived
violation is strictly prohibited.
Business information and relationships
• You are expected to follow guidelines as established by University of Missouri
Health Care in all business dealings. If you are unsure, ask the person to whom you
• Conflicts of interest: All medical, financial and operational decisions made within
University of Missouri Health Care and the School of Medicine (SOM) shall be
made in the interest of our patients and their families, University of Missouri Health
Care and SOM, and the University of Missouri. Any decision made by an employee
or medical staff member that does not uphold this policy statement will be
considered as a potential conflict of interest that must be disclosed, reviewed and
managed as necessary.
• Gifts and gratuities: Accepting gifts give the impression of favoritism. Our
professional decisions must be based on what is in the best interest of our
patients and not on the prospect of our own personal gain. Gifts of significant value
may not be accepted for individual use by a workforce member from any past,
present or future University of Missouri Health Care or School of Medicine vendor,
business associate, contractor, or anyone who has or hopes to have a business
relationship with University of Missouri Health Care or the School of
Medicine. Acceptance of any gift is discouraged, however small tokens such
as pens, memo pads, trinkets and inexpensive food items may be deemed acceptable
as long as each instance is valued at $5 or less per workforce member and an annual
accumulation from any one source is not valued at more than $75 except in the case
of gifts related to patients of Missouri Psychiatric Center (MUPC). Absolutely no
gifts should be offered to or accepted from our MUPC patient population or their
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
At the time of admission to the hospital, all patients or in the case of minors the patients’
guardians are provided a copy of the Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities. As a student to MU
Health Care, you are to know and understand these rights. As patients have the right to
considerate and respectful care regardless of race, creed, national origin, age, sex, or source of
payment for care. They have a right to confidentiality and personal privacy. They have a right to
clear explanation of hospital rules and regulations as well as information concerning their
diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of their disease process. As a student health care provider you
are to know and understand these and all other rights of the patient.
Cultural Diversity
MU Health Care believes with today’s diversity in our hospitals and clinics there is a need for
cultural Competency in Health Care. According to Purnell’s Guide, culture is defined as the
totality of socially transmitted behavioral patterns, beliefs, values, customs, lifeways, arts and all
other products of human work and thought characteristics of a population of people that guide
their worldview and decision-making. It is learned first in the family, then in school, then in the
community and other social organizations. Culture is largely unconscious and has powerful
influences on health and illness. Health-care providers must recognize, respect, and integrate,
clients’ cultural beliefs and practices into health-care recommendation to eliminate health-care
differences and provide patient satisfaction.
MUHC provides Purnell’s Guide to Cultural Competency. It can be located at
• Preferred Language: People who are encouraged to talk or read in their own language may
feel more at ease and understand better. Please use following information to assist with any
language barriers.
Language Services
A global MUHC Language Services Department is available 24/7 to ensure that nonEnglish speaking or limited-English speaking patients, and/or patients with a hearing
impairment, receive free language assistance. This assistance includes provision of
competent and qualified interpreter services and/or written translation of
information/documents that are important to the well-being of the patient.
Interpreter services for sign and spoken languages may be accessed 24/7 by the
following methods:
Sign Language: For a need in a nursing unit or clinic, call either of the two contracted
companies listed below, directly.
Access Interpreter Referral Service @ 573-445-5890
Pager: 573-499-8404
Columbia Interpreting Service @ 573-442-9876
Pager: 573-499-7543
If calling from ED, Urgent Care or OB Triage, please page the Language Services
pager at 256-8320
Spoken Languages: Please page the Language Services pager at 256-8320.
For written translations please contact Language Services by using the pager, by
calling the Language Services Coordinator at 884-9132 or by email at
Questions relating to Cultural Competency/Sensitivity and Health Literacy may
also be directed to the Language Services Coordinator by phone and email above.
Communication Style: Nonverbal and verbal styles may differ. Tone of voice, touch,
etc., will vary in cultures
Perspectives: People may see an illness as:
1. Having a non-physical cause, such as punishment
2. Needing a certain traditional cure, such as an herbal remedy or a specific diet
Family and community relationships: A patient may expect certain people to be
involved in his or her care and allowed to visit.
Religion: A patient’s religion may affect his or her beliefs and about health procedures
and practices.
Food preferences: Religious, healing and cultural practices can affect what foods a
person may eat or avoid.
MU Health Care is a Bariatric Center and you will be expected to work with
morbidly obese patients. It has been reported that 80% of obese patients report being
treated disrespectfully by medical staff. It is suggested to all nurses to:
• Communicate with genuine interest
• Actively listen, connect with and respect what the patients says
• Make sure your body language matches what you say to the patient
• Eliminate external distractions, give the patient your full attention
• Touch the patient and maintain good eye contact
• Get assistive equipment when needed
• Remove your personal bias
Professional Appearance
You are required to be well groomed with a professional appearance for clinical rotations at MU
Health Care. Students are required to follow the hospital-wide dress code as well as departmental
standards for correct uniform. All dress code standards are to be observed by students during their
regularly scheduled work times and during all returns to the hospital for any work related reasons.
• Appearance should convey an image of competence and seriousness of purpose that inspires
confidence in our patients, visitors, and fellow staff members.
• Clothing should be clean and in good repair. Radical departure from normal business attire is
NOT permitted.
• Personal hygiene should be maintained. Fingernails should be kept clean and trimmed.
Mustaches/beards and side burns should be neatly trimmed.
• The use of jewelry should not be excessive and should not unreasonably draw attention to the
wearer. Jewelry that would pose a safety issue to the wearer or others is not permitted.
Shoes should be appropriate to the work being performed and should be non-noise producing
in patient areas.
Socks or hosiery must be worn at all times.
All tattoos shall be free of emblems, slogans, or symbols that depict alcohol, illicit substances
or paraphernalia, gang-related, intolerant beliefs, nudity, sex, obscene language, gambling, or
antisocial comments/graphics, or must be covered on duty.
The following attire is NOT acceptable: jeans; sweat pants or sweat shirts; T-Shirts without
collars; tight, shear or revealing clothing; flip flops; beach sandals.
ID Badge will be given to you by your clinical instructor or department.
ID badge must be worn at eye level, just below the shoulder with the name clearly displayed.
ID badges are the property of MU Health Care and are not to be defaced or abused. No items
are to be affixed or attached to the badge either temporarily or permanently.
Badges must be RETURNED when your rotation is completed with University of Missouri
Health Care.
Cafeterias: Students receive a 10% discount when name tag is displayed.
University Hospital
The Grille Downstairs
University of Missouri Women’s and Children’s Hospital
404 Diner
Ellis Fischel Cancer Center
Archway Cafe
Room Service
Monday – Friday 0600-1400
Seven days a week 0630-2000
Seven days a week 0630-1830
Sunday-Thursday Midnight – 0200
Monday – Friday
Patients and their visitors ONLY
Vending machines are located in a variety of areas at each facility. Soda machines are located on
each floor of the hospitals.
The use of tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, pipes and smokeless tobacco) is prohibited at all
times including breaks and meal times, within all MU Health Care properties, including parking
lots, and employees’ personal vehicles parked on MU Health Care premises. Students should not
loiter around neighboring homes or building or discard tobacco products in such a way that
negatively reflects on the organization. Violation of this policy by any student could lead to denial
of clinical privileges at any MU Health Care facility.
Patient Emergencies
Become familiar with MUHC procedures on how to deal with patient emergencies. Ask your
instructor to review these procedures. Make sure you learn how to activate the code blue button in
case a patient is non-responsive, not breathing and without a pulse.
Infection Control
As a health care provider you are at risk of exposure to communicable diseases. Please review the
below information to assist with protection of self and patients from infection and the spread of
Hand Hygiene is the single most important thing a healthcare provider can do to prevent the
spread of infections. Hand hygiene compliance is monitored at MU Health Systems.
Everyone who has contact with our patients is expected to perform good hand hygiene.
Contact Transmission is the most common way germs spread from person to person in a
hospital. Some pathogens may also spread via the airborne (through the air) route. To
decrease transmission of infection you should:
• Avoid contact with any moist body substances.
• Wear personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, gowns and mask whenever
there is a reasonable chance of coming into contact with moist body substances.
Proper hand washing technique includes these steps:
• Use a sink with warm running water, soap, and paper towels;
• Push sleeves up above wrists;
• Apply soap to the hands and wash the hands vigorously using plenty of lather and friction
for 10 or more seconds; interlace fingers and rub palms and then back of hands in a
circular motion; clean between fingers and vigorously clean the fingertips and nail beds;
• Rinse hands and wrists thoroughly, keeping hands down and elbows up.
• Dry hands thoroughly from the fingers down to the forearms and wrists with a paper
• If available, use a clean paper towel to turn off water.
Hands should be washed:
• Before and after patient contact
• When going from dirty to clean
• Immediately after soiled with moist body substances
• Before and after eating
• After using the restroom
Proper use of Hand Sanitizer:
• Apply a small amount to palm of one hand
• Rub hands together covering all surfaces until totally dry
• NOT to be used if hands are soiled with moist body substances
• Fingernails shall be clean and trimmed
• Artificial nails, nail art or nail piercings are NOT to be worn by students or any
healthcare worker who has patient contact.
Speak Up Campaign:
It is okay to remind a fellow nursing student to use hand hygiene
Respiratory Etiquette:
• It is proper to sneeze into your covered sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
• If one has a clean tissue available it is appropriate to sneeze or cough into the tissue,
dispose of the tissue, immediately wash hands.
Hospital Lotions:
MU Health Systems provide hand lotions to healthcare workers who have direct contact with
patients. No one is to bring hand lotions from home for personal use. They may have
properties that can break down gloves. Lotions from home may interfere with chlorhexidine
skin prep. These lotions lack properties to prevent bacterial growth in the lotion.
When additional protective measures are required:
The patient’s room will be marked with a caution sign. The special instructions indicated
with a ; on the card are to be followed each time anyone enters the room. Hands are to be
washed or sanitized after removal of protective apparel. When there is a red stop sign on the
door, a mask should be worn to enter the room.
Sharps Handling and Disposal:
All sharps must be disposed of in a closable, puncture-resistant container that is red or labeled
with a biohazard symbol. It must be leak-proof on the sides and bottom. If you discover a
sharps container ¾ full, it must be replaced so it is not overfilled. Please notify housekeeping
to change the container.
Visitors are defined as family members, friends and religious advisors whom the patients elect to
receive. In general, visiting hours are 9:00am to 9:00pm. Some exceptions apply to general
pediatrics, PICU and the Adult ICUs. Please check with your specific unit to ensure you
understand any specific visitation hours. Only two visitors are permitted at the bedside at one
time. Children under 13 will be allowed to visit with permission of the patient’s nurse and must
be accompanied by an adult at all time.
Since you will not be assigned a secure place for valuables during your clinical practice, we
suggest you leave valuables at home. The hospitals cannot assume responsibility for any personal
Personal phone calls are not allowed during clinical hours. Emergency phone calls can be
received at the nurses’ station only in emergency situations. Text messaging and other cellular
phone usage is prohibited.
• An incident/occurrence is defined as any happening that is not consistent with the routine care
of a particular patient or an event that is not consistent with the normal operations of a
particular organization. Students should demonstrate a willingness to report all events
including those that involve medication errors, falls, and equipment failures as well as visitor
• When a student is involved in an event that either did or potentially could have resulted in
injury or loss, the student needs to report to his/her clinical instructor. When the clinical
instructor is not available report to the charge nurse or house manager. When there is need of
assistance, the student will be sent to the Emergency Center.
Emergency Code Checklist
Code Red: Fire-Immediate response to fire using RACE technique.
Rescue all individuals (people in charge should account for all department personnel).
Alarm-use the pull box. Call your Emergency Response number: Repeat twice Code Red, room
number and department. Stay on the line until instructed to hang up.
Confine the fire by shutting doors and window.
Extinguish the fire if: it is small and contained, you know how to use the extinguisher, and your
escape route remains protected. Do not endanger yourself or others.
Code Yellow: Severe Weather Warning (Tornado, Severe Thunderstorm)
1. Close all doors, windows, blinds and curtains
2. Turn off unnecessary electrical equipment (leave lights on)
3. In business occupancies only, evacuate patents, visitors, and staff to interior corridors or safe
areas if possible.
4. In hospital occupancies, keep patients in room and pull cubicle curtains.
5. Wait for further instructions or announcements
Code Blue: Individual without pulse or respiration.
Code Blue (Adults)
1. Use patient call light when possible to alert staff or call out ‘Code Blue’
2. Note time and stay with the victim
3. Initiate CPR if certified.
4. Call your Emergency Response number: Repeat twice Code Blue, room number and
department. Stay on the line until instructed to hang up.
Peds Stat (Children Under 15)
1. Use patient call light when possible to alert staff or call out ‘Peds Stat’
2. Note time and stay with the victim
3. Initiate CPR if certified.
4. Call your Emergency Response Number: Repeat twice Peds Stat, room number and
department. Stay on line until instructed to hang up
Emergency Response Numbers:
University Hospital
MU Psychiatry Center
Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Ellis Fischel
Code Purple: Combative Person
Code Green: Bomb Threat
Code Gray: Hostage Situation
Code Pink: Abduction
Code White: Chemical Spill
Code Orange: Radiation Incident
Code Silver: Mass Casualty
Code Teal: Emergent Unexpected Delivery (Birth)
Code Black: Violent Intruder
Condition E: Patient and/or staff are at imminent risk of being harmed (MUPC)
Medication Administration and Documentation (Nursing students)
• Nursing students are NOT allowed to remove medications from Pyxis.
• Nursing students can administer medication under the direct supervision of their clinical
faculty or supervising nurse, but documentation on eMAR must be done by the clinical
faculty or supervising nurse.
• Senior Practicum Students can administer medications under the direct supervision of their
preceptor, but documentation is done by the preceptor.
• Do not open a patient’s chart unless you are caring for that patient.
• When you open a patient chart your name is stamped on the chart with the date and time
you entered the patient’s chart.
• The Compliance Office audits charts to find out who is entering them and whether it is
appropriate access.
Opening a Patient Chart
• Open your patient’s chart from the location list. This is a best practice to ensure that you
are documenting on the correct patient and the correct visit.
• Always double check the patient banner bar to make sure you have the correct patient
(e.g. name, age, sex, etc.) and the correct visit (e.g. inpatient and date of admission)
• If your patient is discharged and you use the Patient Search feature to find them, always
select the correct patient in the top panel and always select the correct encounter or visit
from the bottom panel. If you don’t select the correct visit your documentation can go on
the wrong visit.
• Remember: Your documentation is a permanent part of the patient’s medical record and
the patient’s care. It is important for the information to be charted accurately and in a
timely manner. Other clinicians (e.g. physician and nurses, etc.) are relying on your
accurate and timely documentation.
• Follow the lead of your clinical instructor. Documentation expectations will be different
depending on the unit.
• If you don’t know something, ASK. Your clinical instructor or one of the staff nurses are
your best resources. This will help you avoid documentation mistakes.
• Yellow boxes are required fields. Make sure you answer correctly on all documentation
but pay close attention to required documentation. For example, there is a question on I
View about whether the patient is on PD. PD means Peritoneal Dialysis. If you answer
“yes” to this question, it triggers a whole chain of events to happen for the Pharmacy and
• Always look at the date and time field first on your Powerform and change them as
needed. This is very easy to overlook. It is important to document the correct date and
time the event occurred (e.g. when you did the head to toe exam).
• If you are using I View always create an accurate date and time column for your
• Always open a new Powerform from Ad hoc charting if you are documenting a new
event that took place at a new time. Only modify a Powerform if you need to change
something or you did not get finished documenting at that point in time.
Closing the Patient’s Chart
• Make sure to close the patient’s chart first and then either select Change User or Exit
PowerChart when you walk away from the computer. This simple act will prevent
someone from accidentally charting under your name and protects patient
confidentiality. If you forget to close the patient’s chart and you select Change User, the
next person to log on will be asked to “Assign a Relationship” with the patient you had
open. If this happens to you, then you need to click Cancel. If you click Cancel on the
Assign a Relationship window, it will allow PowerChart to open but will not stamp your
name on the patient’s chart. It will just open to your organizer instead.
In order to ensure patient safety, MU Health System had developed a list of approved medical
abbreviations. Only hospital-approved abbreviations are allowed in any documentation. If you are
not sure, check the approved list, which can be accessed online at:
Patient Identification Bands
• All hospital inpatients will be identified by means of a plastic band containing the patient’s
full name, medical record number, visit number (VN), date of birth and physician.
• Before placing the identification band on a patient, staff will ask the patient their name, date
of birth, and compare the answer with the medical record.
• If the patient is unable to comprehend or respond to the question, a responsible party with the
patient may identify the patient.
• If no responsible party is present, the process used in Emergency Department for registration
of unknown persons will be used.
• Should it become necessary to remove the identification band from the original site, the
person removing the band will be responsible for immediately replacing the band, or
relocating it as necessary.
• If unable to place the band on an extremity, the bands may be placed on the urinary catheter.
• The following colors will be used to indicate the following identifiers or alerts
♦ Red—Allergies
ƒ All patients will have an allergy band
ƒ The allergy band will have one of the following indications
o No Known Allergies
o A hand written list of known allergies
♦ Yellow—Falls Risk
♦ Purple—Do Not Attempt Resuscitation
♦ Blue—Limitations of Treatment
♦ Pink—Limb Alert
ƒ This band it to be placed on the extremity that is not to be used for blood draws,
blood pressures, other indications.
XVIII. Two patient Identifiers
All patients receiving any test, special procedures, or medications must first be identified properly.
The two identifiers used throughout the MU Heath Care System are:
1. Patient Name
2. Patient Date of Birth
Ideally the patient will be able to state his or her Name and Date of Birth, which must match
that of the patient’s arm band.
Infant Patients Basic information :
• The Family Birthing center is a locked unit with swipe access given only to approved
• Electronic tags are placed on each infant in the Well Baby Nursery that locks down the doors
and elevators if the infant gets too close,
• Infants may be given over to the mother or father only after the nurse has checked both the
baby and the mother’s / father’s ID bands to ensure they match.
• When infants are removed from the mother’s room, the infant must be in its crib.
• Babies with the same last names will have a name alert on their crib.
Time Out Verifications (All Students assisting with invasive procedures)
At MUHC we stop and have a TIME OUT to create a safe patient environment through effective,
active communication and teamwork for:
¾ All Patients
¾ All Procedures
¾ All Disciplines
¾ All of the Time
Time Out Policy: Defined
“A brief pause immediately prior to starting a procedure during which key components
(correct patient, correct site, correct procedure, correct position, and availability of
implant/equipment, pathology, specimens, antibiotic) are verified using active
communication. The time out must be documented.”
• University Hospital
1. Security and Parking Services assigns parking to CG1. All students who park their
vehicle on University hospital property must have a parking permit. (MU students must
park in their assigned parking lots or CG1. MU students that have questions regarding
parking, please call Hospital Security.)
2. Students are assigned a temporary parking permit which can be purchased from Security
in rooms N-121 and N-122, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Security will need the vehicle
information (license plate, vehicle make and color). The temporary tags are 1 day=$4.00,
1 week=$12.00 or monthly=$21.00.
3. The permit is valid only in the location indicated. The permit is not valid for family
members of the employee. To be valid the hanging must be clearly visible and hanging
from the rearview mirror of the vehicle with the appropriate lot sticker facing the front of
the vehicle. The permit may be displayed horizontally or vertically.
4. Violations of parking regulations could result in towing of the noncompliant vehicle. The
cost of the towing will be the responsibility of the student.
• University of Missouri Women’s and Children’s Hospital
1. Parking at University of Missouri Women’s and Children’s Hospital is limited. All
students are expected to car pool. Please contact security at 875-9653 to secure a hangtag.
Security will need the vehicle information (license plate, vehicle make and color).
2. The temporary tags are 1 day=$4.00, 1 week=$12.00 or monthly=$21.00. (Concerning
MU Students) If Students already have campus student hangtags please inform them that
their hangtag will be honored on all WCH Parking Lots. CR-E1, CR-E2, CR-E3. Those
lots are located at the corner of Lansing and Portland.
3. Students should NOT park in any special parking areas, such as Doctors Parking,
Visitors, or parking Lots CRV-1 and CRV-2.
Students should immediately report to Security Office:
Any harassment, theft, vandalism, or suspicious activity, no matter how small the incident
may seem. Security provides escorts upon request. Escort request by contacting UH security
at 882-7141, and WCH at 875-9653.
Parking Map for University Hospital
Parking Map for Women’s and Children’s Hospital
I have received, read, and agree to comply with the MUHC Student Orientation Manual
while I am a student within the University of Missouri Health Care System.
Student Name (Print) ____________________________________________
Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________