St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children 2013 Annual Report 1|Page Introduction Founded in 1875 as a charitable ambulatory pediatric clinic, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children is one of the oldest full-service hospitals in the country dedicated to the care of children. Although it has grown to be a 189-bed, free-standing academic children’s specialty hospital that provides the full spectrum from primary to quaternary care, it has never wavered from its commitment to make sure that all children be provided access to the best possible care. It is a home for many important firsts. Two examples – the first hospital in the region (in 1886) to offer neonatal intensive care and the first hospital in the country (in 1940) to establish a child life/play therapy program in a children’s medical center – illustrate how St. Chris manages to be a leader in tertiary and quaternary care while always maintaining a true focus on compassionate and child- and family-centered care. Today St. Chris stands out amongst pediatric hospitals in that it offers care that is of the highest quality while being cost conscious – a true value provider. St. Chris has a long-standing and highly respected history as an academic children’s hospital and is the primary teaching faculty for Drexel University College of Medicine, which with over 1,000 enrolled medical students is one of the largest of any private medical school in the country. The hospital is also affiliated with Temple University School of Medicine, Einstein Medical Center, and a number of other hospitals and medical programs, thereby providing training to a large number and wide range of pediatric and pediatric surgical trainees. The St. Chris campus is currently undergoing significant physical transformation and expansion – not to reinvent itself, but rather to enhance its current capabilities. Construction has begun on the project, which includes a $110 million critical care tower and the new Center for the Urban Child – representing again the dual commitment to provide innovative and state-of-the-art pediatric services while staying true to the historic St. Chris mission to serve the unique needs of its local community. The Center for the Urban Child is anticipated to open in late 2014, and the critical care tower in late 2015. 2|Page St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children is often referred to as a ―hidden gem.‖ We are happy to share with you this first annual report that highlights some of our accomplishments for calendar year 2013. Whether you are a pediatric or pediatric surgical faculty member or trainee considering joining the growing St. Chris family, or a pediatric healthcare provider, community leader or family member in our community wanting to know more about what St. Chris has to offer you, your patients, or members of the community, we hope that you will find this information to be of assistance. For further information, we invite you to visit Best wishes, Carolyn Jackson CEO 3|Page David J Schonfeld, MD Pediatrician-in-Chief Marshall Schwartz, MD Surgeon-in-Chief Anesthesiology Department Director: Roy Schwartz, MD Email Address: The pediatric anesthesiologists at St. Christopher’s combine their unique skills, judgment and compassion to meet the physical and emotional needs of children. Anesthesia is routinely administered for neonatal and pediatric surgeries including open- and closed-heart procedures, major burns, spinal fusion, direct laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy, intracranial procedures and renal transplantation. As the Department of Anesthesia staff members help prepare and protect delicate infants and children undergoing surgical and diagnostic procedures, they also devote their attention and skills to comforting both patients and family members. Section Faculty John Archer, MD Colette Bellwoar, DO Lisa Fazi-Diedrich, MD Christina LaMonica, MD Heather McClung, MD Emily Quiros, MD Mala Rastogi, DO Roy Schwartz, MD, Department Director Yuri Shevchenko, MD Harvey Stern, MD Veronica Swanson, MD Pravin Taneja, MD Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) Jennifer Babia-Espiritu Dawn Bent Kelly Crowley Joseph Dlugosz Lorraine Donatelli Sherell Everett Michael Ford Robert Grasso Mora Hazlett-O’Neill Phyllis Patane Donald Rank, Chief CRNA Catherine Rowand Mary Katherine Tolbert Alexis Yanoff Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5220 4|Page Cardiology Section Chief: Shuping Ge, MD Email Address: The Section of Cardiology provides tertiary cardiovascular care to fetuses, children, and adults with congenital heart diseases. Outpatient clinics are located in the main hospital campus and 5 convenient satellite locations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We also provide pediatric ECG, echocardiography and/or consultations to 10 regional medical centers (Hahnemann University Hospital, Temple University Hospital, Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, Einstein Medical Center Montgomery, St. Mary Medical Center, Aria Health, Capital Health Regional Medical Center, Capital Health Medical Center Hopewell, Abington Memorial Hospital, and the Reading Hospital Medical Center). In 2013, we expanded our pediatric and fetal cardiology out-patient and inpatient services to 2 other tertiary care centers in this region: Children's Regional Hospital - Cooper Health System, and Deborah Heart and Lung Center in New Jersey. Our services include outpatient, inpatient, Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), and subspecialty services, including noninvasive cardiology (echocardiography, CT, and cardiac MRI), interventional diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology and pacing, cardiomyopathy and heart failure treatment, cardiovascular genetics, and preventive cardiology. Our rapidly growing fetal cardiology program at the main hospital campus and 3 other locations in Pennsylvania and New Jersey (Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, Capital Health Medical Center Hopewell, and Cooper Health System) allows us to work with regional maternal fetal medicine specialists to diagnosis, monitor, and manage cardiac defect, heart failure, and arrhythmias before, during, and after delivery using an integrated multidisciplinary approach. At the other end of the spectrum, we work closely with adult facilities to care for patients with congenital and acquired heart disease as they grow into adulthood. Our innovative programs include real-time 3D echocardiography, 3D angiography, and hybrid interventional procedures to achieve less invasive and more effective treatment of complex congenital heart diseases in collaboration with Cardiothoracic Surgery, Critical Care Medicine and Cardiovascular Anesthesiology. Our areas of focus in research and innovation are: novel cardiovascular imaging technologies; ultrasoundmediated gene delivery to treat myocardial diseases; micro-RNA AAV gene delivery to treat hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; and randomized clinical trials and clinical outcome studies in congenital and acquired heart diseases in children. These efforts have led to 4 research grants, 15 peer-reviewed manuscripts, and many regional, national and international presentations. 5|Page Cardiology Faculty Members Rula Balluz, MD Rose Cummings, DO Cara Garofalo, MD Marjorie Gayanilo, MD Shuping Ge, MD, Chief Janaki Gokhale, MD Nandini Madan, MD C. Igor Mesia, MD, Interim Clinical Director John Murphy, MD Anna O'Riordan, MD Lindsay Rogers, MD Jie Sun, MD Amir Toib, MD Sharon Weil-Chalker, MD Fred H Weiss, MD Cardiology Nurse Practitioner Jamie Ganley Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-4820 6|Page Cardiothoracic Surgery and the Heart Center for Children Section Chief and Executive Director of the Heart Center: Achintya Moulick, MD Email Address: The Section of Cardiothoracic Surgery works closely with the Section of Cardiology to provide comprehensive care for neonates, infants, children and adolescents with congenital and acquired heart disease. Evaluation of pediatric patients with heart problems is provided at the Heart Center for Children and at a network of specialty care centers. Surgical correction of pediatric cardiovascular abnormalities and complex cardiovascular malformations of newborns and young infants is provided by an expert surgical team. A multidisciplinary approach involving cardiothoracic surgeons, cardiologists, nurse practitioners, critical care physicians, anesthesiologists, nurses and social workers helps to meet the needs of patients and their families. Patients are treated for a broad spectrum of cardiac diseases including: complex heart malformations such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome, transposition of the great arteries, or interrupted aortic arch in neonates; single ventricle anomalies; complex forms of tetralogy of Fallot and atrioventricular canal defects; valvular heart disease needing either valve repair or replacement (when possible, using only the patient’s own tissue); heart rhythm disorders requiring pacemakers, implantable defibrillators or surgical treatment; and lung disorders related to congenital heart disease. Collaboration with interventional cardiologists in the Heart Center for Children allows many children with congenital heart anomalies to be treated without surgery, or with less surgery than would otherwise be necessary. Our team of cardiologists and surgeons perform a combination of traditional surgery and interventional techniques as ―hybrid‖ approaches for the treatment of complex pulmonary artery reconstruction, closure of multiple ventricular septal defects and the palliation of hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Minimally invasive surgical techniques are performed, with the emphasis on patient safety. Patient safety is a primary focus of the Heart Center. For example, in 2013, an initiative to track days of pacemaker wire implantation after cardiac surgery and to employ an eluting bio patch successfully eliminated all pacemaker wire infections. Similarly, the use of silver impregnated dressing in all cardiac patients to decrease risk of post-operative mediastinal infections reduced infections from an already low rate to none in 2013. Cardiothoracic Surgery Section Members Vicki Mahan, MD Achintya Moulick, MD, Chief Randy Stevens, MD Heart Center Includes specialized faculty and staff of Critical Care, Cardiology, and Anesthesia in addition to the Faculty and Staff of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Section. Contact information For more information call (215) 427-4820 7|Page Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Director: Nadine Schwartz, MD Email Address: The consultation psychiatry service is available for medically hospitalized patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week and currently completes approximately 1000 new consults per year. The neuropsychologists and psychologist provide diagnostic and evaluative testing and/or supportive services within some of the specialty clinics and programs at the hospital, including the Neurosurgery and Cleft Palate Repair Clinic, Hematology and Sickle Cell Clinic, Oncology, Pediatric HIV, and the Grow clinic. In addition, outpatient psychiatric services are provided within the Dorothy Mann Center for Pediatric HIV. Dr. Schwartz is also the Associate Director and clinical supervisor of the Healing Hurt People program, which is a community-focused, hospital-based program staffed by a Social Worker and a Community Intervention Specialist and is designed to reduce re-injury, retaliation, and longstanding emotional disruption (PTSD and other stress symptoms) among individuals who have been victims of intentional violence outside of their home environment. The section provides trainee education on a variety of levels: a required clerkship experience for 3 rd year medical students, electives for 4th year medical students and Pediatric residents, and required training for both General Psychiatry residents and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry fellows. Medical trainee education is of particular interest, and accomplishments include the development and provision of an annual 10 hour lecture series for the Pediatric residents on Diagnosis and Management of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric disorders in the pediatric primary care setting. Scholarly activity includes research in the areas of child neglect and effects of prenatal cocaine and tobacco exposure as well as collaborative work with the sections of Neurology, Hematology, and the Dorothy Mann Center on neuropsychological outcomes in Pediatric Stroke, Sleep Disordered Breathing, Phenylketoneuria, Sickle Cell disease, and Pediatric HIV. Section Members David Bennett, PhD Mitzie Grant, PhD Randy Inkles, MD Nadine Schwartz, MD, Director and Associate Director, Healing Hurt People Reem Tarazi, PhD Rich Baccare, MSS, LSW Rachel Compton, MSW, LSW Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5177 8|Page Critical Care Section Chief: Shonola Da-Silva, MD Email Address: The section of critical care medicine is staffed by critical care fellowship-trained physicians, critical care certified nurse practitioners (CRNP) and fellows providing clinical care for patients in a 33-bed, 3 unit multidisciplinary intensive care hospital floor. The units include a cardiac care unit (CCU), intensive care unit (ICU), and a special care/burn unit (SCU). Section members are active in clinical and educational research projects. Representative research projects include: a prospective randomized observational study of the influence of the site of injection of propofol on the pain experienced by children undergoing sedation in the MRI suite; and participation as a site in the national IPASS project to explore transition of care among healthcare providers in training in a way that optimizes patient safety. Education and training is a major emphasis for the section. The section currently has residents from 5 surrounding hospital systems being trained in the units: Albert Einstein Hospital, Temple University Hospital, and Aria Health Systems in PA and Cooper Health Systems and Kennedy Health Systems in NJ. Section Members Sharon Calaman, MD, Associate Residency Director, Pediatric Residency Program Arun Chopra, MD, Director of the ECMO Program and Palliative Care Program Shonola S Da-Silva, MD, MBA, Section Chief and Director, Critical Care Fellowship Program Mindy Dickerman, MD, Director of the Painless Pediatric Procedure and Sedation Program Monika Gupta, MD Ajit Mammen, MD, Director of the Hospital Rapid Response program Renata Ostrowicki, MD, Associate Director, Pediatric Fellowship Program 9|Page Jason Parker, DO Christine Schlichting, MD Paul Shea, MD Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners (CRNP) MJ Depiero Judy Anella Kurt Freer Rhonda Hough Rachelle Jones Brieann Mellar Kelly Seta Fellows Judith Ben-Ari Lazcano, MD Ramin Nazari, MD Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-8818 10 | P a g e Dental Medicine Department Director: Michael Suchar, DDS Email Address: St. Christopher’s Department of Dental Medicine is staffed by pediatric dentists, periodontists and oral maxillofacial surgeons who treat infants, children and teens, including those with special needs. Our comprehensive pediatric dental services include preventive and restorative dental care, patient education, oral maxillofacial surgery and periodontics for children and adolescents. Through conscious sedation and special operating room facilities, we are equipped to treat patients with special needs, behavioral issues and medical problems that affect dental care. We work closely with medical specialists to address the dental needs of patients with complex medical backgrounds, including but not limited to cardiac, renal, cancer, bleeding disorders, sickle cell disease, mental or physical challenges, and children with craniofacial anomalies may also be treated by one of our pediatric dentists. Currently, the Department provides 16,000 patients visits annually. The Department of Dental Medicine provides resident education to dentists who are seeking specialization in Pediatric Dentistry. The Department also provides pediatric training opportunities for the Drexel University College of Medicine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program Section Members Michael Bianchi, DDS** Section Chief, Oral Maxillo-Facial Surgery Augustine J. Chialastri, DDS, Pediatric Dentist Susan Chialastri, DMD, Periodontist David Metroka, DDS*, Pediatric Dentist Kristy Slachta, DMD*, Pediatric Dentist Michael J Suchar, DDS* Clinical Director * Board Certified by American Board of Pediatric Dentistry ** Board Certified by American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and American Dental Board of Anesthesiology Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5065 11 | P a g e Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Section Chief: Maureen Fee, MD Email Address: The Section of Developmental Pediatrics provides initial and follow-up diagnostic assessments for developmental disorders including, but not limited to, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, ADHD, spina bifida, cerebral palsy and developmental language disorder. Assessments are provided at the main hospital location in addition to satellite locations in Abington, PA and Yardley, PA. The Section also provides a neurodevelopmental pediatrician to the Autism Evaluation Program at Bethanna Services in Southampton, PA as part of a multidisciplinary assessment team. Multidisciplinary developmental assessments are provided for premature infants who were patients in the NICU at Hahnemann University Hospital, Temple University Hospital and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, with services recently expanded to include evaluations in the Sequential Neonatal Assessment Program to those children from St. Luke’s Hospital in Bethlehem, PA. The section initiated cognitive and vocational assessments on older adolescents within the spina bifida program in order to facilitate transition of care into the adult arena and workforce. Section Members Physician Staff Thomas J Casey, MD Maureen A Fee, MD, JD, Chief Beth Parrish, MD Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners (CRNP) Elizabeth Dieckman, DNP, CRNP, FNP-BC Siobhan Kerr, CRNP, PNP-BC Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-8448 12 | P a g e Emergency Medicine Interim Section Chief: Evan Weiner, MD Email Address: The Department of Emergency Medicine is a Level I Trauma Center and provides comprehensive care during medical or trauma-related emergencies to more than 70,000 children and adolescents each year. The faculty also provide staffing to the Temple University Pediatric ED, Jenkintown Urgent Care Center, the new Allentown Urgent Care Center, and Emergency Departments managed by our new partner, TeamHealth, including the Pediatric ED at Pocono Medical Center. The department is leading St. Christopher’s development of a Telemedicine program designed to bring enhanced pediatric clinical consultative services to hospitals with limited pediatric services. It continues to support the Healing Hurt People program, a violence-intervention program which provides trauma-related services to victims of interpersonal violence and is an active partner in the hospital’s rapid HIV testing program, having recently instituted a 60-second beside point-of-care test to provide routine HIV screening to ED patients. In addition to these projects, the department has an active Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Program, Simulation Program, Child Maltreatment Program, and engages in clinical research in a number of areas, including projects focused on the unique epidemiologic perspective of our trauma patient population. Section Members Terry Adirim, MD, MPH Sandra Benanti, DO, FAAP Richard Aarron Brodsky, MD, Director of Telemedicine Ena Cade, MD Carmela Calvo, MD Lauren Carr, DO 13 | P a g e Danielle Casher, MD Laura Donaldson, DO, FAAP, SCHC Urgent Care Director Nicolas Erbrich, MD, FAAP, Director of Disaster Medicine Beth Etra, MD Dalit Eyal, DO, Director of Critical Care Transport Team Lara Ferri, MD Stacey Garfield Fox, MD, FAAP Tyler Greenfield, DO Christopher Haines, DO, MBA, Outgoing Section Chief Julie Hayes, MD Daniel Isaacman, MD Marie Kaifer-Zajdowicz, MD, Jenkintown Urgent Care Center Director Zach Kassutto, MD, FAAP Jamie Katz, DO Ioannis Koutroulis, MD Joseph Levinsky, MD Mana Mann, MD, MPH Raquel Mora, MD Gina Murray, MD, Allentown Urgent Care Director Pramath Nath, MD, Medical Director, Temple University Hospital Pediatric Emergency Dept. Freyda Neyman, MD, FAAP Anna Pak, MD Elizabeth Robinson, MD Kim Rutherford, MD Lisa Rynn, MD John Saludades, MD Sabina Singh, MD Elizabeth Thomas, MD Evan Weiner, MD, Interim Section Chief and Fellowship Director Junior Faculty/Senior Fellows: Michael Gillman, MD Swathi Eyyunni, DO Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5369 14 | P a g e Endocrinology Section Chief: Francesco De Luca, MD Email Address: Faculty and staff in the Section of Endocrinology provide diagnostic and therapeutic services for children and adolescents with a range of conditions, including: thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary diseases; disorders of growth and pubertal development; diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, and the metabolic syndrome; and disorders of mineral metabolism. The Center for Diabetes was recognized by the American Diabetes Association and provides a multidisciplinary approach, involving physicians, nurses, certified diabetes educators, social workers and nutritionists, to provide medical care, education and support to our patients and their caregivers. The section established a Center for the Metabolic Syndrome and the Thyroid Tumor Board at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and participates in the newly-developed St. Christopher’s Neuro-Oncology Program. In addition, the section has an established Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship Program and our faculty is involved in a variety of basic science and clinical research projects. Section Members Anita Azam, MD Robert Danish, MD Francesco De Luca, MD, Chief Kimberly Fuld, DO Rita Ann Kubicky MD Iraj Rezvani, MD Elizabeth Suarez, MD 15 | P a g e Clinical Staff Maryanne Cullen, RN Maureen Dever, CNP, CDE Lynda Henley, RD, CDE Barbara Morrison, RN, CDE Matthew Naliborski, RD Regina Taddeo, RD, CDE Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-8101 16 | P a g e Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Section Chief: Harpreet Pall, MD Email Address: The Section is active clinically, with a busy outpatient clinic (over 7,000 visits per year), in the Endoscopy Suite (approximately 1,200 procedures per year), and oversees an expanding inpatient service. The full spectrum of diagnostic and interventional procedures is performed, including percutaneous gastrostomy, capsule endoscopy, pH-impedance testing, and Bravo wireless pH recording. Newly developed subspecialty programs include: the Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease with a multidisciplinary team to provide expert diagnosis and state of the art medical and surgical interventions; Intestinal Rehabilitation Program providing inpatient and outpatient care for children with short bowel syndrome in partnership with Surgery colleagues; and the GI Motility Program which has the ability to perform manometry in the newly opened GI Motility Suite. There is close collaboration with the Departments of Surgery, Radiology, and Pathology. Recent research highlights include clinical trials in short gut syndrome and refractory constipation, and the evaluation of patient education prototypes in colonoscopy bowel preparation. There is also ongoing involvement in multicenter pancreatitis research. The section offers a robust education elective hosting students, residents, and adult GI fellows. Patient education and community advocacy is of great interest, and accomplishments include the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Family Education Symposium, Celiac Support Group, medical directorship of a camp for children with IBD, and recognition as the top hospital fundraising team for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America annual walk. Section Members Stephanie Appleman, MD David Blanco, MD Kathy Chen, MD Kevin Kelly, MD Harpreet Pall, MD, Section Chief 17 | P a g e Vesta Salehi, MD Philip Stein, MD Lorileen Bautista, MSN, CRNP Laura W Forrest, MSN, CRNP Colleen Vicente, RD Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-6781 18 | P a g e General Pediatrics Section Chief: Lee Pachter, DO Email Address: Lee. The Section of General Pediatrics includes board-certified general pediatricians and adolescent medicine specialists, pediatric nurse practitioners, social workers, and care-coordinators housed in three Divisions: Primary Care, Adolescent Medicine, and Special Programs. The Division of Primary Care/Center for Child and Adolescent Health provides care for over 27,000 children from birth to 21 years of age, mostly from the eastern North Philadelphia area surrounding the hospital. It is the main site of primary care training for the St. Christopher’s Pediatric Residency Program. The Division of Adolescent Medicine provides primary care and specialty services to adolescents between the ages of 13 and 21, and also is home to the Family Planning clinic. The Division of Special Programs includes the Center for Children with Special Health Care Needs which provides primary care and care coordination for 2,400 children with complex healthcare needs and their siblings, the Grow Clinic, a center for children with poor growth and failure to thrive, the Child Protection Program which evaluates children who may have been abused and/or neglected, and the Next Steps Program, a co-located and integrated clinic for approximately 300 NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) graduates which provides primary care, neonatal follow-up and subspecialty services in a patient- and family-centered medical home model. General Pediatrics also is home to the PhilaKids Medical Legal Partnership, where attorneys provide onsite free council to families who have legal issues that have impact on their children’s health, and train health care professionals in how to optimally address the social determinants of health. Other innovative clinical programs include the Family Safe Zone (a parenting program which also trains health care workers to non-judgmentally address sub-optimal parent child interactions in the clinic), the CAMP project (which screens and refers families for intimate partner violence counseling), Farms to Families and Fresh Rx (providing discounted weekly produce to families though an on-site community-supported agriculture program), and the Newborn Clinic, which provides rapid access to newborn visits and breastfeeding support. The section is also home to Cap4Kids, an innovative web-based children’s advocacy project where parents and providers have access to relevant up-to-date community resources for their children’s health and well being at Scholarly activity, coordinated through our section’s Director of Research, includes research in the areas of health inequities, psychosocial stressors, parenting, health communication, psychosocial and developmental screening, food insecurity, health services, quality improvement, and resident education innovation. Section faculty have programmatic and research funding from a range of sources, including the US Department of Housing and Urban Development; the US Department of Health and Human Services, PA Department of Public Welfare, and PA Department of Health (through the Family Planning Council); Children’s Trust Fund of Pennsylvania; Pew Charitable Trust; and a number of private foundations. 19 | P a g e Section Members Enitan Adegite, MD, Adolescent Medicine Vineetha Alias, DO, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Bruce Bernstein, PhD, Director of Research Ann Marie Carr, MD, Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Mario Cruz, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Stacy Ellen, DO, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Jeremiah Goldstein, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Keith Herzog, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Shareen Kelly, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Hans Kersten, MD, Grow Clinic and Center for Child and Adolescent Health Leonard Levine, MD, Adolescent Medicine Maria McColgan, MD, Director, Child Protection Program Matthew McDonald, MD, Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Francis X McNesby, MD, Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Katie McPeak, MD, Medical Director, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Lee M. Pachter, DO, Chief Anna Pak, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Nadja Peter, MD, Adolescent Medicine Benjamin Sanders, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Deborah Sandrock, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Leah Scherzer, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Nancy Spector, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Kathryn Stroup, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health and Adolescent Medicine 20 | P a g e Daniel Taylor, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Dana Toib, MD, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Renee Turchi, MD, Medical Director, Special Programs Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners (CRNP) Donna Almeida, CRNP, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Danielle Costello, CRNP, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Dale Drucker, CRNP, Adolescent Medicine Alexandra Ellison, CRNP, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Sarah Eloise, CRNP, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Elizabeth Grund, CRNP, Child Protection / Grow Clinic Jennie Hack, CRNP, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Lisa Joseph, CRNP, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Madelyn Maldonado, CRNP, Adolescent Medicine Heather Palasky, CRNP, Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Antonette Shaw, CRNP, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Lynne Yates, CRNP, Adolescent Medicine Care Coordinators Monica Kondrad, RN, Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Social Services Shannon Kiry, MSW, Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Katherine Sachs, MSW, Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Jodi Schaffer, MSW, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Rachel Schendler, MSW, Child Protection Program / Grow Clinic Giacinta Talarico, MSW, Adolescent Medicine / Center for Child and Adolescent Health Darin Toliver, MSW, Center for Child and Adolescent Health Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5553 21 | P a g e General, Thoracic, and Minimally Invasive Surgery Division Chief and Surgeon-in-Chief: Marshall Schwartz, MD, FRCS-Eng (Hon) Email Address: The Division of Pediatric General, Thoracic and Minimally Invasive Surgery is staffed by board-certified Pediatric Surgeons, as well as Physician Assistants and a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. The members of the Division address the surgical needs of children from extremely premature infants to adolescents up to 21 years of age, with a variety of conditions including: congenital malformations, infections, tumors within the chest and abdomen (including the liver, pancreas, kidney and adrenal glands), and endocrine disorders, as well as hernias, hydroceles, undescended testes, and soft tissue masses. The scope of practice includes neonatal surgery, surgical oncology, non-cardiac thoracic surgery, and pediatric trauma. Our Division also provides head and neck surgery, endocrine surgery, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary surgery, pediatric gynecology, and some general urologic procedures. The practice is at the forefront in the use of minimally invasive surgery techniques, creating shorter hospitalizations, less postoperative pain and minimal incisions. The Division is also involved in clinical and basic science research. Representative specialized programs include: Minimally Invasive Surgery; Multidisciplinary Intestinal Rehabilitation Programs (includes intestinal failure and inflammatory bowel disease); Trauma and Injury Prevention; Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO); and the Regional Fetal Evaluation Center for prenatal counseling. Patients are seen at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children as well as outpatient offices in Bethlehem, PA, Bucks County, PA, Washington Township, NJ, and Hopewell Township, NJ. Section Members L. Grier Arthur, MD, FACS Helena Crowley, MD Mathew Moront, MD, FACS Pajeev Prasad, MD, FACS 22 | P a g e Marshall Schwartz, MD, FRCS-Eng (Hon), Surgeon-in-Chief and Division Chief Shaheen Timmapuri, MD, FACS Hope Delacruz, NP Robert Cohen, PAC Jacquelyn English, PAC Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5446 23 | P a g e Genetics Section Chief: Carol Anderson, MD Email Address: Dr. Anderson provides consultation for both inpatients and outpatients and was joined by Dr. Reena Jethva, who, in addition to evaluating and managing patients with metabolic disorders, expanded the clinical genetics evaluation services. They were assisted by the section’s Genetic Counselor, Sue Moyer, MS, one of the first group of genetic counselors to be licensed in the State of Pennsylvania; she also attends a number of multi-specialty clinics (e.g., PKU, Craniofacial, Hemophilia, Spina Bifda, and Cystic Fibrosis) to provide on-site genetic counseling. Jinglan Liu, PhD, is the Director of the Genetics Laboratory and provides diagnostic support to the section and the medical center. Section Members Carol Anderson, MD Reena Jethva, MD, MBA Sue Moyer, MS, Genetic Counselor Jinglan Liu, PhD, Director of the Genetics Laboratory Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-8413 24 | P a g e Graduate Medical Education Designated Institutional Officer: Alan Zubrow, MD Email: Residency Program Director: Nancy Spector, MD Email: Assistant Residency Program Directors: Sharon Calaman, MD, Blair Dickinson, MD, & Mario Cruz, MD Email:,, & Graduate medical education has been an integral part of St. Christopher's Hospital for Children for more than 60 years. The goal of our training programs—and our highest priority—is to offer a comprehensive, in-depth and personally rewarding educational experience in one of our many pediatric disciplines, preparing trainees to confidently choose careers in academic medicine, private practice, or public health. A cornerstone of our training is the open and frequent interaction between our trainees and our outstanding faculty, with expertise in all areas of pediatric health and disease as well as a strong commitment to education. We strive to maintain an appropriate balance between scientific inquiry and humanistic clinical care in training residents and fellows. In doing so, we give them the tools they need to become competent and compassionate physicians for children and adolescents. We promote personal and professional growth by encouraging residents and fellows to participate in designing and implementing their curriculum. A traditional and valued aspect of our programs is their cohesiveness, apparent in the warm relationships between our faculty and trainees, and in the excellent morale and group spirit of the house staff. The pediatric residency program is well known for providing outstanding residency training. More than half of the graduates enter competitive fellowship programs across the country; last year 80% of the fellows accepted academic positions and 20% entered private practice. Currently the resident compliment includes 28 interns, 26 PL-2 residents and 24 PL-3 residents. In addition to 24 categorical pediatric residents, the first and second-year classes include preliminary and child neurology-bound residents. The residency program includes representation from 44 medical schools; 15% of the residents are underrepresented minorities. The program leadership includes the Program Director (Dr. Nancy Spector), three Associate Program Directors (Drs. Sharon Calaman, Mario Cruz and Blair Dickinson), three Chief Residents and two fulltime Residency Program Coordinators. Dr. Nancy Spector, the Residency Program Director, has served in many leadership roles in the Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) and Academic Pediatric Association (APA). The Program has two coordinators, Grace Haymes and Monica Yayac. The residency program leaders have a national reputation for educational innovation and are engaged in several multi-center educational projects. Since 2010, the residency program leadership has participated in a multi-center educational research and quality improvement project: implementing a Resident Handoff Program to Improve Pediatric Patient Safety – A National Multi-site Collaborative (the I-PASS Study Group). Dr. Spector is one of the study leaders, chairing the Educational Executive Committee and serving as one of the five study leaders on the Coordinating Council. Dr. Calaman is the site principal investigator for SCHC. St. Christopher's Hospital for Children offers pediatric fellowship opportunities in 13 subspecialty areas. St. Christopher’s Hospital is also privileged to help train residents and fellows from other institutions. Presently, we have over 400 trainees visiting us each year in 22 different training programs. Contact information for our training programs is listed below: 25 | P a g e Contact Information Pediatric Anesthesiology Pravin A Taneja, MBBS, MBA, MD Ph: (215) 427-5918; Fax: (215) 427-4339 Elizabeth Edwards Ph: (215) 427-3712 Child Neurology Ignacio Valencia, MD Ph: (215) 427-8975; Fax: (215) 427-4393 Tanya Thomas Ph: (215) 427-8372 Dental Medicine Michael Suchar, DDS Ph: (215) 427-5072; Fax: (215) 427- 8440 Karen Rutledge Ph: (215) 427-8783 Pediatric Pathology Judy Mae Pascasio, MD Ph: (215) 427-5272; Fax: (215) 427-4284 Pediatrics Nancy D Spector, MD Ph: (215) 427-8846; Fax: (215) 427-4805 Grace Haymes Ph: (215) 427-5127 Monica Yayak Ph: (215) 427-5127 26 | P a g e Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Alan B Zubrow, MD Ph: (215) 427-5454; Fax: (215) 427-4805 John Wei Ph: (215) 427-5202 Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Shonola S Da-Silva, MD, MBA Ph: (215) 427-8816; Fax: (215) 427-5525 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Evan J Weiner, MD Ph: (215) 427-6089; Fax: (215) 427-4668 Tonithia Gilliam Ph: (215) 427-5042 Pediatric Endocrinology Francesco De Luca, MD Ph: (215) 427-8100; Fax: (215) 427-8105 Christine Suarez Ph: (215) 427-8100 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Sarah S Long, MD Ph: (215) 427-5204; Fax: (215) 427-8389 Pediatric Pulmonology Mark Dovey, MD Ph: (215) 427-3806; Fax: (215) 427-4621 Latasha Lewis Ph: (215) 427-4318 Pediatric Radiology Jacqueline A Urbine, MD Ph: (215) 427-5281; Fax: (215) 427-4378 Veronica Malinowski Ph: (215) 427-5230 27 | P a g e Pediatric Surgery Rajeev Prasad, MD Ph: (215) 427-5446; Fax: (215) 427-4616 Kimberly Abrams Ph: (215) 427-5446 28 | P a g e Hematology Acting Section Chief: Gregory Halligan, MD Email Address: St. Christopher's is designated by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services as a regional leader in specialty care for newborns and children with hemophilia and hemoglobinopathies in the eastern half of Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey. St. Christopher's also cares for children with other common or rare blood disorders of red blood cells, platelets, clotting factors or white blood cells. The Marian Anderson Comprehensive Sickle Cell Care and Research Center provides children with medical care, psychological and social services. The Center coordinates acute care, routine follow-up care, and treatment; referrals for curative bone marrow transplantation; genetic counseling; patient and family education and counseling; and school and vocational assistance for children of all ages with sickle cell disease. Special programs within the Marian Anderson Center include a Combined Sickle Cell/ Pulmonology Clinic, Chronic Transfusion Program / Aphaeresis Program done in collaboration with the Section of Nephrology, a Comprehensive Hydroxyurea Program, and a range of patient, parent and family educational, supportive, and advocacy services supported in part by the Calvin Bland Endowment. The bleeding disorders program provides care for children with hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, and platelet function disorders. Comprehensive care is provided involving also orthopedists, physical therapists, dentists, social workers, genetic counseling, and home care nursing services. Research with the Section has focused on Sickle Cell Disease (e.g., a study of vasculopathy markers and cognitive dysfunction and a trail of the use of a texting intervention to improve self-management in adolescents) and bleeding disorders (e.g., a clinical trial of pegalated recombinant factor VIII product for patient with severe Hemophilia A). The Section is also collaborating with the Section of Neurology on research as part of the International Pediatric Stroke Consortium. Section Members Nataly Apollonsky, MD Jennifer Eng, MD Deepti Raybagkar, MD, MS Tamar Epstein, CRNP Miriam Gilday, CRNP Virginia Kaufmann, CPNP Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5096 29 | P a g e Hospital Medicine Section Chief: Doug E. Thompson, MD Email Address: The Section of Hospital Medicine incorporates an integrated model with hospitalists representing St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Drexel University College of Medicine, Temple University School of Medicine and Albert Einstein Medical Center. Our mission is to provide the highest quality in patient care, excellence in education, and leadership in pediatric hospital medicine. Patient diagnoses range from general pediatric problems, such as asthma, bronchiolitis and gastroenteritis, to the more complex challenges faced by patients with special health care needs. Care is provided in a family-centered model with collaborative efforts between the physicians, patients, their families, primary care providers, pediatric and surgical subspecialty physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers and other ancillary staff providing coordination of care. The Section is the primary service caring for patients with asthma. In conjunction with the Section of Pulmonology, an asthma clinical practice guideline was developed and implemented. Asthma care at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children achieves extremely high marks on key quality measures established by the Joint Commission – for all four quarters of 2013, compliance with reliever use was 100%, systemic corticosteroid use was 100%, and home management plans were provided consistently to 98-99%. St. Christopher’s is one of twenty hospitals nationally, and the only hospital in Pennsylvania, to be recognized by the Joint Commission as a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures® for children’s asthma care. Hospitalists also serve as the primary faculty for pediatric residents from St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and Albert Einstein Medical Center and medical students from Drexel University College of Medicine and Temple University School of Medicine during their inpatient rotations. The faculty are active nationally, both academically and through leadership, in areas such as education, transitions of care, quality improvement and evidence-based medicine. 30 | P a g e Section Members Thair Abed, MD Mayssa Abuali, MD Lynn Burbank, CRNP Ann Carr, MD David Cooperberg, MD Nickolas Dawlabani, MD Michael Delvecchio, MD Blair Dickinson, MD Hema Guruprasad, MD Kate Heck, CRNP Ishminder Kaur, MD Hans Kersten, MD Nicholas Kuzma, MD Morgan Leafe, MD Matthew McDonald, MD Vahideh Nilforoshan, MD Kristina Pengler, CRNP Kathy Reeves, MD Manisha Sinha, MD Stephanie Skuby, MD Emily Souder, MD E. Douglas Thompson, Jr., Chief Mark Yinger, MD Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-4308 31 | P a g e Immunology Section Chief: Jill Foster, MD Email Address: The Section of Immunology is comprised of clinical, research, and teaching programs predominantly in the areas of Pediatric and Adolescent HIV and Congenital Immunodeficiency. The Dorothy Mann Center (DMC) is the home of HIV-related programs and a pioneer in the provision of one-stop family-centered primary and specialty HIV services. A wide range of medical and psychosocial support services are provided to HIV-exposed infants as well as HIV-positive infants, children, and youth (up to 24 years of age) and their affected family members. In addition, the program provides consultative services for HIVnegative pediatric and adolescent patients with HIV exposures who may require pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (nPEP and PrEP). The DMC is active regionally in providing health provider education and technical assistance, particularly in the areas of delivery of culturally-competent HIV prevention and in establishing HIV testing programs. St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children became the first hospital in the region to adopt CDC recommendations for routine HIV testing for all patients. The Section is part of a national collaborative, funded by the NICHD, to investigate the long-term impact of perinatal HIV on adolescents, as well as several pharmaceutical-sponsored clinical trials. The Congenital Immunodeficiency Program provides ongoing care for a cohort of children diagnosed with non-HIV related congenital immunodeficiency, including chronic granulomatous disease of childhood, Bruton’s Agammaglobulinemia, Job’s Syndrome, and others. In addition, the section has an active program for evaluation of children with suspected congenital immunodeficiency at the main campus, and has recently expanded to provide such services at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Bethlehem, PA. Out-patient management of parenteral antibiotics can be difficult for primary care physicians, so the OutPatient Management of IV Therapies Program provides coordination, consultation, and evaluation of patients discharged on these therapies. 32 | P a g e Section Members: Janet Chen, MD Daniel Conway, MD Jill Foster, MD, FIDSA, Chief Roberta Laguerre-Frederique, MD Neil Rellosa, MD Maria Garcia-Bulkley, PA-C Daisy Rivera, PA-C Contact information: For more information call (215) 427-5284 33 | P a g e Infectious Diseases Section Chief: Sarah Long, MD Email Address: The Section is focused first on making optimal clinical decisions, infused with critical knowledge, and levied carefully one patient at a time. Diagnostic services are offered for outpatients with enigmatic illnesses or unexpectedly frequent, lengthy, or refractory infections. Consultations for inpatients span the spectrum of potential diagnoses from common infections manifest in their most severe forms to complicated and unusual infections in children with compromising conditions or treatments such as for oncologic, cardiothoracic, genetic, transplantation or pulmonary conditions or extremely premature birth. On-site state-of-the-art laboratories offer exceptional consultation and services in microbiology, virology and molecular diagnostics. Faculty are committed additionally to improve care for infections or to prevent infections for larger groups of children through scholarship and policy. Original research conducted by section faculty has contributed substantially to current knowledge of vaccine preventable diseases, healthcare associated infections and infant botulism. Dr. Long is the founding editor and continues to be the chief editor of Principles and Practices of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, with its fifth edition under preparation. She also is an associate editor of The Journal of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatrics Red Book. Dr. Gould is the medical director of the City of Philadelphia’s Pediatric Tuberculosis Clinical Program and is the Hospital Epidemiologist at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. Dr. Vodzak oversees antimicrobial stewardship at St. Christopher’s Hospital as well as the organization’s continuing medical education program for pediatricians. Drs. Chen and Rellosa also deliver care and perform research for HIV-infected children and adolescents through the Section of Immunology. Alan Evangelista, Ph.D. is the Director of the Microbiology, Virology and Molecular Diagnostic Laboratories through the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 34 | P a g e Section Members Janet S Chen, MD Alan T Evangelista, PhD Jane M Gould, MD Sarah S Long, MD, Chief Neil G Rellosa, MD Jennifer Vodzak, MD Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5201 (For HIV-related Faculty, Appointments and Consults please see the Section of Immunology) Faculty Academic Direct Lines: Janet S Chen, MD (215) 427-5980 Jane M Gould, MD (215) 427-5236 Sarah S Long, MD (215) 427-5204 Neil G Rellosa, MD (215) 427-4324 Jennifer Vodzak, MD (215) 427-3843 Infectious Diseases Fellow’s office (215) 427-5310 Alan T Evangelista, PhD (215) 427-5431 35 | P a g e Neonatology Section Chief: Maria Delivoria-Papadopoulos, MD Email Address: The Section of Neonatology provides comprehensive care for critically ill newborns and infants at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Hahnemann University Hospital and Temple University Hospital and collaborates with affiliated hospitals throughout the region, including Pocono Medical Center, Reading Hospital Medical Center, and St. Luke’s Hospital Medical Center. The Section offers one of the first follow-up/primary care clinics in the region providing a continuum of care for infants who were cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This Neonatal Continuing Care Clinic, the Next Steps Program, is available to serve as the medical home for up to two-and-a-half years post NICU discharge until the community-based primary care provider chooses to assume this role. The Clinic meets the infant’s medical and health care needs by providing patient- and family-centered care, periodic screening, care coordination and medical services through a team of neonatologists, general pediatricians, pulmonologists, dietitians and social workers. Clinical and basic research activities are a major focus of the section; faculty in the section presented 30 abstracts in basic science at national meetings such as the American Society for Pediatric Research/and Eastern Society for Pediatric Research, American Physiological Society, Society for Gynecologic Investigation, and Society for Neuroscience. In the Neonatology Research Laboratory, research is conducted with the focus on neonatal brain injury, under the direction of section chief, Maria DelivoriaPapadopoulos, MD. This year the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine established the ―Maria Delivoria-Papadopoulos Prize for Research in Neonatal Neurosciences‖ in recognition of lifetime of service provided to students of neonatal medicine. 36 | P a g e Section Members Endla K Anday, MD Juan Ballesteros, MD Alison J Carey, MD Harbhajan Chawla, MD Beatriz De Jongh, MD Maria Delivoria-Papadopoulos, MD, Chief Rachel Fleishman, MD Helena Friss, MD Jan Goplerud, MD Arleen Haynes-Laing, MD Folasade Kehinde, MD Jane McGowan, MD Shadi Malaeb, MD Kirstie Marcello-Donnelly, MD Ogechukwu R Menkiti, MD Roschanak Mossabeb, MD Anja Mowes, MD Manjula Mudduluru, MD Nicholas Obiri, MD David Sorrentino, MD Michael Szatkowski, MD Heidi R Taylor, DO Suzanne Touch, MD Yanick Vibert, DO Alan Zubrow, MD Contact Information For more information call (215) 762-7515 37 | P a g e Nephrology and The Kidney Center for Children Section Chief: Susan Conley, MD Email Address: The Kidney Center for Children at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children is a comprehensive nephrology center, offering individualized care to patients from birth to young adulthood for all types of kidney issues including care of children and adolescents with hypertension and hyperlipidemia. The team of doctors, nurses, dietician and social worker provide immediate and long-term care for the evaluation and treatment of children with acute and chronic kidney disease, congenital kidney disease, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, hypertension, and all types of fluid, electrolyte and acid-based disturbances. The nephrologists provide ongoing care to outpatients and inpatients and are available for consultation for outpatients, inpatients, and for phone and telemedicine consultations. The Center includes an active inpatient and outpatient dialysis unit providing acute and chronic hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. The unit also provides continuous renal replacement therapy for patients with acute kidney injury in the hospital’s intensive care unit. The nephrologists work in conjunction with a team of transplant surgeons to offer kidney transplantation with a comprehensive transplant follow-up program. St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children was the first hospital in the Delaware Valley to perform kidney transplantation in children and has done a total of almost 440 kidney transplants since its inception. The Kidney Center also provides red cell apheresis therapy for sickle cell patients through the dialysis unit and the nephrologists are available for consultation on plasmapheresis patients. Section Members Kimberly Burrows, MD Susan B Conley, MD, Chief Samina Muneeruddin, MD 38 | P a g e Caroline Braas, RN, BSN, Transplant nurse Bethany Shovlin, CRNP, RD Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-4334 39 | P a g e Neurology Section Chief: Agustin Legido, MD Email Address: The Section of Neurology is one of the area's leading providers of comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic programs for acute and chronic disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems including: epilepsy and other seizure disorders; tics and other movement disorders; neonatal neurology problems (neonatal seizures, perinatal asphyxia); neurometabolic and neurogenetic diseases; migraine and other chronic headaches; spasticity in conditions such as cerebral palsy; muscular dystrophy, neuropathies, and other neuromuscular disorders; intellectual disabilities, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) and other learning disabilities; and neurological sleep disorders, among other conditions. Specialized services include: EEG interpretations at a number of affiliated hospitals, Botox injections for spasticity; sleep disorder evaluations/sleep studies, including routine polysomnography and studies for narcolepsy; and vagal nerve stimulator therapy for epilepsy. The Section of Neurology provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient neurologic care for newborns, children, and teens at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, and collaborates with affiliated hospitals and medical centers throughout the region, including St. Chris Care at Abington, Reading Hospital Medical Center, St. Luke’s Hospital, and Easter Seals. In addition, the service area extends to New Jersey with care being provided at Washington Township and the Lourdes Medical Center. The Section offers consultative services for infants that are cared for at St. Chris and the hospital’s Next Steps Program as well as in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of affiliated hospitals. Special programs within the Section include the Epilepsy Center, a Neuromuscular Disorders Program, a Sleep Disorders Program, a PKU Program, a Neuro-Oncology Program created in collaboration with the Section of Oncology, and the Mitochondrial Disorders Center. St. Christopher's Neurology Section operates the Mitochondrial Disorders Lab, which is one of only five centers in the country equipped to analyze mitochondrial metabolism in mitochondria isolated from fresh muscle biopsy, as well as in frozen muscle and fibroblasts. Funded research in the Center has explored both mitochondrial dysfunction in pediatric neurological diseases and mitochondrial involvement in neuro-protection against cerebral hypoxia. Dr. Legido, the Section Chief, was the guest editor of an issue of the journal Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, addressing Mitochondria Dysfunction in Pediatric Neurology Diseases that included contributions from all members of the Section. Additional funded research has involved basic science research (e.g., microtubule-nucleating proteins as therapeutic targets for pediatric gliomas) and clinical drug trials (e.g., for Pompe Disease, PKU and difficult to treat epilepsy). 40 | P a g e Section Members Karen S. Carvalho, MD Michael J Goldenthal, PhD Mitzie Grant, PhD H. Huntley Hardison, MD Dahpne Hasbani, MD Reena Jethva, M.D., MBA Christos D Katsetos, MD, PhD Divya S Khurana, MD Agustín Legido, MD, PhD, MBA, Chief Kavitha Marri, MD Joseph J Melvin, DO Ignacio Valencia, MD Ruth Adams, MSN, CRNP-BC Diana Figueroa, RN Susan Finn, MSN, CPNP-BC Jennifer Tiffany-Amaro, MSN, CRNP-BC Linda Tonyes, RD Contact information For more information call (215) 427-5470 or (215) 427-8372 41 | P a g e Neurosurgery Section Chief: Prithvi Narayan, MD, FAANS Email Address: The Section of Neurosurgery provides comprehensive pediatric neurosurgery services to address: developmental and congenital problems (e.g., hydrocephalus, Chiari malformations and syringomyelia, myelomeningocele and lipomyelomeningocele, tethered spinal cord and spina bifida occulta, meningoceles and encephaloceles, skull lesions or cysts, spasticity and cerebral palsy, and brain and spinal cysts); craniofacial conditions (e.g., positional molding or plagiocephaly, craniosynostosis, fibrous dysplasia, craniofacial trauma and fractures); epilepsy surgery for seizure disorders; benign and malignant brain and spinal cord tumors; and vascular disorders (arterio-venous malformations, cavernous malformations, cerebral aneurysms and Moya-Moya disease). Working collaboratively with other pediatric subspecialties such as neonatology, neurology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, otolaryngology, and oncology, the Section ensures high-level, compassionate, coordinated care for infants, children and adolescents. Special programs offered through Neurosurgery in collaboration with other specialties include Neuro-Oncology, Comprehensive Epilepsy Surgery, Craniofacial, Spasticity and Cerebral Palsy, Head and Spinal Trauma/Concussion, and Spina Bifida. Despite the diversity and complexity of the neurosurgical conditions that we treat, our infection rates are one of the lowest in the country. A quality improvement initiative to even further reduce surgical site infections using a strict prepping/dressing protocol and meticulous surgical technique has resulted in a 0% shunt infection rate in 2013. In the last year our Section has collaborated to establish a comprehensive Neuro-Oncology Program at St. Christopher’s. The result of our efforts is a multidisciplinary, one-stop clinic that allows our patients with brain and spine tumors to receive streamlined and coordinated care with excellent outcomes (see description under the Oncology Section for further information). We have also established a multidisciplinary comprehensive Craniofacial Program and have received provisional accreditation from The Cleft Palate Association. A unique minimally invasive endoscopic synostectomy technique to treat cranio-synostosis has been performed over the last two years resulting in short (overnight) hospital stays, a 0% blood transfusion rate and excellent outcomes. Our research initiatives include participation in a Multicenter-North American research effort to address issues in Chiari I malformation and syringomyelia. The Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium is a prospective and retrospective data registry to study the natural history and clinical course following treatment for Syringomyelia. We are also currently conducting research on the effect of economic disparities on concussion treatment and outcomes. Section Members Melandee Brown, MD Prithvi Narayan, MD, FAANS, Chief Kim Fudge, PA-C Katherine Peisochenske, PA-C Emma Phillips, PA-C 42 | P a g e Annie Markovits, MSS, LSW Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5196 43 | P a g e Oncology Section Chief: Gregory Halligan, MD Email Address: The Section of Oncology is a comprehensive cancer center providing compassionate, family-centered care. We are a full member of The Children’s Oncology Group, and we provide a wide range of state-ofthe-art therapies, including clinical trials. The Section has dedicated neuro-oncology and stem cell transplant programs. The general oncology program treats children with all types of malignancies. Children are treated as outpatients in a modern oncology infusion center that is attached to the outpatient oncology clinic. Inpatients are treated in a closed unit dedicated to oncology and transplant patients. We work closely with our surgery colleagues, who have special interest and expertise in oncologic surgery; our oncologic orthopedic surgeon is one of the preeminent orthopedic oncologists on the east coast. We also treat a variety of non-malignant diseases that have historically been treated by oncologists, including hemangioma, lymphangioma, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, Langerhan’s cell histiocytosis, aggressive fibromatosis/desmoid tumor, and rare childhood diseases that may require chemotherapy. The Neuro-Oncology Program is led by Co-Directors Ayman Samkari, MD (Neuro-Oncology), and Melandee Brown, MD (Neurosurgery) and Prithvi Narayan, MD, Chief of the Section of Neurosurgery and involves pediatric specialists from neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, neurology, ophthalmology, neuroradiology, neuropathology, neurorehabilitation, neuropsychology, endocrinology, and neuroanesthesiology. The program treats a wide range of tumors, including, but not limited to: low-grade and high-grade gliomas including astrocytoma, ependymoma, optic nerve glioma; embryonal tumors including atypical teratoid-rhabdoid tumors, medulloblastoma, primitive-neuro-ectodermal tumors; choroid plexus and pineal region tumors; germ cell tumors; sellar tumors including craniopharyngiomas; and spinal column, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve tumors. Minimally invasive and microsurgical techniques with advanced intra-operative tools are utilized to surgically treat tumors and associated hydrocephalus. Our surgical complication and infection rates are one of the lowest in the country. We use advanced radiation therapy technologies such as Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT), 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, proton beam and stereotactic radiosurgery to deliver precise radiation to the tumor while minimizing exposure to normal brain or spinal cord. Neuro-imaging incorporates radiation dosage reduction techniques, employing the Image Gently and ALARA principles. The Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant program is led by Marta K. Rozans, MD, PhD. Both autologous and matched-sibling allogeneic transplants are done. We treat both malignant and nonmalignant diseases that are amenable to therapy with stem cell or bone marrow transplant. Such diseases include neuroblastoma, leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and other diseases. Section Members Gregory Halligan, MD, Chief Akash Nahar, MD, MPH Marta Rozans, MD, PhD Ayman Samkari, MD Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-4669 44 | P a g e Ophthalmology Department Director: Robert T Spector, MD, FACS Email Address: The Section of Ophthalmology provides comprehensive eye care for children with routine and complex ocular disorders, including: ptosis surgery, strabismus surgery and amblyopia treatment, congenital cataracts, tearing problems, glaucoma management, evaluation of the visual aspects of learning disorders, retinopathy of prematurity, and ophthalmological manifestations of systemic, metabolic and neurologic diseases in children. An active trauma service is available 24-hours-a-day to handle ocular emergencies and consultations from the Emergency Department. The Retinopathy of Prematurity Program continues to grow. Treatments include monitoring of the retina, laser surgery, and/or Avastin injection. The children are also monitored for refractive errors, strabismus/amblyopia, and other ocular disorders. The program anticipates offering telemedicine services to increase the reach to other institutions. Ophthalmology has also recently added orthoptic therapy (vision therapy) to treat convergence insufficiency and exotropia, as well as for post-concussive vision problems (e.g., convergence insufficiency, accommodative dysfunction, and saccadic and pursuit deficiency are common and contribute to persistent headaches), amblyopia treatment, accommodative dysfunctions, and tracking disorders. Aphakic contact lens fitting and management is now offered through the Section to support the post-surgical management of pediatric cataracts. The Section engages in ongoing research, including a current study to explore the natural history and treatment response of intermittent exotropia. Our relationship with Eagles Youth Partnership is now in its 10th year and we continue to perform examination on the Eye Mobile for students at a Philadelphia school nearly every school day. Section Members Nicole DeLarato, MD Robert T Spector, MD, FACS, Chief Jo Ann Bailey, OD, FAAO Diane Lavery, BSN, RN, ROP Coordinator Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-8121 45 | P a g e Orthopaedic Surgery Section Chief: Peter D Pizzutillo, MD Email Address: Clinical care of children and adolescents has continued to evolve in the Section of Orthopaedic Surgery. Not only has patient volume grown, but comprehensive care of increasingly complex clinical problems has been provided for our patients. The Sports Medicine Program has included reconstructive procedures of the knee, ankle, elbow and wrist that respect the growth of immature bones and allows return to competitive athletic activities. The Upper Extremity Program provides acute care and reconstruction of complex injuries of the hand and wrist as well as patients with neuromuscular deformities and congenital anomalies. The Spinal Deformity Program treats children and adolescents with scoliosis and spondylolisthesis with state of the art techniques and instrumentation with a very low incidence of infections or neurologic problems. Academically, our faculty is actively involved with the education of medical students as well as formal rotations for residents in orthopaedic surgery, pediatrics, family medicine and emergency medicine and fellows in pediatric orthopaedics and sports medicine. The faculty also participates in the continuing medical education of practitioners through leadership positions in national and international educational committees of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America. Members Kiersten Arthur, MD Alison L Gattuso, DO Martin J Herman, MD Michael Kwon, MD Peter D Pizzutillo, MD, Chief Anthony J Realyvasquez, MD Joseph Rosenblatt, DO Shannon D Safier, MD Michael Wolf, MD Jackie Linh, PA-C Kate Taylor, PA-C Tiffany Thomas, PA-C Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-3422 or (215) 427-8451 46 | P a g e Otolaryngology Section Chief: David Zwillenberg, MD Email Address: The Section provides advanced diagnosis and treatment services for disorders of human communication, hearing impairment, and problems of the pediatric airway and voice. Comprehensive diagnostic, therapeutic and reconstructive surgical services are available on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. The Section of Otolaryngology is comprised of four faculty members: Dr. David Zwillenberg serves as the section chief and specializes in general pediatric otolaryngology, sleep disordered breathing, and all aspects of otitis media Dr. Seth Zwillenberg has a special interest in head and neck surgery and congenital neck masses Dr. Sri Kiran Chennupati focuses on pediatric otology, bone conduction and cochlear implantation, and open and endoscopic airway evaluation and management Dr. Alyssa Terk has a special interest in hearing loss counseling and endoscopic sinus surgery; Dr. Terk has initiated office hours at our satellite in Washington Township, NJ. Our multidisciplinary cochlear implant team comprised of Drs. Terk and Chennupati, speech therapists, audiologists, and a social worker performed our tenth implant. In addition, we continue to expand our bone conduction device implant program for single-sided deafness and conductive hearing loss. Our multi-disciplinary Airway Program, which includes faculty in Pulmonology and Speech Therapy, continues to streamline and coordinate the care of some of our most complex patients. The Section’s research efforts are focused on obstructive sleep apnea, the surgical correction of laryngotracheal stenosis, pediatric sinus disease, pediatric voice disorders and care for the hearingimpaired. Section Members Sri Kiran Chennupati, MD Alyssa Terk, MD David Zwillenberg, MD, Chief Seth Zwillenberg, MD Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-8915 47 | P a g e Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department Director: Judy Pascasio, MD Email Address: The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine has faculty and staff with certifications in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, and subspecialty boards in Pediatric Pathology, Hematopathology, Transfusion Medicine, and Neuropathology. Two clinical PhD’s serve as directors for Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics; and Microbiology, Virology and Molecular Diagnostics. The test menu in all areas has been expanded with in-house availability of a wide-range of new tests including in the areas of cytogenetics, molecular testing methods for microbial toxins and antimicrobial susceptibility, immunohistochemistry tests, and validated markers for oncology diagnosis. The department participates in multi-departmental grants by providing services for laboratory studies, such as Meperenem analysis for cystic fibrosis, chromosomal studies and 4th generation HIV serology combination antibody and antigen test, and an immunoblot test in support of the Section of Immunology research in HIV. The latter effort resulted in the receipt of the HIV Focus Award for the 4th generation HIV serology testing. Research conducted by Alan Evangelista, PhD. in collaboration with Janssen Pharmaceuticals demonstrated that St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children was the first hospital in the US to identify the new strain of pertussis with reduced vaccine efficacy. The Clinical Laboratory Training Program, which recently earned a 7-year accreditation, provides local and national laboratories with new, well-trained medical technologists. The department continues to participate in the training of medical school students, residents and fellows, who will serve as future leaders in the discipline. Section Members Judy Pascasio, MD, Medical Director, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Director of Surgical Pathology; Director, Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis and Toxicology; Director, Point of Care Testing; Program Director, Pediatric Pathology 48 | P a g e Manjula Balasubramanian, MD, Director, Hematopathology Jean-Pierre de Chadarevian, MD, Professor Emeritus, Anatomic and Surgical Pathology Alan Evangelista, PhD, Director, Microbiology, Virology and and Molecular Diagnostics Christos Katsetos, MD, PhD, Consultant, Neuropathology Matthew Keisling, DO, Director, Autopsy Pathology Cathy Litty, MD, Director, Blood Bank and Transfusion Medicine Jinglan Liu, PhD, Director, Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5272 or (215) 427-4673 49 | P a g e Plastic Surgery Section Chief: Paul M Glat, MD Email Address: The Section of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery provides specialized and comprehensive treatment to children with minor and major reconstuctive plastic surgery needs for all pediatric plastic surgical problems, including congenital anomalies, disabilities and deformities. The Section offers management of the following pediatric plastic surgery needs, among others: complex craniofacial reconstruction, burn care, cleft lip/palate and facial trauma repair, breast reconstruction, common congenital hand malformations, vascular anomalies, endoscopic assisted caniosynostosis surgery, ear reconstruction, cosmetic services including scar revision, and major soft tissue loss with rotation flaps. A leader in pediatric burns, St. Christopher’s has the only dedicated pediatric burn center in the area. The Section provides burn care including initial mangement as well as reconstruction using innovative grafting techniques. Funded research has included studies on treatment methods to enhance wound healing in children with burns. Section Members James Bradley, MD Brooke Burkey, MD Wellington Davis, III, MD Paul M Glat, MD, Section Chief Rose Waltz, CRNP Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5191 50 | P a g e Pulmonology and Allergy Section Chief: Mark Dovey, MD Email Address: The Section of Pulmonology and Allergy aims to improve the respiratory health of children through innovative medical services, clinical research, and community outreach. The section cares for the entire spectrum of pediatric pulmonary and allergic diseases. We have a multidisciplinary approach to acute and chronic disease, with a team of physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, respiratory therapists, a social worker, and a nutritionist. We provide both inpatient and outpatient services, and offer complete pulmonary function testing, allergy testing, sleep studies, and flexible bronchoscopy. Our comprehensive asthma program includes an evidence-based clinical practice guideline for inpatient care, an asthma educator program, an after-hospital asthma follow-up clinic, and an intensive management program for children with severe asthma. Other notable disease-specific programs include the cystic fibrosis center and chronic ventilator program. Our cross-disciplinary programs include an airway center with Otolaryngology and Speech Therapy, neonatal lung disease clinic with Neonatology and General Pediatrics, sickle cell pulmonary clinic with Hematology, and center for sleep disorders with Neurology. The academic activities of the section are focused within three areas: asthma, cystic fibrosis, and sickle cell lung disease. In each of these realms, we are looking at longitudinal clinical observations, testing new models of care, and exploring new therapies through clinical trials. In 2013, we completed a randomized, controlled clinical trial of a lay asthma educator intervention for children hospitalized for asthma. As part of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Therapeutic Development Network, we continued as an active site for clinical trials of novel treatments for CF lung disease. The section’s educational activities include teaching to all levels of learners – medical students, pediatric residents, fellows, community physicians (CME), and the lay community. Section Members: Mark Dovey, MD, Chief Matthew Fogg, MD 51 | P a g e Gayle Higgins, RN, MSN, CRNP Joanna Johnson, MD Christine Malloy, MD Kavita Patel, MD Danna Tauber, MD, MPH Laurie Varlotta, MD Anna Paridon, RN, MSN, CRNP Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5183 or (215) 427-3812 52 | P a g e Radiology Department Director: Eric Faerber, MD Email Address: The Radiology Department provides approximately 60,000 examinations a year covering a wide range of pediatric imaging services, including: general diagnostic radiology; fluoroscopy, including video fluoroscopy; Computed Tomography (CT); Magnet Resonance Imaging (MRI); nuclear medicine; bone densitometry; and ultrasound. In 2013, the Department has expanded clinical services in multiple areas, including Magnetic Resonance Enterography (MRE), Fetal MRI, and Cardiac MRI and has provided additional support for Hahnemann University Hospital (neonatal radiographs) and Shriners Hospital. The Director of the Department, Eric Faerber, MD, is chair of the American College of Radiology Standards and Guidelines Committee for Pediatrics and current President of the Caffey Pediatric Radiology Society. Section Members Eric N Faerber, MD, FACR, Section Director and Chief, Neuroradiology Evan Geller, MD, Chief, Nuclear Medicine Polly S. Kochan, MD, Chief, Ultrasound Archana Malik, MD, Chief, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Erica D Poletto, MD, Chief, Cardiac Imaging Robert L Siegle, MD, Chief, Diagnostic Radiology Jacqueline A Urbine, MD, Chief, Computed Tomography Bret J Kricun, MD, Fellow Contact information For more information call (215) 427-5276 53 | P a g e Rheumatology Section Chief: Donald Goldsmith, MD Email Address: The Section of Rheumatology provides comprehensive services for the evaluation and treatment of children with a wide spectrum of acute and chronic rheumatic disorders, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile dermatomyositis, Lyme disease, acute rheumatic fever, vasculitis syndromes, periodic fever (autoinflammatory) disorders, musculoskeletal pain syndromes and scleroderma. Special programs exist for the assessment and care of children with autoinflammatory syndromes and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Care is coordinated closely with other services, such as occupational and physical therapy, ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, nutrition, and social work. In 2013, newly developed protocols were implemented for the administration of both tociluzimab (a new and now critically important first -line biologic agent for the treatment of systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis) and abatacept (a unique biologic agent which is notably effective for the management of refractory polyarticular juvenile idiopathic polyarthritis). A novel protocol for the treatment of disseminated calcifications seen in juvenile dermatomyositis using both intravenous sodium thiosulfate and pamidronate was used successfully. Faculty in the section developed an assessment/decision-making tool to facilitate the clinical analysis of the febrile child with particular emphasis on when to consider gene testing for the autoinflammatory/periodic fever syndromes. The Section is a member of the nationwide Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Study Group (PRCSG), which enrolls children with various pediatric rheumatic disorders in trials of newer medications, long-term pharmacologic surveillance, and population studies. The section is also an active participant within the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) and in 2013 participated in the Alliance’s new systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis Consensus Treatment Protocol. The Section Chief, Donald Goldsmith, M.D., is the coordinator of a CARRA-based national initiative to merge the United States/Canadian CARRA net Autoinflammatory Disease data with the Eurofever Project. 54 | P a g e Section Members Donald P Goldsmith, MD, Chief Svetlana Lvovich, DO, Director of Clinical Services Dana Toib, MD Mary Frederick, LPN Carolann Martucci RN, BSN Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5051 or (215) 427-5094 55 | P a g e School Crisis and Bereavement National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement Director: David J Schonfeld, MD, FAAP Email Address: The National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement (NCSCB) was established in 2005 with initial support from the September 11th Children’s Fund and the National Philanthropic Trust and relocated to St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and Drexel University College of Medicine in 2013 when Dr. Schonfeld, who founded and directs the Center, assumed the role of Pediatrician-in-Chief at St. Christopher’s and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Drexel University College of Medicine. The NCSCB received a four-year, $1,400,000 grant from the New York Life Foundation to provide capacity building and general operating support for the NCSCB and its key role in the Coalition to Support Grieving Students initiative. The Coalition involves the major national education associations in the country who have joined efforts (under the leadership of the NCSCB) to develop and provide free multimedia on-line resources for professional development of educators, school administrators and other school personnel seeking to learn how to better support grieving students. The goal of the NCSCB is to promote the role that schools can serve to support students, staff, and families at times of crisis and loss. In order to achieve this goal, the Center provides training in the areas of crisis and loss for professionals that support children in schools and communities; serves as a free resource for information, guidance and training materials, consultation, and technical assistance in the areas of crisis, trauma, and loss; collaborates with professional and federal organizations and community services to help individuals at times of crisis and loss; and provides media interviews. Two representative projects during 2013 are a Visiting Lectureship on Pediatric Bereavement conducted in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics (2013 sites included: Boston University Medical Center; Comer Children’s Hospital at the University of Chicago; Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health, Indianapolis, IN; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; Miami Children’s Hospital; and Children’s of Alabama/University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL) and training provided to local chapters of the American Federation of Teachers in New York City, NY; San Francisco, CA; Chicago, IL; Charlotte County, FL; Jefferson County and Birmingham, AL; as well as via webinar and at national AFT meetings. The Center Director, David J Schonfeld, MD, is a member the American Academy of Pediatrics Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council and the Sandy Hook Commission in CT, and coordinates the mental health component of the European Masters in Disaster Medicine course in Italy. He, and other members of the NCSCB, have responded to a wide range of school and community disasters, including flooding from Superstorm Sandy in NYC and NJ. Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-4600 or 56 | P a g e Urology Section Chief: Marshall Schwartz, MD Email Address: The Section of Urology treats a wide variety of urologic problems in children and adolescents involving the internal and external genital systems, such as undescended testes and other scrotal problems, testicular torsion, and ambiguous genitalia, as well as other disorders of sexual development. We also care for children with adrenal, kidney, ureter, bladder and urethral problems and cancers that occur within the urogenital tract. Specific conditions treated by members of the section include: urinary tract infections; renal or bladder stones; neurogenic bladder; exstrophy of the bladder; elimination dysfunction; obstructive uropathy and hydronephrosis; vesicoureteral reflux; hypospadias and epispadias; varicocele; inguinal hernias and hydroceles; and tumors of the kidney, bladder, prostate and testes. Faculty also serve as an integral part of several interdisciplinary teams with physicians from developmental pediatrics, neurosurgery, orthopedics, endocrinology, genetics, psychiatry and pediatric surgery in order to contribute pediatric urologic expertise and care for the Spina Bifida Clinic, Disorders of Sexual Differentiation Program and the Fetal Regional Evaluation Center. The Section has an active program for the evaluation and management of elimination dysfunction, providing care for children with bladder and bowel dysfunction. In addition to standard bladder training regimens, urodynamic studies and biofeedback are employed for the more complex cases. Section Members Robert Steckler, MD Contact Information For more information call (215) 427-5434 57 | P a g e Representative Publications of Faculty in 2013 Akbari SH, Limbrick DD, Kim D, Narayan P, Leonard JR, Smyth MD, Park TS. Surgical Management of Symptomatic Chiari II Malformation in Infants and Children. Childs Nerv Syst 2013 American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on Infectious Diseases (Long SS). Recommendations for prevention and control of influenza in children, 2013-2014. Pediatrics 2013; 132:e1089-104 Babcock JM, Babcock BD, Schwartz MZ. Maintaining a Sufficient and Quality Physician Workforce: The Role of For-Profit Medical Schools. Health Services Insights June, 2013 Balluz R, Liu LW, Zhou XD, Ge S. Real-time 3D echocardiography for quantification of ventricular volumes, mass and function in children with congenital and acquired heart diseases. Echocardiography 2013;30(4):472-82 Barron K, Goldsmith D, Ombrello A, Aksentijevitch I , Jones A, Kastner D. Single MVK mutation and recurrent fevers. Arthritis Rheum 2013; 65(10): 926 Barron K, Goldsmith D, Ombrello A, Aksentijevitch I, Jones A, Kastner D. Single MVK mutation and recurrent fevers. Pediatr Rheumatol 2013; 11(1): 142 Berry SA, Brown C, Grant M, Greene C, Jurecki E, Koch J, Moseley K, Suter R, van Calcar S, Wiles J, Cederbaum S. Newborn screening 50 years later: Access issues faced by adults with PKU. Genet Med 2013;15(8):591-599 Bianchi M. Painful Unilateral Temporalis Muscle Enlargement: Reactive Masticatory Muscle Hypertrophy. Head and Neck Pathology, July 2013 Bianchi M. Painful Unilateral Temporalis Muscle Enlargement: Reactive Masticatory Muscle Hypertrophy. Head and Neck Pathology, July 2013 Calaman S (co-first), Hepps JH (co-first), Spector ND, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, Srivastava R, Starmer AJ, Yu CE (co-last), Lopreiato JO (co-last), and the I-PASS Educational Executive Committee. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Handoff Simulation Exercises. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: Calaman S, Spector ND, Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Allen AD, Tse LL, Bale JF, Bismilla Z, Coffey M, Cole FS, Destino L, Everhart J, Hepps J, Kahana M, McGregor RS, Patel SJ, Rosenbluth G, Srivastava R, Stevenson A, West DC, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, Yu CE, Lopreiato JO. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Computer Module. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: Carr AM, Irigoyen M, Wimmer RS, Arbeter AM. A pediatric residency experience with surgical comanagement. Hosp Pediatr 2013; 3(2): 144-8 Carvalho KS. Mitochondrial dysfunction in demyelinating diseases. Semin Pediatr Neurol 2013;20(3):194-201 58 | P a g e Carvalho KS, Sukul VV, Bookland MJ, Koch SA, Connolly PJ. Deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus suppresses post-traumatic dystonic tremor. J Clin Neurosci 2013 Jul 27[Epub ahead of print] PMDI: 23896546 Chen K, Husain S. Acute Pancreatitis in Children. Clinical Decision Support in Medicine: Pediatrics, electronic book, Decision Support in Medicine publishers, published March 2013 Chen K, Husain S. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency: Beyond Cystic Fibrosis. Curbside Consultation in Pediatrics, Rosh and Bousvaros, Eds. Slack Publications, 2013. Chen ZY, Lin Y, Yang F, Jiang L, Ge S. Gene therapy for cardiovascular disease mediated by ultrasound and microbubbles. Cardiovascular Ultrasound 2013;17;11:11 Cies JC, Varlotta L. Clinical pharmacist impact on care, length of stay, and cost in pediatric cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Pediatr Pulmonol 2013; 48: 1190–1194 Coren JS, Martin PH, Toib A. Double Aortic Arch in an Infant with Persistent Stridor. Consultant in Pediatrics, February 27 2013 (Online Publication) Cruz M, Bair-Merritt MH. Screening and intervention for intimate partner violence: a practical approach. Contemporary Pediatrics 2013; 30(5):12-25 Cruz M, Connolly S, Taylor D, Bernstein B, Spector N, Pachter L, Solomon B. An Educational Module For Pediatric Residents on Community, Home and School Violence. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: Cruz M, Cruz PB, Weirich C, McGorty RM, McColgan MD. Referral patterns and service utilization in a pediatric hospital-wide intimate partner violence program. Child Abuse Negl 2013;37(8):511-9. PMID: 23623444 Cruz M, Randell KA, Bair-Merritt MH, Dowd MD. Children outcomes and intimate partner violence research. Lancet 2013 Oct 19;382(9901):1326. PMID: 24139115 Curry CJ, Rosenfeld JA, Grant E, Gripp KW, Anderson C, Aylsworth AS, Saad TB, Chizhikov VV, Dybose G, Fagerberg C, Falco M, Fels C, Fichera M, Graakjaer J, Greco D, Hair J, Hopkins E, Huggins M, Ladda R, Li C, Moeschler J, Nowaczyk MJ, Ozmore JR, Reitano S, Romano C , Roos L, Schnur RE, Sell S, Suwannarat P, Svaneby D, Szybowska M, Tarnopolsky M, Tervo R, Tsai AC, Tucker M, Vallee S, Wheeler FC, Zand DJ, Barkovich AJ, Aradhya S, Shaffer LG, Dara, JS, Kotlar EY, Leekoff ML, Tran X, McColgan MD, Giardino AP. Resident Comfort Level After Receiving Child Abuse Training: A Survey of Pediatric Chief Residents. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2013 Daskalaki I, Thermitus R, Perella D, Viner K, Spells N, Mohanty S, et al. Varicella outbreak in a daycare – challenges and opportunities for preventing varicella outbreaks in this setting. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013 Oct 16. [Epub ahead of print] DiMeglio L, Wang J, Siberry G, Miller T, Geffner M, Hazra R, Borkowsky W, Chen J, Dooley L, Patel K, Van Dyke R, Fielding R, Gurmu Y, Jacobson D for the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). Bone mineral density in children and adolescents with perinatal HIV infection. AIDS 2013; 27(2):211-220 59 | P a g e Dobyns WB: The duplication 17p13.3 phenotype : analysis of 21 families delineates developmental , behavioral and brain abnormalities, and rare variant phenotypes. Am J Med Genet A, 2013; 161A (8): 1833-52 Economou A, Zhang GX, Katsetos CD. Psychiatric disturbance and mild intellectual disability in the context of a vascular malformation (capillary telangiectasia) of the posterior hippocampus and subiculum. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2013;25(3):E23-24 Faerber EN Co-editor: Neuroradiology section. Caffey’s Pediatric Imaging 12th edition (ed) Coley B. Elsevier, Philadelphia 2013 Faerber EN. The orbit; Embryology and Normal Imaging Anatomy. Caffey’s Pediatric Imaging 12th edition (ed) Coley,B.Elsevier, Philadelphia 2013 Gayanilo M, Nares M, Alvarez O, Swaminathan S. Acute Myocardial Ischemia in Association With Acute Respiratory Acidosis in Hemoglobin SC Disease: A Case Report. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2013 Dec 7. [Epub ahead of print] Ge S. An Introduction to the Special Issue on ―Pediatric echocardiography: State of the Art". Echocardiography 2013;30(4):426-7 Glauser TA, Cnaan A, Shinnar S, Hirtz DG, Dlugos D, Masur D, Clark PO, Adamson PC; Childhood Absence Epilepsy Study Team (including Khurana DS). Ethosuximide, valproic acid, and lamotrigine in childhood absence epilepsy: initial monotherapy outcomes at 12 months. Epilepsia. 2013;54(1):141-55 Gokhale J, Husain N, Nicholson L, Texter KM, Zaidi AN, Cua CL. QRS duration and mechanical dyssynchrony correlations with right ventricular function after Fontan procedure. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2013 Feb;26(2):154-9 Gripp KW, Zand DJ, Demmer L, Anderson CE, Dobyns WB, Zackai EH, Denenberg E, Jenny K, Stabley DL, Sol-Church K: Expanding the SHOC2 mutation associated phenotype of Noonan syndrome with loose anagen hair: structural brain anomalies and myelofibrosis. Am J Med Genet A; 2013. 161 (10): 2420-30 Haussmann JS, Biggs CM, Goldsmith D, Dedeoglu F.( CARRA net Investigators) AIDS in a registry of children in North America. Pediatr Rheumatol 2013;11(1):112 Herman MJ, Wolf, M: Torticollis in Children. Current Orthopaedic Practice 2013; 24(6):598-603 Husain N, Gokhale J, Nicholson L, Cheatham JP, Holzer RJ, Cua CL. Noninvasive estimation of ventricular filling pressures in patients with single right ventricles. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2013 Nov;26(11):1330-6 Katsetos CD, Anni H, Dráber P. Mitochondrial dysfunction in gliomas. Semin Pediatr Neurol 2013;20(3):216-227 Katsetos CD, Bianchi MR, Jaffery F, Koutzaki S, Zarella M, Slater R. Painful unilateral temporalis muscle enlargement: Reactive masticatory muscle hypertrophy. Head Neck Pathol 2013 Jul 31. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 23900775 60 | P a g e Katsetos CD, Koutzaki S, Melvin JJ. Mitochondrial dysfunction in neuromuscular disorders. Semin Pediatr Neurol 2013;20(3):202-215 Katz MS, Thatch KA, Schwartz MZ. Gene Alterations and Intestinal Mucosal Changes Following Growth Factor and Omega-3 Exposure in a Rat Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2013; 48(2): 345-352 Kaur I, George K, Pena-Ricardo C, Kelly B, Watson B. Association of postpartum maternal tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) administration and timeliness of infant immunization. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013; 32(11): 1287-9 Keisling M, Klonk C. Schistosomiasis of the Ovary: Ovarian Pseudotumor. Arch of Path and Lab Med 2013; 137 (10): 1446 Kersten HB, Bennett DS. Failure to thrive and maltreatment. In Reese RM (Ed). Treatment of Child Abuse. 2nd Edition. New York. Johns Hopkins University Press 2013 Kersten HB, Giudice E, Frohna JG. Validation of an Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Critically Appraised Topic Presentation Evaluation Tool (EBM C-PET). Accepted for publication in Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2013 Khurana DS, Valencia I, Goldenthal MJ, Legido A. Mitochondrial dysfunction in epilepsy. Semin Pediatr Neurol 2013;20(3):176-187 Klassen A, Michael YL, Confair AR, Turchi RM, Vaughn N, Harrington J. What does It Take to Sustain Livable Public Housing Communities? Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 2013: 7 (1): 1-3 Kuirmchak A, Haines D, Garriga J, Wu S, De Luca F, Swerediski M, Deshaies R, Hess S, Grana X, Activation of p107 by FGF, which is essential for chondrocyte cell cycle exit, is mediated by the PP2A/B55α holoenzyme. Mol Cell Biol 2013 Aug;33(16):3330-42 Larson AN, Garg S, Weller A, Fletcher ND, Schiller JR, Kwon M, Browne R, Copley LA, Ho CA : Operative treatment of type II supracondylar humerus fractures. J Pediatric Orthopaedics 2013; (Epub ahead of print) Legido A, Jethva R, Goldenthal MJ: Mitochondrial dysfunction in autism. Semin Pedtr Neurol 2013; 20 (3): 163-75 Lepore SJ, Winickoff JP, Moughan BB, Bryant-Stephens TC, Taylor DR, Fleece D, Davey A, Nair US, Godfrey M, Collins NB. Kids Safe and Smokefree (KiSS): a randomized controlled trial of a multilevel intervention to reduce secondhand tobacco smoke exposure in children. BMC Public Health. 2013, 13:792 Levine LJ. A 13-year-old female without menarche. In: Clark EK, Templeton DA, Sanguino SM (eds.) COMSEP Clinical Cases: A Clinical Reasoning Case Based Review (Teacher’s Guide), 2013:193-196. An educational tool for a national pediatric clerkship curriculum, posted on the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics website at: 61 | P a g e 0Case%20Teacher's%20Guide.pdf) Levine LJ. A 14-year-old female desires contraception. In: Clark EK, Templeton DA, Sanguino SM (eds.) COMSEP Clinical Cases: A Clinical Reasoning Case Based Review (Teacher’s Guide), 2013:197199. An educational tool for a national pediatric clerkship curriculum, posted on the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics website at: 0Case%20Teacher's%20Guide.pdf) Levine L, Adegite E. Approach to Dysmenorrhea. In: Shah SS, Ronan J, Alverson B (eds). Step-Up to Pediatrics. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013 Levine L, Hayes C. Eating Disorders. In: Shah SS, Ronan J, Alverson B (eds). Step-Up to Pediatrics. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013 Levine L, Niles S. Approach to Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding. In: Shah SS, Ronan J, Alverson B (eds). Step-Up to Pediatrics. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013 Levine L. Scrotal Masses. In: Shah SS, Ronan J, Alverson B (eds). Step-Up to Pediatrics. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013 Levine L, Slaughter-Atiema C. I Approach to the History and Physical Examination of the Adolescent. In: Shah SS, Ronan J, Alverson B (eds). Step-Up to Pediatrics. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013 Li J, Kritzer MD, Michel JJ, Le A, Thakur H, Gayanilo M, Passariello CL, Negro A, Danial JB, Oskouei B, Sanders M, Hare JM, Hanauer A, Dodge-Kafka K, Kapiloff MS. Anchored p90 ribosomal S6 kinase 3 is required for cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. Circ Res 2013 Jan 4;112(1):128-39 Lipman T, Katz L, Ratcliffe S, Murphy K, Aguilar A, Rezvani I, Howe C, Fadia S, Suarez E. Increasing Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes in Youth: twenty years of the Philadelphia Pediatric Diabetes Registry. Diabetes Care 2013 36:1597-1603. Liu J, Guzman MA, Pawel BR, Pezanowski DM, Patel DM, Roth JA, Halligan GE, de Chadarévian JP. Clonal trisomy 4 cells detected in the ossifying renal tumor of infancy: study of 3 cases. Mod Pathol 2013 Feb;26(2):275-81. PMID: 22976287 Liu J, Jethva R, Del Vecchio MT, Hauptman JE, Pascasio JM, de Chadarévian JP. Tetrasomy 13q32.2qter due to an apparent inverted duplicated neocentric marker chromosome in an infant with hemangiomas, failure to thrive, laryngomalacia, and tethered cord. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2013 Dec;97(12):812-5. Epub 2013 Nov 12. PMID: 24222317 Liu J, Ownbey RT, Boc SF, Pezanowski DM, Patel DM, Sadri S, Vincent GA, de Chadarévian JP. Pseudotetraploid clone with structural chromosomal rearrangements in a chondromyxoid fibroma: a case report. Pediatr Dev Pathol 2013 May-Jun;16(3):201-5. MID: 23282218 Long SS. ACIP: Routine booster dose of Tdap not recommended. AAP News 2013;34(10):1006-08 62 | P a g e Long SS. Cat scratch disease with encephalopathy. J Pediatr 2013;162:542 Long SS. Cat-scratch disease without cat contact. J Pediatr 2013;163(4):1026 Long SS. CDC recommends Tdap during every pregnancy. AAP News 2013;34(2):8 Long SS. A conversation with Sarah S. Long, M.D. Interview by Stanford T. Shulman, M.D. Pediatr Ann 2013;42:40 Long SS. Delayed acyclovir therapy in neonates with herpes simplex virus infection is associated with an increased odds of death compared with early therapy. Evidence Based Medicine 2013;18:e20 Long SS. The etiology of rubella. J Pediatr 2013;162:49 Long SS. Sudden and unexpected death in infants. J Pediatr 2013;163:393 Long SS. Sudden and unexpected death in infants: II. Viral infections as causative factors. Pediatr 2013;163:679 J Luo JJ, Khurana DS, Kothare SV. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials and middle latency auditory evoked potentials in young children. J Clin Neurosci 2013;20(3):383-8 Malee K, Mellins C, Huo Y, Tassiopoulos K, Smith R, Sirois P, Allison S, Kacanek D, Kapetanovic S, Williams P, Grant M, Marullo D, & Aidala A, for the Pediatric AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS). Prevalence, incidence and persistence of psychiatric and substance use disorders among mothers living with HIV. JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2013, 25 Nov.[Epub ahead of print] Mallon MG, Faerber EN, Poletto E and Urbine JA. Imaging Appearance of Complications of Bacterial Meningitis in Pediatric Patients: A Review. Drexel Medical Journal 7 (1): 66-9; 2013 McDonald III M, Lauer B, Gargiulo K, Bhatia D, Dickinson B, Maxwell E, Spector N, Calaman S, McGregor R. McChief Rounds: A Workshop for Creating Effective, Case-Based Educational Sessions for Multiple Levels of Adult Learners. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available Mikailov A, Kane I, Aronoff SC, Luck R, Delvecchio MT. Utility of adjunctive macrolide therapy in treatment of children with asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Asthma Allergy 2013; 6: 239 Norwood KW Jr, Slayton RL; Council on Children With Disabilities; Section on Oral Health (Turchi RM member); American Academy of Pediatrics. Oral health care for children with developmental disabilities. Pediatrics. 2013 Mar;131(3):614-9 O’Toole JK, Sectish TC, Starmer AJ, Rosenbluth G, West DC, Landrigan CP, Allen AD, Noble EL, Srivastava R, Tse LL, Hepps J, Lopreiato JO, Calaman S, Yu CE, Spector ND, and the I-PASS Educational Executive Committee. I-PASS Handoff Curriculum: Faculty Development Resources. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from 63 | P a g e Passariello CL, Gayanilo M, Kritzer MD, Thakur H, Cozacov Z, Rusconi F, Wieczorek D, Sanders M, Li J, Kapiloff MS. p90 ribosomal S6 kinase 3 contributes to cardiac insufficiency in α-tropomyosin Glu180Gly transgenic mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2013 Oct 1;305(7):H1010-9. Patel B, Coyle J, Poe E, Rosenbloom C, Stevens R, Coren J, Ge S, Mesia I, Moulick A, Toib A. Three dimensional rotational angiography imaging of double aortic arch vascular ring. Images Paediatr Cardiol 2013 Jan;15(1):1-6 Patel K, Davis SD, Johnson R, Esther CR Jr. Exhaled breath condensate purines correlate with lung function in infants and preschoolers. Pediatric Pulmonol 2013; 48(2): 182-187 Pattishall AE, Ellen SB, Spector ND. Bullying, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Use of Texting to Promote Behavior Change. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2013; 25(6):748-754 Pizzutillo PD, Herman MJ, eds. Adult Consequences of Pediatric Orthopaedic Conditions, AAOS Monograph Series 2013 Queenan AM, Cassiday PK, Evangelista A. Pertactin-negative variants of Bordetella pertussis in the United States. New England J Med 2013;368:583-584 Randall KA, Cruz M. 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