Prior Weston Primary School and Children’s Centre Golden Lane Campus, 101 Whitecross Street, Islington, London, EC1Y 8JA (T) 020 7786 4800 (F) 020 7786 4801 Head Teacher: Aaron Griffiths | Head of Centre: Karen Lansdown Newsletter 2nd May 2014 | Issue 34 Dear Parents and Carers, What an enjoyable week we’ve all had. As you’ll read in this week’s newsletter, the children have continued to enjoy their learning at Prior Weston. A great place for you to see this in action is on the creative and colourful displays around our school that aim to share the children’s work and experiences with you all. Take advantage of drop off and pick up times by really stopping to have a look at what they’ve been up to. Enjoy the three-day weekend that the May bank holiday brings us and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday. With best wishes – Aaron Griffiths | Head Teacher ASPIRING YOUNG FASHION DESIGNERS With best wishes, Caroline Wright | Assistant Head Teacher Left to right: designs by Year 4 Natasha Grant and Year 4 Molly Vigors As part of their topic on fashion Year Four pupils have been looking at what fashion is and how the designs of clothes have changed over the years. Pupils looked at the changing trends in David Bowie’s costumes and then set about designing a new costume for him to wear on stage. Natasha in Kew Class said that David Bowie wore really cool clothes that make him look different from other people so she deigned an outfit that she thought would make him stand out. Molly from Kew Class liked the way David Bowie’s designers used shapes in their designs so she also used shapes in her design. She thought David Bowie would like to wear the costume she has designed. Molly also liked the way David Bowie used make-up so she included her ideas for his make-up in her design. Next week Year Four start making their own clothes to wear at their fashion show. They still require any interesting – Head Teacher fabric so if you have any spare material, please send it toAaron Year Griffiths Four teachers Charles, Louise or Kelly. Visit our website: Prior Weston Primary School and Children’s Centre Golden Lane Campus, 101 Whitecross Street, Islington, London, EC1Y 8JA (T) 020 7786 4800 (F) 020 7786 4801 Head Teacher: Aaron Griffiths | Head of Centre: Karen Lansdown NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY VISIT To end the Year 4 topic of Painting, Pictures and Photographs, Temple and Kew Class were lucky to visit the much talked about David Bailey Stardust exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. The exhibition had examples of some of Bailey’s extraordinary work, covering actors, writers, musicians, film makers and designers to name a few. The children had an opportunity to view over 200 images and were able to critique them with their new knowledge of photography. NURSERY PARENTS If you bring your child late to Nursery please make sure that you speak to a member of Nursery staff so that they know that your child has arrived. This will ensure that lunch is ordered for your child, and more importantly, that they are marked in the register and can be accounted for in case of an emergency. Many thanks for your co-operation in helping to keep all children safe. AFTERNOON TEA PARTY CELEBRATIONS Play Force was recently brought in to address a few snagging issues with the outdoor classroom located outside Aaron’s office in the playground upstairs. To celebrate the rebirth of this section of the playground in style, you are invited to bring your children to an afternoon tea party on Wednesday 21st May starting at 3.30pm. You will get to check out the quirky new objects and equipment while your children get to have more fun at play. A story teller will also make a special guest appearance to read your children’s favourite stories. The tea party will take place in the new outdoor space, with access to the tellytubbies play area. Please confirm your attendance with PA to the Head Teacher & Communications Officer, Farah Butt. LOOK OUT FOR NEW SCHOOL SIGNAGE We are introducing new signage throughout the building and want you to be on the lookout for it! The new signs will help you and other visitors to find your way easily around the school and also help to enhance the look and feel of the building as part of our overall vision to create a strong Prior Weston & Children’s Centre look. Please do tell us what you think about the new signage. AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS At this week’s after school Questions Club children named President Barak Obama as the most powerful man on earth. Who do you think is the most powerful and influential person in the world? Questions Club is just one of many after school clubs on offer. Other clubs include gymnastics, cricket, girls’ football, choir, creative writing and chess. Due to high demand all clubs are already fully booked. We will let you know in next week’s newsletter if we have any spaces left. Please keep your eyes peeled. Visit our website: Prior Weston Primary School and Children’s Centre Golden Lane Campus, 101 Whitecross Street, Islington, London, EC1Y 8JA (T) 020 7786 4800 (F) 020 7786 4801 Head Teacher: Aaron Griffiths | Head of Centre: Karen Lansdown GET SUPPORT WITH FAMILIES FIRST Families First support families to keep your lives on track when you need a helping hand. They understand that being a parent is not always easy and that all families need extra help at some stage as children grow up. This might be because your housing situation is difficult or you are hoping to get into work or training. It might also be because of a relationship may have broken down or someone close to you has gone to prison. Your teenagers behaviour might also be challenging at home or at school or you may have growing debts or at risk of losing your home. To find out more about Families First, please call 020 7527 4343 or email JOHN O’LEARY’S POP-UP BOOKS What: John O’Leary’s pop-up books free drop-in family workshops When: Saturday 3rd May and Saturday 17th May 10am- 5pm Where: Islington Museum, 245 St John Street, EC1V 4NB Come and learn from paper engineer and children's author John O’Leary how he creates his amazing designs and create your very own pop–up book to take home. John will also be showing his finished books, drawings and designs in an exhibition at the museum and all his books will be available to read. For more information, call 020 7527 2837, visit Islington Museum or email FREE TICKETS TO TRINITY’S INTERNATIONAL PLAYWRITING AND PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL St James Theatre is offering a number of free tickets to the Trinity College London’s four-day festival of theatre, live music and workshops from Wednesday 7th to Saturday 10th May 2014. Simply quote FREE when booking over the phone, or enter the discount code FREE when booking through the website at Each day will feature matinee and evening performances of prize-winning plays from Trinity’s International Playwriting Competition including Gone Viral and Virtual Enchantment, the 2013-2014 winners. Other activities will run alongside the plays including activities for school groups and creative writers. Visit our website: Prior Weston Primary School and Children’s Centre Golden Lane Campus, 101 Whitecross Street, Islington, London, EC1Y 8JA (T) 020 7786 4800 (F) 020 7786 4801 Head Teacher: Aaron Griffiths | Head of Centre: Karen Lansdown PRIOR WESTON PRIMARY SCHOOL & CHILDREN’S CENTRE SUMMER 2014 PARENTS’ PLANNER 21st April 22 23 24 25 School Closed – Bank Holiday School Opens for Everyone / Clubs start this week 26 28 11 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 14 15 16 17 18 25 6 Project Week The Happening 13 Children’s Centre Open Evening Optional Parents’ Evening - N, R & Y1-6 10am – Year 6 leavers’ assembly School Closes at 2pm 19 21 22 29 Years 5 & 6 Show and Share Morning 12 Half Term 31 Ramadan Starts 5 Y1 Phonics Screening Week / American Students in 24 Year 4 Show and Share Morning 30 1st July 2 3 4 National Test Week – Year 2 and Year 6 SATs 17 20 INSET Day 4 – SCHOOL CLOSED INSET Day 5 – SCHOOL CLOSED 1st June 11-25 Aug Children’s Centre CLOSED Year 1 Show and Share Morning 7 9 10 11 12 13 4 School Closed – Bank Holiday 10 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 3 12 13 14 15 16 Year 3 Show and Share Morning 21 27 28 29 30 1st May 2 5 6 7 8 9 16th Jun 17 18 19 20 8 Year 2 Show and Share Morning Visit our website:
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