United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Annual Report 2006–2007 Improving Our Quality of Life 1 section name Above everything, United Way pursues a better life for children. Last fall, we asked Massachusetts residents about their quality of life through a poll on the American Dream. Regardless of their own situations, the vast majority of respondents worried that things would be harder for the next generation. This concern gets to the heart of our vision. We are here, because we believe, at our most fundamental levels, that children deserve a future they can succeed in, and that their success is an indicator of how we are all faring as a community. The challenges our region faces are not singular in nature, nor are they quick fixes. They are ingrained, interrelated, and, in some cases, growing. Massachusetts families struggling to afford homes and maintain financial stability, children entering kindergarten unprepared and lacking the support they need as they grow into young adults—these are the issues that compel us to act. At United Way, our strategy for uprooting these challenges and raising our overall quality of life focuses on four essential goals: building strong foundations for children, providing guidance and opportunity for youth, enabling financial growth for families, and ensuring homes for all. When unified under a single strategy and network, the achievement of these goals has the power to make this region the best place to raise a child in the country. I’m proud of the progress we’re making. This year, United Way brought together hundreds of high-quality community organizations, as well as corporate, government and academic partners to drive lasting community solutions. In the fall, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino partnered with United Way to develop a major city-wide school readiness initiative aimed at preventing the achievement gap. Table of Contents overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3 we’ve merged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 our work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–13 success stories . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–17 community power . . . . . . . . . . 18–37 partner agencies . . . . . . . . . . 38–42 financials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43–44 staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 This year also marked the beginning of a groundbreaking partnership among United Way, One Family, Inc., and the Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance to move the Commonwealth from an approach that simply manages family homelessness to one with the potential to end it. The new approach is called “Housing First” and it changes the way homeless families are served by placing them in housing as a first step and providing home-based services thereafter. You’ll read more about these and other efforts in the pages that follow this letter. In addition to the accomplishments our network made for the region, United Way has gone through important changes of its own. This year, the Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley United Ways officially merged. The merger reflected our belief that needs—such as employment, housing, and support for children—know no geographic boundaries and that leveraging combined resources will benefit us all. Making the greatest possible impact is also at the crux of our new investment strategy, which unites our partner agencies under shared goals and ties our funding to the achievement of specific measures. This plan prioritizes accountability and ensures a more significant impact on the issues facing our communities. Above everything, United Way pursues a better life for children. It is too large and too important an endeavor to take on alone—which is why we rely on the passion and expertise of the agencies in our network, the partnerships we forge in business and government, and the critical support of individuals like you. Thank you for your dedication to United Way and to the future of our region. executive committee . . . . . . . . . . 46 board of directors . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 president’s council . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Bob Mahoney Chairman, Board of Directors of United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Vice Chairman, Citizens Financial Group, Inc. Overview Mission United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley brings our communities together to help improve people’s lives and strengthen the neighborhoods in our region. This focus has not changed, but what has and will change are the needs of the community and its people. Therefore, the focus of our work aligns with the changing needs of our communities. We’ve never wavered from our commitment to stay ahead of the most pressing needs in society to offset negative social trends, and we never will. Vision The Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley region will be the best place for children in the country. We know that the best way to improve the future for our children is to both strengthen the financial security of their parents today and ensure that children are getting the nurturing support and educational opportunities that will prepare them for adulthood. So, when we talk about the Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley region becoming the most child- and youth-centered region, this is what we mean. It’s not just an issue about children, it is an issue for all of us who believe that social and economic opportunity should be accessible to everyone. ‘‘ Why United Way We merge effective partners, wise investments, and committed volunteers to strategically tackle the most critical issues and create measurable differences in our region. By harnessing the strength of the United Way network toward a set of shared goals, we can make extraordinary progress for our community. Under United Way’s investment strategy, success will be measured not only by campaign dollars raised but by the results we’ve achieved. That’s the sort of progress people can feel. It’s the sort of real meaningful change United Way promises.” 2 overview Our research-based investment strategy unites a network of more than 259 partner agencies and ties our funding to the achievement of specific measurements, increasing our ability to achieve tangible community goals. —Ronald A. Homer, Chair, United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley’s Community Impact Committee; Chief Executive Officer, Access Capital Strategies LLC section overview name 33 WE’VE MERGED We’ve Merged Regional Perspective…Local Results. Last year, the United Ways of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley merged in an exciting opportunity that extends our footprint, our programs, and our shared goals. With the merger, we hope to leverage resources and ‘‘ maximize the potential to improve the quality of life across our region. The most critical issues— The agreement reflects United Way’s ongoing commitment to building a strong, stable region and a vibrant economy that holds the promise of a brighter future for everyone.” —Thomas H. Tulip, Ph.D., Vice President and Global Brand Champion, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Board Chair of United Way of Merrimack Valley’s Advisory Committee Bottom (Left to Right): Peter Thomas, Senior Vice President, United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley (UWMB/MV) and Chief Professional Officer, United Ways of New England; Mayor William F. Martin, Jr., Mayor of Lowell; Nancy L. Donahue, UWMB/MV Board Member; and Thomas H. Tulip, Ph.D., Vice President and Global Brand Champion, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Board Chair of United Way of Merrimack Valley’s Advisory Committee; Top (Left to Right): Christopher Dick, Enterprise Bank; and Leonard A. Wilson, UWMB/MV Board Member and Sovereign Bank. 4 we’ve merged such as financial stability and creating environments where children and youth thrive—know no geographical boundaries. This merger reflects the best practices to address issues that affect us, from Newburyport to Lowell and Cambridge to Quincy and everywhere in between. We welcome each other’s strengths and anticipate even greater successes to come. we’ve merged 5 work our W Healthy Child Development United Way works to ensure that all children are healthy, nurtured, and ready to succeed when they enter school. 40 percent of children are not prepared for kindergarten according to a national teachers report.1 THE CHALLENGE One-third of Massachusetts children are exposed to risk factors that threaten their healthy social and emotional development, and subsequent success in school.2 Poverty, abuse and neglect, or repeated exposure to violence within the family or community, can be significant risk factors to a child’s healthy development. High-quality early care and education is jeopardized by the lack of skilled and consistent caregivers. The field’s low wages limit its ability to attract qualified applicants—center-based educators earn 40 percent less than kindergarten teachers.3 Limited professional training affects the quality of the learning experience—74 percent of our childcare workforce has no bachelor’s degree.4 THE UNITED WAY SOLUTION United Way is building strong foundations for young children by supporting their social and emotional development. By employing innovative research-based strategies and investing in high-quality programs, we are providing parents with the tools and resources they need to help raise and nurture their children, and ensure they are prepared for kindergarten and a lifetime of achievement. OUR GOALS: • Increase the number of children and parents benefiting from quality early childhood and family service programs uboston’s birth to five school readiness initiative The School Readiness Initiative, a $1 million partnership between United Way and the City of Boston, has brought parents, educators, childcare providers, pediatricians and other key stakeholders together to close the achievement gap among school-age children. A 60-member • Increase the number of professionals qualified to meet the social and emotional needs of children u School Readiness Action Planning Team is developing plans to ensure a sustainable citywide commitment to school readiness. Two communications initiatives, “Early Words” and a campaign focused on parents as a child’s first teacher, will be launched to bridge the severe vocabulary gap faced by low-income children entering school and to promote the important role of caregivers in young children’s learning and development. The initiative has made significant strides towards addressing the achievement gap so that future generations can fully access opportunities that promote educational success. 6 our work your 2006-2007 investment in action 37 agencies funded More than 22,000 young children served David Pavelchek, “Teacher Perceptions of Preparedness for Kindergarten,” Social & Economic Sciences Research Center-Puget Sound Division, Washington State University, April 2005. 2 National Center for Children in Poverty, 2005. 3 Massachusetts Capacity Study: Characteristics of the Current Early Education and Care Workforce Serving 3-5-year-olds, Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, 2005. 4 Losing Ground in Massachusetts Early Childhood Education: Declining Workforce Qualifications in an Expanding Industry, 1980-2004. 1 For more information visit: supportunitedway.org/ourwork/hcd $8 million Over invested in programs that support healthy child development our work 7 Increasing Youth Opportunities our work W A Better Quality of Life United Way works to ensure that all youth graduate from high school with options for the future as responsible, involved members of society. More than 11,000 Massachusetts youth drop out of high school each year.5 THE CHALLENGE More high school seniors drop out of school than any other grade level in Massachusetts, and 65 percent of them had already passed the MCAS.6 The Massachusetts high school drop-out rate is of critical concern, especially among lower-income communities. A student’s reasons for leaving school can be complex, and include exposure to violence, depression, substance abuse and failure in school. Research has consistently shown that with access to a supportive adult and engaging afterschool opportunities, youth are less likely to engage in risky behavior, and are more likely to stay in school. However, more than 4,500 Massachusetts youth are still waiting to be paired with a mentor.7 THE UNITED WAY SOLUTION United Way coordinates the efforts of out-of-school time staff, parents and schools to ensure youth stay connected and engaged during, before and after the school day. Through regular communication between these key stakeholders, and by providing quality programs and mentoring opportunities, we help youth feel supported and empowered to pursue their dreams and goals. Our GOALS: • Increase the number of at-risk youth participating in quality out-of-school programs • Train and support adult staff as they engage youth in high-quality youth programs with supportive mentoring relationship with adults u out of harm’s way • Connect the efforts of out-of-school programs, schools, and families to support youth at all times In January 2006, with generous support from the Edgerley family, United Way launched a new youth violence prevention program, Out of Harm’s Way (OHW). In partnership with principals from two Boston public schools, the program seeks to accomplish the following goals: to decrease incidents of violent acts, increase the capacity of teachers and afterschool staff to work with at-risk youth through training in trauma and resiliency, and to increase the number of youth in structured afterschool activities. So far, staff and teachers reported u 92,275 at-risk youth being served at 76 funded agencies 6,500 youth provided with a mentor, and 650 adult staff trained to build mentoring relationships an increased capacity to deal with troubled youth, an increase in student enrollment in out-of-school time activities, and a decrease in student aggression, bullying, and violence. Massachusetts Department of Education, 2004-2005. High School Dropouts 2005-2006, Massachusetts Department of Education. 7 UMASS Donahue Institute, 2006 Mass Mentoring Counts survey. 5 6 8 our work your 2006-2007 investment in action For more information visit: supportunitedway.org/ourwork/youth $16 million committed to programs that increase youth opportunities our work 9 Sustainable Employment our work W United Way invests in skills development, education, career advancement, and asset-building opportunities that help low-income, low-skilled workers achieve economic self-sufficiency. To meet basic family needs, a single parent raising two children in Boston needs to earn $58,133—nearly 4 times more than minimum wage.8 THE CHALLENGE One-third of adult workers in Massachusetts lack the skills necessary to compete in 9 an increasingly high-tech, knowledge-based economy. Nearly 40 percent of all jobs in 10 Massachusetts require a college degree. Immigrants with limited proficiency in English, adults without a high school diploma, and low-skilled workers with deficiencies in reading, writing, and math have few options in today’s labor market. If their income is disrupted, more than 25 percent of American households do not have enough savings to meet their basic needs for more than three months.11 The rising costs of housing, healthcare, and education, coupled with changes in the economy, have left many hardworking individuals struggling to support their families. THE UNITED WAY SOLUTION United Way works to ensure that all families have the skills and opportunities they need to increase income, build assets, and achieve financial stability. Employment, skills training, career advancement opportunities, and financial education can help overcome the barriers faced by many Massachusetts residents on the road to a better future. Our GOALS: • Increase the number of individuals gaining basic skills and occupational skills • Increase the number of people obtaining and retaining employment • Increase the number of people gaining financial knowledge and achieving economic stability u funding futures u The Funding Futures Initiative is a $1 million collaboration between United Way and Massachusetts Individual Development Account Solutions (MIDAS). It was created to establish matched savings accounts, or Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) for more than 200 low-income or at-risk families in the greater Boston area. Through the program, families open IDA accounts and learn sound financial education skills. At the completion of the program, they receive a 3:1 match toward a home purchase or a 2:1 match for post-secondary education or business capitalization. United Way expects the program to yield 75 first-time homeowners, 4,472 gained new employment 9,752 gained occupational skills, and 3,508 gained basic skills 593 gained financial knowledge and/or stability 115 post-secondary education opportunities and 37 new business startups by 2010. MA Family Economic Self-Sufficiency Standard-Criterion Women’s Union, 2006. New Skills for a New Economy-MassInc., 2000. 10 MassFacts: Demographics, Statistics & Research Findings-MassInc., 2007. 11 Promoting Economic Security for Working Families: State Asset Policy Initiatives- Fannie Mae Foundation, 2005. 8 9 10 our work your 2006-2007 investment in action Over $5 million invested in sustainable employment programs For more information visit: supportunitedway.org/ourwork/employment our work 11 Affordable Housing our W work United Way works to end family homelessness by increasing access to quality financial education, assetbuilding opportunities, and safe, affordable housing. Nearly 50 percent of school-age homeless children suffer from anxiety, depression, and other clinical problems.12 THE CHALLENGE This year, more than 10,000 Massachusetts families and 20,000 13 children will experience homelessness. Housing costs in our region are among the highest in the nation—for every ten low-income families there are only four affordable units. The effect can be devastating. Many families are forced to choose between paying bills and buying groceries. Homelessness has a profound effect on the health, well-being, and educational success of children. • Homeless children experience higher rates of asthma and require more frequent hospital visits14 • Homeless children are four times more likely to have developmental delays15 • 41 percent of homeless children will attend two schools in one year—each change of school can set a child back an average of four to six months16 THE UNITED WAY SOLUTION Across the region, United Way is facilitating the shift from managing homelessness to ending homelessness by convening stakeholders, conducting research, and developing best practices. Our GOALS: • Increase the number of affordable housing units u housing first United Way’s goal is to end family homelessness in Massachusetts in 10 years. Over the next three years, United Way will allocate $3 million in capacity-building grants to agencies that adopt the Housing First philosophy—in which people are placed in stable, permanent housing as soon as possible—and then provided with home-based case management services. United Way has already invested more than $780,000 in grants to 14 agencies to help move families more quickly into permanent housing. United Way has been partnering with government agencies to ensure that we all share a common vision of working together to end homelessness. To date, United Way has worked with the Commission to End Homelessness, the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance, the Legislature, and co-hosted a statewide Housing First conference with over 450 participants. Together, we can make homelessness a thing of the past. 12 our work • Increase the number of people served by financial skills training • Increase the number of families who have retained or obtained affordable housing u your 2006-2007 investment in action 20,047 people retained or obtained affordable housing 1,173 affordable housing units produced or preserved urt et al. Homelessness: Programs and the people they serve: Findings of the National Survey B of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients, a technical report prepared for the Interagency Council on Homelessness, 1999. 13 UMASS Boston, McCormack Institute, Situation Critical, Report 2000, Meeting the Housing Needs of Lower Income Massachusetts Residents, 2000. 14 Weinreb L., Goldberg R., Bassuk E., Perloff J. Determinants of health and service use patterns in homeless and low income housed children. Pediatrics, 1998. 15 Burt et al. Ibid. 16 Homeless Children: America’s New Outcasts, National Center on Family Homelessness, 1999. 12 For more information visit: supportunitedway.org/ourwork/housing 2,550 people gained financial and knowledge $6.2 million invested in affordable housing programs our work 13 success stories u Closing the u The Power of Meet Kim, she was born prematurely and struggled Meet Christina, as a child she suffered through with critical developmental delays. Her mother was a single parent, living in poverty, and trying to overcome an abusive relationship. All of these factors put Kim at significant risk for the types of social and emotional deficiencies that lead to serious behavioral problems. her parents’ struggles with addiction and their abusive Fortunately, Kim’s mother enrolled her in an early education and care program at the Elizabeth Peabody House, a United Way partner agency. This program has provided a continuity of care for Kim and her mother, allowing her to learn, grow, and successfully transition into kindergarten. and she was sent to a rehabilitation program—where Achievement Gap This work is about giving “children what they need and deserve, eradicating the achievement gap for the next generation. ” – Young Minds Matter Summit Proceedings United Way’s early childhood support programs have served over 22,000 at-risk children. With childcare costs on the rise, and 19,000 children on the Commonwealth’s wait list for subsidized childcare, significant work needs to be done to level the playing field and eliminate the achievement gap for the next generation. The teachers at Peabody House worked closely with Kim’s mother to design activities that meet Kim’s specific developmental needs. They advocated for Kim with the Commonwealth’s Special Education Department, and she now receives the speech and language services she needs to succeed. Kim’s mother has benefited from the program’s parenting classes, and received proper prenatal care when she became pregnant with her second child—ensuring he or she gets started on the right track. With your help, United Way can continue to serve families like Kim’s and ensure that all children have access to opportunities that promote educational success and a lifetime of achievement. By investing in the latest research and innovative programs that promote healthy childhood development, we are making Massachusetts the best place for children in the country. Mentoring relationship. She lacked guidance, became depressed and suicidal, and spent years in and out of foster homes. When Christina was 17, she dropped out of school and began abusing drugs. “Things were out of control,” she explains, she discovered she was pregnant. Christina knew she needed to make significant life changes, but lacking guidance and support, wasn’t sure where to start. Christina’s addiction counselor put her in touch with a staff member at Roca, Inc.’s Healthy Families Program, a United Way partner agency. This staff member became a friend and mentor, and their positive relationship helped Christina turn her life around. United Way supports programs that provide girls like Christina with consistent, long-term, nurturing relationships, and works to provide youth with the tools and resources they need to succeed in school and in life. Christina’s relationship with her mentor helped her resist self-destructive behavior, adopt healthy lifestyle habits, and discover her leadership abilities. Today, Christina is making the right choices. She’s drug-free, studying for her GED, and training to become a mentor to girls facing similar struggles. “I want to help teens who are experiencing the same problems,” she explains. With your generous support, United Way can continue to make a difference and improve the quality of life for young people like Christina. Together, we can ensure Without programs “ like this, I would have had no one to turn to. ” – Christina that all young people have the tools and resources they need to succeed in school and beyond. 14 success stories success stories 15 success stories u Obtaining Affordable Housing u The Power of Education Meet Carola, a single mother raising a four- Meet Marisol, long before her eighteenth and two-year-old. For years, she and her children birthday she lived through the death of her parents, endured the emotional abuse of her husband. When an unaccompanied journey from Nigeria to the United the marriage finally ended and her husband moved States, and several years in and out of foster homes. out, Carola’s salary wasn’t enough to pay the rent. Along the way, she became homeless and gave birth She and her kids became part of Massachusetts’ to a child. Marisol knew she couldn’t raise her son growing population of 10,000 homeless families. Carola and her children were referred to Travelers Aid on the streets, so she moved into a shelter run by Project Hope, a United Way partner agency. Family Services, a United Way partner agency that works With help from services provided at the shelter, Marisol under the Housing First philosophy. The agency quickly began to turn her life around. She enrolled in the shelter’s placed her family in an apartment to minimize further adult education program, where she had access to basic disruption, and Carola enrolled in a job training program. literacy courses, career advice, and leadership training. She enrolled her son in shelter-run childcare, where staff United Way’s Housing First Initiative helps people nurtured his social and emotional needs while Marisol experiencing homelessness move into housing as developed the skills she needed to care for her family. quickly as possible, and then provides home-based support services to help them stabilize their lives and United Way supports programs that provide low-income become more self-sufficient. After completing job and low-skilled workers like Marisol with the education training, Carola was offered a job at a local hospital and career advancement opportunities they need to achieve where she has since been promoted several times. self-sufficiency. Social, educational, and economic barriers can make attaining sustainable employment a challenging Today, Carola and her children are thriving. She continues goal. United Way partners with community agencies to to work at the hospital, and is writing a book about over- provide integrated and comprehensive services that help coming domestic abuse. Her children are succeeding in meet that challenge. school and participating in healthy afterschool activities. Through the difficult times, Carola was able to keep her Thanks to her hard work, and help from a volunteer family healthy and intact, and to use Travelers Aid Services tutor at the center, Marisol was able to advance her as a springboard to a better future. reading skills from a sixth-grade to a tenth-grade level. I feel good about the fact that “ I have a job where I can advance. I am setting a good example for my kids. ” – Technology Training Graduate She continues to study, and is enrolled in a technology “ Housing First is a vital solution. The premise is simple: put people into housing. – Boston Globe Editorial 16 success stories ” United Way is working to enhance the ability of our training program. She hopes to become a computer partner agencies to move families more quickly into per- technician, and to build a better future for her son. manent housing or to prevent homelessness altogether. With your help, we can continue to provide the tools With your support, we can continue to help families like that people like Marisol need to achieve their dreams. Carola’s, and together we can end family homelessness. success stories 17 community power United Way brings people together—through partnerships, donor and volunteer opportunities and community engagements—to affect change and measurably improve the quality of life where we live, work and raise our children. Together we are making real progress towards ensuring that children and youth are healthy, nurtured and ready to succeed in school and life; individuals earn self-sustaining wages; and all families have a place to call home. 18 community power Each year, United Way unites people through an impressive series of events that support our vision to ensure our region’s children and families have access to opportunities, options and hope for the future. From our “Living the Dream” series to our Hotel Tag Sale, Leadership and Alexis de Tocqueville Society receptions, these events inspire dedication and support for our programs and initiatives, foster a sense of community and further our combined efforts to improve our region. community power 19 Left to right: Blenda Wilson, Ian Bowles, Beverly Edgehill, Eric Schwartz, Barry Bluestone, Jim Braude, Ellen Zane, Rey Ramsey, Milton Little and Howard Freedman, Inaugural Panelists. Living the Dream Series Left to right: Mayor Ken Reeves; Dr. Susan Hockfield, Keynote Speaker; Jeffrey Elton; Wendy Everett, Sc.D., Chair; and Milton Little. Dream in Science Location: In a 2006 United Way poll, 76 percent Inaugural of respondents said the American Dream is harder to achieve today than it was ten years ago. While the Dream was certainly alive for previous generations, it may be in jeopardy for today’s families, 22.8 percent of whom live below the federal poverty line. keynote speaker: Eric Schwartz To help ensure that the American Dream remains a reality, United Way convened “Living keynote speaker: Rey Ramsey the Dream,” a series of eight action-oriented panel discussions. With generous support from Bank of America and Northeastern University, experts from across a broad spectrum were invited to participate in thought-provoking discussions. The inaugural panel examined issues that impact the ability of low- to moderate-income individuals and families to attain the American Dream. Subsequent discussions led by thought leaders focused on diversity, technology, housing, education, health care, employment and justice. President and CEO of Citizen Schools 20 community power Date: MIT President Susan Hockfield, Wendy Everett, Sc.D. Cambridge Mayor Kenneth Reeves and top executives at Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, New England Healthcare Institute, and numerous biotechnology companies joined United Way to celebrate a partnership that is bringing hands-on learning in the sciences to young people. To date, the life sciences Diversity Dr. Frank Douglas Ph.D., M.D. date: October 25, 2006 Access to Technology Founder and Chief Executive Officer, One Economy date: December 5, 2006 Housing date: January 24, 2007 Education date: March, 13, 2007 Health Care September 15, 2006 chairs: New England Healthcare Institute keynote speaker: Dr. Susan Hockfield President Massachusetts Institute of Technology underwriters: Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research and supporting industries have raised more than $1.25 million for United Way’s Math, Science & Technology initiative (MSTi), a partnership to foster a lifelong curiosity in the sciences and prepare young people for rewarding careers in math, science and technology-related fields. date: May 1, 2007 Employment date: May 23, 2007 Justice date: June 12, 2007 Left to right: Dr. Susan Hockfield, Keynote Speaker; Milton Little; and kids from the East End House. address the key issues identified and provide a framework for action to help ensure that all children and families in our region have access to opportunity. supportunitedway.org/livingthedream | date: June 5, 2006 Early next year, United Way and its partners will issue a community-wide blueprint to u For more information visit: The State Room Pictured above: Rey Ramsey, Keynote Speaker. community power 21 Jerry Remy, Keynote Speaker. Left to right: Michael Choe, Chair; Milton Little; Andrew Balson and Seth Lawry, Chairs; Arthur Collins; Mike Dee, Keynote Speaker; and Robert Nicholson, Chair. Executive Leadership Breakfast Location: Sheraton Boston Hotel | Date: September 19, 2006 Private Equity/Venture Capital Breakfast Location: The Colonnade Boston | Date: September 22, 2006 Over 300 CEOs and business leaders chairs: chairs and underwriters: Members of the private equity and venture capital showed their support for United Way at this twelfth annual event. Jerry Remy, former Red Sox second baseman and color analyst for NESN, shared his first-hand observations of United Way’s impact on the lives of children and families in our communities. Attendees were introduced to Out of Harm’s Way, a new United Way initiative that has made real progress toward helping at-risk youth by promoting safer environments in which to learn and succeed. Through the dedication and commitment of the business community, United Way will expand this program to other schools and continue to provide innovative solutions to help youth reach Joseph P. Holland Andrew Balson community joined forces to address the issue of youth violence in our communities. Arthur Collins, manager for Dearborn Middle School’s Out of Harm’s Way program, spoke about how this new United Way initiative is already working to stem youth violence among middle school students. The initiative has allowed the school to hire new staff and teach them strategies for identifying children who are “at-risk” and addressing barriers to safe learning. Thanks to the generous support of the business community, the program is reaching greater numbers of at-risk youth and helping to provide Eastern Bank keynote speaker: Jerry Remy Color Commentator, NESN Former Player, Boston Red Sox underwriters: Eastern Bank Bain Capital Michael Choe Charlesbank Capital Partners Seth Lawry Thomas H. Lee Partners Robert Nicholson Robert Small Berkshire Partners keynote speaker: Mike Dee their fullest potential in school and in life. healthy alternatives to destructive or violent behavior. Chief Operating Officer Boston Red Sox Left to right: Kevin Callaghan and Milton Little. Left to right: Bill Fine, Bink Garrison and Carol Fulp. 22 community power Pictured above: Joseph Holland, Chair. community power 23 Left to right: Jeffrey Alpaugh and Edward Lopes, Co-Chairs; Dan Shaughnessy, Keynote Speaker; Hope Aldrich and Tom Schmitt Co-Chairs; and Milton Little. Left to right: Bill Bacic; Karen Kruck, Chair; Liz Walker; Susan Esper, Chair; Robin Chase, Keynote; and Milton Little. Insurance Leadership Breakfast Location: Sheraton Boston Hotel | Date: September 27, 2006 Both new and long-term supporters from chairs: the insurance industry took part in the ninth annual Insurance Leadership Breakfast. Guest speakers shared their first-hand experiences of mentorship and the importance of providing Hope A. Aldrich teens with stable environments and caring adult role models. United Way supports programs and activities for youth to develop nurturing relationships and the skills they need to successfully navigate the challenges of growing up and reaching their full potential. Industry leaders demonstrated their dedication to ensuring that everyone—especially youth—has access to the social and economic opportunities that help them to thrive and succeed. Left to right: Lynne Sinnott McCauley and Jeff Alpaugh, Chair. Women’s Leadership Events Eastern Insurance Jeffrey S. Alpaugh Marsh Thomas N. Schmitt One Beacon Edward J. Lopes AIG keynote speaker: Dan Shaughnessy Columnist/Author The Boston Globe Women’s Leadership Breakfast location: Seaport Hotel date: October 5, 2006 chairs: Susan M. Esper, Deloitte Karen E. Kruck, State Street Global Advisors keynote speaker: Robin Chase Founder and Chief Executive Officer, ZipCar underwriter: Deloitte Women’s Leadership Luncheon location: The Westin Waltham date: October 31, 2006 chairs: Carmen M. Fields, KeySpan Addie Swartz, B*tween Productions, Beacon Street Girls keynote speaker: Anita Hill Professor of Law, Social Policy and Women’s Studies, Brandeis University underwriters: underwriter: AIG Eastern Insurance Marsh OneBeacon Insurance Women’s Alexis de Tocqueville Society Lunch Deloitte RBC Dain Rauscher location: Home of Ambassador Swanee G. Hunt date: September 26, 2006 keynote speaker: Milton J. Little, Jr. Immediate Past President and Chief Executive Officer United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Bithiah L. Carter Women’s Leadership Breakfast Over 700 women leaders came together to support Today Girl’s…Tomorrow’s Leaders (TGTL) to raise awareness about issues impacting girls and to increase the number of mentoring relationships between women and girls. More than $1 million was raised for TGTL, which has touched the lives of over 200,000 girls, helping to empower these promising new leaders so they can flourish and succeed. Women’s Leadership Luncheon The luncheon attracted over 500 women who are working together to expand awareness of and support for TGTL and Out of Harm’s Way. United Way has invested over $8 million in TGTL initiatives to help girls, ages 7-18, develop the skills, self-esteem and courage they need to overcome challenges and succeed. Out of Harm’s Way works to increase the capacity of teachers and after-school staff to work with at-risk youth, build community partnerships and increase opportunities for youth to participate in structured out-of-school time activities. Women’s Alexis de Tocqueville Society Luncheon Leading donors attended The Alexis de Tocqueville Society Women’s Luncheon, hosted by Ambassador Swanee Hunt. Guests discussed the current state of young women in our region and learned more about TGTL initiatives and efforts to build a community of empowered girls and women. Director, Community Impact United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley 24 community power community power 25 Left to right: Artrell Hawkins, New England Patriots’ Player; Milton Little; and Ben Watson, New England Patriots’ Player. Left to right: Dave Schaus, Chair and Ron Logue. Investment Leadership Breakfast Hometown Huddle Location: Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Yawkey Club of Roxbury | Date: October 31, 2006 Location: The Westin Copley Place | Date: Ben Watson and Artrell Hawkins joined chairs: At the Twelfth Annual Investment New England Patriots Hall-of-Famer Andre Tippett for United Way’s seventh annual Hometown Huddle, a league-wide day of service that provides NFL players and coaches with an opportunity to partake in community service activities. Patriots players coached youth on football training basics and talked about the power of mentorship Philippe Bibi Leadership Breakfast, business leaders learned more about how United Way maximizes the power of their contributions by investing in programs with proven strategies that obtain measurable results and yield significant returns. By partnering with community-based agencies, United Way provides access to asset-building and the importance of having role models. United Way provides opportunities for youth to develop supportive adult relationships, which research has shown increases self-esteem, and reduces school absenteeism and drop-out rates. The NFL and United Way partnership is the most visible and longest running charitable collaboration of its kind. The Hometown Huddle partnership between the New England Patriots and United Way of Massachusetts Bay began in 1999. Pictured above: Ben Watson with kids from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Yawkey Club of Roxbury. Putnam Investments William W. Hunt State Street Global Advisors David J. Schaus Left to right: Artrell Hawkins RBC Dain Rauscher keynote speaker: Sharon Farmer Director, White House Photographer During Clinton/Gore Administration community power programs that produce long-term solutions to economic instability. United Way has helped thousands of families obtain employment and acquire the skills and assets they need to achieve economic self-sufficiency. underwriters: Left to right: Ben Watson LPL Financial Services RiverSource Investments, LLC Vestmark Left to right: Milton Little, Artrell Hawkins, Rena Clark and Andrea Swain. Pictured above: Sharon Farmer, Keynote Speaker. 26 October 17, 2006 Left to right: John Manley, Ted Ladd and Faith Peters. community power 27 Left to right: Michael Patrick MacDonald, Keynote Speaker; Regina Pisa, Co-Chair; Milton Little; William Lee, Co- Chair. Lawyers’ Leadership Breakfast Location: The Colonnade Boston | Date: October 26, 2006 Left to right: Commissioner David Driscoll, Representative Patricia Haddad, Panelist; Dr. Jane Knitzer, Keynote; Valora Washington, Ph.D., Event Emcee. Young Minds Matter Summit Location: The Omni Parker House Hotel | Date: November 1, 2006 At the Third Annual Lawyers’ Leadership chairs: keynote: Commissioners from the departments of Breakfast, leaders from the legal community came together to support United Way’s innovative youth programs and initiatives. Author Michael Patrick MacDonald reflected upon his experiences growing up in a working poor family in South Boston’s Old Colony development and the many challenges that youth can face. Participants learned about United Way initiatives—such as Out of Harm’s Way which focuses on violence prevention to ensure youth Sandra L. Jesse Dr. Jane Knitzer Education, Mental Health and Early Education and Care joined national experts, policymakers, pediatricians, mental health professionals, and early care and education providers at Young Minds Matter, a summit to address the social and emotional wellbeing of children, birth to age five. Hosted by United Way and the Schott Foundation, the summit’s focus was to promote better screening processes for young children’s mental health issues, enhance professional training in early childhood development and identify more creative strategies to fund services not covered by insurance. have positive options for the future so that they can succeed in school and in life. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc. William F. Lee Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP Regina M. Pisa Goodwin Procter LLP keynote speaker: Michael Patrick MacDonald Author of All Souls and Easter Rising underwriters: CB Richard Ellis/ New England Citizens Bank of Massachusetts Left to right: Jonathan Chiel, Committee Member; and Milton Little. Director National Center for Children in Poverty emcee: Valora Washington Ph.D. Schott Fellowship in Early Care and Education panelists: Commissioner Ann Reale Department of Early Education and Care Commissioner David Driscoll Department of Education Commissioner Elizabeth Childs Department of Mental Health Associate Commissioner Sally Fogerty Department of Public Health Neal Michaels Left to right: Commissioner Eric Childs, panelist; Ann Reale, panelist; John Wagner and Valora Washington, Ph.D., Event Emcee. Director, Early Intervention Department of Social Services event co-sponsors: The Schott Fellowship in Early Care and Education, Together for Kids Coalition Massachusetts Head Start State Collaboration Office, Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care and Massachusetts Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems 28 community power community power 29 Left to right: Jen Berylson, Chuck Gordon, Emily Leventhal, Kate Lubin, Sara Fleiss and Lauren Myers. Left to right: Michael Flaherty, Boston City Councilor, Robert Beal, Rodger “Rod” Nordblom, Leventhal/Sidman Award recipient; and Paula Sidman. Real Estate and Building Industry Leadership Breakfast Location: Boston Marriott Copley Place Real Estate and Building Industry leaders | Date: November 3, 2006 Emerging Leaders Location: Private Residence at the Ritz Carlton November 15, 2006 host: United Way brought together emerging Polly Bryson Abner Kurtin young leaders at the Ritz Carlton in Boston to celebrate their commitment to improving the quality of life in our region and learn more about the impact of United Way’s work in our communities. The event underscored the importance of cultivating new leaders Mahmood Malihi Janis Kearney, author and personal diarist to President Clinton, shared her inspiring story about how she achieved the American Dream and Rodger “Rod” Nordblom, of Nordblom Company, received the Leventhal/Sidman Achievement Award for his outstanding service to the community. Date: chairs: learned more about United Way youth programs that foster learning, development and self-confidence Terra Nova Partners, LLC including Today’s Girls…Tomorrow’s Leaders, Out of Harm’s Way, and Math, Science and Technology initiative (MSTi)—that provide mentoring and Leggat McCall Properties skill-building opportunities to help youth succeed in school and life. | Barbara Smith-Bacon who will be entrusted with ensuring our region is the best place for children and families for future generations to come. Berkley Investments, Inc. David Fitzgerald CB Richard Ellis/New England Jim Rappaport Left to right: Milton Little, Abner Kurtin, Stacey Lucchino and Michael Flaherty. The New Boston Fund Glenn Verrette Equity Office Properties keynote speaker: Janis F. Kearney Left to right: Kevin Phelan and John Fish. Author, Lecturer, Activist and Personal Diarist to President Clinton Left to right: Carrie Leto, Joe Leto, Lauren Phelan Lipscomb. Left to right: Raleigh Shoemaker, Dan Osnoss and Elliot Gould. underwriters: Capital Properties Left to right: Barbara Smith-Bacon, Mahmood Malihi and Polly Bryson, Co-Chairs; Milton Little; Janis F. Kearney, Keynote Speaker; and Jim Rappaport, Co-Chair. 30 community power community power 31 Left to right: Steve Powell, Kathy Rohan MacVarish and Milton Little. Left to right: Alberto Vasallo, Jr., M.L. Carr, Moderator; Milton Little, Jackie Jenkins Scott, Charles Titus, William Pollack, Ph.D., Keynote Speaker; Marilyn Anderson Chase and Randal Rucker. The Heart of the Matter Conference Location: University of Massachusetts, Boston | Date: More than 300 representatives of moderator for panel: youth-serving organizations convened with experts to identify mentoring and M. L. Carr engagement strategies that meet the unique needs of boys and young men through each stage of their development. United Way hosted this event in response to 2006 data that showed Massachusetts boys falling behind girls in academic achievement and retention, as well as growing concern over the lack of gender-specific programming targeting their social and emotional well-being. January 18, 2007 Annual Campaign Celebration location: The Federal Reserve | April 30, 2007 The power to solve critical issues— including youth violence, family homelessness, financial instability and school readiness—took center stage at this evening of celebration honoring Former Celtics Player, Head Coach and General Manager leading corporate and community partners whose collective efforts raise the quality of life for our region’s children and families. keynote speaker: William Pollack, Ph.D. Author of Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood Date: Left to right: Michelle DeLorenzo, Linda Litsch, Lou Moccia and Christina Harakai. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., State Street Corporation, Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care Commissioner Ann Reale, and Black Ministerial Alliance Executive Director Harold Sparrow were among those honored for their outstanding commitment and dedication. Left to right: Wally DeGuglielmo, Erin Cathron, Rebecca Blair and Brian Kozik. William Pollack, Ph.D., Keynote Speaker and author of Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood. 32 community power Daren Graves, Simmons College, Workshop Panelist. community power 33 Left to right: Richard and Maxine Charlton, Co-Chairs; and Milton Little. Left to right: (Top) Stephen M. Weiner, James Roosevelt, Jr., Edward M. Benz, Jr., MD, Phyllis Yale, Co-Chairs. (Bottom) Debra Ann Geihsler, Andrew Dreyfus, Co-Chairs; Jonathan Kraft, Milton Little; Peter L. Slavin, MD and Roberta Herman, MD, Co-Chairs. Healthcare Leadership Breakfast Location: The Colonnade Boston | Leaders from the healthcare community raised more than $250,000 at this inaugural event to support United Way’s commitment to improving the health of children and families, essential factors in improving overall quality of life. United Way’s “United in the Continuum of Care” theme unites healthcare, social service and human service agencies to provide quality and continuity in care to help ensure the Date: June 4, 2007 co-chairs: Stephen M. Weiner Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. James Roosevelt, Jr. Tufts Health Plan Edward M. Benz, Jr., MD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Phyllis Yale Bain and Company physical, mental and emotional Debra Ann Geihsler well-being of individuals throughout Atrius Health and Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates their lives. Andrew Dreyfus Inaugural United Way Golf Classic Location: Oyster Harbors Golf Club | chairs: Richard and Maxine Charlton premier sponsor: Mellon Asset Management Date: June 11, 2007 Current and new donors came together to partake in this premier golf tournament, hosted by Maxine and Richard Charlton at the Oyster Harbors Club in Osterville. Golfers enjoyed a great day on the green and learned about the many ways they can support United Way in its efforts to create lasting change in the community. After the green, participants enjoyed a silent auction, the proceeds of which went to support United Way investments. Healthcare Services Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc. keynote speaker: Jonathan Kraft 34 Peter L. Slavin, MD Massachusetts General Hospital Vice Chairman and President, New England Patriots Football Club President and Chief Executive Officer, The Kraft Group Roberta Herman, MD underwriters: James Mandell, MD Citizens Bank of Massachusetts Ellen M. Zane community power Health Services, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Gary Gottlieb, MD, MBA Brigham and Women’s Hospital Left to right: Meredith Meeks, Emily Woods, Joe Rosen and Jon Meterparel. Children’s Hospital Boston Tufts-New England Medical Center community power 35 Left to right: Mark Anderson, Chair; and Milton Little. Joe Bergantino, Event Emcee and Alexis de Tocqueville Society Vice Chair. Alexis de Tocqueville Society Reception Location: The Institute of Contemporary Art | Date: June 13, 2007 Hotel Tag Sale Location: City Hall Plaza | June 13, 2007 United Way honored members of the Alexis chairs: chairs: Through the generosity of the hospitality de Tocqueville Society at its annual reception. The Tocqueville Society is a special group of the region’s most influential and altruistic community leaders who have set the Robert Beal Mark Anderson Sandy Edgerley Paul Tormey industry, United Way sponsored a giant “tag sale” which took place on Boston’s City Hall plaza. This sixth annual event featured a wide array of items for sale, with proceeds benefiting children standard in engaged philanthropy. Their generous support has enabled United Way to make significant investments in high-impact programs reaching thousands of children and families. Guests viewed paintings created by Raw Art Works students whose works interpret the meaning of “quality of life.” Robert Beal—and his dog, Mountie Too—received the Alexis de Tocqueville Society Award for serving as a leader and champion on behalf of United Way and inspiring others to support our work as Tocqueville Society members. The Beal Companies Community Philanthropist Sheraton Hotel Boston Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel Myra Kraft Left to right: Myra Kraft, Alexis de Tocqueville Society Co-Chair; Robert Beal, Alexis de Tocqueville Society Co-Chair and Alexis de Tocqueville Society Award Recipient. community power and families served by United Way. Everything—from furniture, china and fine art to kitchenware, linens and terrycloth hotel robes—was up for grabs, making for a fun and memorable day for United Way staff, hotel staff and shoppers alike! United Way partner agencies were the beneficiaries of any unsold items, and M.L. MacDonald Moving Company generously donated their services for the day. Community Philanthropist Robert Mahoney Citizens Financial Group Langham Hotel Staff. 36 Date: Tag sale shoppers. Left to right: Sandy Edgerley, Alexis de Tocqueville Society Co-Chair; Pam and Rich Remis, Alexis de Tocqueville Society Cabinet Member. community power 37 partner agencies United Way is committed to bringing people together to address pressing social issues head-on and deliver high-impact results that improve our quality of life. We convene the “best and the brightest” in our communities—259 partner agencies who are on the front lines of social change and whose research-based methods and strategies are making real progress. As a social catalyst and changemaker, United Way promotes collaboration among partner agencies to foster best practices, information sharing and new ideas. We examine the root causes of economic, social and educational inequity and, together, devise new strategies to provide children and families with the resources and tools they need to succeed in life. 38 partner agencies United Way helps its partner agencies to build capacity and enhance effectiveness by providing funding, innovative planning and cost-saving resources, access to important research, technical support and financial management consulting. Working together, our partner agencies are a powerful force for social change with far greater impact and reach than could be achieved individually. Through our unified vision, combined talents and strengths, we rally the communities in our footprint to ensure that children and youth are nurtured and have positive options for the future and that families have access to affordable housing and economic opportunity. partner agencies 39 Partner Agencies Healthy Child Development Preparing children for kindergarten and a lifetime of achievement Associated Early Care & Education Cambridge Family & Children’s Service Catholic Charities of Greater Boston Child Care Resource Center Cerebral Palsy Association of Eastern Massachusetts Children’s Friend and Family Services Children’s Services of Roxbury Colonel Daniel Marr Boys & Girls Club Combined Jewish Philanthropies Crispus Attucks Children’s Center Inc. East Boston Social Centers East End House Elizabeth Peabody House Ellis Memorial & Eldredge House Family & Children’s Service of Greater Lynn Family Service of Greater Boston Federated Dorchester Neighborhood Houses Greater Lynn YMCA Gregg House Hattie B. Cooper Community Center Home for Little Wanderers Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA) La Alianza Hispana Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (MSPCC) Newton Community Service Centers Project Hope Roca Salvation Army Somerville YMCA South Boston Neighborhood House South Shore Day Care Services The Guidance Center, Inc. United South End Settlements Vietnamese American Initiative for Development (Viet–AID) Woburn Council of Social Concern YMCA of Greater Boston YMCA of the North Shore (Salem YMCA) 40 partner agencies Increasing Youth Opportunities Improving academic opportunities and career options for youth Adelante Youth Center Arlington Boys & Girls Club Arlington Community Trabajando Asian Center Merrimack Valley, Inc. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Greater Lowell Big Sister Association of Greater Boston Bird Street Community Center BOSTnet Boston Asian: Youth Essential Service Boston Minuteman Council, Boy Scouts of America Boys & Girls Club of Greater Billerica Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lowell Boys & Girls Club of Lower Merrimack Valley Boys & Girls Club of Lynn Boys & Girls Club of Woburn Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston Boys & Girls Clubs of Middlesex County, Inc. Boys Club of Haverhill Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Inc. Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association of Greater Lowell Cambridge Community Center Cambridge Community Services Cambridge Family & Children’s Service Camp Fire USA–Eastern Massachusetts Council Camp Fire USA North Shore Council Catholic Charities of Greater Boston Centro Latino de Chelsea Centro Presente Child Care Resource Center Children’s Friend and Family Services Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts Children’s Services of Roxbury Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation Colonel Daniel Marr Boys & Girls Club Combined Jewish Philanthropies Community Art Center Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC) East Boston Ecumenical Community Council (EBECC) East Boston Social Centers East End House Elizabeth Peabody House Ellis Memorial & Eldredge House Family & Children’s Service of Greater Lynn Family Service of Greater Boston Family Service, Inc. Federated Dorchester Neighborhood Houses Girl Scouts of Spar & Spindle Council Girls Incorporated of Haverhill Girls Incorporated of Greater Lowell Girls Incorporated of Lynn Greater Lawrence Community Boating Program Greater Lynn YMCA Gregg House Hattie B. Cooper Community Center Haverhill Public Schools Learning For Life Program Hispanic Office of Planning & Evaluation (HOPE) Home for Little Wanderers Hyde Square Task Force Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA) Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center, Inc. f/k/a Women’s Crisis Center La Alianza Hispana Lawrence Boys & Girls Club Lowell Citizen Schools Malden YMCA Malden YWCA–Center for Women & Families Massachusetts Advocates for Children Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (MSPCC) Mental Health Association of Greater Lowell Newton Community Service Centers Northeast Family YMCA Northeast Independent Living Program Notre Dame High School Partners for Youth with Disabilities Patriots’ Trail Girl Scout Council Rape Crisis Services of Greater Lowell Roca Roxbury Multi–Service Center, Inc. Roxbury Youthworks Salvation Army Samaritans of Boston Sociedad Latina Somerville YMCA South Boston Neighborhood House South Shore Day Care Services South Shore YMCA St. Ann’s Home, Inc. The Brookline Center The Guidance Center, Inc. The James Place Child Care The Medical Foundation Transition House United South End Settlements Waltham Boys & Girls Club Wilmington Family Counseling Service YMCA of Greater Boston YMCA of the North Shore (Salem YMCA) YWCA Boston YWCA of Greater Lawrence YWCA of Haverhill YWCA of Lowell Sustainable Employment Affordable Housing American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay Asian American Civic Association Boston Center for Independent Living Boys & Girls Club of Greater Billerica Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association of Greater Lowell Cambridge College– Lawrence Regional Center Career Resources Catholic Charities of Greater Boston CEDAC Centro Latino de Chelsea Centro Presente Charles River Public Internet Center Combined Jewish Philanthropies Community Work Services Crittenton Women’s Union Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation East Boston Ecumenical Community Council (EBECC) Emmaus Inc. Federated Dorchester Neighborhood Houses Greater Boston Legal Services Greater Lowell Family YMCA Haverhill Partners for Literacy/ Community Action International Institute of Boston Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation JFY Networks Lawrence Boys & Girls Club Lena Park Community Development Corporation LifeLinks, Inc. MACDC Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers, MAPS Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) Merrimack Valley YMCA Mujeres Unidas en Accion Notre Dame Education Center Operation A.B.L.E. of Greater Boston, Inc. Project Hope Quincy Community Action Program, Inc. (QCAP) Roca Salem Harbor Community Development Corporation STRIVE/Boston Employment Service, Inc. Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts X–Cel, Inc Year Up YMCA of Greater Boston YWCA Newburyport YWCA of Greater Lawrence Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence Boston Center for Independent Living Casa Myrna Vazquez Children’s Services of Roxbury Chinese Progressive Association Citizens’ Housing & Planning Association (CHAPA) City Life/Vida Urbana Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation Community Legal Services and Counseling Center Crittenton Women’s Union Disability Law Center Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation Ensuring Stability through Action in our Community Father Bills Place Greater Boston Legal Services Homes for Families HomeStart Housing Families Inc. Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation MACDC Madison Park Development Corporation Massachusetts Association For Mental Health Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless Neighborhood Housing Services of the South Shore Neighborhood of Affordable Housing (NOAH) Nuestra Comunidad Development Corporation Project Hope Quincy Community Action Program, Inc. (QCAP) Salem Harbor Community Development Corporation Shelter, Inc. Somerville Homeless Coalition, Inc. Transition House Travelers Aid Family Services Urban Edge Victory Programs Vietnamese American Initiative for Development (Viet–AID) Helping adults develop the skills to find family sustaining wages that provide for their families Increasing family economic independence and access to safe, affordable housing Basic Needs Providing food, clothing, shelter, and safety for all people American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay American Red Cross of Merrimack Valley American Red Cross of Northeast Massachusetts ARC of Northern Essex County Inc. Catholic Charities of Greater Boston Greater Boston Legal Services Home Health VNA, Inc. Lowell Association for the Blind Lowell Citizen Schools Merrimack Valley Catholic Charities Salvation Army Somebody Cares New England Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Lowell Other Agencies Community agencies receiving donor designations only Agassiz Village AIDS Action Committee All Care VNA of Greater Lynn American Cancer Society, New England Division Arthritis Foundation, Massachusetts Chapter Bay State Community Services Boston Area Rape Crisis Center CAB Health & Recovery Services Cambridge Camping Association Cambridge Family YMCA Caritas Home Care Center House, Inc. Cerebral Palsy of Massachusetts Charles River Association for Retarded Citizens City Year–Boston Committee for Boston Public Housing Comprehensive School–Age Parenting Program (CSAPP) Concord–Assabet Family & Adolescent Services D.E.A.F., Inc. Dare Family Services DOVE (Domestic Violence Ended) Elizabeth Stone House Fenway Community Development Corporation Fidelity House Girl Scout Council of Southeastern Massachusetts Greater Boston Diabetes Society Greater Boston Food Bank Greater Lynn Mental Health & Retardation Association Greater Medford Visiting Nurse Association Hale Reservation Hallmark Health Visiting partner agencies 41 Partner Agencies (continued) Nurse Association Help for Abused Women & Their Children (HAWC) Homeowners Rehab Jewish Community Center of the North Shore Jewish Family Service of the North Shore John F. Kennedy Family Service Center John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton Mass Mentoring Partnership Massachusetts Association for the Blind Community Services Melrose Family YMCA MetroWest YMCA Minute Man Arc for Human Services Natick Visiting Nurse Association New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans North Metropolitian Homemaker–Health Aide Service North Shore ARC North Suffolk Mental Health Association Parents Helping Parents Pine Street Inn Salesian Boys & Girls Club South Shore ARC SPAN, Inc. Special Fund for Emergency Financial Assistance The Jimmy Fund of Dana–Farber Cancer Institute/United Way of Massachusetts Bay Collaboration Fund Thom Child & Family Services Triangle, Inc. Tri-Town Council on Youth & Family Services Visiting Nurse and Community Health Visiting Nurse Association of Boston Visiting Nurse Association of Eastern Massachusetts Visiting Nurse Association of Middlesex East VNA Care Network Walpole Area Visiting Nurse Association Watertown Boys & Girls Club West Suburban YMCA YWCA Cambridge United Way of Massachusetts Bay, Inc. Statement of Financial Position All results reported in this book are as of June 30, 2006 (With Comparative Totals for 2005) 2006 Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Total Restricted Restricted Assets 2005 Total Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,645,917 $ 666,183 $ - $ 4,312,100 $4,223,932 Receivables Contributions receivable, net of allowance for uncollectible pledges 21,300 15,806,564 84,961 Interest and dividends receivable 49,820 Grants receivable 64,330 Receivable from charitable trust Other current assets - 1,212,913 - 111,672 - 123,600 - - - 15,912,825 16,053,732 49,820 43,193 176,002 253,227 - 6,000 - 1,336,513 2,321,381 Investments 30,787,961 3,277,538 4,622,402 38,687,901 36,081,408 Total current assets 35,782,241 19,985,557 4,707,363 60,475,161 58,982,873 Property and equipment, at cost, less accumulated depreciation of $1,182,975 in 2006 and $1,554,579 in 2005 3,638,316 - - 3,638,316 1,983,443 Investments in perpetual trusts - - 4,891,656 4,891,656 4,737,475 4,583 - 88,959 93,542 156,880 319,531 257,344 22,647 599,522 237,709 Scholarship and preservation pledges receivable, net of allowance for uncollectible pledges Other assets Total assets $ 39,744,671 $ 20,242,901 $ 9,710,625 $ 69,698,197 $ 66,098,380 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 2,324,459 $ $131,093 $ - $ $2,455,552 $ 3,111,042 Program initiatives payable 1,576,302 - - 1,576,302 770,763 Donor designations payable - 2,899,586 - 2,899,586 2,944,826 Grant designations payable - 51,070 - 51,070 63,570 Deferred revenue - 615,113 - 615,113 914,809 3,696,862 - 7,597,623 7,805,010 2,438,984 Total current liabilities 3,900,761 Deferred lease incentive 2,264,919 - - 2,264,919 Deferred rent 436,781 - - 436,781 188,763 Total liabilities 6,602,461 3,696,862 - 10,299,323 10,432,757 Commitments and contingencies - - - - - Net Assets General operations 8,227,450 - - 8,227,450 5,630,386 Property and equipment 3,638,316 - - 3,638,316 1,983,443 - - 2,452,134 3,030,058 - 9,798,099 9,087,401 Designated by the Board of Directors Stabilization fund 2,452,134 Endowment fund 6,520,561 Program allocation reserves Donor restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets 42 partner agencies 3,277,538 12,303,749 13,268,501 - - 33,142,210 16,546,039 - 25,572,250 26,920,440 9,710,625 9,710,625 9,013,895 9,710,625 59,398,874 55,665,623 $ 39,744,671 $ 20,242,901 $ 9,710,625 $ 69,698,197 $ 66,098,380 financials 43 UNITED WAY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY and MERRIMACK VALLEY Senior Staff United Way of Massachusetts Bay, Inc. Statement of Financial Activities All results reported in this book are as of June 30, 2006 (With Comparative Totals for 2005) 2006 Temporarily Permanently Restricted Restricted Unrestricted Total 2005 Total Public support Donor contributions $ Grant revenue In-kind revenue and other income Gross total public support - $ 44,990,825 $ - $ 44,990,825 $ 45,011,218 1,127,362 - - 1,127,362 7,226,348 208,925 - - 208,925 137,512 1,336,287 44,990,825 - 46,327,112 52,375,078 Provision for uncollectible pledges - (1,901,418) - (1,901,418) (2,585,475) Donor designations, net of service fees - (4,983,202) - (4,983,202) Grant designations - - Less Net total public support - 1,336,287 38,106,205 - Each member of our senior team brings a wealth of experience—both in the private and public sectors—and expertise to his or her area of focus. The caliber of our team strengthens our ability to provide meaningful, targeted solutions—for children, youth and families—that will have a lasting and positive impact on the lives of the people we serve. (4,850,063) (50,000) - 39,442,492 44,889,540 Net assets released from restriction 38,090,837 (38,090,837) - 39,427,124 15,368 - 39,442,492 44,889,540 - 27,274,168 27,834,993 Total public support The passion, knowledge and commitment of United Way’s senior staff enhances our ability to respond to the needs of the community, develop innovative, targeted programs and initiatives and improve the quality of life in our region. A shared vision for making our region the best place for children and families unites our senior staff, whose dedication to public service is exemplary. - - Distributions and expenses Allocations and other distributions 27,274,168 - Grant disbursements 1,276,212 - - 1,276,212 7,328,585 United Way of America dues 463,072 - - 463,072 416,601 29,013,452 - - 29,013,452 35,580,179 Total distributions Milton J. Little, Jr. Immediate Past President and Chief Executive Officer Mary Kay Leonard Interim President and Chief Executive Officer Charles B. Gordon Senior Vice President Leadership Giving John A. Ross Chief Financial Officer Peter A. Thomas Senior Vice President Chief Professional Officer United Ways of New England Jeffery J. Hayward Senior Vice President Community Impact Nancy E. Powers Senior Vice President Business Integration & Support Kevin E. Stone Senior Vice President Workplace Giving José P. Ferrão Senior Vice President Marketing Jane L. Grady Vice President Human Resources and Ethics Functional expenses Community services 4,436,345 - - 4,436,345 3,007,160 Management and general 1,763,405 - - 1,763,405 2,114,003 5,664,784 6,780,936 Fund-raising 5,664,784 - - Total functional expenses 11,864,534 - - 11,864,534 11,902,099 Total distributions and expenses 40,877,986 - - 40,877,986 47,482,278 (1,450,862) 15,368 Portfolio dividends and interest 1,311,088 - - 1,311,088 1,335,239 Portfolio gains, net fees Excess of distributions and expenses from current operations over public support - (1,435,494) (2,592,738) Endowment and investment activities 1,501,491 486,971 - 1,988,462 2,055,626 Scholarship, preservation contributions and bequests to endowment 2,779 285,386 Distributions from funds held by others 878,300 Unrealized gains on perpetual trusts 548,549 836,714 448,200 - 878,300 663,110 - - 154,181 154,181 187,602 Total increase from endowment and investment activities 3,693,658 772,357 702,730 5,168,745 4,689,777 Increase in net assets 2,242,796 787,725 702,730 3,733,251 2,097,039 Net assets, beginning of year 30,899,414 15,758,314 Net assets, end of year 9,007,895 55,665,623 53,568,584 $ 33,142,210 $ 16,546,039 $ 9,710,625 $ 59,398,874 $ 55,665,623 These two pages include United Way of Massachusetts Bay, Inc.’s audited Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activities for Fiscal Year 2006 (July 1, 2005–June 30, 2006) and exclude the financial effect of the merger with United Way of Merrimack Valley, Inc. which occurred in the subsequent fiscal year. A complete audit of United Way of Massachusetts Bay’s financial statements is conducted annually by the certified public accounting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Copies of the full 2006 audited report are available from United Way of Massachusetts Bay, Inc. 44 financials staff 45 UNITED WAY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY AND MERRIMACK VALLEY 2007 OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The guidance, wisdom and support offered by United Way board of directors and executive committee members help to strengthen our capacity to provide thoughtful, targeted solutions that have real impact and meaning in the communities we serve. It is through their dedication and tireless work on our behalf that we are making real progress towards making our region the best place for children and families. P. Steven Ainsley Chairman of the Board Robert M. Mahoney Co-Chairman, 2007 Campaign* Jeffrey A. Leerink Charles V. Bergh Co-Chairman, Development Committee Kathryn F. Plazak WHDH-TV Channel 7 Citizens Financial Group Immediate Past President and Chief Executive Officer and Assistant Secretary Milton J. Little, Jr. United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Interim President and Chief Executive Officer and Assistant Secretary Mary Kay Leonard United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Immediate Past Chairman Cathy E. Minehan Arlington Advisory Partners Co-Chairman, Development Committee Kevin T. Callaghan Berkshire Partners Co-Chairman, Community Impact Committee Anna B. Colton Bank of America Secretary; Chairman & Secretary, Compensation Committee Robert E. Cowden III, Esq. Casner and Edwards, LLP Treasurer Daniel Dennis, Sr., CPA Daniel Dennis & Company Co-Chairman, Governance & Nominating Committee Grace K. Fey Leerink Swann & Company, Inc. Plazak Associates Co-Chairman, Governance & Nominating Committee Helen Chin Schlichte The Bank of New York Mellon executive committee Steven W. Barnes Bain Capital Debra S. Knez Wendell J. Knox First Light Capital Paul A. La Camera Market Platform Dynamics David F. Lamere Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP Abt Associates The WBUR Group Michael L. Carson Dennis J. Langwell Ellen M. Zane Martha Crowninshield Lawrence J. Lasser Nancy L. Donahue Ronald Logue Sandra M. Edgerley William Fine Robert E. Gallery Robert E. Griffin Liberty Mutual Group State Street Corporation Francis C. Mahoney Edward E. Phillips University of Massachusetts –Massachusetts System Patrick J. Purcell Joseph P. Campanelli David E. Johnson Norfolk Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO Richard C. (“Bink”) Garrison Darlene Jordan Carol Goldberg Michele Kessler LVCC, Inc. Myra Kraft Cleve L. Killingsworth, Jr. Massachusetts General Hospital The Avcar Group, Ltd. The Kraft Group Paul R. Murphy, Esq. Gerald R. Jordan Foundation Kessler Family Foundation Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc. DIRECTOR EMERITUS Weston P. Figgins Ray A. Hammond, M.D., M.A. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. As of 07-02-07 J. Keith Motley, Ph.D. The Beal Companies, LLP Bain & Company Tufts-New England Medical Center and Floating Hospital for Children Ernst & Young LLP Herald Media, Inc. The Boston Foundation Sovereign Bank Stacey Lucchino Paul S. Grogan Sovereign Bancorp James Westra, Esq. Leonard A. Wilson Eastern Bank Robert L. Beal Karen L. Webster The Bank of New York Mellon Chairman, Audit Committee Stephen K. Wagner Deloitte Jean Tempel Gillette Company Chairman, Investment Committee Peter S. Voss Robert Rizzi Micho F. Spring Weber Shandwick Worldwide Benjamin B. Taylor The Boston Globe Ann Romney Sean C. Rush Pamela Carrington Scott Peter L. Slavin, M.D. Nickolas Stavropoulos US Gas Distribution, National Grid Foley Hoag LLP Thomas L. P. O’Donnell, Esq. Ropes & Gray Diane B. Patrick, Esq. Ropes & Gray Bristol Myers Squibb Co-Chairman, 2007 Campaign* David F. Lamere UPS Bank of America Private Bank—Eastern MA Chairman, Administration and Finance Committee John R. Grumbacher, Esq. Access Capital Strategies, LLC Francis H. Barnes WCVB-TV Channel 5 David A. Spina Co-Chairman, Community Impact Committee Ronald A. Homer The Boston Globe BlueCross BlueShield of Massachusetts, Inc. Frontier Capital Management Company LLC Goulston & Storrs, P.C. 46 UNITED WAY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY AND MERRIMACK VALLEY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thomas H. Tulip, Ph.D. Assistant Treasurer John A. Ross United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley * Ex Officio We would like to acknowledge the following Executive Committee and Board members whose terms expired during the past year. We thank them for their years of service in this capacity. William K. Bacic* Deloitte James M. Benson Clark Consulting Leo R. Breitman Richard Gilman The Boston Globe Karen Kaplan Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos, Inc. Gloria C. Larson, Esq.* Foley Hoag LLP Richard F. Meyer, Ph.D. Harvard Business School Brian T. Moynihan Bank of America Paul C. O’Brien The O’Brien Group, Inc. Phyllis Yale Bain and Company * Ex Officio board of directors 47 UNITED WAY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY AND MERRIMACK VALLEY 2007 President’s Council Contributing Photographers © Casey Photography 2006-2007 © Janet Stearns Photography 2006-2007 © PEI/John Gillooly 2005-2007 Joshua Bekenstein Bain Capital LLC Douglas Berthiaume Waters Corporation David G. Fubini McKinsey & Company, Inc. Charles K. Gifford John P. Hamill Sovereign Bank Karen Kaplan Hill, Holiday, Connors Cosmopulos, Inc. Edmund F. Kelly Liberty Mutual Group Chester R. Messer Paul C. O’Brien The O’Brien Group, Inc. Scott Schoen Thomas H. Lee Partners, LP William Van Faasen Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc. Jeffrey N. Vinik Vinik Asset Management Michael Zoob, Esq. Elderhostel * Ex Officio Need. Solution. Impact. United Way develops strategic solutions to the most pressing needs in our communities because we know that through positive impact, we can improve the quality of life for our region’s families and make our area the best place for children to grow up. By supporting children and families, we reach thousands of people every day to create lasting, positive change. 48 president’s council 59 Composite Way Lowell, MA 01851 P: F: 978.656.5000 978.656.5014 51 Sleeper Street Boston, MA 02210-1208 P: F: 617.624.8000 617.624.9114 supportunitedway.org MLSFA5121-02/07 5M
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