TAKE THE PLEDGE: PLEDGE 2 PROTECT STOP THE EAST 91ST STREET DUMP! Sign the pledge by visiting www.pledge2protectnyc.org Pledge 2 Protect is a growing coalition of residents, organizations, businesses, educators and parents working together to protect the health and safety of tens of thousands of New Yorkers by stopping the construction of a dangerous and ill-conceived garbage station, the East 91st Street Marine Transfer Station (MTS). Most importantly, marine transfer stations belong in commercial and industrial areas, NOT next to homes, schools, parks and playgrounds. This dump will threaten the health and safety of New York City residents - and especially the 31,000 children from across the City who rely on Asphalt Green’s fields and playground. Mayor Bloomberg has not listened to us. But in a few months, we will have a new mayor and other leaders who can reverse this terrible decision – if they hear from us. We support the idea of each borough taking care of its own waste, but Manhattan already handles its own residential trash, and it does not go to other boroughs. The East 91st St. MTS will directly affect the 22,056 residents who live within a quarter mile of the site, which is 25% more people - and over 30% more children - than all of the other six MTS combined. It is also the only MTS located near a major public housing complex. SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED DIESEL EMISSIONS THAT ARE HARMFUL TO CHILDREN • The new dump will increase air pollution in the area by 16%; children at play in nearby parks and playgrounds will be particularly vulnerable to high concentrations of particulate matter.1 o 18% of East Harlem’s school-age children suffer from asthma - among the highest rates in the City and nation; the dump will increase child hospitalization rates by up to 8%. o In June 2012, the World Health Organization has reclassified toxic diesel fumes as carcinogenic. o Truck emissions next to Asphalt Green will exceed new EPA safety standards. DANGEROUS GARBAGE TRUCKS “Garbage trucks are by far the most dangerous vehicles on New York City streets”, and up to 500 of them each day will cut through Asphalt Green’s playing field and idle alongside a public playground designed for children under 5. 2 The city has changed the plan for the E. 91st MTS and now it will accept thousands of tons of HAZARDOUS commercial garbage. MAJOR TRAFFIC CONGESTION Up to 500 garbage trucks a day will converge on E. 91st and York Avenue from across Manhattan, adding more congestion to the East Side’s already busy streets. New traffic and congestion issues could impede the 2012 avg. response time of 8.05 minutes for emergency vehicles.3 Many of New York City’s major hospitals are along garbage truck routes. Children under 18 account for 43% of car crash victims in Manhattan’s East Harlem neighborhood, and children on Manhattan’s East Side are three times more likely to be hit by a car in within the vicinity of public housing.4 FLOODING THREAT The proposed location for the station is in Flood Zone A, which puts it in the highest category of risk for flooding and could result in the displacement of both residential and hazardous commercial garbage from the MTS into the neighborhood. Hurricane Sandy’s flood waters damaged Asphalt Green and reached as far west as 2nd Ave. WRONG SPENDING PRIORITIES • • • 1 What started as a $45MM project has now mushroomed to a quarter of a billion dollars and that is WITHOUT any retrofitting due to Hurricane Sandy or any project overruns. Today it costs the City $79 a ton to handle Manhattan’s garbage. This will raise to $238 per ton with the East 91st St MTS – costing taxpayers almost 3 times the amount to process trash. This unnecessary expenditure comes at a time when budgets for schools, after-school programs, and other services are getting cut and NYC is projected to be in a deficit budget. Air Pollution Impacts on Children from a Waste Transfer Station by Dr. Thomas Farley, Commissioner of the NYC Dept. of Health Killed by Automobile,” Charles Komanoff, 1999 3 www.nyc.gov.fdny 4 Child Crashes: An Unequal Burden – A Case Study of Motor Vehicle Crashes with Children on Manhattan’s East Side, by Transportation Alternatives. 2
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