A journal of Dayton Children’s Hospital Volume 25 Number 1 CME accredited articles FREE CME credits available Gastroesophageal Reflux Page 3 Bullying Page 6 Update on the Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Page 10 A Perplexing Pathogen in a Neonate with Meningitis Page 14 News and Updates Page 18 2 Pediatric Forum A journal of Dayton Children’s Sponsorship/Accreditation Information Physician accreditation statement and credit designation Wright State University (WSU) Boonshoft School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. WSU Boonshoft School of Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 4.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. One Children’s Plaza Dayton, Ohio Obtaining CME credit 45404-1815 937-641-3000 To obtain CME credit, read, reflect childrensdayton.org on articles, complete evaluation and answer at least 70 percent of the quiz correctly. Send the answer Pediatric Forum sheet and program evaluation to: is produced for the professional staff and referring physicians of Dayton Children’s by the marketing communications department. The purpose of Pediatric Forum is to provide information and news about pediatric health care issues and to provide information about clinical services and management issues of Dayton Children’s. Sue Strader, Coordinator Department of Continuing Medical Education Dayton Children’s One Children’s Plaza Dayton, OH 45404-1815 Fax 937-641-5931 The answer sheet and program evaluation must be received by December 31, 2014, for the credit to be awarded. Target audience This education activity is designed for pediatricians, family physicians and related child health care providers. Educational objectives 4 Identify the four pediatric issues covered in this journal and develop appropriate intervention. 4 Appropriately use the resources of Dayton Children’s Hospital to improve patient care. Print date: March 2014 Affiliations/disclosures of authors Samuel Dzodzomenyo, MD dzodzomenyos@childrensdayton.org Dayton Children’s Hospital Julian Edelschick, MD edelschickj@childrensdayton.org Dayton Children’s Hospital Matthew McRoberts, MD mcrobertsm@childrensdayton.org Dayton Children’s Hospital Gregory Ramey, PhD rameyg@childrensdayton.org Dayton Children’s Hospital James Rick, MD rickj@childrensdayton.org Dayton Children’s Hospital Author conflict of interest information It is the policy of Wright State University to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all educational activities. All authors contributing to our programs are expected to disclose any relationships they may have with commercial companies whose products or services may be mentioned so that participants may evaluate the objectivity of the program. In addition, any discussion of off-label, experimental or investigational use of drugs or devices will be disclosed by the authors. Contributing authors reported the following: Samuel Dzodzomenyo, MD Dr. Dzodzomenyo has nothing to disclose with regard to commercial support. Dr. Dzodzomenyo does not plan on discussing unlabeled/investigational uses of a commercial product. Julian Edelschick, MD Dr. Edelschick has nothing to disclose with regard to commercial support. Dr. Edelschick does not plan on discussing unlabeled/investigational uses of a commercial product. Matthew McRoberts, MD Dr. McRoberts has nothing to disclose with regard to commercial support. Dr. McRoberts does not plan on discussing unlabeled/investigational uses of a commercial product. Gregory Ramey, PhD Dr. Ramey has nothing to disclose with regard to commercial support. Dr. Ramey does not plan on discussing unlabeled/investigational uses of a commercial product. James Rick, MD Dr. Rick has nothing to disclose with regard to commercial support. Dr. Rick does not plan on discussing unlabeled/investigational uses of a commercial product. The content and views presented are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher, Dayton Children’s. Unlabeled use of products may be mentioned. Before prescribing any medicine, primary references and full prescribing information should be consulted. All planning committee members have disclosed that they do not have any financial relationships with commercial entities that may impact the content of this publication. Editorial board Sherman Alter, MD, chairperson Lucinda Brown, MSN, RN, CNS Emmett Broxson, Jr, MD Lisa Coffey, FACHE Elvira R. Jaballas, MD L. David Mirkin, MD Sherman Alter, MD Director, Continuing Medical Education Deborah A. Feldman President and Chief Executive Officer Adam G. Mezoff, MD, CPE, AGAF Vice President for Medical Affairs Chief Medical Officer Elizabeth Ey, MD Chair of the Professional Staff Dr. Alter is on the speaker’s bureau for SanofiPasteur. The activity has been peer reviewed by the remainder of the planning committee to ensure the absence of bias. The remainder of the editorial board/planning committee members have nothing to disclose. Gastroesophageal Reflux: Physiologic Symptoms or Disease Process? Introduction There is an increase in the use of acid suppressive medications to treat esophageal reflux in infants and children. Not all patients with esophageal reflux will need medical therapies and most benefit from lifestyle modifications. It is important to distinguish gastroesophageal reflux (GER) from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) so appropriate therapies can be provided. GER implies the physiologic passage of gastric contents into the esophagus. GERD is defined as esophageal reflux with the presence of troublesome symptoms or complications. Most babies have GER. The common manifestation in infancy is frequent bouts of Objectives Following the completion of this article, the reader should be able to: 1. Differentiate gastroesophageal reflux (GER) from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). 2. Evaluate and manage both GER and GERD. 3. Recognize that lifestyle changes are first-line therapy. painless, effortless regurgitation in thriving infants. As a visible symptom, it is reported daily in 50 percent of infants. In all age groups, reflux can be associated with vomiting which is the forceful expulsion of gastric contents. Esophageal reflux is also a key component of rumination syndrome, in which the refluxate consists of ingested food that is rechewed and reswallowed. GER resolves in most infants by 12 to 18 months. When there are symptoms and/ or complications associated with GER, then it is classified as GERD. Conditions can be esophageal or extra-esophageal. Esophageal symptoms are heartburn, abdominal pain, dysphagia, chest pain, emesis and poor weight gain/weight loss. Extra-esophageal manifestations are respiratory (cough, wheezing, apparent life-threatening events, recurrent pneumonia), laryngitis and dental erosions. Esophageal mucosal complications of GERD include reflux esophagitis, peptic stricture, Barrett esophagus and adenocarcinoma. GERD: Clinical Features The presentation of GERD in pediatric patients is age-dependent. Common symptoms in infants include regurgitation, vomiting, irritability and dysphagia. Less common are poor weight gain due to poor feeding and excessive loss of calories, 3 respiratory symptoms and obstructive apnea. Rarely, unusual posturing (back arching and dystonia), called Sandifer’s syndrome, can be seen with severe GERD. From 1 to 5 years of age, the symptoms of GERD are similar to infants. GERD is less common in this age group, but similar problems of regurgitation, vomiting, anorexia and abdominal pain occur. Visible James reflux is not always seen and Rick, MD symptom description is hard, James Rick, MD, so diagnosis can be difficult. is the interim An aversion to eating due to medical director pain may lead to poor weight of gastroenterology at Dayton gain or even malnutrition. Children’s. He is Older children and adolescents board certified with GERD develop symptoms in pediatrics and similar to adults. These include pediatric gastroheartburn, dysphagia, sour enterology. He is also associate burps and/or regurgitation, professor of chest pain, nausea and epigaspediatrics at tric pain. Symptoms are often Wright State worse nocturnally when supine University for sleeping. Extra-esophageal Boonshoft School of symptoms include nighttime Medicine. cough, wheezing, recurrent pneumonia, laryngitis and Table 1: Concerning Symptoms dental erosions. and Signs Certain pedi4Bilious vomiting atric patients have higher 4Gastrointestinal bleeding prevalence of 4Consistent forceful GERD. For invomiting stance, roughly 4Fevers, lethargy, seizures 65 percent of children with 4Hepatosplenomegaly underlying 4Bulging fontanel, macroneurologic or microcephaly disorders have 4Abdominal tenderness or significant distension GERD based on pH probe 4Associated genetic studies. Factors syndrome or metabolic contributing to disease GERD include 4Associated other chronic chronic supine diseases position, under nutrition, chronic constipation, scoliosis, seizures and spasticity. Concerning clinical findings among some children with GERD are noted in Table 1. 4 Diagnostic Evaluation Detailed approaches to assessment and management of GERD have been published (Vandenplas et al.). History and physical are essential and, if normal in the absence of warning signs, are sufficient to reliably diagnose GER. In the setting of suspected GERD, testing can be used to document reflux of gastric contents, detect complications, establish relationship between reflux and symptoms, evaluate treatments and exclude other conditions. Upper gastrointestinal imaging (UGI) is key in the evaluation of vomiting to exclude anatomic abnormalities in infancy. In older children, it is useful to check for strictures, hiatal hernia or esophageal dilation. It should not be routinely performed for diagnosis as non-pathologic GER occurs frequently during the study. Esophageal intraluminal pH monitoring quantifies reflux and correlates reflux with symptoms. This modality has largely been replaced by extended pH monitoring with multi-channel intraluminal impedance monitoring (pH/MIII). This technology detects both acidic and non-acidic fluids, solids and gas movements in the esophagus. Valuable information is obtained regarding frequency of GER episodes, duration, clearance and relationship to reported GER symptoms. Often, other etiologies like aerophagia or rumination syndrome can be detected. It is often done when evaluating whether an antireflux surgery is needed. Upper endoscopy is commonly used to evaluate patients when symptoms of GERD are resistant to treatment, to detect complications of chronic GERD and exclude other causes of the symptoms. Endoscopic evaluations may disclose eosinophilic esophagitis, infectious esophagitis, pill-induced esophagitis, Crohn’s disease, Barrett’s esophagus, peptic ulcer disease, H pylori gastritis, or other unexpected esophageal, gastric or duodenal disease. Biopsies are routinely done and can find reflux-induced histologic esophageal inflammation in up to 25 percent. Management Lifestyle modifications can reduce symptoms of both GER and GERD in infants and children, and should be utilized in all patients with GER and GERD. Among infants, this involves feeding changes and positioning. Cow milk protein allergy can mimic GERD, so a two to four week trial of maternal cow milk restriction in breastfed infants or an extensively hydrolyzed protein may be used in formula-fed infants. Thickening of feedings by adding up to one tablespoon of rice cereal to one ounce of formula or changing to a commercially thickened formula is a valid strategy in otherwise healthy infants with GER or GERD. Smaller volume, more frequent feedings and frequent burping are also advocated, yet no studies have shown these to be of benefit. Proper positioning has a role. Although less GER has been shown with prone position, it is clear that the risk of sudden infant death syndrome while in the prone position outweighs this benefit. Thus, prone position is only recommended while the infant is observed and awake and after 1 year of age. Semi-supine position such as happens in the car seat or infant carrier may worsen GER and should be avoided when possible, especially after feed- ing. Lifestyle changes for older children and adolescents are similar to adults and include weight loss in overweight patients, avoiding smoking and smoke exposure, limiting alcohol, avoiding triggering foods, and elevation of the head of the bed. Several medications are available to treat GERD in infants and children. Most commonly used are acid suppressants including antacids, histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs), and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Antacids are not indicated for chronic use and there is little data justifying on-demand use in pediatric population. H2RAs work by inhibition of histamine-induced acid secretion by the gastric parietal cell. Little clinical difference exists among the various H2RAs. Limitations include tachyphylaxis reducing long-term effectiveness, they are less effective than PPIs in healing of erosive esophagitis, and may be linked to liver disease and gynecomastia. PPIs work by the inhibition of the hydrogen-potassium ATPase in the gastric parietal cell canaliculus. They are the most effective acid suppressant agents. Effectiveness is maximized by appropriate timing of the dose. PPIs should be taken 30 minutes prior to meals and incorrect timing is associated with clinical failure. Clinical trials support the use of PPIs in esophagitis and GERD symptoms refractory to H2RAs. Concerns about PPIs have emerged. Overuse in infants with reflux is reported despite trials showing no benefit in this population. Acid suppression may be a risk factor for pneumonia, gastroenteritis, necrotizing enterocolitis, candidemia and a variety of nutritional concerns. Prokinetic agents are the second class of drugs used in GERD. Metoclopramide is the most common prokinetic agent. It works by increasing both lower esophageal sphincter tone and gastric emptying. Recently, the FDA issued a black box warning due to adverse events. Other prokinetics available in the United States include erythromycin and baclofen. The 2009 NASPGHAN guidelines do not support the routine use of any prokinetic agent for treatment of GER or GERD. Lastly, surgical therapies are available for GERD. The most common is the Nissen fundoplication, which is a 360-degree wrap of the gastric fundus around the distal esophagus. It is an effective procedure, but should be reserved for those with severe complications of GERD who fail other therapy or those at high risk for aspiration of gastric contents. Summary During infancy, reflux usually manifests as a physiologic process in healthy babies. Education and reassurance, minimal testing and treatments with positioning and feeding changes are recommended. Infants with complicated GERD especially in the setting of poor feeding or growth must be recognized so evaluation and treatment can be tailored. Older children with typical GERD symptoms may benefit from a trial of acid suppression. Close follow-up is essential to ensure response to treatment and if not responsive, evaluation for other conditions. References 1. Couriel J, Bisset R, Miller R. Assessment of feeding problems in neurodevelopmental handicap: a team approach. Arch Dis Child. 1993;69: 609-15. 2. Hassall E. Over-prescription of acid-suppressing medications in infants: how it came about, why it’s wrong and what to do about it. J Pediatr. 2012;160(2):193-198. 3. Lightdale JR, Gremse DA, and Section on Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Gastreoesophageal reflux: management guidance for the pediatrician. Pediatrics. 2013;131;e1684-1695. 4. Orenstein SR, Hassal E, Furmaga-Jablonska W, Atkinson S, Raanan M. Multi-center double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial assessing the efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole in infants with symptoms of esophageal reflux disease. J Pediatr. 2009;154(4):514-520.e4. gastroesophageal reflux clinical practice guidelines: joint recommendations of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) and the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN). J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009;49(4):498-547. 5 CME Questions 1. A 3-month-old is seen for severe reflux. The child has non-bilious regurgitation after most feedings. He is growing well, not fussy and has a normal physical exam. Your next step is: a. Provide education, reassurance and reflux precautions b. Order a UGI c. Begin trial of proton pump inhibitor d. Order a 24-hour pH and impedance study 5. Rudolph CD, et al. Guidelines for evaluation and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in infants and children: recommendations of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. J Pediar Gastroenterol Nutr. 2001;32 Suppl 2:S1-S31. 2. Which of the following would not be considered a symptom of GERD? 6. Scherer LD, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Fagerlin A, Tarini BA. Influence of “GERD” label on parent’s decision to medicate infants. Pediatrics. 2013;131:839-845. 3. A 12-year-old is seen for daily heartburn and regurgitation of stomach contents. You suspect GERD. What is your initial treatment? 7. Vandenplas Y, Rudolph CD, Di Lorenzo C, et al; North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition; European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition. Pediatric a. Poor weight gain b. Irritability c. Chronic respiratory symptoms d. Normal feeding behavior a. Over-the-counter antacids b. Metaclopramide c. Refer for a fundoplication d. Trial of acid suppression 6 Bullying Gregory Ramey, PhD is a child psychologist at Dayton Children’s and a Dayton Daily News columnist. His column FamilyWise is distributed through New York Times wire service. Dr. Ramey received his undergraduate degree from Lake Forest College, his master’s degree from Harvard University and his PhD in psychology from the University of Massachusetts. History While originally used in the 16th century to describe a lover or friend, the word bully has morphed to mean a variety of offensive conduct. While behaviors intended to intimidate or demean have always occurred, the first serious Objectives study of bullying didn’t occur unFollowing the completion of til the publicathis article, the reader should tion of “Teasing be able to: and Bullying” in the Pedagogical 1.Identify the prevalence of Seminary in 1897 childhood bullying. by Frederic Burk. This research in2. List three groups that are vulnerable to bullying. volved a survey of teachers with 3. Describe how parents, many recomschools, and health mending “flogprofessionals can help ging or severe deal with this problem. punishment” or “bullying the bully” as the cure for this problem. In the 1970s, Dr. Dan Olweus from Norway began the first long-term study of this problem, prompted by concerns regarding teen suicides. He published research aimed at helping schools implement intervention programs. However, concerns about bullying didn’t become widespread until the tragic events of April 20, 1999. On that day, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris entered Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, and killed 13 people before committing suicide. Those horrific events were recorded on the school’s videotaping system and the recording eventually made its way onto the Internet. The methodical manner in which these two teenagers went about their rampage was incomprehensible. In an effort to understand the inconceivable, these kids were initially portrayed as the victims of bullying who were retaliating against their aggressors. While more thoughtful and thorough studies have concluded that bullying had nothing to do with this attack, the school shootings stimulated a national discussion on the seriousness of this problem. In 2003, increased attention on bullying was prompted by a very different kind of event. Erika Harold was selected as Miss America and used her platform to advocate on behalf of the victims of bullying. Harold spoke eloquently about the ridicule and humiliation she experienced from classmates in the ninth grade due to her biracial background. “I was very scared and I felt very helpless because it seemed as if no one in the school was willing to stand up and help me,” Harold told PBS.1 Harold became a voice for kids who had suffered in silence while adults ignored their plight. in the prevalence of child sexual abuse3 and the overall downward trend in kids thinking about suicide,4 this is the best time in history to be a child in America. Table 1 — Total Victimizations 200 At school Rate per 1,000 150 100 Professionals like me who take this problem seriously don’t deny the overall improvement in such child welfare metrics, but point to a plethora of research indicating that bullying is more than just occasional teasing. It is widespread and has deleterious consequences for both the victim and the aggressor. Away from school 50 0 1992 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year With increased research, the fear of another Columbine, and an articulate spokesperson in Erika Harold, bullying as a significant problem finally got America’s attention. who want to insulate their kids from the normal harshness of the world. Kids and adults can be mean at times and children need to learn how to deal with such cruelty without always seeking protection from adults. What is Bullying? Bullying may involve verbal, social or physical behavior. Typical verbal bullying may include name calling, teasing or even threatening behavior. Social bullying can be among the most harmful and includes embarrassing someone in public, exclusion or spreading rumors. Physical bullying includes hitting, pushing or violent behavior towards another. This perspective cites research that, in many ways, kids today have never been safer. Between 1995 and 2009 the number of children who reported “being afraid of attack or harm at school” dropped from 11.8 to 3.3 percent. The overall victimization rate per 1,000 students declined fivefold.2 Combined with the substantial decrease How Serious Is This Problem? The seriousness of bullying has been debated by both social scientists and child development experts. Some view this as nothing more than kids teasing other children and say the concern about bullying is an overreaction by protective parents Figure 1 — Percentage of students in grades 9 through 12 who report they thought seriously about attempting suicide, attempted suicide, and that their suicide attempts required medical attention1, 1991-2011 50 45 Thought seriously about attempting suicide 40 Attempted suicide Percent 35 30 Suicide attempt, needed medical attention 29 24 25 24 21 20 19 19 17 17 15 10 5 0 7 9 9 8 8 9 9 8 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 Year 2003 2005 15 14 7 6 2 2 2007 2009 16 8 2 2011 1 During the past twelve months. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Survelilance Summaries. Data for 1991. YRBSS: Youth Online. Comprehensive Results. Retrieved May 24, 2004 from URL: http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/lyrbss/; Data for 1993: March 24, 1995. MMWR 1995; 44 (No. SS-1): Table 10; Data for 1995: September 27, 1996. MMWR 1996; 45 (No. SS-4): Table 10: Data for 1997: August 14, 1998. MMWR: 47 (No.SS-3): Table 10: Data for 1999; June 9, 2000. MMWR 2000; 49 (No. SS-5); Table 12; Data for 2001: June 28, 2002. MMWR 2002: 51 (No. SS-4): Table 12. Data for 2003: May 21, 2004. MMWR 2004; 53 (No. SS-2): Tables 16 and 18. Data for 2005: June 9, 2006. MMWR 2006: 55 (No. SS-6): Table 16. Data for 2007: June 6, 2008. MMWR 2008; 57 (No. SS-4): Tables 21 and 23. Data for 2009: June 4, 2010. MMWR 2010; 69 (No. SS-5): Table 22, 24. 7 8 The ubiquity of social media and the widespread availability of smart phones have added another dimension to this problem, making it easier to victimize other kids with a much wider audience and a permanent record of such abuse. How Often Does Bullying Occur? It’s impossible to accurately measure what cannot be clearly defined, and researchers have been plagued by a lack of consistency in what specific behaviors constitute bullying. A consensus has emerged that bullying behavior must meet each of the following three criteria. Profile of Kids at Risk for Being Bullied Bullying is all about power, those who have it abusing those who don’t. The typical victims are usually kids with little perceived status or influence. Some groups are more likely the target of bullies, such as kids who are obese, have poor social skills, or are viewed as quiet and insecure. Kids who are gay or lesbian get bullied two to three times as often as other kids. Bullying is not an innocuous act. Being a victim of chronic bullying places kids at risk for depression, anxiety, anger and poor school performance. Profile of Bullies It is a myth that bullies have low self-esteem or are rejected by their peers. Bullies are looking for admiration, status and dominance. They are typically aggressive and domineering with high levels of externalizing or hyperactive behavior. Bullies have empathy deficits with little appreciation for the impact of their actions. They either don’t realize that their behavior hurts others or they just don’t care. Many of these kids have poor role models at home with modest adult supervision. In later years, these kids are more likely to commit criminal acts, drop out of school or have serious drug problems. First, there must be some intentionality to cause harm. Bullying involves an effort to humiliate or degrade another individual. Second, bullying involves a power imbalance between individuals. This may be an older child picking on a younger or smaller child, but often involves someone ridiculing a child of perceived lower status. Finally, bullying must be a repeated event, not an isolated incident. Researchers typically define this as repeated incidents (at least three per month) occurring over several months. Rates of bullying range from the single digits to over 40 percent, depending upon the sample population and the definitions used in the study. When the more restrictive criteria delineated above are applied, it is estimated that 5 to 15 percent of kids are victims of chronic bullying, while 7 to 12 percent of kids are viewed as chronic bullies.5 The most common form of bullying is verbal, such as name calling and insults followed by being the subject of rumors, particularly cyberbullying. The typical victims of bullying are usually kids with little perceived status or influence. Can Anything Be Done? Schools and families that take this problem seriously can have an immediate and substantial impact. Ohio Revised Code 3313.666 requires that every school district has a policy to prohibit harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Successful programs involve not only increased awareness of the problem, but setting and enforcing clear standards of behavior for students and adults. This involves creating a safe environment for victims to report abuse, as well as significant consequences for offenders. For a busy health care professional, it’s difficult to assess this problem during a typical pediatric visit. However, pay particular attention to patients who have problems with social skills, sexual issues or are perceived as different in any way. Bully offenders are more likely to present with problems in impulse control or aggression. Schools are increasingly focusing attention on the culture in which bullying occurs, recognizing that about 56 percent of students have observed bullying behavior. Without an audience of acceptance, bullying is less likely to occur. 1. In the Mix: Stop Bullying… Take a Stand! PBS: Public Broadcasting Service website. http://www.pbs.org/inthemix/shows/show_bullying_ erika.html. Accessed 2013. Parental actions begin with being a positive role model, but extend to setting and enforcing expectations of mutual respect. With kids you mostly get the behavior that you allow, so parents need to be educated that insults and intimidation among kids are not harmless. There is increasing attention on bullying behavior between siblings, which often has been inappropriately dismissed as benign. Cyberbullying places an increased onus on parents to teach digital civility and responsibility, and to more carefully monitor kids’ electronic worlds, particularly in junior high. Childhood can be difficult but loving adults can make it better by caring enough to take this problem seriously. References 2. Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2011. National Center for Education Statistics website. http://nces. ed.gov/programs/crimeindicators/crimeindicators2011/ figures/figure_02_1.asp. Accessed 2013. 3. Finkelhor, D, Jones, L. Have Sexual Abuse and Physical Abuse Declined Since the 1990s? Crimes Against Children Research Center; 2012. 4. Suicidal Teens. Child Trends Website. http:// www.childtrends.org/ ?indicators=suicidal-teens. Accessed 2013. 5. Bullying: A Model for Teachers. American Psychological Association Website. http:// www.apa.org/education/k12/ bullying.aspx. Accessed 2013. 9 CME Questions 4. Bullying is primarily defined by… a.Intentionality to cause harm b.Power imbalance among individuals c. Repeated negative events d.All of the above 5. Bullies typically have low selfesteem and are rejected by their peers. a.True b.False 6. What is the most common form of bullying? a.Postings on YouTube b.Verbal c. Physical assaults d.Physical threats 7. What percent of kids are victims of chronic bullying? a.<5 percent b.5 to 15 percent c. 20 to 30 percent d.50 to 60 percent 10 14 Update on the Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Objectives Following the completion of this article, the reader should be able to: Samuel Dzodzomenyo, MD Samuel Dzodzomenyo, MD, is the medical director of the Pediatric Sleep Center at Dayton Children’s. He is board certified in pediatric neurology and sleep medicine. He is also associate professor of pediatrics and neurology at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. 1. Recognize the clinical signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in children and adolescents. 2. Review the approach to evaluating patients for OSAS. 3. Describe treatment approaches for OSAS. Definition, etiology and consequences of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a disorder of breathing during sleep characterized by prolonged partial upper airway obstruction and/or intermittent complete obstruction that disrupts normal ventilation during sleep and normal sleep patterns.1 The symptoms are frequent snoring, labored breathing during sleep, snorting, gasping, observed apnea, pauses in breathing, frequent arousals, cyanosis, sleeping in unusual positions, daytime sleepiness, attention deficit/ hyperactivity and morning headaches. Physical findings include failure to thrive, being underweight or overweight, tonsillar hypertrophy, adenoidal facies, decreased nasal airflow, micrognathia, retronathia and/ or high arched palate. Prevalence rates of OSAS vary among different populations and socioeconomic groups, but generally affect 1 to 5 percent of children.2 Peak incidence occurs between 2 and 8 years of age, likely due to the imbalance between the relative size of lymphoid tissue to the airway diameter, as well as airway neuromotor tone resulting in upper airway collapse during sleep.3 Risk factors for pediatric sleep disordered breathing (SDB) include waist circumference, chronic sinusitis/rhinitis and minority race.4 Although most children with OSAS may have enlarged tonsils, their size alone is not an independent risk factor. OSAS is also often seen in children with neuromuscular disorders, nasal stenosis, cerebral palsy and prematurity. Individuals with congenital anomalies such as might occur in Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Marfan syndrome, syndromes associated with micrognathia, mucopolysaccharidoses, Pierre-Robin sequence, and Hunter’s or Hurler’s syndromes are at risk for OSAS. Untreated, OSAS is associated with significant morbidity including failure to thrive, hypertension, cardiac disease and neurocognitive dysfunction. The relationship of ADHD and of obesity with OSAS has drawn much attention in recent years. Not all studies have found a consistent relationship between OSAS and neurobehavioral outcomes. Also there is not always a direct relationship between the degree of the apnea hypopnea index (AHI) and the severity of these outcomes. Some studies have found an association between primary (habitual) snoring alone or obesity without OSAS and neurobehavioral disorders.5 With the current obesity epidemic in the United States, the prevalence of OSAS is expected to rise. Physicians may be faced with finding new ways of treating OSAS to reduce its public health burden. Identification and diagnosis A careful clinical history is essential. Primary care physicians are the gateway to recognition of OSAS. Overnight in-laboratory attended polysomnogram (PSG) is the gold standard for evaluating OSAS. A history of the following warrants performance of a PSG or a referral of the child to a sleep specialist: snoring of at least three nights per week with complaints of labored breathing, observed apnea, unusual sleeping positions, hyperactivity, daytime sleepiness and morning headaches. Physiologic functions measured during a PSG include pulse oximetry, oronasal airflow, abdominal and chest wall movements, electroencephalography (EEG), video recording and partial pressure of carbon dioxide. The study documents hypopnea, central and/or obstructive sleep apneas from which the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) is calculated — a number of complete or partial airway occlusions per hour of sleep. In the pediatric age an index of 1-5 is considered mild, 6-10 is moderate and > 10 severe OSA. Tonsillar size does not always correlate with severity of OSAS or the AHI. If a polysomnogram is not available, sleep video recordings, nocturnal oximetry measurement, or use of the 22-item sleep-related breathing disorder scale of the pediatric sleep questionnaire are helpful in screening. The sensitivity and specificity of these latter assessments are inferior to PSG. PSG testing should be sought if there is a strong clinical suspicion of OSAS after screening. Home monitoring or ambulatory PSG is difficult to obtain in young children and has not been adopted in most pediatric practices. Treatment approach to OSAS Adenotonsillectomy (AT) is the first line of treatment for OSAS in children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy, even in most obese individuals. AT requires careful postoperative monitoring because of the risks of respiratory and other complications. AT is curative in 70 percent of patients. Roughly 13 to 30 percent of children have residual OSAS. There are several reasons for this. a. Residual lymphoid tissue may be present after surgery. b.Over time some adenoids may grow back. c. Other factors such as chronic rhinitis, craniofacial anomalies and obesity may be confounding issues. Children who remain symptomatic even without snoring or those with severely abnormal preoperative OSAS should have postoperative PSG reevaluation. AT is not for everyone who has adenotonsillar hypertrophy and OSAS. Patients with small adenoids and tonsils, particularly with morbid obesity, bleeding disorders or medical conditions making them unstable for surgery, are not good candidates. Adverse events following AT include nausea, vomiting and poor oral intake leading to dehydration. Infrequently, hemorrhage, velopharyngeal incompetence, acute upper airway obstruction, anesthetic complications and even death may occur. Respiratory complications are common among children under 3 years, patients with lower oxygen saturations and/or increased end tidal CO2 on PSG, individuals with severe OSA, children with failure to thrive, and those with craniofacial anomalies. Patients at risk require in-house or in-ICU monitoring after surgery. Postoperative PSG evaluation six to eight weeks after AT is recommended in at-risk patients and among those with residual OSA symptoms. 11 12 Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) CPAP is a device that delivers air by a nasal interface to splint the upper airway during sleep. It is used in residual OSAS after AT, in medical conditions not suitable for AT or in morbidly obese patients. An overnight laboratory titration is required to determine a suitable pressure. Historically, adherence is poor. It requires several follow-up visits with skilled technicians and physicians experienced in its use. Most often pediatric CPAP users require some form of behavior modification therapy to achieve an acceptable level of compliance of at least four hours of usage per night during sleep.6 Bi-level positive airway pressure (BIPAP) is an alternative mode of positive airway pressure delivery more useful in children with neuromuscular disease, intrinsic pulmonary disease and CPAP intolerance. Weight loss Weight loss has been shown in some studies to reduce the AHI to less than half of pre-polysomnogram AHI in obese children.7 Obese patients with OSAS who have undergone bariatric surgery have also been shown to have decreased severity of polysomnographic measures postoperatively. Other management methods are being evaluated in OSAS treatment in children. These include: A. High-flow nasal cannula This method has been studied as an alternative to CPAP. It uses nasal insufflation by delivering warm humidified air via a nasal cannula.8 The pressure delivered is usually enough to stent the upper airway during sleep. Studies to evaluate its tolerance and acceptance in children are needed. B. Anti-inflammatory medications Intranasal corticosteroids, such as fluticasone and budesonide, administered for a few weeks have demonstrated some efficacy in reducing the mean AHI in mild obstructive sleep apnea. Effects may persist for only about eight weeks after discontinuation.9 Tonsillar and adenoidal tissues express leukotrienes and their receptors in children with OSAS, modulating inflammatory signaling and promoting proliferation of adenotonsillar tissues. Leukotriene receptor antagonists show response in the treatment of OSAS in selected individuals. More studies, however, are needed to define effective dosage and treatment duration. C. Oral appliances (OA) Unlike in the adult population, studies in children on the effectiveness of oral appliance usage for OSAS have been minimal. Among adults, mandibular anterior repositioning is widely utilized with some success. Oral appliance users require follow-up visits with a dental specialist regularly to monitor patient adherence, evaluate device deterioration or maladjustment, assess ongoing health of the oral structures, and gauge the integrity of the occlusion. Signs and symptoms of worsening OSA need monitoring. Research to define patient characteristics more clearly for OA acceptance, success and adherence is needed.10 Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in children with OSAS and maxillary transverse deficiency (cross-bite) without enlarged tonsils and adenoids has been shown to be effective. D. Positional therapy Placing a soft material in a back pouch of a sleep shirt can avoid sleeping in a supine position. Success is best in adults where obesity is the most frequent cause of OSAS. The prone position prevents the tongue from occluding the upper airway during sleep. Some authors report that very young children breathe better in supine position, and hence, may not benefit from positional therapy. E. Watchful waiting The Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial (CHAT) was published recently recommending that, although early AT may reduce symptoms and improve secondary outcomes of behavior, quality of life, and polysomnographic findings, it may not significantly improve attention or executive function as measured by neuropsychological assessments. As such, watchful waiting may be appropriate for selected groups of children with OSAS.11 In conclusion, OSAS in children appears to be on the rise. Not all of the outcomes in children with OSAS (cardiovascular, inflammatory and neurocognitive functioning) have been consistently assessed. Some new treatment modalities of pediatric OSAS have been validated with randomized controlled trials. Alternative treatments such as nasal steroids and dental manipulations in specialized hands may be of benefit to some. Importantly, treatment approaches should be individualized for every patient. References 1. American Thoracic Society. Standards and indications for cardiopulmonary sleep studies in children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.1996;153(920):866-878. 2. Redline S, Tishler PV, et al. Risk factors for sleepdisordered breathing in children. Associations with obesity, race, and respiratory problems. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999;159(5, pt 1):1527-1532. 3. Marcus CL, Katz ES, et al. Upper airway dynamic responses in children with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Pediatr Res. 2005;57:99-107. 4. Bixler EO, Vgontzas AN, et al. Sleep disordered breathing in children in a general population sample: prevalence and risk factors. Sleep. 2009;32(6):731-736. 5. O’Brien ML, Mervis CB, et al. Neurobehavioral implications of habitual snoring in children. Pediatrics. 2004;114:41-49. 6. Marcus CL, Rosen G, Ward SL, et al. Adherence to and effectiveness of positive airway pressure therapy in children with obstructive sleep apnea. Pediatrics. 2006;117(3):e442-e451. 7. Verhulst SL, Franckx H, et al. The effect of weight loss on sleep-disordered breathing in obese teenagers. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2009;17(6):178-183. 13 8. McGinley B, Halbower A, et al. Effect of a high-flow open nasal CME Questions cannula system on 8. ADHD has been consisobstructently linked with sleep tive sleep disordered breathing. apnea in children. a. True b.False Pediatrics. 2009;124: 179-188. 9. In obese children with enlarged tonsils the first 9. Kheiranapproach is: dish-Gozal L, Ser a. CPAP pero LD, b. Tonsillectomy and Dayyat adenoidectomy E, et al. Cortico c. Wait and see approach steroids d.Gastric bypass suppress in vitro tonsillar 10. The most common cause prolifof obstructive sleep apnea eration in in children 2 to 10 years of children age is: with obstruc a. Cranio-facial anomalies tive sleep b. Enlarged tonsils and apnoea. adenoids Eur Respir J. 2009;33: c. Obesity 1077-1084. 10. Villa MP, 11. Seasonal allergies may be Bernkopf responsible for obstructive E, et al. sleep apnea. Random a. True b.False ized controlled study of an oral jaw-positioning appliance for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in children with malocclusion. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002;165:123-127. 11. Marcus CL, Moore RH, et al. A randomized trial of adenotonsillectomy for childhood sleep apnea. N Engl J Med. 2013;368:2366-2376. 14 A perplexing pathogen in a neonate with meningitis Objectives Following the completion of this article, the reader should be able to: Julian Edelschick, MD, MBA Julian Edelschick, MD, MBA, is a second year resident at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. He received his medical school education at St. Matthews University in the Cayman Islands. He received his Masters of Business from Davenport University. 1. Examine the frequency, epidemiology and clinical presentation of central nervous system infections in the newborn caused by Pasteurella multocida. 2. Understand management of the child with P. multocida meningitis. Introduction Fortunately, meningitis in the neonate is an uncommon occurrence. In this case report, we discuss the hospital course of an infant admitted to the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) at Dayton Children’s with bacterial meningitis caused by an infrequently encountered microorganism. Case Description Matthew McRoberts, MD Matthew McRoberts, MD, is a second year resident at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. He received his medical school education from the University of Kentucky. A 14-day-old female presented to Dayton Children’s Emergency Department with a one-day history of decreased oral intake and a high fever. Birth history is pertinent for Mother age 19 years, G1P1. Maternal antenatal culture was positive for group B streptococcus and was adequately treated. No other maternal labs were available at time of presentation. Pregnancy was uncomplicated, but meconium was present at rupture of membranes. The infant was born by spontaneous vaginal delivery, APGAR scores were eight and nine at one and five minutes respectively, and she received routine delivery room care. Prior to admission the mother noted that the neonate had poor oral intake and urine output. During the day of admission, fever was noted as high as 100.8° F, measured axillary. The baby was evaluated by her physician who referred the child to Dayton Children’s ED. In the ED, a normal saline bolus was administered for concern of dehydration. The sodium was 131 mEq/L and carbon dioxide 19.1mEq/L. The WBC was 7,000/ µL with a normal differential, hemoglobin 16.8 gm/dL, and platelet count 68,000/µL. The urine had trace blood and slight protein. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was milky upon collection. The CSF had a glucose of <10mg/dL, and protein of 334.3 mg/dL. The spinal fluid had 3850 white blood cells/mm3 with 90 percent neutrophils. Gram stain of the CSF revealed gram-negative bacilli. Specimens of blood, urine and CSF were submitted for bacterial culture. The baby was admitted to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit and intravenous ampicillin, cefotaxime and acyclovir were administered. On the third day of hospitalization, cultures of blood and CSF cultures grew Pasteurella multocida. IV was continued. CSF obtained after four days of therapy and repeat blood cultures remained sterile. The patient continued to be febrile for a number of days. Ampicillin was continued for a full 21-day course. The patient did well. She had a normal auditory brainstem response. The family had a pet dog at home, but reported that there was no contact with the infant. There was no known contact with cats. Discussion Pasteurella multocida infections are typically associated with animal bites. Within the genus Pasteurella, P. multocida is the major pathogen and is commonly found in the oral flora of many animals. It occurs in approximately 70-90 percent of cats, 25-50 percent of dogs, and 51 percent of pigs.1,2 P. multocida is a gram negative coccobacillus and can be initially mistaken for other gram negative organisms such as Haemophilus and Neisseria.1–4 P. multocida is a nonmotile, facultative anaerobe that grows readily on blood agar but will not cause hemolysis.5 It is distinguished from other bacterial species by a characteristic fermentation pattern.6 Historically Pasteurella species were known to cause epizootic infections, including hemorrhagic septicemia or ‘shipping fever’ in cattle, avian cholera in birds, snuffles in rabbits, and pneumonia in goats and sheep.3,5 The bacteria was characterized by and named after Louis Pasteur in 1880. The first report of P. multocida infection in humans occurred in 1913. Most infections caused by P. multocida are due to direct contact, such as a bite or a scratch from an infected animal and result in localized infection. There are cases of animal bites to the scalp resulting in direct inoculation and more invasive infection as well. The organism is known to be viable in water for seven to 25 days and soil for 21 days.2 There are, however, no documented infections transmitted from contaminated food or water sources.5 Of the invasive P. multocida infections, it is estimated that 44 percent are from nontraumatic animal exposure.1 Other forms of transmission from animals have been proposed based on reports of P. multocida infections. These include respiratory droplets, exposure to oral secretions of infected animals, horizontal vector transmission, and vertical transmission.1,3 There are documented cases of infection from intimate contact with dogs and cats, including licking around the facial area and from a vector with a pet licking a family member’s hands before handling the infant. It is postulated that the infant, when exposed, will develop pharyngeal colonization followed by invasion and hematogenous spread to the meninges. The vertical route is believed to account for the other 44 percent of invasive infections. It occurs mostly from colonized mothers to neonates during birth and is an important risk factor for mortality. Again, in cases of vertical transmission, the mother often has no traumatic exposure to animals.1 Cellulitis is the most common clinical manifestation after a scratch or bite from an animal and can be accompanied by lymphadenopathy, chills and fever. Local complications can include septic arthritis, osteomyelitis and tenosynovitis.2 Invasive illness from P. multocida is rare but occurs more frequently in neonates, with a reported incidence of 64 percent compared to 17 percent in studies of adults.1,6 This discrepancy is attributed to a diminished host response to infection in infancy.3 Invasive disease includes meningitis, endocarditis, appendicitis, hepatic abscess, urinary tract infection and ocular infections (such as conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, endophthalmitis).2 Upon review of previous reports, article citations and cases identified in a PubMed search, we identified 41 cases of P. multocida meningitis (not including our case) between the years 1950 and the present. An additional seven cases had P. multocida pneumonia and bacteremia. In a review1, only 25 cases of invasive infection with P. multocida infection from the years 1950 to 2008 were selected for a retrospective analysis due to availability of complete case documentation. Sixteen of the 25 were true documented cases of meningitis, while the rest included mostly bacteremia and pneumonia. Most cases of newborn Pasteurella bacteremia resulted in death within the first few days of life. The reviewers proposed that early onset infections resulting in rapid death did not permit adequate time to assess the CSF and that a proportion of these infants might have had meningitis. The clinical presentation of P. multocida meningitis in neonates is similar to other causes of neonatal sepsis, with fever (80 percent) and irritability/ lethargy (72 percent) as the main presenting symptoms in one study.1 Symptoms may also include apnea, seizures, stiff neck, full fontanelle and feeding difficulty. Neonatal infection and meningitis with P. multocida can occur as either early- or late-onset disease, similar to other neonatal bacterial infections. Earlyonset is defined as infection within the first 72 hours of birth and is associated with a higher 15 16 mortality. Late-onset infection is postulated to result from a smaller bacterial inoculum with longer time to infection, allowing for dissemination to multiple organs including the CNS. All case mortality of invasive P. multocida infection is estimated to be 20 percent.1 Early-onset disease and birth weight less than 2500 grams were associated with increased risk of mortality. Meningitis can result in development of seizures, brain abscess, hemiparesis, hydrocephalus and cervical osteomyelitis.7 Fortunately empiric antibiotic coverage for suspected neonatal pathogens is generally adequate for treating Pasteurella. Isolates from humans are nearly always susceptible to beta-lactam antibiotics.6 Penicillin is the treatment of choice. Other antibiotics, however, including ampicillin, cefuroxime, cefipime, cefpodoxime, doxycycline, and the fluoroquinolones, are effective for nonmeningitic infections. For beta-lactam antibiotic-allergic patients, azithromycin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole are acceptable. The recommended duration of treatment is 7-10 days for local infection, 10-14 for severe disease, 21 for meningitis, and 4-6 weeks for osteoarticular infections.2 Consultation with an infectious diseases specialist is recommended for serious disease. The infrequent occurrence of invasive Pastuerella infections combined with the popularity of household pets suggests zoonotic transmission of the infection is fairly low. Despite this, serious infections caused by the organism among newborns can occur. Nearly all cases of P. multocida meningitis should be prevented with appropriate anticipatory guidance, including separation of young infants and household pets, avoidance of contact with saliva of dogs or cats, and assiduous hand hygiene by all family members.3,6 References 1. Nakwan N, Atta T, Chokephaibulkit K. Neonatal pasteurellosis: a review of reported cases. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2009 Sep;94(5):F373–6. 2. Pickering LK, ed. Pasteurella Infections. In: Red Book. Vol Red Book. American Academy of Pediatrics; 2012:542– 543. 3. Boocock GR, Bowley JA. Meningitis in infancy caused by Pasteurella multocida. J Infect. 1995 Sep;31(2):161–2. 4. Per H, Kumandaş S, Gümüş H, Oztürk MK, Coşkun A. Meningitis and subgaleal, subdural, epidural empyema due to Pasteurella multocida. J Emerg Med. 2010 Jul;39(1):35–8. 5. Weber DJ, Wolfson JS, Swartz MN, Hooper DC. Pasteurella multocida infections. Report of 34 cases and review of the literature. Medicine. 1984 May;63(3):133–54. 6. Miller JJ, Gray BM. Pasteurella multocida meningitis presenting as fever without a source in a young infant. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1995 Apr;14(4):331–2. 7. Kobayaa H, Souki RR, Trust S, Domachowske JB. Pasteurella multocida meningitis in newborns after incidental animal exposure. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009 Oct;28(10):928–9. CME Questions 12. Pasteurella infections are typically associated with animal bites. Within the genus Pasteurella, P. multocida is the major pathogen and is commonly found in the oral flora of many animals. It occurs in approximately what population? a.70 to 90 percent of cats b.10 to 15 percent of dogs c. 35 percent of pigs d.25 percent of lizards 13. Fortunately, empiric antibiotic coverage for suspected neonatal pathogens is generally adequate for treating Pasteurella. What is the treatment of choice for Pasteurella meningitis? a.Cefepime b.Doxycycline c. Penicillin d.Vancomycin 14. Nearly all cases of P. multocida meningitis should be prevented with appropriate anticipatory guidance including all of the following except: a.Separation of young infants from pets b.Avoidance of saliva from dogs or cats c. Assiduous hand hygiene by all family members d.Frequent dog and cat washing to keep clean program evaluation 17 1. The material presented in this publication met the mission to enhance health care delivery in our region through education based on the essentials and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education? c Strongly agree c Agree c Neutral c Disagree c Strongly disagree 2. Did the material presented in this publication meet the educational objectives stated? c Yes c No 3. Did the material presented in this publication have a commercial bias? 4. c Yes c No Pediatric Forum Volume 25 Number 1 Please rate the contents of this issue using the following scale: 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Very good, 5 = Excellent (Circle one response for each.) Poor Excellent Timely, up-to-date? 1 2 3 4 5 Practical? 1 2 3 4 5 Relevant to your practice? 1 2 3 4 5 5. Please describe any changes you plan to make in your clinical practice based on the information presented in this program. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Are there any other topics you would like to have addressed in this publication or future educational programs for health care providers? c Yes c No If yes, please describe:___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Please describe how you will incorporate information obtained from this publication into your practice. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Letter to the editor (may be published in next issue)_________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ program Test To obtain CME credit you must: 4 Read and reflect on each article. 4 Answer the questions from each article and complete this test. 70% correct answers are needed to obtain the full 4 .0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. 4 Complete the program evaluation. 4 Return your completed test and program evaluation by mail or fax to: Sue Strader, coordinator Department of Continuing Medical Education Dayton Children’s One Children’s Plaza Dayton, OH 45404-1815 Fax: 937-641-5931 This sheet must be received by December 31, 2014, for the credit to be awarded. Your answers to CME questions (Please circle the BEST answer.) Please type or print clearly 1. a b c d Name 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. Street address True False 6. a b c d 7. a b c d d 8. True False 9. a b c 10. a b c 11. Practice name City State/Zip code Office telephone True False 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d Office fax E-mail Signature Physician accreditation statement and credit designation Wright State University (WSU) Boonshoft School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. WSU Boonshoft School of Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 4.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. 18 news and updates from dayton children’s Dayton Children’s welcomes new physicians Arun Aggarwal, MD Todd Boyd, DO Mahesh Chikkanaiah, MD David Gooden, DO Haidar Kabbani, MD Anesthesiology Newborn Medicine David Gooden, DO, most recently completed a fellowship at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. He also completed his residency training at Dayton Children’s and at Grandview and Southview Medical Centers in Dayton. He received his doctorate of osteopathy at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. Olutoye Osunbunmi, MD, completed a fellowship in neonatal perinatal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. He joins the department of neonatology at Dayton Children’s after completing a fellowship at University of Texas’ Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Osunbunmi received his medical degree from University of Ilorin in Ilorin, Nigeria, and completed a pediatric residency at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center in Bronx, New York. He is board certified in pediatrics. Brandon Roberts, MD, completed a pediatric anesthesiology fellowship at the Washington University Department of Anesthesiology in St. Louis. He received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland. Gastroenterology Arun Aggarwal, MD, completed a fellowship in pediatric gastroenterology at Westchester Medical Center in New York. He received his medical degree from Delhi University’s Maulana Azad Medical College in India and completed a residency in pediatrics at Metropolitan Hospital in New York. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics. Neurology Mahesh Chikkanaiah, MD, completed a fellowship in child neurology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. He joins the department of neurology at Dayton Children’s after completing a fellowship in child neurology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. He received his medical degree from M.S. Ramaiah Medical College in Bangalore, India, and completed a pediatric residency at Flushing Hospital Medical Center in New York. He has special interests in headaches and epilepsy. Haidar Kabbani, MD, practiced as a consultant pediatric neurologist and epileptologist at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He has completed a fellowship in pediatric epilepsy at the Cleveland Clinic. In addition, he completed a fellowship in child neurology at Massachusetts Olutoye Osunbunmi, MD Brandon Roberts, MD Andrew Smith, MD General Hospital and a fellowship in clinical neurophysiology at the University of Kansas Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Damascus University Medical School in Damascus, Syria. He is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, with special qualification in child neurology and has special interest in epilepsy. Pathology Todd Boyd, DO, practiced as an assistant professor in the department of pathology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. He completed his fellowship training in pediatric pathology at Cincinnati Children’s. He also completed his residency in pathology at the University of Cincinnati and an internship at Wright State University. He is board certified in anatomic and pediatric pathology. Psychiatry Andrew Smith, MD, joins Dayton Children’s with the launch of the new pediatric psychiatry program as a Wright State Physician and assistant professor at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine in the department of psychiatry. He completed a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry and a general psychiatry residency at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. He received his medical degree from the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Smith has special interests in teaching and technology and medicine. 19 New software reduces radiation exposure Dayton Children’s Hospital has implemented new technologies that significantly reduce radiation exposure in infants and children during CT and fluoroscopy procedures. These new technologies are the next steps in Dayton Children’s long-term commitment to providing imaging tests that are safer for kids. The lower radiation dose for CT scans is made possible by newly available imaging software that can mathematically calculate the image information in CT using less radiation exposure. The software, called AIDR 3D by Toshiba can reduce radiation exposure by as much as 80 percent. The radiation dose reduc- tion is greatest when imaging the neck, chest and abdomen. 3T MRI scanner brings new functionality to Dayton Dayton Children’s has implemented a new 3T MRI scanner that brings functionality and clearer images to the Dayton region. This new scanner is the region’s first 3T MRI scanner to be implemented. An MRI is a safe and painless test that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed pictures of the body’s organs and structures. The “T” in 3T MRI stands for “Tesla” which refers to the strength of the magnet used to Dayton Children’s names vice president and chief ambulatory officer Benjamin R. Goodstein has joined Dayton Children’s as vice president and chief ambulatory officer. Goodstein replaces Gregory Ramey, PhD, who has been named executive director of Dayton Children’s Center for Pediatric Mental Health Resources. Goodstein most recently served as the director of the cardiovascular service line, operations and business development for Aurora BayCare Medical Center, a 167-bed hospital serving the Green Bay area. As the director, he was responsible for the cardiac service line for three hospitals, 45 clinics and two surgery centers. Prior to joining Aurora Health Care, Goodstein served as director of service for GE Healthcare in Pittsburgh. He holds a bachelor’s degree in radiologic technology with a minor in business management from Marian University in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, and a master’s in business administration with a finance concentration from Lakeland College in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. produce the diagnostic images. The hospital is currently using a 1.5T MRI scanner and by implementing the 3T MRI, the radiologists will be able to produce images with twice the quality and clarity of the 1.5T. This can help find subtle abnormalities that a 1.5T scanner is unable to detect. Dayton Children’s to invest in new patient tower Dayton Children’s board of trustees recently approved a long-range facility and campus renewal plan that calls for transforming the hospital’s Valley Street campus to improve the delivery of care to children in this region for generations to come. “Our strategic roadmap, Destination 2020, calls for us to advance our role as a leader in children’s health. A thorough assessment of how we will achieve this vision has revealed that new spaces are needed to provide critical services well into the future,” says CEO and President Deborah A. Feldman. The plan calls for the construction of a 260,000 square-foot, eight-story patient tower in the center of the hospital’s current Valley Street campus. Construction is expected to begin in spring of 2014 and be completed sometime in 2017. Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit Number 323 Dayton, Ohio 20 Dayton Children’s Hospital One Children’s Plaza Dayton, Ohio 45404-1815 More pediatric expertise coming to Springfield through a new pediatric care alliance Officials at Dayton Children’s Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Hospital are pleased to announce a formal collaboration focused on improving access to highlyspecialized pediatric services for all Springfield area families. The Ohio Pediatric Care Alliance is designed to reduce duplication of services and improve efficiencies and allow for the two independent children’s hospitals to work together in the Springfield area to improve access to subspecialty pediatric care, execute shared initiatives and evaluate needs for new services. Dayton Children’s Hospital launches sports medicine service for young athletes Dayton Children’s Hospital recently announced the launch of a new service line—sports medicine with a focus on treatment of sports injuries in young athletes. The Dayton Children’s sports medicine team is specially trained in pediatrics and understands how an injury may impact growth, or how growth might impact rehabilitation. The sports medicine experts offer a multidisciplinary approach to handling sports injuries in children and teens. Some conditions the sports medicine clinic will treat are: 4Back pain 4 Muscle strains 4Baseline concussion testing 4 Sports concussions 4Contusions 4 Stress fractures 4Dislocations childrensdayton.org
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