NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID JACKSON, MS PERMIT NO. 510 The University of Mississippi Medical Center P.O. Box 16849 Jackson, Mississippi 39236-6849 Vo l u m e 7 , I s s u e 1 0 • M a y, 2 0 1 0 Eli Manning to host 4th fundraiser for Children’s Hospital In this Issue: • An Evening with the Mannings • Friends Board Member Honored • SouthGroup 5K raises $20,000 • Comcast presents $20,000 Check out our website at Friends of Children’s Hospital Membership Information If you are not a lifetime member of Friends, it may be time to renew your membership! Please complete the form below, then return it, along with your check made out to “Friends of Children’s Hospital,” P.O. Box 16849, Jackson, MS 39236-6849. Name(s)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City _______________________________ State ______ Zip____________________ Phone (Office) _______________________________________ (Home) _______________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Check type of membership: Individual ($20) Patron ($100) Family ($50) Lifetime ($250) Corporate/Association ($50) Junior, 18 and under ($5) Please check: Membership Renewal New Membership Please check if you would like to serve on a committee for one of the following: Light a Light Golf Tournament Batson Hospital MiracleHome Enchanted Evening Gala Evening with the Mannings Hospital Volunteer General Volunteer If you have any questions, please call Friends at (601) 984-5273. You may also join Friends at BankPlus and Friends of Children’s Hospital are pleased to announce that Indianapolis Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning, will join brother Eli Manning at the 2010 “An Evening with the Mannings” fundraising event on June 19th at the Jackson Convention Complex. The fundraiser is part of Eli Manning’s continued effort to raise $2.5 million for the Eli Manning Children’s Clinics at the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children. “We are so pleased that Peyton is able to join us in Jackson for ‘An Evening with the Mannings’,” said Eli. “The past events have been a great success, and Peyton’s presence will add to the excitement, and make it a special evening for me with my entire family supporting my project at Children’s Hospital. My parents, brothers Cooper and Peyton, and our wives are rarely all able to attend an event together.” “I’m thrilled that I can make it to Jackson this year to support an event that is important to Eli, my family and the children of Mississippi,” said Peyton Manning. “BankPlus is delighted that we can be part of bringing two Super Bowl MVP Quarterbacks, Eli and Peyton Manning, to the community, especially as part of this special Father’s Day Weekend event, and important fundraising commitment for the Eli Manning Children’s Clinics,” said Bill Ray, President and CEO of BankPlus. Archie Manning, Bill Ray, Sara Ray, Eli Manning, Emeril Lagasse, Sam Haskell and Mar y Donnelly Haskell pause for a photo before the night’s festivities begin. “With the help of the entire Manning family and generous donations from Mississippians, we will be able to ensure a world-class facility for Mississippi’s children,” said Sara Ray, event chair and chair- elect of Friends. “An Evening with the Mannings, Presented by BankPlus” is the annual fundraising event in the Eli Manning and BankPlus five-year campaign to raise $2.5 million for the Eli Manning Children’s Clinics. More than $650,000 was raised last year. A limited number of tickets are available. For information, tickets, host and sponsorship opportunities for “An Evening with the Mannings,” please contact: Eli and Emeril cook up some fabulous food on the Viking Cooking Stage during An Evening with the Mannings. Kristin Allen at 601.898.8312, or The Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children—Caring for children 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year through all of life’s catastrophies. S u p p o r t i n g M i s s i s s i p p i ’s O n ly C h i l d r e n ’s H o s p i t a l Friends of Children’s Hospital Board of Directors Executive Committee Chairman of the Board Suzan Thames Chairman-Elect Sara Ray President Jackie Petrus President – elect Bob Romine Past President Dr. Bob Abney Treasurer Rob Armour Board Kristin Allen Ruth Ann Allen Sidney Allen Julie Crump Pat Decker Cathy Havens Roxanne Hilsman Hunter Hatten Bryan Jones Reed Nelson Kristie Nutt Judy Packer Leigh Reeves John Scarbrough Ellen Skrmetti Brenda Hayes-Williams Vo l u m e 7 , I s s u e 1 0 • M a y, 2 0 1 0 Vo l u m e 7 , I s s u e 1 0 • M a y, 2 0 1 0 Comcast donates to “Reach out and Read” Second Annual SouthGroup 5K raises $20,000 R e p re s e n t a t i ve s of Comcast Cable presented a $20,000 grant to the Friends of Children’s Hospital board of directors to support the hospital’s Reach Out and Read program. The funds will be used to purchase new books and expand the program to include more patients. Reach Out and Read is a national program aimed at improving childhood literacy and encouraging children to have a love of reading. Each time a child is seen in the children’s clinics they are given a book. More than 600 participants took part in the second annual “Make a Difference 5K Run/Walk” presented by SouthGroup Insurance Services on Saturday, February 20th in Ridgeland. SouthGroup hosted many returning runners and walkers who turned out to support the hospital. “We are here in honor of our son, Felder Sartin. He is a patient at Batson and this year and last year we brought a large group up Representatives of SouthGroup Insurance Services from Bogue Chitto to race in his honor. We hope he can come out presented the funds raised from the 2010 Make A and have fun with us next year,” Difference 5K to the board of directors of Friends said Jessica Sartin. She and her of Children’s Hospital. family are longtime supporters of children’s hospital and are grateful for the care their son has received. “We want to thank all of our sponsors, volunteers and participants who made this race such a success. We could not have such a successful event without the support of our sponsors and we appreciate every business who donated items or food for the day of the race,” said Cyndi Tullos, race coordinator. Each participant received a t-shirt listing all the sponsors on the back. Following the race, Erin and Mitch Bleske ran in honor of their prizes and trophies were handed out along with daughter Riley Grace who is a patient at many door prizes donated by local businesses. children’s hospital. Employees from SouthGroup offices from Back row, from left are Dr. Bob Abney, past president of Friends; Bruce Leach, general sales manager for Comcast Spotlight; Sidney Allen, Jr., director, state government affairs for Comcast Cable and Bob Romine, president-elect of Friends. Front row, from left are Suzan Thames, chairman of the Friends board; LeAnne Brewer, general manager for Comcast Spotlight; Frances Smith, director, government affairs for Comcast Cable; Meg Glenn, marketing/research manager for Comcast Spotlight; Sara Ray, chair-elect of Friends and Jackie Petrus, president of Friends. Radiothon raises more than 340K for Batson Cade Webb, left, and his mother, Alicia, both of Florence, speak about his experiences at the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children during the 9th Annual Mississippi Miracles Radiothon. Jackson stations Y 101.7, US 96.3 and Mix 98.7 broadcasted live from the lobby of Batson Hospital. Meridian stations 97 OKK, V 93.5, 106.9 The Buzz and 105.7 The Beat broadcasted from their studios in Meridian. The three-day event raised more than $340,000 for the hospital. Ex-Officio Dr. Blair E. Batson Becky Bates Dr. Owen B. Evans Angela Compere Jennifer Hospodor Matthew Johnson Mike Lightsey Tena McKenzie John Clark Packer Susan Shands Jones Mechelle Keeton LaDonna Northington Donna Windsor Dr. Robert Khayat Program Administrator Melanie Schade Newsletter Production Derrick Dyess Melanie Schade Newsletter printed By AAA Printing Published by Division of Public Affairs The Univerisity of Mississippi Medical Center Upcoming Events An Evening with the Mannings June 19, 2010 Viking Classic September 27-October 3, 2010 Kids’ Triathlon for Batson Children’s Rehab June 19, 2010 Candlelighters Art Auction October 7, 2010 Trustmark Children’s Hospital Golf Tournament November 7-8, 2010 For more information about any of these events, please call Friends of Children’s Hospital at (601) 984-5273 or go online at •2• around the state volunteered for the race and made sure things went smoothly. Staying true to the reason for the race, there was an area full of children’s activities and many children participated in the one mile fun-run. First place finishers in the Kids’ fun-run received bicycles. “We are so glad to once again give $20,000 to Friends of Children’s Hospital. The community has really gotten behind this race and we look forward to hosting it again next year and raising more for children’s hospital,” said Ronnie Tubertini, president of SouthGroup. Mak e D ona a If yo u tion natio would ! n in like s to m ome hon ake natio one, pl or or a do m e n al add ong ase sen emory ress with d yo of like o ackn f the pe the nam ur doChil r dren owledg son yo e and u e ’s H osp d to Fri would ital. end s of ed? 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LaDonna Northington is an active member of the board who assists with the Viking Classic each year. “We are so proud of all of the UMMC nurses who are recognized,” said Janet Harris, chief nurse executive. “Each of them excel in their respective areas, and this is such a great opportunity to recognize each and their accomplishments.” Within the School of Nursing, LaDonna Northington, director of the Traditional Undergraduate Program, was named Nursing Faculty Member of the Year. “We as a board are very proud of LaDonna and her accomplishments. We are very glad to have her as a part of our board of directors and wish her the best,” said Dr. Bob Abney, past president of the board. •3• me o leH te! 2011on c a the ni ra Mi Upd gin onthe RenuCousnale iso on ay be n i w . ad o ll wi me in M will g ivea mer g o k r t m H n e ts Wo racle me icke d th xt su ils. p Mi velo all. T ar an r ne deta de his f is ye d fo ore t ty er th dule for m lat sche ned is y tu Sta
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