F Working Hats – Don Weller Hat Materials SPECIALTY HatS T 53339 Highway 21 Sherwood Park AB Canada T8A-4V1 H doubledcustomhats@albertacom.com www.doubledcustomhats.com 2 26 A skilled craftsman, Cam Johnston makes Double D Custom Hats today using the same authentic, time-tested tools as hats made in the Old West: blocking, steaming, dying, cutting, marking, and measuring with an antique crowncalibrating device. These traditional practices passed down through time – procedures that have made hand-blown glass and hand-made cowboy hats stand the test of time – are combined to make Double D hats a quality, lifetime hat. Trained under traditional craftsmen and master hatters in the hat trade, Cam has perfected the skills used to make the Old West hats prized possessions and can create a quality, custom-made Double D hat for you. h Don Weller - The ArTisT orses and drawing were early passions for internationally renowned artist Don Weller. Growing up in Pullman, Washington, he drew constantly when he wasn’t riding horses. He graduated from Washington State University with a degree in fine art and moved to California where he had a successful career in graphic design and illustration. He also taught at UCLA and the Art Center School in Pasadena Don’s watercolor paintings depicting contemporary western scenes and ranch life have been printed in national magazines and posters, and his illustrations and photography have been used for children’s books and a coffee-table book. He has painted five U.S. postage stamps. Don and his wife, Cha Cha, live in Oakley, a rural farm and ranching community in Utah. Visit www.DonWeller.com to view his Western art gallery images. 25 Whether for working, rodeoing, or an evening on the town, your custom hat will have the distinctive mark of quality, style, and comfort to make you look the best you can. With Double D, your hat is your choice. Hats may be designed in a combination of colors and styles to create the perfect hat for you. Double D hats offers a full line of felt hats made from the finest wool, fur, and beaver felt. The collection also includes straw and the new hybrid hats – hats constructed from both felt and straw. We specialize in a variety of children’s hats and occasionally cowboy hats for dogs and horses as well. Double D hats stands behind each hat to ensure your complete satisfaction. 27 24 1 3 4 5 23 Colors 6 7 8 9 22 21 10 11 20 12 19 18 13 17 16 15 14 F Today, owning a distinctively hand-made cowboy hat begins with age-old, traditional techniques. Quality cowboy hats are made with felted beaver fur, measured to fit with instruments designed and made in the 1800s, and constructed to last a lifetime — a prized possession to be passed down to someone who will continue to cherish it. Today, a hat’s use may differ from those of the early West, but a hat that really fits you can have the same spot in your heart. ew things have stood the test of time – Charles Russell paintings and sculptures, John Wayne movies, Louie Lamour novels, and handmade cowboy hats. And it’s not surprising that cowboy hats have stood the test of time. In the Old West, a cowboy’s hat and his horse and saddle were his prized possessions. What began as a practical tool has become an exciting expression of individuality and taste. Seldom without it, a cowboy’s hat shaded his eyes from the sun, kept rain off his neck, and when necessary, could be used as a bucket for water and food for his horse. A cowboy placed a lot of importance on his hat’s appearance and demanded that it be the highest quality. Rarely off his head, a cowboy’s hat was the first thing you noticed, it identified him to others, even from a distance, and it said a lot about the cowboy. Hat Materials SPECIALTY HatS T H he best quality fur for cowboy hats is made entirely of beaver, which comes from the underbelly where it grows thick during the winter months. doubledcustomhats@albertacom.com www.doubledcustomhats.com Furs are blended according to each hat manufacturers’ specification, and each company’s blend may vary. Double D hats takes pride in providing the highestquality hats. We select the best materials available in order to offer our customers a wide variety of quality choices when selecting a custom cowboy hat. Double D hats may be made from a wide color palette. When choosing your color, please be aware that the colors may vary slightly from the colors printed here. 2 26 A 25 27 24 1 3 4 ats for special occasions can be innovative and fun. You come up with the idea, and we can find a way to make your special hat a reality. From traditional hats such as fedoras and bowlers to straws and hybrids, and from hats for children and teens to those for horses and pets, Double D hats will put your wildest possibilities into hats for all events. Custom-made for Max, a working cowdog in Utah 5 23 Colors 6 7 8 9 22 21 10 11 20 12 19 18 13 17 16 15 14 A custom-fitted hat, made by hand with care, will suit you perfectly. Your new hat will become your most prized accessory, and you will wear it proudly knowing that you look your best – that your hat has been designed and crafted to be a reflection of you and your distinctive lifestyle and personality. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Pink Purple Yellow Royal Blue Powder Blue Navy Black Cherry Black Natural Dark Grey Steel Granite Whiskey Pecan 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Dark Moss Forest Green Gold Dark Brown Rust Camel Sahara Bone Sand Silver Belly Silver Mist Burgundy Red DoUblE D Hat GallerY D ouble D Custom Hats can be made to fit any head. The styles and colors are interchangeable. Hatbands are as distinctive and individual as the person wearing the hat. We will help you design the hatband to go perfectly with your hat, and your imagination. Your Double D hat will be made to your exact specifications, ensuring that the color, crease height, and brim width will look good on you. The edges may be trimmed, to keep your hat from losing its shape, or raw using a pencil roll. Some of our most popular hats are pictured. With more than 25 named hat creases available, you can let us know by name, or if you see a hat you would like, please send us a photo. At Double D hats, your satisfaction is very important, and we want to give you the best custom hat possible. If our hat doesn’t meet your expectations or isn’t exactly what you expected, please let us know right away. We will do everything in our power to make the hat please you by resizing and redoing it until you are happy. We want you to be satisfied and your hat to look great and fit perfectly. But, please remember, your hat was custom made for you, so we are unable to refund your money. ORDeRIng & COnTACT InFO With all the options Double D hats offer, we would like to communicate with you directly about your new hat. Please contact us: Phone – 780 719-2740; email – doubledcustomhats@albertacom.com Website – www.doubledcustomhats.com YOuR BeST FIT using a soft tape, have someone measure and re-measure your head around where your hat normally rests. It is important to be positive of your head measurement. That’s the starting point for your custom hat. If your hat measurement is off by more than ¼ inch, there will be a resize charge. now check the hat chart. “I knew a cutting cowboy many years ago who always said, ‘I’ve cut it twice, and it’s still too short.’ I don’t want anyone to end up with a hat that doesn’t fit, so please measure again. It really doesn’t hurt and may make a huge difference. Thanks!” – Cam The hat crease should correspond with the shape of your face -- longer faces should wear taller creases; narrow creases fit with slender noses; wider creases fit better with broader noses. Brim sizes correspond with shoulder width, body size, or height. Color should compliment the color of your eyes, hair, and/or skin. COLORS Colors include, black, silver belly, natural, pink, green, and gold, and many colors in between. We can closely match any swatch we are given. HATBAnDS Hatbands may be as unique as you are. From beaded, distinctive leathers, horsehair, reptile, silver, bone, conchos, feathers, or ribbon, hatbands can be designed to complement the hat and suit your taste and style. If desired, a chinstrap may be made from leather, horsehair, braided, or sliding rosette. QuAnTITY DISCOunTS Riding clubs, royalty, rodeo committees, other organizations may qualify for group discounts. Contact us for a discount quote on hats and hatbands. DeLIVeRY We will uPS your hat to you in a hat-friendly hat carrier postal box or in a hand-made cedar box carrier, which can be used for storage for as long as you have your hat. Shipping charges will be determined at shipment. Please allow six to eight weeks from finalizing your order to the delivery of your Double D hat. Delivery options will be made at your request. STYLeS FOR men TYCOOn w/ QuARTeR CuRL ROPeR • 4”Brim • 41/4”Front • 4”Back W CAnADIAn WeSTeRn FeDORA • 3”Brim • 31/2”Front • 4”Back STYLeS FOR WOmen’ ROPeR w/ CuTTeR DenTS JODIe g AnnIe • 4”Brim • 41/2”Front • 41/2”Back DROVeR • 33/4”Brim • 41/4”Front • 41/4”Back TOm HORn • 4”Brim • 31/2”Front • 5”Back 49.2 6 1/8 19 1/2 49.5 6 1/4 20 1/4 51.4 6 3/8 20 3/4 52.7 6 1/2 21 53.3 6 5/8 21 1/2 54.6 6 3/4 21 5/8 54.9 6 7/8 22 1/8 56.2 7 22 1/2 57.2 7 1/8 23 58.4 7 1/4 23 3/8 59.3 7 3/8 23 3/4 60.3 7 1/2 24 1/2 62.2 7 5/8 25 63.5 7 3/4 RODeO BAR-B HATBAnDS • 4”Brim • 41/4”Front • 4”Back CATTLemAn 19 3/8 BeLLe AmAnDA DoUblE D Hat GallerY W ith a tape measure, measure around your head above the brow. STYLeS FOR men TYCOOn w/ QuARTeR CuRL ROPeR D Convert inches to hat size. Please use this chart as a general guideline to determine your hat size. • 4”Brim • 41/4”Front • 4”Back CAnADIAn • 4”Brim • 41/4”Front • 41/4”Back WeSTeRn FeDORA STYLeS FOR WOmen’ ORDeRIng & COnTACT InFO ROPeR w/ CuTTeR DenTS YOuR BeST FIT CATTLemAn JODIe • 4”Brim • 41/4”Front • 4”Back AnnIe • 4”Brim • 41/4”Front • 4”Back COLORS DROVeR HATBAnDS • • • BeLLe • 4”Brim • 41/4”Front • 4”Back QuAnTITY DISCOunTS TOm HORn DeLIVeRY • • • AmAnDA • 4”Brim 4” • 41/4”Front • 4”Back 4” head size in inches head size in Centimeters American hat sizes 19 3/8 49.2 6 1/8 19 1/2 49.5 6 1/4 20 1/4 51.4 6 3/8 20 3/4 52.7 6 1/2 21 53.3 6 5/8 21 1/2 54.6 6 3/4 21 5/8 54.9 6 7/8 22 1/8 56.2 7 22 1/2 57.2 7 1/8 23 58.4 7 1/4 23 3/8 59.3 7 3/8 23 3/4 60.3 7 1/2 24 1/2 62.2 7 5/8 25 63.5 7 3/4 RODeO BAR-B HATBAnDS g uys and gals, looking for a stylish, unique hatband? end your search with spectacular, handcrafted Rodeo Bar-B hatband jewelry. made of quality materials, Rodeo Bar-B designs are hand-woven in a wide variety of colors, styles, gemstones, and weaves. Combinations of raw and finished stones – turquoise, cultured pearls, Swarovski crystals, sterling beads brushed to a softly oxidized patina, and hand fire-polished Czech and Japanese seed beads – woven into chain, basket, spiral, crochet, herringbone, and lace will boost the swank and swagger of your new hat. Designed especially for you, the options are endless and limited only by your imagination or the fear of garnering too much attention. Stand out in any crowd, wear custom-made Rodeo Bar-B jewelry on your Double D hat.
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