HOWARD FAMILY LAW CERTIFICATE Howard PROGRAM Since 2010 Educating, Serving and Advocating for All Families at Howard and in Our Communities Annual Newsletter Spring 2012 Professor Mabry with 2011 Howard Family Law Certificate Program Graduates 1 In this newsletter I am happy to report that we had another exciting program year! This year we celebrate the second anniversary of the Howard Family Law Certificate Program (the Certificate Program). Law students enrolled in this program specialize in Family Law and acquire practical experience while they study legal theory at HUSL. As they work with experienced attorneys and judges, students strengthen practical skills. We are grateful for enormous support from local judges and mentor attorneys that have so greatly enriched the Certificate Program. In this newsletter, you will learn more about our academic achievements and community service as well as how alumni and friends of HUSL joined with HUSL faculty and staff to educate and train our students on and off campus. This year, 21 students were enrolled in the Certificate Program. On May 12, 2012 seven of those candidates were graduated from the program. To date, nineteen students have been graduated. Nine have held judicial clerkships. In the fall of 2011, we said a sad and fond farewell to Professor Laurence C. Nolan who has taught at HUSL since 1979. During her tenure at HUSL, she educated hundreds of students who adore her and tirelessly served HUSL. Among other achievements she helped to organize the Howard Family Law Society and this Certificate Program. She taught three courses that were integral to the Certificate Program’s success: Family Law, Law & Aging, and Wills, Trusts and Estates. In addition she co-authored a textbook entitled Fundamental Principles of Family Law that thousands have used to study and research family law. Professor Nolan retired on September 30, 2011. Her farewell message is included in this newsletter. As we were saying so long to Professor Nolan, we were pleased to welcome a new law professor to HUSL and to the Certificate Program. Professor Mariela Olivares arrived in the fall of 2011. She had taught Family Law at The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law and held a Teaching Fellowship at Georgetown University Law Center where she taught a Domestic Violence seminar and supervised the Domestic Violence Clinic. Also, she is the former Managing Attorney for AYUDA’s Domestic Violence/Family Divisions. AYUDA is a non-profit that provides legal services for low-income immigrant victims of domestic violence. Already she has provided significant support for the Certificate Program. Also, we are pleased to welcome back The Honorable Judy Woodall who has taught various courses at HUSL for many years. Judge Woodall, an HUSL graduate, is a Master for Domestic Relations at the Prince George’s County Circuit Court. She teaches the very popular Family Law Practice course. In the fall of 2011, she also taught Family Law. This program would not be successful without the students who are fully engaged in the academic program and the work that supports families and educates the community. We would not be successful without support from the HUSL deans, especially Dean Kurt L. Schmoke, staff, students, and alumni. We offer our heartfelt thanks to all of you. If a reader would like to organize a lecture or community service project, mentor a student, or sponsor an academic program or event, please contact me at (202) 806-8067 or For more details about the program, visit Sincerely, Cynthia R. Mabry Professor and Faculty Advisor Howard Family Law Certificate Program Front cover: Professor Mabry with 2011 Graduates of the Certificate Program - Right to Left: Brandes Ash, Eva Moreno, Monica Ayala, Tamika Griffin, Prof. Mabry, Brenda Perina, Brittney Blakeney, Tanisha Elliott (Photo courtesy of Marvin T. Jones & Associates) 2 A FAREWELL MESSAGE FROM PROFESSOR NOLAN It was my joy to teach at Howard and to have had both Professor Mabry and Judge Woodall as students as well as many graduates of the Class of 2012. I congratulate the Society's graduating members and those members who are receiving family law certificates. Warmly, Laurence C. Nolan Professor Laurence C. Nolan (Pictured here with Ms. Elen Negasi (Class of 2012)) CERTIFICATE PROGRAM FACULTY AND COURSES (Other faculty members teach related courses.) Dear Family Law Society, It was very gratifying as I took emerita status last fall to leave knowing that the Family Law Society and the Family Law Certificate Program were well-established as part of the law school's academic program. Both were the result of Professor Mabry's vision and hard work. They are also part of the continuing trend in academia of the recognition that Family Law is an important and exciting area of the law. When I began teaching, the family law curriculum in most law schools was usually limited to a family law survey course, that is, if the juvenile law course were not counted. What has been amazing and heartwarming for me at the end of my teaching career is that almost all of the topics studied in the survey course have become independent courses in most law schools. Moreover, it is also gratifying to know that Professor Mabry, Professor Robinson, Professor Olivares, and Judge Judy Woodall are all part of this trend in adding courses to the family law curriculum. As a result, Howard Law graduates will be better trained family law attorneys. On the other hand, the family law curriculum could not have developed without student interest. By being members of the Society, each of you demonstrates your tangible support of family law at the law school. Thank you. Thus, to the members of the Family Law Society, I hope that having been a member of this Society that your passion will be to serve all families well. Prof. Laurence C. Nolan Family Law; Law & Aging; Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof. Mariela Olivares Domestic Violence, Immigration Law Prof. Alice Gresham Bullock Estate & Gift Taxation; Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof. Cynthia R. Mabry Family Law, Adoption Law 3 Other courses that contain a significant discussion of related family law issues are offered on a regular basis. OFF-CAMPUS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Prof. Reginald Robinson Family Law; Child, Parent & State Judge Judy Woodall Family Law, Family Law Practice CORE FAMILY LAW CURRICULUM With much support from Associate Dean Okianer Christian Dark, HUSL’s Family Law course offerings continued to increase during this term. The following courses regularly are offered: Again this year, students received off campus training that was offered by attorneys, judges and court staff. This training provides concentrated information on family law topics and the opportunity for students to interact with judges, social workers, psychologists and family lawyers. Two institutes are highlighted here. District of Columbia Superior Court’s Family Court Annual Multidisciplinary Training Institute on Empowering Fathers This day-long program focused on laws, programs and services that empower fathers to develop better relationships with their children and to support them financially. Several speakers discussed the impact that an engaged father has on a child’s life and the negative impact of an absent father. Adoption Law Child, Parent and State Domestic Violence Estate & Gift Taxation Externships (related to Family Law) Family Law Two Certificate candidates, Ms. Gabrielle Hall and Ms. Courtney B. Scrubbs, seen here with Judge Milton Lee, attended the Training Institute with Professor Mabry. Family Law Practice Immigration Law Independent Study Juvenile Justice (a mini-course) Law & Aging Wills, Trusts & Estates The Honorable Errol R. Arthur (Class of 1998) discusses his judicial responsibilities with Ms. Hall at the Training Institute. 4 The Use of Psychotropic Drugs on Children in the Neglect and Delinquency System Ms. Amy McAllister (Class of 2013), President of the Howard Family Law Society, attended this four-hour interdisciplinary training session at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Among other subjects, physicians discussed when psychotropic medication is prescribed, the risks of taking such medication, how medications should be monitored, and alternative treatments for children. SPEAKERS AND LECTURERS ON CAMPUS To inform the Howard community about contemporary issues in family law, Certificate program students and faculty strive to offer at least one program each semester. Immigration Issues and Domestic Violence In October 2011, The Howard Family Law Society and Certificate Program candidates collaborated to present Professor Mariela Olivares and Attorney Cecelia Friedman Levin, WEAVE, for a Lunch and Learn Series program on Immigration Issues and Domestic Violence. Professor Mariela Olivares Students and staff attended the Immigration and Domestic Violence Program. Juvenile Justice in the Local Community On March 28, 2012 Judge Hiram Puig-Lugo, Deputy Presiding Judge of the Family Court for the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, and Attorney J. Kevin McIntyre discussed procedures and laws that govern when juveniles are accused of criminal conduct or become persons in need of supervision. Attorney McIntyre is a prosecuting attorney in the Juvenile Section of the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia. Juvenile Justice Speakers from Left to Right: McIntyre, PuigLugo and Jones Bosier Attorney Tonya Jones Bosier, Chief, Policy and Training Section at the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia discussed child abuse and neglect issues that affect many youth in the juvenile justice system. Ms. Golden Marzett (Class of 2012) organized this program with Professor Mabry. 5 ANNUAL FAMILY COURT VISIT FAMILY LAW IN FILM SERIES LAUNCHED Annually, small groups of Certificate candidates have an opportunity to visit a courtroom at a Family Court. This unique experience includes observation of attorneys as they advocate for family members and parties’ conduct, a discussion of applicable laws and procedure, and a private meeting with the host judge. The Family Law in Film Series also was launched in the spring semester. Films with significant family law issues are chosen to review family laws that students learn in the classroom, to teach problem solving for issues that graduates likely will encounter in a family law practice, and to teach basic essay examination writing skills. As they view a film, students ponder legal questions identified by Professor Mabry. After the show, Professor Mabry and students discuss issues and how they would be resolved under current laws. The first movie in this series was Kramer vs. Kramer, a 1979 film. Professor Mabry provided movie snacks. On April 17, 2012, under strict confidentiality guidelines, Professor Mabry and Certificate candidates visited The Honorable Hiram Puig-Lugo’s courtroom at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Judge Puig-Lugo presides over juvenile matters including truancy and persons in need of supervision. Judge Puig-Lugo met with Certificate candidates before he took the bench to explain procedure and terms and identified service providers that accompany many youth who appear in his courtroom to address a youth’s or a family’s needs. He also answered questions after hearing and deciding several matters. Certificate and Family Law students view a family law film. EXTERNSHIPS AND INTERNSHIPS Judge Hiram Puig-Lugo Ms. Christy Aguirre and Ms. Jasmine Williams visited Judge Puig-Lugo’s courtroom. Not pictured: Ms. Sharaya Cabansag, Ms. Amy McAllister, Ms. Angela Porter (photo courtesy of Ms. Angela Porter). Among academic requirements of 21 hours of Family Law courses and 15 hours of community service, Certificate candidates must complete one legal internship or externship. To fulfill the internship/externship requirement, candidates have provided pro bono services for non-profit organizations or family court judges in the District of Columbia and Maryland. This year, candidates researched legal issues, interviewed and advised clients and survivors of violence; drafted documents such as divorce complaints, wills, motions, brief sections and pleadings; completed legal forms; observed proceedings; investigated facts; conducted research; prepared witnesses; produced and drafted discovery documents; and organized case files. We appreciate all work that 6 supervisors provided but are particularly grateful to Judges Jeanette J. Clark and Herman C. Dawson who have mentored, trained and hired several Certificate candidates as interns, externs and law clerks. Other externship and internship sponsors for this term include: Judge Patricia A. Broderick Judge Lori Parker District of Columbia Bar Association’s Pro Bono Divorce Clinic National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit Office of the Public Defender, Juvenile Division, MD U.S. Attorney’s Office, D.C. State’s Attorneys, Prince George’s County NAACP Office of General Counsel, Baltimore, MD Professor Olivares (center) is joined by Ms. Courtney Adjei, Ms. Brittany Ruffin and Ms. Dorcas Owusu-Frimpong as they prepare to have lunch after a Certificate Program meeting. On behalf of the students and all HUSL stakeholders, we express our appreciation for all employers who gave these candidates such excellent opportunities. COMMUNITY SERVICE During the 2011-2012 academic term, Certificate candidates engaged in exemplary community service projects. Those service projects included: *Distributing information on Child Sexual Abuse Laws in connection with the Pennsylvania State University allegations *Distributing information on Date Violence *Service in the Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Program *Service in the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s Educational Activities Program *Teaching teenagers in Chicago about the jury trial process *Donating funds for children at the St. Ann’s Infant and Maternity Home (with the Howard Family Law Society) *Donation of toiletries to homeless women *Donation of McDonald’s gift cards for foster children. Ms. Gabrielle Hall (background), Ms. Golden Marzett, and Ms. Courtney B. Scrubbs confer after the meeting in August. SPONSORS AND MENTORS Attorney James D. Bishop, Mentor/Sponsor We appreciate all contributions that we receive from all sources. This year, we acknowledge Attorney James D. Bishop (Class of 1982), Family Mediator and Senior Program Manager, The Archdiocesan Legal Network Catholic Charities, an annual donor since the inception of the Certificate Program, who mentored a Certificate 7 candidate and donated funds for two book scholarships and two luncheons. Moreover, Mr. Bishop attended several Certificate Program events and made suggestions for fundraising. Mr. Bishop, a distinguished alumnus, is the recipient of several awards for the work that he does for families: 2011 John Carroll Society Medal, 2009 James Cardinal Hickey 20th Anniversary Award, 2006 Benemerenti Metal from the Archdiocese of Washington, 2003 Order of Merit Award from the Archdiocese of Washington, 2002 Griffin Award for Outstanding Employee at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington. MANNA BOOK SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Attorneys, professors, authors and book publishers have helped us to realize another goal of the programto offer book scholarships to Certificate candidates. Other mentor attorneys and judges who assisted us this year include: Judge Patricia A. Broderick Judge Jeanette J. Clark Ms. Christy Aguirre received a scholarship and purchased a Family Law textbook. Attorney James D. Bishop donated the funds. Ms. Aguirre completed an externship with Judge Jeanette J. Clark. Judge Herman C. Dawson Judge Milton Lee Judge Lori Parker Judge Robert Rigsby Attorney Jennifer Fairfax Attorney Erin Josendale Attorney Edy A. Lawson-Jackson Attorney Aileen Oliver Attorney Betty A. Thompson Attorney Jennifer Fairfax, Mentor Ms. Courtney B. Scrubbs was awarded a book scholarship in August 2011. She purchased a family law book for Professor Robinson’s Child, Parent and State course. Ms. Scrubbs’ book scholarship was donated by Attorney Stanton Phillips, of Vienna, Virginia. Ms. Sharaya Cabansag is holding an Adoption Law textbook which Prof. Mabry donated for a raffle. Ms. Cabansag had an externship with Judge Lori Parker. 8 JAZZ CONCERT FUNDRAISER With tremendous support from HUSL deans, staff, students, alumni and friends, on February 11, 2012, we held a jazz concert fundraiser. More than 200 individual and corporate supporters helped us to raise $10,000 (net) for fellowships and additional money for bar support. HUSL administrators, faculty, staff, students and friends performed after a VIP champagne and chocolate reception. Among the door prizes were a $1500 BARBRI certificate, family law dictionaries, a limousine ride, a makeover, and a facial. To see a photo gallery of the concert, please visit Mr. Sean Preston (Class of 2013) won the BARBRI certificate. CURRENT CERTIFICATE CANDIDATES Kendra Courtney O. Adjei Christina J. Aguirre Sharaya L. Cabansag Alain B. Cantave Courtney B. Scrubbs Eddie L. Holliday III Brandi M. Lofton Amy McAllister Mr. Marcus Moore (Class of 2012) performs at the jazz concert reception with two Howard undergraduate students. Desmond Morrell Courtney B. Scrubbs Nikki K. Stewart Darcey Thompson Danielle White CERTIFICATE PROGRAM GRADUATES 2010 Ms. Brandi M. Lofton (Class of 2013) displays her copy of Family Law Terms, a family law dictionary. Mr. Paul L. Hellickson, Account Manager, Law School Publishing West, donated the dictionaries for Family Law Certificate Program graduates and officers. Ms. Lofton, the Treasurer of the Howard Family Law Society, also won a copy of Fundamental Principles of Family Law, a textbook that Professor Laurence C. Nolan donated to generate ticket sales. Sasha D. Buchanan Jelani A. Freeman Natasha L. Hodge* Michelle Y. Rose* Rachel T. Yau 9 2011 Brandes Ash* Monica Ayala* Brittany Blakeney* Tanisha Elliott Tamika C. Griffin* 2012 Mr. Elijah Johnson, Jr., Ms. Dorcas Owusu-Frimpong and Ms. Brittany K. Ruffin prepare for their Baccalaureate Ceremony. Mr. Johnson will clerk for a judge. Ms. Owusu-Frimpong will work with Attorney Edy A. Lawson-Jackson-a family law attorney. Ms. Ruffin will work with the Legal Aid Society. Dorcas Owusu-Frimpong ALUMNI NEWS . . . Elijah Johnson, Jr.* Our graduates are continuing to uphold the mission of the Certificate Program. Nearly half of the twelve graduates from the program have clerked for family court judges or judges in other civil courts. Mr. Jelani Freeman (Class of 2010) recently received training to become a Guardian ad Litem. Another recent graduate, Ms. Tamika C. Griffin (Class of 2011) worked with a family law attorney for one year. In a few weeks, she will begin a federal clerkship with Judge George L. Russell III. Ms. Michelle Y. Rose (Class of 2010) continued her clerkship with Magistrate Judges at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and assisted other Certificate candidates to obtain internships. Brenda Perino Eva Moreno Gabrielle N. Hall Golden Marzett Yolanda Melville (2010-2012)* Maryam Mujahid Elen T. Negasi* Brittany K. Ruffin *These graduates obtained judicial clerkships. CERTIFICATE PROGRAM CONTACT INFORMATION: Ms. Maryam Mujahid (Class of 2012) was Editor-in-Chief of the Howard Law Journal. She was graduated from HUSL Cum Laude on Saturday, May 12, 2012. She will join Kirkland & Ellis as an Associate. Cynthia R. Mabry, Faculty Advisor Howard Family Law Certificate Program Howard University School of Law 2900 Van Ness Street, N.W., 309 Houston Hall Washington, D.C. 20009 Phone: (202) 806-8067 E-mail: Website: 10
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