review Small bowel obstruction in children – A surgical challenge Zahur Hussain , Khurshid Ahmad Sheikh, Reyaz Lone, Sajad Arif, Ashuffa Rasool, Syed Mudassir, Abdul Rouf Khawaja , Ab. Wahid Mir, Nasir Wani. Introduction The small bowel is a marvel of complexity and efficiency. Amongst the disease processes involving the small bowel, obstruction still represents the most difficult and vexing problem that a surgeon faces1,2,3. Correct diagnosis, optimal timing of therapy and the appropriate treatment are very challenging. One should embrace the philosophy of “Never let the sun set or rise” towards treatment for the patients with small bowel obstruction. Though the knowledge of this dreadful malady dates back to antiquity, it still taxes the diagnostic ability and clinical judgment of a surgeon to a very high degree2,4,5. In fact there are very few problems in surgical physiology, which have earned greater attention than those associated with intestinal obstruction24. Intestinal obstruction is responsible for approximately 20% of surgical admissions for acute abdominal conditions6,7. The small bowel is involved in 60-80% of cases of intestinal obstruction . In spite of advances in imaging and a better understanding of the pathophysiology of the small bowel, it’s obstruction is still frequently misdiagnosed9. Despite advances in the treatment of this condition the attendant mortality is still high and remains in the range of 5% to 11% . Small bowel obstruction is a common problem seen in children of Kashmir. Most of the cases are because of worm (ascariasis) obstruction10,11,12,13. Group of patients who report with ascaridial obstruction are very alarming and challengeable for the surgeon because of fear of strangulation and intestinal gangrene and their migratory habit and tendency to explore orifices and ducts leading to a variety of other dangerous complications and poor prognosis11,14. So this problem cannot be ignored while treating the cases of small bowel obstruction. In a society like ours, most of the children admitted with mechanical small bowel obstruction are from rural areas who usually present late because they are either mismanaged in peripheries and referred to us late or they report late because of ignorance and illiteracy and usually present as complicated intestinal obstruction. So it is the need of hour to avoid this dreadful condition to occur, and manage these cases at the earliest. Types of obstruction:Small bowel obstruction is mainly of two types2,15,16. Mechanical or Dynamic obstruction and Functional or Adynamic obstruction. Mechanical obstruction means that luminal contents cannot pass through the gut tube because the lumen is physically blocked or obstructed, whereas functional obstruction means that luminal contents fail to pass because of disturbances in gut motility that prevent coordinated transit from one region of the gut to the next. This latter form of obstruction is commonly referred to as ileus or pseudo-obstruction15. Causes:Small bowel obstruction is the commonest surgical emergency encountered in childhood17,18 ranks high in importance as an acute surgical catastrophe in infancy and early childhood. The pathological leading points such as polyps, Meckel’s diverticula and intestinal duplications are seen in 5% of the total number of intussusceptions19. Volvulus20,16 of the small intestine is an infrequent cause of small bowel obstruction. It usually occurs in the lower ileum, and is favoured by the presence of an adhesion passing from the antimesentric border of an intestine loop to the parieties. Adhesions21,22 (postoperative or postinflammatory) causing intestinal obstruction are not infrequently encountered in pediatric surgical practice. However, some intestinal obstructions result from bands that are 8 10 Authors affiliations: Zahur Hussain , Khurshid Ahmad Sheikh, Sajad Arif, Reyaz Lone, Ashuffa Rasool, Nasir Wani, Syed Mudassir Ab. Wahid Mir,. Abdul Rouf Khawaja Department of Paediatric Surgery S.K. Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar – Kashmir 190011 (India) Accepted for Publication June 2006 Correspondence Dr. Zahur Hussain Senior Resident Department of Paediatric Surgery SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar, Kashmir 190011 India JK-Practitioner2006;13(4):186-189 186 JK- Practitioner Vol.13, No. 4, October-December 2006 review not the remnants of described embryologic structures and do not show an association with a previous intraperitoneal insult. Postoperative adhesions giving rise to intestinal obstruction usually involve the lower ileum. The risk of developing an adhesive small bowel obstruction is greater when there was more than one prior peritoneal procedure, and when, during this prior procedure, there was already peritonitis. In the literature, there is disagreement about the frequency of postoperative mechanical small bowel obstruction in children22. Hernias23 give rise to intestinal obstruction when incarcerated. In children inguinal hernias are commonly obstructed and there are high chances of strangulation or intestinal gangrene. The postoperative complication rate is more than 20% in incarcerated cases as compared with 1 to 2% in elective procedures. Ascaris lumbricoids is the most common intestinal parasite encountered in India56. Worm obstruction due to Ascaris lumbricoides is one of the most common causes of intestinal obstructionin children, usually under 10 years of age16. Ascariasis remains a formidable problem in India, as a study has shown that stools of more than 70% of children have round worm ova24. In the Kashmir valley, the incidence of ascariasis was observed as 85.1% of the total helmenthic and protozoal infected cases. It affects mainly children from rural areas, low income groups whose standards of public health and personal hygiene are at the lowest10,24,12,13. It is the big mass of worms which causes mechanical bolus obstruction in the small bowel25,14. The less frequent causes of small bowel obstruction in children include congenital cysts (e.g. enterogenous cyst) and tumors (e.g. non-Hodgkin lymphoma). Although the exact incidence figures are not available, there is probably not a day that goes by in which any busy clinical abdominal surgeon does not at least once consider a possible diagnosis of small bowel obstruction . Symptomology :The cardinal symptoms that characterize mechanical small bowel obstruction include abdominal pain (colicky), vomiting, abdominal distension and obstipation (failure to pass flatus and faeces)2,15,16. Initially pain tends to be diffuse, poorly localized, episodic and crampy in nature. However with the onset of bowel ischemia pain becomes constant. Vomiting occurs early in proximal small bowel obstruction but may be absent or develop late in distal obstruction. Character of vomitus also differs as far as the site of obstruction is concerned. It is bilious in high obstruction and can be feculent in distal obstruction. Visible peristalsis may be seen in thin patients while in others distention may be prominent which is usually centrally placed. Abdominal auscultation usually reveals periods of increasing or crescendo bowel sounds with the abnormal bowel borborygmi of tinkles, splashes and rushes that coincide with the abdominal colic. Investigation :In addition to a very careful and thorough history and physical examination, all patients require baseline laboratory studies, including a complete blood count, serum electrolytes, and a flat and upright plain film of the abdomen, as well as any other specific tests that might be 3 JK- Practitioner Vol.13, No. 4, October-December 2006 suggested by the patient’s history or concomitant medical problems2,3,16. Plain radiograph of the abdomen is an important diagnostic too. The cardinal findings include dilated loops of small intestine on the supine radiograph and multiple air-fluid levels, which often layer in a stepwise manner on erect radiograph or lateral decubitus film. In general, dilated loops of small intestine are defined as those larger than 3cm in diameter15. When doubt remains contrast studies of the gastrointestinal tract, USG & CT can help in diagnosis. Patients with partial small bowel obstruction may be treated conservatively with resuscitation and tube decompression alone26,27. In general the patients with complete small bowel obstruction require operative intervention28. Certain criteria have been proposed for the surgical intervention in patients with intestinal obstruction (esp. ascaridial obstruction), the two important beingDayalan’s & Louw’s respectively. Deciding about surgical intervention:A casual perusal of the literature of antiquity suggests that bowel obstruction and its poor outlook were known to the ancients. Persistent vomiting accompanied by pain and abdominal distention were treated by Hippocrates with enemas and inflation of the rectum by means of a bladder attached to a pipe68. The earliest reasonable authentic report of operation for intestinal obstruction is that of Praxagoras (3 to 4 century B.C.) who created an enterocutaneous fistula to relieve obstruction2,5. Until the late 1800s, non-operative management of these patients was the rule. In publishing his prize winning monograph of 1899, Frederick Treves included such conventional procrastinating treatments as posture and taxis, opium, purgation (a measure he least supported), administration of metallic mercury, electricity, enemas, and inflation of the bowel with water, air and other gases. He listed, without endorsement, puncturing the bowel with a fine needle or trochar and mentioned too, the more dangerous procedure of enterocentesis, in which the trochar and needle is left in the bowel for varying periods of time for temporary decompression or with the hope of establishing an external fistula5. In the 19 century, surgical procedures became more frequent for intestinal obstruction. The 2 decade of the 20 century saw the development of radiographic techniques for the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. The 1930s marked a beginning of the new era in the management of intestinal obstruction with the application of suction to indwelling gastroduodenal tubes. Antibiotics were employed to the treatment of intestinal obstruction in 1940s and 1950s . The rapid scientific advances made after the first and second World Wars led to a better understanding of the pathophysiological aspects of intestinal obstruction and in turn to the concept of the rapid correction of patients physiologic deficits before any surgical intervention. The result was a decrease in the mortality but since then, the problem of morbidity remains unresolved despite a satisfactory decrease in the mortality. That intestinal obstruction is due to multiple causes has been established by many studies1,17,3,29. Furthermore, major causes of rd th th nd th 5 187 review intestinal obstruction vary from country to country and at times within smaller geographic areas1. The modern day surgical management of small bowel obstruction continues to focus appropriately on avoiding operative delay whenever surgery is indicated . “Frederic Treves” of the London Hospital, in his monograph of 1899 said, “It is less dangerous to leap from the Clifton Suspension Bridge (250-275 feet above the Avon River) than to suffer from acute intestinal obstruction and decline operation”5. The wisdom of the adage “never let the sun set or rise on a small bowel obstruction” remains a most practical guideline whenever any uncertainty exists3. The most important complication, which has been constantly bothering the surgeons, in intestinal obstruction, is strangulation, when the urgent surgical interference becomes mandatory, but it is not always possible to decide preoperatively about the presence or absence of this gruesome complicaiton,31,28,32. The high mortality rate associated with this jeopardized vascularity of the gut is quite well known. Prompt recognition of the need for operative intervention when clinically indicated remains the cornerstone of the modern day surgical management of acute small intestinal obstruction . Louw (1966) ; studied the abdominal complications of Ascaris lumbricoides infestation in children aged 1 – 12 years. He found intestinal obstruction as the commonest complication (in 68 out of 100 patients). In the majority of cases the obstruction was incomplete and responded to conservative therapy, but in about one-sixth there was complete occlusion or strangulation due to intraluminal blockage, intussusception, volvulus or associated bands. In 2 cases worms per se caused necrosis of the intestinal wall. He concluded that the treatment should be conservative in the first place, but laparotomy should be performed in the following circumstances:a) The passage of blood per rectum. b) A very ill child with tense abdominal distention and rebound tenderness. c) The presence of multiple fluid levels on abdominal radiographs. d) Unsatisfactory response to conservative therapy. He also concluded that the worms should be dispersed without opening the bowel, but there should be no hesitation to resect bowel when necessary. Dayalan et al (1976) ; studied the pattern of intestinal obstruction with special preference to ascariasis. The study 3 3 comprised of 2295 cases of intestinal ascariasis studied retrospectively for nine years. Out of these 2295 cases 159 (7%) were classified as having ascaridial obstruction. Some guidelines for recognition of failure of conservative management and hence indication of surgery were laid down, which included: a) Persistence of mass in the same site or fixity of the mass for more than 24 hours. b) Persistent abdominal pain and tenderness. c) Rising pulse rate in the absence of any mass. d) Toxemia out of proportion to the severity of obstruction. It was concluded that by using these criteria for indication of surgery in ascaridial obstruction significant decrease in mortality and morbidity can be achieved, in such patients. Khurshid A Sheikh et al (1998) ; reported round worms as the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in children of Kashmir. He presented a study of 81 cases of intestinal obstruction due to round worms over a period of 2 years. 55 cases were managed conservatively and 26 including 5 cases initially managed conservatively, were taken for surgical intervention as per Dayalan criteria. Mass deworming was suggested. Worm obstruction is the most common cause of small gut obstruction in the paediatric population in this part of the world. Most of these patients are from rural areas with lack of health education, poor hygiene and sanitation, poverty and low standard of living. Majority of the patients with worm obstruction can be managed conservatively and patients should be operated as per Dayalan criteria. As worm obstruction inflicts lot of morbidity, it is mandatory that proper health education via mass media, regarding personal hygiene, route of entry of the parasite and periodic deworming of the children is imparted, so as to reduce the incidence of this problem in our society. 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