C HAPTER 1 Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction Awori J. Hayanga, MD General Surgery Resident, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Department of Surgery, Baltimore, Maryland Kirsten Bass-Wilkins, MD Attending Surgeon, Associated Colon & Rectal Surgeons, P.A., Edison, New Jersey Gregory B. Bulkley, MD Ravitch Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland F ew clinical problems remain as common yet as controversial as mechanical small-bowel obstruction. This condition accounts for as many as 12% to 16% of surgical admissions annually.1 There is general agreement that most patients should be aggressively resuscitated during an initial 12- to 24-hour period, but the heated debate between the advocates of primary (ie, early) surgery and those of primary nonoperative management persist. This is largely fueled by the apparent paradox of large series of patients reportedly managed successfully without surgery set against clear evidence that intestinal strangulation is clinically undetectable at a reversible stage, which makes such an approach potentially dangerous. Fortunately, the combination of a simple discriminate paradigm with modern imaging techniques allows the formulation of a straightforward and rational algorithm for the management of these patients. PATHOGENESIS Small-bowel obstruction may be caused by a variety of intrinsic or extrinsic lesions (Table 1). In technologically advanced countries, the predominant cause is adhesions from a prior laparotomy, which account for up to 50% to 80% of the cases in many centers.2,3 In less Advances in Surgery®, vol 39 Copyright 2005, Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 2 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley developed nations, advanced hernias, volvuli, and intussusception are the predominant causes.4,5 Adhesions are responsible for approximately 60% of all cases of intestinal obstruction in the United States. In a retrospective analysis of 144 cases of small-bowel obstruction from adhesions, Cox et al6 found that the most common reasons for previous laparotomies being associated with obstruction were appendectomy (23%), colorectal resection (21%), gynecologic procedures (12%), and upper gastrointestinal (eg, gastric, biliary, splenic) (9%) and small-bowel (8%) surgery. The remaining 24% of the patients had had multiple laparotomies: the most common combination was an appendectomy and 1 or more gynecologic procedures (10%). Thus, a total of 80% had had prior operations within the pelvis. The authors also confirmed the widely held clinical impression that single-band adhesions were most commonly found in cases of strangulating obstructions and that multiple, matted adhesions were found more often in cases of simple (nonstrangulating) obstructions. Significantly, band adhesions were found most commonly after a prior appendectomy, colorectal surgery, or gynecologic resection.6 In a retrospective study7 of 567 patients undergoing the aforementioned procedures at the Yale New Haven Hospital, the overall incidence of small-bowel obstruction within 5 years after a laparotomy was reported to be 11% after an appendectomy and 6% after a cholecystectomy. These and many other studies indicate that lower abdominal and pelvic operations are more likely than upper gastrointestinal tract procedures to be associated with the development of subsequent small-bowel obstruction. One explanation is that the bowel is normally tethered more cephalad at the root of the mesentery and is, therefore, more mobile caudad within the pelvis. Adhesions forming in the pelvis, where the intestine is normally more mobile, appear to be more likely to produce an obstructing torsion. TABLE 1. Etiology of Small-Bowel Obstruction Etiology Adhesions Malignant Tumor Hernia Inflammatory Bowel Disease Volvulus Miscellaneous Approximate Incidence, % 60 20 10 5 3 2 Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 3 The continuing development of laparoscopic techniques, coupled with the growing indications for elective minimally invasive surgery, may or may not prove to decrease the incidence of postoperative obstruction. Laparoscopy has been reported to cause fewer intra-abdominal adhesions than open surgery,8 but because few bowel obstructions result from adhesions to the underside of the abdominal incision, it remains to be seen whether the uncritical promotion of laparoscopy for the prevention of bowel obstruction by its proponents will be justified by rigorously controlled studies using long-term follow-up. Malignant tumors account for approximately 20% of cases of small-bowel obstruction. However, few are primary small-bowel neoplasms; most are secondary malignant foci.3 Several mechanisms of malignant spreading can produce obstruction. Direct intraabdominal extension of a colonic, gastric, pancreatic, or ovarian cancer may produce lesions that extrinsically compress the bowel lumen or obstruct by direct invasion. Spreading to lymph nodes only occasionally produces masses large enough and in the right location to impinge on adjacent bowel. Perhaps the most common cause of small-bowel obstruction from a malignancy is secondary peritoneal implants that have spread across the peritoneal cavity from an intra-abdominal primary tumor that is typically ovarian, pancreatic, gastric, or colonic. Less often, malignant cells from distant sites may spread hematogenously and subsequently transcoelomically within the abdomen. For example, breast or lung cancer may metastasize hematogenously to the ovary or adrenal gland and then spread transcoelomically to produce peritoneal carcinomatosis and subsequent bowel obstruction. Occasionally, a malignant melanoma will metastasize to the submucosa of the small bowel, but this is usually seen as gastrointestinal bleeding rather than an obstruction. Hernias account for about 10% of all cases of small-bowel obstruction in the United States but are more often associated with strangulation than are adhesions.9,10 These hernias include umbilical, ventral, incisional, inguinal, and internal hernias, as might occur if the mesentery is not adequately reapproximated after bowel resection or a colostomy. Femoral hernias must not be overlooked clinically, especially in obese females. Uncommon, but often missed, is an obturator hernia. Indeed, obturator hernias have been reported to account for 1% of all hernia repairs and 1.6% of cases of small-bowel obstruction at the Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong. The most common patient population affected is elderly, emaciated women with multiple chronic diseases.11 With an increasingly ag- 4 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley ing population with chronic diseases, obturator hernias may become more prevalent. Crohn’s disease is increasingly being recognized in the surgical literature as a leading cause of small-bowel obstruction, which is a concept that has been long entertained in clinical radiology.12 It accounts for approximately 5% of all cases of small-bowel obstruction. This subclass of patients often has a chronic, subacute, or intermittent form of partial obstruction that is usually approached differently from the more acute forms of small-bowel obstruction. Miscellaneous causes represent only 2% to 3% of cases of smallbowel obstruction. For example, gallstone ileus is rare in the general population but more common in the elderly.13 Small-bowel obstruction is also uncommon during pregnancy, but it has been reported with an incidence of 1 in 16,709 deliveries. Most of these women have undergone previous surgery, and 50% had had a previous appendectomy. Obstruction most commonly appears during the first pregnancy after surgery. The fetal mortality rate is reported to be as high as 38%.14 In the pediatric population, congenital intestinal atresia, pyloric stenosis, and intussusception are commonly encountered. Other causes in adult patients include phytobezoar in patients with a history of previous gastric surgery15 and familial Mediterranean fever,16 a disease characterized by recurring, selflimiting attacks of febrile inflammation of the peritoneum, pleura, and synovium, of which small-bowel obstruction has been found to be the most frequent complication. An important cause of small-bowel obstruction, especially partial obstruction, that is rarely listed in most clinical series is a localized intra-abdominal abscess from any cause but commonly from a ruptured appendix or diverticulum or an anastomotic leak. At surgery, these patients often do not exhibit actual mechanical occlusion of the bowel lumen; rather, it appears that their clinical obstruction is caused by an intense local ileus in the bowel directly adjacent to the abscess that obstructs functionally. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Mechanical small-bowel obstruction is accompanied first by the development of mild, proximal intestinal distension that results from the accumulation of normal gastrointestinal secretions and gas above the obstructed segment. Initially, this distension physiologically stimulates peristalsis above and below the point of the obstruction. This distal peristalsis accounts for the frequent loose bowel movements that may accompany partial or even complete smallbowel obstruction in the early hours after onset. This distension also Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 5 stimulates the physiologic secretion of fluid, electrolytes, and succus entericus into the bowel lumen.17,18 Indeed, this initial response merely represents the normal physiologic response to feeding. If the bowel lumen remains occluded distally, increased distension occurs, and a positive feedback relationship evolves between secretion, peristalsis, and distension. As the distension becomes more severe, the intraluminal hydrostatic pressure increases to the point (only a few centimeters of water) whereby the compression of the intestinal mucosal villus lymphatics, the terminal lacteals, results in obstruction of the normally substantial level of lymphatic flow and the consequent development of bowel wall lymphedema. The accumulation of fluid in the bowel wall and subsequently within the lumen further increases intraluminal hydrostatic pressure. Consequent compression of the postcapillary venules eventually results in elevated hydrostatic pressure at the venous end of the capillary; this increased hydrostatic pressure disrupts the Starling relationship of capillary fluid exchange, and the net filtration of fluid, electrolytes, and protein across the capillary bed into the bowel wall and lumen is increased massively. This “third space” loss of extracellular fluid from the intravascular space results in dehydration and hypovolemia that can sometimes be severe. If the obstruction is proximal, the dehydration may be accompanied by hypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis secondary to the vomiting of gastric juice. Prolonged dehydration may result in oliguria, azotemia, and hemoconcentration. Eventually, hypotension and hypovolemic shock may ensue. Increasing abdominal distension may also lead to increased intraabdominal pressure, which may impair ventilation by diaphragmatic elevation and may further reduce venous return from the lower extremities by caval compression, thereby potentiating the effects of hypovolemia. Venous hypertension and ischemia may occasionally progress directly to arterial occlusion and subsequent frank ischemia at the microvascular level. However, it is more common for the loop of distended bowel to further twist on itself and its associated mesentery and result in macrovascular arterial occlusion of the mesenteric vascular branches at the root of the mesentery. Bowel ischemia and necrosis then progress rapidly and, if left untreated, may lead to bowel perforation, peritonitis, and death from sepsis. Normally, the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract acts as a barrier to the systemic circulation of bacteria that normally reside within the gut lumen. However, the gastrointestinal tract may suffer failure of this barrier function under a number of conditions.19,20 Normally, 6 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley the proximal segment of intestine contains relatively few bacteria. However, during periods of intestinal stasis, these bacteria proliferate rapidly. Many studies have found that indigenous bacteria colonizing the gastrointestinal tract can cross the mucosal epithelium to infect mesenteric lymph nodes and even the systemic organs.21,22 It remains likely that this process has a precise role in the development of frank clinical sepsis and/or the systemic inflammatory response syndrome; however, it has yet to be proved. Simple intestinal obstruction is associated with increased bacterial translocation to mesenteric lymph nodes, even in patients without an intra-abdominal infection. In 1 series,23 59% of the patients undergoing laparotomy for simple small-bowel obstruction had bacteria cultured from the mesenteric lymph nodes compared with only 4% of the patients operated on intra-abdominally for other reasons. Escherichia coli was the most common species. If this occurs so often in simple small-bowel obstruction, it seems likely that this process would be greatly amplified in cases of strangulation, especially after detorsion (reperfusion). Nevertheless, it remains unproven whether antibiotics have a definitive role in the preoperative management of simple (nonstrangulating) small-bowel obstruction. CLINICAL PRESENTATION The diagnostic and therapeutic approach to small-bowel obstruction should be systematic and lends itself to classification into 4 phases: (1) recognizing mechanical obstruction, (2) distinguishing partial from complete obstruction, (3) distinguishing simple from strangulating obstruction, and (4) identifying the underlying cause. This illustrates that the initial approach to bowel obstruction is generic, and attention to the underlying cause is usually a secondary consideration. RECOGNIZING SMALL-BOWEL OBSTRUCTION In most cases, identification of a patient with small-bowel obstruction is straightforward and based on the characteristic symptoms, physical signs, and supine and upright plain abdominal radiographs. The patient’s history is often remarkable for previous, usually pelvic, abdominal surgery. The patient typically has a variable period of abdominal pain (usually colicky, especially in the early period), nausea, vomiting, obstipation, or perhaps “diarrhea,” that is, the passage of several small loose stools (distally, to the point of obstruction). The nature of the pain may be helpful because colicky pain tends to be encountered most frequently in cases of simple obstruction, whereas constant pain has been attributed to late or stran- Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 7 gulating obstruction. Diarrhea, if present, is secondary to the increased peristalsis distal to an early, complete obstruction or to most partial obstructions. Patients who come to the emergency department with crampy abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea with hyperactive bowel sounds are often correctly given a diagnosis of gastroenteritis, but a bowel obstruction may be missed if supine and upright plain abdominal films are not obtained. On physical examination, the patient will usually have abdominal distension, and the degree often varies with the level of obstruction. A duodenal or high proximal small-bowel obstruction may occur with little evident distension. Bowel sounds may be either hyperactive early or hypoactive if the patient is seen late in the course of simple obstruction or has a strangulating lesion. Mild abdominal tenderness may be present with or without a palpable mass. The presence of peritoneal signs may again point toward a late, strangulating obstruction. The importance of a careful examination to rule out an obvious incarcerated hernia in the groin, the femoral triangles, or the obturator foramina (palpable on digital rectal examination) cannot be overemphasized. A rectal examination should also be performed to screen for intraluminal masses and to check for the presence of gross or occult blood. On initial plain-film examination, the findings of distended loops of small bowel with air–fluid levels (on upright views) and a paucity of colonic air are characteristic (Fig 1). However, plain films may be diagnostic only 45% to 60% of the time.24-27 For example, a patient may have a gasless abdomen on plain films in the presence of complete obstruction. This may be caused by a closed-loop obstruction that precludes the accumulation of gas within the obstructed loop. Closer evaluation of such a film may reveal a “ground-glass” haziness in the midabdomen or displacement of adjacent bowel by the “invisible,” dilated, closed loop (Fig 2).25 In an analysis of plain film findings reported by experienced gastrointestinal radiologists, a sensitivity of only 66% was found in proven cases of small-bowel obstruction. Twenty-one percent of patients reported to have normal results did, in fact, have obstructions. Of those patients whose film findings were interpreted as abnormal but nonspecific, 13% had low-grade and 9% had high-grade obstruction.28 Despite these limitations, plain film radiography remains a cornerstone in the diagnosis of small-bowel obstruction, largely because of its widespread diagnostic capability, availability, accessibility, and low cost. However, when the diagnosis is in doubt, computed topography (CT) will help clarify the situation. 8 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley FIGURE 1. Supine and upright plain abdominal radiographs in a patient with small-bowel obstruction. A, Supine film showing characteristic dilated loops of small bowel and a paucity of colonic air. B, Upright film revealing air-fluid levels and the “string of pearls” sign in the right lower quadrant. (Courtesy of Dr Bronwyn Jones, MD, Attending Radiologist, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.) The CT diagnosis of a bowel obstruction and its discrimination from an adynamic ileus are based on the detection of fluid, luminal content, and/or air-filled loops of bowel proximal to the obstruction, the presence of a definite, localized transition zone, and the presence of collapsed loops of small bowel or colon distal to the obstruction. The exact point of obstruction can sometimes be visualized as a beaklike narrowing in patients with adhesions as the cause. An advantage of CT is that extrinsic lesions such as hematomas, abscesses, inflammation, and extraluminal tumors, which cannot be visualized directly on plain-film or conventional intraluminal contrast studies, are often better visualized on CT.29 The use of intravenous (IV) contrast is recommended so that the bowel wall can be imaged in contrast to its luminal contents.30-33 Although oral contrast is not absolutely essential for the identification of an obstruction because fluid and air can easily be distinguished within the bowel loops,34 it is quite helpful in discriminating partial from complete obstruction and in localizing the level of obstruction. Certain limitations to the use of CT in the setting of a small-bowel obstruction include the case Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 9 in which there is an obstructing lesion localized at the ileocecal valve and residual feces in the colon, which may rarely lead to the misdiagnosis of ileus.29 When plain radiography shows a probable or definite small-bowel obstruction, oral contrast may not be advisable for CT because it often may not reach the site of obstruction by the time of the examination. If it does, the moderately increased intraluminal attenuation created when bowel fluid dilutes the oral contrast bolus can nearly match the attenuation of a contrastenhanced bowel wall, which makes it difficult to assess the bowel wall for thickening.1 Under these circumstances, water may well be the preferred intraluminal contrast agent and is, indeed, better tolerated by the sick patient than water-soluble contrast. As 3-dimensional reconstruction techniques have improved, the capability of CT to provide more definitive anatomical detail has increased remarkably. Both ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging are useful occasionally as adjuncts in the diagnosis of a small-bowel obstruction, FIGURE 2. Supine and upright plain abdominal radiographs in a patient with a closed-loop small-bowel obstruction. A, Supine film showing a relatively “gasless” abdomen and the “ground glass” appearance of the midportion of the abdomen. B, Upright film showing only a few air-fluid levels in the right lower quadrant. (Courtesy of Dr Bronwyn Jones, MD, Attending Radiologist, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.) 10 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley but the continuing evolution of multiphasic CT scanning has limited this usefulness considerably.35-37 CT is faster, more available, less contingent on technical expertise, and capable of providing a more global evaluation of the abdomen and gastrointestinal tract.1 DISCRIMINATING PARTIAL FROM COMPLETE OBSTRUCTION Because the management of complete obstruction should usually be operative and that of partial small-bowel obstruction, at least initially, almost always nonoperative, discrimination between the 2 is important. The patient’s history may provide a clue because the continued passage of flatus or stool, 6 to 12 hours after the onset of symptoms, is more consistent with a partial obstruction. However, even a complete small-bowel obstruction can be accompanied early by loose stools secondary to peristalsis distal to the obstruction. On plain films, the persistence of residual colonic gas after 6 to 12 hours is also suggestive of a partial obstruction. Of importance, rectal examination of supine patients does not introduce significant rectal air, whereas flexible or rigid sigmoidoscopy may well do so. Despite the foregoing information, some patients can present a real diagnostic challenge because early complete obstruction can be difficult to distinguish from partial, high-grade obstruction on plain films. For their discrimination, the use of oral, contrast-enhanced CT has markedly improved on, and often supplanted, traditional imaging, small-bowel series, and enteroclysis. This may be attributed to the improvement in speed and resolution of current CT imaging. CT with IV contrast material is superior to barium studies in showing the bowel wall and extraluminal masses and in revealing inflammatory lesions, as well as features of strangulation.1,12 Modern CT may also provide strikingly detailed views of the mesenteric vasculature. Moreover, images taken at intervals closely timed to the injection of the IV contrast material can be used to evaluate mucosal perfusion by estimating the rapidity of the dye washout. Oral contrast, either Hypaque or, increasingly, just water alone is particularly useful in evaluating the size, patency, and progression of luminal contents. CT has proven particularly useful in discriminating a complete from a partial obstruction by determining the degree of collapse and the amount of residual air and fluid in the collapsed (distal) intestinal segment.12,29 A limitation of CT for the discrimination of a partial obstruction is that a mild partial obstruction may not reveal a clear transition zone on CT, which could lead to a misdiagnosis of ileus if there is not a close correlation between the history and physical findings. In most cases, however, the presence or absence of re- Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 11 sidual contrast within the colon on a plain abdominal radiograph obtained 12 to 24 hours later will serve to definitively discriminate a partial from a complete small-bowel obstruction. DISCRIMINATING A SIMPLE FROM A STRANGULATING OBSTRUCTION Early recognition of strangulation in patients with mechanical small-bowel obstruction has always been controversial. This issue has been greatly confused by the indiscriminate mixing of patients with partial and complete obstruction in many reports. Except for the rare patient with a strangulated Richter’s hernia that has gone undetected on physical examination, patients with partial obstruction can be considered to be at a minimal risk of strangulation. On the other hand, patients with complete obstruction are at substantial risk of strangulation. In operative series,2,3,9 this risk has been consistently reported to be between 20% and 40%. The “5 classic signs” of strangulation obstruction have been variously cited to include continuous (vs colicky) abdominal pain, a fever, tachycardia, peritoneal signs, leukocytosis, acidosis, the presence of a painful mass, the absence of bowel sounds, and blood in the stool. However, it has been found consistently in both retrospective3,10,25,38 and prospective9 studies that these signs are not sensitive, specific, or accurately predictive of strangulation. Elevated serum levels of amylase, potassium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, and creatinine phosphokinase have no practical significance in diagnosing strangulation.9 Furthermore, no combination of these signs can accurately predict vascular compromise.9,25 Moreover, despite frequent assurances to the contrary by surgeons convinced of their own diagnostic acumen, a senior operating surgeon’s ability to prospectively recognize strangulation in operative cases of small-bowel obstruction is no better than chance alone.9 Indeed, reversible strangulation (ie, viable bowel) is almost never recognized preoperatively. The reason for this is evident: the signs that have been used to indicate strangulation are largely signs of the body’s inflammatory response to (irreversible) tissue necrosis. Although most surgeons can correctly identify advanced ischemic bowel in a patient with sepsis and a rigid abdomen, early, reversible ischemia is simply not clinically discernible. These factors contribute to the high mortality rate of patients with a strangulated bowel. Indeed, nearly half of all deaths from small-bowel obstructions occur secondary to strangulation and its complications,25 and in most series,2,10 the presence of strangulation doubles the mortality rate (from about 10% to 20%) FIGURE 3. (continued) Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 13 associated with small-bowel obstruction. The morbidity rate of strangulation obstruction is also as high as 42%, and wound infections and urinary and pulmonary complications are most frequently seen.10 CT has been reported to be useful specifically for the diagnosis of strangulation (Fig 3). IV contrast is recommended because the pattern of bowel wall enhancement can be useful in recognizing edema secondary to ischemia. The CT signs of strangulation include thickening of the bowel wall (Fig 3,A), with or without a “target sign”; pneumatosis intestinalis (Fig 3,B and C); portal venous gas; mesenteric haziness, fluid, or hemorrhaging and ascites; a serrated beak sign; and nonenhancement (or, rarely, increased bowel wall enhancement due to prolonged venous phase washout of intravascular contrast material) after an IV contrast bolus.29 Once again, however, some of these signs (eg, pneumatosis intestinalis) usually indicate irreversible necrosis rather than reversible ischemia. In summary, given the present state of the art, no clinical indicator, combination of indicators, diagnostic test, or “experienced clinical judgment” can reliably discriminate reversible strangulating obstruction from simple obstruction. In the only prospective study9 of overall diagnostic capability, the (often confident) diagnosis of “nonstrangulating obstruction” was wrong 31% ⫾ 15% of the time. IDENTIFYING THE UNDERLYING CAUSE OF OBSTRUCTION In most situations, management decisions, including surgery, are made on the basis of the aforementioned factors, regardless of the suspected cause of the obstruction. Several situations, however, warrant special attention and possible modification of this approach. These include the patient with a small-bowel obstruction secondary to an incarcerated hernia, recurrent malignant tumor, inflammatory bowel disease, intra-abdominal abscess, radiation enteritis, acute postoperative obstruction, and multiple recurrent small-bowel obstructions, each of which will be discussed in more FIGURE 3. (continued) Computed tomography in a patient with signs of strangulation. A, Note the massively thickened bowel wall from edema. B and C, Note the areas of pneumatosis intestinalis, a late sign of ischemic necrosis. Note the “bull’s eye” on the sagittal view indicative of the massive amounts of air within the bowel wall. (Courtesy of Dr Elliot Fishman, MD, Attending Radiologist, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions) 14 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley detail later. Although the most important clues to this particular component of the diagnosis are the history and physical examination, often a CT scan or an enteroclysis study can be helpful. In most cases, however, identification of the underlying cause can be made at surgery with little disadvantage to the patient. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMATIC RESUSCITATION Patients with small-bowel obstructions are usually intravascularly depleted, often massively, because of a decreased oral intake, vomiting, and the sequestration of fluid from the intravascular space within the bowel wall and lumen. This requires aggressive replacement with an IV saline solution such as Ringer’s lactate. Routine laboratory measurements of serum sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, and creatinine levels should be obtained. Serial measurements of the hematocrit level, white blood cell count, and serum electrolyte levels are monitored closely to assess the adequacy of fluid repletion and as a possible indication of late tissue necrosis. Serum lactic acid levels are usually obtained; however, a normal lactate level does not rule out early ischemia, and elevated lactate levels can be seen in a number of circumstances. Thus, this test is neither sensitive nor specific but may sometimes be helpful. Because of their large fluid requirements, many patients will need either central venous pressure monitoring or the placement of a pulmonary artery catheter. Almost all patients will need the placement of a Foley catheter so that hourly urine output may be monitored. Broadspectrum antibiotics are also often given in consideration of the evidence for bacterial translocation occurring in even simple obstruction, or they are given as prophylaxis for resection or an inadvertent enterotomy at surgery. However, this is a practice that varies greatly and has not been subject to definitive study. MANAGEMENT OF OBSTRUCTION Virtually all patients with small-bowel obstructions benefit from the use of nasoenteric suctioning, whether it be via a nasogastric or long intestinal tube such as a Baker tube. This provides almost immediate symptomatic relief from the nausea and vomiting and, often to a significant degree, the abdominal pain. It allows the administration of radiographic contrast material to these nauseated patients. It also helps prevent aspiration at the time of induction of anesthesia. In some situations, a long tube may provide a postoperative splint to prevent a recurrent obstruction. Sometimes it provides definitive treatment in lieu of surgery. However, the decision to use a nasoen- Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 15 teric tube must be made without regard to whether or when surgery is to be performed. A prospective, randomized but underpowered trial39 of short (nasogastric) versus long (nasointestinal) tubes detected no significant difference with regard to the decompression achieved and the success or the morbidity after surgical intervention. Other studies2 also report similar success, regardless of whether short or long tubes were used. The primary advantages of a nasogastric tube include easy placement and rapid, more effective gastric decompression, which is especially essential in the setting of anesthetic induction, in which the risk of aspiration is increased.40,41 The use of a nasogastric tube is not associated with some of the rare complications of long tubes, including perforation and intussusception of the small bowel, either over the tube while it is in place or over adjacent bowel on removal of the tube.42,43 Nonetheless, the use of long tubes also has several advantages. Some surgeons believe that the tip of the long tube will open obstructed loops of bowel as it passes more distally, although little direct evidence exists to support this. A long tube also provides suction close to the area of obstruction when positioned correctly.39 The presence of a long intestinal tube also greatly enhances bowel decompression at surgery, often facilitating primary closure of the abdominal wall without the need for an enterotomy.39 The alternative method of decompression at surgery is retrograde stripping of the small-bowel contents into the stomach with subsequent nasogastric suction. An enterotomy is usually contraindicated. In rats, manipulation of the bowel either by stripping or enterotomy significantly increased the incidence of E coli bacteremia.44 Therefore, effective preoperative decompression with a long tube may decrease the amount of bowel manipulation required in the operating room and consequent bacteremia. The most controversial aspect of this disease is the role of early surgery versus a trial of nonoperative management in patients with small-bowel obstruction. On the 1 hand, there is no way to clinically discern which patients have early reversible strangulation. On the other hand, a number of large, retrospective series report success with nonoperative management in patients without signs of strangulation, followed by surgery only in select patients. For example, in a retrospective analysis45 of 123 admissions with adhesive smallbowel obstruction, the obstruction resolved in 85 patients without surgery. In 88% of these patients, the obstruction resolved within 48 hours. Resolution of the obstruction in the remaining patients occurred within 72 hours. These authors reported no untoward effects 16 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley in patients who did require surgery after initial nonoperative treatment. Another retrospective series46 reported a 73% rate of resolution of adhesive obstruction without a significant increase in the mortality rate or the rate of strangulated bowel when compared with outcomes in other series. In this series, “a trial of tube decompression” (ie, nonoperative management) for more than 5 days was ineffective. These authors argue that a trial of nonoperative nasoenteric decompression of 2 to 3 days’ duration, even up to 5 days in select patients, is reasonable in most patients who show no clinical evidence of strangulation. The problem with these and similar studies is that they include a large, undefined population that is usually a mix of patients with either complete or partial small-bowel obstructions. (Indeed, there is little controversy that partial obstruction should be managed nonoperatively initially.) The studies fail, therefore, to definitely resolve the controversy over the correct management of complete small-bowel obstruction, but they do indicate that such an approach is safe in patients with partial obstructions. If initial nonoperative management fails, several operative approaches are available via conventional laparotomy. Often, the obstruction is caused by the presence of 1 or more constricting adhesive bands, and the obstruction is relieved through simple lysis of the adhesions and detorsion. An obstructing lesion may also be present and may require local bowel resection with primary reanastomosis. A side-to-side intestinal bypass or, rarely, the placement of enterocutaneous stomata may be the appropriate management of end-stage malignant obstructing lesions or radiation enteritis. Advances in laparoscopic surgery have modified the approach to many general surgical problems, and laparoscopic management of acute small-bowel obstruction is an option that is gaining advocacy. Franklin et al47 reported 23 patients with acute obstruction evaluated initially with laparoscopy (after an initial trial of conservative management had failed). Twenty patients had successful laparoscopic resolution of their obstruction, and 3 required laparotomy. The 3 patients who were converted to laparotomy had severe adhesions, anatomy that precluded complete examination of the entire length of the bowel, or suspected ischemic necrosis, respectively. The authors47 emphasized the importance of using nontraumatic bowel clamps when manipulating the dilated, friable bowel during laparoscopy to avoid injury. Similar studies advocate the manipulation of the mesentery rather than the bowel wall whenever possible, particularly when “running the bowel.”8 Lerard et al,48 in a multicenter retrospective study, reported that laparoscopic treatment for small bowel obstruction was, in their series, of greatest Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 17 benefit to those patients who had undergone less than 3 previous operations, those who had been seen early after the onset of the obstruction (particularly those who had previously undergone only appendectomy), and those in whom the probable cause of obstruction was bands. There is also a growing interest in the pharmacologic prevention of adhesion formation. For example, the laparoscopic placement of a biosynthetic membrane such as Seprafilm, a mixture of hyaluronic acid and carboxymethylcellulose,49,50 has been found to reduce the incidence of postoperative adhesions to the underside of the abdominal scar.51 Few other adhesion barriers have been evaluated as carefully in a clinical setting.49,52 During exploration, whether by laparotomy or laparoscopy, it is sometimes difficult to evaluate bowel viability after the release of strangulation. The conventional clinical criteria used include the return of normal color, peristalsis, and arterial pulsations. A prospective, controlled trial comparing standard clinical judgment with the use of a Doppler probe and with fluorescein for the intraoperative discrimination of viability found that the Doppler ultrasonic flow probe was less accurate than the conventional clinical judgment of the surgeon, which was usually correct if thought to be so.53 On the other hand, the pattern of fluorescein fluorescence was significantly more reliable than either clinical judgment alone or the use of a Doppler probe in assessing intestinal viability. In difficult bowel segments of borderline viability, this is the only method of viability assessment that has been formally evaluated in a prospective, controlled clinical trial. Because clinical judgment is usually accurate in this assessment, the use of fluorescein is recommended in those cases in which bowel segments of borderline viability are difficult to evaluate clinically.54 Another approach to the assessment of bowel viability is a “second-look” laparotomy or laparoscopy 18 to 48 hours after the initial procedure. Most advocates of this approach suggest that the decision to perform a second-look laparotomy be made before closure, at the time of the initial procedure.55 However, carefully controlled, well-documented studies in animals have found that the fluorescein technique, when used correctly, is more accurate than a second look at 24 hours after the initial procedure.54,56 One clinical study57 (which looked at a small number of patients in an inconsistently controlled, incompletely defined fashion) reported that fluorescein fluorescence, pulse palpation, and Doppler analysis during the initial laparotomy were not accurate predictors of bowel viability in their hands when compared with findings (in a few patients) at 18 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley a second-look laparotomy. Unfortunately, no details of the viability assessment techniques are given; if they were as superficial, as described in the article, they would not represent a fair assessment of the state of the art of these techniques. In the absence of controlled clinical trials, it remains unclear whether or when a second-look laparotomy significantly enhances the assessment of intestinal viability. However, because of the intestine’s particular vulnerability to the vasoconstrictive, hemodynamic response to shock, sepsis, and severe physiologic stress, a second-look laparotomy is clearly indicated in a patient whose systemic condition deteriorates after the initial viability assessment.58,59 Almost all patients, except those in frank septic shock, benefit from an initial period of 12 to 24 hours of nasoenteric suctioning, fluid and electrolyte resuscitation, and, often, the administration of antibiotics before laparotomy. This allows not only resuscitation but also completion of the diagnostic studies described earlier, including, in almost all cases, definitive discrimination of partial from complete obstruction. At this point, the role of early surgery (ie, after the initial 12-24 hours) versus a trial of nonoperative management remains controversial. Much of the controversy, however, may be obviated if one discriminates partial from complete obstruction. MANAGEMENT OF PARTIAL OBSTRUCTION The role of early surgery versus expectant management of complete obstruction remains controversial in some circles, but there is little controversy with respect to partial obstruction. Most of these patients benefit from an extension of the initial 12- to 24-hour period of nonoperative management for up to several days. A number of studies60-62 indicate that 60% to 85% of these patients will ultimately resolve their obstruction and be discharged without the need for surgery. Even those who do not respond are better prepared for surgery because of better mechanical bowel decompression, often even an antibiotic bowel preparation, a longer period of resuscitation to allow better intercompartmental fluid and electrolyte equilibration, and usually the benefits of planned surgery by a fresh operative team during daylight hours. Sometimes a more definite idea about the underlying cause can be obtained. If the total period without oral nutritional intake is prolonged more than a few days, parenteral nutrition should be provided. In summary, most patients with partial small-bowel obstructions accrue many benefits and few disadvantages from an initial trial of nonoperative management. Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 19 A substantial adjuvant to the management of partial smallbowel obstruction is the enteroclysis study, whereby graded volumes of dilute barium and methyl cellulose are given through a long tube localized either by peristalsis or direct fluoroscopic positioning in the small bowel just proximal to the site of the obstruction. This study, in the hands of an experienced radiologist, can often help define the degree of obstruction, its location, and its progression (ie, improvement or lack thereof) over time. Enteroclysis can objectively gauge the severity of the intestinal obstruction, which is an important advantage over other modalities.63 For a low-grade partial small-bowel obstruction, there is no delay in the arrival of contrast to the point of the obstruction and there is sufficient flow of contrast through this point such that fold patterns in the postobstructive loops are readily defined. A high-grade partial small-bowel obstruction is diagnosed when the presence of retained fluid dilutes the barium, which results in inadequate contrast density above the site of obstruction and allows only small amounts of contrast material to pass through the obstruction into the collapsed distal loops. Complete obstruction is diagnosed when there is no passage of contrast material beyond the point of the obstruction, as seen on delayed radiographs obtained up to 24 hours after the start of the examination.27,64 This may be useful in deciding whether to intervene surgically or to wait longer for resolution. Sometimes, the underlying cause can be inferred (eg, an adhesion can be discriminated from a neoplasm).28 To help resolve partial small-bowel obstructions nonoperatively, some have advocated the use of hyperosmolar water-soluble gastrointestinal contrast agents as therapeutic as well as diagnostic modalities. In a prospective randomized trial65 looking at the effect of Gastrograffin in the nonoperative management of partial smallbowel obstructions, among the patients managed successfully nonoperatively, those who received 100 mL of Gastrograffin had a significant reduction in the number of days until the first stool and in the length of their overall hospital stay, from approximately 4 to 2 days. However, this trial found no significant difference in the proportion of patients who eventually required surgical intervention. Stordahl et al33 have also reported water-soluble contrast agents to be useful as therapeutic agents. However, there was no control group treated with nasogastric suction alone. Others66 have reported that no advantage over conventional nonoperative management of partial small-bowel obstructions was found, although administration of such hyperosmolar contrast materials was safe in patients with partial small-bowel obstructions. On the other hand, there are 2 signifi- 20 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley cant drawbacks to this approach: most importantly, elderly patients and patients with obtundation and bowel obstructions are quite prone to aspiration, and the aspiration of some contrast agents, especially Gastrograffin, can produce severe, often lethal aspiration pneumonia. Moreover, hyperosmolar agents do stimulate peristalsis and can cause severe pain in the patient with an obstruction. MANAGEMENT OF COMPLETE OBSTRUCTION Few other issues in surgery have generated such heated controversy for such a long period as the question of primary operative versus primary nonoperative treatment of patients with small-bowel obstruction. Despite a preponderance of good evidence (but not a randomized, prospective trial), experienced surgeons often express strongly polarized opinions. The conventional argument of those who advocate primary nonoperative management is that it is often successful and that, with careful monitoring and “experienced clinical judgment,” they can recognize those patients with early strangulation in time to operate on them before the bowel becomes nonviable. The 60% to 85% success rates cited in several larger series are undeniable; however, as noted, these series predominantly contain patients with partial obstruction, and these are patients who rarely manifest strangulation. As discussed, patients with partial obstruction should usually be treated nonoperatively, at least initially, and there is little controversy about this. Patients with complete obstruction are another matter. The incidence of strangulation in this group varies from 20% to 40% (admittedly, in operative series that necessarily exclude patients successfully managed nonoperatively). Moreover, prospective and retrospective studies are unequivocal in indicating that early, reversible strangulation is simply not discernible on clinical grounds. Therefore, the risk of deciding to manage a patient nonoperatively based on a clinical assessment of “simple (nonstrangulating) obstruction” necessarily entails the substantial (about 30%) risk that one is delaying the treatment of intestinal strangulation until after that injury becomes irreversible. It is rational, therefore, to weigh the benefits and risks of each approach, as we do in every clinical decision. However, 1 of the risks of primary nonoperative management that must be taken into account is this substantial risk of strangulation. In a severely unstable patient, such as someone with acute myocardial infarction, treatable arrhythmia, hypovolemia, or shock, this risk is a reasonable one in return for the benefits of improved systemic stability in the nonoperative period, even if it proves to be a preoperative period. On the other hand, a patient with long-term, irreversible risk factors mandates a correct Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 21 decision, not necessarily a nonoperative one. In these situations and in most patients with complete small-bowel obstruction, the substantial risk of unrecognized (indeed, unrecognizable) strangulation mandates primary operative management after the initial 12 to 24 hours of resuscitation. Indeed, although several retrospective studies60,67 report that a 12- to 24-hour delay of surgery in patients with complete small-bowel obstruction is safe, the incidence of strangulation and other complications significantly increases after longer periods of nonoperative management.67 MANAGEMENT OF SPECIFIC LESIONS Adhesions The pathophysiologic process of adhesion formation has been studied extensively and is clearly initiated by the formation of a fibrin clot (from transudated fibrinogen activated by tissue factor, regardless of bleeding). Peritoneal trauma is a well-known cause.57 The peritoneum (mesothelium) has been found to possess fibrinolytic activity via plasminogen activation.58,68-70 Ischemia, a known stimulus of adhesion formation, causes a marked reduction in plasminogen activator activity levels through the release of plasminogen activator inhibitors.59,60 This pathway for adhesion formation lends support to the use of fibrinolytics in the prevention of adhesions. In the past, streptokinase and urokinase have been used with varying degrees of success in animal models.71,72 Their use in human beings has usually been precluded for this purpose for fear of bleeding complications, especially in patients who have undergone extensive dissection and who are also at the greatest risk for adhesion formation. (Such agents are rapidly absorbed systemically from the peritoneum.) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, including ketorolac tromethamine, have also been found to be useful in inhibiting adhesion formation in pigs.73 Once again, however, steroids and antimetabolites, although effective in animal models, are not usually used in patients for fear of inhibiting wound healing, especially after extensive dissection and in the presence of distension. Hyaluronic acid, a product of a strain of Streptococcus, is highly lubricating and nonimmunogenic and can coat and protect serosal surfaces.52 It seems to be effective in keeping traumatized surfaces separate, thereby hindering the formation of connecting fibrous bands.74 Becker et al49 conducted the first prospective study of postoperative abdominal adhesion formation by using standardized direct peritoneal visualization. In this study, 183 patients with ulcerative colitis or familial polyposis who underwent open colectomy 22 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley and ileal pouch–anal anastomosis with diverting loop ileostomy were randomly assigned to receive or not receive a bioresorbable membrane of hyaluronic acid and carboxymethylcellulose (Seprafilm) placed directly beneath the midline abdominal incision. At the time of the subsequent ileostomy closure, laparoscopy revealed that the number of patients who had adhesions to the underside of the abdominal incision was reduced by more than 50% in those treated with the bioresorbable membrane. The extent and severity of these adhesions were also reduced significantly in the treatment group.49 Although the implications of this study are limited by the fact that obstructing adhesions do not usually form at the old incision site but within the pelvis, the feasible extension of this technology to serosal surfaces could represent a significant advance.49,75-77 Independent of adjuvant therapy for the prevention of adhesion formation, several operative steps should be taken at any laparotomy, especially at 1 for lysis of adhesions, to help minimize the extent of future adhesion formation. These include gentle handling of the bowel to reduce serosal trauma, avoidance of unnecessary dissection, exclusion of foreign material from the peritoneal cavity (ie, the use of absorbable suture material when possible, the avoidance of excessive use of gauze sponges, and the removal of starch from gloves), adequate irrigation and removal of infectious and ischemic debris, the use and preservation of the omentum around the site of surgery or in the denuded pelvis, and avoidance of lysis of adhesions that do not involve the small bowel.78 Patients who are initially seen with acute small-bowel obstruction from adhesions usually benefit from early operative lysis. Usually, a technically simple laparotomy (or laparoscopy) is all that is required. Except under exceptional circumstances, an enterotomy should be avoided. In a retrospective analysis, Strickland et al79 reported that the use of laparoscopy obviated formal laparotomy in 40 of their patients (68%). Laparoscopic adhesiolysis was also reported to result in a shorter hospital stay, faster resumption of normal bowel functioning, decreased morbidity, and fewer complications, although these comparisons were with historical control subjects.64,79 The increased expertise of surgeons in advanced laparoscopy may allow this option to become more widely adopted.79 Incarcerated Hernia When an inguinal, umbilical, incisional, or incarcerated abdominal wall hernia is the cause of the obstruction, the obstruction can often be managed initially by simple manual reduction, sometimes aided by sedation. However, the patient should be admitted for close ob- Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 23 servation. During this hospitalization, elective hernia repair should be performed to prevent recurrent incarceration and the possibility of strangulation. A severely incarcerated, irreducible hernia is a clear indication for primary early operative management, often by a transabdominal approach. Malignant Tumor A small-intestinal obstruction caused by a primary malignant tumor is rare; much more often, it is caused by a neoplasm from another organ, such as the colon or ovary. The disease of these patients is managed like that of patients with simple small-bowel obstruction from adhesions, in combination with resection of the obstructing tumor, whenever feasible. Most challenging, from a therapeutic standpoint, are patients with intestinal obstructions who have been previously treated for cancer or who have known peritoneal carcinomatosis. In a retrospective analysis80 of 81 episodes of small-bowel obstruction in 61 patients with previously treated malignancies, 69 episodes involved the small bowel, and 24 of these were diagnosed as complete obstructions. Eight percent of these patients had concurrent small- and large-bowel obstructions. In 59 cases, the cause was established: 61% of these obstructions were due to metastatic tumors, and 39% were due to benign causes (eg, adhesion, irradiation, and stricture). Forty-five percent of the cases of partial obstruction that were managed conservatively resolved without surgery. On the other hand, only 4% of the cases of complete obstruction were successfully managed without operative intervention.80 One of the most important lessons from this study is that patients with a history of cancer who have an obstruction should not necessarily be assumed to have carcinomatosis as the cause of their obstruction. The surgeon should not always avoid operating on a patient with obstruction from carcinomatosis, although the management of such patients must be individualized, with the desires of the patient taken into account. Of course, not every terminally ill patient is an operative candidate, and parenteral nutrition combined with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy offers the advantage of terminal care at home for those patients who either have obstructions not amenable to surgery or who have chosen not to undergo surgery.80 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Crohn’s disease is now recognized as the third leading cause of small-bowel obstructions in technologically advanced countries.12 Patients with Crohn’s disease of the small intestine can have com- 24 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley plete, partial, or intermittent small-bowel obstruction. The obstruction may be secondary to the primary inflammatory process itself or to the gradual development of a fibrotic stricture as a sequela of repeated episodes of inflammation and healing, with or without treatment. These patients, often with partial obstruction, can frequently be managed initially nonoperatively with tube decompression2 in combination with pharmacologic treatment of the inflammatory process (eg, with high-dose steroids). Parenteral nutrition should be provided because the period of required bowel rest may be prolonged. On the other hand, if fibrotic strictures are the primary cause of the obstruction, primary bowel resection may be necessary to relieve the obstruction. This does not imply that a nonoperative trial should not be attempted; the obstruction related to the strictures may prove to be partial as the associated inflammation resolves. Over the past decade, a number of articles81 have reported the success of operative strictureplasty, with or without concomitant bowel resection in other areas, for multiple, short strictured segments in patients with Crohn’s disease. Intra-Abdominal Abscess Often, an acute intra-abdominal abscess may produce a clinical picture that is indistinguishable from complete, mechanical, smallbowel obstruction. This is often due not to intraluminal obstruction or even to external compression of the bowel lumen but to a severe localized ileus secondary to local inflammation and edema. Drainage of the abscess is often sufficient to relieve the obstruction. This does not necessarily require a laparotomy because the abscess may be accessible with the use of ultrasound- or CT-guided percutaneous drainage. However, if the obstruction persists, a laparotomy may be required. Radiation Enteritis Of importance in the current management of malignancies of many types is the use of radiotherapy. In a retrospective analysis82 of patients at the University of California Los Angeles undergoing radical hysterectomy, a 5% incidence of subsequent small-bowel obstruction was reported in those undergoing surgery alone, but a 20% incidence was reported in patients receiving adjuvant radiotherapy. Small-bowel obstruction is a recognized late complication of radiotherapy instituted for the treatment of rectosigmoid and rectal cancer after low anterior resection and abdominoperineal resection. The rate has been reported to be as high as 30% in patients treated with daily extended-field radiotherapy, 21% in those receiving single Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 25 pelvic-field radiotherapy, and 9% in those with multiple pelvic fields in a retrospective review83 of 224 patients at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. In this study, patients whose radiation was given with small-bowel exclusion, achieved by the use of the open tabletop device technique, had an incidence of obstruction of only 3%. The incidence of recurrent small-bowel obstruction was also significantly correlated with the incidence of postsurgical small-bowel obstruction in these patients. Another technique for small-bowel exclusion that has been explored is the use of intraperitoneal salinefilled tissue expanders84 to keep the bowel out of a specific radiation field, such as the pelvis, during radiotherapy. Despite these precautions, however, cases of acute and chronic radiation enteritis do occur and are sometimes accompanied by bowel obstruction. If obstruction occurs within a few weeks of radiotherapy, it is often useful to treat it nonoperatively with tube decompression and steroids. However, complications from irradiation may not appear for many years after the completion of therapy and are usually progressive thereafter. When the obstruction occurs in this late setting, nonoperative management is rarely effective, and a laparotomy is usually required. The surgeon may choose to either locally resect the irradiated bowel or bypass the affected area. Whether one resects or bypasses, it is essential to avoid anastomosis of irradiated bowel. Acute Postoperative Obstruction Small-bowel obstruction that occurs in the immediate postoperative period presents a challenge for both diagnosis and treatment. The diagnosis is often difficult because the primary symptoms of abdominal pain and vomiting may often be masked and/or attributed to incisional pain and postoperative ileus. A careful history may reveal pain that is colicky in nature, as opposed to pain that is dull and constant. Abdominal plain films may be helpful in distinguishing ileus from obstruction, but they are often not diagnostic. CT has been found to be especially useful in distinguishing postoperative ileus from obstruction. In fact, Frager et al85 reported 100% sensitivity and specificity when CT was used to distinguish early (within 10 days of laparotomy) postoperative ileus from small-bowel obstruction. Furthermore, some common causes of postoperative obstruction such as intra-abdominal abscesses are easily visualized on CT scans. Upper gastrointestinal series with contrast may be quite useful in revealing not only the presence but also the degree of obstruc- 26 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley tion. Barium contrast should usually be used, unless there is a danger of perforation or anastomotic leakage. Once the diagnosis of obstruction has been established, it should be managed like an obstruction that occurs otherwise in the postoperative period. Specifically, partial obstruction may be afforded a trial of tube decompression. In fact, in this situation, the opportunity to temporarily stabilize the patient and delay surgery a while longer into the postoperative period may be an advantage. Complete obstruction is a relatively clear indication for early exploration. However, in the postoperative setting, it is not uncommon for the surgeon to prefer an initial trial of nonoperative management. Caution must be taken, however, because several series25 have reported an especially high rate of missed strangulation in patients with early postoperative obstruction. Moreover, an initial delay can move the timing of surgery to 10 to 14 days postoperatively, which is a time at which new, vascularized, dense adhesion formation can make the operative dissection difficult and dangerous. Recurrent Obstruction Patients with multiple recurrent adhesive obstructions represent a difficult management problem. (Various studies3-5 report recurrence rates of approximately 10% to 30%.) Recurrent obstruction seems to be a particular problem for patients with extensive, dense intraperitoneal adhesions. An initial nonoperative trial is usually desirable and is often safe. However, a retrospective study86 found that a recurrence happened sooner and more frequently in patients managed conservatively than in patients managed operatively after their second episode of a recurrence. This does not mean that every patient with recurrent obstruction should be managed operatively. Patients must be evaluated as individuals, and their previous responses to particular interventions must be taken into account when their management plan is formulated. Bowel fixation procedures have been used at surgery in an attempt to splint the bowel in a nonobstructive configuration while the inevitable adhesions form. There are 2 categories of bowel fixation, external and internal. External plication procedures include the Noble87 and the Childs-Phillips88 procedures and other variations of these techniques, whereby the small intestine or its mesentery is sutured in large, gently curving loops. Variable success in preventing recurrent obstruction has been reported87-90 when these techniques are used. Common complications are the development of enteroenteric, enterocolic, and enterocutaneous fistulas, gross leakage, peritonitis, and death.87-90 For this reason and because of Current Management of Small-Bowel Obstruction 27 the low overall success rate, these procedures have largely been abandoned. Internal fixation or stenting procedures use a long intestinal tube inserted via the nose, a gastrostomy, or even a jejunostomy to splint the bowel in gentle, unobstructing curves. The intestinal tube is then left in place for at least 1 week postoperatively, even after nasoenteric suctioning has been discontinued. The hope is that adhesions will form in such a manner that future torsion of loops about band adhesions is less likely. Several series91-94 have reported moderate success with the use of this approach. Complications associated with the use of internal stenting tubes include intussusception of the bowel, either over the tube while it is in place or after tube removal, and difficult removal of the tube, which may require surgical re-exploration.91-95 Close and Christensen96 have looked at the rate of recurrent obstruction in patients undergoing Childs-Phillips plication or Baker tube stenting versus enterolysis alone in a retrospective series. They found that the rate of recurrent obstruction was relatively low after all 3 interventions; the highest recurrence occurred after enterolysis alone (6.5%). These authors recommend that enterolysis alone is adequate for single-band adhesions or for few adhesions. In cases of severe, multiple adhesions, they advocate the use of either Childs-Phillips plication or Baker tube stenting. They further suggest that the Baker tube should be used in cases of massive bowel distension because of its capability to decompress the bowel as well as provide a means of plication. They also prefer Baker tube stenting over external plication in cases of peritonitis because the transmesenteric sutures may provide a nidus of infection. In the absence of studies controlled by comparable groups, however, it is problematic to advocate dogmatically; few modern surgeons use any method of stenting, and most of those that do use internal tube fixation. SUMMARY The most significant advances in the management of small-bowel obstruction are developments in imaging modalities available to assist in the diagnosis itself, as well as to possibly assist in the early identification of those cases requiring urgent operative decompression. The most marked of these have been in the use and interpretation of contrast-enhanced CT. This has decreased the use of barium studies and has largely supplanted ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in the management of these patients. Diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopic techniques are also growing in both capability and popularity. Laparoscopic adhesioly- 28 A. J. Hayanga, K. Bass-Wilkins, and G. B. Bulkley sis and the adjuvant of bioresorbable membranes each hold promise but have yet to become established as standard treatment. Further progress is needed in the detection of early, reversible strangulation. As a consequence, the fundamentals of the surgical management of small-bowel obstruction have evolved little over the past 15 years. With our persistent inability to detect reversible ischemia, a substantial risk of progression to irreversible ischemia remains when surgery is delayed, particularly in the setting of suspected complete obstruction. REFERENCES 1. 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