2013 Children’s of Alabama Directory of Pediatric Services Introducing Introducingthe the Benjamin BenjaminRussell RussellHospital Hospitalfor forChildren Children atatChildren’s Children’sofofAlabama Alabama The TheFacts Facts • • TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren openeditsdoorsonAugust4,2012.Itis openeditsdoorsonAugust4,2012.Itis locatedat16005thAvenueSouthandis locatedat16005thAvenueSouthandis bridgedtoChildren’sHarbor,Children’s bridgedtoChildren’sHarbor,Children’s ParkPlaceandtheUABWomenand ParkPlaceandtheUABWomenand InfantsCenter. InfantsCenter. • • The12-storybuildingexceeds760,000 The12-storybuildingexceeds760,000 squarefeet,makingitthelargestsingle squarefeet,makingitthelargestsingle medicalfacilityexpansionprojectinthe medicalfacilityexpansionprojectinthe historyofAlabama.Bedlicensingincreased historyofAlabama.Bedlicensingincreased from275to332,plus48NICUbassinets from275to332,plus48NICUbassinets (sixadditionalbassinets). (sixadditionalbassinets). • • Theexpansionmakesusthethirdlargest Theexpansionmakesusthethirdlargest pediatrichospitalintheUnitedStates, pediatrichospitalintheUnitedStates, behind behind Cincinnati Cincinnati Children’s Children’s andand Children’sHospitalofPittsburgh. Children’sHospitalofPittsburgh. • • Thenewbuilding,equipmentand Thenewbuilding,equipmentand furnishingscostapproximately$400 furnishingscostapproximately$400 million.Thebuildingwasfinanced million.Thebuildingwasfinanced throughtax-exemptbonds($235million) throughtax-exemptbonds($235million) andphilanthropy($110million), andphilanthropy($110million), withtheremainderfromcash withtheremainderfromcash outofhospitaloperations. outofhospitaloperations. • • Wenowhave17state-of-the-artoperating Wenowhave17state-of-the-artoperating roomsrooms--fivemorethanbeforethe --fivemorethanbeforethe expansion.Wealsohavetwocardiovascular expansion.Wealsohavetwocardiovascular surgeryroomssurgeryrooms--thefirstinChildren’s --thefirstinChildren’s 100+yearhistory. 100+yearhistory. • • Thenewhelipadislargeenoughfor“Black Thenewhelipadislargeenoughfor“Black Hawk”helicoptersHawk”helicopters--thekindusedbythe --thekindusedbythe NationalGuardduringdisasters.Some NationalGuardduringdisasters.Some hospitalswereunabletoaccommodate hospitalswereunabletoaccommodate theBlackHawkduringHurricaneKatrina theBlackHawkduringHurricaneKatrina rescueefforts. rescueefforts. • • Forthefirsttime,wehaveshellspacefor Forthefirsttime,wehaveshellspacefor futureuse(locatedonthe11thand12th futureuse(locatedonthe11thand12th floors).Wealsohavespaceallottedforfour floors).Wealsohavespaceallottedforfour moreroomsintheEmergencyDepartment, moreroomsintheEmergencyDepartment, fouradditionalgeneralsurgeryroomsand fouradditionalgeneralsurgeryroomsand onemorecardiovascularsurgeryroom. onemorecardiovascularsurgeryroom. TheBenjaminRussell TheBenjaminRussell HospitalforChildren HospitalforChildren wasnamedtohonor wasnamedtohonor legendaryentrepreneur legendaryentrepreneur BenjaminRussell(1876BenjaminRussell(18761941)andtorecognize 1941)andtorecognize the$25milliongiftmade the$25milliongiftmade byhisgrandsonBenand byhisgrandsonBenand Ben’swife,Luanne,both Ben’swife,Luanne,both long-timesupporters long-timesupporters ofthehospital. ofthehospital. Family-Centered Care LEED Certification The Rooms • • • • • • • Allroomsareofthesamesizeand configuration Allprivaterooms(includingPICU, SpecialCare,CICUandNICU) Allhavepatientzone,familyzone andstaffzone Familyzonefeaturesasleepersofa, largewardrobeandsmallsafeforvaluables Patienteducation/entertainmentsystem Acutecareandcriticalcarerooms--- spaciousroomwithbathroom NICU---spaciousroomwithshower facilities on floor • Rooming-inaccommodationsgiveparents ofnewbornstheopportunitytopractice at-homecareroutinesbeforedischarge Every Patient Floor • • • • • Afamilykitchenwithrefrigerator andmicrowave Laundryroom Subwaitingareaswithnaturallight Consultroomsforprivateconversations outsideofthepatientroom GetWellNetwork,astate-of-theart, integratedpatienteducationdeliverysystem TheLeadershipinEnergyand EnvironmentalDesign(LEED)certification isathird-partycertificationprogramfor thedesign,constructionandoperation ofsustainable,energy-efficientand environmentallyresponsiblebuilding projects.TheUSGreenBuildingCouncil administersLEEDcertificationand evaluatesprojectsaccordingtoestablished andnationally-acceptedcriteria forbuildingperformanceinfivekeyareas: sustainablesitedevelopment,water savings,energyefficiency,materials selectionandindoorenvironmentalquality. TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren isAlabama’sfirstLEED-certifiedhospital buildingunderLEEDversion2.2forNew ConstructionandthelargestLEED-certified projectinthestatetodate,largely underwrittenbyaportionoftheMcWane capitalcampaigngift. “Green”buildingsarehealthybuildingswith morenaturallight,cleanaircirculationand materialsdesignedtolimittoxicemissions, creatinganenvironmentofwellnessfor patientsandstaffalikethatisinsyncwith theChildren’sofAlabamamission. “Green”buildingsaremoreenergy-efficient, requirelessmaintenanceandlastlonger. Thus,costsavingscanbedirectedtoward resourcesthatenableChildren’stoprovide excellenthealthcaretothechildren ofAlabama. The Art TheChildren’sofAlabamacollectionisakaleidoscopeofartformsfromsome70 significantartistswhoarediverseingenderandethnicity.Almostallofthe180-plusworks arebyAlabamaartists,andtheyrepresentawiderangeofsubjectmatterandvarying artisticstylesandmedia.Theartcomplementstheinteriorarchitectureofthemagnificent newBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildrenandappealstothechildrenweserve,their familiesandfriendsandourstaffaswell. About the Directory This publication is intended to be a quick reference for referring physicians and their staffs, providing a general overview of Children's of Alabama and its specialty care and support services on campus. This directory is not a comprehensive medical staff directory. This information and more is also available on our web site, www.ChildrensAL.org. Many physicians in private practice have privileges at Children's of Alabama and may be included on the website upon request. The Directory of Pediatric Services is printed annually by the Children's of Alabama Corporate Communications Department. All information has been verified and was accurate at time of printing. Any edits or additions for future editions are welcome and can be directed to Tiffany Kaczorowski in Corporate Communications at 205.638.6916 or 205.638.6660 (main number) or via email to Tiffany.Kaczorowski@ChildrensAL.org. 2013 Directory of Pediatric Services From the CEO Patient Referral Information Specialty Care and Support Services Children's of Alabama Birmingham Locations Regional Locations Adolescent Medicine Allergy/Asthma/ Immunology Anesthesiology Cardiovascular Services Critical Care Dentistry Dermatology Emergency Medicine Endocrinology Gastroenterology and Nutrition General Pediatrics and Primary Care General Surgery Genetics Gynecology Hematology and Oncology Table of Contents 3 5 7 9 21 23 26 27 29 33 35 37 38 41 43 45 47 49 50 51 Hospital Medicine Imaging Infectious Diseases Interventional Radiology Neonatology Nephrology Neurology Neurosurgery Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery Otolaryngology Palliative Care Pathology Plastic Surgery Psychiatry Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Rehabilitation Medicine Rheumatology Sports Medicine Urology Physician and Medical Professionals Index 54 57 58 60 63 65 67 69 71 72 73 75 77 78 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 Dear Colleague: We are pleased to provide you with the 2013 Directory of Pediatric Services. Please replace any older versions with this one. You can also find the most up-to-date directory and other resources for referring physicians on the Healthcare Professional section of www.ChildrensAL.org. We believe that all children should have a healthy childhood. This core belief drives us further in our mission to help prevent, treat and put an end to pediatric injury and disease. When it comes to caring for children, “good enough” isn’t good enough. That's why we opened the amazing new 12-story Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children last year. With an estimated square footage in excess of 760,000 square feet, it is the largest medical facility expansion in the history of Alabama and makes us the third largest pediatric medical center in the nation. But in addition to the finest in facilities and technology, we also have teamed with the brightest and most inquiring minds, the most skilled hands and the most compassionate hearts in pediatric medicine. Through those who share our mission, children who are sick and injured have access to the most current treatments and advances in technology, all in the hands of world-class caregivers and performed in a facility that is simply spectacular. Every child deserves healthcare as amazing as their potential. Very truly yours, Wm. Michael Warren, Jr. Chief Executive Officer Children’s of Alabama 3 Patient Referral Information Patient Referral Information Patient Referral Information One Stop Calling/ Patient Placement (205) 638-7200 One Stop Calling/Patient Placement assists referring physicians in admitting patients to Children's of Alabama in an emergency situation. If a child is seen by his primary care doctor and is deemed ill enough to need a bed right away,referring pediatricians should call this number to make immediate placement arrangements. How does it work? 1. Receive call from referring physician 2. Obtain information about patient and a direct call-back number 3. Contact appropriate Children's of Alabama physician and initiate conference call 4. If decision is made to transfer, the Patient Placement Coordinator will call referring facility with room and phone number for the nurse to call report Physician Link (205) 638-7479 Physician Link is a telephone resource for referring physicians to use for any non-emergency issues or concerns. This is also the best way for primary care physicians and office staff to receive guidance throughout the referral process and obtain general Children's information. Referring physicians can: Ŕ Call Monday-Friday, 8 am-4:30 pm Ŕ Provide general information Ŕ Assist in patient follow-up Ŕ Assist in physician concerns Ŕ Resolve issues/concerns Ŕ Help facilitate the patient referral process Please refer to individual divisions for direct referral phone numbers. 5 Patient Referral Information Healthcare Professionals Website www.ChildrensAL.org The Healthcare Professionals Website provides forms, directions and contact information to help facilitate the referral process. In addition, the website will reflect the latest news regarding Children's of Alabama divisions. Our updated website offers several services: Ŕ CME Opportunities Ŕ Credentialing Ŕ Maps and Directions Ŕ Nursing at Children's Ŕ Online Pre-Registration Ŕ One Stop Calling/Patient Placement Ŕ Patient Referral Forms Ŕ Physician Link Ŕ Physician Training Resources for iConnect Acute Care Ŕ Sign up for E-News (quarterly e-newsletter for referring offices) 6 Specialty Care/ Support Services Contact Numbers Specialty Care/ Support Services Contact Numbers Specialty Care/Support Services Contact Numbers Our medical and surgical divisions include a number of specialty care and support services, represented in this listing. (a) appointments / (o) office number / (f) fax number ALL numbers use the (205) area code unless otherwise noted. Airway Pediatric ENT Associates (a) 638-4949 (o) 638-4949 (f) 638-4983 Children's Connection Line (o) (800) 504-9768 Amelia Center (o) 638-3430 (f) 631-7492 CHIPS Center (o) 638-2751 (f) 638-2750 Cystic Fibrosis/ Chest (a) 638-2402 (o) 638-9583 (f) 975-5983 Billing (o) 638-9139 Clinical Nutrition (a) 638-9204 (o) 638-9204 (f) 638-6047 Down Syndrome Clinic (a) 638-9585 (o) 638-9585 Continuing Medical Education (CME) (o) 638-9898 (f) 638-6108 Early Intervention (o) 638-6820 Burn Center (a) 638-6388 (o) 638-6388 (f) 638-6866 Child Life Services (o) 638-9651 Child Safety Institute (o) 638-6334 (o) 638-6336 Children's Center for Weight Management (o) 638-5750 Children's Harbor (o) 638-6123 CPODD (Center for Pediatric Onset Demyelinating Diseases) (o) 996-7633 Critical Care Transport 934-3645 (800) 822-6478 (after hours) Epilepsy Program (o) 996-7850 (f) 996-7867 Hearing and Speech (Children's on 3rd) (a) 638-7500 (o) 638-6741 (f) 638-6740 (f) 638-2077 * Please refer to individual divisions for direct referral phone numbers. 7 Specialty Care/Support Services Contact Numbers (a) appointments / (o) office number / (f) fax number ALL numbers use the (205) area code unless otherwise noted. Hemophilia (a) 638-9285 (o) 638-9285 (f) 975-1941 HIPAA (o) 638-5959 (o) 638-7878 (IT/HIPAA) Hope Lodge (o) 558-7860 International Adoption Clinic (o) 638-6964 Lactation Center (o) 638-6600 Language/Interpreter Services (a) 638-9191 Medical Autism Clinic (a) 638-9141 (o) 638-5277 (o) 638-5275 (f) 212-2997 8 Medical Staff Services (o) 638-9433 Physician Link (o) 638-7479 Medical Records (o) 638-9615 Poison Control Center (o) 638-9201 (800) 222-1222 Nursing Education and Research (o) 638-9127 Pastoral Care (o) 638-9090 PT and OT (a) 638-9645 (o) 638-9645 (f) 638-6067 Patient Health and Safety Information (o) 638-9377 Resident Library (o) 638-6059 (f) 638-6108 Patient Placement (One Stop Calling) (o) 638-7200 Ronald McDonald House (o) 638-7255 Patient Relations (o) 638-3999 Social Services (o) 638-9684 Pharmacy (outpatient) 638-9714 (inpatient) 638-9641 Spina Bifida (a) 638-5281 (o) 638-5281 (f) 638-6551 * Please refer to individual divisions for direct referral phone numbers. Birmingham Locations Birmingham Locations Children's of Alabama Birmingham Locations Russell Campus Mailing Address 1600 7th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35233 Main Phone Number (205) 638-9100 Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children 1601 5th Avenue South (Parking in 5th Avenue Deck) Lowder Building (formerly the Ambulatory Care Center) 1600 7th Avenue South (Parking in 7th Avenue Deck) McWane Building (formerly the main hospital) 1600 7th Avenue South (Parking in 7th Avenue Deck) Children's on 3rd Outpatient Center 1505Ç)FBSJOHBOE4QFFDIÇ)&"3$FOUFS 1208 3rd Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35233 (205) 638-7500 Children’s Park Place Adolescent Health and CHIPS 1600 5th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35233 All Other Clinics (see page 15) 1601 4th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35233 (Parking in 5th Avenue Deck) Children’s South 1940 Elmer J. Bissell Road (off I-459 and Acton Road) Birmingham, Alabama 35243 (205) 638-4800 9 Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children The Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children is located on the block directly north of the McWane Building (formerly the main hospital) and is bridged to the existing Children’s facilities (McWane, Children’s Harbor and Children’s Park Place) and to the UAB Women and Infants Center. Square footage of the 12-story building exceeds 760,000 square feet, making it the largest medical facility expansion in the history of Alabama. With the addition, bed licensing for Children's has increased from 275 to 332, plus 48 NICU bassinets. The Russell Building features larger patient rooms, a much larger emergency department and two additional general operating rooms. Two cardiac ORs dedicated to pediatric cardiovascular surgery have been relocated from UAB to the new Children's facility. The new facility, which opened on August 4, 2012, enabled consolidation of pediatric services with a family-centered design to enhance patient and family comfort. The building will accommodate projected growth in patient volume, as well as anticipated medical technology needs. The building, along with the entire downtown campus, is named in honor of legendary Alabama entrepreneur Benjamin Russell (1876-1941) and to recognize the $25 million gift from his grandson, Ben Russell and Ben’s wife Luanne, both longtime hospital supporters. 10 In the Russell Building, the following are located: Information Desk Admitting/Discharge (2nd Floor/Main Street; 7 am-12 midnight) Bruno Pediatric Heart Center (4th Floor) Cath Labs Patient beds Interventional Radiology Lab Operating Rooms Pre-Op/PACU Emergency Department (1st Floor) Gift Shop (2nd Floor/Main Street) Harbert Tower Patient beds (6th-10th Floors) Helipad (14th Floor) Imaging (1st Floor) Laboratory/Referred Testing (2nd Floor/Admitting) DAYTIME DURING THE WEEK, Monday-Friday (See McWane Building, page 13) EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS (in Russell Building ONLY) Monday-Thursday, 7:30 pm-9 pm Friday, 5 pm-9 pm Saturday and Sunday, 6 am-9 pm Market on Main (2nd Floor/Main Street) Meditation Space (2nd Floor/Main Street) Patient Relations (2nd Floor/Main Street) Room of Magic (2nd Floor/Main Street) Performance Area (2nd Floor/Main Street) Quarterback Club Tower Critical Care Patient beds (6th and 7th Floors) Patient beds (8th-10th Floors) Russell Surgery Center (3rd Floor) Operating Rooms Pre-Op/PACU Parking is in the 5th Avenue Deck. 11 Lowder Building In the Lowder Building, the following are located: Café Origins Coffee Shop (1st Floor) Lowder Surgery Center (2nd Floor/Main Street) APASS (Anesthesia Pre-Admit Screening Service) Operating Rooms Outpatient Surgery Pre-Op/PACU Outpatient Clinics Children’s Behavioral Health (5th Floor) Sports Medicine (4th Floor) Parking is in the 7th Avenue Deck. 12 McWane Building In the McWane Building, the following are located: Information Desk Cafeteria (1st Floor) Chapel (1st Floor) Dialysis (2nd Floor) Dearth Tower (5th – 7th Floors) Patient beds Dialysis Imaging (Outpatient) (2nd Floor) Laboratory/Referred Testing (2nd Floor/Main Street) Monday-Thursday, 6 am- 7 pm Friday, 6 am-5 pm AFTER HOURS AND WEEKENDS (See Russell Building, page 11) Lactation Center (Ground Floor) Outpatient Clinics Clinics 1-10 (1st Floor) Clinic 11 (2nd Floor/Main Street) Parking is in the 7th Avenue Deck. 13 Children's on 3rd Outpatient Center At Children's on 3rd, the following are located: Audiology HEAR Center Occupational Therapy (OT) Physical Therapy (PT) Speech-Language Pathology Parking is on site. 14 Children's Park Place At Children's Park Place, the following are located: 4th Avenue South Entrance: Allergy and Immunology Clinic Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinics Infusion Clinic IT (Information Technology) Training Rooms (Mezzanine Floor) Rheumatology Clinic UAB Primary Care Clinic 5th Avenue South Entrance: Adolescent Health Center CHIPS Parking is in the 5th Avenue Deck. 15 Children's South Children's South Pediatric Outpatient Center The Children's South Pediatric Outpatient Center serves patients from newborn to 21 years of age. It is located off Interstate 459 and Acton Road south of Birmingham Children's South provides another location for Children's renowned outpatient surgery services, Pediatric Imaging Center, laboratory services, specialty care clinics and After Hours (formerly the After Hours Pediatric Center in Vestavia Hills) care. (For more on After Hours, please see page 18.) The Outpatient Surgery Center performs more than 7,000 surgeries per year on patients 3 months to 19 years of age. In addition to its surgeons, the Center is staffed by experienced, pediatric perioperative nurses, as well as board-certified pediatric anesthesiologists and CRNAs. Children's South 1940 Elmer J. Bissell Road Birmingham, AL 35243 (205) 638-4800 or (800) 226-4770 for Central Scheduling 16 Children's South Specialty Clinics have the capacity to accommodate 30,000-40,000 specialty visits per year for services including: Ŕ Allergy/Immunology Ŕ Audiology Ŕ Bariatric Surgery Ŕ Dermatology (at Children's South ONLY) Ŕ Gastroenterology Ŕ Imaging (PIC - Pediatric Imaging Center) Children's Ŕ International Adoption Clinic South Ŕ Neurology 1940 Elmer J. Bissell Ŕ Neurosurgery Road Ŕ Ophthalmology Birmingham, AL Ŕ Orthopedics 35243 Ŕ Otolaryngology (Pediatric ENT Associates) Ŕ Physical and Occupational Therapy (in specified clinics only) Ŕ Plastic Surgery (205) 638-4800 or Ŕ Pulmonary (800) 226-4770 for Ŕ Rehabilitation Medicine Central Scheduling Ŕ Rheumatology Ŕ Sports Medicine Ŕ Urology Ŕ Weight Management 17 After Hours at Children's South The Children's South After Hours clinic is a referral clinic. We ARE NOT A WALK-IN CLINIC. After Hours does not take the place of the Primary Care Pediatrician (PCP). We require a referral from either the PCP’s office OR from a PHIL nurse (Pediatric Health Information Line) who will notify the PCPs that a patient was referred to After Hours. The clinic sees patients as follows: 1. Patient is unable to see the regular physician during the day 2. Patient has a minor emergency during hours when the physician’s office is closed 3. PCP or PHIL nurse calls or faxes referral to After Hours. 4. Parent makes an appointment, as long as the PCP has been contacted and the referral is on its way. 5. Patients who require more emergent or advanced care or require admission to the hospital will be transferred to Children's Russell Campus downtown. Hours of Operation Monday-Friday, 5-10 pm (Last appointment at 9:30 pm) Saturday-Sunday, 12-8 pm (Last appointment at 7:30 pm) Children's South 1940 Elmer J. Bissell Road Birmingham, AL 35243 Appointments (205) 638-4827 Office (205) 638-4750 FAX (205) 638-4866 18 After Hours at Children's South continued... Tips for the Primary Care Office: Scenario #1: Doctor’s office is open, however all appointments are booked. Solution: Explain to parent that After Hours Clinic accepts appointments from 5–9:30, Monday-Friday, and 12–7:30, Saturday and Sunday. Office nurse calls or faxes referral. Parent calls and requests appointment time. Scenario #2: Doctor’s office is closed, but is contracted with PHIL to take calls. Solution: Parent leaves a message with PHIL and an on-call nurse calls parent back. PHIL nurse notifies After Hours Clinic that patient will be coming in and sends referral. Parent calls to request appointment time. Scenario #3: Doctor’s office is open, but child’s condition is urgent or needs a higher level of care. Solution: Send parent/child to the Emergency Department Children's South 1940 Elmer J. Bissell Road Birmingham, AL 35243 Appointments (205) 638-4827 Office (205) 638-4750 FAX (205) 638-4866 19 Regional Locations Regional Locations Regional Outreach Clinics Huntsville The North Alabama Sickle Cell Clinic meets at 301 Governor's Drive, Huntsville, Alabama 35801. Call Stacy Smith at (205) 638-9285 for scheduling. To inquire about other Hematology clinics near your area, please call Stacy Smith at (205) 638-9285. See page 22 for North Alabama Children's Specialists. Montgomery Hypertension (Nephrology) meets from 8:30 am-3 pm on the second Friday of each month at Physicians to Children. Call (205) 638-9781 for scheduling. The Sickle Cell Clinic meets at the Morrow Medical Tower of Baptist Medical Center South, 2055 East South Boulevard, Suite 202, Montgomery, Alabama 36116. Call Stacy Smith at (205) 638-9285 for scheduling. To inquire about other Hematology clinics near your area, please call Stacy Smith at (205) 638-9285. Opelika The Sickle Cell Clinic meets at The East Alabama Medical Center Prenatal Clinic, 2000 Waverly Parkway, Opelika, Alabama 36801. Call Stacy Smith at (205) 638-9285 for scheduling. To inquire about other Hematology clinics near your area, please call Stacy Smith at (205) 638-9285. Tuscaloosa The Sickle Cell Clinic meets at The Capstone Medical Center 700 University Boulevard East, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401. Call Stacy Smith at (205) 638-9285 for scheduling. To inquire about other Hematology clinics near your area, please call Stacy Smith at (205) 638-9285. 21 North Alabama Children's Specialists North Alabama Children's Specialists Elizabeth Martina Bebin, MD, MPA Associate Professor Pediatric Neurology and Epilepsy North Alabama Children's Specialists 502 Governor’s Drive Huntsville, AL 35801 Vinit Mahesh, MD Associate Professor Pediatric Pulmonology C. Gerald Judy, MD Associate Professor Pediatric Pulmonology Visiting Physicians Edward Lose, MD (Genetics): twice a month Hussein Abdul-Latif, MD (Endocrinology): twice a month Peter Weiser, MD (Rheumatology): once a month Alan Percy, MD (Neurology/Rett’s Clinic): quarterly Our clinic also offers Nutrition Therapy services. 22 (256) 533-0833 FAX (256) 533-0855 Medical and Surgical Divisions A-B A-B Adolescent Medicine The William A. Daniel, Jr. Adolescent Health Center provides primary and subspecialty care to adolescents. Care is provided by a team of health professionals (physicians, nutritionists, nurses and social workers) specially trained to handle the unique problems of adolescents. Services include: Ŕ "EPMFTDFOU$MJOJDBQSJNBSZDBSFDMJOJDGPSBEPMFTDFOUT Ŕ &BUJOH%JTPSEFST$MJOJDUIBUTQFDJBMJ[FTJONFEJDBMBOEOVUSJUJPODBSF for adolescents with disordered eating Ŕ "EPMFTDFOU/VUSJUJPO$MJOJDUIBUQSPWJEFTOVUSJUJPODPVOTFMJOH for a variety of nutritional concerns. Ŕ -&")-FBEFSTIJQ&EVDBUJPOJO"EPMFTDFOU Health), an interdisciplinary clinic for adolescents with complex health problems Adolescent Ŕ $POTVMUBUJWF4FSWJDFTBWBJMBCMF Medicine in Adolescent Clinic and for adolescents who are hospitalized Ŕ 3FQSPEVDUJWF)FBMUI4FSWJDFT Ŕ 4QPSUT1IZTJDBMT Physicians/Health Professionals: Marsha Sturdevant, MD Professor Medical Director, William A. Daniel, Jr. Adolescent Health Center Medical Director, Eating Disorders Clinic Director, Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Program Appointments (205) 638-2357 Office (205) 638-9231 FAX (205) 638-2071 Nefertiti Durant, MD, MPH Assistant Professor 23 Adolescent Medicine continued... Tina Simpson, MD, MPH Associate Professor Co-Director, LEAH Training Program Stephenie Wallace, MD, MSPH Assistant Professor Medical Director, Children's Center for Weight Management (page 25) Bonnie Spear, PhD, RD Professor and Faculty Dietitian/Nutritionist Director, Adolescent Nutrition Clinic Co-Director, Eating Disorders Clinic Director, LEAH Training Program Other faculty include: Heather Austin, PhD Psychologist Wesley Childs, PhD, MSW Social Worker Glenda Smith, PhD, RNC, PNP-BC Nurse Practitioner Adolescent Medicine Appointments (205) 638-2357 Office (205) 638-9231 FAX (205) 638-2071 24 Weight Management The Children’s Center for Weight Management (CCWM) uses a team approach to help Alabama youth achieve a healthier weight. Our objective is to evaluate overweight and obese youth for weight-related medical conditions and promote healthy weight change with family-specific lifestyle changes. Other interventions for weight loss, such as medications and surgery, also may be discussed. Each family receives multidisciplinary evaluation by our team, which includes a pediatrician, nurses, nurse practitioner, psychologist, registered dietician and physical therapist. Our services include: Ŕ .VMUJEJTDJQMJOBSZFWBMVBUJPOUPEFWFMPQBGBNJMZCFIBWJPSBMQMBO Ŕ "EPMFTDFOUCBSJBUSJDTVSHFSZDPOTVMUBUJPOBOEFWBMVBUJPO Ŕ $BNQ4)*/&4VQQPSU)FMQ*OTUSVDUJPOJO/VUSJUJPOBOE&YFSDJTF week-long summer camp for ages 12-15 Ŕ )FBMUIJFS8FJHIXFFLMZQSPHSBNGPSBHFT Other weight management services handled through the Children's of Alabama Nutrition Department include: Ŕ -&45&31SPHSBNXFFLMZQSPHSBNGPSBHFT Ŕ /VUSJUJPO3% 0OMZ$POTVMUBUJPO Weight Physicians/Health Professionals: Stephenie Wallace, MD, MSPH Assistant Professor, Adolescent Medicine Medical Director, CCWM Carroll Harmon, MD, PhD Surgery Director, CCWM Professor of Surgery, Bariatric Surgery Karen McCarty, PhD, CRNP Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Heather Austin, PhD Clinic Coordinator, CCWM Pediatric Psychology Kelly Saunders, MS, RD Nutrition Services Connie Cushing, PT, DPT Andrew Wolverton, PT, DPT Chantel M. Jones, PT, DPT Physical Therapy Beverly Haynes, RN Bariatric Surgery Management Appointments (Rescheduling and Canceling) (205) 638-9141 Office New Appointments/ Clinic Information (205) 638-5750 FAX (205) 638-2071 WEB http://weight.ChildrensAL.org 25 Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Board-certified subspecialists in the Division of Pediatric Allergy, Asthma and Immunology specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of children with allergic and immunologic diseases. Allergic disorders diagnosed and treated by division physicians include allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever), allergic and nonallergic asthma, urticaria (hives), angioedema (swelling disorders), atopic dermatitis (eczema) and allergies to foods, stinging insects and medications. Division physicians also specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of hereditary immune deficiencies (Primary Immune Deficiencies). The clinic is located in Children's Park Place and offers next-day appointments and free, convenient parking. It is Alabama’s only all-pediatric allergy group. Physicians T. Prescott Atkinson, MD, PhD Professor Director of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Coralie S. Hains, MD Associate Professor Allergy and Asthma Suthida Kankirawatana, MD Assistant Professor Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Appointments (205) 638-6993 Office (205) 638-9072 FAX (205) 975-7080 26 Pediatric Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine and Pain Management Anesthesia The physicians of Pediatric Anesthesia Associates specialize in providing perioperative care of children, as well as providing anesthesia services, pain management and airway management in emergency cases. Physicians: Jennifer R. Dollar, MD Chief, Pediatric Anesthesia Associates Paty B. Bryant, MD Mark A. Buckmaster, MD Kelley R. Conaty, MD, MBA Anesthesia Jerral W. Cox, MD Travis W. DeFreese, MD Mark A. Greve, MD Juan F. Gutierrez, MD Kathryn C. Jones, MD Anesthesia PreAdmit Screening Services (APASS) (205) 638-6235 Collin K. King, MD, MPH Patricia R. Laborde, MD Physicians’ Office (205) 638-9235 Gary W. Long, MD Chandra M. McCall, MD Farrah K. Russell, MD Steven G. Sheils, MD FAX (205) 638-9936 Richard B. Siegel, MD, FAAP, MAc 27 Medical and Surgical Divisions C C The Joseph S. Bruno Pediatric Heart Center located in the Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children links with the adult congenital heart surgery facilities at UAB. The two are connected by the Women & Infants Center, which allows easy access to the Pediatric Cardiology Clinic, as well as UAB’s high-risk obstetric birthing suites and regional neonatal intensive care unit. We now provide a unique single platform continuum of care for fetal, neonatal, pediatric and adult patients with congenital heart disease. Cardiovascular Services Services offered: Ŕ $PNQMFYSFQBJSPGQFEJBUSJDDPOHFOJUBMIFBSUEJTFBTF Ŕ .JOJNBMMZJOWBTJWFQFEJBUSJDDBSEJBDTVSHFSZ Ŕ "DRVJSFEIFBSUEJTFBTF Ŕ "EWBODFEIFBSUGBJMVSF Ŕ 7FOUSJDVMBS"TTJTU%FWJDFJNQMBOUBUJPOBOENBOBHFNFOU Ŕ $BSEJBDUSBOTQMBOUBUJPO Ŕ 1VMNPOBSZIZQFSUFOTJPO Cardiology Ŕ 'FUBMDBSEJPMPHZ Ŕ &MFDUSPDBSEJPHSBNT Ŕ &DIPDBSEJPHSBQIZ Ŕ &YFSDJTFUFTUJOH Ŕ $BSEJBD$5BOHJPHSBQIZ Appointments Ŕ $BSEJBD.3* (205) 934-3460 Ŕ $JOFBOHJPHSBQIZ Ŕ $BUIFUFSJ[BUJPOMBCPSBUPSJFTJODMVEFT Office interventional catheterizations) Ŕ $BSEJBD&MFDUSPQIZTJPMPHZ (205) 934-3460 Ŕ 5ISFFEJNFOTJPOBMFMFDUSPQIZTJPMPHJD mapping, which minimizes radiation Emergencies & Ŕ )ZCSJEDBUIFUFSJ[BUJPOMBC After Hours (both a cath lab and surgical suite) (205) 934-6478 Ŕ %FEJDBUFETBNFEBZBOEQPTUBOFTUIFTJB care unit (800) 822-6478 Ŕ )FBSUTQFDJţDPQFSBUJOHSPPNT Ŕ 4UBUFPGUIFBSUSPPN$*$6 Intensive Care for Heart Patients) Ŕ &$.0TVJUFTGPVSEFEJDBUFEUPQFEJBUSJD heart/lung bypass treatment) FAX Ŕ &BTZBDDFTTUPUIF6"#IJHISJTLPCTUFUSJD (205) 975-6291 birthing suites and regional neonatal intensive care unit 29 Cardiovascular Services continued... Cardiologists: Yung R. Lau, MD Professor Thomas N. Carruthers, Jr., Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology Director, Division of Pediatric Cardiology Waldemar F. Carlo, MD Assistant Professor Edward V. Colvin, MD Professor Lionel M. Bargeron Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology Walter H. Johnson, Jr., MD Professor Mark Law, MD Assistant Professor William S. McMahon, MD Professor Medical Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories F. Bennett Pearce, MD Professor Medical Director, Heart Transplant and Heart Failure Robb Romp, MD Associate Professor Medical Director, Cardiology Inpatient Services Cardiology Appointments (205) 934-3460 Office (205) 934-3460 Emergencies & After Hours (205) 934-6478 (800) 822-6478 FAX (205) 975-6291 30 Cardiothoracic Surgeons: James K. Kirklin, MD Professor Director, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery Robert J. Dabal, MD Assistant Professor David C. Cleveland, MD Assistant Professor Cardiothoracic Surgery (205) 934-3368 Emergencies & After Hours (205) 934-6478 (800) 822-6478 FAX (205) 934-5261 31 Cardiovascular Services continued... Cardiac Intensivists (Critical Care): Jeffrey Alten, MD Associate Professor Chief, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Medicine Medical Director, Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Cardiac Intensive Care Office (205) 975-3123 Emergencies & After Hours (205) 934-6478 (800) 822-6478 Santiago Borasino, MD, MPH Assistant Professor Kimberly Jackson, MD Assistant Professor Stephen M. Robert, MD Assistant Professor FAX (205) 996-2359 Rune Toms, MD Assistant Professor Medical Director, Regional NICU, (UAB) Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologists: Jack H. Crawford, MD, PhD Assistant Professor William Quinton Gurley, Jr., MD Associate Professor Colleen E. Henling, MD Assistant Professor Ralph T. Lyerly, III, MD Assistant Professor Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Office (205) 934-7424 Emergencies & After Hours (205) 934-6478 (800) 822-6478 Brad L. Steenwyk, MD Associate Professor FAX (205) 996-4489 32 Critical Care Pediatric Critical Care provides services to patients with medical and surgical conditions such as respiratory failure, shock, seizures, traumatic injuries, meningitis and other life-threatening diseases. The Pediatric Critical Care Division provides this care for children in the Pediatric Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Intensive Care Units at Children's of Alabama in the Russell Building. Special support modalities include: CVVH, ECMO and high-frequency ventilation. Special research interests include: lung injury, traumatic brain injury, sedation, shock, cardiopulmonary bypass, simulation and patient safety. The division also offers a sedation service for children undergoing painful procedures or therapy. The division also provides medical direction for the pediatric critical care transport team who transport critically-ill children Critical Care via ground or air transport. Physicians: Margaret Winkler, MD Professor Ann Dial McMillan Chair in Pediatric Critical Care Director, Critical Care Division Jeffrey Alten, MD Associate Professor Chief, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Medicine Office (205) 638-9387 FAX (205) 975-6505 Santiago Borasino, MD, MPH Assistant Professor 33 Critical Care continued... Mark A. Buckmaster, MD Associate Professor Director, Simon Sedation Service Leslie Hayes, MD Assistant Professor Medical Safety Officer Kimberly Jackson, MD Assistant Professor Michele Kong, MD Assistant Professor Priya Prabhakaran, MD Associate Professor Stephen M. Robert, MD Assistant Professor Nancy Tofil, MD, MEd Associate Professor Frederick W. Renneker, III, Co-Chair in Pediatric Education Director, Pediatric Simulation Center Critical Care Office (205) 638-9387 FAX (205) 975-6505 34 Medical and Surgical Divisions D-F D-F The Children’s of Alabama Dental Clinic is a teaching clinic where, in association with the University of Alabama School of Dentistry, dentists receive training to become specialists in Pediatric Dentistry. This clinic provides comprehensive dental healthcare to children younger than age 15 and provides emergency dental services and dental treatment to children with special needs and/or physical challenges, as well as those who are medically compromised. All care is overseen by board-certified pediatric dentists on the faculty of the UAB Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Dentistry The Department of Pediatric Dentistry’s faculty also see private patients in the UAB Dental Group’s Pediatric Faculty Practice. This clinic offers care delivered directly by the faculty in a private practice model. Days of operation, services provided and ages accepted are specified by each dentist and can be provided upon request. Services provided: Ŕ Oral hygiene care and education Ŕ Dental Restorations Ŕ Extractions Ŕ Pulp Therapy Ŕ Treatment of trauma, including placement of sutures and splints Ŕ Minimal Oral Sedation Ŕ Dental treatment under general anesthesia Emergency services are available through the emergency room for trauma emergencies after hours. Dental Clinic Appointments (205) 638-9161 UAB Dental Group's Pediatric Faculty Practice Appointments (205) 638-5174 FAX (205) 638-9796 35 Dentistry continued... Dentists: Janice G. Jackson, DMD Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, UAB Director, Dentistry, Children's of Alabama Director, Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program, UAB Noel K. Childers, DDS, MS, PhD Joseph F. Volker Endowed Professor Chair, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, UAB Stephen C. Mitchell, DMD, MS Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry Director, Predoctoral Pediatric Dentistry, UAB Dental Clinic Appointments (205) 638-9161 UAB Dental Group's Pediatric Faculty Practice Appointments (205) 638-5174 FAX (205) 638-9796 36 Dermatology treats all diseases of the skin, including acne, skin tumors, psoriasis and severe atopic dermatitis. The Pediatric Dermatology Clinic is located at Children's South, off I-459 and Acton Road. The outpatient clinic is part of the UAB Department of Dermatology, which serves as a regional center for treating dermatological disorders. Dermatology Conditions treated: Ŕ %JTFBTFTPGTLJOIBJSBOEOBJMT Ŕ )FNBOHJPNBT Ŕ (FOFUJDTLJOEJTPSEFST Ŕ 1PSUXJOFTUBJOT Physicians/Health Professionals: Amy J. Theos, MD Associate Professor Dermatology (Children's South ONLY) Traci Duncan, CRNP Assistant Professor New Patient Appointments (205) 638-5759 Follow Up Appointments (205) 638-9141 FAX (205) 638-4994 37 Emergency Medicine Pediatric Emergency Medicine provides a statewide and regional referral site for complex emergency problems and acute tertiary care for the state’s only major Level 1 pediatric trauma and medical center at Children's of Alabama. Services offered: Ŕ 1PJTPODPOUSPMBOEJOKVSZQSFWFOUJPO Ŕ 5PYJDPMPHZDPOTVMUBUJPO Ŕ 5FMFQIPOFUSJBHFBOEQSFIPTQJUBMDBSF Ŕ "GUFS)PVST$MJOJD Physicians: Peter W. Glaeser, MD Professor C. Phillip McWane Chair in Pediatric Emergency Medicine Director, Division of Emergency Medicine Vice Chair, Clinical Services Mark Baker, MD Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine Office (205) 638-9587 Steven T. Baldwin, MD Professor Judson Barber, MD Professor FAX (205) 975-4623 38 David W. Bernard, MD Professor Medical Director, Children's of Alabama Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE) Medical Director, Sexual Abuse Services at Children's of Alabama CHIPS Center (See page 7) Teresa J. Coco, MD Associate Professor Medical Director, After Hours Clinic at Children's South Valerie Davis, MD Assistant Professor Kimberly Gran, MD Assistant Professor Terry Hope, MD Instructor Nicole Jones, MD Assistant Professor Shruti Kant, MD Assistant Professor Ann Klasner, MD, MPH Professor Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Erica Liebelt, MD Professor Medical Toxicologist Medical Director, Medication Safety &NFSHFODZ Medicine Office (205) 638-9587 Laurie Marzullo, MD Assistant Professor FAX (205) 975-4623 39 &NFSHFODZ.FEJDJOFDPOUJOVFE Kathy Monroe, MD Professor Medical Director, Children's of Alabama Emergency Department Michele Holloway Nichols, MD Professor Frederick W. Renneker, III, Co-Chair in Pediatric Education Melissa Peters, MD Assistant Professor Christopher Pruitt, MD Assistant Professor Paul Schneider, MD Assistant Professor Annalise Sorrentino, MD Associate Professor Assistant Dean of Students Jeanne-Anne Waller, MD Instructor Marjorie Lee White, MD, MPPM, MEd Assistant Professor Associate Medical Director, Pediatric Simulation Center &NFSHFODZ Medicine Office (205) 638-9587 FAX (205) 975-4623 40 &OEPDSJOPMPHZ The Division of Pediatric Endocrinology at Children's of Alabama provides comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation and management of children with diseases of the endocrine system. The Endocrinology faculty is comprised of certified nurse practitioners and fellowship-trained physicians. The Pediatric Diabetes Center is an ADA recognized diabetes self-management training center. Specific services include but are not limited to: Ŕ Adrenal gland disorders Ŕ Abnormalities of bone metabolism Ŕ Calcium disorders Ŕ Carbohydrate disorders and hypoglycemia Ŕ Diabetes – type 1, type 2 and insulin pump therapy Ŕ Disorders of puberty Ŕ Growth problems Ŕ Lipid disorders in children Ŕ Newborn screening for thyroid and adrenal disorders Ŕ Pituitary gland disorders Ŕ Thyroid disorders Ŕ Water and electrolyte disorders &OEPDSJOPMPHZ NEW Appointments (205) 638-9107, Option 2 RETURN Appointments (205) 638-9141 Office (205) 638-9107 FAX (205) 638-9821 41 &OEPDSJOPMPHZDPOUJOVFE Physicians: Kenneth McCormick, MD Professor Director, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology Hussein Abdul-Latif, MD Professor Ambika Ashraf, MD Associate Professor Joycelyn A. Atchison, MD Professor Gail J. Mick, MD Professor Program Director, Endocrine Newborn Screening Mary Lauren Scott, MD Assistant Professor Michael Stalvey, MD Assistant Professor &OEPDSJOPMPHZ NEW Appointments (205) 638-9107, Option 2 RETURN Appointments (205) 638-9141 Office (205) 638-9107 FAX (205) 638-9821 42 Medical and Surgical Divisions G G Gastroenterology and Nutrition Conditions treated: Ŕ "CEPNJOBMQBJO Ŕ Constipation Ŕ Cystic Fibrosis Ŕ Cholestasis Ŕ Celiac disease Ŕ Crohn’s Disease Ŕ Diarrhea Ŕ Esophagitis - reflux and eosinophilic Ŕ Eosinophilic colitis Ŕ Fecal incontinence Ŕ Feeding disorders Ŕ Failure to thrive Ŕ GE reflux Ŕ GI bleeding - upper and lower Ŕ GI infections Ŕ Helicobacter pylori gastritis Ŕ Hepatitis Ŕ Liver problems Ŕ Liver and small bowel transplants Ŕ Malabsorption Ŕ Metabolic liver disease Ŕ Motility disorders Ŕ Familial polyposis syndromes Ŕ Pancreatitis - acute and chronic Ŕ Pancreatobiliary disease Ŕ Short bowel syndrome Ŕ Ulcerative colitis Ŕ Vomiting The Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Children's of Alabama provides comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation and management of all gastrointestinal, liver and nutritional problems. Gastroenterology and Nutrition Appointments (205) 638-9918 Office (205) 638-9918 FAX (205) 638-9152 43 Gastroenterology and Nutrition continued... Physicians: Reed Dimmitt, MD, MSPH Associate Professor Director, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology Meredith Hitch, MD Assistant Professor Traci Jester, MD Assistant Professor Jeanine S. Maclin, MD Assistant Professor Director, Pediatric Gastroenterology Fellowship Program Janaina Nogueira, MD Assistant Professor Kirk Thame, MD Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Nutrition Appointments (205) 638-9918 Office (205) 638-9918 FAX (205) 638-9152 44 General Pediatrics and Primary Care The Division of General Pediatrics provides general inpatient care and outpatient services at Children's of Alabama and the care of newborns in the well-baby nursery at UAB University Hospital. Faculty supervise residents in their continuity clinic, The UAB Primary Care Clinic. Physicians: Carolyn Ashworth, MD Professor John W. Benton MD Chair in General Pediatrics Director, Division of General Pediatrics Jennie Andresen, MD Assistant Professor Cason Benton, MD Associate Professor Medical Director, Primary Care Clinic Jennifer Chambers, MD, MPH, TM Assistant Professor Medical Director, China Project General Pediatrics Academic Office (205) 638-9585 Caroline Courville, MD Instructor H. Hughes Evans, MD Professor Senior Associate Dean, Medical Education Crayton A. Fargason, Jr., MD, MM Professor Medical Director, Children's of Alabama Vice-President, Clinical Affairs FAX (205) 975-6503 45 General Pediatrics continued ... DeeAnne S. Jackson, MD Associate Professor Snehal Khatri, MD Assistant Professor Medical Director, Down Syndrome Clinic Developmental Pediatrician Carin Kiser, MD Assistant Professor Medical Director, International Adoption Clinic Myriam Peralta-Carcelen, MD, MPH Professor of Pediatrics, General Pediatrics Medical Director, Medical Autism Clinic Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician Amanda Soong, MD Assistant Professor Terry Wall, MD, MPH Professor Primary Care Clinic: UAB Resident Pediatric Clinic Suite G60 Children's Park Place North 1601 4th Avenue South Birmingham, AL Phone: (205) 638-9096 Fax: (205) 558-2181 General Pediatrics Academic Office (205) 638-9585 FAX (205) 975-6503 46 The Division of Pediatric Surgery offers comprehensive general and specialized surgical treatment of a wide range of neonatal, pediatric and adolescent conditions. Our physicians are fellowship-trained pediatric surgery specialists who coordinate with other fellowshiptrained pediatric specialists including pediatric anesthesiologists to ensure the best and most up-to-date care available. We use advanced laparoscopic and thoracoscopic techniques in many of the procedures to minimize pain, speed recovery, and reduce scarring. General Surgery Our physicians evaluate and treat conditions ranging from the simple to the complex including: Ŕ )FSOJBTBOE6OEFTDFOEFE5FTUFT Ŕ /FPOBUBM4VSHFSZ Ŕ $BODFS4VSHFSZ Ŕ 7FOPVT"DDFTT Ŕ 'FFEJOH5VCF"DDFTT Ŕ %JTPSEFSTPGUIF#JMJBSZ4ZTUFN Ŕ &$.0 Ŕ 5SBVNBBOE#VSOT Ŕ "EPMFTDFOU#BSJBUSJD4VSHFSZ Ŕ 5IPSBDJD4VSHFSZ Ŕ -BQBSPTDPQJDBOE5IPSBDPTDPQJD1SPDFEVSFT General Surgery Appointments (205) 638-9688 Office (205) 638-9688 FAX (205) 975-4972 EMAIL pedsurgappt@ ChildrensAL.org One Day Surgery (205) 638-9596 47 General Surgery continued... Physicians: Mike Chen, MD Professor Joseph M. Farley Chair in Pediatric Surgery Division Director, Chief of Pediatric Surgery Vice-Chairman, Department of Surgery Scott Anderson, MD Assistant Professor Elizabeth Beierle, MD Associate Professor Beverly Chaignaud, MD Assistant Professor Director, Burn Unit Carroll M. Harmon, MD, PhD Professor of Surgery Surgical Director, Children's Center for Weight Management Surgical Director, Georgeson Center for Advanced Intestinal Rehabilitation Colin A. Martin, MD Assistant Professor David A. Rogers, MD Professor Robert T. Russell, MD, MPH Assistant Professor General Surgery Appointments (205) 638-9688 Office (205) 638-9688 FAX (205) 975-4972 EMAIL pedsurgappt@ ChildrensAL.org One Day Surgery (205) 638-9596 48 Genetics The Department of Genetics delivers outstanding care for patients and families through integrated clinical and laboratory services, including comprehensive prenatal, pediatric and adult inpatient and outpatient genetic services (diagnosis, management and counseling) and state-of-the-art laboratory services (cytogenetics, molecular genetics and biochemical genetics). Physicians: Bruce R. Korf, MD, PhD Professor Wayne H. and Sara Crews Finley Chair in Medical Genetics Chair, Department of Genetics Genetics Director, Heflin Center for Genomic Sciences Maria Descartes, MD Associate Professor Edward Lose, MD Assistant Professor Nathaniel H. Robin, MD Professor Appointments (205) 934-4983 S. Lane Rutledge, MD Professor FAX (205) 975-6389 49 Gynecology Gynecology provides screening for sexually transmitted diseases and cervical cancer. We assist with management of abnormal menstrual cycles, contraception, abnormal pap smears and pelvic pain. Gynecology offers medical and minimally invasive surgical management options for treatment of benign gynecologic masses. Physician: Kim Hoover, MD Associate Professor Department of Women's Reproductive Services, UAB Gynecology Appointments (205) 638-9141 Administrative Office (205) 934-8865 FAX (205) 996-7090 50 H H Medical and Surgical Divisions The Alabama Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders is a partnership between Children’s of Alabama, and the UAB Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. More than a dozen highly-specialized pediatric hematologists, oncologists and blood and marrow transplant physicians at Children’s provide care to infants through young adults up to age 25. Our multidisciplinary team approach provides family-centered treatment and support through a variety of innovative services from the day of diagnosis through treatment, cure and long-term follow-up. Hematology and Oncology Specific services include: Pediatric Oncology Ŕ All forms of Childhood Cancer Ŕ The division is a member of the Children's Oncology Group Pediatric Hematology Ŕ Sickle Cell Disease and other hemoglobin defects Ŕ Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders Ŕ Includes a federally-recognized comprehensive hemophilia clinic Ŕ Rare defects of platelets, white blood cells and other blood disorders Neuro-Oncology Ŕ State-of-the-art treatment for brain and spinal cord tumors with individualized patient care plans Ŕ Extensive participation in clinic research studies including Children's Oncology Group, Neurofibromatosis Consortium and industry-sponsored protocols Ŕ Close collaboration with UAB Radiation Oncology including 3D Conformal and Gamma Knife Therapy Hematology and Oncology Appointments (205) 638-9285 FAX (205) 975-1941 51 Hematology and Oncology continued ... Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program Ŕ .FNCFSPGUIF1FEJBUSJD#MPPEBOE.BSSPX5SBOTQMBOU$POTPSUJVN Ŕ .FNCFSPGUIF4UFN$FMM*OTUJUVUFPG6"# Ŕ &YQFSUJTFJODPSECMPPEUSBOTQMBOUT Ŕ 5SBOTQMBOUTGPSUIFTFEJTFBTFTMFVLFNJBNBSSPXGBJMVSFEJTPSEFST solid tumors and immune deficiencies Pediatric Developmental Therapeutics Program Ŕ .FNCFSPG$IJMESFOōT0ODPMPHZ(SPVQ1IBTFDPOTPSUJVN Ŕ .FNCFS4BSDPNB"MMJBODFGPSSFTFBSDIUISPVHI$PMMBCPSBUJPO Childhood Cancer Survivorship Program Ŕ 5-$5BLJOHPO-JGFBGUFS$BODFS$MJOJD Neuropsychology Program Ŕ )PQFBOE$PQF$BSF5FBN Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Fellowship Training Program Ŕ 5IFPOMZUSBJOJOHQSPHSBNGPSQFEJBUSJDIFNBUPMPHZPODPMPHZ physicians in the state Physicians/Medical Professionals: Raymond G. Watts, MD Professor Hugh J. Morgan, Jr. Chair in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Division Director, Hematology and Oncology Director, Hemophilia Treatment Center Hematology and Oncology Christy Bemrich-Stolz, MD Assistant Professor Roger L. Berkow, MD Professor Appointments (205) 638-9285 Joseph H. Chewning, MD Assistant Professor Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program Stuart Cramer, DO Assistant Professor Gregory Friedman, MD Assistant Professor Neuro-Oncology Program Co-Director, Adolescent Eating Disorder Clinic 52 FAX (205) 975-1941 Frederick Goldman, MD Professor Director, Lowder Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program Hilary Haines, MD Assistant Professor Lee M. Hilliard, MD Professor Pediatric Hematology Program Thomas Howard, MD Professor Section Leader, Hematology Matthew Kutny, MD Assistant Professor Jeffrey Lebensburger, DO Assistant Professor Avi Madan-Swain, PhD Associate Professor Director, Hope-and-Cope Psychosocial Program Joseph Pressey, MD Associate Professor Director, Developmental Therapeutics Program Alyssa Reddy, MD Professor Director, Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Kimberly Whelan, MD, MSPH Associate Professor Director, TLC clinic and Childhood Cancer Survivors Program Director, Fellowship Program Hematology and Oncology Appointments (205) 638-9285 FAX (205) 975-1941 53 Hospital Medicine Pediatric Hospital Medicine is led by Dr. Robert Pass and includes eight additional physician faculty members and one fellow. Pediatric Hospital Medicine offices are located on the first floor of the McWane Building, Suite 108. Physicians in Pediatric Hospital Medicine provide care to patients hospitalized on the general inpatient service at Children's of Alabama, organize faculty staffing for five or six inpatient teams 24 hours per day and coordinate inpatient care with primary care or specialty physicians who follow patients after hospital discharge. Faculty members are responsible for teaching and supervising resident physicians. In addition, they instruct medical students and assist in the development of the medical student curriculum for inpatient pediatrics. Research activities of Pediatric Hospital Medicine are aimed at developing clinical pathways for specific conditions, measuring and improving quality of care and measuring physician performance. Hospital Medicine Academic Office (205) 638-9922 Referrals for Admission (205) 638-7200 (One Stop Calling) FAX (205) 934-7273 54 Hospital Medicine continued ... Physicians: Robert Pass, MD Professor Beth Gordy Dubina Endowed Chair in Pediatric Hospital Medicine Director, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Kathy Abernethy, MD Instructor Stephanie Berger, MD Assistant Professor Emily Casey, MD Fellow/Instructor S. Cecelia Hutto, MD Professor Sridaran Narayanan, MD Assistant Professor Lauren Nassetta, MD Assistant Professor Hospital Medicine Nichole Samuy, MD Assistant Professor Paul Scalici, MD Assistant Professor Susan Walley, MD Assistant Professor Academic Office (205) 638-9922 Referrals for Admission (205) 638-7200 (One Stop Calling) FAX (205) 934-7273 55 I-M I-M Medical and Surgical Divisions Pediatric Imaging provides a wide range of diagnostic pediatric imaging services using state-of-the-art equipment. Imaging Pediatric imaging departments available: Ŕ %JBHOPTUJD3BEJPHSBQIZ Ŕ 6MUSBTPVOE Ŕ $PNQVUFE5PNPHSBQIZ$5 Ŕ 1&5$5 Ŕ /VDMFBS.FEJDJOF Ŕ %FYB4DBO Ŕ .BHOFUJD3FTPOBODF55 Ŕ 4FEBUJPO4FSWJDFT Physicians Stuart A. Royal, MS, MD, FACR Clinical Professor Harry M. Burns Chair in Pediatric Radiology Medical Director, Radiologist-in-Chief Christopher J. Guion, MD Clinical Professor Saurabh Guleria, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Eric J. Howell, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Richard S. Martin, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Robert P. Nuttall, MD, PhD Clinical Assistant Professor Charles L. Torgerson, II, MD Clinical Professor Yoginder N. Vaid, MD Clinical Professor Daniel W. Young, MD, FACR Clinical Professor Imaging Appointments (205) 638-2378 or (205) 638-9141 Office (205) 638-9730 Pediatric Imaging Center at Children’s South (205) 638-4882 FAX (205) 638-6872 57 The Pediatric Division of Infectious Diseases provides outpatient and inpatient care for infants, children and adolescents with illness of known or suspected infectious etiology. The Division manages hospital infection control and provides leadership for antibiotic administration. Infectious Diseases Conditions Treated: Ŕ #MPPETUSFBNJOGFDUJPOT Ŕ 1OFVNPOJBT Ŕ 'FWFSPGVOLOPXOPSJHJO Ŕ 3FDVSSFOUJOGFDUJPOT Ŕ.FOJOHJUJT Ŕ7JSBMEJTFBTFT Ŕ4LJOBOETPGUUJTTVFJOGFDUJPOT Ŕ&ODFQIBMJUJT Physicians: Richard Whitley, MD Professor Director, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Infectious Diseases David W. Kimberlin, MD Professor Co-Director, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Sergio B. Stagno, MD Endowed Chair in Pediatric Infectious Diseases Appointments (205) 934-2441 Mary Ballestas, PhD Assistant Professor Suresh B. Boppana, MD Professor William J. Britt, MD Professor Kevin Cassady, MD Associate Professor Marilyn J. Crain, MD Associate Professor 58 FAX (205) 975-6549 Infectious Diseases continued... Maaike Everts, PhD Associate Professor Karen Fowler, MD Professor S. Cecelia Hutto, MD Professor Scott James, MD Instructor Robert F. Pass, MD Professor Director, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Mark Prichard, PhD Professor Debra Quenelle, DVM, PhD Associate Professor Shannon Ross, MD, MSPH Associate Professor Infectious Diseases Justin Roth, MD Instructor Masako Shimamura, MD Associate Professor Appointments (205) 934-2441 Sergio B. Stagno, MD Professor Chairman, Department of Pediatrics Physician-in-Chief, Children's of Alabama FAX (205) 975-6549 59 Interventional Radiology (IR) is a sub-specialty of Diagnostic Radiology that has become an integral part of comprehensive patient care, providing less invasive techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of health problems. Our group uses cutting edge interventional devices and stateof-the-art imaging equipment to perform a variety of innovative interventional procedures for treatment of several diseases. Interventional Radiology (IR) 60 Procedures Interventional Radiology offers a full spectrum of procedures, often performed on an outpatient basis, including: Ŕ "OHJPHSBQIZ"OHJPQMBTUZBOE4UFOUJOH Ŕ 5SBOTBSUFSJBM$IFNPFNCPMJ[BUJPO5"$& Ŕ 3BEJPFNCPMJ[BUJPOPG-JWFS5VNPST Ŕ "CMBUJPOPG4PMJE5VNPST Ŕ "CMBUJPOPG-JWFS5VNPST Ŕ "CMBUJPOPG4QJOFBOE0UIFS#POF5VNPST Ŕ #JMJBSZ*OUFSWFOUJPOTJODMVEJOH15$15% Plastic Stents and Stone Removal Ŕ $FOUSBM7FOPVT"DDFTT$BUIFUFS Placement and Management Ŕ %JBMZTJT3FMBUFE*OUFSWFOUJPOTJODMVEJOH Fistulogram and Declot of Dialysis Graft Ŕ (BTUSPTUPNZBOE(BTUSPKFKVOPTUPNZ Ŕ *OGFSJPS7FOB$BWB'JMUFS1MBDFNFOU and Removal Ŕ 4QJOF"VHNFOUBUJPOTJODMVEJOH7FSUFCSPQMBTUZ and Kyphoplasty Ŕ 6SPMPHJD*OUFSWFOUJPOTJODMVEJOH/FQISPTUPNZ Nephroureterostomy and Ureteral Stent Placement and Retrieval Ŕ 1FSDVUBOFPVT"CTDFTT%SBJOBHF Ŕ 7FOPVT*OUFSWFOUJPOTJODMVEJOH"OHJPQMBTUZ and Stenting Ŕ "SUFSJBMBOE7FOPVT5ISPNCPMZTJT Ŕ 5SBOTKVHVMBS*OUSBIFQBUJD1PSUPTZTUFNJD Shunts (TIPS) Interventional Radiology (IR) Appointments or Consults (205) 638-GO IR (205) 638-4647 Scheduler Pager (205) 889-2189 (205) 889-2188 Physician's Office Number at UAB (205) 975-4850 FAX (205) 638-2071 Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ Ŕ &NCPMJ[BUJPOPGVQQFSBOEMPXFS gastrointestinal bleeds 0WBSJBO7FJOBOE7BSJDPDFMF&NCPMJ[BUJPO "ESFOBMWFOPVTTBNQMJOHBOE other venous sampling 8"%"UFTU Physicians: Ahmed M. Kamel Abdel Aal, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Radiology Chief, Vascular and Interventional Radiology Co-Medical Director, Heart and Vascular Center Rachel F. Oser, MD Associate Professor of Radiology Program Director, Vascular and Interventional Radiology Nathan Ertel, MD Assistant Professor of Radiology Souheil Saddekni, MD, FSIR, FAHA Professor of Radiology and Medicine Edgar S. Underwood, MD Associate Professor of Radiology Interventional Radiology (IR) Appointments or Consults (205) 638-GO IR (205) 638-4647 Scheduler Pager (205) 889-2189 (205) 889-2188 Physician's Office Number at UAB (205) 975-4850 FAX (205) 638-2071 61 Medical and Surgical Divisions N N Physicians in the Division of Neonatology provide comprehensive care to newborn infants using a family-centered approach, combined with stateof-the art technology, including high frequency ventilation, nitric oxide, transcutaneous blood gas monitoring, whole body hypothermia, cardiovascular surgery, all pediatric surgeries and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Neonatology The Division of Neonatology is responsible for the operation of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Children's of Alabama and the Regional Newborn Intensive Care Unit (RNICU) at UAB Women and Infants Center. Continuity of care between the two units is facilitated by three bridges between the UAB Women and Infants Center and the new Russell Building at Children's of Alabama. Our physicians accept referrals from around the state, country and other countries for conditions such as: Ŕ Prematurity Ŕ *OGFDUJPOT Ŕ (FOFUJDQSPCMFNT Ŕ 4VSHJDBMQSPCMFNT Ŕ )ZQPYJDJTDIFNJDFODFQIBMPQBUIZ Ŕ 1VMNPOBSZIZQFSUFOTJPO Ŕ #SPODIPQVMNPOBSZEZTQMBTJB Ŕ .VMUJQMFPUIFSQSPCMFNT Ŕ $BSEJBDEJTPSEFST Neonatology Office (205) 934-4680 After Hours (205) 934-6478 FAX (205) 934-3100 63 Neonatology continued... Physicians: Waldemar A. Carlo, MD Edwin M. Dixon Professor of Pediatrics Division Director, Neonatology Namasivayam Ambalavanan, MD Professor Departments of Pediatrics, Cell Biology and Molecular and Cellular Pathology Co-Director, Division of Neonatology Director, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Training Program Director, TReNDD Program Director, Neonatal Research Allison Black, MD Assistant Professor Kathryn Buchan, MD Assistant Professor Carl H. Coghill, MD Professor NICU Medical Director, Children's of Alabama Medical Director, Community Programs Reed A. Dimmitt, MD, MSPH Associate Professor Director, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology George T. El Ferzli, MD Assistant Professor Neonatology Tamas Jilling, MD Associate Professor Virginia A. Karle, MD Associate Professor Associate Medical Director, Community Programs Rees E. Oliver, MD Assistant Professor Joseph B. Philips, III, MD Professor Director, Undergraduate Medical Education Office (205) 934-4680 After Hours (205) 934-6478 Brian Sims, MD, PhD Assistant Professor Elaine B. St. John, MD Associate Professor Chair, Perinatal Mortality Committee 64 Rune Toms, MD Assistant Professor Medical Director, RNICU and CCN-UAB FAX (205) 934-3100 Nephrology The Division of Nephrology provides comprehensive care for newborn infants, children and adolescents, using a family-centered approach combined with state-of-the-art technology. The division is the only service in Alabama to offer in-center hemodialysis, home hemodialysis, home peritoneal dialysis, plasmapheresis and renal transplantation to pediatric patients. Conditions treated: Ŕ End-stage renal failure Ŕ (MPNFSVMPOFQISJUJT Ŕ &OVSFTJTLJ Ŕ 'MVJEBOEFMFDUSPMZUFQSPCMFNTLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ Ŕ )FNBUVSJB Ŕ )ZQFSUFOTJPOLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ Ŕ 1SPUFJOVSJBLJLJ Ŕ 3FOBMUSBOTQMBOUBUJPOLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ Ŕ ,JEOFZ4UPOFTLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ Ŕ 4ZTUFNJDMVQVTFSZUIFNBUPTJTLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ Ŕ "DVUFSFOBMGBJMVSFLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ Ŕ /FQISPUJD4ZOESPNF Ŕ 3FDVSSFOUVSJOBSZUSBDUJOGFDUJPOTLJLJLJLJLJ ŔLJ 3FOBM5VCVMBS"DJEPTJT Ŕ $POHFOJUBM"OPNBMJFTPGUIF,JEOFZ and Urinary Tract (CAKUT) Ŕ (FOFUJDLJEOFZDPOEJUJPOT including polycystic kidney disease Nephrology Appointments (205) 638-9781 Office (205) 638-9781 FAX (205) 975-7051 65 Nephrology continued... Physicians: Dan Feig, MD, PhD, MPH Professor Director, Division of Pediatric Nephrology Medical Director, Renal Transplantation David Askenazi, MD, MSPH Associate Professor Sahar Fathallah-Shaykh, MD Assistant Professor Medical Director, Dialysis Frank Tenney, MD Professor Director, Fellowship Training Monica Tucci Cramer, DO Assistant Professor Terry Wall, MD, MPH Professor Director, Hypertension Clinic Nephrology Appointments (205) 638-9781 Office (205) 638-9781 FAX (205) 975-7051 66 Pediatric Neurology provides inpatient consultative services at both Children's of Alabama and UAB Hospital. Our Epilepsy Monitoring Unit is designated Level 4 by the National Association of Epilepsy Centers (NAEC), which is the highest level for units specializing in a continuum of care for patients; from seizure evaluations, to Neurology seizure treatment plans. Patient diagnoses covers a range of problems including seizure disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, primary Appointments muscle diseases, developmental problems and acute encephalopathies. (205) 996-7850 Neurology The division provides ambulatory services through general pediatric neurology clinics at Children's of Alabama and sleep clinics. An expanding research program is investigating basic and clinical problems related to epilepsy, child development, genetics and biochemical diseases. Pediatric Epilepsy Program Our Level 4 Epilepsy Monitoring Unit is state-ofthe-art, child friendly, and accommodates up to 10 patients daily. Treatments for seizures include medications, diets and surgical therapy when seizures remain poorly controlled. Our epilepsy surgery program is one of the fastest growing in the nation. To advance epilepsy care, we are also actively involved in research in pharmaceutical and neuroimaging/engineering methodologies. Office (205) 996-7850 Children’s South Office (205) 638-5860 Children's South New Patient Scheduling (205) 638-5880 Children's South Business Office (205) 638-5881 (205) 212-2008 Children’s South (205) 638-5879 67 Neurology continued... CPODD The Center for Pediatric Onset Demyelinating Disease (CPODD) is one of six Pediatric MS Centers of Excellence nationwide established by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS). We provide comprehensive multi-disciplinary care for children and teens with MS and other CNS demyelinating diseases, up-to-date, accurate information about MS and related disorders to patients and families, schools, health care providers and the public at large. We also conduct extensive research in the field of demyelinating diseases. Physicians: Leon S. Dure, MD Professor William Bew White, Jr. Chair in Pediatric Neurology Division Director, Pediatric Neurology Pierre Fequiere, MD Assistant Professor Monisha Goyal, MD Associate Professor Director, Clinical Neurophysiology Director, Pediatric Epilepsy Program Krisztina Harsanyi-Jilling, MD Assistant Professor Pongkiat Kankirawatana, MD Associate Professor Medical Director Pediatric Epilepsy Surgical Program Hyunmi Kim, MD, PhD Associate Professor Jan Mathisen, MD Clinical Professor Tony McGrath, MD Associate Professor Director, Fellowship Program Neurology Appointments (205) 996-7850 Office (205) 996-7850 Children’s South Office (205) 638-5860 Children's South New Patient Scheduling (205) 638-5880 Children's South Business Office (205) 638-5881 Jayne M. Ness, MD, PhD Associate Professor Director, CPODD Clinic Alan Percy, MD Professor Director, Rett Syndrome Clinic (UAB) 68 Alyssa Reddy, MD Professor Director, Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (205) 212-2008 Children’s South (205) 638-5879 Neurosurgery Neurosurgery provides consultations on all phases of pediatric neurological disease in children. The division specializes in treatment of congenital anomalies including spina bifida. Conditions treated include: Ŕ#SBDIJBMQMFYVTQFSJQIFSBMOFSWFJOKVSZ Ŕ#SBJOBOETQJOBMDPSEJOKVSJFT Ŕ$FOUSBMOFSWPVTTZTUFNUSBVNB Ŕ$SBOJPTZOPTUPTJT Ŕ)ZESPDFQIBMVT Ŕ.FEJDBMMZJOUSBDUBCMFTFJ[VSFT Ŕ%JQMFHJB Ŕ#SBJOBOETQJOBMDPSEUVNPST Ŕ$POHFOJUBMBOPNBMJFT Neurosurgery Physicians: W. Jerry Oakes, MD Professor Dan L. Hendley Chair in Pediatric Neurosurgery Division Director Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery Surgeon-in-Chief, Children's of Alabama Appointments (205) 638-9653 Office (205) 638-9653 Jeffrey P. Blount, MD Associate Professor James M. Johnston, MD Assistant Professor FAX (205) 638-9972 Curtis J. Rozzelle, MD Associate Professor 69 Medical and Surgical Divisions O O Ophthalmology Alabama Ophthalmology Associates are specialists in cornea and external disease, ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, pediatrics and adults with strabismus and comprehensive ophthalmology. Physicians: Frederick J. Elsas, MD, FACS Ophthalmologist-in-Chief Associate Clinical Professor John A. Long, MD, FACS Associate Clinical Professor Matthew G. Vicinanzo, MD, FACS Assistant Clinical Professor Ophthalmology Kristin C. Bains, MD Clinical Instructor Robert L. Phillips, MD Associate Clinical Professor Appointments (205) 930-0700 FAX (205) 930-9127 71 Orthopedic Surgery provides comprehensive care for a range of musculoskeletal diseases and conditions. Orthopedic Surgery Conditions treated include: Ŕ 4DPMJPTJTBOETQJOBMEFGPSNJUZ Ŕ $POHFOJUBMMJNCEFţDJFODJFT Ŕ $MVCGFFU Ŕ -JNCMFOHUIEJTDSFQBODZ Ŕ )BOEBOPNBMJFT Ŕ $FSFCSBMQBMTZ Ŕ 5SFBUNFOUPGGSBDUVSFT Ŕ )JQEJTPSEFST Ŕ /FVSPNVTDVMBSEJTFBTF Ŕ #SBDIJBM1MFYVT1BMTZ Orthopedic Surgery Physicians and CRNP: Joseph G. Khoury, MD Assistant Professor Chief, Pediatric Orthopedics Michael J. Conklin, MD Associate Professor J. Scott Doyle, MD Associate Professor Appointments (205) 638-5784 or (205) 638.9146 Office (205) 638-9540 Shawn R. Gilbert, MD Associate Professor Jean Oakes, MD Assistant Professor Hand Surgery 72 Deanna Staires, CRNP Pediatric Nurse Practitioner FAX (205) 638-6049 Otolaryngology Physicians: Brian J. Wiatrak, MD, FACS, FAAP Clinical Associate Professor Surgery and Pediatrics Chief, Pediatric Otolaryngology Director, Aerodigestive Treatment Center Pediatric ENT Associates specializes in the diagnostic, medical and surgical care of head and neck diseases in infants and children. Areas of specific interest include: Ŕ Otitis media (ear tubes) and chronic ear disease Ŕ Surgery of the tonsils and adenoids Ŕ Airway obstruction and apnea Ŕ External ear deformities, including microtia and prominent ear (otoplasty) Ŕ Hearing loss Ŕ Hemangiomas and vascular malformations of the head and neck Ŕ Neck masses Ŕ Sinusitis, epistaxis (nosebleeds) and chronic nasal problems Ŕ Tracheotomy placement and management Audie L. Woolley, MD, FACS Clinical Associate Professor Surgery and Pediatrics Medical Director, Cochlear Implant Program J. Scott Hill, MD, FACS, FAAP Clinical Assistant Professor, Surgery and Pediatrics Otolaryngology Appointments (205) 638-4949 Office (205) 638-4949 Brian Kulbersh, MD Clinical Assistant Professor, Surgery and Pediatrics W. Peyton Shirley, MD, FACS Clinical Assistant Professor, Surgery and Pediatrics Nicholas Smith, MD Clinical Assistant Professor, Surgery and Pediatrics FAX (205) 638-4983 73 Medical and Surgical Divisions P P The Children's of Alabama Palliative and Supportive Care Team is a specially trained interdisciplinary team that provides care for children and their families with complex, chronic or lifethreatening illnesses. We are focused on providing patients relief from pain, symptoms (for example, shortness of breath or nausea) and the stress of serious illness – whatever the diagnosis. Palliative and Supportive Care Our team includes doctors, nurses and other specialists (pastoral care, psychology, social work, child life and physical therapy) who partner with the patient’s physicians to provide an extra layer of support. The goal of the Palliative and Supportive Care Team is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and family. Palliative and Supportive Care Palliative and supportive care is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness and can be provided together with curative treatment. Our interdisciplinary team works in collaboration with the primary team to address physical, emotional, psychological, practical and spiritual issues which may contribute to suffering or interfere with healing. We strive to make every day better for our patients and their families, to promote healing, comfort and hope, no matter what the outcome may be. Office (205) 638-7150 or (205) 638-7381 Indications for a Palliative and Supportive Care Consult: Ŕ Pain and symptom management in patients with serious illness Ŕ Negotiating goals of treatment Ŕ Care coordination in patients with serious illness Ŕ Family support for patients with serious illness Ŕ End-of-life decision making and symptom management Ŕ Hospice care referrals and coordination Pager (205) 638-9100 and ask for Palliative Care On-Call FAX (205) 638-7018 EMAIL Lynn.Vaughn@ ChildrensAL.org 75 Palliative and Supportive Care continued... Team Clinicians: Lynn Vaughn, MSN, RN Program Coordinator Pamela Rowland, CRNP, CCRP, CPON Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Sam Perna, DO Assistant Professor Medical Director, Palliative Care Ashley Nichols, MD Assistant Professor Michael Barnett, MD Assistant Professor Palliative and Supportive Care Office (205) 638-7150 or (205) 638-7381 Pager (205) 638-9100 and ask for Palliative Care On-Call FAX (205) 638-7018 EMAIL Lynn.Vaughn@ ChildrensAL.org 76 Pathology The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine provides services in the diagnosis and study of benign and malignant diseases in children and adolescents. Consultations in: Ŕ (BTUSPJOUFTUJOBMEJTPSEFST Ŕ *NNPUJMFDJMJBTZOESPNF Ŕ )FNBUPQBUIPMPHZ Ŕ %JBHOPTUJDFMFDUSPONJDSPTDPQZ for metabolic and neoplastic diseases Ŕ /FVSPQBUIPMPHZ Ŕ 3FOBMQBUIPMPHZ Physicians: Pathology David R. Kelly, MD Clinical Professor Chief, Pathology Medical Director, Laboratories Dava Sue Cleveland, DO Director, Transfusion Medicine Office (205) 638-9634 Daniel Keith Harrison, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Pediatric Pathology Resident and Fellow Training Coordinator Elizabeth C. Mroczek-Musulman, MD Clinical Associate Professor Associate Medical Director, Laboratories Director, Autopsy and Surgical Pathology FAX (205) 638-6869 James D. Post, MD Director, Clinical Pathology Medical Director, Children's South Laboratories 77 Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgery provides complete diagnostic and treatment services for congenital and developmental anomalies of the head, neck,trunk and hand. A full range of reconstructive procedures and corrective surgery is available. Coverage is provided on a 24-hour basis for prompt surgical consultation and care. Special interests: Ŕ$MFGUMJQBOEQBMBUFTVSHFSZ Ŕ$SBOJPGBDJBMTVSHFSZ Ŕ1FEJBUSJDTFDPOEBSZCVSOEFGPSNJUZ Ŕ1FEJBUSJDDPOHFOJUBMIBOEEFGPSNJUZ Ŕ"EVMUGBDJBMUSBVNB Plastic Surgery Physicians: Appointments: (205) 638-9369 John H. Grant, III, MD Professor James C. Lee, III, Chair in Pediatric Plastic Surgery Director, UAB Cleft and Craniofacial Center Chief, Pediatric Plastic Surgery Office: (205) 638-9369 Peter D. Ray, MD Assistant Professor Course Director, Plastic Surgery Resident Rotations FAX (205) 638-5340 EMAIL plastic.appointments @ChildrensAL.org (Appointments via email with completed specialty appointment request form) 78 Children’s Behavioral Health offers a wide range of inpatient and outpatient services for children, adolescents and young adults with psychiatric problems. Comprehensive diagnostic assessment and treatment are available in two outpatient offices in the area: Children's of Alabama and Lakeshore. Consultative services are available for hospitalized inpatients with medical/psychological problems and chronic diseases. Psychiatry Children's of Alabama Location Physicians/ Health Professionals: Psychiatry Lee I. Ascherman, MD, MPH Professor Chief of Service, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Appointments (205) 638-9193 Tolulope T. Aduroja, MD Associate Professor Co-Medical Director, Inpatient Services UAB Appointments (205) 934-7008 or (205) 934-5156 Heather Austin, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professor Office (205) 638-9193 James T. Cullinan, DO Associate Professor, UAB Medical Director, Inpatient Services FAX Andrea Dapkus, CRNP (205) 638-9949 Crystal Dillard, PhD Lakeshore Location Wayne Fleisig, PhD Sang-Wahn Koo, MD Assistant Professor Daniel Marullo, PhD PHONE (205) 870-5678 FAX (205) 879-0071 79 Psychiatry continued... Francesca Mgbodile, MD Associate Professor Co-Medical Director, Inpatient Services Laura Montgomery-Barefield, MD Associate Professor Medical Director, Outpatient Services Child and Adolescent Division Residency Training Director, General Psychiatry Arista Rayfield, PhD Assistant Professor Samuel E. Rubin, MD Associate Professor, UAB Miriam Sevilla Saez-Benito, MD Assistant Professor Jennifer Sheehy-Knight, PhD Vinita Yalamanchili, MD Assistant Professor Associate Residency Training Director General Psychiatry Lakeshore Location: 2204 Lakeshore Drive, Suite 410 Birmingham, Alabama 35209 Physicians/Health Professionals: Psychiatry Appointments (205) 638-9193 UAB Appointments (205) 934-7008 or (205) 934-5156 Office (205) 638-9193 Donna Barnes, PhD Lee Ann Blackmon, MD Jodene Brooks, PhD FAX (205) 638-9949 Kira Fonbah, MD Assistant Professor Lakeshore Location Nancy Hubert, PhD (205) 870-5678 Debra Patterson, PhD Chief Psychologist 80 Tom B. Vaughan, Jr., MD PHONE FAX (205) 879-0071 The Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine specializes in the treatment of patients with a variety of lung disorders including asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), cystic fibrosis (CF), pneumonias, sleep disorders, lung problems related to neuromuscular disorders and ventilator-dependence. We are committed to family centered care, and work with a variety of support services such as nutrition, social work, speech pathology, respiratory therapy and psychology, among others. Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Our group is committed to advancing the understanding of respiratory diseases through basic, translational and clinical research. Our division is actively involved in clinical research projects, including development of new therapies for cystic fibrosis, neuromuscular disorders, sleep disturbances in children and outcomes research in asthma and cystic fibrosis. Areas of Expertise Our team evaluates and treats a range of conditions, including: Ŕ "TUINB Ŕ "FSPEJHFTUJWFEJTPSEFSTJODPMMBCPSBUJPOXJUI Gastroenterology and Otolaryngology Divisions Ŕ 1SFNBUVSFMVOHEJTFBTFBOE bronchopulmonary dysplasia Ŕ $ZTUJD'JCSPTJT Ŕ (FOFSBM1VMNPOBSZ1SPHSBN (including urgent referrals) Ŕ )PNF7FOUJMBUPSBOE5FDIOPMPHZ%FQFOEFODF Ŕ /FVSPNVTDVMBSEJTPSEFST.%"$MJOJD Ŕ 3FTQJSBUPSZJOGFDUJPOTBOEQOFVNPOJB Ŕ 4MFFQEJTPSEFSFECSFBUIJOH (including behavioral sleep disorders and CPAP/BiPAP management) Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Appointments (205) 638-9583 Option 2 Office (205) 638-9583 Physicians/Medical Professionals: Hector Gutierrez, MD Professor Director, Division of Pediatric Pulmonology Associate Director, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellowship Program Director, Cystic Fibrosis Care Center FAX (205) 975-5983 81 Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine continued... Kristin Avis, PhD, CBSM Associate Professor Co-Director, Fellowship in Sleep Medicine Associate Director, Pediatric Sleep Disorders Center Tom Harris, MD Assistant Professor Director, Pediatric Bronchoscopy Program Medical Director, Pediatric Aerodigestive Program Wynton Hoover, MD Associate Professor Director, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellowship Program Director, Pulmonary Function Laboratory and Infant Pulmonary Function Program Associate Director, Cystic Fibrosis Care Center C. Gerald Judy, MD Associate Professor North Alabama Children's Specialists (Huntsville) (See page 22) David Lozano, MD Associate Professor Director, Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) Program Medical Director, Pediatric Sleep Disorders Center Director, Fellowship Program in Sleep Medicine Medical Director, Home Ventilator/Technology Dependence Program Pulmonary and Mary Halsey Maddox, MD Sleep Medicine Assistant Professor Terri Magruder, MD, MPH Assistant Professor Director, Pediatric Asthma Program Co-Director, Home Ventilator/ Technology Dependence Program Vinit Mahesh, MD Associate Professor North Alabama Children's Specialists (Huntsville) (See page 22) Christopher Makris, MD, MPH Professor Steven Rowe, MD, MSPH Associate Professor Director, Center for CFTR Detection Co-Director, CF Therapeutics Development Network Center 82 Brad Troxler, MD Assistant Professor Director, CF Transition Clinic Appointments (205) 638-9583 Option 2 Office (205) 638-9583 FAX (205) 975-5983 Medical and Surgical Divisions R R The Division of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to address the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of congenital and childhood onset physical impairments, including related or secondary medical, physical, functional, psychosocial, cognitive and vocational limitations or conditions, with an understanding of the life course of disability. Commonly treated conditions include cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy and brachial plexus injury, among others. Rehabilitation Medicine In addition to its comprehensive outpatient services, the division is home to the only acute pediatric inpatient rehabilitation service in the state, providing services for children and adolescents with acquired brain injures, spinal cord injuries, brain tumors, strokes and other disabling illnesses or injuries. Outpatient Services Include: Ŕ #SBDIJBM1MFYVT$MJOJD Ŕ ( FOFSBM3FIBCJMJUBUJPO$MJOJD Option 5 Ŕ ) PTQJUBM'PMMPX6Q$MJOJD Ŕ *OUSBUIFDBM#BDMPGFO Pump Management Ŕ . PWFNFOU%JTPSEFS Spasticity Clinic Option 8 Ŕ . VTDVMBS%ZTUSPQIZ Association Clinic Ŕ 4 QJOB#JţEB$MJOJD Ŕ 5FFO5SBOTJUJPO$MJOJD Ŕ 8IFFMDIBJS4FBUJOH$MJOJD Inpatient Referrals: Rehabilitation Medicine Office (205) 638-9790 Option 5 (205) 638-6997 Please fax referral information to (205) 638-9793. FAX (205) 638-9793 83 Rehabilitation Medicine continued... Physicians: Drew Davis, MD Associate Professor Medical Director, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Paola Mendoza, MD (July 2013) Rehabilitation Medicine Office (205) 638-9790 Option 5 FAX (205) 638-9793 84 Pediatric Rheumatology offers comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic services for juvenile rheumatic disorders, including arthritis, lupus, myositis, Sjogren syndrome, vasculitis, sarcoidosis, scleroderma and other related systemic autoimmune and musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, an intravenous infusion suite is available for the administration of targeted biologic agents and broader range immunosuppressive therapies. Rheumatology Children’s Park Place North 1601 4th Ave South Birmingham, Al 35233 Physicians: Randy Cron, MD, PhD Professor Arthritis Foundation Alabama Chapter Endowed Chair in Pediatric Rheumatology Director, Pediatric Rheumatology Rheumatology Timothy Beukelman, MD, MSCE Associate Professor Appointments (205) 638-9438 Robert Lowe, MD, PhD Instructor Office (205) 638-9438 Matthew Stoll, MD, PhD, MSCS Assistant Professor Peter Weiser, MD Assistant Professor FAX (205) 996-9545 or (205) 212-2734 efax 85 Medical and Surgical Divisions S-Z S-Z Sports Medicine UAB Sports Medicine at Children's of Alabama provides a full array of orthopedic services and expertise. The major objectives of this specialty are the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries. Sports Medicine also provides services to the Concussion Clinic at Children’s of Alabama. The clinic was established to provide evaluation, treatment and medical clearance for "return to play” for youth and teenage athletes in our community. In addition, Sports Medicine works with the Alabama sports community to educate parents, athletic trainers, coaches and athletic directors about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of concussions in youth athletes. Surgical Services include: Ŕ3FDPOTUSVDUJPOPG"OUFSJPS$SVDJBUF and Posterior Cruciate Ligaments Ŕ3PUBUPS$VŢ3FQBJS Ŕ#BOLBSUBOE4VQFSJPS-BCSVN"OUFSJPS to Posterior (SLAP) Lesion Repair Ŕ"EEJUJPOBM"SUISPTDPQJFTPGUIF,OFF Shoulder, Hip and Ankle UAB Sports Medicine Appointments (205) 934-1041 Office (205) 934-1041 FAX (205) 975-6109 87 Sports Medicine continued... Physicians and Specialties: William P. Garth, MD Professor of Orthopedics Medical Director, UAB Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon Ŕ1BUFMMPGFNPSBM4UBCJMJ[BUJPO Ŕ"SUISPTDPQJD"OUFSJPS$SVDJBUF Ligament Reconstruction Ŕ3PUBUPS$VŢ-BCSBM3FQBJS Marshall Crowther, MD Assistant Professor of Orthopedics Primary Care Sports Medicine Ŕ%JSFDUPS5IF$PODVTTJPO$MJOJD for Sports-Related Concussions Ŕ6MUSBTPVOE(VJEFE*OKFDUJPOT Reed Estes, MD Assistant Professor of Orthopedics Orthopedic Surgeon Ŕ%JSFDUPS%BODF.FEJDJOF Ŕ)JQ"SUISPTDPQZ Ŕ"OLMF"SUISPTDPQZ Ŕ1FEJBUSJD"OUFSJPS$SVDJBUF Ligament Reconstruction UAB Sports Medicine Appointments (205) 934-1041 Office (205) 934-1041 FAX (205) 975-6109 88 Pediatric Urologic Surgery offers comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic services for diseases of the urinary and genital tract. Urology Conditions treated: Ŕ "OUFOBUBMIZESPOFQISPTJT Ŕ (FOJUPVSJOBSZUVNPST Ŕ )ZQPTQBEJBT Ŕ *OHVJOBMBOETDSPUBMQBUIPMPHZ Ŕ *OUFSTFYEJTPSEFST Ŕ /FVSPMPHJDCMBEEFSEZTGVODUJPO Ŕ 0CTUSVDUJWFVSPQBUIZ Ŕ 6SPMJUIJBTJT Ŕ 7FTJDPVSFUFSBMSFŤVY Ŕ 7PJEJOHEZTGVODUJPO Urology Physicians: David B. Joseph, MD, FAAP, FACS Professor Beverly P. Head Chair in Pediatric Urology Division Director, Chief of Pediatric Urology Appointments (205) 638-9840 Office (205) 638-9840 David M. Kitchens, MD, FAAP Associate Professor FAX (205) 975-6024 89 Physician and Medical Professionals Index Physician Index Physician/Medical Professionals Aal, Ahmed M. Kamel Abdel 61 Abdul-Latif, Hussein 22, 42 Abernethy, Kathy 55 Aduroja, Tolulope T. 79 Alten, Jeffrey 32, 33 Ambalavanan, Namasivayam 64 Anderson, Scott 48 Andresen, Jennie 45 Ascherman, Lee I. 79 Ashraf, Ambika 42 Ashworth, Carolyn 45 Askenazi, David 66 Atchison, Joycelyn A. 42 Atkinson, T. Prescott 26 Austin, Heather 24, 25, 79 Avis, Kristin 82 Bains, Kristin C. 71 Baker, Mark 38 Baldwin, Steven T. 38 Barber, Judson 38 Barnes, Donna 80 Barnett, Michael 76 Bebin, Elizabeth Martina 22 Beierle, Elizabeth 48 Bemrich-Stolz, Christy 52 Benton, Cason 45 Berger, Stephanie 55 Berkow, Roger L. 52 Bernard, David W. 39 Beukelman, Tim 85 Black, Allison 64 Blackmon, Lee Ann 80 Blount, Jeffrey P. 69 Boppana, Suresh B. 58 Borasino, Santiago 32, 33 Britt, William J. 58 Brooks, Jodene 80 Bryant, Paty B. 27 Buchan, Kathryn 64 Buckmaster, Mark A. 27, 34 Carlo, Waldemar A. Carlo, Waldemar F. Casey, Emily Cassady, Kevin Chaignaud, Beverly Chambers, Jennifer Chen, Mike Chewning, Joseph H. Childers, Noel K. Childs, Wesley Cleveland, Dava Sue Cleveland, David C. Coco, Teresa J. Coghill, Carl H. Colvin, Edward V. Conaty, Kelley Robert Conklin, Michael J. Courville, Caroline Cox, Jerral W. Crain, Marilyn J. Cramer, Monica Tucci Cramer, Stuart Crawford, Jack H. Cron, Randy Crowther, Marshall Cullinan, James T. Cushing, Connie Dabal, Robert J. Dapkus, Andrea Davis, Drew Davis, Valerie DeFreese, Travis W. Descartes, Maria Dillard, Crystal Dimmitt, Reed Dollar, Jennifer Doyle, J. Scott Duncan, Traci Durant, Nefertiti Dure, Leon S. 64 30 55 58 48 45 48 52 36 24 77 31 39 64 30 27 72 45 27 58 66 52 32 85 88 79 25 31 79 84 39 27 49 79 44, 64 27 72 37 23 68 91 Physician/Medical Professionals El Ferzli, George T. Elsas, Frederick J. Ertel, Nathan Estes, Reed Evans, H. Hughes Everts, Maaike Fargason, Jr., Crayton A. Fathallah-Shaykh, Sahar Fequiere, Pierre Feig, Dan Fleisig, Wayne Fonbah, Kira Fowler, Karen Friedman, Gregory Garth, William P. Gilbert, Shawn Glaeser, Peter W. Goldman, Frederick Goyal, Monisha Gran, Kimberly Grant, III, John H. Greve, Mark A. Guion, Christopher J. Guleria, Saurabh Gurley, Jr., William Quinton Gutierrez, Hector Gutierrez, Juan F. Haines, Hilary Hains, Coralie S. Harmon, Carroll Harris, Tom Harrison, Daniel Keith Harsanyi-Jilling, Krisztina Hayes, Leslie Haynes, Beverly Henling, Colleen E. Hill, J. Scott Hilliard, Lee M. Hitch, Meredith Hoover, Kim 92 64 71 61 88 45 59 45 66 68 66 79 80 59 52 88 72 38 53 58 39 78 27 57 57 32 81 27 53 26 25, 48 82 77 68 34 25 32 73 53 44 50 Hoover, Wynton Hope, Terry Howard, Thomas Howell, Eric J. Hubert, Nancy Hutto, S. Cecelia Jackson, DeeAnn S. Jackson, Janice G. Jackson, Kimberly James, Scott Jester, Traci Jilling, Tamas Johnson, Jr., Walter J. Johnston, James M. Jones, Chantal M. Jones, Kathyrn C. Jones, Nicole Joseph, David B. Judy, C. Gerald Kankirawatana, Pongkiat Kankirawatana, Suthida Kant, Shruti Karle, Virginia A. Kelly, David R. Khatri, Snehal Khoury, Joseph G. Kim, Hyunmi Kimberlin, David W. King, Collin Kirklin, James K. Kiser, Carin Kitchens, David M. Klasner, Ann Kong, Michele Koo, Sang-Wahn Korf, Bruce R. Kulbersh, Brian Kutny, Matthew Laborde, Patricia R. Lau, Yung R. 82 39 53 57 80 55, 59 46 36 32, 34 59 44 64 30 69 25 27 39 89 22, 82 68 26 39 64 77 46 72 68 58 27 31 46 89 39 34 79 49 73 53 27 30 Physician/Medical Professionals Law, Mark 30 Lebensburger, Jeffrey 53 Liebelt, Erica 39 Long, Gary W. 27 Long, John A. 71 Lose, Edward 22, 49 Lowe, Robert 85 Lozano, David 82 Lyerly, III, Ralph T. 32 Maclin, Jeanine S. 44 Maddox, Mary Halsey 82 Maden-Swain, Avi 53 Magruder, Terri 82 Mahesh, Vinit 22, 82 Makris, Christopher 82 Martin, Colin A 48 Martin, Richard S. 57 Marullo, Daniel 79 Marzullo, Laurie 39 Mathisen, Jan 68 McCall, Chandra 27 McCarty, Karen 25 McCormick, Kenneth 42 McGrath, Tony 68 McMahon, William S. 30 Mendoza, Paola 84 Mgbodile, Francesca 80 Mick, Gail J. 42 Mitchell, Stephen C. 36 Monroe, Kathy 40 Montgomery-Barefield, Laura 80 Mroczek-Musulman, Elizabeth C. 77 Narayanan, Sridaran 55 Nassetta, Lauren 55 Ness, Jayne M. 68 Nichols, Ashley 76 Nichols, Michele Holloway 40 Nogueira, Janaina 44 Nuttall, Robert P. 57 Oakes, Jean 72 Oakes, W. Jerry Oliver, Rees E. Oser, Rachel F. Pass, Robert Patterson, Debra Pearce, F. Bennett Peralta-Carcelen, Myriam Percy, Alan Perna, Sam Peters, Melissa Philips, III, Joseph B. Phillips, Robert L. Post, James D. Prabhakaran, Priya Pressey, Joseph Pritchard, Mark Pruitt, Christopher Quenelle, Debra Ray, Peter D. Rayfield, Arista Reddy, Alyssa Robert, Stephen M. Robin, Nathaniel H. Rogers, David A. Romp, Robb Ross, Shannon Roth, Justin Rowland, Pamela Rozzelle, Curtis, J. Rowe, Steven Royal, Stuart A. Rubin, Samuel E. Russell, Farrah K. Russell, Robert T. Rutledge, S. Lane Saddekni, Souheil Saez-Benito, Miriam Sevilla Samuy, Nichole Saunders, Kelley Scalici, Paul 69 64 61 55, 59 80 30 46 22, 68 76 40 64 71 77 34 53 59 40 59 78 80 53, 68 32, 34 49 48 30 59 59 76 69 82 57 80 27 48 29 61 80 55 25 55 93 Physician/Medical Professionals Schneider, Paul Scott, Mary Lauren Sheehy-Knight, Jennifer Sheils, Steven G. Shimamura, Masako Shirley, W. Peyton Siegel, Richard B. Sims, Brian Simpson, Tina Smith, Glenda Smith, Nicholas Soong, Amanda Sorrentino, Annalise Spear, Bonnie Stagno, Sergio B. Staires, Deanna Stalvey, Michael Steenwyk, Brad. L. St. John, Elaine B. Stoll, Matthew Sturdevant, Marsha Tenney, Frank Thame, Kirk Theos, Amy J. 94 40 42 80 27 59 73 27 64 24 24 73 46 40 24 59 72 42 32 64 85 23 66 44 37 Tofil, Nancy Toms, Rune Torgerson, II, Charles L. Troxler, Brad Underwood, Edgar S. Vaid, Yoginder N. Vaughan, Jr., Tom B. Vaughn, Lynn Vicinanzo, Matthew G. Wall, Terry Wallace, Stephenie Waller, Jeanne-Anne Walley, Susan Watts, Raymond G. Weiser, Peter Whelan, Kimberly White, Marjorie Lee Whitley, Richard Wiatrak, Brian J. Winkler, Margaret Wolverton, Andrew Woolley, Audie L. Yalamanchili, Vinita Young, Daniel W. 34 32, 64 57 82 61 57 80 76 71 46, 66 24, 25 40 55 52 22, 85 53 40 58 73 33 25 73 80 57 TravelDirectionsto TravelDirectionsto Children’s Children’s of of Alabama Alabama om From I-65 North I-65 North to Children’s to Children’s of Alabama of Alabama 7th Avenue 7th Avenue Parking Parking Deck Deck (McWane (McWane and Lowder and Lowder Buildings) Buildings) avelI-65NorthandtaketheUniversityBoulevard/8thAvenueSouth(exit#259).Travelapproximately TravelI-65NorthandtaketheUniversityBoulevard/8thAvenueSouth(exit#259).Travelapproximately eblockto13thStreetSouth.Turnlefton13thStreet.Travelfourblocksandturnrighton4thAvenue oneblockto13thStreetSouth.Turnlefton13thStreet.Travelfourblocksandturnrighton4thAvenue uth(onewaystreet).Travelapproximatelyfiveblocksto18thStreetSouthandturnright. South(onewaystreet).Travelapproximatelyfiveblocksto18thStreetSouthandturnright. avelthreeblocksandturnrighton7thAvenueSouth.Travelapproximatelytwoblocks.The7th Travelthreeblocksandturnrighton7thAvenueSouth.Travelapproximatelytwoblocks.The7th enueParkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheMcWaneandLowderBuildingsareontheright, AvenueParkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheMcWaneandLowderBuildingsareontheright, catedacrossthestreetfromtheparkingdeck. locatedacrossthestreetfromtheparkingdeck. om From I-65 South I-65 South to Children’s to Children’s of Alabama of Alabama 7th Avenue 7th Avenue Parking Parking Deck Deck (McWane (McWane and Lowder and Lowder Buildings) Buildings) avelI-65Southandtakethe4thAvenueSouth(exit#259B).Travelapproximatelyfiveblocksand TravelI-65Southandtakethe4thAvenueSouth(exit#259B).Travelapproximatelyfiveblocksand rnrightonto18thStreetSouth.Travelthreeblocksandturnrighton7thAvenueSouth.Travel turnrightonto18thStreetSouth.Travelthreeblocksandturnrighton7thAvenueSouth.Travel proximatelytwoblocks.The7thAvenueParkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheMcWaneandLowder approximatelytwoblocks.The7thAvenueParkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheMcWaneandLowder ildingsareontheright,locatedacrossthestreetfromtheparkingdeck. Buildingsareontheright,locatedacrossthestreetfromtheparkingdeck. om From Hwy 280/31 Hwy 280/31 NorthNorth – Elton – Elton B. Stephens B. Stephens Expressway/ Expressway/ Red Mountain Red Mountain Expressway Expressway Children’s to Children’s of Alabama of Alabama 7th Avenue 7th Avenue Parking Parking Deck Deck (McWane (McWane and Lowder and Lowder Buildings) Buildings) avelNorthonHwy280/31North–EltonB.StephensExpressway/RedMountainExpresswayexiton TravelNorthonHwy280/31North–EltonB.StephensExpressway/RedMountainExpresswayexiton 8thAvenueSouth/UniversityBoulevard.Atthetrafficlight,turnrightonto8thAvenueSouth/ to8thAvenueSouth/UniversityBoulevard.Atthetrafficlight,turnrightonto8thAvenueSouth/ niversityBoulevard.Travelsevenblocks(approximately¾mile)andturnrighton18thStreetSouth. UniversityBoulevard.Travelsevenblocks(approximately¾mile)andturnrighton18thStreetSouth. aveloneblockandturnlefton7thAvenueSouth.Travelapproximatelytwoblocks.The7thAvenue Traveloneblockandturnlefton7thAvenueSouth.Travelapproximatelytwoblocks.The7thAvenue rkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheMcWaneandLowderBuildingsareontheright,locatedacross ParkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheMcWaneandLowderBuildingsareontheright,locatedacross estreetfromtheparkingdeck. thestreetfromtheparkingdeck. om From Hwy 280/31 Hwy 280/31 SouthSouth - Elton - Elton B. Stephens B. Stephens Expressway/ Expressway/ Red Mountain Red Mountain Expressway Expressway Children’s to Children’s of Alabama of Alabama 7th Avenue 7th Avenue Parking Parking Deck Deck (McWane (McWane and Lowder and Lowder Buildings) Buildings) avelI-20/59SouthonHwy280/31-EltonB.StephensExpressway/RedMountainExpressway. TravelI-20/59SouthonHwy280/31-EltonB.StephensExpressway/RedMountainExpressway. avelapproximatelytwomilesandtakethe3rd/4thAvenueSouthexit.Atendoframp,turnrightand Travelapproximatelytwomilesandtakethe3rd/4thAvenueSouthexit.Atendoframp,turnrightand kethefirstleftontoThirdAvenueSouth(onewaystreet).Travelapproximatelyeightbocksto18th takethefirstleftontoThirdAvenueSouth(onewaystreet).Travelapproximatelyeightbocksto18th reetSouthandturnleft.Travelfourblocksandturnrighton7thAvenueSouth.Travelapproximately StreetSouthandturnleft.Travelfourblocksandturnrighton7thAvenueSouth.Travelapproximately oblocks.The7thAvenueParkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheMcWaneandLowderBuildingsare twoblocks.The7thAvenueParkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheMcWaneandLowderBuildingsare theright,locatedacrossthestreetfromtheparkingdeck. ontheright,locatedacrossthestreetfromtheparkingdeck. From From I-65 North I-65 North to Children’s to Children’s of Alabama of Alabama 5th Avenue 5th Avenue Parking Parking Deck Deck (Benjamin (Benjamin Russell Russell Hospital Hospital for Children for Children and Emergency and Emergency Department) Department) TravelI-65NorthandtaketheUniversityBoulevard/8thAvenueSouth(exit#259).Travelapproximately TravelI-65NorthandtaketheUniversityBoulevard/8thAvenueSouth(exit#259).Travelapproximately oneblockto13thStreetSouth.Turnlefton13thStreet.Travelfourblocksandturnrighton4thAvenue oneblockto13thStreetSouth.Turnlefton13thStreet.Travelfourblocksandturnrighton4thAvenue South(onewaystreet).Travelapproximatelythreeblocksto16thStreetSouthandturnright.Children’s South(onewaystreet).Travelapproximatelythreeblocksto16thStreetSouthandturnright.Children’s 5thAvenueParkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildrenisdirectly 5thAvenueParkingDeckislocatedontheleft.TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildrenisdirectly across5thAvenuefromtheparkingdeck.Children’sEmergencyDepartmentislocatedatthecornerof across5thAvenuefromtheparkingdeck.Children’sEmergencyDepartmentislocatedatthecornerof 16thStreetSouthand5thAvenueSouthintheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren. 16thStreetSouthand5thAvenueSouthintheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren. From From I-65 South I-65 South to Children’s to Children’s of Alabama of Alabama 5th Avenue 5th Avenue Parking Parking Deck Deck (Benjamin (Benjamin Russell Russell Hospital Hospital for Children for Children and Emergency and Emergency Department) Department) TravelI-65South,takingthe4thAvenueSouth(exit#259B).Travelapproximatelyfourblockson4th TravelI-65South,takingthe4thAvenueSouth(exit#259B).Travelapproximatelyfourblockson4th AvenueSouthandturnrighton16thStreetSouth.Children’s5thAvenueParkingDeckislocatedon AvenueSouthandturnrighton16thStreetSouth.Children’s5thAvenueParkingDeckislocatedon theleft.TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildrenisdirectlyacross5thAvenuefromtheparkingdeck. theleft.TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildrenisdirectlyacross5thAvenuefromtheparkingdeck. Children’sEmergencyDepartmentislocatedatthecornerof16thStreetSouthand5thAvenueSouthin Children’sEmergencyDepartmentislocatedatthecornerof16thStreetSouthand5thAvenueSouthin theBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren. theBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren. From From Hwy 280/31 Hwy 280/31 NorthNorth – Elton – Elton B. Stephens B. Stephens Expressway/Red Expressway/Red Mountain Mountain Expressway Expressway to Children’s to Children’s of Alabama of Alabama 5th Avenue 5th Avenue Parking Parking Deck Deck (Benjamin (Benjamin Russell Russell Hospital Hospital for Children for Children and Emergency and Emergency Department) Department) TravelNorthonHwy280/31North–EltonB.StephensExpressway/RedMountainExpresswayandexit TravelNorthonHwy280/31North–EltonB.StephensExpressway/RedMountainExpresswayandexit onto8thAvenueSouth/UniversityBoulevard.Atthetrafficlightatendoframp,turnrightonto8th onto8thAvenueSouth/UniversityBoulevard.Atthetrafficlightatendoframp,turnrightonto8th AvenueSouth/UniversityBoulevard.Travelsevenblocks(approximately¾mile)andturnrightonto AvenueSouth/UniversityBoulevard.Travelsevenblocks(approximately¾mile)andturnrightonto 18thStreetSouth.Travelthreeblocksandturnleftonto5thAvenueSouth.Travelapproximatelytwo 18thStreetSouth.Travelthreeblocksandturnleftonto5thAvenueSouth.Travelapproximatelytwo blocksandturnrighton16thStreetSouth.TheChildren’s5thAvenueParkingDeckentranceislocated blocksandturnrighton16thStreetSouth.TheChildren’s5thAvenueParkingDeckentranceislocated ontheright.TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildrenislocateddirectlyacross5thAvenuefromthe ontheright.TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildrenislocateddirectlyacross5thAvenuefromthe parkingdeck.Children’sEmergencyDepartmentislocatedatthecornerof16thStreetSouthand5th parkingdeck.Children’sEmergencyDepartmentislocatedatthecornerof16thStreetSouthand5th AvenueSouthintheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren. AvenueSouthintheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren. From From Hwy 280/31 Hwy 280/31 SouthSouth – Elton – Elton B. Stephens B. Stephens Expressway/Red Expressway/Red Mountain Mountain Expressway Expressway to Children’s to Children’s of Alabama of Alabama 5th Avenue 5th Avenue Parking Parking Deck Deck (Benjamin (Benjamin Russell Russell Hospital Hospital for Children for Children and Emergency and Emergency Department) Department) TravelI-20/59toHwy280/31South-EltonB.StephensExpressway/RedMountainExpressway(exit TravelI-20/59toHwy280/31South-EltonB.StephensExpressway/RedMountainExpressway(exit 126A).Travelapproximatelytwomilesandtakethe3rd/4thAvenueSouthexit.Atendoframp,turn 126A).Travelapproximatelytwomilesandtakethe3rd/4thAvenueSouthexit.Atendoframp,turn rightandtakethefirstleftonto3rdAvenueSouth(onewaystreet).Travelapproximatelytenblocksto rightandtakethefirstleftonto3rdAvenueSouth(onewaystreet).Travelapproximatelytenblocksto 16thStreetSouth.Turnlefton16thStreetSouth.TheChildren’s5thAvenueParkingDeckentranceis 16thStreetSouth.Turnlefton16thStreetSouth.TheChildren’s5thAvenueParkingDeckentranceis locatedontheleft.TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildrenisdirectlyacross5thAvenuefromthe locatedontheleft.TheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildrenisdirectlyacross5thAvenuefromthe parkingdeck.Children’sEmergencyDepartmentislocatedatthecornerof16thStreetSouthand5th parkingdeck.Children’sEmergencyDepartmentislocatedatthecornerof16thStreetSouthand5th AvenueSouthintheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren. AvenueSouthintheBenjaminRussellHospitalforChildren. Campus Map Please feel free to makecopiesofthis maptoassistyour patientswhoarebeing referred to Children’s ofAlabama. Lowder Building McWane Building 7th Avenue Deck Dearth Tower Benjamin Russell Hospital For Children Harbert Tower Midtown Pediatrics 14th Street South 14th Street South A large red ball in the terrazzoflooringis used throughout the facilitytoindicate locationswhere patientsandfamilies can obtain information ---atinformationdesks andnursingstations, forexample.Thecircle mimics Children’s red balllogo. Quarterback Club Tower Children’s Park Place 5th Avenue Deck Central Energy Plant Themaincorridorof theexpandedhospital isthesecondfloor, called“MainStreet.” Fromthatfloorpatients andvisitorscanreach theexistinghospital building,whichhouses patientroomsand offices.Awavyblue “river”runsthroughthe publicareasofthenew facilitytoassistwith wayfinding. Children’s Harbor Weusecolors,numbers andgraphicstohelp withwayfinding.Each floorisassociatedwith acolor,numberand specialthemeonthe elevatorsandsignage. The7thfloorinthe QuarterbackTower,for example,hasafootballtheme,thecoloris green and the number is7. Children’s Park Place Wayfinding 1600 7th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35233 Main Number 205.638.9100 Physician Link 205.638.7479
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