Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day November 2012 Discover Zone After School Program at Lewis & Clark .Did you know… Over 42,000 school age children in Montana are left unsupervised after school. Research demonstrates that quality after school programs support children’s personal safety, social resiliency, academic achievement, relationships with concerned adults, and leadership experiences as well as parent employment and economic productivity. In Montana, the top 3 reasons cited for selecting an after school program are: 1) Child enjoyment, 2) Affordability, & 3) Safety of facilities and teachers. The Discover Zone after school program offers non-school time, skillbuilding activities to ALL students who attend Lewis & Clark Middle School. There is no cost to join and Discover Zone offers a variety of activities for students to choose from. Discover Zone is currently offering activities after school, Mondays through Thursdays, until 5:00 pm. Students can choose from: Girls Only Club, Cooking Club, NASA Space Club, Movie Club, Games Club, Lego Labs, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!! It’s never too late to join Discover Zone! Discover Zone will offer after school activities from now through the end of the school year. Call Nate Petterson, Youth Development Coordinator, at 850-2540 for more information. Registration forms are available in room 106. Our first quarter has been nothing less than busy, busy, busy! With our enrollment up and the addition of four 6th Grade classrooms, Mrs. Beaumont and Mrs. Neff are serving students, parents and staff with smiles, kind words and their sleeves rolled up. If your student is in the 7th grade or a 6th grader in Mr. Reitz’ or Mrs. Zickefoose’s classroom, the School Counselor you need to speak to is Marcia Beaumont. Her phone number is 281-5969 and her email is beaumontm@billingsschools.org. The 8th grade counselor is Sara Neff. She also has the 6th grade classrooms of Mrs. Korf and Mrs. Sulser. You may reach her by dialing 281-5908 or emailing neffs@billingsschools.org. This first semester Mrs. Neff has a Counselor Intern from Montana State University-Billings, Mr. Elvisto Hobbs. Please be in contact with the Counseling Center if we can be of service to you and your student. We are frequently away from our desks attending Team meetings, Individualized Education Program meetings, and doing whatever it takes to help students succeed. Leave us a message or call the Counseling Center Secretary, Cynthia Bayne, at 281-5909. Police to begin enforcing the “No Parking” signs around school Prompted by complaints from drivers on 14th St W, between Grand & Lewis, the Billings Police Department will be enforcing the “No Parking” zones around Lewis & Clark Middle School. According to SRO Zorzakis, “a danger zone exists on the west side of Lewis & Clark”. Parents are illegally stopping southbound on 14th St W to pick up their kids, creating a danger zone for both cars and students. The southbound traffic lane is not wide enough to safely accommodate both stopping and the flow of normal traffic. The danger is increased in this zone, when students cross in the middle of the street, in between vehicles, to reach parents illegally stopped across the street. SRO Zorzakis suggests parents pull into the parking lot behind the school to safely pick up their kids. A little cooperation goes a long way in keeping our children safe. Lewis & Clark School Safety I want to assure the parents of Lewis & Clark Middle School that the staff is doing everything possible to keep your children safe. The following procedures have been implemented over the last school year: 1. All doors except the front doors will be kept locked during the school day. 2. All visitors will sign in at the office and receive a visitor’s badge. This includes visits to the cafeteria during lunch hours. All parents or visitors in the building must have a badge or school personnel will send the visitor back to the office. 3. Throughout this school year, Lewis & Clark will be practicing the following: several fire drills, an evacuation to our alternative location, (Elks Lodge, 934 Lewis Ave., 406-252-8407), a lockdown, and a shelter in place (snowstorms, chemical spills). Some of our drills will take place during the lunch hour and during passing times. 4. The staff will be talking to students about emergency situations, safe locations, and how to find a staff member for help if they are transitioning between classes. 5. The Lewis & Clark staff takes great pride in teaching our students to cooperate with school personnel during an emergency. We understand that these new safety rules can be stressful and time consuming, however, the safety of our students and staff is our utmost concern. Thank you for your patience and cooperation! Steve Pomroy, Principal The Impact of Cyber Bullying History Alive Town Hall Meeting 1776 Lewis and Clark’s history department had some fun with the causes of the American Revolution. Nels Jensen and Casey Visser presided over a town hall meeting in which students, posed as Patriots (for Independence), Loyalists (against Independence), or Neutralists, debated the course of American history. Students prepared for the meeting for a few days and then had a great historical simulation in which many of them dressed in period costume. Each period, the Nuetralists voted on which side presented the most compelling arguments. The instructors even had colonial costumes for the event! This year Mrs. Waddington and Mrs. Taylor hosted the event in the media center with festive decor. Fun was had by all, and more importantly – the students understood why we broke free from Great Britain. Ask your student if we gained independence the period he/she participated! Mojo Press 2012 (www.NoBullyingTour.com) The main theme of the Lewis Diversity Club is for all students to come share their culture. This would include foods, special celebrations and customs. We have two community outreach with the YWCA and Angela's Piazza where we collect certain items on a list they have provided. Our club has been invited t o participate at the SD2 Pow Wow on Saturday November 17th at Riverside Middle School. We will have a concession stand. On September 28- American Indian Heritage Day- at Lewis we put up our Teepee in the courtyard. Mrs . Beaumont did a presentation to several classes. November is NATIVE AMERICAN MONTH. The club will focus on cultural activities. Please call us if you have any questions . Club meetings will be on Tuesdays after school in Rm. 223 from 3:30p.m.4:30p.m. Mrs. Neiter 281-5917 Attention MATHletes: Math Club Has Begun! What: Lewis and Clark Middle School Math Club When: Wednesday Mornings at 7:30 Where: The Lewis and Clark Middle School Library Who: All Lewis and Clark Students who are interested in increasing their math knowledge and problem solving skills. Why: The Lewis and Clark Middle School Math Club will be preparing our MATHletes for the upcoming math contests later this fall and in the spring. We will also be sharpening our math skills to make us better math students, and hopefully having a little fun along the way! Tech. Ed. Club and TSA Tech. Ed. club will begin meeting on Wednesday mornings starting on the 5th of December. Involved students will be preparing for the state TSA (Technology Student Association) competition that will be held in Billings on April 22nd & 23rd. Activities include various technology related contests that require the contestants to use problem solving techniques to come up with the solutions. If you have any questions please fell free to call Mr. Anderson at 281-5914. "OMG! Did u get that pic? LOll" Have you ever sent or received a message like this? If so, it was probably just in good fun, but too often messages like this are part of cyber bullying.Cyber bullying is any time you use Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, blogs, VouTube, pictures, videos, cell phones, text messages, instant message or any other type of social media to hate on or spread negativity about other people (Mr. Mojo, 2011).So,are you a cyber bully? This is an important question to stop and think about for a moment. In today's society the use of social media to communicate is customary. Oftentimes, however, hiding behind a computer or cell phone gives one a false sense of security that leads to saying hurtful and malicious things about others. While you may just be expressing your emotions, this can be a form of bullying, and bullying is not acceptable. Not only is cyber bullying morally and ethically wrong, it can have astonishing consequences. Megan Meier, Phoebe Prince, Paige Moravetz, Haylee Fentress, Billy lucas, Jared High, Eric Mohat and many more adolescents have taken their lives as a result of bullying. Researchers at the Vale School of Medicine, in a new review of studies from thirteen countries, have found signs of an apparent connection between bullying, being bullied and suicide. The study found connections between being bullied and suicidal thoughts among children. In fad, the research indicates that bullying victims were two to nine times more likely to report suicidal thoughts than were other children (abcnews.com, 2009). Words hurt, so choose your words wisely. Words on social networking sites NEVER go away.Words affect lives. Leaders choose their words wisely, so be a leader, take a stand and Mojo Up!For more information please go to www.NoBullyingTour.com. PLEASE CHECK IN As a safety precaution for our students, we need to have ALL parents and visitors check in the main office. You will be asked to sign in and you will receive a visitor’s pass. For your child’s safety, our teachers are trained to stop and question any person who does not have a valid pass. Please remember to check in each and every time you enter the building! For Sale: Lewis & Clark t-shirts, sweatshirts & bags. Order forms will go home with students the week of November 12th. Parent / Teacher Conferences(7th &8th Grade only) December 6th ! Lewis & Clark teachers would like to invite you to attend parent/teacher conferences on December 6, 2012. Through the efforts of our teaching staff, this is one of the first times in many years that this opportunity has been made available to our parents. Our format will not be like the traditional K -6 schools and we will not arrange for exact meeting times. However, our teaching staff will be in their classrooms during the scheduled sessions. You are encouraged to see as many, or all, of your child’s teachers on your own schedule. Chairs will be outside each door if you choose to wait for a busy teacher, or you can simply find your way to the next closest teacher on your list. For your convenience, we have scheduled two different sessions. Because of the large number of students we serve, we ask you to limit your contact time to eight minutes or less with the teachers with whom you choose to speak. However, if our conferences do not provide you with enough time, please schedule a TEAM/teacher meeting with Mrs. Beaumont, 7th grade Counselor or Mrs. Neff, 8th grade Counselor. On Wednesday, December 5th, your student will be given a copy of his/her schedule to give to you, which will include teacher names and classroom numbers for your convenience. As a reminder, students will be dismissed at 11:30a.m. on both December 6th and December 7th, with conferences only on December 6th. We hope you can join us on the 6th, and we look forward to seeing you! Session I 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Teacher Lunch 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Session 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. II Important Dates for Parents to Know! Tuesday, November 20, Elementary Only…………………....Early Out 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, November 21, 22, 23. Thanksgiving break Monday, December 5, Parent Advisory 7:00 p.m. Thursday, December 06…Early Out 11:30 a.m. Friday, December 07…….Early Out 11:30 a.m. Thursday, December 06…….Parent/Teacher Conferences Monday, December 24 ……….Winter Break (Wednesday, January 2, 2013 school resumes) Friday, January 11 …………...End of Semester Monday, January 14 ………...PIR Day, No School Early Out (7th & 8th Grade only) December 6th and 7th, Students will be dismissed at 11:30 L& Sco c u ts C.A.R.E Club is a new spin on a couple of old clubs here at Lewis and Clark. The club unifies the efforts of Beta Club, and the Montana Behavior Youth Leadership Team,. We are a service-learning club providing services to our school and community through activities such as the coat drive, food drive and Penny’s for Patients. In addition, we will be focusing on promoting positive relationships and helping to build a kind and caring atmosphere within our school walls. The club is currently facilitated by Mrs. Gullett and meets on Tuesday mornings in the Library at 7:40. Elected officers are Connor Black-president, Jake Orvisvice president, Abby Lambert – secretary, and Clara Bentler, Stephanie Powell, Victoria Shay and Holly Howe are our media specialists. Thus far our club has coordinated the Red Ribbon Week events. Next, we will put our efforts towards our annual Lewis and Clark Coat Drive. The winter coats will be donated to the Women’s and Family Shelter. The Club is asking for the donation of gently used coats of all sizes from infant to adult. Having them clean and fresh at the time of donation is encouraged! While our club is underway, we are still encouraging new members to stop by on Tuesday morning to see what we are all about! We look forward to a year filled with service, learning opportunities and of course a lot of fun and laughs! SAFE ROUTES Lewis and Clark is one of the schools to receive funding through a Safe Routes to Schools Grant. The library is purchasing books about an active outdoor lifestyle (camping, hunting, fishing, biking), nutrition, and sports figures. In addition, St. Vincent's and Billings Clinic teamed up to provide helmet safety presentations and helmet giveaways at each school. Parent, Mrs. Suzanne Moody, attended a program to learn how to fit the helmets. We have a few helmets still left if the size fits! We would also like to thank Dean Cromwell at the Spoke Shop for donating 2 bikes to give away. Students at Lewis can earn "tickets" for the bike drawings by attending select library events. The bikes will be given away at our April Lunch & Learn with bike cop, Officer Shane. A Moment in Time Captured and Frozen Forever! Yearbooks are on sale now for $20.00. Checks may be made out to Lewis & Clark Middle School. Students who bring their payment to the office by Wednesday, February 13 will be put in a drawing. Winners will be announced February 28. The winner of the drawing will get his/her yearbook for free; the runner up of the drawing will receive five dollars off the cost of his/her yearbook. Lewis & Clark Middle School 1st Quarter Academic Achievers Congratulations to all the students listed for maintaining a “3.0” or better grade point average for the 1st quarter of this school year. It is an accomplishment of which you can be proud. The entire Lewis and Clark Middle School staff commends you for your effort. 7th Grade Honor Roll 8th Grade Honor Roll Ahlgren Alyssa Filer Nikolas Kufeld Bailey Robson Caleb Anderson Gabrielle Fischer Kayla Kurkoski Vincent Roe Conner Anderson Mariah Paul Stewart Marco Allison Haesemeyer Haney Piedra Allen Povsha Rodney Anderson Konner Frieders Tyler Kurth Rase Keaton Hart Emerald Preston Saydee Micah Friend Amber Kvamme Noah Joseph Anderson Ans Ross Arnold Aryanna Heflin Paige Radonski Brandon Benjamin Barnhill Payton Tevin Samantha Rafter Justin Rahr Jesse Rickbeil Peder Riley Michaela Romei Olivia Schwarzkoph Megan Selvig Adam Bartsch Emmit Hernandez Hibberd Brentin Sopko Joseph Beal Stephanie Horse Capture Red Willow Larson Kesley Sowards Sierra Benge Jared Howe Holland Megan Lawson Tehya Steiner Raegan Bennett Sidney Gilbertson Samantha Lehman Cameron Black Connor Hunnes Isakson Trevor Trenea Stevenson Angelina Richard Gilsdorf Madison Leifert Jaime Olivia Blattie Breanna MaKenzy Leo Tanner Marley Ruesch Gilsdorf Stief Miranda Janelle Romero Chloe Iversen Jacobsen Andrew Maclain Goldhammer Quinn Leonhardt Isaac Marissa April Salyer Bofto Kelker Kimmel Saur Samuel Borden Kaden Lindberg Linnea Loran Ellison Strecker Shayla Chase Sheil Aspyn Brooklyn Kirby Krell Schnetter Bower Gonzalez GonzalezQuevedo Schreier Chance Bowles Christian Haesemeyer Wade Martin Houston Strike Benjamin Ezra Haggerty Martinez Cassandra Riley Robyn Selby Bradley Kriskovich Kuntz Sheehan Maxwell Matye Aaron Christopher Devon Pearce Alexis Shull McMullen Kurth Laliberte Payton Abby Lily Meyer Lambert Slunaker Snyder Sara Michel Braden Sones Joshua Micheletti Nico Abigail Betty Treglown Spear Mitchell Stapleton Abraham Montague Jay Riley Nathanael Evan Nathaniel Savannah Andra Moran MorledgeHampton Littlesun Logulo Starr Sterkenburg Kaden Lopez Lyda Tasha Riley Stogianis Stephen Stone Kadin MacDonald Maehl Brock Andrew Stowe Mikayla Strike Spencer Manraksa McCallum Olivia Talya Stroebe Erica McInnis McMullen Shawn Emma Sutherland Alex Swift Brendon Thomas Grove Torbert Ty Askelson Nolan Fritzler Jacob LaBeau Baker Carrie Fulton Elizabeth LaFromboise Sophie Barr Skyler Funke Conner Lambert Bender Porter Gappa Kyler Bergendahl Kyle Gilbert Bertram Sierra Binstock Brauneis Skyler Brown Reed Brown Foster Bryant BurdenClites Megan Campbell Alexander Carranza Jessica Carter Tate Catt Selah Chambers Rebeccah Childers Rebeckha Christie Jack Clayton Kailey Cleveland Jacob Coffin Cody D'Aigneau Beau CarloGiuliano D'Anna Denham Denham Emilee Connor Cassidy Deppmeier Dominic Doane Sophie Dooley Wynter Duneman Madison Eaton Connor Eck Daniel Eliason Colton Ellis Hairychin Haka Hamilton Hanes Hansen Harper Haskins Henderson Holbrook Hopkins Houde Emilia Jamie Kirby Destiny Natasha Amber Justin Talia Peytan Briana Bo John Logan Tessa Mouser Mundahl Charles Amberlea Tristen Houle James Ness Susan Hulsey Abbey Niemi Ashley Humphrey Hunnes Ickes Jam Braxton Alexander Mackenzee Maisy O'Brien Overstreet Pannell Patterson Kia Sydney Kathryn Lauryn Stiffarm Brown Douglas William Brown Brandon Strong Ana Buck Amanda Sulser Gabriel Bykonen Shane Cady Samuel Carr Madison Cleveland Casie Coleman Tianna Allyssa Coppock Cierra Truett Austen Cornelia Lyric Van Atta Michael Cotter Kalazaya Van Flaskey Karlana Cronk Terah Walton Elijah Deming Britani Bridger Dennis Devon Washington Nathan Dimich Caroline Duncan Clark Swanson Tandy Thompson Ward Wheeler Katherine Michael Indra Dykstra Karissa Whiteman Jacob Dyre George Mehling Miller Rachel Corrie Sydne Emerick Noah Mills Trey VanderPool Samantha Maysen Erekson Linda Victoria Zachary Daniel Abbey Velarde Evenson Mitchell Mohr Volk Mykal Monaco Morris Hailey Brooklin Vollmer Alexis Wagner Aidan Morsette Morton Georgeline Cairo Wagner Devin Walla Ashley Myron Nicholson Kiara Justine Watson Delaney O'Donnell O'Neil Patrick Sydney Webber Emma West Courtney Carson Kathryn Pearson Cole Kingery Kirsch Kitzmann Madelyn Pipkin Trenton Parker Poulson Mariah Powers Autumn Pretty Weasel Jetara Kayla Charles Peyton Klepps KooistraManning Even Zachary Evenson Samuel Ewen Peytyn Ryan Legare Leonhardt Durand Reyna King D'Ambrosia Sy LaVe Cierra Leatherberry Ian Dunn Jones Milo Ryann Cara Jimenez Pierce Samantha Webb Whitney Connor Jacob Alexander Max Kieckbusch Killian Watterson Leslie Connor Aaron Wyatt Pearson Peterson Bomar Elena Pazmino Jayden Joaquin Bosch Michael Kay Corbin Bodine Borges Stone Whitford Jewell Nathaniel Bodine Whitworth Paloma Famighetti Aleksandra Whitworth Sophia Feller Emily Wildenberg Malcolm Field Mekiah Wilgus Ellen Fisher Brittanee Wilks Nicholas Fontaine Darion Freese Mari Wolf Sydney Gesuale Michael Wright Collin Qualls Sarah Lillian Randak Madison Kountz Kody Randak Sophia Kranz Kroft Dakota Lydia Reinhardt Uriah Zimmer Brooks Robson Cordell Zuklic Lydia Wright Zermeno Devane Melody Goodridge Will Orvis Owens Jake Layla Williams Wood Marin Tendra Justin Wright Carsten Gunderson Parker Palin Pazmino Young-Wine Montana Gunst Phelps Syreena Zimmerman April Graves Emma Griffin Claire Grossman Mikkel Trevin Billings Public Schools: No Child Left Behind Results for School Year 2011-2012 Every year, students in Billings Public Schools (grades 3-8 and grade 10) take tests as part of the federal program called No Child Left Behind (NCLB). These tests make sure every student, every school and the entire district are making Adequate Yearly Progress, or AYP. We want to share the results of last year’s reading and math tests with you. To make AYP, a set number of students in every school must score at the “Proficient” and “Advanced” levels. This is true for the entire school, as well as several sub-categories, such as students with disabilities. If one sub-category fails, that causes the whole school to fail. If one school fails, that causes the whole district to fail. Billings Public Schools has been doing well on the tests. The requirements have been increasing each year. This year, 84.4% of our student were required to be proficient or advanced in reading. In math, 70% of our students were required to be proficient or advanced. Both our elementary district (Kindergarten – 8th grade) and high school district (9 – 12th grade) failed to make AYP. How are Billings Public Schools going to meet these goals in the future? 1) Programs that help students in Reading *Read 180 *LANGUAGE! *Leveled Literacy Intervention Program (LLI) 2) Programs that help students in Math *SuccessMaker *Knowing Mathematics *FastMath *Trans Math 3) Training for teachers so they can give the right kids the right help at the right time. How Did Lewis & Clark Middle School Do? Overall, the students at Lewis & Clark Middle School do quite well on the measurements for AYP. In fact, 91% of our students are proficient or advanced in Reading, and 76% of our students are proficient or advanced in math. The following student groups are struggling to meet the required mark: Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities, and American Indian students. However, due to an overwhelming improvement in the scores of the abovementioned groups, our school made Adequate Yearly Progress. The following graph shows that these students are making good progress yet still are falling short of the target. AYP Determination Targets School year 2011-2012 Economically Disadvantaged: American Indian Students: 84.4% Reading 70% Math 84% Made AYP 65% 68% What is Lewis & Clark Doing to Improve? We are carefully screening our students to find those in need of interventions so these target goals can be met. Students are enrolled in Read 180 or LANGUAGE! as needed to help students achieve in the area of Reading. In the area of math, students are referred to SuccessMaker lab for extra work on math skill building. Additionally, students in the resource room math classroom have access to SuccessMaker materials in addition to using the research-based program, TransMath. Tutoring is available after school in all math classrooms for all students. In-Service is provided to teachers on a regular basis. If you have any questions regarding this information, please call the Principal, Steve Pomroy at 281-5900. Thank you, Scouts’ Honor Sponsors! The Scouts’ Honor program recognizes students who are academic achievers. Each quarter any student who achieves a 3.5 or higher grade point average receives a Scouts’ Honor card which entitles that student to discounts and free items from area merchants. We would like to thank our Scouts’ Honor sponsors. Please patronize these fine merchants! American Classic Pizza, 2658 Grand Ave. Signed, Sealed and Delivered, 1212 Grand Ave. Suite 13 NeeCee’s, 2821 2nd Ave. North Albertsons, 1212 Grand Ave. Flowers from the Heart, 1010 Grand Ave. Papa Murphy’s, 1212 Grand Ave. Salon 17/Lisa Gritten, 1709 17th St. W.. Sunset Bowl, 1625 Central Ave. Bagel Inc., 2135 Grand Ave. Sunshine Express, 3209 Grand Ave Taco Treat, 1313 Grand Ave TradeMark Video, 1313 Grand Ave Ace Hardware, 2264 Central Ave., 4170 State, 1551 Zimmerman Quizno’s, 1313 Grand Ave. Fuddruckers, 2011 Overland Ave. In Good Glazes, 1313 Grand Ave. Suite #5 “STUDENT COUNCIL IS PUTTING YOU FIRST” Lewis and Clark Student Council has been very busy this fall! The forty person council has already raised over $800 at Saturday Live with our fishing pond. Student council helped put on special ice cream social for all students as well as guiding tours for open house. We have many exciting projects lined up for this year. We are proudly taking part in Mr. Jarvis’ “Two Roads” project again this year and community service will be very high on our priority list. Kudos to all of our members for an outstanding start. Special Olympics Basketball Season is nearing an end for our Special Olympic Athletes. Area Individual Skills competition will be held at Lewis and Clark Gym November 4. Trey Mills, Justy Nicholson, Alyssa Ahlgren and Evan Moran will compete at the Area Competition. State Competition will be held in Great Falls November 8-10th. Stan Bedwell, Tasha Lopez, Tom Moody, Ty Graf, Daniel Eck, Mariah Kirsch and Emilee Burden-Clites will be competing at the State Games. Special Olympics would like to thank Mr. Pomroy, Mr. Kalfell and the custodial staff for giving us the opportunity to use Lewis and Clark gym for our practices. Your support to our athletes and Special Olympics is greatly appreciated. If anyone is interested in volunteering to help out with Special Olympics contact Tammy Grimm @ Lewis and Clark. grimmt@billingsschools.org Library happenings fall 2012 The Lewis Library is off to a busy year with the addition of four classes of 6th graders (every Friday morning) and part-time librarian, Mrs. Taylor. Welcome to all! Thanks to your support at the Great Northern Bookfair in September, the library was able to purchase 38 new titles. Your next chance will be during Parent Teacher Conferences in December when we have the Scholastic Book Fair in time for seasonal gift giving. Check out all the great resources on the library’s homepage. In addition to links to the K-12 card catalog and the EBSCO (magazine and more!!) databases password: discovery, we now have World Book Encyclopedia. Username: lewisscouts and password: discovery You will find three levels of reference materials as well as read aloud and web link features. Many articles have supplemental materials. Don’t forget the free help at Homework MT link. Our first Lunch & Learn tied in with the national Star Wars Read Day program. Students folded an emergency 5-fold Yoda for their pocket, ate SW gummy snacks and watched clips of the greatest sound effects, best quotes, etc. Stay tuned for details on our next Lunch & Learn with an Egyptian theme to go with the latest Rick Riordan series, The Kane Chronicles. Genre-based book clubs utilizing 45 Simple Touch nooks AND hard copies begin in October. Students have options to join for a month or two, switch genres, read and create webbased games and activities to encourage others to read the titles. All four middle schools have different clubs, but the content will reside on a common site, B.O.B. (Books On Blog). Coming soon…… SD2’s own collection of downloadable ebooks. Librarians are currently being trained and will provide links and instructions when the service is open for business. The focus will be popular fiction and students will access the books using their library barcodes. Lewis Library has a laptop available with Overdrive so that students can download to their own devices. Please register all electronics that come to school with Officer Z. The library has forms if you need one. The Lewis Library is participating in the Safe Routes to School grant program. We will be giving away 2 bicycles in April at a Lunch & Learn. Students can earn tickets for the drawing by participating in select library events. We will also have 12 helmets to give away. As part of our receiving $1000 to spend on books to support an active healthy lifestyle, we need to collect data. Parents and students can complete an online form on the library website. For more up-to-date information about Library events, check the website: Or go to https://sites.google.com/a/ billingsschools.org/lewis-clark-middle-school -library/ Lewis & Clark Middle School 1315 Lewis Avenue Billings, MT 59102 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Billings, MT Permit #88 Newsletter
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