NEWS RELEASE For immediate release At Feed My Starving Children MobilePack event

Feed the Need
Event #1402-171
Naperville, Illinois
For immediate release
Naperville area volunteers to produce 522,000 life-saving meals
At Feed My Starving Children MobilePack event
Volunteers, churches, businesses and civic organizations work together to
exceed three year, 1.1 million-meal goal
On Feb. 14-16, 2,500 residents of Naperville and surrounding communities will pack
meals for thousands of starving children in the developing world through a partnership
with area churches, businesses, civic organizations and global hunger charity Feed My
Starving Children (FMSC).
Volunteers will prepare more than 522,000 life-saving meals at Feed the Need, an
FMSC MobilePackTM event, to be held at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1310
Shepherd Drive in Naperville.
“Our mission is to feed the forgotten and turn hunger into hope,” says Bob Huebner of
St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Naperville, who, along with Les May of Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church in Naperville started Feed the Need three years ago. “There’s such a
need that we have connected with a total of 14 churches this year, and hope to exceed
our three-year goal of 1.1 million meals, which will feed more than 3,000 starving
children for a year.”
Feed the Need also has the support of 13 local businesses and civic organizations, but
would appreciate additional donations to cover meal costs. “We’re so grateful for the
generosity of our sponsors and are committed to keeping the momentum going,”
Huebner said.
Community members can support this MobilePack by making a donation to cover meal
costs, or by volunteering for Feed the Need in 2015. To learn more, visit
The following churches are partnering to make this event possible:
Alleluia Lutheran Church
Community United Methodist Church
First Church Christ Scientist, Naperville
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Grace Pointe Church
Grace United Methodist Church
Ismaili Jamatkhana
Knox Presbyterian Church
Naperville Bahai Congregation
Feed the Need
Event #1402-171
Naperville, Illinois
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
Trinity Church of the Nazarene
Unity Church of Naperville
St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church
In addition, these local businesses are supporting the effort:
Bank of America
Cantera Financial Associates Thrivent
DCVast, Inc.
Edward Jones Regional offices
Gerald Auto Group
Home Depot
The Mather Group
Naperville Noon's Lions Club
Naperville Rotary
State Farm
Urgent Technology
United Rentals
About Feed My Starving Children
A Christian non-profit founded in 1987, Feed My Starving Children tackles world hunger
by sending volunteer-packed, nutritious meals to an estimated 70 countries, where
they’re used to operate orphanages, schools, clinics, and feeding programs to break the
cycle of poverty and reverse malnutrition. Last year, the charity welcomed 657,000
volunteers to pack 163 million meals in 33 states. FMSC spends 92% of total donations
directly on feeding the hungry and has maintained the highest four-star rating from
Charity Navigator for eight consecutive years.
About FMSC MobilePack
MobilePack events enable children and adults across the United States to pack FMSC’s
life-giving MannaPackTM meals. Churches, businesses, community groups, and schools
in more than 30 states have hosted these food-packing events as a way to foster
teamwork, unity, and compassion, while personally impacting the problem of world
hunger. FMSC provides oversight, fund-raising guidance and logistics. Local donors
and volunteers provide funds and labor to produce the meals.
For media inquiries and to schedule an interview, contact:
Jamie Spiva
Feed My Starving Children
MobilePack Development Advisor
Toni Antonetti
PR Chicago
Feed the Need
Event #1402-171
Naperville, Illinois