News & Views of Interest to the Alumni, Parents & Friends of Catholic High School
March 2005
Volume 23, No. 3
In this issue...
Mothers’ Club
April 9, 2005
• Day of Experience
Faculty and staff reach out to
Page 4
• Development Director
CHS announces change in
development office.
Page 7
• Annual Gathering
Mothers and sons gather for breakfast.
Page 8
• Dr. Stewart Gordon ’82
Alumnus devotes career to helping
Page 9
• Sportsmanship Award
CHS wins award for third year.
Page 10
Bears in Paradise
Page 5
• Golf Classic
Annual Golf Classic set for
April 18.
Page 11
C H S - Serving the Baton Rouge area since 1894
’52 was honored as the
Cajun at the
annual Cajun Festival in
Edinburg, Texas.
Carl Gremillion ’52
Bob Downey ’55 resides in
Trophy Club, TX and
received the town’s Citizen of the Year Award for
Gerry Robichaux
’55 was elected vice presiBob Downey ’55
of the board of directors for the Louisiana
Senior Olympic Games.
Gayle Hatch
’57 will be recognized
by the Smithsonian with
a display of his uniform
Robichaux ’55
at the 2004 Olympics in
’63 received
Po l y e t h y l Gayle Hatch ’57 ene Global
Award from
ExxonMobil Chemical. He also received
an award from Bishop Muench for his
longtime volunteer contributions to the
Bonnecaze ’65 was recognized for his 30 years
of service with the
CPA firm of Hannis
T. Bourgeois, LLP. He
Wade Labat ’63
Congratulating Catholic High’s
Distinguished Graduate David
Whatley ’74 (center) were (l
to r) Brother Barry Landry, SC,
CHS principal, and Brother
Francis David, SC, CHS president, honored during Catholic
Schools week.
has served as managing
partner for 25 years.
David Dupuy
’68 is owner and opera-
Bonnecaze ’65
tor of Audio Video Results, Inc., specializing
in stereo and TV system David Dupuy ’68
design sales and installation.
Warren Kron ’72 has
been named senior vice president and lending officer of First
Jimmy Arbour ’73 is living in Magden, Switzerland where he has
served two years as head group accountant
with Ciba Specialty
Mark Mese ’75
was named a partner of
Kean Miller Law Firm.
Johnny Brewerton ’77 was one of three
cancer survivors featured
Mark Mese ’75
in a recent M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
video filmed at Rollins
College in Orlando, Fla.
The video is intended
to increase awareness
of cancer in people
ages 18-25. BrewerJohnny
Brewerton ’77
ton celebrated his 25th
year in cancer remission.
Pat Bogan ’78
has been appointed as
the chief marketing and
training officer of Louisiana Companies effecPat Bogan ’78
tive January 1, 2005.
Perry Key ’78
has been named assistant
vice president of Loan
Review at First National
Banker’s Bank.
Ben Leggio
’78, a family practice
physician, has been
Perry Key ’78
named Rural Physician
Baby Bears
Christian Davies, son of Dina and T. Richey Sawyer ’83...Anna Clare, daughter of Karrie and
James F. Pierson III ’85...Samantha Mary, daughter of Terri and Brian D. Vicknair ’85...
McKinley Elizabeth, daughter of Michelle and Christopher J. Howard ’86...Sidney Joseph, son
of Bethany and Sidney R. Bowden, Jr. ’87...Julia Elizabeth, daughter of Diana and Luke T.
Cardillo ’87...Gillian Francis, daughter of Lisa and Paul B. Sawyer ’87...Kyle Frederick and
Meredith Ella, twin son and daughter of Dana and George F. Schmitt ’87...Dominic Joseph, son
of Salena and Carl J. Accardo ’88...Ashlynn Reneé, daughter of Lori and Todd P. Howell ’89...
Daniel Charles, son of Catherine and Francis P. Coker ’90...Avery and Campbell, twin daughters of Jodie and Stephen M. Dille ’90...Luke Thomas and Lacy Nicole, twin son and daughter
of Dawn and Jason S. Duncan ’90...Keaton Lane, son of Tricia and Charles R. Sanchez, Jr.
’90...Beau Phillip-Joseph, son of Sonya and Bradley P. Blanchard ’91...Emma Rose, daughter of
Emily and Keith S. Polozola ’92...Jacob Sidney, son of Lenore and Michael L. Schmitt ’92...
Charles Collier, son of Betsey and Jarrod C. Tramonte ’93...Jaden Bryce, son of Katherine and
Shane Bennett ’94...Ann Claire, daughter of Aimee and Adam W. Harris ’94...Payton Marie,
Bear Facts II is published quarterly by
the Office of Public Relations.
Jan R. Breen, editor
Jennifer J. Rouse, assistant editor
Margie Alexander
Robin N. Beard
Stacy Bourgeois
Kate Brady
Sara Brignac
David Butler ’77
Barbara Camp
Brother Aquin Gauthier, SC ’55
Joni L. Owens
We welcome the submission of material for
possible publication. Mailing address: P.O.
Box 65004, Baton Rouge, LA 70896.
of the Year. This award is presented annually
to the physician who has most impacted and
dedicated his or her practice to improving
the lives of rural communities.
Construction Co.
was elected to the 2005 Pelican
Chapter of Associated Builders & Contractors
Board of Directors.
George Kranske ’81
is in Baghdad, Iraq with the
Louisiana National Guard Unit
256 of Lafayette.
John Mese ’81,
the NBC TV Show
“Medium” on Monday,
January 10.
Architects has been
Kranske ’81
elected vice president of
the American Institute of Architects Baton
Rouge Chapter. He will serve as president
in 2006.
Frank Brian ’82 of Saia Electric,
Inc. was elected to the
2005 Pelican Chapter
of Associated Builders
& Contractors Board of
David Chustz
’83 has been promoted
to vice president, creative
Brian ’82
director responsible for on-air advertising
and promotion at Lifetime television network in New York.
Seth Dawson ’85 will launch
Paperless Environments LLC, a company
which will market imaging software and elec-
Jim Pierson ’85
tronic data storage.
Greg Olinde
’85 accepted the position of adjunct professor in the Economics
and Finance Department
of Salisbury University
in Salisbury, Md.
Jim Pierson
’85 has been in Phoenix since 1990 and is a
principal in a commercial mortgage banking
firm, Johnson Capital.
ALUMS ON CAMPUS. Alumni returning to campus to share inPugh ’85 is working
sight about college life were (front row, l to r) Tim Honigman ’01,
with the Home Realty
University of Georgia; Brad Golson ’01, Louisiana State University;
Jeffrey Harrison ’02, Villanova University; Shannon Talamo ’02,
Store, a real estate broLouisiana State University; Eric Hart ’02, Texas Christian University;
kerage firm. He acts as
Michael Rolfsen ’04, University of Notre Dame; and Adam Hensgens
a broker and rehabili’04, Marquette University. Back row (l to r) Josh Coleman ’03, University of Georgia; Chris Williams ’03, Vanderbilt University; Steve
tates bank foreclosed
McGuire ’01, Vanderbilt University; Ryan Rebowe ’04, University of
Virginia; and David Smith ’01, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Victor Vignes
’85 is working with the Home Realty Store,
Louis Barfield ’89 completa real estate brokerage firm. He serves as an
ed a General Surgery
agent and project manager.
Residency at Ochsner
Major Beau Booth ’86 is the chief
of standardization and evaluation for the
in New Orleans, a Co57th Wing at Nellis AFB, Nev. He is also
lon and Rectal Fellowserving as an instructor pilot at the USAF’s
ship at LSU in ShreveF-16 Fighter Weapons School.
port and a Laparoscopic
Jean-Paul Perrault ’87 of McColon
Barfield ’89
Glinchey Stafford serves as secretary of the
Surgery Fellowship in
Baton Rouge Head Injury Association.
Richmond, Va. He is in practice with the
Joey Quinlan ’87 has been named Baton Rouge Colon and Rectal Associates.
President and Chief Operations Officer at
Michael Frugé ’90 has
First National Banker’s Bank.
been elected
David Faulk ’88 was elected to the
to the partCapital Area Court Appointed Special Advonership
cates Association board.
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, LLP law firm. He
Frugé ’90
in the
areas of business & commercial litigation.
Chuck SanAWARD. John Ribes ’58
owner of
(standing, left) was invested
as a Fellow of the AmeriSTUN Design and AdSanchez ’90
can Society of Landscape
vertising, has expanded his firm in four adArchitects. Joining John for
ditional states including
his recognition were his
brother Richard Ribes ’64
Maine, Texas, Tennessee
(top right), sister CHS Food
and Alabama.
Service Director Mary Lou
Jason Cashio
James (top center) and sister JoAnn Graphia (bottom
’91 was named as partright) with her husband
ner of Kean Miller Law
Judge Tony Graphia ’56.
Jason Cashio ’91
Stephen Hightower ’91 is managing partner of Tigre’s Fine Dining.
Kemp Tullier ’91 was named an officer of Business Associates of Baton Rouge.
Warrick Dunn ’93 of the Atlanta
Falcons received the Walter Payton NFL Man
of the Year award. Dunn was nominated for
his “Homes for the Holidays” program.
Tommy Screen ’93 has been named
assistant to the president for government relations at Loyola University in New Orleans.
Walt Braud ’96 accepted a position
with Roche Laboratories as a pharmaceutical
sales representative in the New Orleans area.
Dustin Kirkland ’97 has been
named a “Master Inventor” by IBM, recognizing over 50 pending patents and other intellectual property contributions.
John Cronan ’98 accepted a job as
a financial analyst in the McDonald’s U.S.
Controller Group at the McDonald’s home
office in Oak Brook, Ill.
Jeff Hebert ’98 has completed
his master’s in city planning at M.I.T. He
is currently the project manager for the economic development division of the Brooklyn
Chamber of Commerce in New York City.
Peter Panepinto ’98 is working
with the Home Realty Store, a real estate
brokerage firm. He acts as a broker and rehabilitates bank foreclosed properties.
Brian Meyers ’99 graduated from
LSU in December 2004 in biological science
and now works for Oppenheimer Urological
Reference Laboratory in Nashville, Tenn.
Tyler deFrances ’00
received his
bachelor of arts degree
in political science with
a minor in history from
LSU in December 2004.
He was a member of
Tyler deFrances ’00 Theta Xi Fraternity and
Student Government.
Jesse McClure ’00 graduated from
Tulane University magna cum laude in mechanical engineering in
the spring of 2004. He
will continue graduate
studies at Tulane.
Keith Murphy
’00 graduated from Tulane University magna Jesse McClure ’00
cum laude in mechanical
engineering in the spring of 2004. He is now
working for ExxonMobil at the Baton Rouge
Eric Hart ’02
was elected vice president of his fraternity,
Lambda Chi Alpha, at
Keith Murphy ’00
Texas Christian University.
Doug Planchard ’02 lettered as
center and guard in his red shirt freshman and
sophomore years at LSU. He is also a mem-
ber of the 2003 National
Football Championship
team and is majoring in
sports marketing.
Tommy Kellner ’03 was honored for
outstanding academic
Planchard ’02
achievement at The
Citadel during the 2004
fall semester. He is on the
Dean’s List and achieved
a 3.7 grade point average
or higher.
Morris LeBlanc
Kellner ’03
’03 made the Dean’s List
for the Fall 2004 semester at the University
of North Carolina-Charlotte.
Dillon Couvillon ’04 was chosen in
the 2004 Fall semester
to be an LSU Associate
Student Ambassador.
Dane Lambert
’04 made the Dean’s List
at LSU for the 2004 fall
Couvillon ’04
On the Cover
Mothers’ Club Auction Steering Committee:
front row (l to r) Cindy Tiek, Gail Weeks, Vicki
Dauterive and Sue Steitz. Back row (l to r)
Arlene Audiffred, moderator; Nancy
Donald, Mothers’ Club president; Kathy
Barbay, chair; Kathy Broha, co-chair; Fran
Harvey, Ann Delo and Cindy Dantin.
Faculty/Staff Serve Community in Day of Experience
By Barbara Camp
The faculty and staff of Catholic
High School served the community as they
participated in a Day of Experience January
24, 2005. Over one hundred members assisted in volunteer efforts at sites throughout
the Baton Rouge area.
Faculty members had the opportunity to experience the daily operations of 11
different agencies including the St. Vincent
de Paul dining room, pharmacy and three
thrift store locations, Connections for Life,
YWCA Early Head Start, Louisiana School
for the Visually Impaired, United Methodist
HOPE and Southdowns Elementary. Another group traveled by bus to Angola for a tour
of the prison facilities.
“This day is part of the faculty formation in the Catholic Social Teaching Program which takes place in each of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart schools in the New
CHS faculty member Chris Gardner volunteers at
Southdowns Elementary.
Orleans Province,” commented Campus
Minister Tom Eldringhoff.
“Each year the Day of Experience
reflects one of the seven basic teachings of
the program. The program calls for five
hours of formation/instruction on Catholic
Social Teaching and one full day of experi4
ence working with and for the marginalized,”
added Eldringhoff.
Comments shared by some of the
faculty and staff include:
Southdowns Elementary – “I was
moved by the wonderful teachers and aides
who work daily to help these children. We
should continue to heighten an awareness of
the needs of those who have challenges and
who struggle daily to live.”
Louisiana School for the Visually
Impaired – “I learned a great deal about the
causes of vision difficulties and also about
accommodations needed to educate visually
impaired students.”
The Day of Experience presents an
awareness of the many needs in the community. It provides faculty and staff an opportunity for service that continues throughout
the year and sets an example for their students.
Annual CHS Mothers’ Club Auction Set for April 9
Alumni, parents and friends attending
the Catholic High School Mothers’ Club Annual Auction will enjoy a tropical night with
the theme Bears In Paradise. The event will
be held on Saturday, April 9, beginning at 6
p.m. in the CHS gymnasium.
The silent and live auctions are always one of the highlights of the evening.
The silent auction will begin at 6 p.m. with
over 400 items available in all price ranges.
The items that will be presented at the
live auction beginning at 9 p.m. include:
Orthodontic Treatment (donated by
Stephen Sherman D.D.S., M.S.)
Boka-A-Month (donated by “The
Original” Heroman’s Florist)
Old Cypress Hoosier Cabinet (donated
by Kay and Peter Rumfola III ’89)
Champagne Raffle- Platinum Diamond
Cross (donated by Ken Fellin’s Fine Jewelers)
Zoom Teeth Bleaching (donated by
William Sinclair D.D.S.)
Cypress Table with Cabriole Legs (donated by Kay and Peter Rumfola III ’89)
Dinner for 6 at the Camelot Club
with Brother Francis David, SC and Brother
Barry Landry, SC (donated by Albemarle
LCD 17-inch Flat-Screen TV Panasonic
model TC17 (donated by Custom Audio and
Framed Original Oil Painting entitled
“Provence” by a local artist Ed Fetzer ’48 (donated by Fetzer’s Interiors & Fine Antiques)
Girls Night Out party for 10 (donated
by John and Sue Steitz and Bath Junkie)
Vacation Home in Cashiers, North
Carolina (donated by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
J. Adamek)
English Antique Pine Pot Cupboard/
Commode (donated by Kornmeyer’s)
Tahitian Pearl and Sapphire Earrings (donated by Dr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Branstetter, Jr.)
Old Cypress Swing Glider (donated by
Tonia and John Ross Rumfola ’86 and Cheryl
and Frank Rumfola ’84)
Scavenger Hunt (donated by Catholic
High School Mothers’ Club)
Impressionist Oil Painting (donated by
Nick and Carolyn Hebert)
Marsh Club Duck Hunting Trip for
four (donated by Lane Grigsby, Ken Jacob and
Milton Graugnard, Cajun Constructors, Inc.)
Car Raffle 2005 Cadillac CTS from
Duplessis Automotive Group (donated by CHS
Mothers’ Club)
Weekend Fishing trip for 4 (donated by
Thomas and Bill Persac ’72)
Zoom Teeth Bleaching (donated by
Richard L. Wampold, D.D.S.)
Sterling Silver and 14-karat Gold Double Cable Citrine-Tipped Bracelet (donated by
Robert Roth Jewelers)
Bilateral Lasik Eye Surgery (donated by
Williamson Nelson Eye Center, Scott Nelson,
Bear Fishing in a Stream
Oil Painting
statue, two season passes to all
of CHS sporting events for the
2005-06 school year and CHS
spirit items (donated by Classic
Interiors & Gift, CHS Athletic Department and the CHS Bookstore)
Tr o m p e
L’ O e i l
Canvas (donated by
Connie Bourgeois Perque)
Sinker Cypress Kitchen Platinum Diamond Cross
Table (donated by Southern Plantation Shutters)
2005-2006 Tuition Door Prize Drawing
(donated by CHS Mothers’ Club)
Again this year an exciting raffle will
be held - A Champagne Raffle. A limited
number of tickets are being sold for $25
each. On the evening of the Mothers’ Club
Auction, tickets will be exchanged for a glass
English Antique Pine Pot
of champagne. One lucky glass will contain a
Leslie Falgoust,
platinum cross with 0.50 total carat weight of
Gallmann, Celia
diamonds on a stunning 18" platinum chain.
Fran Harvey, Patti
Contact Patty Hiller, (225) 751-3165, for
Joyce Jackson,
tickets or additional details.
A festive medley of food prepared by
Charles “Squeaky” Miranda of City Café
on O’Neal Lane will be featured. The menu
will offer both Louisiana and tropical items. Talley, Chris Tam, Cindy Tiek and Carol White.
For the sixth year, desserts will be prepared Arlene Audiffred moderates the Mothers’ Club,
by CHS grandmother, Melanie McRoberts, Margie Alexander serves as financial advifeaturing her own delicious recipes for cakes, sor and Nancy Donald is Mothers’ Club
cookies and pastries.
Tickets to the auction are $20 per
Another highlight of the evening is the
and may be purchased by calling Gail
drawing for the Cadillac CTS from Duplessis
at (225) 272-7208 or Susan Nelson
Automotive Group. The drawing will be held
Tickets will also be availduring the live auction. Raffle tickets will be
available for purchase during the auction or
can be purchased in advance by calling Kathy
Broha (225) 292-5719.
Tuition Door Prize
Kathy Barbay, committee chairperson,
is assisted by co-chairs Kathy Broha and Pam
A CHS student of your choice
receive free tuition for the
Other committee members are:
2005-06 school year.
Debbie Anderson, Debra Boehringer, Gail
Bourgeois, Amiee deWit Butcher, Mary
Must be present to win.
Kadair-Crump, Cindy Dantin, Vicki
Endowed Scholarship
Rick H. Lea ’77 Endowed Scholarship To Help Others
The Lea family has been
1982, Lea worked for Ameron in
associated with the Brothers of the
Saudi Arabia for five years. When
Sacred Heart for the past 50 years.
he returned to Baton Rouge from
Rick Lea ’77 is a Catholic High
Saudi Arabia, Lea joined his fagraduate and his father, Richard
ther in the family business of
Lea, graduated from St. Aloysius
Specialty Plastics. When the compain New Orleans in 1958. Rick’s
ny was sold to EDO Specialty Plasnephew, Ryan Lea, is a 1998 gradutics in 1999, Rick became director of
ate of St. Stanislaus in Bay St. Louis,
business development for Fiberbond.
Mississippi. It is because of his close
He is also an active member of Most
connection with the Brothers of the SaBlessed Sacrament Church Parish.
cred Heart that Rick has made numerIn setting up the Rick H.
ous contributions to Catholic High—
Lea ’77 Endowed Scholarship, Lea
in particular, the funding of the James
admitted that this act was triggered
Lea ’77 (at left) is pictured with his classmate Paul by the induction of his good friend
Patrick Hannie Memorial Endowed Rick
Rhorer ’77 (at right) and Pete Boudreaux ’59 on the occasion of Pete
Scholarship and the newly established Boudreaux’s induction into the CHS Hall of Fame.
Coach Boudreaux into the CHS Hall
Rick H. Lea ’77 Endowed Scholarof Fame. One of the fondest memoship.
toughness and his teaching by example— ries in Rick’s life goes back to July 1994 when
Lea entered CHS in the eighth whether it was science or the method of he hosted a dinner at his restaurant for Bougrade and was immediately impressed with praying.” He saw in Brother Eldon Crifasi, dreaux and his wife Pat, Warrick Dunn ’93,
Coach Pete Boudreaux ’59, who would be SC, ’39 a person “who trusted people and as Kevin Franklin ’93, Paul Rhorer ’77 and
his Louisiana history teacher, guidance coun- a person who led by example.” He credited CHS Public Relations Director Jan Breen.
selor, freshmen football coach and varsity Coach Barrett Murphy ’55 with instilling
“It was a very special night because
track coach. Coach Boudreaux affectionately in him an interest in weightlifting which he our common bond was a love of Catholic
referred to Rick as “Joe Dash.”
High,” commented Lea. “I was an average
still possesses to the present day.
“Coach Boudreaux had a tremenIn his senior year, Lea received the student who got along well with everyone.
dous influence on my life. I admired the way Golden Grizzly Award. This award was given I respected others and felt I was respected by
he handled people, treated everyone with re- for the hardest working player in football.
them in return,” added Lea.
spect and made each person feel important.
Lea would say that “life is a relay
“This award taught me that even
He treated everyone the same,” commented though you might work hard you still need and we must pass the baton on for the imLea.
other people in your life to help and guide provement of the next generation. The Rick
Lea remembers Brother Gordian you,” commented Lea.
H. Lea ’77 Endowed Scholarship is my small
Udinsky, SC for his “teaching of mental
Upon graduation from LSU in part in passing on this baton.”
In Memoriam
As of February 17, 2005, the following alumni and friends of CHS have died since the last issue of Bear Facts II. Please remember them
and their families in your prayers.
Everett Bennett “Red” LeBlanc
Linda Richard Abadie
Clarence A. Frost
Alton Leslie Meyer
Thomas W. Allain
James N. Garrett
Joseph B. Modicut, Jr. ’48
John Enoch Andrews, Sr.
Lefebvre Louis Gianelloni II ’55
Anna Mae Alello Montagnino
Sidney Joseph Babin
Nettie Anna “Tuzzie” Guerin
Mildred Agnes Mouch
Virginia Warren “Ginny” Baker
Alfred R. Guglielmo
Iris C. Ortego
Thelma Breaux Baudry
Richard Gwin ’72
Herbert Piller, Ph.D.
Mary Agnes Gipson Beatty
Joseph Carlysle Hebert ’39
Charles Stavaol “Charlie” Prosser, Jr.
Corrine Olivier Bolton
Ray Herthum ’40
Paul Denver Reynolds, Jr.
Margie Norton Bourg
Juanita W. Hester
John Samuel Sardisco, M.D.
Irma Germaine St. Romain Bridges
Robert A. Holloway, Sr.
Nancy Scioneaux
Jack S. Burk, Sr.
Forrest Lee Hooper, Jr. ’48
Albert Allen Stevens
Horace “Butch” Butler
Richard “Dick” Jones
Dalton Suire
William “Brett” Conrad, Sr. ’79
Margaret Moore Judice
Leon Surrat
Dolores Decuir “Zeno” Darensbourg
Elphege Joseph “E.J.” Landry ’37
Bernice Dupuy Thibodeaux
James Calvin “Jim” Davis
Shirrell Grass Landry
Margarita Suadi Thompson
Maj. Donald Cecile Delaune, U.S. Army,
Thomas Ray Landry, Ph.D.
Albert Hays Town
Ruth Carol Hardin Larpenteur
Robert E. “Bob” Young, Jr. ’44
Phyllis Ann “Miss D” DiVincenti
Marie Ann LeBas
CHS Announces Changes In Development Office
Gauthier, SC ’55, will be leaving Catholic High School as
June 30,
and will
onBrother Aquin
Gauthier, SC ’55
at E. D.
White Catholic High School in
Thibodaux, La.
Brother Aquin will
be on a sabbatical in the fall of
2005 at the Catholic Theological
Union in Chicago participating
in a program for members of
religious congregations. In the
2005-06 spring semester, he will
join the faculty of E.D. White
and work in the areas of admissions and public relations.
While serving as development director at CHS for
12 years, Brother Aquin helped
launch the Second Century of
Excellence Campaign which has
provided the first installment of
the Master Plan – the Health
& Physical Education Center
and the soon-to-be-completed
Science Center.
“Brother Aquin has
been a prime mover in the development efforts that have produced tremendous successes,”
commented CHS President
Brother Francis David, SC.
In directing the development office activities, Brother
Aquin worked tirelessly in the
Catholic High School annual
campaigns with parents, alums
and friends of CHS. He is especially proud of his work to raise
the number of endowed scholarships from 16 to over 70.
“These scholarships are
a part of the future of CHS,”
commented Gauthier.
funds allow young men who need
tuition assistance to have the opportunity for a Catholic High
education,” added Gauthier.
Before beginning his
service at CHS, Brother Aquin
served as development director
for 20 years at St. Stanislaus High
School in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
Dr. Greg Brandao
’73 will
the role
of CHS
effective July
1, 2005. Dr. Greg Brandao ’73
returns to CHS after serving 18
years at the school, including 11
as principal. He also will continue his consulting career that
he began in 2004.
“Catholic High has
been an important part of my
life,” commented Brandao. “As
my consulting career continues, I am excited that service to
Catholic High will be a major
part of my work for the 2005-06
school year,” added Brandao.
The Catholic High
Development Office was established in 1980 under the direction of Brother Donnan Berry,
SC. The office serves to promote
financial support of the school.
Alums To Gather in Houston
There are over 200
Catholic High Bears living in
Houston, Texas
Our first satellite alumni association will be established
with a kick-off crawfish boil/reunion
on Saturday, April 23
at the homes of Mark and Will Dakmak ’73.
If you live in the Houston area or are planning to be in the
Houston area that weekend, please contact
Nolan Keller if you would like to attend at
(713) 664-4683 or nolankeller@sbcglobal.net
Prayer Breakfast
ALUMNI. (Top left) Alumni who gathered for
the 2005 Prayer Breakfast were (l to r) Francis
Furrate ’47, John Jolissaint ’35, Louis McHardy
’47, Buck Langlois ’49 and Dan LeBlanc ’47.
PRAYING TOGETHER. (Top right) Attending
the Prayer Breakfast were (l to r) George Gelpi
’52 and his wife, Jane Gelpi.
ENJOYING THE TIME. (Bottom left) Gathered
before the Prayer Breakfast on January 29,
2005 were (l to r) Patsy Lorio, Brother Eldon
Crifasi, SC ’39, Rayne Lorio ’54, Camilia
Lorio and Clarence Lorio ’52.
VISITING. (Bottom right) Visiting during the
2005 Prayer Breakfast were (l to r) David
Alexander ’88, Archie Kranske ’82, Rich
Whitlow ’84 and Amy Alexander.
Mothers and Sons Gather for 19th Annual Breakfast
The 19th Annual
Mother-Son Breakfast was held
on Sunday, February 20, 2005 at
the Holiday Inn Select Executive
In keeping with the
theme Bears in Paradise guests
entered the Premier Ballrooms to
Jimmy Buffett music and tables
decorated with bright umbrellas, parrots, fresh flowers and
balloons. A copy of the opening
poem tied with colorful ribbon
and a cross charm were placed
on the table for each mother as a
special keepsake.
The group was welcomed by Nancy Donald,
president of the Catholic High
Mothers’ Club. Coach Pete
Boudreaux ’59 was the guest
speaker for the over 1,000
in attendance. Mrs. Arlene
Audiffred, Mothers’ Club moderator, introduced Boudreaux.
Student Council President
Dixon McMakin ’05 gave the
blessing with a special prayer he
wrote for the event.
Seniors presented roses
to their moms as members of
the CHS Choir led by David
Dugas ’05 entertained the
group. Commemorative photos
of mothers and sons were taken
by Kleinpeter Photography prior
to the breakfast.
Chairperson for the
breakfast was Cindy Dantin.
Other committee members included Ginger Cary, Beth Ellis,
Kirby Hollier, Aline Landry, Fay
Reitz, Jan Samson and Theresa
CELEBRATING MOMS AND SONS. Jason Peters ’07 (left) and mom Monica
and Brandon Wheeler ’07 (right) and mom Roberta enjoy the time together.
Andrew LeBas ’06 and mom Sherri
enjoy the breakfast.
TEARS OF JOY. (Far right) Jeffrey
Thompson ’05 gives his mom Linda
Jane a hug.
Bears In Action
Astronomy Club visiting NASA’s
Johnson Space Center in Houston were (l to r) Josh Barrios ’05,
Alex Demas ’05, Joey Chatelain
’05, Nicholas Comeaux ’07, Taylor
Johnson ’05, Adam Frost ’09 and
Andrew Bayer ’05.
QUIZ BOWL. (Top right) Accepting the trophy for second place
in the Diocesan Quiz Bowl Tournament were (l to r) Andrew
Stewart ’09, Matthew Smith ’09,
Wesley Zeringue
’09, Travis
Edwards ’09 and CHS Moderator Mrs. Alys Melancon. Stephan
Bouanchaud ’09 and Bennett
Caldwell ’09 were also members of
the team.
left) Students representing Catholic High
at the African American History Program
at the Russel B. Long Federal Building
and United States Courthouse and joining Mayor President Kip Holden were
(from left) Jason Peters ’07, Tim Durel
’05, Brandon Odom ’06, Davis Rhorer
’07, Julius Fleming ’06, Kirkland James
’05, Mayor Holden, Sean Cotton ’09, CHS
Faculty member Andy Martin, Osby Kelly
’08 and Mark Clements ’08.
BAND. (Bottom right) The CHS Band and
Bruinettes marched in a parade at Disney
World over the Mardi Gras break.
Alumni Feature
Dr. Stewart Gordon ’82 Devotes Career To Helping Children
By Jennifer J. Rouse
Dr. Stewart Gordon ’82, chief of
pediatrics at LSU Health Sciences Center/
Earl K. Long Medical Center, has dedicated
his medical practice to helping children with
obesity and abuse
and to educating
parents on early
In addition to
pediatric medical
education at Earl
K. Long Medical
Dr. Stewart Gordon ’82 Center, Gordon
has been instrumental in instituting many child advocacy
programs. His programs address child abuse
prevention, childhood obesity and the importance of early brain development.
Gordon currently serves as president of the organization YouWho, Inc. This
program was established to provide one organization that could work in combination
with other child advocate groups to speak
together rather than individually. In his
pediatric weight management program at
Pennington Research Center, Gordon also
works with children suffering from obesity.
The program works with overweight children to help them and their families learn
how to lead healthier lives.
Reach Out and Read is a program
Gordon helped develop in the Pediatric
Clinics at LSUHSC / EKLMC in
order to expose young children to
reading and to educating parents
on the importance of early infant
brain development. His belief in
this program is that the first five
years of a child’s life are important
for the highest level of brain development.
‘School Readiness,’ an important
building block for long-term success,” commented Gordon.
In addition to these pro- REACH OUT AND READ. Dr. Stewart Gordon ’82 reads to his
grams, Gordon has been active in patient at the LSU Medical Center.
many other areas. He designed
the state of Louisiana’s medical program that and do something to improve their future,”
offers health care to incarcerated youth from commented Gordon.
While at Catholic High, Gordon
ages 10 to 21 years. He has served on boards
for child advocacy programs such as Loui- was involved in Key Club, Student Council
siana Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board, and Band. He served his senior year as a senaLouisiana Juvenile Justice Commission tor for the Hi-Y convention and president of
Advisory Board and Prevent Child Abuse the National Honor Society. The NHS moderator presented Gordon with the Golden
Gordon pursued a career in pedi- Bear for Outstanding Member of NHS for
atrics because of his love of children and for heading one of the most successful tutoring
the gratification of watching children get programs at that time.
“Stewart is very committed to his
well. He saw the need in the community
to help educate parents and children on the family, friends and the children of our comimportance of early child health care and de- munity. In his positions at Earl K. Long, the
Pennington, and YouWho, Inc., he is very
“Most of us who grew up with the passionate about educating and caring for
luxury of a Catholic High education did not children,” commented Sonny Chastain ’82.
“His role goes well beyond that of
appreciate how fortunate we were to be in
that environment. There are many people a mere job, but a vocation or calling. Each
in the Baton Rouge com- day, Stewart truly exemplifies the call to serve
munity who were born others that the Brothers of the Sacred Heart
into a much different, less instilled in us,” added Chastain.
Dr. Gordon and his wife of 12 years,
fortunate environment.
We are better served as a Cricket, have two children, eight-year-old
community if we become Emma and four-year-old Webster and are exmore aware of those who pecting another baby in April.
struggle to live around us
Wedding Bells
board member for the National Conference for Community and
Justice, presents the Brotherhood/Sisterhood Award to (l to r)
staff member Jeannie Miller, faculty member Tom Eldringhoff and
seniors Jim Martin and Kirkland James.
Holly Lyn Keene and E. Michael Martin ’80...Lisa Terry Friday and
Norman L. Duhon, Jr. ’89...Lori Ann Murphy and Stephen T. Saux,
Jr. ’90...Kristin Suzanne Bassett and Stephen D. Chapman II ’94...
Jennifer Michelle Hood and D. Brian Cohn ’94...A’Lecia Annette Ardoin
and Nicholas I. Mancuso ’96...Mary Lucille Knobloch and Jason K.
Schwartzenburg ’97...Diane Renee Keller and Michael O. Smith ’97...
Beth Courville and Robert J. Crochet, Jr. ’98...Kasey Aline Pierce and
Kenneth E. Marcell III ’98...Amanda Christine Tassin and Matthew J.
Schittone ’98...Lindsey Lee Daigle and Kenneth J. Manda, Jr. ’00.
Athletes Sign To Play Football at Grambling State
Two Catholic High seniors
signed to play college football in
Revay Smith ’05 and
Corey Williams ’05 will play
for Grambling State University.
“I chose Grambling State
because I felt at home there
and I have great respect for the
coach,” commented Williams.
Williams played defensive tackle for the Bears and
was named to the second team
All-District. He played on the
Capital City All Star Team.
Revay Smith also liked the
Tigers of Grambling State. “I
chose Grambling State because
it is a place where everybody is
somebody,” commented Smith.
Smith was offensive guard
for the Bears and was also named
to the second team All -District.
“I am very proud of these
young men,” commented Head
Football Coach Dale Weiner.
“Their hard work helped us to
be successful and helped them to
continue their football careers. I
am excited to see them go to a
program that produces quality
student athletes,” added Weiner.
Since 1988 there have been
86 CHS graduates who have
signed to play collegiate football.
Catholic High School
is the recipient for the third
year in a row of the BellSouth
Sportsmanship Award.
Given since 1999 by
BellSouth in conjunction with
the Baton Rouge Area Football
Officials, the award recognizes
the team that maintains the
highest level of sportsmanship as
determined by the Baton Rouge
Area Football Association. All
43 high school football teams in
a seven-parish area are eligible for
the award, and all five classifications are included in the judging
for the award.
Football officials grade
each game played during the
year according to a list of 15
items pertaining to sportsmanship. At the end of the season,
the team with the highest score
wins the award.
The football team, coaches
and administration were honored
at an awards banquet and the
school received a trophy to keep
for a year. Additionally, each
player received a sportsmanship
patch for his letter jacket and the
head coach was given a plaque
honoring him and his team.
COLLEGIATE FOOTBALL. Revay Smith ’05 (left) and Corey Williams ’05 (right)
are congratulated by Head Football Coach Dale Weiner as they sign letters
of intent to play football at Grambling State.
CHS Receives 2004 BellSouth Sportsmanship Award
SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD. Presenting the BellSouth Sportsmanship Award to
Catholic High School Principal Brother Barry Landry, SC (second from left)
and CHS Head Football Coach Dale Weiner (center) were BellSouth representatives (l to r) Tyrrell Bordelon, Dale Spikes and Francis Furrate ’47 of
the Baton Rouge Area Football Officials.
SPORTSMANSHIP. The Bears were honored for their sportsmanship during
season play.
Garidel To Play for Tulane
Jeffrey Garidel ’04 joins
the ranks of CHS graduates who
continue their athletic career
at the collegiate level. Garidel
transferred to Tulane University
in January 2005 and will play
baseball for the Green Wave.
Garidel played short stop for the
Bears. He was 4-5A All-District
Utility Player in 2003 and 2004;
named to the Louisiana High
School 5-A Academic All-State
team as short stop; received the
CHS Baseball Student-Athlete Award and played in the
Louisiana High School All Star
Game. In 2003, he received the
CHS Baseball Highest Batting
Average award. He was also
named a CHS Man of the Year
for his leadership, service and
dedication to the school.
“Tulane offers the opportunity to participate in one of the
top baseball
in America
and, more
importantly, to
attend one
of the top Jeffrey Garidel ’04
Garidel, who is the son
of CHS Head Baseball Coach
Gerry Garidel, will play second
base for Tulane.
16th Annual Golf Classic Set for April 18 at Pelican Point
The 16th Annual
CHS Golf Classic will be held
on Monday, April 18, 2005, at
Pelican Point Golf Club. This
year’s “shotgun scramble” will
begin at 12:30 p.m. and will be
played simultaneously on both
18-hole golf courses at Pelican
Entry fees include
green fees, cart fees, registration gifts, lunch, drinks on the
course and dinner. As always
there will be a hole-in-one car
giveaway. New this year will be
the million-dollar-hole-in-one.
One lucky golfer will be chosen
to take a shot for a million dollar prize.
A maximum of 72
foursomes will be able to play
in this tournament and those
who played last year will receive
the first opportunity to play this
year. Confirmed registrations
will be based strictly on the
order of received paid registration forms. Although the CHS
Alumni Association sponsors
the event, all men are invited to
“This is another event
that gives us all a chance to see
old friends and renew old acquaintances, while at the same
time supporting a worthwhile
endeavor like the alumni scholarship fund. Helping someone
receive an education from CHS,
when they wouldn’t be able to
do it on their own, is something
we should all be proud of,” commented Donn Peterson ’81,
chairman of the event.
Sponsorships are available as follows: Cub Sponsorships
for $725 (includes one four-man
team, hole sponsorship and recognition in Bear Facts II); Bruin
Sponsorship for $1,000 (includes
one four-man-team, tournament
banner recognition, hole sponsorship and recognition in Bear
Facts II); Grizzly Sponsorship for
$2,000 (includes one four-manteam, tournament banner recognition, golf cart signage, hospitality gift for each team member,
GOLF CLASSIC COMMITTEE. Committee members gathered to plan the 16th
Annual Golf Classic were sitting (l to r) Camp Matens ’60; Donn Peterson
’81, chairman; and Matt Cronin ’79. Standing (l to r) Byron Rome ’89, Ed
Sutton ’93, Terry Orillion ’77.
hole sponsorship, special recognition in Bear Facts II, and an ad
in all of 2005 football season programs.)
Proceeds will benefit
the Alumni Association Scholarship at Catholic High School.
Members of this year’s
Golf Classic steering committee
are Donn Peterson ’81, chairman; Andy Adler ’82, Robin
Beard, Matt Cronin ’79, David
Faulk ’88, Carey Guglielmo
’86, Matt Marchand ’84, Camp
Matens ’60, Terri Orillion ’77,
Scott Ritter ’93, Byron Rome
’89 and Ed Sutton ’93.
For further information on the golf tournament, contact Robin Beard
at (225) 383-0459 or email
Brother Eldon 5K Run
Will Steele ’94 (left) receives
his first place ribbon from
Brother Eldon Crifasi SC ’39 for
the 5K Race.
gathered at the Brother Eldon
5K Run were (l to r) David
Whatley ’74; Randy Ellis ’65;
Mike Martin ’80, race co-chairman; and Steve Brooksher ’70,
race co-chairman.
WINNERS. (Bottom left) Austin Beard ’06 (left)
receives his first place ribbon from Brother Eldon
Crifasi SC ’39 for the one-mile walk/jog.
OLDEST RUNNER. (Bottom right) Steve Brooksher
’70 (left), chairman of the Brother Eldon 5K Run,
congratulates Sidney Arbour ’31 for being the
oldest runner at 91 years of age.
Results of Race
Log on to www.catholichigh.org/alumni
and click on Alumni Events.
From the Archives
Diploma, Certificates, Ring and Jacket Donated to Archives
By Sara Brignac
The Catholic High
School’s constituency of alumni
and their families are always showing their generosity to the school
in various ways — whether it is
through the donation of dollars,
time or effort. Recently, the
Catholic High archive office has been the recipient
of some of this generosity
through donations made
to the collections there.
In February,
Ms. Vivian Cazayoux
paid a visit to the archives
bringing with her memorabilia
hailing from the years when
her five brothers attended
Catholic High School - James
Cazayoux ’42, Brother Cosmas
Cazayoux ’45, Reverend Clair
M. Cazayoux, SJ ’47, Dr.
Francis T. Cazayoux ’48 and Dr.
Robert V. Cazayoux ’51. Ms.
Cazayoux donated James’ honor
roll award certificates from 1939
and 1940, both his grade school
and high school graduation diplomas and his “Sodality of Our
Blessed Lady” diploma from the
1940 Sodality student
Also included was James’
1942 class ring
with black onyx on the front
with a bear logo in the center.
This is the only class ring in the
archive collection of this design. She also donated Brother
Cosmas’ (Eugene Cazayoux)
honor roll certificates as well as
a 1940 football letter.
of his 50-year reunion, Mr. Thomas
Nolan, Sr. ’55 has
also recently donated both his
football letterman sweater
and jacket
Catholic High
School archives. Nolan’s jacket is particularly unique in that it is reversible
with wool on one side and twill
on the other. Both the sweater
and jacket show the signs that
they have been well worn. Mr.
Nolan stated that both items
held special memories for him
about his time as a Catholic High
Bear, and he wanted the items to
go where they would be appreci-
Grandparents Day
If you are interested
in viewing items in
the archive collection or have an item
you would like to
donate, please contact CHS Archivist Sara Brignac at
(225) 389-0978 or
50-Year Reunion
May 21, 2005
For Information contact
Alumni Office
(225) 383-0459
ALL SMILES. (Top left) Enjoying
the reception following the 2005
Grandparents Day program were
(l to r) Essie Coleman and grandson, Trey Johnson ’07.
Ruby Bordelon (second from
left) visits with grandson Davis
Rhorer ’07 (far left) along with
his cousin Michael Paul Rhorer
’08 (far right) and their greatgrandmother Zip Quinn (center)
and grandmother Janet Rhorer
(fourth from left) during Grandparents Day on January 7, 2005.
TOURING. (Bottom left)
Austin Lieux ’08 (third
from left), tours the
campus with grandparents (l to r) Dotty and
James Lieux ’41 and
Rita Strate.
(Bottom right) Jean
Wong (center) walks
in the courtyard with
grandsons (l to r)
’08 following the
Grandparents Day program.
Summer at CHS Offers New Courses in Academics, Arts and Athletics
By Jennifer J. Rouse
The Summer at CHS program will
offer new courses in 2005 giving students additional opportunities in academics, arts and
New summer activities include
academic enrichment courses in ACT preparation, college and career planning, Geometry I and an adventure camp. A new arts
section has been added to include three band
camp options and an art workshop. In addition to academics and arts, athletics will add
a bowling camp, summer basketball league,
wrestling and additional combo camps to its
list of courses this summer.
Students will have the option of
requesting previous summer courses such
as preparation for Algebra I and II, English
I and computer keyboarding. Sports camps
will again highlight baseball, basketball, football, soccer and weightlifting.
Summer sessions start May 23 and
conclude July 22. Activities are offered for
students as young as eight years old. Course
times and exact dates can be found in the
Summer at CHS brochure. The registra-
tion mail-in deadline is Friday, May 6,
be picked up in the front office
of the school or viewed from the
Catholic High School website at
www.catholichigh.org. Contact Mrs.
Margie Alexander at (225) 381-9114
or malexander@catholichigh.org for
questions concerning registration, and
Ms. Sherie Noel at (225) 383-0397 or
summerprogram@catholichigh.org for
questions regarding program activities.
Activities taking place
in the Summer at CHS
program include academic enrichment, athletic and extracurricular
Alumni Recognized
Robin Beard, director
of the office of alumni
relations, presents various gifts to Ken Litz
’75 commemorating his
being the 1000th member of the CHS Alumni
Association on January
6, 2005. This is the
highest enrollment in
the history of the association.
1980s’ ALUMNI ATTEND MASS. Alumni from the classes of 1980-89
attended mass on January 27, 2005. Alumni attending were seated
(l to r) Rich Whitlow ’84, Sloan Deumite ’87, Brian Davis ’89 and
Don Scully ’96. Standing were (l to r) George Cunningham ’81, Leo
Abel ’89, Dwayne Honoré ’83, Nick Dimaio ’85, Hal Bahlinger ’82,
Kirk Patrick ’82 and Mark Sanchez ’82
High School alums
who were recognized
Graduates from elementary schools were
(l to r) Sloan Deumite
’87, for St. George;
and Ben Giamalva ’76,
for St. Aloysius.
Attending Mass honoring Catholic Schools Week were (l to r)
Jonathan Greer ’88, Sid Bowden ’87, Andy Adler ’82, Karl Krousel
’81, John McLinden ’81, Stevie Toups ’84, Frank Marabella and Sonny
Chastain ’82
Memorial and Honorary Gifts
There are many special occasions during our lives when we choose to memorialize or honor in a special way those we hold dear. The following are
acknowledged for their gifts to Catholic High School from December 4, 2004 through February 23, 2005 in honor or memory of loved ones. Please
remember these alumni and friends, as well as their families, in your prayers.
Memorial Gifts
Mrs. Linda Abadie
Mr. and Mrs. R. Patrick Beard
Mrs. Louise Agosta
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Wilton, Jr. ’40
Mr. Thomas W. Allain
Ms. Regina McMakin
Mrs. Edith L. Assaf
Dr. and Mrs. David Assaf IV ’89
Mrs. Mary Claire Bahlinger
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Haase, Sr. ’48
Mrs. Maria P. Bologna
Mr. Frank M. Bologna ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. James, Jr.
Mr. Edward J. Borgmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Borgmeyer
Mr. John R. Bourg, Sr. ’48
Judge and Mrs. Daniel W. LeBlanc ’47
Mrs. Eloise Braud
Mr. L. Paul Braud, Jr. ’76
Sr. Kathleen Brogdon, C.S.J.
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis C. Chastain II ’79
Mr. Jack W. Broussard
Mr. Lance C. Broussard ’01
Mr. Lloyd J. Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Benny G. Caruso
Mr. Thaddeus A. Broussard
Mrs. V. P. Bella, Jr.
Mr. Leo A. Carlino, Jr. ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Haupt
Mr. Sam J. Caruso ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Benny G. Caruso
Mr. John P. Clarke III ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hebert, Jr. ’64
Mr. John A. Commagere III ’56
Dr. and Mrs. Robert I. Comeaux, Jr. ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culotta
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Culotta, Jr. ’59
The Steven W. Deumite ’79
Memorial Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Shepard F. Perrin III ’79
Mrs. Ann Didier
Mr. Gerald R. Didier, Sr. ’50
Mr. Duane A. Didier
Mr. Gerald R. Didier, Sr. ’50
Mr. Stewart L. Dietrich ’40
Mrs. Janet Dietrich
Mr. Patrick M. Dietrich
Miss Phyllis DiVincenti
Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Babin ’61
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Barber, Sr.
Mrs. Lucille E. Bennett
Ms. Patricia Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Bologna ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph J. Bonnecaze ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brouillette
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Broussard ’55
Ms. Theresa Cazayoux
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Culotta ’51
Mrs. Virginia M. DiVincenti
Mrs. Osborne C. Dye
Patrick L. Flanagan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. Warren Gallaspy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hebert, Jr. ’64
Mrs. Kathryn A. Hessburg
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hoffman, Sr. ’72
Mrs. Jewell Hotard
Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. James, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Melancon, Jr.
Mr. and Ms. W. O. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murphy III
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ponti
Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Ruffino
Judge and Mrs. Melvin A. Shortess, Sr.
Dr. Patrick Slattery
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Stephens ’73
Ms. Cynthia Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Williams D. Wall IV
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Wray
Mr. Elmo Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Wilton, Jr. ’40
Mrs. Norma Domas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Domas ’71
Mr. William J. Doran, Jr. ’49
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Landry ’50
Mr. Charles A. Dranguet, Sr. ’32
Mr. and Mrs. C. Alvin Dranguet, Jr. ’59
Mr. Charles J. Duhe, Sr.
Mrs. Mary Duhe
Mr. James O. Dumigan
Dr. and Dr. R. Matthew Dumigan ’90
Mr. P. Ryan Esnard ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Bruser ’94
Mr. Vincent C. Ferachi
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Ferachi, Jr. ’54
Mr. Gordon E. Fisher, Sr. ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. McHardy, Sr. ’47
Mr. Bruce Freeman
Dr. and Dr. O. Lonnie Roberts, Jr. ’58
Mrs. Victoria M. Galtier
Ms. Betty Lou Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Garrett
Mrs. Yvonne Smith
Mr. Allison Gautreaux
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd T. Gautreaux ’50
Mr. Charles H. Gautreaux ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd T. Gautreaux ’50
Mr.Vernon A. Gautreaux ’38
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd T. Gautreaux ’50
Mr. Lefebvre L. Gianelloni II ’55
Judge and Mrs. Daniel W. LeBlanc ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. LeBlanc, Jr. ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Williams, Sr.
Brother Gordian Udinsky, SC
Mr. Daniel R. Murray ’63
Mr. Richard L. Gwin ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Murray A. Forman
Mr. and Mrs. Rene J. Pfefferle
Mr. David A. Hamilton
Mrs. Gaye Hamilton
Mr. Charles C. Healy, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet T. Healy ’83
Mr. James J. Hebert ’49
Judge and Mrs. Daniel W. LeBlanc ’47
Mr. D. Jensen Holliday ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Borgmeyer
Mr. Forrest L. Hooper, Jr. ’48
CHS Men’s Club
CHS Men’s Club Executive Committee
Mr. Philip B. Eckert ’52
Patrick L. Flanagan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Gelpi ’52
Mrs. Bernice L. Jones
Judge and Mrs. Daniel W. LeBlanc ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence P. Lorio, Jr. ’52
Mr. John D. Terry
Mr. Tommy Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grisaffe, Jr.
Mr. Timothy F. Hulin, Sr. ’46
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Marchand, Jr.
Mrs. Marion Jaubert
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Culotta, Jr. ’59
Mr. Francis C. Jumonville, Sr. ’39
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Jumonville, Sr. ’42
Ms. Mildred Juneau
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel P. Lambert
Mr. Hing Kwan
Mrs. Theresa Saia
Lt. M. Scott Lamana ’88
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd W. Crochet
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Miller ’84
Mrs. Frances L. Landry
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Borghardt
Mrs. Ruth Larpenteur
Ms. Christine E. Angelloz
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bouchereau, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay T. Bourgeois
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie C. Bradley and Ben
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brouillette
CHS Mothers’ Club
Ms. Robin E. Deck
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dupont
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gianelloni ’74
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jewell
Kean, Miller, Hawthorne, D’Armond,
McCowan & Jarman, LLP
Ms. Renèe H. LaCour
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Laville, Sr.
Dr. Ignatius J. Mazoch
and Dr. Cheryl S. Hedlund
Mr. Dixon McMakin
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mills, Jr. ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Mohr ’78
Ms. Kathy A. Morin
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon S. Nadler
Mr. and Mrs. Jules J. Noel III
Mr. and Mrs. Grady P. Savoie, Sr.
Ms. Linda A. Williams
Ms. Melissa L. LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. LeJeune
Mr. William H. LeBlanc, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Thompson ’74
Mrs. Joyce Leggett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Leggett ’85
Mr. Harry P. Lemoine ’38
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Culotta, Jr. ’59
Mr. Raymond Paul Loup
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Loup ’62
Miss Madeleine M. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. James, Jr.
Memorial and Honorary Gifts
Mr. Kendal Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Wilton, Jr. ’40
Mr. Edward C. Mansur ’36
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sutton
Mr. F. Bernard Manuel ’32
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Morgan
Mr. Oscar Maumus
Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Thomas
Mr. Raymond Maumus
Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Thomas
Mrs. Marie R. Mayhall
Mr. and Mrs. Van R. Mayhall, Jr. ’64
Mrs. Murel L. McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. McConnell ’69
Mr. James E. McGuire ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Ourso
Mrs. Margaret L. McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Jess L. McHugh ’73
Mr. Weldon C. McHugh ’37
Mr. and Mrs. Jess L. McHugh ’73
Mr. Joe McMakin
Mrs. Regar D’Agostino
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lloyd
Mr. Richard K. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Marchand, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy O. Mills
Mrs. Claudia Brosius
Mr. Ralph Minvielle
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk P. Minvielle
Mr. Byron M. Monroe ’91
Mr. Bradley T. Lowe ’91
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Monroe
Mr. William D. Moore, Jr.
Mrs. Ruby Moore
Mrs. Claire M. Morvant
Mrs. Cherrill M. Morvant
Mr. C. Anthony Nolan ’92
Mr. and Mrs. C. Norman Nolan ’92
Mr. Charles Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Wilton, Jr. ’40
Mr. Myrden J. Pellegrin
Mr. Benjamin C. Brown ’99
Mr. Edward B. Picou, Sr. ’26
Mr. Edward B. Picou, Jr. ’49
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Mr. Felix Ragas
Mrs. Margaret S. Boudreau
Mrs. Anna Mae Ribes
Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. James, Jr.
Mr. John Louis Ribes
Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. James, Jr.
Mr. Louis Jay Ribes
Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. James, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Roberts, Sr.
Dr. and Dr. O. Lonnie Roberts, Jr. ’58
Mr. Roy A. Romano, Jr. ’67
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Romano, Sr.
Mrs. Stefana L. Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. James, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Saia
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fife
Mr. Alfred E. Schuler
Mrs. Andrea Schuler
Ms. Nancy Scioneaux
Mr. C. Wally McMakin
Mr. Burtis W. Scott
Mrs. Shirley Scott
Mr. Allen G. Sibley ’37
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Morgan
Sisters of St. Joseph of Medaille
Bethany Community
Sr. Marie Broussard, CSJ
Mrs. Kenneth A. Smith, Sr.
Father Kenneth A. Smith, Jr. ’54
Ms. Juanita St. Amand
Mrs. Martin N. Fritcher
Mr. Leon Surrat
Mr. C. Wally McMakin
Mr. B. Barrow Switzer ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan W. Richard ’94
Ms. Genevieve Thibodeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Wilton, Jr. ’40
Mrs. Anna Mae Thomas
Mrs. Claudia Brosius
Dr. Ben Frank Thompson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Thompson ’74
Mrs. Shirley Calabrese Tremont
Ms. Tami L. Rodney
Mrs. Paula Usey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brouillette
Mr. Joseph A. Villamil
Mr. Ignacio A. Villamil ’67
Lt. Col. Alfred G. Villavaso ’63
Dr. and Mrs. Eric J. Villavaso ’58
Ms. Katie Volentine
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Wilton, Jr. ’40
Dr. Myron A. Walker, Sr.
Mrs. June B. Walker
Dr. Rivers P. Wall III ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Guy S. Barone, Jr.
Dr. E. D. Bateman
Ms. E. Renee Becker
Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Bernard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Brooks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brouillette
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald T. Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Callender
Dr. and Mrs. Robert I. Comeaux, Jr. ’59
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace Eversberg
Ms. Deborah Faust
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Frenkel
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wallace Gladney
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Gowdy
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Guglielmo
Miss Suzanne L. Hamilton
Ms. Tommy L. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hebert, Jr. ’64
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. C. Christian Hundemer
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hundemer ’43
The Hynes Family
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerard Jolly ’70
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Laville, Sr.
Mrs. Katherine A. LeBlanc
Mr. Michael W. Maddin
Mrs. Bena S. Miceli
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon S. Nadler
Mr. and Mrs. J. Huntington Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Pamer
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parlange
Dr. and Mrs. W. Brian Perry
Mr. L. William Peters
Mr. David M. Saperstein
and Ms. Susan Knoppow
Judge and Mrs. Melvin A. Shortess, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Stari
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Stephens ’73
Mr. A. Hays Town +
Dr. David W. Wall
Dr. and Mrs. Rivers P. Wall
Dr. and Mrs. Williams D. Wall IV
Mrs. Rosemary H. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. T. MacDougall
Womack, Sr.
Ms. Charlotte Wright
Mr. William H. Wright, Jr.
Mr. Taylor R. Weimer ’02
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Lousteau
Mr. William A. Wintz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Dupuy
Honorary Gifts
Mr. Tyler J. Ball ’06
Mrs. Mary Duhe
Mr. Guy S. Barone, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Hoffpauir
Mr. St. Clair J. Bergeron IV ’03
Mr. S. J. Bergeron III
Mr. J. Pierre Boudreaux, Sr. ’59
Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Wolfsheimer
Mr. Jesse A. Breaux, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Samson
Mr. Dillon A. Couvillon ’04
Ms. Renée H. LaCour
Brother Eldon Crifasi, SC ’39
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Gagliano ’74
Mr. Jacob A. Dantin ’05
Mrs. Doris Dantin
Mr. Justin M. Dantin ’08
Mrs. Doris Dantin
Mr. Jonathan P. Dykes ’06
Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Sutton, Sr.
Sister Dulce M. Flores
Mr. and Mrs. E. Douglas Samaha, Sr. ’69
Brother Adrian Gaudin, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Gaudin ’83
Mr. Steven P. Gremillion ’04
Mr. and Mrs. L. Mark Gremillion
Mr. Paul M. Hebert, Jr. ’64
Mrs. Barbara H. Magruder
Mr. Matthew J. LaBorde ’05
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Creed
Mr. Kenneth R. Leggett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Leggett ’85
Mr. G. Charles Mahaffey, Jr. ’96
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton R. Mahaffey, Sr.
Mr. Justin T. Phillips ’09
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stoothoff
Mr. Stephen C. Rice ’93
Mrs. Carolyn R. Woodard
Mr. Stephen P. J. Small ’08
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lawler
Mr. Landon T. Smith ’05
Mrs. Mary Duhe
Mr. P. Brian Thomas ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Karam J. Thomas
Mr. Chester C. Williams, Esq.
Mrs. Rosemary H. Williams
+ deceased
Catholic High School
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AWARDS. Dale Weiner (center) received the
All-American Coach Award at the All-American
Football Foundation’s 67th Annual Banquet of
Champions. Also recognized were (l to r) Jesse
Daigle ’89 and Jimmy Screen ’89, both receiving
the “Bill Wade Unsung Hero Award.”
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Sports In The Past
By David Butler ’77
As school began
in September 1941,
Bobby Claitor ’43 approached Brother Casmir, the principal of
Catholic High, about
forming a swim team
to compete in the state
meet. With just weeks before the state meet
to prepare, it was a complete surprise when
CHS finished third in the 1941-42 state
swim meet.
Claitor, hanging out at the
Louisiana State University pool, became
friends with LSU Coach Higginbotham and
LSU All-American Bob Percy.
“They encouraged me to put together a team and when I approached Brother
Casmir he was quite receptive,” commented
Claitor remembers signs being
posted around the school announcing tryouts. The team was coached by Bob Percy
and practiced at the LSU pool. Traditionally,
the state swim rally was held in the spring. A
change was made after the May 1941 rally to
move swimming to the fall.
CHS opened its swimming campaign with a dual meet against defending
state champion Baton Rouge High, losing
46-20. Aubrey Lewis won first for the Bears
in the 100-yard breaststroke with a time of
1:37. Adding second place finishes for CHS
were Richard Wall ’42- 50 free; Claitor- 100
backstroke; Roy Howard ’42- 100 free and
Harry Hyde ’42 in diving.
Catholic High next participated in a
quadrangular meet with Fortier High School, far in such a short period of time.
Claitor’s swimming served him well
BRH and Lutcher High School. CHS finas he attended the
ished third behind FHS and
U.S. Naval AcadBRH. Hyde won the diving
and was capand Claitor finished second
their water
in the backstroke.
He subA week later CHS
state meet to prepare, it
participated in the state
meet at LSU, finishing third
when CHS finished
Club Water Polo
behind BRH and FHS.
Team and particiPacing the Bears with thirdthird in the 1941-42
pated in the 1952
place finishes were Wall in
state swim meet.
Olympic trials. His
the 50 free and Cecil Lorio
team finshed third
in the 220-yard free. Claiafter being eliminattor was fourth in the 100ed
While at the
yard backstroke as was John Krebs ’42 in the
three varsity
100-yard breaststroke.
year the
Claitor recalls the swimmers were
inquite excited about their showing in their invited
augural season and they were quite proud of
their accomplishment since they had come so
SWIM TEAM. The first
Catholic High School
swim team was formed
in 1941. Team members
were top row (l to r)
Ramon Bonanno ’43, H.T.
Landry ’44, Weber Mansur
’44, Aubrey Lewis, John
Krebs ’42, J. Daigle and
Roy Howard ’42. Bottom row (l to r) were
Harry Hyde ’42; Robert
Lorio; Bobby Claitor ’43,
captain; Clyde Dalier
’45; Alex Bourgeois ’42;
Richard Wall ’42; Robert
Champagne; Julian Carazo
’42; James Cazayoux ’42;
and Frank Bologna ’45.
Coach Robert Percy is not