In The News
Bayer Agrees:
A Major Milestone for
Children is Reached!
President’s Message
Dear Friends,
This past year has been an exceptionally busy one, and one that has produced several
great milestones.
For 37 years the National Reye’s Syndrome Foundation has attempted to discuss the
‘baby aspirin’ issue with Bayer Pharmaceuticals. Each time we approached them we
were handed off and put off. This year, through the efforts of our Aspirin Committee
Chairperson, Marianne Piemonte, and J. Joseph Curran, former Maryland Attorney
General, we took our concerns to the FDA. And they listened. We are sharing the details
of this meeting with you in this issue. We think you will be celebrating with us.
Board of Directors:
John E. Freudenberger
Larry M. Lasky
Vice President
Robert McKeown
Our meeting with the FDA awakened a sleeping giant, and they tuned into the baby
aspirin issue, agreeing with us that using the term ‘baby aspirin’ could lead consumers to
believe the product was safe for babies and young children. Shortly after they talked
with Bayer, Ilex Corporation announced they had purchased the St. Joseph aspirin brand.
Some of their marketing referred to ‘baby aspirin’. They quickly heard from the FDA and
from the National Reye’s Syndrome Foundation and they immediately pulled that
marketing and agreed not to refer to low dose aspirin as baby aspirin for the sake of
protecting children.
Terri J. Freudenberger
Marianne Piemonte
Aspirin Committee Chair
Thomas H. Glick, M.D.
Chairman, Scientific
Advisory Board
Barbara A. Bogenschutz
James F. Johnson
Barbara A. Ortiz
Stephen Pumm
Shirley Rice
Reye’s Syndrome
PO Box 829
Bryan, OH 43506
As you can see, we are wide awake and still fighting the good fight to save children’s
lives. We are still working toward out goal to wipe out Reye’s Syndrome.
Unfortunately, Reye’s Syndrome is not a Top Of Mind, High On The List To Cure disease,
and there is not any attention being paid toward finding a cure or a cause for the
disease. Therefore, we must set our sights on eradicating the incidence of Reye’s
Syndrome in our children through education and awareness.
Every minute of every day of every year there are new parents. Which means there are
always new children to protect. We cannot allow the message to get lost. Doctors are
too busy to educate new parents about Reye’s Syndrome. Parents forget as they
become Grandparents to remind their Grandchildren’s parents about Reye’s Syndrome.
We continue to work hard toward a big goal and we’ve gotten the incidence of Reye’s
Syndrome down. Yet that is not good enough. With education and awareness there
should not be any Reye’s Syndrome cases at all, ever again!
And it is going to take continuous Education, Communication, and Awareness to finally
reach our goal. We have come a long way since we first began; think of what we can
accomplish in the future with your support.
So we invite you to join us in celebrating this fabulous milestone, and we invite you to
join us in supporting the Foundation’s Mission to eradicate the incidence of Reye’s
Syndrome. Together, I know we will do this!
John E. Freudenberger
None goes his way alone:
All that we send into the lives of others comes back onto our own.
- Edwin Markham
Thanks to the FDA & our NRSF
Team, ‘Baby Aspirin’ Does Not Exist
On April 28, 2011, the National Reye's Syndrome Foundation, spearheaded by Aspirin
Committee Chairperson, Marianne Piemonte, sat down with a large group of doctors at the
FDA. Representing the NRSF was John Freudenberger, NRSF President, and Co-Founder,
Terri Freudenberger, Co-Founder, Dr. Karen Starko, MD, Epidemiologist, the Honorable J.
Joseph Curran, Former Attorney General of the State of Maryland. Marianne Piemonte,
although unable to attend sent letters and documentation.
Present from the FDA Ralph Tyler, Chief Counsel, Seth Ray, Associate Deputy Chief Counsel
for Drugs & Biologics, Dr. Charles Ganley, Director, Office of Drug Evaluation IV (ODE IV)
Dr. Shaw Chen, Deputy Director, Office of Drug Evaluation IV, Mike Levy, Director, Division
of New Drugs and Labeling Compliance, Dr. Scott Furness, Director, Division of Nonprescription Regulation Development, Dr. Andrea Leonard-Segal, Director, Division of Nonprescription Clinical Evaluation, Dr. Joel Schiffenbauer, Deputy Division Director, Division of
Nonprescription Clinical Evaluation
Opening statements on the meeting purpose and objective was given by J. Joseph Curran,
and then an introduction to the National Reye's Syndrome Foundation and its Objective and
Formation was presented by John E. Freudenberger. A medical history concerning aspirin
was presented by Dr. Karen Starko, and then the Bayer "Baby" Aspirin Issue was presented
through letters and documentation from NRSF Aspirin Committee Chairperson, Marianne
Piemonte. Terri J. Freudenberger spoke to the issue, showing aspirin packaging exhibits
and entering a number of letters from Reye's Syndrome Parents, Survivors, Medical
Doctors, and School Nurses into the discussion. In summation, J. Joseph Curran asked the
FDA to speak with Bayer Consumer Health Care about its utilization of the word "Baby" in
Low Dose Aspirin labeling and marketing, and emphasized the issue of Consumer Label
A very good discussion ensued and we felt the FDA understood our concerns.
June 30, 2011, the NRSF phone rang and it was Dr. M. Scott Furness with the FDA. He
informed the NRSF office that he indeed had spoken with Bayer Consumer Health Care,
and they agreed that their labeling might be misunderstood by the consumer. Bayer
agreed to immediately stop using the term 'baby aspirin' in referring to Low-Dose aspirin,
and assured us that by mid year 2012 all packaging would no longer carry the word 'baby'
on it!
Both the NRSF and the FDA were thrilled! "This is a wonderful example of how concerned
citizens can work hand in hand with a government entity like the FDA to improve the safety
of Over-The-Counter products used by the American people every day," states M. Scott
Furness, Ph.D., Division of Nonprescription Regulation Development (DNRD) Director.
Aspirin ingestion is linked to development of Reye's Syndrome, which kills by attacking the
body's organs, most notably the liver and brain, and affects primarily children and
adolescents. FDA mandated in 1986 that all aspirin products carry a Reye's Syndrome
warning on back-panel packaging stating children and teens should never ingest aspirin for
chickenpox or flu symptoms prior to physician consultation.
While Bayer for years maintained use of the word "baby" was meant to denote the product
as a "smaller version" of its adult 325mg-aspirin product, NRSF learned that consumers,
continued next page….
Our Special Thank You to
the FDA Team:
M. Scott Furness,
Director, Division of
Regulation Development
Fathia Gibril, MD,
Deputy Director for Safety,
Division of
Regulation Development
Mary Chung, PharmD,
Project Manager, DNRD
Charley Ganley MD,
Director, Office of Drug
Evaluation IV (ODE IV)
Elizabeth Miller PharmD,
Acting Director, Division of
Unapproved Drugs and
Labeling Compliance
Anuj Shah, JD,
Branch Chief, DUDLC
Continued: “Baby” aspirin does not exist any more….
Thank You!
especially new parents, often misinterpret the term to mean it's safe for children and
"We were receiving calls almost daily from panicked parents who thought they might have
just killed their child because they hadn't read the back-of-package warning label," NRSF
Co-founder Terri Freudenberger says. "They only read the front label where it shows the
word 'baby' and they assume it is safe to give their child. We had to do something to
clarify the use of this medication to the consumer, so we took our concerns directly to the
Effective June 30, 2011, Bayer stated; "that Bayer HealthCare, Consumer Care was
immediately dropping the word "baby" from digital and print advertising and marketing,
and that Bayer HealthCare, Consumer Care would discontinue printing packaging using
the word "baby" over the coming months with the goal of a full transition by mid-2012."
This will include television, Internet, and radio marketing and advertising, also.
John Freudenberger, President of the NRSF, states, " Bayer HealthCare, Consumer Care's
decision supports the Foundation's 37 year mission to eradicate the incidence of Reye's
Syndrome in children, and allows us to get closer to achieving that goal. We thank them
for doing the right thing on behalf of children everywhere."
Our heart felt appreciation goes out to Mr. Ralph Tyler, and to Dr. M. Scott Furness, Anuj
A. Shah, Seth Ray, Dr. Andrea Leonard-Segal, Dr. Joel Schiffenbauer, Dr. Charles Ganley,
Dr. Shaw Chen, Mike Levy, and the rest of the FDA team for meeting with us, and for their
support in pursuing our request to contact Bayer Consumer Health Care in regards to the
"Baby" aspirin issue.
Not present at this historic FDA meeting, but of invaluable assistance were NRSF
members; Lorraine and William Fitzsimmons, Dr. Larry Schonberg from CDC, Lois Hall,
and many School Nurses, Doctors, Parents, and RS Survivors who sent in comments and
information to support our position on the issue.
We thank you all!
We Say Good-Bye to a Notable Supporter
Geraldine A. Ferraro, the former Queens congresswoman who strode onto a
podium in 1984 to accept the Democratic nomination for vice president and
to take her place in American history as the first woman nominated for
national office by a major party, died Saturday, March 26, 2011 in Boston,
Massachusetts. She was 75.
The cause was complications from multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that
she had battled for 12 years, her family said in a statement. She died at
Massachusetts General Hospital where she had been undergoing treatment.
On a July evening in 1984, 64 years after women won the right to vote, a
woman had removed the “men only” sign from the White House door.
Ms. Ferraro was a down-to-earth, peanut-butter-sandwich-making mother whose personal
story resonated powerfully. Brought up by a single mother who had crocheted beads on
wedding dresses to send her daughter to good schools.
Ferraro grew up in New York City and became a teacher and lawyer. For the first 13 years of
her marriage, Ms. Ferraro devoted herself mainly to her growing family. Ms. Ferraro did some
legal work for her husband’s business, worked pro bono for women in Family Court and
dabbled in local politics. In 1970 she was elected president of the Queens County Women’s
Bar Association.
She joined the Queens County District Attorney's Office in 1974, where she headed the new
Special Victims Bureau that dealt with sex crimes, child abuse, and domestic violence. She
was elected to the House in 1978, where she rose rapidly in the party hierarchy while focusing
on legislation to bring equity for women in the areas of wages, pensions, and retirement
In 1984, former Vice President and presidential candidate Walter Mondale selected Ferraro to
be his running mate in the upcoming election. In doing so she became the only Italian
American to be a major party national nominee in addition to being the first woman.
Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro, who introduced legislation requesting more Reye's
Syndrome Research into the House of Representatives, gave a short address at the National
Reye's Syndrome Foundation's 6th Annual Meeting in Washington DC, June 20 and 21st,
1981, saying that she, as a parent, was grateful for the dedication of the NRSF Membership
who combat Reye's Syndrome, and she pledged her support. She was then presented with a
NRSF award of gratitude.
She addressed her place in history in a long letter to The Times in 1988, noting that women
wrote to her about how she had inspired them to take on challenges, “always adding a version
of ‘I decided if you could do it, I can too.’ ” Schoolgirls, she said, told her they hoped to be
president someday and needed advice.
“I am the first to admit that were I not a woman, I would not have been the vice-presidential
nominee,” she wrote. But she insisted that her presence on the ticket had translated into
votes that the ticket might not otherwise have received.
Mrs. Ferraro was ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission during the
Clinton administration and co-host of the CNN program “Crossfire” from 1996 to 1998. She
also wrote books and articles and did business consulting.
She is survived by her husband, three children and eight grandchildren. The NRSF thanks her
for many years of support. She will be missed.
Geraldine Anne
August 26, 1935
March 26, 2011
In Memory
Michael Glace
Christina & Samuel Seely
Thomas & Jennifer
Scott & Rosemary Bowers
Kristin & Robert Stuart
Thomas & Shelby Peck
Heather & Brian Pepper
Bernie Krause
Ann Krauss
Elizabeth Irene
Elizabeth Irene Deringer
(Betty), age 82, of Augusta,
Georgia, beloved wife of Lt.
Colonel George C. Deringer
(US Army - Retired),
entered into rest on
September 5, 2011.
Betty is survived by her
husband, George; her son,
Brian K. Deringer and his
wife Lorrie of Lawrenceville, Georgia; brothers
James, John, Frank, Herb,
Bill, Gerry and Paul Luterbach; sisters Lucille Burns
and Mary Henrichs; and
loving grandchildren Anna,
Josh and Sarah Deringer
and Amy Deringer Robinson. She was preceded in
death by her beloved
daughter, Lorie Ann,
deceased at the age of
twelve in March, 1970
from Reye’s Syndrome.
Dorothy Evans
Susan Umphenour
Mark Kruhmin
Mr Mrs Ken Umphenour
Agnes Stanaway
Dan & Helen O'Neil
Michael Francis Lagen
Ignatious Lagen
Tammy Robinson
Irene Robinson
Ruth Gulkis
Michael & Barbara Klein
Clara Goodman
Karen Honeycutt
Patricia Hoffman Herman
Kay Hoffman & Family
Marie Miles
Monica Pacione
Mary & Arthur Pacione
Eleaner S. Young
Susan Umphenour
Joey Brockman
Ginger Brockman
Bonnie L. Linser
Marjorie & George Hughes
Richard Bales
Jackie Todd
James E. Thomas
Kirk W. Thomas
Joyce Thomas
Nan Robin Gorenstein
David Michael Lundy
Bill & Barbara Trust
Marjorie Olsen
Norman Olsen
Barbara & Herb Gorenstein Ruslon Smith
Christy Renea Aultman
Toni & Larry Aultman
Sherene Clark
Donald & Viola Lane
Sylvia & Philip VanGuilder
Jeffrey Deimling
Ralph & Rita Deimling
Kimberly Moss
Donald & Patricia Lange
Leanne Sue Lafreniere
Lois Lafreniere
Shelby Diane Reeder
Gayle & Diane Reeder
John Dieckman
Richard Flaville
JoAnna Lee Moore
Bonnie & Gary Moore
Renee L. Comeau
Thomas & Barbara
Debra Ann D'Antonio
Mildred Gaskill
David William Jenkins
Bill & Susan Jenkins
Michael Andreano
Vincent & Rosemary
Donna E. Stransky
Edward & Jean Stransky
Sylvia Rose Ryan
Thomas G. Ryan
Jay Lawrence
Virginia Peterson
Michelle 'Missy' McGavin
Pam Baker
Nancy Walnista
Druanne Collins Davis
George & Elizabeth
Rodney Strunk
Gene & Joyce Strunk
Jill Semplinski Nelson
James & Betty
R. Michael Schonning
Eunice R. Schonning
Druanne Collins Davis
George & Elizabeth
Sandy Patzer
Florence & Richard
Kathie Ann Keister
Edward Keister
Nancy Keister
Jeffrey Gerald Littler
Jody Littler
Kena Slinchak
Pamela Slinchak
James S. Todd
Jacqueline Todd
Monica Pacione
Mary & Arthur Pacione
Stephany D. Colip
Gordon & Karen Colip
Joshua Reck
W. Mack & Carol
Deanne Hill
Jennifer Schudel
Paul & Mary Schudel
Christopher Branning
Max & Karen Duran
Julie Eckstein
William & Nancy Eckstein
Elizabeth Deringer
James & Mary Jane
Georgia Alewine
Herbert & Susan
Judith Griep
Gerald Luterbach
Marion & Susan Griep
Patricia Griep
Susan Griep
Patricia Barr
Richie MacDonald
Donna Eident
Dr. James Baral
Christopher Hawkins
Anne Sheehan
Shay McCarthy
Suze & Chuck Krause
Richard A. MacDonald
Marilyn MacDonald
Clifton MacDonald
Michael Repsher
Valerie McCracken
Sherrie Frane
Eugene & Patsy Frane
Paul R. Waldman
Joseph & Mary Waldman
Mindi (Anson) Weiner
Doris & Richard Anson
Alexis Nicole Fasick
Bob & Marlene Fasick
Cindy Louise Caughman
Carol Bachofer
Clif East
Happy & Charles East
Travis Howard Graham
Tommy & Judy Graham
Bradley Newman
Sandra & Michael
Amanda Winger Birthday
Frankie & Evie Malatesta
Christina & Samuel Seely
Thomas & Jennifer
Scott & Rosemary
Kristin & Robert Stuart
Thomas & Shelby Peck
Heather & Brian Pepper
Kristina Geffin
Christine Stucko
Through tear filled eyes
we watched you suffer
and slowly fade away.
Although we loved you
we could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped
Hard working hands
were put to rest.
God broke our hearts
to prove to us
He only takes the best.
- author unknown
Darlene Winger
Andrea Radle Stanley
5 Anonymous Donors
Marie Hynes Doolan
Louise Hynes
LeeAnn, Bob & Alysa Kathi
In Honor
God saw that you were
and a cure was not to be,
So He put His arms
around you
and whispered,
"Come with me".
If you have a story you would
like to share with us, please
email it with a picture to
When we have room, we will
add your story to our newsletter.
Nancy Keister
Beverly Luster
Shirley Luster
Erma Lipari
Patrick Sebay
Susan Marie Schlenz
Lawrence & Patricia
Jerry Dale Vaughan
William & Dalena Samuel
Clifton MacDonald
Donna Eident
Every moment and every event
of every man's life on earth
plants something in his soul.
-Thomas Merton
Carolyn Jean
Carolyn Jean McKeown,
62, of Wilmington, DE, died
on August 14, 2011. She
was born in Philadelphia in
1948 to Karl and Kathryn
(Bergdoll) Kucher.
She was a 1966 graduate
of Olney High School in
Philadelphia. Carolyn was
an active member of the
Brandywine Chapter,
Embroiderers Guild of
America and a member of
Westminster Presbyterian
She is survived by her husband, Robert, to whom she
was married to for 42
years, daughter Lynn, son
Kevin, daughter-in-law
Jessica, granddaughter
Morgan, and brother
Charles Kucher.
Carolyn and Robert have
always been very active
with the National Reye’s
Syndrome Foundation;
Robert currently serves on
the Board of Directors as
Treasurer of the NRSF.
Their daughter Lynn
survived Reye’s Syndrome.
Carolyn will be missed.
Our Mission:
To Eradicate the Incidence of Reye’s Syndrome!
If we can’t cure it, maybe we can eradicate it!
Maybe we won’t find a cure for Reye’s
We Need Your Help.
Maybe we won’t find a cure for Reye’s
Syndrome. Maybe we can beat Reye’s
Syndrome another way.
Though Education, through Awareness,
through Communication, maybe we can
spread the word further, increase our
reach, and Eradicate Reye’s Syndrome
so we never lose another child to this
horrible disease again!
We Need Your Help.
Maybe we won’t find a cure for Reye’s
Syndrome. Maybe we can beat Reye’s
Syndrome another way.
It’s going to take your help, though.
Families and Schools need Brochures,
Printed Materials, and Awareness
These materials go to Baby Fairs, School
Health Fairs, to Student Nurses, Medical
Students, and to New Parents.
Every Dollar You Send
Eradicates RS because
Baby Fairs
Health Fairs
Every Dollar You Send Educates!
Your Gift Continues A 37 Year Legacy of
Advocating for Healthy Children
Gifts of Cash - There is no easier way to garner a
charitable deduction and support the National Reye's
Syndrome Foundation at the same time than by simply
writing a check. Make sure your envelope is postmarked
by December 31st. If it is, your gift will qualify as a year
end gift even if it is not received by us until the first
week of the new year.
Need a wonderful Holiday Gift - a gift that continues to
give all year? Gift a friend, a co-worker, or a family
member a National Reye's Syndrome Foundation
Membership! Included with each Membership Gift is an
annual subscription to our Newsletter; In The News, a
beautiful Heart Shaped Lapel Pin with a Membership
Card and wallet size Ingredient Card, and a magnetic
Reye's Syndrome Awareness Ribbon.
Give By Credit Card Online - If you would like to make a donation to the NRSF by using
your Credit Card this may be done via the internet. Donations are processed through the
NRSF website by clicking on the proper link and following the instructions. The Internet
company, PayPal provides us with a free shopping cart, so you will check out through
their system using either your credit card, debit card, or your PayPal account, if you have
one. Having a PayPal account is NOT necessary, however. This secure donation site will
allow you to make a donation. Proper notification and documentation will be provided
through the National Reye's Syndrome Foundation.
Honor Someone Special with a Tribute Gift - Celebrate someone special in your life by
making a generous donation to the NRSF in their name. A tribute gift is a thoughtful way
to show your respect for a family member, friend or coworker.
Remember A Loved One with a Memorial Gift - Honor the memory of a loved one in a
unique and gratifying way by helping others. Send a memorial gift to the NRSF in their
name and continue their legacy of love and hope. When you honor someone special with
a tribute or remember a lost loved one with a memorial, a special card acknowledging
your gift will be sent on your behalf to the person of your choice when you provide the
name and address to the office.
By including the NRSF as a beneficiary in your will, living trust or retirement plan (IRA,
401k, etc.), you can ensure that your support will continue our Commitment to Children.
Become a Member of the NRSF. This season, all Memberships will receive a beautiful
new RS Awareness Ribbon for their Car, Office Place, or Fridge. Memberships help us
pay for Brochures, Aspirin Lists, Ingredient Cards, and Bookmarks we send to Baby Fairs,
School Health Fairs, and to Student Doctors and Nurses all around the Country. We
count on your Membership, your Commitment, your Graciousness of Heart to continue
these important Awareness Programs. If you are not yet a member of the National
Reye's Syndrome Foundation, now is the time. We need you more than ever to help us
spread Reye's Syndrome Awareness. Use the easy enclosed envelope, and become a
member today!
You may contact the Foundation at 800-233-7393 or through email at for more information.
Need a wonderful
Holiday Gift - a gift that
continues to give all
Gift a friend, a
co-worker, or a family
member a NRSF
Membership! Included
with each Membership
Gift is an annual
subscription to our
Newsletter; In The
News, a beautiful Heart
Shaped Lapel Pin with
a Membership Card
and wallet size
Ingredient Card, and a
magnetic RS
Awareness Ribbon!
We will also send a
Holiday Card with your
best wishes.
Help Eradicate
Reye’s Syndrome
Join Us Today!
Remember; If you itemize
your tax deductions, gifts
of cash may be fully
deductible up to 50% of
your adjusted gross
What’s New
Reye’s Syndrome Awareness Magnets
The Jeffrey Lasky Foundation donated 1000 newly designed Reye’s Syndrome Awareness
magnets to the NRSF! The car magnets are an eye-catching pink and blue with white
accent and trim and have a pop out heart shaped magnet in the center that can be
placed anywhere to promote Reye’s Syndrome Awareness.
All new Memberships and those who renew their memberships for the 2012 year using
the enclosed envelope will receive the new car magnet free with their enrollment. We will
also include one, along with our heart shaped lapel pin, when you Gift A Membership this
Holiday Season.
They are a great way to remind everyone that Kids & Aspirin Don’t Mix! You can also
order these awareness magnets online at the website at www.ReyesSyndrome.Org.
Coin Collection Cans
We still have some Coin Collection Cans that can be set out in stores, restaurants, or on
your own dressing table. This is a quick and easy way to collect much needed dollars for
RS Awareness Programs. Those pennies, nickels and dimes add up and we can save
lives with them! They are great canisters to set out during this Holiday Season at work so
co-workers can contribute to our programs, too. Just let us know if you would like one or
some, and we will mail them out to you.
Students Volunteer to “Strike Out” Reye’s!
Making a difference one bowling pin at time, almost 60 Lake
Park High students (LPHS), received a real-life lesson in community service as they bowled to “strike out” Reye’s
Career and Technical Education Student Associations, DECA,
HOSA and FCCLA of LPHS, Roselle, Illinois teamed up for the
33rd time in mid-October raising $3,300 for the National
Reye’s Syndrome Foundation.
Lake Park High students.
Bret Farrell accepts NRSF
award with Bowl-a-thon
Chairman, Mr. Kevin Jones
Three weeks prior to bowling day, 58 students talked to
friends, family and co-workers about Reye’s Syndrome to get
pledges and donations. On October 14, students donned bright yellow shirts they designed
to promote the Bowl-a-thon to their fellow classmates. Emblazoned with bowling balls and
pins, business sponsors logos and the Reye’s Syndrome name, the students wore these
T-shirts proudly as they spent the afternoon bowling, which included a pizza lunch and Blow
Pops, a Bowl-a-thon tradition!
Top Fundraisers!
Congratulations to top fundraiser Bret Farrell! Joining Bret in the 100 Club are Nikki
Bartolomeo, Jordon Caticchio, Alex Periaswamy, Nicolas Costanzo and Halley
The National Reye’s Syndrome Foundation thanks DECA’s Kevin Jones LPHS teacher
and Bowl-a-thon sponsor along with teachers Katie Schultz, also with DECA, HOSA’s
Kathy Lovelace-Birk, and FCCLA’s Lynne Benson and Kim Marach for their longstanding support and commitment.
Harris Roselle Bank and Itasca Bank and Trust as business partners continue to
make a difference by supporting the students in their efforts to “strike out” Reye’s!
Acquisition of Johnson & Johnson’s St. Joseph Aspirin
brand by Ilex Consumer Products Group
Columbia-based private equity firm JPB Capital Partners II, L.P. contributed $6 million
to support the acquisition of Johnson & Johnson’s St. Joseph Aspirin brand by Ilex
Consumer Products Group, Inc.
Ilex CPG purchased the popular aspirin brand from the McNeil Consumer Healthcare
Division of McNeil-PPC, Inc., part of Johnson & Johnson. The company will be based in
Baltimore, Maryland. JPB Capital and Ilex Capital Group, Ilex CPG’s original financial sponsor,
will have majority ownership of the company.
Ilex Consumer Products Group owns brands in the health, beauty and over-the-counter (OTC)
pharmaceutical sector. Calgon and the Healing Garden are two of its brands.
Unfortunately, they were not aware of some of the issues, like Reye's Syndrome, surrounding
aspirin in the 1970's and 1980's, and launched a major marketing campaign with a slogan;
"Remember when it was good for you?" referring to St. Joseph Baby Aspirin. You can imagine
how that got our attention at the NRSF offices. We immediately contacted the FDA and Ilex
Corporation and discussed their marketing campaign. Shortly thereafter, the FDA spoke with
them at length, and they were quick to make changes, removing the word 'Baby' from
packaging and marketing materials. Ilex invited NRSF Representatives to vett other aspirin
marketing, and to visit their offices in Baltimore.
In checking out the new website for St. Joseph aspirin, we found no use of the word “baby
aspirin” in relationship to their low-dose aspirin product, and the Reye’s Syndrome warning
was prominently displayed.
We gratefully applaud their quick response to the 'baby' aspirin issue, and we thank them for
putting the lives of children before marketing initiatives!
The NRSF will
remain vigilant
and we will
continue to be
the voice of
the littlest
those who
cannot speak
It’s all about
saving lives!
Sam’s Club Acts Quickly Concerning Aspirin Kiosk Issue
The office received phone calls and email from a concerned parent who just happened to be a
Pharmacist. She had run into Sam's Club to purchase cold medicine for her daughter who
was running a temperature and not feeling well. A Kiosk was set up near the pharmacy in the
store, and it was featuring aspirin. In a hurry, the parent asked the lady at the Kiosk where
the children's cold medicines were, and immediately, the sales lady manning the Kiosk began
selling her aspirin for her daughter's fever!
Well, the Mom / Pharmacist was totally incensed and tried to educate this woman about the
dangers of aspirin and children, yet the woman kept telling her that she had always given her
children aspirin and didn't believe in Reye's Syndrome! Horrors! How many other unsuspecting moms and dads had she 'sold' this deadly information to that day?
The parent went in search of the Sam's Club store manager and he was made aware of the
danger in this woman's sales pitch. Sadly, he was just a weekend stand in for the real store
manager so it had to wait until Monday for the NRSF to contact the person responsible for the
store and explain just how deadly that aspirin kiosk was. The store manager agreed with us
100% and contacted the agency who sends workers to tend those Kiosks demanding they
make sure they trained their personnel better in light of the gravity of the situation.
We thank that concerned parent for bringing this issue to our attention, and we ask each of
you to be vigilant at stores and Kiosks, making sure that low dose aspirin is not displayed in
the baby or children's aisles, and that sales people are informed about Reye's Syndrome,
especially if they are out there misinforming people.
Thank You to
and to
Sam’s Club!
PO Box 829
Bryan, OH 43506
Membership Form
Fall 2011
If you haven’t become a member of the National Reye’s Syndrome Foundation and would like to, simply fill in the following information, designate your membership level, along with your membership fee and mail it to; NRSF, PO Box 829, Bryan OH 43506-0829 or pay online using your Visa or MasterCard at
The enclosed envelope also includes Membership Renewal, Gifted Membership, and Memorial / Honor opportunities.
Annual Levels of Membership:
Individual / Family Membership
State & Zip Code
Leadership Membership
Email Address
Century Membership
Patron Membership
Lifetime Membership:
Made in Memory Of:
Is this a Gifted Membership? Y___
Made In Honor Of:
Lifetime Benefactor
Lifetime Guardian
Is this a Membership Renewal? Y___ N___
Please make your check or money order payable to NRSF. Acknowledgement of your gift will soon be forwarded.
We Thank You for Your Support!