Document 62059

“The Independent Adjudicated Newspaper That’s Setting the PACE Today for the WORLD Tomorrow”
Vol. 22 No. 5 Phone (323) 815-1497
Established Since 1995
Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043
Friday, October 7, 2011
Loretta Devine and Sheryl Lee Ralph Attends Vesta Williams' Homegoing Celebration
Photo by Earl Gipson
Actresses Sheryl Lee Ralph and Loretta Devine
Ridley-Thomas Calls for County
Audit of Coliseum Commission
In a unanimous vote, the
Los Angeles County Board of
Supervisors Tuesday called for
the Los Angeles County AuditorController to audit the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission and, if necessary, to serve as
the interim chief financial officer
of the commission.
The vote, on a motion
sponsored by Supervisors Mark
Ridley-Thomas and Don Knabe,
came after numerous allegations
of financial mismanagement at
the facility.
“The future of the Coli-
seum is now at stake,” RidleyThomas said. “The County, as
one of the three partners managing the facility, is bound by fiduciary duty to protect the interests
of its residents. The AuditorController, therefore, is both appropriate and well-equipped to
help the Coliseum Commission
get on the right track,” he said.
"We need to mobilize
any and all resources to maintain
the long-term financial stability
of the Coliseum," said Supervisor
Knabe, who also serves as the
Please see Coliseum, page 7
heartwarming outpouring of love
and admiration, family, friends,
fans and Los Angeles’ entertainment community came forth in
adoring force to say goodbye to
all-around entertainer Vesta Williams.
The beloved singer/
radio personality was feted with a
home-going celebration fit for a
queen at Williams’ home church,
West Angeles Church of God in
Christ. The skies were dark with
rain clouds when the 11:00 a.m.
service began but by its conclusion at 12:30 p.m., the sun came
shining through. In between, a
fond farewell was bid to Williams with a touching cross section of loved ones. Resolutions
from elected officials came from
U.S. Congresswoman Maxine
Waters, L.A. County Supervisor
Mark Ridley-Thomas, California
state assemblyman Mike Davis,
and City of Los Angeles councilman Bernard C. Parks.
After a joyous selection
sung by the West Angeles Cathedral Singers, three special friends
shared deeply touching reflections. Songwriter Tena Clark
touchingly shared her story of
Vesta boldly championing her – a
woman – as the only one who
could produce the song they had
j u s t
c o - w r i t t e n ,
“Congratulations,” and how Williams’ belief in her gifts resulted
in the turning point of Clark’s
Record executive Jesus
Garber who was VP of R&B Music at A&M Records while Williams was signed to the company
recalled Williams’ unflinching
dedication to her fans and how
“Congratulations” had the longest
chart run of any song at Black
radio in 1988.
And Iris Perkins, her
longtime manager and close confidante, reminded all that above
and beyond her acclaim as an
entertainer, she was a wonderful
mother, daughter, sister and
Pr esid in g Bi sh op
Photo by Earl Gipson
A guest holding a program at funeral.
Charles E. Blake, Sr. provided
the profound closing Message of
Comfort. And then there was the
music. Jesse Campbell sang an
amazing a cappella rendering of
“Amazing Grace” filled with
Please see Vesta, page 4
Marina Christian Center Celebrates 21st Anniversary
By Gloria Zuurveen
W E S T C H E S T E R—
They came one by one to have
fun celebrating and remembering
what God has done for 21 years
at Marina Christian Center
(MCC) located in Westchester on
Manchester Boulevard on Friday,
September 30, 2011.
Y es , a ft er m u ch
Community Salutes for Legendary
Radio Broadcaster Paul E. Kidd, Jr.
Sunday, October 30, 2011 at 3:30
P. M., at the Mount Moriah Baptist Church, our community is
invited to come together and salute Paul E. Kidd, Jr., for his outstanding contributions as a distinguished radio broadcaster, producer and executive for more
than 50 years in Southern California.
Paul Kidd’s record
speaks for itself, and he has given
dedicated service to the religious
community and the community at
large throughout Southern California, at radio stations, KNOB,
and KMAX.
Starting out during the
turbulent 1960’s to the blissful
1990’s, he built one of the strongest church radio broadcasting
coalitions that has been unmatched anywhere in the country.
As an on air personality,
announcer, program director and
producer, he served as a source of
inspiration and information, making an impact in the lives of
Photo by Gloria Zuurveen
Dr. Zelma Hatter, pastor, Marina
Christian Center in Westchester
Photo courtesy Quaford Coleman
Paul E. Kidd, Jr.
countless men, women, boys and
It is hard to imagine,
where the Los Angeles religious
community would be without
Paul Kidd.
Paul has been a role
model and has touched many
lives. He has trained a large number of gospel announcers and
radio personalities that are in
broadcasting today.
Literally, he gave many
of them their start, and has helped
Please see Kidd, page 4
preparation and anticipation, the
time had finally arrived for Dr.
Zelma Hatter, Pastor of MCC,
along with her church family and
a host of visitors and friends to
give thanks and praise to God for
all He has done and continuing to
do since she and her late husband, Dr. Herman Hatter Jr.
founded MCC in 1990.
Pastor Hatter, who was
adorned in black, white and red,
the church’s theme colors for the
evening, expressed her joy and
appreciation for all in attendance.
The anniversary theme
was “For We Know Our Labor
Has Not Been In Vain” taken
from the book of I Corithians
15:58. Although there were written programs, Pastor Hatter was
Please see Marina, page 4
Photos by Gloria Zuurveen
(Top standing) Dr. Zelma Hatter with members, family and friends
during Marina Christian Center’s 21st Anniversary Celebration on
Friday, September 30, 2011 in Westchester, California on Manchester.
Op/Ed....Page 2
Education News…Page 3
Church/Religious…Page 4
Business Directory…. Page 5
Health News……Page 6
Business News…Page 7
State/National News….Page 8
Arts & Ent…......Page 9
and more…
The daughter of Pastor Hatter
Page 2
Friday, October 7, 2011
Publisher’s Column
Dr. Gloria Zuurveen
Founder/ Publisher/Editor-in-Chief
Hello Readers,
Praise God for another week
which we have been blessed to
see. We need to continue to pray
for our country, our president,
our families, our neighbors, and
all the concerns in our world
today. We are constantly hearing
about the economy and other
issues. I am reminded of the
goodness of God and how He
has given us promises that we
are to live by so as to keep our
hearts and minds in perfect
peace. As children of the most
high, we are to appropriate the
power bestowed upon us at the
New Birth and at the reception
of the Holy Spirit who enters at
the New Birth. With this power
we have the awesome privilege
to accomplished mighty works.
It is to believe in the midst of so
much unbelief that God is the
same today, yesterday, and
forever more. I stand on that
promise. Times may change,
people may change, but I am
assured that the God I serve
never changes, therefore, I shall
not be moved though my
enemies encamp all around me.
I will yet praise God for his
promises because they are true. I
dare you to trust in His
promises. You will rise up.
is a weekly adjudicated newspaper
of general circulation
Los Angeles Superior Court Decree,
Case No. BS081617, Government
Code 6023.
Published By
3707 West 54th Street
LA, CA. 90043
Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157
Dr. Gloria Zuurveen
Malika Zuurveen
Managing Editor/Advertising
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Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth's Efforts in Birmingham
Energized the National Civil Rights Movement
Editor’s Note: This article is not an opinion piece. It is a news feature
highlighting the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Fred Shuttlesworth. The
work he accomplished in our life time deserves the space as an educational and historical piece for our generation to remember an icon, the
man, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth.
By Greg Garrison
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama --- The Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, the
driving force behind the Birmingham integration efforts that energized the
national civil rights movement, died Wednesday morning.
He was 89.
The Rev. Shuttlesworth said he never feared death, and put himself on the line repeatedly during his struggle against the Jim Crow segregation of Birmingham in the 1950s and early 1960s.
He was brutally beaten by a mob, sprayed with city fire hoses, and
arrested by police 35 times. He was blown out of his bed by a bomb set by
the Ku Klux Klan, which also bombed his church.
"I tried to get killed in Birmingham and go home to God because I
knew it would be better for you in Birmingham," he once told an audience
of students at Lawson State Community College.
He founded the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights
in 1956, when he began violating Birmingham's bus segregation law.
He risked his life again and again to pave the way for a minority's
civil rights.
"That Fred Shuttlesworth did not become a martyr was not for
lack of trying," said his biographer, Andrew Manis, author of "A Fire You
Can't Put Out." "There was not a person in the civil rights movement who
put himself in the position of being killed more often than Fred Shuttlesworth."
The Rev. Shuttlesworth was pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in
Collegeville from 1953 to 1961, a period when he had persistent battles
with Birmingham's segregationist police commissioner, Eugene "Bull" Connor. The defining moment for the Rev. Shuttlesworth came during the 1956
Christmas night bombing that shattered the church and crumbled the parsonage next door. He walked out of the rubble almost unscathed, yet he
recalled that the mattress he was sleeping on was blown to bits. "We didn't
find any pieces as large as my fists," he said. He believed it was a sign from
God. "Shuttlesworth was convinced that God saved him to lead the fight,"
Manis said. It seemed to give him new energy and even more courage in his
efforts to desegregate Birmingham's buses and schools.
The day after the bombing, he and his supporters were back in the
front seats of city buses, defying segregation laws. He was arrested for
again riding in whites-only seats in 1958. Even his children were arrested in
1960 for violating bus segregation laws.
The Rev. Shuttlesworth did not have the smooth appeal that Nobel
Peace Prize-winning activist Martin Luther King Jr. did. The Rev. Shuttlesworth's demeanor often rubbed people the wrong way. Unlike King, who
earned a doctorate from Boston University and studied the latest trends in
theology, the Rev. Shuttlesworth was truly a country preacher, rough
around the edges, Manis said.
"For the most part he was theologically self-taught; he was conservative, almost a fundamentalist," Manis said. "He was obsessed and had this
fiery approach to whatever he was doing."
The Rev. Shuttlesworth was born March 18, 1922, in Montgomery
County. When he was 3, his stepfather and mother moved him to Birmingham, where he grew up, often at odds with his stepfather.
In 1947, he went to Selma University to study for the ministry. He
was the first married student on campus. His wife, a nurse, went to work at
a Catholic infirmary to support the family.
In the fall of 1949, First Baptist Church of Selma paid the Rev.
Shuttlesworth $10 to preach on Sundays and hired him as pastor the next
spring. But he had a series of confrontations with the deacons. The church
hired the brash young minister for his fiery preaching, but resented that he
was not more polished.
Ruffled feathers
The Rev. Shuttlesworth's absolute commitment to his churches
and to the civil rights struggle was at times hard on his family. His 1970
divorce from his longtime wife, Ruby, resulted in conflicts with his children. His boldness in confronting city leaders and breaking laws he felt
were unjust made him controversial, even to many in the black middle class.
He once criticized black millionaire A.G. Gaston for making remarks about
the disruptiveness of Shuttlesworth's crusade.
The relationship between King and the Rev. Shuttlesworth was
delicate as well. Manis recounts one time in which King and the Rev. Ralph
Abernathy were discussing views of Christ's Resurrection and the Rev.
Shuttlesworth took their comments as doubt about the historical truth of the
Resurrection. The Rev. Shuttlesworth reacted so intensely to King's suggestion that the disciples may have seen an apparition that King never seemed
comfortable discussing theology with him again, Manis said.
Yet King knew how vital Shuttlesworth was to the movement.
"They were not close friends; they were, in a sense, business associates,"
Manis said. "He appreciated what Shuttlesworth was doing."
But their differing backgrounds and approaches meant they would
never be close friends, as King and Abernathy were. "That kept King at
arm's length from Shuttlesworth," Manis said. "The movement took all
kinds of people. They both understood their roles."
The Rev. Shuttlesworth had begun pestering King as early as 1959
to focus national demonstrations on Birmingham, writing letters impatient
and irritated in tone.
"Shuttlesworth helped the rest of the movement understand the
way Birmingham was symbolically the strongest bastion of segregation in
the South, with Bull Connor himself being the symbol of segregation," Manis said. "That was clear to Shuttlesworth early on."
It may have been clear to King, too, but it wasn't until the disappointment of King's efforts in Albany, Ga., that he felt the timing was right
for Birmingham in 1963.
ROBERT ADAMS Dec. 26, 1956: Five days after the U.S. Supreme
Court ruled that Montgomery city buses must integrate, the Rev. Fred
Shuttlesworth and others challenged the law in Birmingham by joining
white passengers on a city bus. Shuttlesworth boarded the bus hours
after a bomb exploded inside his Collegeville house
"The driving force behind Dr. King being in Birmingham was
Fred," said the Rev. Jesse Jackson, a civil rights activist who assisted King
and Shuttlesworth. "It was the Birmingham marches that touched the conscience of the whole world. "Fred was the inspiration. Fred was, in many
ways, the soul of that campaign. He embraced me as a young minister. I feel
indebted to him. I feel a keen sense of loss."
The success in Birmingham propelled King to even greater prominence, while Shuttlesworth never quite got the credit he deserved, Manis
and Jackson said.
When King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, he invited a large
entourage with him to accept the prize in Oslo, Norway. The Rev. Shuttlesworth wasn't one of them, and he was deeply hurt.
"You can make the argument King would not have won the prize
without the success in Birmingham, and that would not have been possible
without the groundwork laid by Shuttlesworth," Manis said. "He was upset
that he was not included in the entourage to Oslo. I don't exactly blame
him." The Rev. Shuttlesworth called King about the matter and King apologized, saying he hadn't thought it through. But the Rev. Shuttlesworth was
also not invited to a subsequent celebration of the prize in Atlanta. Manis
writes that the Rev. Shuttlesworth held a residual anger toward King, and
disagreed with King's not keeping the pressure on in Birmingham. The Rev.
Shuttlesworth continued to participate in national protests.
Cincinnati preacher
Even though the Rev. Shuttlesworth left Bethel Baptist in 1961
and moved to Ohio, he returned often to Alabama and remained key to the
civil rights struggles in Birmingham.
In Cincinnati, he went through infighting with his congregation at
Revelation Baptist Church, which caused a church split. He then helped
found Greater New Light Baptist Church in 1966 with supporters from the
split. He had remained pastor of Greater New Light until his retirement in
2005. He still loved spending much of his time in Birmingham. "I used to
say I preached in Cincinnati and pastored in Birmingham," he said.
Shuttlesworth moved back to Birmingham in 2008, living for
awhile in a downtown apartment after undergoing therapy for a stroke he
suffered in 2007. The Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport was
renamed for him in 2008 and he attended the premiere of a documentary
highlighting his work at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, where a
statue honoring him stands outside.
He often reflected on the many confrontations in his life.
"Confrontation is not bad," he said. "Goodness is supposed to confront
evil." Jackson said Shuttlesworth's achievements were revolutionary.
"Fred's one of the founding fathers of the New America," Jackson
said. "He endured suffering and life-threatening activity to snatch down the
steel curtain and lay down a New South."
Those feelings were echoed by others.
"Shuttlesworth was certainly unsurpassed in terms of a courageous
figure, the embodiment of both physical and moral courage in maybe the
most important moral issue in American history," Manis said.
Bishop Calvin Woods, president of the Birmingham chapter of the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, was one of Shuttlesworth's early
followers in fighting the city's segregation laws in the 1950s.
"He was a hard man for a hard town, who dealt with problems in a
way no one else had ever dealt with them," Woods said. "He was a man of
love, courage, faith, and he certainly was a man of action.
"Because of his courage, he engendered courage in many of us."
Shuttlesworth is survived by his wife, Sephira Shuttlesworth, and
his children, Patricia Shuttlesworth Massengill, Ruby Shuttlesworth Bester,
Fred L. Shuttlesworth Jr., and Carolyn Shuttlesworth.
Funeral arrangements are pending.
Source:The Birmingham News
Friday, October 7, 2011
Page 3
How To Find the Perfect Home Study Space for Your Student
(ARA) - Back to school
means back to homework for
most kids. For many parents it
also means asking, pleading, nagging and demanding that their
kids get to it. But getting your
kids to hit the books when they
get home could be as easy as
reorganizing their study space, or
providing a special spot for
studying in the first place.
Does your child have a
comfortable place to study?
Some kids prefer a traditional
desk, while others may be more
comfortable working in a lounge
chair or even propped up against
pillows on their bed with a laptop. The key is giving them a
choice, says Jackie Barry, Interior Design program coordinator
at The Art Institute of HoustonNorth, a branch of The Art Institute of Houston. "Talk to your
children about how they like to
study and what motivates them,"
she says, adding that when the
kids are comfortable, they'll be
more productive.
If your child prefers a
traditional study space, but your
budget is tight, a new desk does
not have to break your piggy
bank. "You can create a desk
with two construction horses and
a board," says Seyavash Zohoori,
academic director for Interior
Design at The Art Institute of
Salt Lake City. The best part is
that this desk is mobile, so if your
child wants a change of scenery,
moving the study space is a snap.
But do invest in a chair with good
lumbar support. Once you settle
on a comfortable spot, remove
the distractions, like the TV.
Also, get rid of one of the biggest
distractions of all - clutter. A
messy room can be unsettling and
leave kids unproductive, advises
Jeannette Dubyak, professor of
Education Leadership at Argosy
University in Atlanta. But there
are plenty of organizational and
storage options, says Catherine
Azcarate, Interior Design instructor at The Art Institute of Colorado. "There are so many storage
solutions out there - use them.
You can find an organizer for just
about any item you have in your
study space," she says. "The
more organized the space, the
Hill Harper to Headline Pathways To Your
Future – Frontline Soldiers Awards Breakfast
Actors Hill Harper and Harry
Lennix have teamed up with
Pathways To Your Future to host
the 15th Anniversary Frontline
Soldiers Awards Breakfast on
Saturday, October 15, 2011, 7:30
a.m. at the Proud Bird Restaurant
in Los Angeles.
Hill Harper, award winning actor, best selling author and
philanthropist will deliver a dynamic keynote address at the
breakfast and sign his latest book.
The actor is best known for his
numerous prime-time television
shows and feature films including
He is the founder of the
Manifest Your Destiny Foundation, dedicated to empowering,
encouraging, and inspiring underserved youth to succeed through
mentorship, scholarship and grant
programs. Harry Lennix, award
winning film, television, stage,
and radio actor will M.C. the
event. The Chicago native has
enjoyed a distinguished career as
an actor on the big and small
screens as well as on the international stage. Some of his most
noted performances were in The
Five Heartbeats, Ray, The Matrix
sequels, Barbershop 2, Stomp the
Yard, Commander in Chief, 24,
and ER. Harry participates in
various programs and events as
well as staff, board, advisory
positions and lecturing at colleges and universities.
The New Directions
Veterans Choir is an award winning a cappella group that sings
renditions of doo-wop, soul, traditional gospel and popular music. The choir consists of current
and former residents of New Directions' transitional facility comprised of men and women who
have served proudly in the United
States Military. Another element
they have in common: following
their service to our country, they
became homeless. For more than
twenty years Pathways To Your
Future (PTYF) has been on the
frontline providing comprehensive health, education, and human supportive services to Los
Angeles County foster and homeless youth.
Please see Frontline, page 8
more you want to be in it."
Know what to keep and
what to throw out, adds Barry. If
you bring something new into the
study space, perhaps it's time to
get rid of something old. Barry
also suggests keeping a clock and
a calendar in the room to reinforce organization and time management. "Make sure it's an analog clock," adds Dubyak. That
way your kids can start to gauge
how time passes and really see
what 15 minutes or an hour
And make sure you have
enough and the right kind of light
to get work done. If your kids
study when they get home from
school in the afternoon, natural
light may be best, says Zohoori.
What if the kids study when the
sun goes down? "Invest in an
LED or even OLED light," he
suggests. "They are eco-friendly
and can significantly cut down on
the eye strain you'll get with fluorescents." To learn about The Art
I n s t i t ut e s s c h ool s , vi s i t
LA County Elections Officials Releases
"General Voting System Principles"
On Monday, the Los
Angeles County RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk (RR/CC)
moved one step closer to improving voting systems in Los Angeles County. The RR/CC released
a set of General Voting System
Principles as part of its work
through the Voting System Assessment Project (VSAP).
The project, and release
of these principles, mark an unprecedented shift in voting systems acquisition to a more transparent and customer-oriented
process with strong citizen participation.
“These principles will
help guide the County to select
and implement a voting system
that voters trust is accessible,
accurate and secure and that will
help provide the highest level of
customer service,” said RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk Dean
The fourteen principles
establish and communicate a set
of core values that reflect the
diverse needs and preferences of
Los Angeles County voters.
The principles were informed by voters and stakeholders through data collected
from a countywide survey and a
series of focus groups. Based on
that data, the principles were
drafted in collaboration with an
advisory committee comprised of
experts and advocates from the
elections, voting integrity and
civil rights communities. The
principles address important values critical to a fair, accessible,
and transparent electoral process.
These include: transparency,
flexibility, integrity and ease of
“The committee worked
closely with RR/CC leadership in
crafting these principles and ensuring that voter needs were reflected,” said Virginia Mosqueda,
Please see Election, page 8
3:30—5:30 pm
Registration is mandatory before child starts program. Fill out form and submit with payment. Seating is limited to the first 25 youth.
Page 4
Friday, September 30, 2011
Community Salutes for Legendary Radio Broadcaster Paul E. Kidd, Jr.
(Continued from page 1)
many gospel music artists known and
unknown get their music to the airways. The late Reverend James
Cleveland certainly was correct when
he said, “Paul Kidd, Jr., is a friend to
all gospel music artists.” He really is
in a class all of his own.
As creator and Executive
Producer of the syndicated radio
show, “Amen Corner,” airing on the
Armed Forces Radio Network and
carried weekly by 400 radio stations
in 28 countries; the “Amen Corner”
has blessed our men and women
serving in the military around the
world with the glorious sound of
gospel music and its reassuring message for decades.
A host of Pastors, religious
and community leaders, the radio
announcer’s community, gospel music artists and a plethora of friends
that appreciate and cherish the radio
legacy of Paul Kidd, Jr., will participate in the celebration.
Paul and his lovely wife,
Lillian, have experienced a season of
health challenges, and our coming
together for this celebration will be a
Loretta Devine and Sheryl Lee Ralph Attends
Vesta Williams' Homegoing Celebration at
West Angeles Church of God In Christ
(Continued from page 1)
hair-raising emotive twists that
brought the house to its feet.
Later Bridgette Bryant, in possession of a heavenly soprano, sang
an elegantly modulated version
of “His Eye is On The Sparrow”
that also received a standing ovation yet was less a performance
than a transfixing channeling of
what Williams surely wanted all
gathered to understand about
where her spirit faithfully resides
– now and forever. However, Ms.
Vesta Williams herself had the
last musical word via a video of
her joyously wailing – in that
very church – the welcoming
number, “I’m So Glad You’re
As one guest stated of
the bravura performance in an
exclamation the funny lady
would appreciate, “Leave it to
Vesta to turn out her own funeral!”
Another attendee concluded, “It was a day of remembrance, sadness, some heartfelt
laughter and wonderful musical
tributes as many came to say
goodbye to Vesta Williams.”
Celebrity attendees included: Singers Miki Howard,
Freda Payne, Shanice and Sy
Smith, actresses Loretta Devine,
Sheryl Lee Ralph, Jackée Harry
and Anna Maria Horsford, director Bill Duke, jazz musicians Lee
Ritenour, Harvey Mason and
Nathan East (of the super group
Fourplay), singer/guitarist Tony
Maiden of Rufus, singer/guitarist
Sheldon Reynolds (formerly of
Earth, Wind & Fire), BET Networks executive Robi Reed, music publisher Brenda Andrews,
and many others.
Photo by Earl Gipson
Vesta Williams homegoing celebration held at West Angeles Church
of God in Christ on Tuesday where hundreds attended.
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source of encouragement to their
lives. It will also be, an excellent
way of showing our appreciation to
him, for the gift he has been to the
Southern California community over
the years. Call Quaford Coleman at
(323) 846-1959 for information.
Mount Moriah Baptist Church is
located at 4269 South Figueroa
Street, Los Angeles, CA 90037 (43rd
& Figueroa Street) where the Dr.
Melvin V. Wade, Sr., is the Senior
Pastor. Plan now to attend.
C o n t a c t :
Quaford Coleman / (323) 846-1959
(office) - (323) 252-1597 (cell) /
Marina Christian Center Celebrates 21st Anniversary
(Continued from page 1)
so overwhelmed at the outpouring of support that she, at the
leading of the Holy Spirit, deviated and handed the microphone
to whomever wanted to express
It was a blessed occasion and Pastor Hatter was taken
aback at the admiration shown
for the work that she and her husband started in obedience to
stepping out on faith after many
years of studying and worshipping under the leadership of Dr.
Fred K. C. Price at Crenshaw
Christian Center in Los Angeles.
After the death of her
husband in 2006, Dr. Hatter took
up the mantle by faith and has
never failed to keep on moving
forward and staying focused on
God’s mission they were called
to perform.
Since then, MCC has
served to assist other pastors with
their churches in helping them
build their ministries. MCC, under the leadership of Pastor Hatter, has evolved into a viable resource for the propagation of the
gospel through a feeding the
homeless ministry and other outreach programs.
Pastor Hatter said,
“While the work of being a pastor is a huge task, I will not give
up because I know that God will
see me through no matter the
trials and tribulations I am faced
I believe the late Dr.
Herman Hatter Jr. would be very
pleased and proud knowing that
his wife continues to hold up the
blood stained banner for the
cause of Christ, a legacy that he
left and she is fulfilling it by the
grace of God and because of her
great works on last Friday so
many came out as a testament to
say, “Well done.”
Pa st or Ha t t er h a s
touched so many lives as the
head of MCC; however, just as
these trying economic times has
taken a toll on so many churches,
Pastor Hatter has been unselfish
and has used her creative ability
to collaborate and extend MCC
out as a venue to those who may
need or desire a place to host
special occasion banquets, meetings or even worship services.
The edifice also has a
kitchen, which was used to prepare the delicious meal everyone
dined on during MCC’s 21st anniversary.
To reserve space at
MCC give Pastor Hatter a call at
(310) 670-0187
Friday, October 7, 2011
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Page 6
Friday, October 7, 2011
The National CML Society and NBA's All-Time Leading Scorer Team Up Against Leukemia
(ARA) - For most people, celebrating a birthday or
wedding anniversary simply
marks another year passed.
But for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients,
being able to celebrate these
events may mean much more another year of life celebrated
to the fullest.
CML is a blood cancer, or leukemia, which just 12
years ago had a median survival
of five to seven years.
Today, more people
with CML are living out their
lives due to significant advances in treatments.
In fact, a recent survey
of CML patients reveals that
since their cancer diagnosis,
many CML patients are continuing to enjoy happy milestones.
The 170 respondents to
the survey have celebrated
2,800 family birthdays and enjoyed 493 wedding anniversaries.
Dr. Michael Mauro,
Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology at
Oregon Health & Science University's Knight Cancer Institute, explains:
"Research looking at
the role of the genetic abnormality responsible for CML,
known as the Philadelphia chromosome or 'Bcr-Abl', has led to
the development of drugs that
block the ability of this abnormal gene to drive production of
the leukemic blood cells and
has led to improved patient outcomes.
For the estimated
The Scourge of Diabetes
By Dean L. Jones, C.P.M.
Unfortunately, if not
inflicted personally, we have
family, friends, neighbors or
associates that suffer from the
diabetes disease.
Type 2 diabetes is preventable by paying attention to
the food and beverages consumed.
Although there is a lot
to this disease, this week I received an email from an associate who gracefully shows why
health matters.
“Hi Dean,
Well, I won't be able to
meet this month; my life has
changed, for the better. I was
hospitalized on July 15th and I
am still here in the hospital. I
lost my left foot due to being
diabetic; it was a shock to me,
not for losing my foot, but that
God is working through me in
this way.
Even though being diabetic was the shocker, I never
question the Lord in how or
what happens to me, he works in
mysterious ways, but gets his
message across to us.
I was rather surprised
too, but then when the doctors
told me I was Diabetic, I understood why I was going through
this stage of my life, as he wants
me to become a spokesperson
for the Diabetic Community.
So, I really have no I’ll feelings
about my condition.
While my foot was amputated I had a mild heart attack,
and have been getting it treated
until last Friday, when I was due
to have a triple bypass, but instead they put 4 stents on my
heart to allow more air to flow
through the heart.
It is a lot I know, but
God has been by my side all
along, as I am grateful and very
blessed. I now have work to do,
after the healing process, and
that’s to get the word out.
I'll soon have another
foot so I’ll still be able to get
around and be normal, so that’s
what God wants me to do.
Photo by G loria Zuurveen
Dean Jones
I am now waiting to go
to a rehab facility to continue my
treatment, until I get my Prosthetic leg.
So that’s my reason for
me not attending the POWER
Collaborative Network meetings,
because I have been dying to get
back to work in any way possible.
I hope all is still going
well for you and the members of
the group.
By the way I certainly
didn’t mean to shock you with
this news, sorry, but things like
this can and do happen to us, and
we accept and try to understand
that our Lord is sending us a
message and we then do all we
can to try and save someone else
from being in this position.
I truly believe I was
chosen to be in this position by
God and I’m so blessed.
I will be chatting with
you soon Dean. Thanks for listening to me, and God Bless
Mr. Jones is a marketing strategist with the Southland
Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), sharing
his view on mismanagement
practices of packaged foods &
28,000 Americans currently
living with this disease, working closely with your physician
to develop and continually
evaluate a treatment strategy
allows you to properly manage
your disease, while still being
able to enjoy the important
things in life is vitally important
and fortunately needs to be a
long-term strategy."
The survey also found
that these CML patients want to
help spread the word about
what it's like to live with this
Respondents to the
survey indicated that they have
shared their personal story with
over 8,200 other cancer patients.
The NBA's All-Time
Leading Scorer and CML patient, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar,
knows firsthand.
"As someone living
with CML, I know I need to
play an active role in managing
my disease.
My first step was to
work closely with my doctor to
really understand my treatment
plan. I encourage other CML
patients to do the same, by
working closely with your doctor to establish clear treatment
Managing CML is an
ongoing process and it's important to track your progress.
If you're not meeting
your treatment goals, there are
things you and your doctor can
do -- like making sure you're on
the right medication -- which
can help you get back on track."
But it's not only those
living with CML who want to
raise awareness about the disease, as family and friends of
these patients are often also
affected by a loved one's diagnosis.
"I can personally relate
to the feelings that loved ones
and family members' of CML
experience, as my family faced
those same feelings in January
2005 when my mother was diagnosed with CML," says Greg
Stephens, Founder and Executive Director of the National
CML Society.
"It was a scary time in
our lives and we sought out
information from a variety of
sources, which all ended up
being more focused on other
cancer types and less targeted to
CML patients and families than
we had hoped for.
It is for that very reason that the National CML Society seeks to assist those living
with and supporting CML specifically."
As part of the CML
Society's efforts to support
CML and gain national attention for those living with the
disease, September 22nd has
been designated as CML
Awareness Day in the United
On this day, Americans
are encouraged to recognize the
advancements made in the treatment of CML and to honor
those impacted by the disease.
For more information
on CML and to access tools to
assist you with tracking your
health to optimize your care
during CML treatment visit the
Novartis-sponsored social netw o r k i n g
s i t e or the National CML Society website at
Friday, October 7, 2011
Page 7
Starbucks Announces Store Partnership Model with Community Organizations in Harlem and Los Angeles
As part of the company’s commitment to the communities where it does business,
Starbucks Coffee Company
(NASDAQ: SBUX) on Tuesday
announced that it will introduce a
new community model in the
neighborhoods of Harlem, New
York and Crenshaw, Los Angeles-- where community organizations will share in the profits of a
store in each community.
Starbucks will donate a
minimum of $100,000 to each
organization for the first year of
the partnership as it assesses the
success of the program and gathers learning in hopes of creating
a new type of corporate engagement in communities, potentially
providing a model for other companies to consider emulating.
Starbucks is partnering
with the Abyssinian Development Corporation (ADC) in Harlem and the Los Angeles Urban
League (LAUL)
Crenshaw neighborhood to create
a new kind of private sector engagement with these changemaker organizations that have a
proven record in creating progress for disadvantaged communities.
“Starbucks is partnering
with two organizations doing
heroic work to address the economic, social and education challenges in their communities,”
said Howard Schultz, president,
chairman and ceo, Starbucks Cof-
Opened in 1999 and
located in the heart of Harlem on
the corner of 125th street and
Lenox Avenue, this store will
support Abyssinian Development
Corporation’s efforts to comprehensively serve the children and
families of Harlem through affordable housing, economic development, social services, quality educational opportunities and
civic engagement. ADC made a
commitment to educational excellence in neighborhood public
Starbucks-LAUL partner store on Crenshaw and Coliseum in Los Angeles.
fee Company. “These two partnerships are intended to help us
learn how our company can successfully join with changemaking community organizations
in a localized, coordinated and
replicable way.”
A New Business Model – Business and Community Working
The stores in Harlem
and Crenshaw, which were redesigned to reflect and embrace the
individual culture, character and
needs of each of these neighborhoods, represent a new business
model, bringing together the
scale of Starbucks, its partners
and customers to collectively
create positive change in these
In addition to creating a
model for financial contribution,
Starbucks hopes to work with
both ADC and LAUL to increase
local awareness and engage local
residents, share our business expertise with them to help the organizations meet their mission
and their targeted community
impact metrics, provide strategic
technical and management assistance, join together on community service imperatives and work
with the organizations to plan
unique ways Starbucks can support their jobs training and placement work.
Both the ADC and
LAUL have a rich history of
solving the unique challenges
that affect their neighborhoods
through holistic programs that
have measurable impact.
schools, and created a continuum
of quality and award-winning
educational programs.
Each of ADC’s sponsored schools has been recognized for its outstanding achievements, setting and meeting exemplary educational standards.
Most recently, ADC was
selected by the NYCDOE to be
an Educational Partner Organization (EPO), a new initiative designed to connect
Please see Starbucks, page 8
Ridley-Thomas Calls for County
Audit of Coliseum Commission
(Continued from page 1)
Vice President of the Coliseum
Commission. "A thorough and
complete audit will ensure that
we get the Coliseum back on
track and honor its history and
the important role it will continue
to play in the Los Angeles region," he continued.
Ridley-Thomas, a Coliseum Commissioner, also serves
on the commission’s Audit and
Finance Task Force. The City of
Los Angeles Controller is also
preparing to audit the commission, and the Los Angeles County
District Attorney is investigating
som e form er com mi ssi on
The joint motion would
authorize the Auditor-Controller
to play a temporary role at the
Coliseum, but only if requested.
Ridley-Thomas said the
scope of challenges at the Coliseum is large enough that “I believe the Coliseum Commissioners will decide the more sets of
eyes looking for solutions, the
Since 1945, Los Angeles County has participated in the
management of the Coliseum
with the City of Los Angeles and
the State of California through
the Joint Exercise of Powers Act.
The Joint Powers Act specifies
the books of the Commission
shall be open to the city, county
and state partners.
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Page 8
Friday, October 7, 2011
General Mills' Feeding Dreams Honors Sybil Haydel Morial as New Orleans First Outstanding Mom
ORLEANS-Feeding Dreams, General Mills
platform which celebrates the hero
in African American women recently assembled over 70 community leaders at the historic Dooky
Chase's Restaurant, representing
education and health sectors to
celebrate Outstanding Mom recipient Sybil Haydel Morial and to
kick-off the Feeding Dreams Get
Together initiative in New Orleans.
Among her children, fellow community members, Morial,
wife of New Orleans first Black
mayor, mother of the second and
former Xavier University vice
president, was honored as the first
New Orleans Feeding Dreams Outstanding Mom for 2011-2012.
Eldest son Marc is former
mayor of New Orleans and now
CEO of the National Urban
League; eldest daughter Dr. Julie
Morial Cruz is medical director of
the Baton Rouge Peoples Health
Network; son Jacques Morial is a
respected business and political
consultant; daughter Cherie Morial
Ausberry, serves as vice president
of CRA and business development
at Capitol One Bank in Baton
Rouge; and youngest daughter
Monique Morial was recently
elected judge First City Court in
New Orleans. "Mrs. Morial's life
and commitment exemplifies the
Feeding Dreams initiative which
believes everyday people have the
power to nurture change in their
communities," said Iman Johnson,
Multicultural Public & Community
Relations Senior Planner, General
Mills. "In New Orleans and 14
other cities across the country, over
a 1,000 African American women
will be celebrated for nourishing
the dreams of their families and
LA County Elections Officials Releases
"General Voting System Principles"
(Continued from page 3)
Director of Civic Engagement of
the California Community Foundation and Chair of the VSAP
Advisory Committee.
“The richness of Los Angeles
County comes from its breadth
in diversity and size, the varied
perspectives and experiences
that the committee brings to the
table helped shape a set of principles that could better guide
Los Angeles County in meeting
the diverse needs of its current
and future voters,” added
“The release of the
General Voting System Principles marks an important milestone in the County’s efforts to
acquire a new voting system for
Los Angeles County,” said
Logan. “The principles will
guide our efforts to prepare a
recommendation regarding the
type of voting system and an
associated acquisition strategy.”
The County’s voting
system has been in use since
1968, undergoing modernization
upgrades to replace aging technology and comply with new
regulations over the years. The
VSAP - a multi-year project - is
the most significant effort to
overhaul the County’s aging
voting technology since 1968.
Persons requiring multilingual assistance in Chinese,
Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog/Filipino or Vietnamese can
call (800) 481-8683.
The vision of the VSAP
is to identify and implement a
new voting system in a transparent and participatory manner
that takes into account the needs
and expectations of current and
future Los Angeles County voters.
The 16 member VSAP
Advisory Committee was established in response to a motion
adopted by the Los Angeles
County Board of Supervisors in
September 2010, establishing a
more participatory approach to
the acquisition and implementation of a new county voting system.
Members include: Evan
Bacalao: National Association
of Latino Elected and Appointed
Officials; Jane Barnett: Republican Party of Los Angeles
County; Eric Bauman: Los Angeles County Democratic Party;
Kathay Feng: California Common Cause; Carolyn Fowler:
Election Protection Board; Ron
H a s s o n : B ev e r l y H i l l s /
Hollywood NAACP; Jaclyn
Tilley Hill: Quality and Productivity Commission, Los Angeles
County; Mimi Kennedy: Progressive Democrats of America;
June Lagmay: City of Los Angeles; Juana Laur: City Clerks Association of California; Eugene
Lee: Asian Pacific American
Legal Center; Justin Levitt:
Loyola Law School; Nancy
Mahr: League of Women Voters
of Los Angeles County; Virginia
Mosqueda: California Community Foundation; Hillary Sklar:
Disability Rights California; and
Bryce Yokomizo: California
State College Northridge.
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Sybil Haydel Morial honored as New
Orleans Feeding Dreams Outstanding
Mom at the historic Dooky Chase's Restaurant.Celebrating this honor with her is
Iman Johnson from General Mills and her
five children, Cherie Morial Ausberry,
Honorable Monique Morial, Jacques
Morial, NUL President Marc Morial and
Dr. Julie Morial Cruz. (City: New Orleans; Source: SMSi). (PRNewsFoto/
General Mills
communities through Feeding
Dreams Get Togethers." Feeding
Dreams Get Togethers is a grassroots program that provides intimate forums in communities across
the country to discuss efforts to
positively impact health and education in African American communities.
"It's our hopes that the
discussions at these Get Togethers
will help encourage some small
change to make a positive impact
on those who attend and therefore
on our communities," said Sandra
Miller Jones, Founder and CEO,
Segmented Marketing Services,
Inc. "This initiative is important to
our community. We are honoring
moms who work tirelessly to support our families and communities."
Hill Harper to Headline Pathways
To Your Future – Frontline Soldiers
(Continued from page 3)
This year, proceeds from
the breakfast will go towards providing permanent supportive housing for transitional age homeless
youth age 18-24 through an exciting new development in the works
with a national organization.
PTYF is inducting 17
outstanding people into the Frontline Soldiers Hall of Fame.
These inductees have
made remarkable contributions
over the years to our community.
Among them are Congresswoman Maxine Waters; Assemblyman Steve Bradford; Ted
Watkins, CEO of the WLCAC;
Marqueece Dawson of the Community Coalition; Percell Keeling
& Apryl Sims, owners of Simply
Wholesome Health Food Store &
Restaurant, along with several
The community is invited
to attend the breakfast, support the
efforts of this great organization
and meet and greet some of the
local leaders in the community
who serve daily on the frontline.
For more information
regarding the purchase of breakfast tickets, sponsorship opportunities or to make a donation, visit
the website
Starbucks Announces Store Partnership
Model with Community Organizations in
Harlem and Los Angeles
(Continued from page 7)
struggling schools with successful education organizations and
implement a strong school turnaround process. “We are honored
to work with Starbucks as a beneficiary of one of the first community stores in the nation,” said
Sheena Wright, President
CEO of Abyssinian Development
Corporation. “We applaud Starbucks for its development of this
community store concept, which
has the potential to do much good
not just in Harlem, but in other
similar communities nationwide.
This partnership will enable us to
expand and improve upon the
education and social services we
have provided to the Harlem
community and beyond for
nearly 25 years.”
Our store at Crenshaw
and Coliseum in Los Angeles
opened in 2006 and will now
help to bolster LAUL’s efforts to
revitalize a defined 70-block area
in the Crenshaw neighborhood
Neighborhoods@Work™. This holistic,
neighborhood change model focuses on education, safety, housing, health and employment. This
strategic initiative has brought
targeted resources and interventions to the community of Park
Mesa Heights as well as parents,
students and teachers at
Crenshaw High School which
lies at the center of the model. So
far, this has resulted in a 51%
increase in overall graduation
rate at Crenshaw High School
and a 34% decrease in violent
crimes in Park Mesa Heights
from the 2007 baseline.
“Starbucks is taking the
lead in very tough economic
times. They fully recognize and
appreciate the need for collaboration between forward-thinking
organizations from the for profit
and nonprofit sectors,” said Blair
H. Taylor, President and CEO of
the Los Angeles Urban League.
“This 21st Century partnership
makes tremendous sense, since
the Los Angeles Urban League is
fundamentally committed to
t ran sfor m in g com m uni t i es
through our holistic model,
Neighborhoods@Work™. Howard Schultz has fully embraced
the notion of Starbucks playing a
vital role in rebuilding communities. Our hope is that this powerful relationship – which allows
communities to receive contributions from Starbucks through
nonprofit agencies – will be replicated by other companies across
the nation.”
These stores will also
serve as the hub of Starbucks
community service and additional
training programs in the area,
which will provide leadership job
and life skill development, positive learning environments, and
overall health and wellness.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Page 9
Global Rhythms of Drums and Jazz at Watts Towers
By Ricky Richardson
The thunderous, roaring
sounds heard throughtout Watts
wasn't related to inclement
weather. Some parts of Los Angeles experience some rain over
the weekend. The final weekend
in September is set aside to celebrate the heartbeat (i.e.,) the
drums and wonderful sounds of
America's number one art formJAZZ!
The Watts Towers Day
of the Drum Festival and the
Simon Rodia Watts Towers Jazz
Festival welcomed over 7,500
people of diverse backgrounds to
this culturally enriched Center.
The Watts Towers and Charles
Mingus Youth Arts Center, music aficionados enjoyed an ethnically diverse two-day program
of free live music, dancers, and
drummers, by international and
local professional performers.This year marked a milestone, Celebrating the first 50
performance of a synthesis of
pre-Columbian and comtemporary music and dance in the ancient Mexican tradition.
Our journey travelled
to Asia to hear the folkloric
sounds and dances from Korea.
The Korean Classical Music &
Dance Company, one of the best
Salmouri performing groups in
the USA. The crowd set in awe
as the drummers played several
drums while leaning backwards
to the audience.
We journeyed back to
the USA to hear some amazing
drummers perform entitled Ron
Bruner Drummers for JC. The
drummers featured Brandi Singleton, Danielle Thompson,
Krystal Smith with Rebecca
Krotmann strumming the bass.
I'm sure that we will hear from
the group again in the future and
perhaps some of the drummers
touring with some major artists
in the coming months.
James Janisse serving as Master
of Ceremonies. Another great
day of some outstanding music
was on the schedule. The program got under way with a Yuruba Ground Blessing ceremony
with Alaadun. This spiritual
event united all cultures in attendance based on common themes
and principles.
A special presentation
was presented to the family of
the late great community activist
Mrs. Lillian Harkless Mobley for
the enormous job that she did on
behalf of the community. We all
own a debt of gratitude to Mrs.
My enjoyment of the
30th Annual Day of the Drum
Festival and the 35th Annual
Simon Rodia Watts Towers Jazz
F e st i va l c on cl ud e d wi t h
Adaawe. These seven dynamic
and diverse women, who created
rich organic music of the voice
and drum, which comes from the
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Photo by Ricky Richardson
years of the Watts Towers Arts
Center (1961-2011).
Concerning the significance of the Watts Towers Arts
Center 50 year jubilee celebration, its Artistic Director, Rosie
Lee Hooks, stated: "We are celebrating a journey of artistic
achievement, emotional healing,
and community pride; and we
are paying homage to Simon
Rodia's passion for artistic expression that continues to be an
inspiration for many renowned
artists in Los Angeles and
around the world."
The City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs and the Friends of Watts
Towers Art Center presented this
annual two-day festival of music, drumming, drum circles,
dancing, art exhibitions, arts and
crafts for sale, international food,
and crafts activitites for kids.
Rosie Lee Hooks,
Patrice Rushen and Munyungo
D. Jackson served as Artistic
Directors for this years festival.
Ndugu Chancler and James
Janisse served as Master of
Ceremonies for the Day of the
Drum Festival.The audience and
I were ready to travel to distance
lands (in our imagination) thru
the drums.
The festival kicked off
once again with the Cuauhtemoc
Mexico Dance Group in exciting
Carnaval season is
over. That didn't stop out journey to Brazil to hear the hot
rhythms from Rio de Janeiro
Carnaval. Charlo Eduardo & The
Brazilian Beat kept up the momentum of the occassion with
his group taking the crowd and I
on a musical journey thru various regions of Brazil.
Our journey return to
the Mother Land where it all
began. Leon Mobley and "da
Lion" roared thru some traditional African music and added
some American music.
The Day of the Drum
Festival concluded on a rousing
note. The final set was listed as
"Drum & Percussion Summit:
Stevie Wonder's Rhythms featuring two members of Stevie Wond e r ' s r h yt h m s s e c t i o n ,
Munyungo Jackson-percussions,
Stanley Randolph on drums, also
featuring Luis Conte on percussions, father and son, Ron
Bruner Sr., and Ron Bruner Jr.,
with Sekou Bunch on bass and
special guest Roland Garcia
from American Idol and Perico
Hernandez on percussions. With
a line-up like this, you know
there was a lot magic performed
The festivities continued on Sunday with the Simon
Rodia Watts Towers Jazz Festival with Kamau Daaood and
heart and speaks to the soul.
The festival continued
throughtout the afternoon wih
some straight-ahead jazz and
blues from Nedra Wheeler and
her band, Patrice Rushen and the
Jazz Mentorship Program
Women All Stars, and finished
on a high note with the Horace
Tapscott Pan African Peoples
The fun-filled weekend
also consisted of guided tours of
the famous Watts Towers, and a
Universal Drum circle lead by
Matt Gibson ll in the Drum Pavillion; and stilt dancer Professor
Peter Abilogu. Several exhibitions were on display in the
Watts Towers Art Center galleries: Narrative Odyssey Manifesting Artistic Dreams (NOMAD)
in the Noah Purifoy Gallery;
International Musical Instruments, in the Dr. Joseph & Bootsie Howard Gallery, and From
Within, in the adjacent Charles
Mingus Youth Arts Center Gallery.
The Watts Towers are
listed on the National Register of
Historic Places, are a national
Historic Landmark, a State of
California Historic Monument, a
State of California Historic Park,
and Historic-Cultural Monument
No. 15, designated by the City of
Los Angeles Cultural Heritage
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Page 10
Friday, October 7, 2011
File No. 2011087459
The following person (s) is/are doing
business as: Green Generation Consulting, 4540 Don Milagro Dr., LA, CA
90008 Los Angeles. Shea Semper
DoQui, 4540 Don Milagro Dr., Los
Angeles, CA 90008. This business is
conducted by an Individual. Registrant
commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or
names listed above on N/A. I declare
that all information in this statement is
true and correct. (A registrant who
declares as true information which he
or she knows to be false is guilty of a
SIGNED: Shea Semper Do
Qui, CEO and President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on August 24,
Notice-This fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from date
it was filed in the office of the County
Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name
Statement must be filed prior to that
date. The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this
state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under
federal, state, or common law (See
Section 14411 et seq., Business and
Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub
Sept. 23, 30, October 7, 14 2011PN
File No. 2011090554
The following person (s) is/are doing
CATERING, 2115 W. 102nd Street, Los
Angeles, CA 90047, Los Angeles; Charles
Taylor, 2115 102nd Street, Los Angeles,
CA 90047 This business is conducted by
an Individual. Registrant commenced to
transact business under the fictitious
business name or names listed above on
N/A. I declare that all information in this
statement is true and correct. (A registrant
who declares as true information which he
or she knows to be false is guilty of a
crime.) SIGNED: Charles Taylor, Owner.
This statement was filed with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on August
29, 2011.
Notice-This fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from date it
was filed in the office of the County Clerk.
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The
filing of this statement does not of itself
authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of
another under federal, state, or common
law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business
and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub
Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23 2011PN
File No. 2011103804
The following person (s) is/are doing
business as: Let Freedom Ink, Berth
1102 Productions, 821, Glenway Dr.
#12, Inglewood, CA 90302, Los Angeles; AI #ON-N/A; Terilyn V. Lawson,
821 Glenway Dr. #12, Inglewood, CA
90302. This business is conducted by
an Individual. Registrant commenced
to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed
above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and
correct. (A registrant who declares as
true information which he or she
knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
SIGNED: Terilyn V. Lawson, Owner.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on September 22, 2011.
fictitious Name Statement expires five
years from date it was filed in the
office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must
be filed prior to that date. The filing of
this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state, or
common law (See Section 14411 et
seq., Business and Professions Code).
(First Filing) Pub Sept. 30, October
7,14,21 2011PN
File No. 2011088409
The following person (s) is/are doing
business as: Organizing Confusion,
4321 1/2 S. Normandie Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90037 LA; P.O. Box 18403,
LA, CA 90018. Dawn W iley P.O. Box
18403, Los Angeles, CA 90018. This
business is conducted by an Individual. Registrant commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on N/A. I
declare that all information in this
statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information
which he or she knows to be false is
guilty of a crime.)
Wiley, Visionary. T his statement was
filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on August 25, 2011.
Notice-This fictitious Name Statement
expires five years from date it was
filed in the office of the County Clerk.
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date.
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
a fictitious business in violation of the
rights of another under federal, state,
or common law (See Section 14411 et
seq., Business and Professions Code).
(First Filing) Pub Sept. 2, 9, 16, 23
File No. 2011091300
The following person (s) is/are doing
business as: Betsy Blue Music/
Groove Note Record, 6323 10th Avenue, #205, Los Angeles, CA 90043 Los
Angeles; P.O. Box 2352, Inglewood,
CA 90305.Douye Youduba-Tantua,
6323 10th Avenue, #205, Los Angeles,
CA 90043. This business is conducted
by an Individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the
fictitious business name or names
listed above on N/A. I declare that all
information in this statement is true
and correct. (A registrant who declares
as true information which he or she
knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
Youduba-T antua,
President/Owner. This statement was
filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on August 30, 2011.
Notice-This fictitious Name Statement
expires five years from date it was
filed in the office of the County Clerk.
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date.
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
a fictitious business in violation of the
rights of another under federal, state,
or common law (See Section 14411 et
seq., Business and Professions Code).
(First Filing) Pub Sept. 30, October 7,
14, 21, 2011PN
File No. 2011104110
The following person (s) is/are doing
business as: Twist Robinson, 5223
Blackwelder Street, Los Angeles,
C A 90016, LA; Deidra Robinson, 5223
Blackwelder Street, LA, CA 90016.
This business is conducted by an Individual. Registrant commenced to
transact business under the fictitious
business name or names listed above
on N/A. I declare that all information
in this statement is true and correct. (A
registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be
false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:
Deidra Robinson, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk
of Los Angeles County on September
22, 2011. Notice-T his fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from date
it was filed in the office of the County
Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name
Statement must be filed prior to that
date. The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this
state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under
federal, state, or common law (See
Section 14411 et seq., Business and
Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub
Sept. 30, October 7, 14, 21, 2011PN
File No. 2011104106
The following person (s) is/are doing
business as: Orville Removal Svc.,
11161/2 Elden Avenue, L.A., CA
90006, L.A.; Orville David Spray &
Nicole Shree Spray, 11161/2 Elden
Ave., LA, CA 90006 T his business is
conducted by an Husband and W ife;
Registrant commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on N/A. I
declare that all information in this
statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information
which he or she knows to be false is
guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Orville
David Spray, Owner. This statement
was filed with the County Clerk of Los
Angeles County on September 22,
2011. Notice-This fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from date
it was filed in the office of the County
Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name
Statement must be filed prior to that
date. The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this
state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under
federal, state, or common law (See
Section 14411 et seq., Business and
Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub
Sept. 30, October 7, 14, 21, 2011PN
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