OE Mil k'TH Call for .J. i. luittur form If at tin Mamlanl. rsroiv. i Clioiif fr.!i riWH'li vy tln Stnntls.nl. BVi'rv lti Spring rhn ki'ii. fruits Mini all kiihIs of product a: tlit Standard. Uionoval onli-tiuh at lfs than roet lor (M wenk niilv. Otaas inck. Vanulian' Metal MOT. ;. MMHMll DaMM of No. Anita Pnci.ln.ntas, will life a daaaa in Ho Blsydlft Arrivals at Haial rsndloton. Kllwanger. Portland. Durham , Providem-e- . I: I. 7. Abbot, San Francisco. I Knbn, New York. Hartford, Conn. IWmII Trumbull. Msber, Portland. (' M Smith. Portland. .1 It Kddv, Forest (irove. w Ham, citv. K It t'oiimn, Cortland. i s Young man, Portland, c F Wiimn. 'an l tawstsea. Cbas P Cote, l oa is en L K I Icl.tner. Portland. Fre,l H DaVtOU, citv. Kdwar.l Itray, ti C c I F Howard, uhlragii. M II I'atton, Spokane Virgil I'atton Hpofcane, J II Moore, Bpokane, T w JaehBoa, Portland, J .1 Bum-- . Portland. I I'euningtoii. BMrboek. J H Kloei kner. PARADE JULY ak M IAI W T L N This i VKi. A.R NtAMI'Ml on Tustdar lomm.net at ro7slonOrov. Frldsy. and Closet , .1 .. in i.e. i - n' :mhi sain."- -of eman.pinei'it rd tN ileparjiiient friend An Old tJLHs 1 Invltad ".""BsJ . "a Paatur a Olorlout Suceast. Cm., The lllaaiiaatad parade on the even-mit, ""rted Monday, .H'nk lm. iwh. r . 1 evt-rcitv. town anil hamUr n in of Julv Fourth is to lie an elahorbeld at the tmnt on" A . a ill J !' it l(mtrt known anA V ",rr'Htr, ate feature. All who will are united It t'vT III '11119 rro Slid will low , ., Forest 'irove ti ,,,. .wnrrs in tncir own lanunea or anion,. fo lata i irt in this parade and to " attendance Maj June 38. Among ill notify J. K. Krause a s.n a pOesible tH l"m" leampmeni thi-iduring tb v. intent pin so he can give them ol h ,.,Il.w,ii.uni-.,,......"'K"et evidajT of Iba H. A. J-- i mender - MOR pr.pul.r today than CW bj n BOSlllOtl In tbe line of march. There : -. 1.; B I B . . 01 mil (rivrn or Major I.e.. Rafsleur. nl olfH. theU WO" BM1 u0 will be a numlier of flosrfs and many has hiph. o ,.1. . i, "ir klv stati.. presiHeBl Mo. national June driek's hall. MBwy "vioi 10c. bisyelieta, AM the bicyclists of the of Cancer Khciitn itism. Catarrh. Contam.s- ,- i.r". 1 cure Mary tbe rwHahlfl in V).-- . 'fs SEE ; I.ail.es Iri'f KtMitltiiiii, r men's Bellel Con. are i;iitel M join in and assist in . . ... THAT THIS . .I "x . Carr, of loognioot, Cal.i Owtw; C.rnfll',,1. IvCCina. I'"ii"', Vitll WoW nisking this feature a glorious succese. ll nrenurrilliitt desiring ituation can t.tnrvd Un lirsng" Mate T T. K. in- .pi '. tm Tlnw who wih may dcrorate their urn anil- hv cailinK mi I'. T" -concoction in -uirwinr Daugh'a . and w" ... V ttrr Uln Horn t ion, nmcti Btnl Native..... ."UTW. Pioneers themselves, bnt in plot t aiMit. lornr .Main and Alta bieveles t suit .,' ramedies. which .ifTcct the O.IT.I-- - , II II PC I In, 0011 MnntiA r I o " ess- Kliu ol viniie ami int. street, it eaett nm Mtbiasj le 'order to be allowed in hr processimi Khcumatiam or Dvw ildren o' W'a.bii k""H Colltltv it is not ibsolutely necessary that the nave never mod R s a good plari' 19 ork. TRADE MSP .r Indian Mexican War MteranS! IS BRANOCO surprised attheimmiUt; Wanting iH ttone Ledles desiring biejfclM lM decorated. Ol course the war PbllippHW veterans: Spanish and ON EVEPV no inrr Hoes, iiffri imoinrctrniUtUr, situations can seMfe MM ffee M decorations will sld to the heattty and Taltm Sm Sm veterans: I reff Hi As."'iatoii f l.'WS SHOE of the parade, ami it i ebafgt, br railing mi or addriiiig effec tiveness veterans Cottntv Ington Wasl retBTBBs d that on tnnt the wheels ,, .trivet out the noisfins nntl restores the Mnol to a --h.ll , i Otata. eMploynsenl agent, eofser h Light Scle. . . BCH vfoBMMB' lb IBM corps, ' . - w., : n i "ii" will ! In Ibfl generally dei oratetl r .,e lite rwti i . j. .Main anil Alta tr 1. it i ii. iiirni urn inn u. Oregon. of lie in the , CL on paiade will bicyides Medium Heel. ladie well: K muscular F. P bland!, eltt Th' hiiioui", tired, nervous nian can-n- lend, mi - and girls second, men 'hinl There are 1740 members ol the , V,tatinr ... ''. .. . r. l1 ... OT ll.i tU v W R I'm", citv. r, rnmtion, ; MMeMttallv eotnpata with bealtb) Thi feature will wind up with a novel ro. r J For Strt cr DreJt A. R in thtfl Mate but the percentage B B 8 just tlir tnri.icinr tftey ne-- d. fit J for blooJ Cox. city. Risers, Karly she Little rival. Veit. e ill be small. in attendant hat, .. . ire which will ben great surprise, B their r.millli r,,nuititi lor ; J II BBUderena and wife, fainmi pilis lor .'oiistipatinti, will , eoroaiBBafei net" i Evict Rrrrodoi F:ach dv hM been provided altn immediately rtewalstd a ill nil .1 heiiig from tree minerals, nneouAl: it j t.. Cbicag .rrf Jobatoa, tin' cause of your troubles. Tall-ma- lits1 n BBMl)M Tbe line of march siiecisi program, Tomorroa Ibe will' . Portland. A Co, Joim i K ''V cornlit: n'tst or nave anv injurious i at III be randlteted priBcipall be from the court house down Court to rlees teaches what is pood nad wt... 0 II I'ra'i Omaha d.sea.c. Lxrtencncc t John Gross anil wile . onveye.l to the Main street, ap Main to 0. B. A N. -ins, ".--. . l c c c Pioneers and Native Boas and nangni N B Maeklin, I'urtlimd. mmswsm rmtmL. i.,c r.iriirn .tin t.irnt-eol the Christian church of a grain! rOeeptlOB in er- t soddltperse. evening in tbe It will start at ItBO . avr Ksyston, a s Baa rnenttor Fran -rt sci of neariv.v. people the crug eoa lei e Athena, three loM In that town for a laM will bo lllnMlnatad the full length MM bam nlaiined. I secret of it' succesjt wotn vu...... coli'iiioratioii fi!.i Tliern will Im of the lim of March. There ar othsi shoes at something else accept to Li W. Hani. Mansger of Sport. limit a church ii. too nru rt at a dou't be persuaded rail ttspnrt About bmalloox B. B. this price. The different ol oat M000, there is no substitute for B, hl.xwl Itiatheoalr Tin Bporti aill b. under tbe manage'! F.. Qllletta, ol Ueorge Pendleton, purtfier.and vcprtabic is in the shoes. cruarantecd The In-1 ii i.e.l, 01 Hel will ment and mare tinre, eived a latlMff IfOM C hdon. for nil blood and skin best and safest tlir has made Bladt racing, VMnt. bicycle hurdle ol. la as 'iilliani c ut tit v v ' 'h will siirpne To not let them force on inferior troubles, hu-- e t. M II. I'atton iii. . - and I'midlelmi peopi,.. httl it i orroi erates in - p" unit r ... ....u-c there is o larger SIlOM remedy on 1 Queen mineral program m N. c 01. in ".or. t.ir t4oi) otbei Tue these t.. rtji savin that "if VOM want the pirfs. t ni voir n.ivr it niott . , . "i . i,. pr i ii be in prises, . PUh time event anil will ividence that Peadletot .news von will have logo away from world famous. All lim tvi'i m a nom u; iw jwivniriano Wl. rarefntt i in iba BaM niagiuilaa - in den. and. 1.1M', l.. i li.sii.it, t i on li- e- home for it." A gentleman id that W HIGH wvmOWL you to trv .LUftn i oi'Kc Jvlcin o-one price $3,00. must ' ml ail' .! ,1 yuui '.''. t . . follow-- : ,e""n ana UnSB a l, COMCftAUV as bin lab eoflten of Baker Citv ,.l ii Il iv write l wim-mA I LrVTA. Q, POWDER ir III. BAKING .i GRADE La . rande and remlletmi are "Parties have been in Condon tor a high HE Dlik'S IN WHEA1 FIELDS j fee davs from Pendleton, and thet r- - it is nanufaetttrad hum ported that over t's.1 ease of smallpox era.li craatTI ol tartar anil jassKiiam "ii iiiursiiay, June m, 1 I thought if the are heing discusseii and will Tli Thraihins Sssion Will to nmsne .exist in I'endleton. of soda. A little starch is l report were true you might be in DOnata annonneed hy Tuesalay, .lime M. Tni Wk. Practical Boot and BfaM Men. uaad to pravanl chanieaJ action ami would not he aide to The rank of Knight will b cotlferrsjd t'matilla county's BfOp ol wheat is naaraaUiia g.o from atmospholiC in n yon to or. nor.i ami might perhaps tmnght Bpea IWO MalltM at tbe r.un-U- r BlBMel ready for Iba harvest. Headers Its down witl. i; yourself. If vou get Hncnces. BRH VITIKs meeting of Damon I'sJge. No. 4, are alr. adv at Work in the wl e it liebls. the disease don't fail to knight" of I'vthia-- . The member- - of Hi II. Wyrick, who has fields of struck with nie word by lelep' one and 1 will 2f for a tine bicycle. Nulf-- . the team lor the ..rk are partic ularly wheat op Proapaci larai and in that send i oiii,. up hiiiI stand by la help " present, .lohii T. Lain- - Vletnlty, tati t requested in he will coumience ayfj oUARANTbl thp: Ilawley'e have a line line of g The gentleman ha heard fale rec. C. birtb, barvasilng on 'Ha Moodav, i. July aayi Huy your window port-. shades at one nr two Ivndletmi bave inav aHd i: TATIfBjBftl K.verv one uteres tel 111 string instru-inent- s that "Hoc" William" lias bll header" cases of Mild Murphy's. sinallfMix and ha had a work at fields between his wheat am! win. are in play to requested Ian hut tbata is no aaaga for One seeoniUhatid safe for sale at meet at Wakefield a Failing's piajK) Proa peel plana ami tne 0. It tv N. alarm and. in fam, no ground for the Withee's. railroad, Tile-da- y M eoontry That Iba bigbly Bdvertiaod porn on section Not le Court wareriiomstree' Our Bargain Tree is Hangino; Full of riu reports. A full lino of fancv gMavrttM i at the BTMltag. June IB, and brim their is it few weeks ahead of other parts of pur at sells duct it potina. all andtrttftod whut this 43c for oar Pfttroni, Htandard Tbeohjcct ol the meeting the county as regard' the time oi Mont'v refunded if vou do nut liki Prolssts Against th Changs. of crops. The foothills south Solid mountain potato still on hau l ('(Hitiiiue to form a glee club. t makf Will Ilakm Citv. .lime 1M The Baker it at llawley's. southeast " Athena, and east of ii r Ptatat, of Portlaad, will ar- - mid lie Weston Citv ready Chamber not and will Milton M has Commerce Blue serge ku 11. f!. Cleaver H r. ill I'endleton on Tllesdav, June ev.T.ii w,.,.K. scarcely any- written the Portland Chamber of Com- RED Dry Moods Co. will ii...i 11, the Baptist t. nit for J'., and heard of the damage to in. re- protest ins t Wflll&P T'sM y chnrch on the evening of that date on thing by i. oh frostI'anu, $1 to I a pair. Cleaver VC 1 - of June I to 7. vTI lltriaCVs wheat River the the A the ilhjei t, "Ttie Issue of UMMI. Good Co. If you want GOOD GOODS CHEAP now i Marf.nr eotunilttee ol the liniist- of fags firecrackers A few racvcle anil Crawford bitylss He is the state lecturer id the proliibi-tter Iitative-- . which is said to leave mil PERSONAL. MBNTI0N party. left ut Withee's. of the Itinerary a visit to The Dai lee OPPORTUNITY. The niembers of Protection llosc . and Celiio, tn- - cen. oi the itarden bose at ul! price ami g'l.ir.it'-tee- company, A B. been appointed has Wuant 1, arNo. to requested r at Withee's. at Alba, vice t K. Hts'kr. remember the meeting ti be held in pottiit.-to the .oca! lomiiiercial hv the Have, your pictures framed bMM the cmincil room on ine evening of re'lgln tl 1 wiston chamber that it is now the sty lea at Murphy's. linger Tue-daami Miss Klba Carrie A. nlan June 32, at 7:30 o'clock. I inluct the committee up the Fancy russiriierf sr nts to Praataa, ol Milton.took nut a marriage Willamette ami among iiii, f.'i. (.'leave-Bro- I "i'Iiisii Charles r OraalbM the lower CoIn BOM h day. Iry woods Co. .reen: tiave ever memln-lumbia Tne business men of this cm , Belgian Pedigreed hares Km New designs paper at Alexander retnrneil Suaday like Ibaaa of LawMMoa, take iba view Winle fining a isdt this tnorniiig at in wall Marshy1 renlna from an eataasved anu pure oreti bowls. die wimien iniii". .i.s' i.awnsiey ill! visit at that all of tbe Inland Knipire is iney orerooof MOTT'S neas, irrepimrtr vastlv more interested Chip potatoes, cherries, lierrie. s small arterv m his left wrist fiy bis W.tl.a W.,la. in seeing a imi Hares. nan each. I urgeon's a slipping, and ie kn Ore-Mbelore " B. Lathrop, of the Ksst laba steamed bum at II aw ley's. canal constructed at The Dallas, than omissions, inc Barretl. Buff, and While Plymices could Is. s . ure hied con- or and banish inn. left on the train -- umUv morn-ni- they are in having further work done At Uader's (nruiture store is the slderably, l'.ibj Kggs 16, or per Kocks outh lajanr f are wili The nowmenstruation take him 'itiey to a patient at the month of the river, or in at the new t. BAYBBi" to Llr finest line of rugs ami ma tunc II sittings o for isj; some his voniuniitHHi. a also few uiainp duties for at tbe mills irom ueveiopoient of organs and tndr Walla Walla hospital, for two or three tin Wl.laUlette Automatic refrigerators and water davs. Blind MM! eggs at ll.fio per i "'ii reiiieoy lor woiiit n etiuiiis ttiem. Cunnot rfn weeks. coolers at leader's furniture store. oin-- s. a Ml.tMl I'l.lt IUIV KV Man sitting. Measure A Protsetlvs Association Frank Murphy, Ibis at tie Mrs. K. .I. Hummerville ami three kg lruj;iriit.s. DR. MOTT'S CHJEMICAI 0U. OsisW Window shades, curtain BOlati our-ror- worlen mills, severelymorning Koee and "ing.e Cmnli lllusle sprained his deaahMn left 00 the train this n.orn-in- s Baker City, of m. June Merchants " n . .V etc., at Kader's furniture Island Reds Kggs tS.OU per 16, ll lis left anlke of Ills ..(IrlllllC the ! i.l.llk 11 Ii I v une. for Milton and Walla Walla to this city are organising a protective 'i Slltlllgs to- - f.'l.lSI Oldest place and best tatnales, at foot under 11, e edge ..' a tub a in I fall- visit relatives and friends. They association, which lias lor it objects Visitors welcome. For further cor. Court and itardun street- - ing baekwarde. He has spent tislay poet to return by July . encouragement of industries in this information address in hot water, to reduce We will close out onr entire Inn .if oaking his district, of and roads construction Miss Maggie Leonard, ol the I'endle-im- i Steel ranges at cost. Baker holsoui. tiie latin and krer down the swelling. public sctjools, ielt this niorning connecting Baker City with interior GCYW. WADE, "The doctors ton! me mv r. iigi wa- for Fullniaii, Washington, where she laiints geographically dependent iism Finest hams and lard on the market. tor railroad Cough supplies. Much I'endlntou, Oregon. point in iir.ilde. une Minute Cure will attend the summer Home priMluct; try it, it.- - guarantee.! at the this " N ..rrif B i ver, tale agricultural college school is regarded Bcbwars A Oreulich. mle me a well niau. there for the of the interior winch M H to naturally tributary Baker uniting ou''.e next six weeks. lodge North Stratford. N. Ice cream (or parties anil not found relief Irom a Mabbon cough We have ahout 6n suits of clothes in short lots of two and B. Kddy. of Forest (irove, was a to other trading polaMi particularly Advertise not sociable J. at special price, iuality don't despair. One Minute ('..ugh Oete visitor in I'entlletun on -- tinday. Mr. since completion ol the Mimpter guaranteed, OMdj DaMOO suns oi a Kinu, sizes Irom 35 to 39,, which we are going to push IKi . vou? . . Valley extension of the narrow guage has cured thousands and it will cure I. tidy for years was engaged 'in tbe a Crescent bicycle cn the installment you. sacrifice at to make room for other goods. a(e ami sure. Tallman v Co. During sale we will ip I'eiidleloi iiewspap.-and railwav. plan at the Crescent age no v ii) in. W. eorge of waBradlev. Athena, afterwardof a member the rail11 a purchased W. H Ortsgunian building, payment $10 Suits $8 $8.00 Reeder's wheat on road commission. $6.50 week, uo interest. Saturday. June .'.'. at the market VT. Mrs. $12.00 M. lieagle Sunday Suits returned $0 00 hcienia, saltrheum. tetter, dialing, .up rin on irom l ortlaml, where she ivy poisoning and all skin tortures - grand a and corresponding bad upon bean tinreduction in attendance on all cheaoer suits. by cured DeWitt's Witch Basel .o.uuu. It was purchasetl h Mr. Brad of the ( ird.-oiiv ol Kaitern W e cliSO haVe 2 IlllIllbtM ()f- hni'u' lii- rucri.4 ah halve. Tbe certain pile cure. Tall man cnit thai nrill a- - :t representative s r of the 1'uget Star, cation n 111 svpujlicu wst of winch she is a grand otlner. tit Co. ' Sound 1. win Warehouse company. The After tiie meeting of that body she reifjuidi to uon prieeh. i law set tnesc A header and four header-bed- wheat is in the warehouse at Athena neicre you buv vour suit all in good condition, for tale. ami in several other warehouse along mained to visit for a week. ,.. . . v rot .rio.r 1m.11.1m1n .. Liin-c-: s cvi:iv ciav. J Tom lieianey, who left for Kentucky qui. we- seuiom cm Inquire of Pierce dt Tweedr, or at tb. inn- of the w. a. c l:. railroad. own. and most of our customers will understand what a reductios on fuiie s returned morning, this Zeiger's blacksmith shop north ol court At our while fair vmi will find on bringing ins iirnle with bim. Thev bousti. By procuring onu of our up to our own prices means s 111 f eetn.gr, 111 ahsheets ami are sfoppll g at the ioien Hole hotel'. I Hbow cases, counters, a lot of No. case-- , ptllo .ni tu't.tin- - seiss cur- - The weif, Img took place on Thursday, dau Dining Room Sots. Thev are lunitMr, second hand llooriUK. otti Join- IQ, at Wickliffe. Kv. Tiie name Main Street Bennett ii Tariiei sfs ilesk, stove, lieti'tead ami prinif-- . was Miss Mollie Crise. ol the h't.ir of choice design, fine finish, wtii aughan for sale cheap at once. W. .1. Monieith. who has laren visit-- I Kacket store. ing ins sisters, Mrs. kasper Van madt- and offered at prices below Mr. .lame Brown of I'utsmoiitli, V. Buy:: lran and Miss Monieitl of the Hotel altsav-.iritt.od- iieede,), are alaav" f. r jreSUI over Wi years of av. siifi.-rei- l tin(or Pvndlaton, hot Walla morning It- BOflipatiliOB. B peak of t'ia: irn-is witli a lied aore on bis face. Physicians convincing, Is whert- - you can get quiet lis werk on iU4litie- - ti .it every home vtaiia 10 aitemi Hie sinsitiug tourna-uii-ii- t. could not lielp biiu. DaWltt's Witch Mr. Uoatailb lives at Portland Step in and see the fine line of II Put u A. and for. cheap prn-m- . place as a Alexander ingrain IKxler. mattings, cured alve permanently bun Hael iado 'arieth ami a one ol the hest trap slnsiters in t your ( order lor lisatisr bs A Hyspeplic- Banaol lie long livel, be- tin- - state ul Oregon Tallman shades, etc water tanks am! i'd rscii. quln lioiirisliinel At bed time herb caoae to ilea take a plea-an- t Dan .larger, of umpter, formerlv Best of till it it line driuk, tbe next mormiis 1 feel bright K od is not 110111 I Slate champion of Montana, was in Has the following hargains cn cannot ai. a dlaoiMMad and uiy complexion is better FMsdlatoa aaadajr night and left this f. ; od it mint h gently doctor say it mi Luuilrer, Lath, f lutsl BX n.ing for toe Walla Walla loiirna liver ami kidneys, and is a Hyipepaia Cure He meat. will as shoot a of member .tiiiile!-- , Build-i- n allowing Hie 'toll pleasant laxative. It is made from a it ho it ai iron Mont., team. lttitte. He is a its natural turn herbs, aud prepared as easily as p to t ami re, Hrownlee, the well jiapnr, Tar re exactly the same partner of Mr. tea. It is called Line's .Medinm tioiM. Itselemei .wn kn man. mining as the natural Lime" and 'ttive fluids Uud it Lane's Family Med nine nnvi ST Snaiier. ' W. J, Keillv, who has been visiting i) 4H0 acreK Al wheat Imply can't b hut tin you gmsl. and tiai'h day. Priee .ei 1'ickeU land. cement. ii. enuietoti lot toe nan week, not For sale by Talman A (' .icni- - Talliuai. A Oo tin- - Horning for his home at I'u man Brick, Plaster. 8S0 ueree Al wh,.at land. Wash. Mr Bailie was with Falk A A.SU Mll.SATION DANDRUIr. .Moulding Sand, t in .1 ve.irs ago, and was later with r ure u a sure frvntion of Baidnst C RnoaavaH, ol the Huston st.,re 2 loll well located JgflQ Screen l .orcii' Mr. Keilly says l endletaa is the hest as Tnsr 11 or smallpox. HTIadowi, 2ah It is Uow accepted that, vaconatioi. towi letween Spokane am! Tllot Kotk. 1 lot A Hook Is nsvtr complcl without lower Vtbb etrettt $90. rendur- - the vaccinated person exempt & Duore, Terra llarrv Casev, on of P H. Casey, is nir tt rosAv humo srt childlut Msns wlvu srt IrnM smallpox, or a: wor!. he never visiting hi- - re (stives. Mr. Casey was ha- - any tiiu.g Cotta Pijn'. duoistt lor tit Utk ot cmio to luvc. Thsir ut tin- - lightest kind of lormerly a jockey aud worked for Jim livtt sr knuih v c ol Um high ntolivss ol a caw. .Now a mire a preventive and Jat'oka. He has not been in lvndle- molnsrhooo. vmn bsrrtnnsss u MMSI uual cure lor daadrafl, Wliich causes falling M0 for i.lin years. He has severed bis lulshl sstecss snd sorrow It x hair and babbies, has been discovered connection with race course ln mm -- neabro'l on acaMiat of mc liitk UnuK ifoufcsj It kills the ami Herpieide mining in the Ragablic district whiu C. 11 heed, Victor, Washington. Undrat! Lumber lard. Crdui Mould speedily xt nghu BrM. Also Trtii pure telix rsguUus the duordsred M jv-i"i! llSt Of IlkSSMi Iddl el: and wife have Icinslt t. Miss Bertha rti.it. Hem: Alexanorgsiu by building up tne v.orn out baaa troubled u iti. dandruff ami hair ler. ni ',. dn toh. and Miss county property cheap. iliv R. FORSTER, - Pro Make our store your rguUtiAg the meiutrusl tlon. It re.lorei the We trird 11,. fallinv Itir several '. rar of Baker Citv an- - riaithsa Ullen womb to iu proper pue loj,, idies with, ut effect until We VV t Bv s ilrength at I rani le ami the Cmicortl eamg the genersuve orgsm It 's llerin. ide, two bottl m of MiM nuku prt A pilly crowtl of vouug people bOV a nice luu pottibic where bemassut ixitu SM. h ruretl liiindredr of similar ItOM iirainte ami JU Knl Boy Umdorad can depend on tettiru niaU stationery and toilet these viaing ladies aud their friend. Mis- - l.dua Carlson, a dlightful surarticles. All the latest Work on Woolan Bills prise partv last night at tbe I laaaofd books and inugaiuc I'ortlaod, June J1 Work has cum- - mine. 1'aftv pulling, games and music Wkrtng women sll over the lend raw been um oad tmBpon pmpoaad woolen was the order of the evening. HaSsaj on a for seventy. Iik mills in the suburb of iisllvood, (.'on No OKInwre convinuni proof can be givenSm rUH WALLA WALLA. rtrin'tioli of a sidetrack Irom the Southiron the mom of Mrs. Benson, who is onlv ern Facile railroad is the tirej step in l.i one ol Ihoussnds ol women to whom order that the lumb.-- for the building The Psnsislon Tsaei Lstl tor th Toursss of . Csrdu... has brought s nament Tills aorning. Many ore. cases nay lie traitssrirl in ol mo a the site .1. which robs inoinen ol iwir hoocs hsvr h and A. I stillman, C J. ....... a s.r?..,. k.. MUU0 s BBM under . Ii. MM for tiie Wm Vou sre ssbed to vy Waa of Carse," way. Th Kslimatee are uow being pre- llaniiltoii, J M . Sencr, i. C. Clark TSStSZS. Columbia Its coa.pan.on medK.ae Nsae out of ten ussc, pared fur the buildings. 2 Kesnlents ol and Captain Fred W Waite. the team .. ytsH lo them. All drugguM I OCbCofW oi Sellaoud are now endeavoring to raise isureaantiag the Paadlatoa r orisiueu's && House ass.H'iation, ielt on the tram this V sodar-- t oort. a silbaldy fur a lloas tat torv to Ark.. AoHl im for morning to Walla Walla attend the there. I red ",vlbnJ nis s bottle iui seventeenth annual tournament of the m flow.1,.,, sad rsasossj my tallso w.ni7ofu, ill ' v .. sportsmen's Association of the Northand a... poia.r ,, umiM ..t NEWLY Ff RNIgSS sja. ci tius to i.orsiut; "OS west, jtH A Summer Snap s molt the brsl evem on the program W'isse Isnu of o4r(lu. BAR IN UWNBUgS uiy doctor. Alw.ya.nobjact of Intara.t aill come up at B o'clock. Tuedav L. BUN son . in CENTER O fti juiuin sri I he trophies to be r ml b.ndvr It is, indeed, to supplv vour hot morning. Jon,- - ft. 'Sl.'. BET. A l.TA A WKBBtfl V't0t sltsutl. weather needs irom our array of cool, shot for amount to ll'oni'. with llisi' No ..nil. do ""!' doll tight ami haiidsome loot ear. cash added. The bluerock shooting lumkii.. .! i V"tr ,ut siior want of i. aud country, husi aill occur on Tucsdav. Wetlneadav and P. X. SCHIMPP, Prf on Kridav and Saturdav. lie aud pleasure, in and out of doors, l Tfiurni.t. iiiloiioTir... "J UK ciiu' ucd ' tb lir ftftt' ir met in this smart dmul.iv of the Juu e 'in and ptK , the live bird touriiu- Wlll occur. The I'eiidleton team season r novelties. Many scarcely cup,0E"r know what to lake lroin such a are in good practice ami are expected (asia. ulftU of brsl cbonvs at melted price. tu bring back some trophies, honors ft HftuSti.wa I IIIIH I HI..U. llrkJlll ami money prises. Outing shoe for Ladir at :.50, etc. H'POi-Situatio- n w ttr.riM.,1. K It ulS ft Is. Ui lo I I MOITT'S SCHOOL I... ft llvvr.ilia naiiKf'.iliseaaf ami Ueatii follow ISSiMi Uitl uitlMT urtftU ol ft.. i.i.,nu. . Co., - . .ui.ni.11,,14 rsstorsasui ul Hit- luiwels. I st- - lie Witt's Little aud Tbsrswaruj 1'inuu a.elrsutf itoute inllU sufl irooi., t wosioausu'rcvinrf Early Kisers to rusjulaU- tiiMtu aud vou nrroui.illll.r purls'", eliiusn --Tj ilon end tUorouali u.cucsl. """"V. A C WM niwuuuu), will add years tu your llle and lift, to fuftrftnisaal' h .I i.,r is r.Trr..:rrs.t"u.i tUl tn.-.-i'sz-r trfti.iius .or Mill, iu... ooj '.i vssa. ssksusjssik s AuursssJ vour yearr. Kasy to uke, uever gripe. e. uTuox an. ess. yocsu.cs4. lust si uuiti. isiulrti...M.iLa ilaiiaor. Msulo Pftrk, Talliuan dt Co. Maioo (.'oubW Hsti. tost aaxjt us XAiftLstA aou.. ustuuesiaia. IsnaU fur csuwsoa. to Ar u . Very Stylish. ev I a ...( 1 r 2-- ir-'h- ief . r- 1 ('., set-or- 11 - mi-ti- mhi am.; .' - 1 . - .- Don't Experiment d ; . -- I n ..., w"r"ta , bc r,;.t n $3.00 . r.J.. 1 e , ! fast-racin- -- . Quality r"! STOP! c I I ..,.ii I I CLEAVER BROS t - r j 1 ST. JOE STORE pp.-Hor- ! OUR SPECIAL SALE "-a- Continued Until June 30th: Yu i HOT PRICES Hn-Ir- - a i -- Locust nill Kabbitrv and Poultry Yards. - . -- LYONS MERCANTILE CO. . PENNYROYAL PILLS . g - he,-mil- I -- I I V l . i I -- The Dead ... Prepare for the Big Tournament July 4th r i at b-- s, - at Suits at s, - 11 . - . I teaser? - Mtn - d. if -- u ERKELEY The Place to 1 A. RADER, s I 1 j 1 r.-- Main and Webb Sts. 1 . Come and Celebrate the Fourth of July. Lonely Homes 0 : bu-iii- rs -- v rr,, - I irn-iiil- acy 11 WINEo'CARDUI r m. r TALLMAN & CO J The iS ISW ft i u?,-T- Lodging otiJi 1 ' I MANHOOD RESTORED pro-fusio- m . Pendleton 1 Shoe nei-ir- fl - '"" - . I .,.,uv muu,ov S I i 1 Wanted. I . . Causlcssue ORKUok. . IRA. iTtiOsTT. ru. ft. !
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