JL rJACKA*QC3STO FOREIGN TOPICS. r~~ f^iifeA- &WHV~**^\ TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. POLITICAL CARDS. The Sherifl has seized the property of the New York Star upon an attachment for PftBMIUMS A.WaKB£B AMERICAN'S KM BELGIUM. j$16,000. An unknown woman on Sunday left an infant in the j'ard of P. C. Crumbougb, in Ked Blufl. John L. Sullivan is getting well, but it willbe many months before he can do more Frederick's Widow to Publish His j than ta'.k fight. — Biography Condition of Hie The steamer Parthia arrived at Van- ABSOLUTELY PURE. ISPSCIAL DISPATCHES TO THE BECOED-CMON.J FREDERICK'S ?i;.^f:aLi_- MS-s-.>:. J KEPCBUCAIf NOMINEES. BAKING fXUIi f U J\ \J IALdPOWDER couver, B. C, yesterday British Grain Trade. CEEAM OAULT RECO\ID-LSU)X. TVX.SDAY, CHTOiiEU J), 18bb. with 140 Chinese, 118 of whom are for San Francisco. Mrs. Langtry has returned from Europe. For quick raising, the Royal Baking Powder is superior to all other leavening She 3ays Gebhardt has recovered from the shock caused by the burning of his fine agents. Itis absolutely pure and wholesome and of the highest leavening power. It horses. quality and never fails to make light, sweet, most Herman Bruggee attempted suicide at ia always uniform in strength and Santa Rosa yesterday. His wounds may palatable and nutritive food. Bread, biscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised with Royal yet prove fatal. He has a wife and two Baking Powder may lie eaten hot without distressing results to the most delicate children i;iHumbolut county. AlvinClark, the maker of the Lick tele- digestive organs. It willkeep in any climate without deterioration. scope, has an order from the University of Prof. H. A. Mott, U. S. Government Chemist, after examining officially the Sonthern California for a still larger one. The lens is to be forty inches in diameter. principal baking powdere of the country, reported : T. J. Sweeney, a veteran, who was em"The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for I bave so found it.n many ployed as a letter-carrier at Tacoma, has DEALEKSINri 0: Ja>.C3rEl33 H-^X^rCi^JS. STOVES, TIN, WOODEN (ILe People's Cholc«). Roofing, Plnmbing and Genera! Jobbing Promptly Done. X st,, & s^td WILLIAM M. PETRIEf, 613 Republican Nominee For and ShKKTIKOS WARE, GARDEN HOSE AND CROCKJEKT. W"QI"U-K-MEAL» GASOLINE STOVES . I D. W. CHAMBERLIN 01X£t233.T301-IiXX c£? COX, FINDLEY R. DRAY, Republican Nominee lor ~ CHARLES W. COX. bet^Sixth Seventh^Sacramento. -»• ti, BAK £ R" — & HAmIITOR HOME LIFE. Assemblyman His Widow to Shortly Publish a Sketch EIGHTEENTH DSTRICT. EBCFOBXBBB a:;p jobukks of of His Mfe. 01-td London. October Bth.—A biography of the late Emperor Frederick of Germany C. willbe published in London shortly. It willrelate solely to his domestic life. Itis STEEL, COAL, POWDER, Republican Nominee For believed his widow is the author of the work. Her name, anyhow, is appended to the preface. The profits derived from the sale of the book will be donated to a hospital for the treatment oi diseases of the been dismissed for offensive partisanship tests made both for that company and the United States Government. 827-M throat. The Pall Mall Gazette says the for acceping a Republican nomination for perfectly obtaining crearr pure "Because of the facilities that company have for Constable. work is being revised by Lord Salisbury. A couple of quarreling lovers and a of tartar, and for other reasons dependent upon the proper proportions of the same, clergyman were treed by a vicious steer in BETIKR PKICES. Republican Nominee for Connecticut while going home from a and the method of its preparation, the Royal Baking Powder 13 undoubtedly the Condition of tbo British Wheat Trade party. While up in the *T. 8 Pioprleto* preacher tree the public. powder reliable to the purest baking and most offered ..mi,the Past Week. prevailed on them to be married. Its superior excellence proven in millions ol TE OovLaaty horr.es for more than a quarter of a century. It Olerli. London, October Bih. The Mark Lane "DR. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D.," BigGold Discovery. Uu/>ed by the United Stales Government. In- /.V/..•.>>\u25a0, inits review ot the Bii'.ish grain siT-td dorsed by the heads ol the great Universities a« U. S. Government Chemist. Mr. Uaegher, who has been engaged in the BtiongMt, Porett and most Healthful Dr. trade for the past week, says : Decreased L. Price'! Cream Baking Powder does not contain deliveries of native wheats, combined with mining on the Swank, cleaned up §1,400 in Ammonia Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans. tiie bad condition of samples, have caused nuggets and line gold. Among the nuggets PRICE BAKINGPOWDEIi O •\u25a0. an advance in London of two shillings for was one weighing $64. He informed the KSWTOXZ. BT. LOriS. OEALBBB IN 5 IM«Ht., HOOKS, WINIjOWS AND BLINOS. Republican Nominee For CHICAGO. tue finest white wheats and one shilling for Capital that he had traced the float, and M>*Js4yAwly. ~ STAIN OFFICK: SECONi) 3TKHHT, i.and M 1o red wheats. Provincial values are also had discovered a tine ledge, in connection YABD: tBttNT aSI, R \u25a0< •\u25a0J£rH.. v.^..,._I I ._______C_^l^^ tp siroii£. The sales <>f English wheat during withMr. Black, which was regarded by the week were 60,5^4 quarters at .'!oj. 7d. them as the long sought mother lode S27td against 70,50!) quarte.-s at 2Ss. 7d. during They first discovered decomposed quartz TT iM.'-MADE UUCKaKIM GLOVES, AND the corresponding peril d last year. which showed from 200 to 400 colors to the \u25a0^^ ;*«c no other. They arc the best ivthe Country tiour has advanced OJ. to Is. T. pan, and after going through this they Foreign wheats are iire^ulur at on averstruck what they regard as the ledge. This State Wamcsted Lot to rip. Factory No. 1017 age rise of9d. in London. ledge is free milling, and will assay about Republican Nominee For Si;;h street. 4i >l! .Spot wheat in Liverpool has advanced 4d. $S0 to the ton. The gold discovery is K-''a:E crncn. officb notms. tiliphoni kssid^cb per cental. within twenty-live miles of Ellensburg, Altin«>n, 1...._..;-.!7 7 H., p. F. JlOtol". A. t0 4, 2 to 6:30 7:30 Bf. C27 J « and almost within sight of tbe railroad. It and Success of American Exhibitors. W. H SK. to IS a. m., 2 to 4, 7to 8 :-. h B^aPrin, USooradii ' r 00r.2d anC.K 10 is regarded as cue of *he most important ' \u25a0;'.' r A.H.tol2u,audl:3oto3p.u lgoi 1 10:S0 ;& i'F3 V,, *, sirr-td 67 and 28« 'L/"'. 1888, vy Vie California Associated Press. discovers s ever made in Kittitas county. {Briß^Wm. Eklwy Oculfet CSJi f 930 to 12 a. a., Ito4p. 11 '301 I 81 Company. h a: 3O A- Mt01,2t04, 7 to 8 P. M....' Bth fji'dJ.'.'""287 Capital. Bkussels, October B'h.— Among the exM: f^jf'^YV-iIClnneai, \,. R >6 and X J. 19 to 11 a. h., 1to 3 p.m hibitors in the American section receiving SO5 ll •Gar.:u. ; M...... 1423k J GiveThem a Chance. otolo a. M., ItoS,7to S P. X Satterbuiid'g 91 prizaa is McCoy of Brooklyn, for pneu-ard ».ad O&a ....•.:)<> ftnmiirt street. (PRESENT IXCTMBENT) That is to saj-, your 1lines. Also all your LfLino, J i.... matic The tools. American* received fifbl3 >."., all J st-seW. X 9toll A. Jt04,7t0 v»M-.. Cwrcor Twelfth S P. « 913 X ' V^! v i diplomas of honor, twenty-three gold. breathing machinery. Very wonderful maBto 9A.H..2t0-i,S:SOto7:?.3F.M. "2)0 Republican Nominee For S chinery it is. Not only the larger air passix silver and turee bronze of promedals !,... RICHARDS v. r •rartKv: J :«., but the 9toU a. sages, 4:30,7U>8pjl thousands of littletubes and 2-S0 tc \£*y 10301 31 and iS gress. -DK.ii.KE3 i;r— A Queen as an Actress. cavities leading from them. +MiUor, r. A -.. )•„ cor. 2d anj !C 9 to 13 A. ?J., 1' !o IP. ?i " t 113 >f clogged When these are and choked with ryrreu, v. G ;\ Lumber, Boors. Windows and Cojiyrigld, IRSS, by the California Associated Press.: n.w.*car. 6th and J:;m.tol 2 to i,8:S0*•; o sp. tt matter which ought not t'> be there, your lh ! J 4 t-1u'\u25a0-to \u25a0 '-> b '-m-.- ieao6thj*s -i-,-,. Blinds. \"?' *5P «" .\iard "-iBivhakest, October Bth. The Prince ol lungs cannot half do their work. And >.\\.cor. W. 6th " M., L. and K 9toT2 A. 7to 8 P M in^ ™ 17th Wiuri'.'j. a :so'(s) jCmusty Hospital....!. „ 2to 4 and Wales was present at a Court performance what they do they cannot do well. i'-:.p:ih''.' •-trtlr. t)n<c» »:id Varil, Northwest Oo?Tie» ~ Shakespearean of a charade in •No ijvjui;.giiotirs Sundays. Jtjiiiid and SI St«. fourteen it cold, cough, 4r> Call 7NO tflernoorTiloyisiuiidiyßr" croup, pneumonia, .. .-isiin^n. tableaux, devised by the Queen of Hou- catarrh, Republican any Nominee of the family For consumption or manißi who took the leading role. The act- of throat and nose and head and lung ob~ing was highly commended. structior.s, ail are bad. Allought to be got '' ?_j__U^ J^^& MB £x £ Sir 0 J^^ Sk A WhitechHpel Victim. rid of. There is just one sure way to get 527-td them. is to That tukc Boschee's London, October Bth. At the inquest on rid of the trunk of the woman found in a cellar German Syrnp, which any druggist will DEMOCRATIC KOMT&KBB. sell buttle. you in Whitechapel on Tuesday last, the surat 75 eecta a Even ifeverygeons who examined the remains testified thing else has failed you, you may depend that they were those of an unusually tine upon this for certain. JOHN W, woman, who had probably occupied a good social position. crate; Grapes, 20«10c 1* box for Rose of Bfraseratk Nominee For Freuch Cabinet Disseusiou*. Peni. 20035 c for Black Hamburg, 30@50c *****" -ACKAr.IKNio HAREEV. for Muscat. 30®(>5c for Tokay, 5(J(a,75c for Cor[Copj/rijld. ISS-S, bj/ Oic California Associated Press.] nichon, STREETS, an(lsocajl rpWSLFTH ANDI f, jfi i box for Isabella: Apples i)f@Sl box: Pears. 25@50c 1 facturcrs of the Celebrated Wieneri^fci^j Sttr^oiior- Judge. Paris, October Bth.— l.e Matin saya that box; StrawberSACSAMKNTO. October Sth. This Great Strengthening Remedy and Nerve Tonic S6@6 50 n r*>x CalLa?er Beer. Also dealers in BottledlSffißS ries. 83<g5^ chest; Raspberries, 87«e-9 » Lemons-Sicily, FitUlT— a between 03-td owing dispute to members chest-•' of the C W n Bt«r;being delivered iv quantities to suit to any ?3(C4; Limes, ?B@'.l V box, Jl 2501 50 Plums, (Me f. Ib; t^igs, 8: c,°f»'nty Nervons and Fhysical Debility, Seminal WMkDe«, fiVKBU ifornia, ™ box Cabinet in regard to the revision bill,Flon je6-4ptf Peaches, 20®50c # box, and aoodti part of toe ruty. TR 100; Bananas, S3fs3 5y ?a bunch lor Ihland }sii;iscf» basket'LARUE, M. ijuet is likely to resign, Uoblet, Minister of 50; Quinces, lineapples, ST. 50r<S7 Coooamits. 1798: Pan' 25©50 c"# box; Huckleberries,' BGKHJJtDT, GUNSMITH, Foreign Affairs, s-ucceeding him as Premier. ama Oranges, 8-IQS; Apples, 75c<381 25 ft box; t®6c ¥ \u25a0>; Keztean I.imes, S6. riOreS7 50 « boxbox; Peaches, 50c@«l; Plums, Lemons. .*ici'y. *4 50<i>5 50; Oallornia Pears. 50 Sl@l In Mackay Mrs. Paris. Lemons ANDDEAL-^ while at stool, etc., so destructive to mind and body, Rnd euros all tho evil e^ts o» yorlS^J 90c@$l; Grapes, in boxes, 40@C0c; in cases. ISif. £250,2:; Democratic Nominee For = -p box; I\\\u25a0•. -. .ok, 81S3 n bunch; Pineer in Guns, Kitlus, Revolvers, Copyright, ISBS, by Eke California Associated Pros.; 90c: Prunes. Sl«.l 25. Cranberries, ft bbl, Bell A IRw;. s-i BOM650 9 <lozen: Mexican Oranges Ammunition aud Sj.orlinp (ioods. vv^JtiS^ IN LIABLE M; (12@12 VA FOR. Bugle, 50; Cape Cod, 513@14. E2ii-n 25 y Cranberries. $4 60(S>5 V box. Paris, October N;h. Mrs. Mackay has A ;horo.TI h as wsU_aa a r.enn»nent ouro and complete Allthe leading makes of Guns and Son-jator. ,P. DRIED FRUITS— iNew crop Apple*,diced, 6@ ! Bt'TTER— The week ciases on an open mar' State to perfect heilUi, ro returned to Paris, and proposes to pass the Vigor of Xaci.ood i« absolutely Baaranteod b7 this restoration Rifles at popular pricy Parker, *w \u25a0 PAINS INFLAMMATIONS. fi>; evaporatc-'i. 9<gjloe; do quartered, 7c ket. It must a offering justly bring .^rengtcaac ?> lie choice to sSa relllS 4© the Lefever, Colts, Smith, Ithara, new Baker and winter hete. She talks 527-tf Setie.iy. Qreat Price, bottle, ; 82 50 or per sc; about a grand charare bottles for »io. Sent upon receipt prioeT Pears, peeled, C^.c: Plums, pitted. 7<sßs: top figure. We quote jobbing lots as follows orO. *"-i--i«» «\u25a0 a «\u25a0 new make Guns. First-class bun and Uitie ity fete which to =ny pdaress, sjcuro from otwrratinn and atrictly privats D., by teaclies, 1-Hii-y. intends peeled, Prunea, she to organize at the 6*7c: -io 4i'_(ffi42>.<c; cood to choice, 35®:!7Kc15i^20c: work. Send for price list of guns. No. 628 X Dr. C. ». SAtKISTLD,316 Kearay Stpeßt, San Franolnco, OWL German, 6@7(^: French, I f rcnch Prano". !.ns, fair. 27K@82Kc; 18ffl22c; pickled l>e the >.'l.hc: i store roll, Charlotte Theater. Extract promptly. Delay is T. C. Btreet, Sacramento, Cal. tf SuaoMnt to show iUmerit, wiUbe sect to any one applyingc by lette* ,-. » \u0084 evaporDtcd, BJfio : Slai:kbciries. dangerous. Relief assured. 12^143. 2<!/i:ioc; nrkiu, i;iaj7Uc: Kasteru creamery Bomb-Making in Russia. f"-«i^ aymptona and age. Figs, Caiifcrnia. t©sc; Apricots, 12;ai3c: Nec- 24'a 25c in tubs aud 27Jj@32>.-;c in rolls; other \\i-& n 1 VVjAX, V^Ajl-' J H« tarines, S@9c; California Republican Nominee For QiVMl.'i OnnwHtaflOM strictly conadentiai, by letter or at office, fbm Moscow, October B:h.— The police have Figs, f, 20-B>bx, 81 25. kiuds, 14020 c Ib. ' ; BANKIXU HOUSES. sts, pound Ovals, firm, in CH r ESE— New is Be; myma 15c: Fi.-.ts per supplies light. Choice, discovered acellar which was being used for 16@17c; Tubs, 9SIC;' ; Date? 00-Jb bx=. 7;;, be Itis cooling, cleansing, and Healing. He: good to choice old, 12ai3c; common making dynamite shells. In connection ' , Dates, Cartoons, W;.l2c. KradcH, S.jJlOc; Eastern ordinary to One, 10<a>15e ''""'I Extract 1s unenrwith the discovery they have arrested a Ni- Fctictfr'h TABLK FRUIT—>..-^o.-L"-.i, 2V<-B caK*, ios «* tb. Ldld.lI11. pasfed for Catarrh. Cold in tho RAILROAf? T[srE TABLE. EGGS-Beccdpta are ooraitß to hand with Head, Ac. (Sic page 11, in Book of Dihilist who recently returned from Siberia. »1 SO; Peaches, -. 10: Baitistt Pce.:s, la JS VOVRTH DISTRICT. 00-td* Pxinu, SI 75; BlAckberries, S3 2u ; «.-\u25a0'\u25a0 more rreedom. We quote: California ranch -OF— rections wrapped around each bottle.) Not Through With Him. berries, Si 55; Strawberries. S2 60 : Ap-rlooci 40A42H0; store iots, 27'<;^35c for fair to good Berlin, Octobei Sih.— Further examinaSi 30; Muioit Qranes, SI 7i; Red Carrauts, , nad 1&422 Xfor common; Eastern, lG@lt:e %» 02 35; Cherries. ?.I id. ilozeu for lair, and 20g22c v do^eu for good to tion of Professor Gellckon has been ordered No other preparation har< enred more PIK FRUITS— 2K-Ib canti. Apples, 81 40; Ap choice. to be held in Berlin. Dr. Husehfeid has cases of time Distressing complaints tlian 55; Blackberries, SI BO; Green Oagea, ! POULTRY— Cheaper rates bring out better dericots.Sl oosvsLX^^Lixr-g-. been appointed to c induct the inquiry. Pond's Ex ;i-ii<•' Tryit1 8140; Goof«bcrriep, We quote ;s follows: SI 55 ; SrapQß, Sl~4o mand. Live Turkeys— TO AN ORDER OF THE BOARD fl^^F^^Jfi*^^^sTW^^siiir^^^^Ei^TsLJ^uff tl-"Sii^) Cal.— Peaches. SI 55 doz. «C«l8c» *: •• -. 16®17e: Roosts, MoyvirkT'r-h c ":£*'\u25a0< deeding from tbe Grtftjm*, ol Supervisors fSacramento PACIFIC SYSTEM. County, ;X) for old and 84 50 i VEGETABLES— Green Peas, sweet, 6;<i7c,com- vS(SS 550 tor young; Hens, is hereby given that plan?, fpecificationsnotice ilCUlOrraciy 6-"S. Lungs, Stomach, moc,4i'osc: A Lucky Trial, and String Beans, s(Bi6c; Wax Beans, H4CI:; I E5 50r36 50; Broil re,S3g lDucks, 55&650- '-'-esDraßcross and beaxikou>sb& or No-e, cauro, from is con"tii.:any speedily np p. willbe received to 2 o'clock m. OCTOCorn, 2>>(<2i2dc?*dozeu; Tomatoes, :>s&4oc » box; SI 7592 Dkab sir: It atlords me great pu-asiire to October X, ICSa. r^ir; I'ieeotis J2A-2 25 ?* trolled and stopped. 1,5 o shares b. v. BOLLS BEH 10. 1888, for t!.c construction of a bridge tend you this vo'untary GAME—There is no trouble indoz. of my experiGreen Peppers, 6@Sc selling good across ihe »oquelumne E>: Cucumbers, 708 a y EDGAB HILLS, i-resident Train* LEAVEand are line to AIiRITEat nndonbtcdly River, L.588 Shares ence 111 testing the meritstta'.ement Voi'.il's Eztrad ta nt or near the Joy's S:rsaparilla. dozen; of Dilae Summer Sqna&h. 2@Bc; Potatoes— Kar;y stock lit fall figures. We quote; Venison .- PKENTISB BMI PH, Vice I'rcs '250 Shares For the past live years 1 have IlOOi the bc^t remedy known for Piles. Rose, Co(n.Csc; Centennials. 605.65 c; I'ecrless, B@locl B>; Babbits, fl25«il M): >in~.\ ."=1 50(31 75- site of Benson's Ferry. The plans to conform been troubled with I the SACRAMENTO. g^neial specifications KRi --X I4ILIER, Cashier 8K Shares an exceedisgly dogziah liver, use to The ofPond's Extract now r.n file in the Ointment aud within theCa<si7oc: BurbankSetdlinE;s,7O's)bOc^ct;; Onions Sprig, f250@3; Quail, H2BdISO; Teal, $1 75.- J : County Cterfc's office. A certified check iv ten UB P. DILLMAK,As«. Cashier, lijiiart-. part two years ithas Drought within in connection with tbe ExTact is highly ft; Cabbage, 75@'J0c; Carrots, Mallards, sß M>(B| is dozen; Gray Geese, S2 GOOB r <t cent, of ihe ami.unt of its trails a 50<«i60c recommends]. p.cromO'.:'"r [itrw)iis own (Seep. i.198 Share* thoroughly disordered .stomach, incl-iding lass 11l Book of Directhe liiilmust LEAVE. TRAINS RON DAILY. ARRIVE. 5Q9600 100 &s; Xnraipi, uew, 75c»?l fl Wh'ti-Uf ise, 75cm -;1: Widgeon. ?1 75(fe2; Small pr-nv eacb proposal, as rarely tions mapped \u25a0round e;;cli bottle.) that ifsuch proOf appetite and distress alter eatii r, p.du.- in sack; tntnch TßgeUblc«,loc ftdox; ineks 75c;p-S1; Eugli.li Snipe, S2 50@:>; common poou be accepted the > Pannlra Si .'<) c;o, Dip,-.I».%«O,O«H1 la will enter into a -hiires the back and kidneys, and boils !»i<ia-. r '••** A Calistoja and Napa 11:40 A. @2 50; Beets, 75c@:JI; Horm Radish. ..round my Iv ISottlos only. I'rirt's. ."Or., fl. Si.7. dozen. ?i 10®12o« tt: j PROVISIONS for the faithful performance of such Deck and face. Ihave tried several remedies Note our nanie on troy wrapper ami label. (tarlic, 2@Gc; Artic'i.ir..: , 6.K&7JO* ;V-iion: -Eastern Hame,i6Sl6Vc CpiKrr. contract CaulCalisioga and Napa work. The Kjard reserves the right to reject 3:*6 P . . \u25a0 B .^2<. 7:00 P. which are advertised as specially fo: the liver, Prepared oalr hy POST.'., UXTRACT iSower, nip. r \u25a0n-.'or^ui.- cured Hams, iu>;:a:6j Easteri CO., yoc; Egz-plant, 0^60; Waterm'rlon?, H:«M» V any r,r all tmis. Ashland pr.d Portland... 3:40 A. HOTEL, F. F. TEBBEI S. Chairman. GOLDEN EAGLE S BANB IN THL and never could get more than "temporary reNEW YORK AND LONDON. Sl@l f.O dozeu; Cantaloupes, 7. cft.?l W doz. IBri'! ii. i4;,''.ilsc; Cuiiiitriiia Bmoo, fl:O0 P. .JJeming, ElPaso and East. 7:00 P. ,Vv. Attest. [SEAL.] Hamilton, B. -;r.-t!'j>. lief of Mliout a week or two. I Clerk. ias recomCorner Seventh and X streets. i XREADSTUKK-3—i<if,ur, 85 bur. Oatniea'. i 12.. 180 '.-\u25a0 heavy Mid ictdivuu, ;3i)iSM^ Jot 7:35 P • ; paid Sacramento. Knight's Lauding 5 sIC-td 6:5d A. up capita] mended to try a bo'.tle of .Joy's Vegetable Ifr*caok, 3%c « R>, n :'."» 100-B sack; Ccmmtai; '!: Iternt median, 13>^14; rir light and '4' v-3isc !>:tO A. ...Los Angeles and Mojave... 10:00 A. real estate, March .Sarf-aparilla as a lest, und while takin r the first -JSTRICTLY didor, ;0Thi'.e and !'• for extra do -R» jrehow, ftsapks, it 82 15 in llßiit: C.a&x <B B>- Fork FIR3T-CLASS. Ogdenand V* l£Kc \u25a0J:3O P East 7 00 A. j'u I . .vi and oj.linary d-»positt bottle fee)became convinced of its t erits for I Crsci.,:u Wheat |2 E I, 104) racks: ?J 4 ', :extra prime. Sl9: do, prime mess, ?23@22Fro6'Eas to and from the Cars. 2:50 P. ...Ked BluffviaMarysville... 9:50 A. Term urd oi in .ry could 100-tt) tacks: Kojaiuy. S2 7S. Kv2> sack: £\u25a0,' W. * j- | do, mess. it was working a change in me. I f2:'@23: do, clear, $24@25; do,' A. 7:00 ...RedßlufrviaMK-rysviUe... 4:40 Proprigtor. W. O. BOWERB. P. _U have taken live bottles, and during ;hat time id UTldsnds paid InJanu100 ft>^ ;Graham, 82 iO,10 Ib s.-.clcs ;?2 30, 100 lt>- Iextra olear, K6ea6 V bbl; rtgs*f3ct, 812-Sl2 ii' For 10:40 A Redding via Willows. 4:18 P. a ft 3 S3 'S1 SI F IJ3 T Reclamation District No. 3, Grand tr.-&:.d Ji;1••. Money loaned upon reaj es'.Hte my troubles have left me. Everything is worksacks. »bbl: r-1r::,.-. Beef, S8 fio©S I&rVWs. 14E0®4 75 3:C5 A...San Francisco viB Sonicia.. 10:40 P. 3;i!t. '1 he :.ji HOTEL, liin,, cclodTelv fuv-ngt- bank ing full and regular, in fact it" hn Cleansed WESTERN ! for h' ;.!ve p-itcs: jieef POUXiTßY—Dealers' bbls: Extra Mc-as 6:00 A...San Francisco viaBemcia,. 8:30 P. Tnkna 1100 Island. " r,-:.-O'-v purified and braced me up generally. Ifeel liki'. \u25a0:\u25a0 >rto&Uon :'in;;.i'.i'.:u upnn an>.lica«OS. 309 TO 219 X 3TKEKT. bena, '6§170: gobblers, 14@16c; .-Uooaed, 18$20 c; ;" SO for bbti, Sf 50®6 75 fai hi bbU; *10:00A..J3an Franciscovia steamer.. ;6:OO A. '•\u25a0*•'. P. UOLEMAN, -'rtsid. a ii"\vnmn. You are at perfect lil,. r-t3we *&**• This Ointment is specially \u25a0:\u25a0, dozen ;yoan; lull Cnlckens, iiU)CKB FROM RAILROAD DEPOT, j 11:20 A. SanFrancisco viaLivermore su@6 KTOwn 3*> 1: Callforcla Smoked TJe^' f ' pHUEK * : . 2:45 P. 'le'. 4i this as you see fit, or you can refer uiiom yo 3-i S.-Ci- "V>: Eastern Lard, tierce 12312 K ieo, ;\u25a0" 6003 ? dtwen : broQen, S2® i;1i ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN JL LeoditiK Btutaesa iind Fatiiiy Ho'll of3ac7:25 A. ..San Francitco via Bcnicia.. 7:00 P. Pjs re \u25a0\u25a0• mnended for Piles. •" please to taste Unoln, *696; Pckin, 87<J8; Geeae, 82@}JS : do-r-nai.-.'-Jj;;. ::'.; rt>.3>: .ii:ft>rj;indo tierces H election for three Trustets for Reclamation ramento, CaL Tbo most convenient to Post- ; 3:15 J*. ..San Francisco viuDenicia.. 11:40 f*^^ connection A. , If used in -srith Has, pair. (Irand l'J>s@nc: hf bbli, lh;?: f!i-B Island, Sacrament STATE BANK. 10k,(<pUc; j-ft lustrict No. '\u25a0>. >51cp, Espresi Li.d Lk.uj Offices, all Courts and ; 13:20 A San Jose .'. 2:45 P. BQOe— California, firm. 10-a 12!^o ;I&Pteit:, £6 !| tin... ll@ll<-ic; do, m-lfi ppilr., 12c; do, for 5-Jh California, willbe held at the dwelling house of I'ls.cesoi -•mr.sement. ElcaU, 35 cent*. Fim-! 5:00 P Fo?.d's it wiD ba Extract danta Barbara. Jj 10:00 A. ' > a •\u25a0-: pails, !2'<c: iai! 184 b Kir 3-fi> pai'.s. MRS. RUBEN KERCHEVAL, within said Dis- lias ins!lits appolntmente. FreeCcacbtoand j.->aliing ItatSnt-w. J7:25 A. ..._ ;ll:40A. >r~""B found invaluable. Santa Rosa trict, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of NjVEMDAIRY IRODUCTS— Butter— Valley, 32 @ LAND, toga the Hotel. With Beamish, comer Third and Market streets WM. *3:15 P Santa Rcsa Proprietor^ «7:O0 P. BER, A. V.18E8. \u25a0\u25a0c Jt; Fancj p, t:'.i:.ma, i>9fllU3 tb; East9:10 A.' ECiuinge .>u all the pr-.nuip,.! &ir San Francisco. P'iTßi^ Also for Bums, Scalds, cr>i, -Stockton and Gait 7:00 P. RAH FKANCJtSCO STOCK --M.IB. packed By order of the Board of Supervisors ot Sacin Crkinj," choice, c. »of the worlil. 29 5:00 P. Stockton and Gait Ervpti<ms,&c,&c Testiinoni10:00 A. roaunon, County, .^ •'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0•: U2c. mmenlo 12:03 P.! California, day _Truekeeand Reno Cheeso made the oth of October 2:30 P. 3an Francisco, October 8, IRBS. • \ tCCBN i If we would bring a holy life to Christ P3m| als from allclus^es. Price 50c. 12saiSo; Tonag America, 13>cl4c; Eastern Cream, \u25a0i A.D. ISBB. _Truciee and Reno 7:30 P. ; 7:00 A. >' \ u25a0:\u25a0' . ", 15(§lfl(!; P;,v, u-. f::: MORNISV. BBRSION WM. E. HAMILTON, Lijnburßer, 16&18?; geii'.iii.") Swiss, 29c; vi we must mind our fireside duties as well Sold by allDniggistsor scut bj mail 1-seal.J 7:25 A. VallejO 11:40 A. in .Swiss, aej T-fartir.'t C'recm, 35®17c. County Clerk of Sacramento County, and ex ? :. •OS H3 the duties of the sanctuary. Amen: P.i :; 70 N. B. Isle Vlo 3:!5 only VallejO Mexican receipt price. on of I'nt t7:00 P. by 2:;;» 70 up —Spurycon. HA.V, GRAIN AJ i :.:.; o;.t Hay, 512^114 ?> 8 & V ofiicio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of \u25a0>12:30 F. Folsom &Placerv'le(mixed) *l»:20A. 2 6i Queen inn: AifiJla do, SS^JO ft ten; ?,rac, 517 ?i ton ;i :\u25a0• ; POND'S EXT3ACT CO., 73 Sth Ava.,'!.!.?. said •7:30 t(i county._ H o6A.:...F0150m : SBS and Placervilie... Bodie 1 S> *2:40 P. «fl;BO a. P.I Middling?, US r.O i.;.:; : Barter, whole, pay- i <:\u25a0\u25a0 '\u0084'.'& Truth is the most powerful tilingin the FolEPm U-/i;iCoviim'nw'lth 4 15 A. lns7s®Boc; rulk'u, WJia r (chuice miiTng), : Barage 2 •Sundays world, since fiction can only plea.se by its soc i«i;Mouo rSuudayonly. exteDiea. Of SEABLRV'S IIr.ADV-MAUK MlSpa; . !\u25a0<. vi E0 « owt; Bye, !a 25®3 75; Tamo Choliai GO : 2 JuMlco 1 excepted. 05 A.—For morning. P.—Foi afternoon. t.\ri>Plastics in the hoiii-e duremblance to it.—Shqftesbiuy. 0 \u25a0\u25a0•. '.:• 73 ;V.'U>i OaU, S .: BO ;Cora. paying 1 Polosi 2 SOlCrocker \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0-, _, A. N. TOWNK, General Manager. SoiaiKic Ing the summer mouths, that I S. A N 4 75|Peerless 1 75 U_ T. H. 6OOUMAN, A._aß aOTT. General Paminger and Ticket there may lie no delay in promptly Alfalfa, BOlOo; : Point MISCSLLANBOaa-Seeo* 4 so vveldon c,sc Or (he Liquor Habit Poßltivelr Cored A relieving radden atueks of Cliolti JfVp)'? Timothy, Eastern, o©9>ic ft ; Pop Corn, Jacket by Administering Dr. Hair.es* •J I ul\I 80c C ra JJiiCtoutiDeutal Morbns, Cramp, Ear, Colic and other 2 151 2^o, SiielleS, 2>i ® 3c: 1» tb, Imperial PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK, 75c Locomotive Jsc Specific Golden violent painrcultiug from over'Hover, Eeii lO.ailc « ttt Ked Top, 'ij Alpha PHPEETAJOSBS. 2 90 -;eg. Belfihcr iKttcc -.. im .f itiwet, rtacraineiito. Itcan be givea in a cup of coffee or tea with8 35 U Indulgence in Green F.-uits, Stale 6J4 0 7c. Nuis—<J!:llf VIabauts, pAsllT ~ new, C@Sc; : Roicher 5 Overman lamiui l65 out the knowledge oi the person taking it:is abVegetables, letd Drink«, lee Cream Califcrnla Walucls, ; HOTEL, r> PITAL Almond.'-., b<&VK Confidence Cnion solutely harmless, 17 :t :i and willeffect a permanent $225,500 00 Oapttal Stocl£ i'aid Op etc 1hese Plasters are ready for i.ev7, REEVES & LONG, ; Peanuts. Cellibrnia, 6,s6>ic; ;j 8. Nev 8 15 Alta iX ar.d speedy cure, whether the patient is a modBAORAJtSNTO f) immtdiaie use; they represent the Eastern,VtfUic 6.§7c. Laid {CaiL'orniaj. cans, hU,(a'j- !II'tah CUAJII received ITIJiT X> Term and ordinary 1 20 Challenge lii&Byi KiUMUUU drinker or an -a^ JE£. 23 3£rt.», gsTVBnS erate alcoholic wreck. Thousands 3OKHXB quality Tery best of ASI> R mustard, Rait, and Baatern, S>£9^b. Eudes. uTKEKTB. 009 J »t., ta«t. 81sth If light s.rd ibe- !Bullion DlTidanda Paid S<iTa:-A:\n-ially. 1 40 Occidental 1 :« of drunkards have been made temperate men (ail to act promptly. Sold and Seventh (north sMa) never House. tfiura, sc; iie^Ty steers, dry, I4i Tallow, I'\u25a0 Exchc-Quer K«»l Estate t»r.!r FlrHt-CIKSR " ' 15(31 50 Lady Wasli 1 **\u25a0 Xaut>y i»-««uad on who have in Specific l 45c taken Golden their coffee ggi :I>ru s tsiveiynhere. :K?.EI>ONHAND ACOMPLETE^.Hfesa. 6 c?SH". New Kot>e, B®ioc. Wli. BKCiMAK, PfMent flaVli" 11 iv 20c assessment delin Scorpion fiOc without their knowledge and to-day believe V V Stock Kvery intelligent physician tries of Coffins and Canicu; also^SSSfc 5m ilJCiTS— Boef, .©Co; tfsttoa. 7c; Veal, 7(g9a , ! SI RbdDia ft GUTKK/B, Proprietors. V.v. f. ',- uTctoi>n. gecrvtuy. 40c Baltimore 30c they quit drinkine of their own free will. II to impress upon pntions the im- Sprius I.amb,K@Uf>; Hogs,flA6)^3; tlressed Pork, ] Prize Shrouds of every description. Orders from city tSfS.ie Omaibi'fl and system itf.p.noos NEVER FAILS. The to fruin tho Cars. ti» impregnated poitance air occe keeping country I of the ol the SJ-sSic; Hams— Kasttrii, 16c; Cali'oraia, J3c; 1 BMtOir. or willreceive prompt attention, day with the Specific, it becomes an utter imposfia night. EMBALMINGdene in tae bess maun?.!o.-ick room pure mid nacon'aiuiuatTEB CaOCKiai-WOOLWOEXE Bacon— Medium, i:';£o: MMOtBd. '2c: cxiro |I(hollar assessed 50c|Alta 1 55 bilityfor the linuor appetite to exist. For sale HOTEL, PACIFIC ed. This can be dene by burning iiKh;,13'xlc; extra lieht bonolesp. 14% c. at reasonable rates. 4p gTilfihallewre Ophir 6 by JO:". HABK Ai CO., Druggist*, fTattiWHl Bsd of Sao I-'r \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0> \u25a0>••:. corner SJom -r H and Firth jtreet«, Sacramento. rKAJ»CI3CO. HvonoNAi'imioi. Kastili.es, which S tlofa)4 Occidental Df|Y Mexican l 35 Kifthand J streets, Sacramento, Cal. dB-lThSly DUA ijnickly iMJLLER, 322 PINE STREET. will render FRiTZ & pure, Lady the air "95 Q 4U 2 90®2 Wash FOS BAND INSTRUSAM FKAN>. ISCO MAKKEi 50c 111,000,000 fresh and invigorating. Put up in AND CONVENIENT B. .fc B 4 2504 4'i New York riENTRALLYLOCATfiD PAID-UP CAPITAL. ments aai Band Supplies, Pianos and Or4Sc neat tin boxes and fold by Drug-,;ecessor to Crocker, Woolworth ACo.) \J to all ptMM of amugernent. The best famgang C. C. Va Bnreka 3V «12-3mTnThSiw San <\ u 25a0% fbancisco. October Brh. gists at 25 cents, or sent iiost-paid in 'ly city. always supplied hotel tho The Table 2 FLOUR—Firm at the iate advance. We quote :j iSwrace. 75 \V.Comstock 55c DIRECTORS : hv sk*hi'rv .IriHv-ns N. V irith tho best the market affords. Street Cars i-AFFICE IN ODD FELLOWS' TSKFhi, DEALERS IN2 6« Prize Net cash price for Family Extras, Si >o®s £ bbl; : Chollar 40c E. H. MILLER,Jii. CIHAP-LK3 CROCKER \J Ninth and X streets. Complete ctoci ol Depot par.s !rom tha ths door fiveminutef. Undertekers' every Bakers Extras, !•» 75@4 85; Superflne, 1!3 35 to H.«&N 4 95 Suvajo 2 10 President CUKB.RLANI) COAL, Hen's. S5 CfTi's." C. F. HINQLFTON, Proprietor aW X'. WOOLWORTH Goods constantly on hand. CitT Point 4 95 S. B. Isle ?3 60. 2 70 IRON, STEEL, Vice-Presideut country orders promptly attended to, day BSOWN and _. 95(oo (Jupen 4 _Cashier Jacket 390 night, lip lUAOPEAN fcPZCIALISTS. WHEAT—For Wheat that is clean and ! 41ptf] to or at reasonable rates. Telephone lie, 4» VTagon Lumber and Carriage Hardware, H. H. CBOCKEB THE SADDLE standard SI 65 is the asking price, thoueh buy- I Imperial 7x- Delmonte 1 10 .2 95(5)? Codia ere on shipping account are not inclined to pay Alphil 1 20 709, 711, 713 and 715 J »<reet, Sacramento, J. FRANK 1 20 Mono over SI 6% Some fow sales are reported at the I Own 85c ATTOKXEYS.AT-LIW. Cal. BulHo-i l 4B Selcher COUNTY higher figure, mostly to millers, though occaCOUOS E3t &USDEETAKEk, b\i 1 W) Crocljer ....90c sional lots are taken by exporters for stiffening. Kxcl:ci;'^r RBBBT-CLASB HOUSE IN EVERY RESPECT. Ko. 1017 I-'oorth »t., l>*t.J mod ». CHARLES H. ELDRED, 3 40 Peerless Chas. F. Gardner, late l 75 W« Siso2». BaßLKY— Kcci'ipts contmue oi large volume, Seg. Belcher „ I; j.adies' Dining-rooai separate. Open day Proprietor, 1 tV> Wcldnn *.tlr-.-ney-at-I*aw. Receiver D. 3. Land OSoe. f.Sc keeping values easy. We quote prices as follows: Overmar, ON HANDTHX M.QBI COMPi.SIi md night. BDCKMANN&CA.HP.AGHER, Proinrt'en l 10 Con. V* 9&z AHTHUR BULGER No. 1Feed, 80c for uew and ~~y^c for old; com- Dnion ....MANAGKh prietors, 1019 Secocd street, between J and X, Btock of UNDERTAKING GOODS on ti.t BINOBK A OASSISER, 8 Is| mon grades, 75^.77^: Brewing, 95@97>.£c for I coast. Countrorders, .Jst or night, will reOP THS— Sacramento. tf fair to good, and SI for choice: Chevalier, ceive prompt attention. Tslepbdne Nni3S2. aTTOBHRS ItJX LANDCLAIMANTS, SALOON, PALAHE 906 p(RYSTAL NO. 90c@Sl 20(311 I4pl 10 lor common. 81 30 for fair and I^4. Boom 1, H^UB'S RESTAURANT. G£O. H. CURK, Funeral lMrc^t-w Axcjosttra Bitters is a household word _j street, between Ninth and Tenth. BcsJ 8?? J «tr««t $1 40®l 50 f» ctl lor good to choice. (Next to United States Land Ofice), alw«y« in stock. Top OATS—The market keeps In position, and ail over the worhi. For over fiftyyears it W.ne , Liquors and Cigars CIS J Street VV. J. KAVANAUGH, Telephone 84. Genuine lm«p CAUKOENIA. that is about all. Supplies come along in too has advertised itself by its merits. It is BACRjuftSKTO s A E£ XTK3" 3O 33 SS. I quantity for prices to show any improve3P< Spine. Hip a :f3«l( ureat now advertised to warn the public against OPEGIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OBTAINWe. quote prices as follows: Surprise, No. 018 J ot., b^t. Firth and Sixth.. ment. genuine all matters before article patents, miuioji and to counterfeits. The is manuO Ins a Jo'il2s; milling, feert, SI 17}^@1 20; similar are SI choice DAY ANDNIGHT. ICE-CREAM PARDepartment?. the United States and State LanflLands ON HAND A LARGE ABBOKIilV2'4&\ 15; No. 1, SI 10; lower grades, S1&105; factured !>y Dr. J. G. B. Siegert &Sons. Everything first-class. Wedding dinand Government Located. Vacant School THIS REMEDYPERSONS CAN CUKK ners lors. Black, Slrai 10; Gray. $1 05@l 07% V ctl. -ment of Metallic Mid Woden G'M'cets fT^TITH ap»-4ptt aud cakes a specialty. The only dining Burial 41 Box «\ u 25a 0 F. O VV themselves without the least CbffiM a:id Mironds furnished, Caseit, exposure CORN—Quiet, with fair offerings. Quotable rooms inlliu ciiy by made cool artificial proa more formidable enemy change of diet, or change in application tobusi- cess. BcaoTOU iscODSatßptioD f'offln orders vri;l r;^*iro proinj-t attention or* at 81 2D«»1 25 ctl for Yellow and $1 ii fur th<*n CLINTON L,WHITE, tf alone, v eiiher or cancer ness. nothing ==*- el]/ The medicine contains that is 01 UMnt noiics an alI ihe !owesi ratas White. OSoi >i*'^byournew jfi >l ici A TTORNKY AND COUNSF.LOR-AT-LAWthe least injury to the constitution. Ask youj open d*y and Bbcbt. RESTAURANT, voltaic and CRACKED CORN— Quotable at 527328 V ton. for scrofula ciiubines the worst possible druggist iv O_ j^^^V^b^"^ PALACE ahottlp. OSce at the rooms of Board of Trade, overJ forit. Price. »1 A. miO-iirTnF CORNMEAL— MiIIers quote Feed at 127i§28 ? featurss of both. It is cured by Hood's comer Second and m Weil? Fsrgo&Co.'s, N. E. Telephone table, ton: appliances. large Street, finekinds for the In and small X . "™"r: 3Ot> tf STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Sarsaparilla, the blood purifier. 247. uree-us. Sacr^Tncnto. o*l. Adealer may ihe medical branch devotes packages, iy^a.2y n attention A # n.. County of Sacramento, ss. In the Superior sf^ciaiand to all Chronic, Complicated, Private WastOILCAKR MEAL—Quotable at SiO % ton. DEAN, PROPRIETOR. EVERYTHING. W. H. BSATTY. aH. OaTMAS. and Court in and for said county. The Peonle of think he has 8. C. D«NSON M=ea«cs, • i:is BMaltiag from badly trcited cases SEEDS— New Alfalfais concentrated, and will the State of California to JOANNA C VAN'TASbright, r.e-.v and first-class. The table will BBATTT, DKS-SON A OATBIAN, or ?pe< ?al nature, or from iL.liscreof an acute others as good, cot be offered for the present. We quote cok. riirrn and iists., SEL, greeting : You are hereby notified that an be supplied with the best in the market. Private as tions or vnut?!. bringing on Spermatorrhoea, Mustard, Brown, AND COUNSSt.ORS-AT-LAW. Yellow, follows: S2 50©3 25: BUT HE HAS NOT. action was commenced in the Superior Court of rooms for lamiliee. Prices reasonable. Opea (3ALLS ATTRNTUN- TO UI3 FTJLL BTOCK OTT $1 75@2 ? cil ;Canary. 3%©4%e ;Hemp, 3X seminal Weakness and an unnatural drain Offices. Metropolitan Block, over Metropolaloresaid, day night the Ccunty o! Sacramento, State and tf by from the b--dy wMchundermines the constituitan Theater, 425 X ftrect, Sacramento. Cal. 4p Insist upon the Exact Labeland lK^2><c; Tiiaothr So.; Alfalfa, 9U filing a complaiut in the Clerk's office of said 3TITJ3FLT«rX l2?-OaaLEB» ' Top. (2io :itupn, tion: sl-o DebililT, Decay, Loss of Vitality or fl> for old- Klax. 82 25m>2 75 ® oU, 1 by Court, on the 14th day of September, &10fi 18S6, in For Sale EvnrrwHtßE. Made onl BEDDING, ETC. A.. 1.. HART, MIDDLINGS—QuotabIe at Jl9 50(a20 50 ton. which action JAMES ANDREW VAN TASSEL - OFFT'JE, BOPTE M.mhood. The rea=f"u '.o rinny are not enred nf the HAY—Stocks liberal. Sellers are" at a disadPittsburgh, A TTORNEY-ATIAW is plaintiffand jouare defendant 1hat the genW- Tie reontation of this house for I/H. owing SH; abort r.im.iuiits d to a as follows: complication vantage. quote Wheat, pqiryn We 510913 »r rt iV>nr> ARTIOLF> UTnalntained- tf eral nature of the action, as appears from said rnHE ONLY PLACE TO GET PURK ICE A. west oora'ir of Fi'lh and J ftree Sooraf \u25a0. \u25a0«'. :•.'. PRMtatocAoaa, which our treattnent Kor Nth »y tae ?ACEAMBNI":iSLASH AHD Wheat and Oat, S10@13; Wild Oat, 810 50(212; complaint, is as follows : To obtain a decree o( j_ CREAM, made from rich cream, not (am Ir12, 13 and 14. MlBSuildiiie. 4 :-:ti-;;-an cure. uaOftKERT CX. i^9Jstreet, huj MO r,, a ro Barley, &>£U; Barley and Oat, f;o®ll; Alfalfa, from you ground divorce on the of families, extreme social < 'starch, gatherings, , :g \ u 25a0' . ' \ u 25a0; < for ;\u25a0 Vari?cpele. wonnv veins In?erotam Stricture, jc^evXi. etc at it. -i-'iv'". wly $9(^9 10: Stock, BS@9 ft ton. cruelty, the plaintiff alleging that for the past WALTER'S BTORU and ICE CRaAM Mood ar.d ana in-.r>urities. also acute private STRAW— Is high, under light supplies. Quotten years you have been continuously cross, PARLORB, CANDY i)ENTISTBY. J street. 884 troubKs <!u:clcly cured. Catarrh, throat and able at 55fc65c bale. fauli-tinding nnd disagreeable: that you have lung diseases. Female corr.plaiuts andallcomHOPS- Quotable at 15@20c V 8> for new and A^WAXTEB. ProprlfeJxw. often accused him of unfailhlulness and in the _4plni pUcatfKJl dslioate diseases of women carefully 6@Sc for old. I>R. W. C. RKITH, presence of other parties; that your conduct has ST. DAVID'S, treiltd. HUMPHREYS' BRaN— Active trade. Quotable at $17 50£>l 8 50 ueeu such as to impair his health and to cause ROUTHKAST CORat., near Third, Ban FrasaUco. 50@17 for lower UEBTCa article, DX V.'OXDESFDL GERMAN INfor the best and SIB 715 Howard sorrow; great pain him and all of which is ner Seventh and J VIGORATOR NO. 1, the ooJy positive cure for HOHSO?ATHIC VETE3INAE? SPECIFICS more fully set fcrth in sad complaint, reference grade. FIRST CLASS I.OfGING HOTETa, CONover Lyou's Store. Paoramen'o.J^WßjSßwTf Spexm UorrbeM, seminal Wc&lraess and Los- c: at r Jl 75«1 ftctl. RYE—Quotable 77% tiinluj 200 rooms; water and gas ai each i1 lo which is hereby made. And you are Ol tf r Horse s. Cattle, Sheep, Cal Mnnhr»v' or [mrofency. BUCKWHEAT—Finds fair custom. Quotable hereby directed to appear and answer said room; no better beds in the world; ao guest \.N > The BXCUI D°gs H°gSi Poultry. INVIGORATOB NO. 2 Is tht ?1 9MK ? ctl. complaint within ten days from the service of allowed to use the linen once used b g another; O. H. STFJPHJEKSCN, 1 500 only known euro for Pn statcrrhtta, the comGROUND BARLSY—Quotable at $IS@2O this writ, exclusive of the day cf jervice, it i large reautos rooaa; hot and cold water baths PAGE BOOK on T-erttt&eoon of above camton. T^SNTIST, CORNER SEVENTH jJjgSgL6eived on you in said County of Sacramento; Tree. I .-iciof roosw: Per night, 50 sad 75 cents; nicnt ofAnimals and re!n thatuands. "vm POTATOES— Prices undisturbed. Frfe and within thirty days, exclusive of the day of per wee-z, *rom 82. apwariis. Open slinitht. J /"treete, over Lyon's Dry T*»HigSL Chart Price, flO; half size, quote as follws: Peeriess, 35<a&x;; i >BL^' Sent Free. bottle; per bottks, ceipts. service, il six We if It. HUGHi:s, i —XjLX-'' you served elsewhere: and are "furroj actor. la Bonds Store. Uilfprice. Tc prove its wonderful power, afl rniEs— Fcver«. Congestions, Inflammation. Burbank Seedlings, 50@i&0c; Garnet Cliile. ther notified that unless you so appear and an*s- At. XMkatatraet Perry takaOsudbn Line ctl; A.A.-Spinnl Mpniueitic, Sweet, 55@G5c; battle « i irccon Milk appVcatioa. bj Early lbe tout Bold Fever. Rose. 35®c0c f» nOrQtl swer within the time above specified, the »futrtf..-Ira lor Third and Bonnoft W. WOOD, TTSU Rupumatism. H.8.-Strains. Lameness. si; iir;icci-*r^. »Ctl. plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief C.— Distemper. Nn»al Di-charses. HUILDUw, s^3**; Th nost powerftd K'.,ECTEIC BELT3free to C. at 3CKjt4oc '$ ctl. PACIFIC WJIHifS ONlONS— Quotable in prayed complaint. for said Grabs, *>. or D.—Bots Worms. aoithcsj-. comrr Foi.-t:-. a.ni DRIED PEAB—We quote: hiackeye, »1 755j,2; J'fSSUSs patienci. a, V, or aJdress In testimony whereof, I, Wm. B. Hamilton, K. E.— Cough** Heaves. I'neunionia. Toe'-h iuseT-.od 75; Green, 81 60®l 75 ctl. EOS.I aforesaid, CSripcs, Beilyaihe. Itraets. ArtlSciol Niles. SI > MSPENSAKY, oc^lCKr BI« WOHLI* F. F.—Colic or Cierk of the Court do hereunto set ali bMM. Improved U»nia ttro is OilJe G.i; '. •: Gear; s.Dti u25a0. tl.— JHsciirriase. Hemoi-rhnsea. BEANS Movement continues slow. We quote mi hand, and affix the seal of said Court, this San Francisco, Cal <\11. tf ll.—l'rinary and Siidney Discasca. as follows: Bayos, $1 'JO(S2; Butter, nominal: <ot Tui'ila" qtirat-iion :> t:-t''. 11th day of September, A. D. 188S. <\? ivAwlyeow J: F. HIM,I'roprletor. 1. I. Kraptive I>ineaBCfl. flange. COPYRItHT. AUE DESIRED FOR THK PrRCHASE Pink,K2s-a23s;Red,Sl 7-=f.->2-. Lima, S3 50Q3 So; " W. B. HAMILTON, Clerk. ISEAL.J J. X.—Diseases ofDigestion. of the east wine of tho- Orphan Asylum; 'J.l@2: ''mall v-hile, VI 90<5,2'»*ctl w« cnrdiilljreeommefii Poa SI Grovk L. Johnson, Attorney for Plaintiff. a r?^^^ 'TIS LOVE THAT MAKES THI also, moving the kitcL^n in OF FINF. CARRIAGES Case, put-ing with Specifics. Manual. for und Stable y°ur<J VEGETABLES—Prices remain fcteady under jesEjS-*the best remed* e!8 9tTu H. a. Witch Hazel Oilaud Jledlcator, and Wagons; also, Wbaels, Gear, BOiliGS, proi.er potitioD. For particulars inauire of 87.OO WORLD quote jobbing lot* ttiSrCumln knu»ntousfclGonorrhnm receipts. moderate We street, to etu. BuiMinnCommittec, Importer ras aor»l from 415 I Mrs. E Twitchell, Cliair&ad deater in Carriage nad Price, Single Bottle (over 50doses), THE SUPEP.IOR COUXT, STATE OF CALI.60 as follows: Green Corn, 7ac (§1 SI 50 f, box. go round, but net u>^ hire sold consider. .We and 1414 IIstreet. Bids tobe opened at Asylum, Wapon Material. Office and Factories, 1001 to -forma, County of Sacramento. M^^fQnirml—d 3tring Beans, l®2.Kc ?. »; Lima Beanß, W9^o Sold by Draggistsi or In the mat- min. acle, MlBOSW QityrALr'ARLOa3. gllT 9TRgET.^n tj^t c^Mo Quicun. « in evejy efts« ti 1333 J street. at 10 a. M.. October 18. lv.\ to_ t»s £ivcn sitiifictico. ter of the estate of EM3LINE V. BROWN, def» fc; Summer Squash, 75c per box: MnrSent Prepaid on Receipt ofPrice. MRS. \Y. 11. lIORBY. Secretary l\o. A. r* lJ ceased. Notice ishereby given that FRIUAY.the F. F. TEBBETS, rowlat Squash. J6aß f. ton: Toir.atoes, 25&:&Humphreys' Wed. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. T. i, >jacramei)to. Ale«tt A IJ.k, Oetoliev ISBB. 05-6t box; OCTOBER, day of ISSBB, at 10 o'clock A. M. Xbox; Egg Plant. 25§40c Green Peppers, V-,£!(TIST, 91* BIXTH RT REET, rfSTjSBk triajhtem tt. Sapolio Is a solid pake of 13thsaid day, " and the Cor.rt-room of said Court, at 25340 c V box: Green Okra. Jl per box; Cu- That aod J, west side. Gp-i { ?RKSSg& sot-ween I Scouring 8">so. Tiyit. Ix>ve's Labor's Losi by of 910 Math Street (opposite the Plas» Coart-house, cuicDers, : for the iv the ot Sacramento, do, 25d3dc ?i box sraa'.l rick-~JXC? SUIE ON. HUMPHREYS' ling purposes, l@2c Q Ib ; Turnips, 75t@ many a woinnr who strives to please her hnusy- County ct Sacramftaro. and city f^islte CongraratlQT'-al Church. SoH bjDrcfjlstt, .Slate of California, h.-.M'er.d v.oriis herself to death in the elfort If ; ; feed, appoiaW place -d 75c S ml as the and X Beets, Japanese a30(a50c: ctl SI V CR.rrotß. have been time Sw Chineso tud KDFACT" nF P. A N HaitTi GC9 ' <:i\ : Cabbage. Parsnips. SI SO SOS) the house dot* not look as bright as a tun, she proving the willW said EMELINEV. ERoWN, dopier in Phaetons, Buk-@BSBjPSJj- . atreot, b«tweeu Sixili and Seventh. Vgs-IyTT things upturned BUSfSESS CARDS. iretsthe blaaie. It are while Gallic, CnuliSower, deceased, fiOc9 rtl: ixSoOc v sack: and for hearing the application oi Sies. Carriages and all kitidsVS^iSkSilliifc bonae-e)e4xli>K gr>es on why, blame her again. B. A.UURR 50caSl ~$ dozen: Dr» P i>?tr. «.5.Sc iS Tb. for the issuance to him of. letters USALER IB LADIES' AND < 'lllL- ofWagons. A -srf;? R*so"tmr -nt always inR«n-k, i;s ndmiuist cation with » illannexed. Grapes any one remidy Is wiihin her reach. If themes drfc/j uuilemettr. men's white shiri!-. Call aud exaania for youtgßlvea. FRUlT— and scarcely 4ptf Peaches find only remedy J. DEIBOOL. in uso 30 vear3. Tho U-t 3 T. BOOT. AJ.RX. SOKMM, successful * tiCrt Vigor and Michood r<atored. Treinquiry, and sellers uecept almost any 1 id to s.iroMp. evory.hiriß will look clean, and the Witness mv hand and the seal of said Court :-:ii;-*. Vacouered ware, tricket sets, curiosities, CO., »«e'N nr KOOT, NKJUSON ' mati:re reign erf House-cleaning disorder willbe quickly this Berries BUYS ;*l-<. t move fill and up, Apples Hwlinc and clean off well. 6th fans of examine day ,uhl .^.': 'l\v Functioc»l "of October. 1888. nil kinds st continue in large supply. We quote as follows: ovtv,__J»t>. 28. T-<"NION FOUNDRY -IRON AND BRASS v- tP*4%-isii*t crrc<i S«i'eO and Troßtration, from overwork or otber cacses. [sea Vl "Ktaon-'StomachMedicinei.disotdf-e WM. B. HAMILTON, Clerk. Pxßlsaud prices. All orders promptly attended WOQ'C or a TOB4 OF COAL, By Jos. J. Gvjth, Deputy Clerk. Wine Grapes, $12@14 n» ton for common 1) Founders and MachiniKiß, Front Btreet, •^i vfi.«Slra Treilt c KB-.tfrseuponanp'.icjitioa per vial, or 5 vials and large visl powder, for $5. in water colors and ail a painting io Portrait —AS TEEkinds; 'Watermelons, machinery Jls@lS receipt Drcgoists. and of sent on of and for better or Casling3 Okacncey Sorj> postpaid M and O. BY or if not jiletiirvs Duks, Attorney specialty. ctuvge between H. for Petitioner. 1 No satis•~ ' , 4plm J3@6 ¥ hundred ; Cantaloupes, nCO.- Ii*-dj>brt»» t SlcdkißO 11>.,ZO9 I'lUuhSi. X*I. -1 lactory. •"Hscriptlon made to order. D.Y&">, C. 0. c" £oc!£Sl 08-lot Fourth m& **§ *P-tf GEORGE McMULLEN »», ML IMPLEMEMTS & MACHME At BARBED WIRE, CORDAGE, BELTING, Etc. PEOPLE'S CASH GROCERyT WM. B. HAMILTON, - — SI2 X Street (B^r« ) J. HUNTOON, VKOORe: CALL FOR DODGES __ FRIEND Si TERRY — Lumber County Treasurer. FRANK JOHNSON, Auditor Recorder. --. . \u25a0 * COUNTY^ CORONER. BUCKLEY, S^feSs HENRY ... \u25a0 \''i ...... \u25a0-^r — .. __ PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, - I FkANK CLARK, & KNOX, Sacramento, - * .. _ 1. = \u0084 Wiener Beer, Police Judse. — ARMSTRONG, THE CAPITAL BREWERY, IPOKD'SgJW "HENRY MANUFACTURER COMMERCIAL. . £ — — ALL J. AND Sore Throat, Diphtheria. 1 . l'onndec, 1850. ' SOOTHERS * I>URSUANT PACIFIC L \u25a0 * PBB9 S EXTBI&T \u25a0 fm 1 \u25a0 4 t • (g^-^L^, . . HOSTESS' ELECTION ' \u25a0 \u0084 '' &\u25a0£<%! Zv« Notice to Bridge extractor* * .. .. crlebni-Jd 5 » Rheumatism, Neuralgia. 0. 0. MILLS & CO., Steranento, PERKINS, * Sores, Sprains, Bruises. NATIONAL BANK ?^? <^ £?^ H. . > * — 1 \u25a0 . - _ DRUNKENNESS! \u25a0 \u25a0 — W? \u25a0 ; KOHLER & CHASE, HEADQfJARTHitt * DR. LIEBIG & CO., \u25a0 Waterhouse — &Lester, 1 ROCK~ CLARK~ WtmUl IO OTSRB HOUSE. — Thisis the of the Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. Ailothers, imitation. -rf^'mr ifcl n£E UUooUldll ALWAYS jj-'cLiiillillAlllit, OPEN ALWAYS BM. VV. D. COIVsSTOCK, » rßSsY|f»l»3rj sa> V^PfEWßrafji SUMMONS. >o^ SfO' ATTORNSYd — * GEO. I.MACBETH & GO,, "ice cream. Pa. * DF.NTIBT, /^Lt\ *° A 'a^^li. -L'and \u25a0 D-ZiXTLTT, — — DU ?lE^)N,'D3rTTiST,-^^^P " 1 Wheel and Carriage Works, BIDS . \u25a0 Ws£ llV?' » SAPOLIO IN A. MEISTER, W JJ-3J * WEAK WricB ?ree !Ho * ActI No.flO Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, MA — \u25a0 MANnFACTURKS ALSO $^Jf> T>^BtS&. \~COtiD~ai' STOvi I
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