Fingerplays Way Up High In The Apple Tree Way up high in the apple tree, (hold hands up) Two little apples smiled at me. (hold up 2 fingers each hand, point to smile) I shook that tree, as hard as I could. (pretend to shake tree) Mmm, mmm, mmm, those apples were good! (rub stomach) I’m A Tall, Tall Tree This is my trunk, (point to body) I’m a tall, tall tree, (hold arms up like branches) In the springtime, the blossoms, (make fists) Cover me. They open, they open. (Open fingers) This is my trunk, (point to body) I’m a tall, tall tree, (hold arms up like branches) In the summer, the breezes blow through me. (raise arms and wave them back and forth) I bend, I bend. (sway back and forth) This is my trunk, (point to body) I’m a tall, tall tree, (hold arms up like branches) In the autumn, the apples form on me. (form circles with thumbs and index fingers) They drop, they drop. (clap hands) This is my trunk, (point to body) I’m a tall, tall tree, (hold arms up like branches) In the winter, the snowflakes land on me. (flutter fingers down) Brrr! Brrr! (hug self and shiver) Ten Red Apples Ten red apples growing on a tree, (hold hands high with fingers extended) Five for you and five for me. (wave one hand, then the other) Help me shake the tree jus t so, (shake body) And ten red apples fall down below. (lower hands with fingers extended) One, two, three, four, five, (count fingers on one hand) Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (count fingers on other hand) I Gave My Horse An Apple I gave my horse an apple, (pretend to give something) And she gave me a neigh. (neigh) I gave my horse a carrot, (pretend to give something) And she moved her head this way. (move head up and down) I gave my horse a sugar lump, (pretend to give something) She gave me a smile. (smile big) And then she took me for a ride, For more than half a mile. (slap hands on thighs like galloping) Fingerplays A Little Brown Bear A little brown bear, Went in search of some honey. (hand over eyes like visor) Isn’t it funny, a bear wanting honey? (tilt head to side and hold hand palm up) He sniffed at the breeze, (sniff a couple times) And he listened for bees, (cup hand behind ear) And, would you believe it, He even climbed trees! (make climbing movements) Five Little Bears (count each bear on a finger) Five little bears were sitting on the ground. The first one said, “Let’s have a look around.” The second one said, “I feel rather funny!” The third one said, “I think I smell honey.” The fourth one said, “Shall we climb up the tree?” The fifth one said, “Look out! There's a bee!” So the five little bears went back to their play, And decided to wait ‘till the bees flew away. I Can Wiggle My Bear Claws I can wiggle my bear claws, (wiggle hands) I can wiggle my bear paws, (wiggle feet) I can wiggle my bear shoulders, (wiggle shoulders) I can wiggle my cold bear nose. (wiggle nose with finger) Now all my wiggles are out of me, (wiggle whole body) And I can sit as quiet as can be. (sit down) My Bear (using a bear puppet) My bear is looking all around. My bear is sniffing at the ground. My bear is looking at my toes. My bear can kiss me on the nose. My bear can whisper in my ear. What’s he saying? Can you hear? My bear can hide behind me, But wherever I go, my bear can surely find me. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around, (turn around) Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground. (touch the ground) Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, sho w your shoe, (point out toes of one foot ) Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do. (shake a bossy finger) Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your nose, (touch nose) Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes. (touch toes) Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn out the light, “click” (pretend to turn out light with hand) Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say, “Goodnight.” (rest head on folded hands) Fingerplays The Itsy Bitsy Spider The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout, (climb fingers up) Down came the rain, (wiggle fingers downward) And washed the spider out. (push hands outward to sides) Out came the sun, (make big circle with arms over head) And dried up all the rain, (wave hands back and forth downward) Ladybug, Ladybug (“fly” hand around and land on area) Ladybug, ladybug, fly out of the farm, And land right on my little arm. Ladybug, ladybug, fly out of the tree, And land right on my little knee. Ladybug, ladybug, fly out of your bed, And land right on my little head. Ladybug, ladybug, fly out of the rose, And land right on my little nose. And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again! Little Turtle There was a little turtle, He lived in a box, (cup hands for box) He swam in the river, (pretend to swim) And he climbed on the rocks. (pretend to climb) He snapped at a mosquito, (clap hands on word “snapped”) He snapped at a flea, He snapped at a minnow, And he snapped at me! He caught the mosquito, (clap hands on word “caught”) He caught the flea, He caught the minnow, But he didn’t catch me! (point to self and shake head) (climb fingers up) Here Is A Bee Hive Here is a bee hive, (make fist with 1 hand) But where are the bees? (palm of other hand up) They’re hiding inside, (point to fist) Where nobody sees. (shake head) Watch them come out of the hive, 1-2-3-4-5, (unfold fingers to count) Buzzzzz! (“fly” fingers around) Song Suggestion The Ants Go Marching Fingerplays A Rainbow Fair When the rain falls from the sky, (sprinkle fingers down) Don’t forget to look up high. (look up) If the sun is shining there, (make circle w/arms above head) You may see a rainbow fair: (make rainbow shape with hands) Red, orange, yellow, green, and blue, (show color ribbon, or count on fingers) And you’ll see there’s purple too. Color Rhyme If your clothes have any red, Put your finger on your head. Color Blue is the lake, (point to the floor) Yellow is the sun, (circle arms around head for sun) Silver are the stars, When the day is done, (wiggle fingers in the air) Red is the apple, (make circle with hands) Green is the tree, (raise arms over head like branches) Brown’s a chocolate cookie, For you and me! (point out, point toward self) If your clothes have any brown, Turn your smile into a frown. If your clothes have any blue, Put your finger on your shoe. If your clothes have any green, Wave your hand so that you’re seen. If your clothes have any yellow, Smile like a happy fellow. If your clothes have any black, Put your hands behind your back. If your clothes have any white, Stomp your feet with all your might. Fingerplays Making Cookies I am making cookie dough, (point to self) Round and round the beaters go. (move hands in circles) Add some flour from a cup, (pretend to pour) Stir and mix the batter up. (pretend to stir) Roll them, cut them, nice and neat, (pretend to roll and cut out cookies) Put them on a cookie sheet. (pretend to transfer cookies) Bake them, count them, one, two, three, (pretend to count cookies) Then serve them to my friends for tea. (pretend to pass cookies around) Great Big Cookie I am a great big cookie, (circle hands over head) Chocolately and round, (extend hands out to sides) Filled with lots of chocolate chips, (point to self in a few places)) The best that can be found. (rub tummy) I am a great big cookie, (circle hands over head) Take a bite of me. (pretend to take a bite) Tasty, sweet, delicious, (extend hands out to sides) I'm oh-so-yummy! (rub tummy) I WAS a great big cookie, (circle hands over head) The very best around. (extend hands out to sides) Now there's nothing left of me, (shake head) Just crumbs upon the ground. (sit down) Fingerplays Ten Little Candles Ten little candles standing on a cake. (hold up ten fingers) “Whh! Whh!” Now there are eight. (blow twice and bend down 2 fingers) Eight little candles in candle sticks. (hold up 8 fingers) “Whh! Whh!” Now there are six. (blow twice and bend down 2 fingers) Six little candles, not one more. (hold up 6 fingers) “Whh! Whh!” Now there are four. (blow twice and bend down 2 fingers) Four little candles, yellow and blue. (hold up 4 fingers) “Whh! Whh!” Now there are two. (blow twice and bend down 2 fingers) Two little candles, one plus one. “Whh! Whh!” Now there are none. (blow twice and bend down 2 fingers) Here Is A Bee Hive Here is a bee hive, (make fist with 1 hand) But where are the bees? (palm of other hand up) They’re hiding inside, (point to fist) Where nobody sees. (shake head) Watch them come out of the hive, 1-2-3-4-5, (unfold fingers to count) Buzzzzz! (“fly” fingers around) Count To Three To the tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb” Lightly tap your foot two times, (tap foot on “two” and “times”) Foot two times, foot two times. Lightly tap your foot two times, Now let’s count to three. 1,2,3, let’s all sit down, (hold up 1,2,3 fingers, then squat then stand) All sit down, all sit down. 1,2,3 let’s all sit down, Quietly on the ground. (sit down on ground) Ten Little Gentlemen Ten little gentlemen, (hold up 10 fingers) Standing in a row. Bow little gentlemen, (lower fingers as if bowing) Bow down low. Walk little gentlemen, (walk fingers to side) Right across the floor. But don’t forget gentlemen, Please close the door. (clap after door) (repeat with “10 little ladies”) A Little Ball, A Bigger Ball A little ball, (clasp hands) A bigger ball, (hands apart) A great big ball I see. (big arc) Now let's count the balls, ONE, (big arc) TWO, (hands a little apart) THREE! (clasp hands) Fingerplays Dinosaurs Dinosaurs lived long ago. Some walked, (stomp in place) Some swam, (pretend to swim) Some flew, you know. (flap arms at sides) Some were big, (reach up high) Some were small. (hold hands low) Some were gigantic – (stretch arms out wide) V-e-r-y tall! (stretch arms up high) Dinosaurs (count down on 5 fingers) Five enormous dinosaurs letting out a roar, One went away, and then there were four. Four enormous dinosaurs crashing down a tree, One went away, and then there were three. Three enormous dinosaurs eating tiger stew, One went away, and then there were two. Two enormous dinosaurs trying to run, One ran away, and then there was one. One enormous dinosaur, afraid to be a hero, He went away, and then there was zero. Five Little Dinosaurs Five little dinosaurs, trying hard to roar, One went away, and then there were four. Four little dinosaurs, hiding near a tree, One went away, and then there were three. Three little dinosaurs, peeking out at you, One went away, and then there were two. Two little dinosaurs, ready now to run, One went away, and then there was one. One little dinosaur, not having any fun, He went away, and then there were none. The Enormous Apatosaurus The enormous apatosaurus is as tall as can be. (extend one arm high over head) Her lunch is a bunch of leaves off a tree. (make nibbling motion with fingers) She has a very long neck, and her tail is long too, (put other arm behind back for tail) And she is much too large to fit in the zoo. (extend arms wide) Fingerplays Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Friends (to the tune of Stars & Stripes Forever) Be kind to your web-footed friends, That duck may be somebody’s mother. They live way down in the swamp, Where it’s very cold and damp. Well, you may think that this is the end, Well, it is. I’m A Little Duck I’m a little duck and I go “quack, quack, quack,” (flap wings) And I wiggle my tail in the back, back, back. (shake bottom) I swim in the water and go “quack, quack, quack,” (paddle with hands) And I wiggle my tail in the back, back, back. (shake bottom) Little Ducklings All the little ducklings, Line up in a row. (stand up straight) Quack, quack, quack, (flap “wings”) And away they go. (walk in place) They follow their mother, Waddling to and fro. (waddle) Quack, quack, quack, (flap “wings”) And away they go. (walk in place) Down to the big pond, (make large circle with both arms) Happy as can be. (point to smile) Quack, quack, quack, (flap “wings”) They are full of glee. (point to smile) They jump in the water, (jump up and down) And bob up and down, (bend up and down) Quack, quack, quack, (flap “wings”) They swim all around. All the little ducklings, Swimming far away. (make swimming motion) Quack, quack, quack, (flap “wings”) They'll play another day. Fingerplays Ten Galloping Horses Ten galloping horses, (hold up ten fingers) Came through town. (slap hands on legs like galloping) Five were white, (hold up five fingers) And five were brown. (hold up five fingers on other hand) They galloped up, (slap up toward top of thighs) They galloped down. (slap down toward knees) Ten galloping horses, (hold up ten fingers) Came through town. (gallop on legs one more time) Two Mother Pigs Two mother pigs lived in a pen. (hold up thumbs) Each had four babies, and that made ten. (show eight fingers and two thumbs) These four babies were black as night. (show four fingers on one hand, thumb in palm) These four babies were snowy white. (repeat above with other hand) But all eight babies loved to play, And they rolled and rolled in the mud all day. (roll hands over each other) At night, with their mother, They curled up in a heap. (make fists, palms up) And squealed and squealed, ‘Till they went to sleep. (rest head in folded hands) The Boy In The Barn A little boy went into a barn, (hold up index finger) And lay down on some hay. (lay finger down on other hand) An owl came in and flew about, (arms fly at sides like owl) And the little boy ran away. (run finger behind back) In The Farmyard (optional: hold up picture or puppet of each animal) In the farmyard at the end of the day, Listen to what the animals say. The cow says, “Moo,” The pigeon, “Coo.” The sheep says, “Baa,” The lamb says, “Maa.” The hen, “Cluck, cluck,” “Quack,” says the duck. The dog, “Bow-wow,” The cat, “Meow.” The horse, “Neigh,” The pig grunts, “Oink.” Then the barn is closed up tight, And the farmer says, “Goodnight.” (rest cheek on folded hands) Song Suggestions Baa Baa Black Sheep B-I-N-G-O Old MacDonald Had A Farm Food Fingerplays Pumpkin, Pumpkin (to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”) Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground, (point to floor) How’d you get so big and round? (stretch arms out to sides, then into a big circle) Once you were a seed so small, (pretend to hold a tiny seed between 2 fingers) Now you are a great big ball! (form arms into circle around head) Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground, (point to floor) How’d you get so big and round? (stretch arms out to sides, then into a big circle) Popcorn One little kernel, (hold up one finger) Sleeping in the pot, (head on hands, eyes closed) Turn on the heat, (turn “switch” with hand) And watch it pop. (clap hands 3x) Popping, popping, popcorn, (jump 3x in place) A crunchy treat, (stomp on the ground 3x) Pour on the butter, (pour with hands) And let me eat! (scoop hands to mouth as if eating) Five Little Jelly Beans (count down on 5 fingers) Five little jelly beans, I wish I had more! I'll eat the (color) one, and now there are four! Four little jelly beans, tasty as can be, I'll eat the (color) one, and now there are three! Three little jelly beans, only a few. I'll eat the (color) one, and now there are two. Two little jelly beans, eating them is fun. I'll eat the (color) one, and now there is one. One little jelly bean, the last one for me. I'll eat the (color) one, I'm as happy as can be! Three Little Hot Dogs Three little hot dogs frying in the pan, (hold up 3 fingers) The pan got hot and one went BAM! (clap on "BAM") Two little hot dogs frying in the pan, (hold up 2 fingers) The pan got hot and one went BAM! (clap) One little hot dog frying in the pan, (hold up one finger) The pan got hot and one went, "'Wait, Wait! Put me on your plate and eat me!" (wiggle last finger while “talking”) Song Suggestions I Am A Pizza, by Charlotte Diamond Peanut Butter, by Sharon, Lois, & Bram Fingerplays Two Little Fairies Two little fairies sitting on a hill, (hold up index fingers) One named Pam, and one named Bill. (bend one at a time) Fly away Pam, fly away Bill. (flutter each finger behind back) Come back Pam, come back Bill. (bring fingers back) Things I Do I run fast. I walk slow. I bend down, And touch my toe. I look up. I look down. I make a face, Just like a clown. Let Your Hands Go Clap Let your hands go clap, (clap) Let your fingers go snap, (snap) Let your lips go up and down, (open and close mouth) But do not make a sound. (shake head) Fold your hands and close your eyes, (fold hands, close eyes) Take a breath and softly sigh. (inhale deeply, then exhale with a sigh) Here Is A Bunny Here is a bunny with ears so funny (2 bent fingers for ears) And here is his hole in the ground (make circle with other hand) At the first sound he hears, He pricks up his ears, (extend two fingers) And jumps in his hole in the ground. (fingers jump into the hole) I Can Wiggle My Fingers (wiggle as indicated) I can wiggle my fingers I can wiggle my toes I can wiggle my shoulders I can wiggle my nose. No all my wiggles are out of me (wiggle whole body) And I can sit as quiet as can be. Touch Your Nose Touch your nose, touch your chin, That’s the way this game begins. Touch your head, touch your knees, Now pretend you’re going to sneeze: Ahh-Choo! Fingerplays Froggy Catch A Fly Can your froggy catch a fly? (open and close right hand) Yes he can, watch him try. (snap right hand at pointer finger of left hand) Can the fly reach the sky? (raise pointer finger high) Can your froggy jump that high? (jump up right hand) Oh my, nice try! (catch pointer finger with right hand) Bye, bye, little fly! Five Little Frogs (hold up five fingers) Five little frogs standing in a row. This little frog stubbed his toe. (point to each finger following the rhyme) This little frog said, “Oh, Oh, Oh!” This little frog laughed and was glad. This little frog cried and was sad. This little frog, so thoughtful and good, Ran for the doctor as fast as he could. Little Frog I’m a little frog, (point to self) Sitting on a log. (hands on knees) Listen to my song. (hand to ear) I sing it all day long: (cup hands to mouth) Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit! (sway side to side) If I’m hungry, I eat flies. (hand to mouth) And I can blink my eyes. (blink) I hop, and hop, and hop, (jump 3 times) And then, I stop! (clap, clap) Fingerplays Mr. Tall and Mr. Small There once was a man, Who was tall, tall, tall. (stand on tiptoes, reach up high) He had a friend, Who was small, small, small. (squat) The man who was small, Would try to call, (cup hands near mouth) To the man who was tall, (look up) “Hello, up there!” (say in high voice) The man who was tall, (stand on tiptoes) At once would call, To the man who was small, (bend from waist) “Hello, down there.” (use deep voice) Then each tipped his hat, (stand straight, tip “hat”) And made this reply, “Good-bye, my friend.” (look up, speak in high voice) “Good-bye, good-bye.” (bow, and speak in deep voice) Poof! I’m a Giant Poof! I’m a giant, huge in size. (stand up tall, hole out arms) Poof! I’m an owl with big yellow eyes. (fingers circle eyes) Poof! I’m a mouse with an ee-ee ee! (squat down) Poof! This is best, now I’m back to me. (stand up, thumb on chest) Fingerplays Ten Fat Peas Ten fat peas in a pea pod pressed, (make fists with both hands) One grew, two grew, (hold up one finger, then two fingers) And so did all the rest. (open hands) They grew and grew and did not stop, (raise hands over head) Until one day the pod went pop! (clap hands overhead) Where’s the Wiggly, Squiggly Worm? See the wiggly, wiggly worm, (wave index finger) See it squiggly, squiggly squirm. (wiggle the finger in the air) Over, under, all around… (wiggle finger over, under, around left hand) Where’s the wiggly, squiggly worm? (hide finger inside the left fist) 1, 2, 3, POP! (pop out the worm) My Garden My garden has green beans, (hands waist high and fingers pointing down) Tomatoes so round, (form a circle with hands) Corn reaches high, (reach high) Carrots grow underground. (pat floor) I’ve watered and watered, (pretend to water) And picked all the weeds. (pretend to pull weeds) Tonight we’ll eat supper, (rub stomach) I planted as seeds! (thumb point to chest proudly) A Little Seed A little seed I plant in the ground, (pat “seed” into “ground”) A little rain comes sprinkling down, (wiggle fingers to the ground) A little sun comes shining through, (form circle around head with arms) I pick a flower just for you! (pick “flower” and hold it out in front of you) Fingerplays Grandma’s Glasses These are Grandma’s glasses, (fingers make glasses around eyes) And this is Grandma’s hat, (hands make hat on head) And this is the way she folds her hands, (fold hands) And lays them in her lap. (hands on lap) These are Grandpa’s glasses, (make huge glasses with hands) And this is Grandpa’s hat, (huge hat above head) And this is the way he folds his arms, (large gestures to fold arms) And lays them on his lap. (lay folded arms down) I'm a Little Cowboy (to the tune of “I'm a Little Teapot”) I’m a little cowboy, here’s my hat. (point to self, then to hat) Here are my spurs, (point to your heels) And here are my chaps. (pat legs) As soon as I get up, (stretch, pretend to wake up) I work all day. (pretend to lasso a cow) I get on my horse, (pretend to get on a horse) And ride away. (pretend to gallop on a horse) Hats, Hats, Hats A clown wears a funny hat, That’s pointed at the top. (hands form point on head) A firefighter’s hat protects him, (circle head with hands) As he makes a fire stop. A baseball player needs his hat, When sun gets in his eyes. (hand as visor over eyes) An astronaut needs a helmet, When into space she flies. (place imaginary helmet on head) A cowboy rides a bronco, And wears a wide-brimmed hat. (hands encircle head) But when the bronco bucks him off, His hat may end up flat. (clap hands together on “flat”) Song: My Hat, It Has Three Corners (touch head on the word “hat,” and touch each elbow on the word “corner.”) My hat, It has three corners. Three corners, has my hat. And had it not three corners, It would not be my hat! Repeat 2 times, faster and faster still. Fingerplays Hickory, Dickory Dock Hickory, dickory dock, (move arm back and forth) The mouse ran up the clock. (climb “mouse” hand up arm) The clock struck one, (clap) The mouse ran down, (run “mouse” hand down arm) Hickory, dickory dock. (move arm back and forth) Two Little Blackbirds Two Little Blackbirds sitting on a hill, (bend one finger from each hand) One named Jack, and one named Jill. (bend one for Jack, one for Jill) Fly away Jack, fly away Jill, (fly each finger behind back) Come back Jack, come back Jill. (bring each finger back to front) Things I Do I run fast. I walk slow. I bend down, And touch my toe. I look up. I look down. I make a face, Just like a clown. Touch Your Nose Touch your nose, touch your chin, That’s the way this game begins. Touch your head, touch your knees, Now pretend you’re going to sneeze: Ahh-Choo! Here Is A Bunny Here is a bunny with ears so funny, (2 bent fingers for ears) And here is his hole in the ground. (make circle with other hand) At the first sound he hears, He pricks up his ears, (extend two fingers) And jumps in his hole in the ground. (fingers jump into the hole) Tall As A Tree Tall as a tree, (arms reach up) Big as a house, (arms reach out to sides) Thin as a pin, (arms pressed down to sides) Small as a mouse. (squat in a ball) I Can Wiggle My Fingers (wiggle as indicated) I can wiggle my fingers I can wiggle my toes I can wiggle my shoulders I can wiggle my nose. No all my wiggles are out of me (wiggle whole body) And I can sit as quiet as can be. Let Your Hands Go Clap Let your hands go clap, (clap) Let your fingers go snap, (snap) Let your lips go up and down, (open and close mouth) But do not make a sound. (shake head) Fold your hands and close your eyes, (fold hands, close eyes) Take a breath and softly sigh. (inhale deeply, then exhale with a sigh) Fingerplays Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, (“jump” 1 hand up and down) One fell off and bumped his head, (point to head) Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, (pretend hand is phone to ear) “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” (shake finger as if scolding) Four little monkeys …. Three little monkeys… Two little monkeys… One little monkey… Five Little Monkeys Swinging in the Trees Five little monkeys swinging in the trees, (hold up 5 fingers and swing side to side) Teasing Mr. Crocodile, “You can’t catch me, you can’t catch me.” (wag finger as if taunting) Along comes Mr. Crocodile as quiet as can be, (hands together, moving like a snake) And he snaps that monkey right out of the tree! (clap hands like crocodile’s mouth closing) Four little monkeys… Three little monkeys… Two little monkeys… One little monkey… Way Up High Way up high in a banana tree, (arms up like tree) Two beady eyes stared down at me. (fingers circle around eyes and look down) I gave that tree a gentle shove, (hands out pretend to shake tree) And four bananas fell from high above. (hold out 4 fingers) I gave that tree another shove, (hands out pretend to shake tree) And down came a monkey from high above! (look up, hold arms out to sides, palms up) The monkey landed near my toes, (point to and wiggle toes) And then reached up and wiggled my nose. (wiggle nose with finger) Song: Kookaburra Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. Merry, merry king of the bush is he. Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra. Gay your life must be. Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. Eating all the gumdrops he can see. Wait Kookaburra, wait Kookaburra, Leave some there for me. Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. Counting all the monkeys he can see. Stop Kookaburra, stop Kookaburra, Don’t you dare count me! Fingerplays Ten Little Kittens 10 little kittens standing in a row. (hold up hands/fingers) When they see the children come, They bow just so. (flop fingers down) They march to the left, (move hands to your right) They march to the right, (move hands to your left) Then they close their eyes, (close eyes) And say, “Goodnight.” (rest head on hands together) Five Little Puppy Dogs Five little puppy dogs by the kennel door, (hold up five fingers) One left the crowd, and then there were four. (bend down thumb) Four little puppy dogs running ‘round a tree, Mother called one home, and then there were three. (bend down pointer finger) Three little puppy dogs playing with a shoe, One ran after a cat, and then there were two. (bend down middle finger) Two little puppy dogs having so much fun, One went to find a bone, and then there was one. (bend down ring finger) One little puppy dog sitting in the sun, She went in the kennel, and then there were none. (bend down little finger) Call the Puppy Call the puppy, (beckon with finger) And give him some milk, (pour milk in bowl) Brush his coat, (pretend to brush) ‘Till it shines like silk. Call the puppy, (beckon with finger) And give him a bone, (pretend to give bone) Take him for a walk, (pretend to hold leash) And then bring him home. (make shape of house with hands) My Turtle This is my turtle. (make fist and extend thumb) He lives in a shell. (hide thumb) He likes his home very well. He pokes his head out when he wants to eat. (extend thumb) And pulls it back when he wants to sleep. (hide thumb) Fingerplays Ten Pigs Two mother pigs lived in a pen. (hold up thumbs) Each had four babies, and that made ten. (show eight fingers and two thumbs) These four babies were black as night. (show four fingers on one hand, thumb in palm) These four babies were snowy white. (repeat above with other hand) But all eight babies loved to play, And they rolled and rolled in the mud all day. (roll hands over each other) At night, with their mother, They curled up in a heap. (make fists, palms up) And squealed and squealed, ‘Till they went to sleep. (rest head in folded hands) Five Little Pigs (hold up a finger for each pig, starting with the thumb.) The first little pig danced a merry, merry jig. The second little pig ate candy. The third little pig wore a blue and yellow wig. The fourth little pig was dandy. The fifth little pig never grew very big. So they called him Tiny Little Andy. Fingerplays Song: Mary Had A Little Lamb Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day, School one day, school one day, It followed her to school one day, That was against the rule. It made the children laugh and play, Laugh and play, laugh and play, It made the children laugh and play, To see a lamb at school. Two Pointy Fingers Two pointy fingers I can show, (hold up both of your index fingers.) Way up high or way down low. (hold your index fingers up high & down low.) With my right, I point to my toe. (right index finger points toward toe.) With my left, I show where to go. (point to the left.) Two pointy fingers I can show, (hold up both of your index fingers.) To show you some things that I know! (point straight ahead, then to head.) What Shape Is This? (to the tune “The Muffin Man”) Oh, do you know what shape this is, (hold up a shape) What shape this is, what shape this is? Oh do you know what shape this is, I’m holding in my hand? Repeat with different shapes. Fingerplays My Mittens Mittens for the snow time, (fingers flutter down like snow) When the world is white, Mittens for my two hands, (hold up two hands) Mittens left and right, (wave left hand, then right hand) Mittens with a thumb place, (thumbs up) Mittens warm and snug, (hug self as if nice and warm) Mittens make me feel like, A bug inside a rug! (wrap one hand over the other, like a blanket) Snowflakes, Snowflakes Snowflakes, snowflakes, dance around. (dance fingers) Snowflakes, snowflakes, touch the ground. (touch floor) Snowflakes, snowflakes, in the air, (flutter fingers upward) Snowflakes, snowflakes, everywhere. (flutter fingers outward) Falling Snowflakes Snowflakes falling from the sky, To the earth below. (flutter fingers downward) Watch them as they dance and whirl, Soft, white winter snow. (dance fingers in circles) Snow, Snow (to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”) Snow, snow, see the snow, (hold hands high) Falling to the ground, (flutter fingers down to floor) Take some snow and pack it tight, (pack pretend snow in hands) And make it nice and round. (form circle with hands) Roll, roll, roll the snow, (roll hands) Roll it on the ground, (roll ball of “snow” along the floor) Stack it tall, don’t let it fall, (stack a big “snowball”) A snowman a mound! (form circle shape with arms) General Songs & Rhymes Two Little Blackbirds Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill, (bend one finger from each hand) One named Jack, and one named Jill. (bend one for Jack, one for Jill) Fly away Jack, fly away Jill, (fly each finger behind back) Come back Jack, come back Jill. (bring each finger back to front) I Can Wiggle My Fingers (wiggle as indicated) I can wiggle my fingers. I can wiggle my toes. I can wiggle my shoulders. I can wiggle my nose. No all my wiggles are out of me, (wiggle whole body) And I can sit as quiet as can be. Things I Do I run fast. I walk slow. I bend down, And touch my toe. I look up. I look down. I make a face, Just like a clown. Let Your Hands Go Clap Let your hands go clap, (clap) Let your fingers go snap, (snap) Let your lips go up and down, (open and close mouth) But do not make a sound. (shake head) Fold your hands and close your eyes, (fold hands, close eyes) Take a breath and softly sigh. (inhale deeply, then exhale with a sigh) Touch Your Nose Touch your nose, touch your chin, That’s the way this game begins. Touch your head, touch your knees, Now pretend you’re going to sneeze: Ahh-Choo! Here Is A Bunny Here is a bunny with ears so funny (2 bent fingers for ears) And here is his hole in the ground (make circle with other hand) At the first sound he hears, He pricks up his ears, (extend two fingers) And jumps in his hole in the ground. (fingers jump into the hole) Tap Your Head (move as rhyme indicates) Tap your head, Tap your toe, Turn in a circle, (turn around) And bend down low. Tap your nose, Tap your knees, Hand on your shoulders, Now, sit down please. (sit)
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