اختصارات پزشكي Abreviation complete word AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurism AAS AB ABG A.C. AFB AH AKA A.M.I AMP AOCD AOM AP APN APPY Aq AR Aortic Arch syndrome Abortion , Apical Beat Aortic Iliac Bypass Graft Aortic Closure Aspirated foreign Body Abdominal Hysterectomy Above knee Amputation Acute Myocardial Infarction Amputation , Ampul Acute of chronic Disease Acute otitis media Angina pectoris Acute Pyelonephritis Appendectomy water Aortic Regurgitation Artificial Respiration Acute Renal failure Ankylosing spondylitis Aortic stenosis Atherosclerosis Atrial Septal Defect Anterior-superior Iliac Spine Acute Tubular Necrosis Acute urinary Retention Arterio-venous Anastomosis Arteri- Venous Fistula Arterio-venous Malformation Bone Graft Bilateral Inguinal Hernia Bilateral Salpingo- Oophorectomy Bronchial Lavage Bone Marrow Bowel Movement Bone Marrow Transplant ARF AS ASD ASIS ATN AUR AVA AVF AVM BG BIH B.S.O B.L. B.M B.M.T 1 اختصارات پزشكي Abreviation BP BPH BT BUN BVL BX CA CAO CAP CAT CBC CBR CC CCU C.D C.D.H CF CHB C.H.D C.H.F C.O.M C.O.P.D CP C.P.R C.R.F C/S CSF CT CTS CUG CVA complete word Blood Pressure Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Blood Transfusion Blood Urea Nitrogen Bilateral Vas Ligation Biopsy Cardiac Arrest/ chronological Age Carotid Artery/ Carcinoma Chronic Airway Obstruction Capsule Computerized Axial Tomography Complete Blood Cell Complete Bed Rest Chief Complaint Coronary Care Unit Cesarean Delivery Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Congenital Dislocation Of Hip Cardiac Failure Complete Heart Block Congenital Heart Disease Coronary Heart Disease Congestive Heart failure Chronic Otitis Media Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Cerebral Palsy Chest Pain Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Chronic Renal Failure Cesarean Section Cerebrospinal Fluid Computed Tomography-ChemotherapyClotting Time Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cystourethrogram Cerebro-Vascular Accident 2 اختصارات پزشكي Abreviation CVP CVS CXR DC D&C DD DH DI DVA DJD DL DM DNS DOE DR DSA DVT D/W DX EAM ECA ECF EKG (ECG) ECHO ED EEG EENT EP ERCP ESWL ETT EUP EV FA FBS complete word Central Venous Pressure Cardio- Vascular System Chest X-Ray Direct current – Dextrocardia Dilation and curettage Differential Diagnosis Diaphragmatic Hernia Diabetes Insipidus Digital Venous Angiography Degenerative Joint Disease Direct Laryngoscopy Diabetes mellitus Deviated Nasal Septum Dyspnea on Exertion Delivery Room Digital Subtraction Angiography Deep vein Thrombosis Dextrose in Water Diagnosis External Auditory Meatus External Carotid Artery Extra Cellular Fluid Electrocardiogram Echocardiogram Emergency Department/Effective Dose Electroence phalogram Eye-Ear-Nose-Throat Ectopic pregnancy Endos copic Retrograde cholangiopancreatography Extracorporeal shock wave Lithotripsy Endotracheal Tube Extra uterine Pregnancy Esophageal varices Fatty Acid /Femoral Artery Fasting Blood Sugar 3 اختصارات پزشكي Abreviation FNA FTT FUO FXR GA GB GER GI GIB GL GP GUS Gyn HB HD HF HID HIV HR HTN HTX HX IAA IAC ICB ICF ICT ICU IH IHD IM IP complete word fine-Needle Aspiration failure to thrive Fever of unknown(undetermined) Origin Fracture(FX) Gestational Age Gall Bladder Gastro Esophageal Reflux Gastro intestinal Gastro intestinal Bleeding Gastric Lavage Glaucoma General Paralysis/ General Practitioner Geaitourinary system Gynecology Hemoglobin Hgb Heart Disease , Hemo Dialysis High Dose Hodgkin,s Disese Heart failure Hay fever Herniated Intervertebral Dosk Human Immunodeficiency viras Heart Rate Hypertension Hemothorax History Interrupted Aortic Arch Internal Auditory Canal Internal Auditory Bieeding Intra Ceilular Flu Intracvnial Tumor Intensive care unit Infectious Hepatitis Inguinal Hernia Ischedic Heart Disease Intramuscular - Internal medicine Intraperitoneal – Incubation period 4 اختصارات پزشكي Abreviation IQ ITP IUD IV IVF IVH IVP JRI KJ KUB KVO LAH LB LBP LD LFT L.L.Q LMP LP LS MI MR MRI MS MVP NB NGT NMR OB OB-Gyn OCG OCP OR complete word Inteligeace Quoteint Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Intrauterine Device Intrauterine Death Intravenous In Vitro Fertilization Intraventricular Hemorrhage Intravenous Pyelogram Intravenous Pyelograumatoid Arthritis Kaee Jork Kedney ureter and Blodder Keep Vein Open Left Atrial Hypertrophy Lang Biopsy , Large Blood Low Back Pain , Low Blood Pressure Lethal Dose , Liver Diseuse Lives Function Test Left Lower Quadrant Last Menstvual Period Lumbar Puncture Lumbosacrd Mycardial Inforction Mitral Regaryitation Mental Retardation Magnetic Resonance Imaging Mitral Stenosis - Multiple Scleroses Mitral Valve Prolapse Needle Biopsy Naso Gasteic PTube Neaclear Magneting Resonance NPONil per os (nothiag By Mouth) Obstetrice Obstetrice of Gyne cology Oralchole Cystogram Oral Cantraceptive Pills Operating Room 5 اختصارات پزشكي Abreviation PA PC PD PDA PID PLT PND PT PTC PTX(PX) Q Qid RA RBC RF R/O RR RT RTN RTX RUG SAH SBO SC SI SIJ SLE SRP SYR TAB TB TBI TEF TG TL TLT complete word Postero Auterion – Placentral Abruption Post cibum (a ftez meal) Peritoneal Dialysis Patent Ductus Averiosus Pelvic Inflammatorg Disease Plattelet Post Nasal Drip Prothrombin Time Percautanous Pneumothorax every - q4th every four howzs four times daily Rheumatoid Arthritis Red Blood Cell (count) Renal Failure - Rheamatic Ferer Rule out Recovery Room - Respiratory Rote Renal Tramsplantation Renal Tubalar Necrosis Radiootherapy Retrograde Urethro Gram Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Small Bowel Obstruction subcautaneous stress Incontinence , small Intetine Sacro Illac Joint Systemic Lupus Erythemafosus septo Rhino Plasty Syrup Tablet Tuberculosis Total Body Irradiation Traoheo Esophageal Fistula Tri Glyceride Tubal Ligation Tonsilectomy 6 اختصارات پزشكي Abreviation TMJ TRUS TUIP TURP UA UAO UC UG UPJ URI US UTI UV UVJ VCUG VS VSD WBC WHO A.S.D A.T.N A.V.M B.S.O B.M.T B.P.H B.U.N B.V.L BX CA C.A.T C.B.C C.B.R C.C C.D.H complete word Tempora Mandibhlar Joint TOF Ttetralogy of Fallot Trans Rectal Ultra Sonography Trans Urethral Insicion of Perostate Trans Urethral Resection of Perostate Urin Alysis upper Airway Obstruction Urine Cultare - Ukerative Colitis Uro Geaital Uretero Pelvic Junction UR Urinary Retention Upper Rospiratory Infection Ultra Sonography Urinary Tract Infection Ultra Violet Uretero Vesical Junction Voiding Cysto Urethrogram Vital Siga Ventricalar Septal Defect White Blood Cell World Health Organizotion Atrial Septal Defect Acute Tubular Necrosis Arterio Venous Malformation Bilateral Salpingo Oophorectomy Bone Marrow Transplant Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Blood Urea Nitrogen Bilateral Vas Ligation (Vasectomy) Biopsy Carcinoma Computerized Axial Tomography Complete Blood Cell Complete Bed Rest Chief Complaint Congenital Dislocation of Hip 7 اختصارات پزشكي Abreviation C.H.D C.H.F C.O.M C.O.P.D CT C.T.S C.V.P CXR D.V.A D.S.A D.V.T D/W E.A.M E.E.N.T E.R.C.P E.S.W.L F.B.S F.T.T F.U.O G.B G.L G.P HTX HX I.A.C: Internal Auditory Canal I.H.D IQ I.T.P I.U.D L.B.P L.F.T M.R.I M.V.P N.B N.G.Tube complete word Congenital Heart Disease Congestive Heart Failure Chronic Otitis Media Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Computed Tomography Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Central Venous Pressure Chest x-ray Digital Venous Angiography Digital Subtraction Angiography Deep Vein Thrombosis Dextrose in Water External Auditory Meatus Eye- Ear- Nose-Throat Endoscopic Retrograde Cholongio Pancreatography Exteracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Fasting Blood Sugar Failure to Thrive Fever of Unknown Origin Gall Bladder Gastric Lavage General Practitionear Hemothorax History Ischemic Heart Didease Inteligence Quoteint Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Intra UterineDevice Low Back Pain Liver Function Test Magnetic Rosonance Imaging Mitral ValveProlaps Needel Biopsy Nasogastric Tube 8 اختصارات پزشكي Abreviation N.M.R O.C.G O.R P.C P.D.A PLT PT P.T.C R.A R.B.C R/O R.R RTX R.U.G Syr TAB T.B T.B.I T.E.fistula TG T.L T.O.F UA U.S U.T.I V.C.U.G V.S.D W.H.O complete word Nuclear Mmagnetic Resonance Oral Chole Cystography Operating Room Post Cibum (after meal) Patent Dactus Arteriosus Platelte Prothrombin Time Percautanous Transhepatic Cholangiography Rheumatoid Arthritis Red Blood Cell Rule Out Ricovery Room Ricovery Room Radiotherapy Retrograde Urethrogram Syrup Tablet Tuberculosis Total Body Irradiotion Tracheo Esophageal fistula Triglyceride Tubal Ligation Tetralogy of Fallot Urin Alysis Ultrasonography Urinary Tract Intection Voiding Cystourethrogram Ventricular Septal Defect word Health Organization موفق باشيد كشكولي 9
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