Derby Circuit of the Methodist Church E-LETTER NO. 10 June 2013 Dear Friends Summer is always a time of change. It can be a huge change for young people as they finish a school term, and perhaps look forward to starting in a new school. Some will finish their formal education, and look for work in which they hope to find purpose and fulfilment. Others have smaller changes - we have a break, perhaps go on holiday, knowing that soon we shall "pick up where we left off". In the Methodist Church, things change each summer as we take up new responsibilities, or perhaps lay down old ones. Several of us are preparing to say "Goodbye", and to welcome someone new to the churches and to the circuit. Change is never easy. Even if you have been expecting, waiting, maybe even hoping, for the change, it can be a challenge to adapt to new circumstances. No wonder we sometimes want to stay with what we know - even if we complain about it! But in the midst of the changes, many things will stay the same. Some people will leave, and new ones come, but we shall still work and worship with people we have known for many years. Our lives will still follow the familiar rhythm of the church's life, and we know that whatever happens, we are held securely in the love of God. Everything we do, whether for the first time, or the hundredth, we do for God's glory, and the sake of the people we love and serve. So as you read through this newsletter, please take time to pray for the people, and the events, that are described in it. Pray that we shall be ready to welcome Jenny, Gareth and Janet as they come to work with us in Derby. Please pray as the vision for our witness in the city centre takes shape. And please continue to pray for Lindsay, Ian, Ian and myself as we move into other areas and discover what God has in store for us there. May God bless you in all that you do. Paula Information about the Circuit and Church Please circulate this news widely in your church and community by forwarding it to your church email distribution list, including items in your magazines and notices and printing copies for the notice boards. You may prefer to use the attached black and related organisations Circuit Website (All Church locations, activities and contacts) Chellaston Littleover Newmount Mickleover Oakwood Sinfin Moor Nottingham and Derby District Methodist Church in Britain Derby Church Net Workplace Chaplaincy in Derbyshire Churches Together in Derbyshire The United Reformed Church Anglican Diocese of Derby The Catholic Diocese of Nottingham Cliff College Christian Aid Methodist Homes Traidcraft Action for Children MRDF white Word version for printing. CIRCUIT WIDE MEETINGS AND DATES – SUMMER 2013 June Thursday 6th – Methodist Women in Britain meeting (MWiB) @ Tissington Methodist Chapel, DE6 1RA for the District Bible & Fellowship Day – includes a talk about the Dalit people and the Church of North India. Buffet lunch will be provided. (More details from Gwen Petch) Thursday 6th - Local Preachers Meeting @ St Martin’s - 7.30 p.m Tuesday 11th - Circuit Finance & Property meeting @ Mayfield Road - 7.30 p.m Saturday 22nd - Cream Tea in support of Action for Children @ St John’s church (times to be notified) Saturday 29th - Circuit Prayer Day @ Alvaston 10 a.m - 2 p.m Sunday 30th June - Circuit Local Preachers recognition service @ Borrowash Church 4.30 p.m. July Thursday 11th - Circuit Leadership Team @ Draycott - 7.30 p.m Friday 12th – Coffee morning in the Mayor’s Parlour in the Council House in support of Action for Children. (More information from Gwen Petch (01332 556087) or Doreen Hinds.(01332 558721) Saturday 13th – Step Out Walk for Children in support of Action for Children at Attenborough Nature Reserve starting at 10 a.m An easy walk of four miles suitable for anyone including wheelchair and pushchair users. (More information from Gwen Petch (01332 556087) or Doreen Hinds.(01332 558721) Sunday 14th - Farewell for Rev’d Ian Kemp @ Mickleover Church - 6.30 p.m Sunday 21st - Farewell for Rev’d Paula Hunt @ St John’s Church - 4.30 p.m August Friday 30th - Circuit welcome service for new ministers @ Littleover Methodist Church - 7.30 p.m September Saturday 7th - Synod at the Riverside Centre, Pride Park, Derby WHAT ELSE IS HAPPENING IN THE CHURCH AND COMMUNITY? You can often find out by using the Internet. To help you to do this, we have included some useful links in the column to the left. It is amazing what you can find. Happy Browsing! PADLEY HOMELESS HOSTEL – CAN YOU HELP? On March 31st this year the Supporting People funding which Padley received from Derby City Council, to provide shelter, advice and support to help the homeless, ceased. If the hostel closed, over 100 people a year who are helped by a short stay at the Hostel and are then moved-on to sustainable tenancies will have nowhere to go and their issues will go unattended. Many will reach crisis point and become a major drain on health, social services, police and criminal justice systems. Friends of Kenya’s Children Methodist Recorder To enable the hostel to stay open, the Padley4000 campaign has been launched, appealing for 4000 people of Derby and Derbyshire to donate £2 a month which would be sufficient to keep the hostel open. They have had a good response, but still need more help to meet their goal. More detail are on the Padley website( ) or you can phone for information on 01332 774480. Rev Stephen & Heather Radford invite you to a Circuit Prayer Workshop at Alvaston Methodist Church,Brighton Road on Saturday 29 June 2013, 10.00 am – 2.00 pm. There is no charge for this event, but you will need to bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided. Please reserve a place with Angela Davies at the Circuit Office, tel: 01332 735052, DRAYCOTT NEWS Our ecumenical Open the Book Team was invited into Draycott Primary School for a whole morning to work with the 5 – 7 year olds, talking about the events of the first Easter and its significance. This was a wonderful opportunity and experience, and shows the trust that has built up over the years of regular visits to take their school assemblies. Our ‘Open the Book’ team now go into six schools in the area: Borrowash, Draycott, Breaston, Sandiacre, English Martyrs (RC), and Stanton Vale (Special). We thank God for these opportunities.. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO DRAYCOTT? We are at the far end of the Circuit, but its not very far, with a regular bus service (Indigo) direct from the Bus Station in Derby. This summer may be a good time to pay the village a visit. th th 14 – 16 June – Flower Festival at St Chads, Church Wilne (follow the lane past the Methodist Church). th Sunday 30 June – Village Open Gardens. The churches and community groups have been working together in recent times to enhance the village and improve relationships. We think it’s working! NEWS FROM ST THOMAS’ ROAD All are welcome to our monthly coffee morning on the first Saturday of every month from 10.00-11.30am.The next event will be on June 1st. Our monthly CAMEO meeting is on Wednesday 19th June at 2.00pm. On Saturday 22nd June we are holding a garden party at the church with stalls and light lunches. Saturday 13th July (Church Anniversary weekend), 11am to 1pm a Beetle Drive & lunch. Tickets from Jean Parton (769015). CAMEO (Come and Meet Each Other), 2pm-4pm, every 3rd Wednesday of the month. JEAN PARTON'S ANNUAL 'AT HOME' This will take place on Thursday 16th August, 5 Newlyn Drive, off Village Street from 1011.30am & 2.30-4pm. Well stocked bring & buy, plants, cakes, refreshments. Half the proceeds will go to 'Friends of Derbyshire Partnership with Church of North India’ and half to St Thomas' Road. GOOD BYE FROM LINDSAY AND IAN I will be leaving this Circuit after several very interesting years, during which I have undertaken different types of work to what I have done before. The Police Chaplaincy work was very rewarding, as was Chairing the Board of Trustees for Illuminate, and the Social Responsibility Task Group. I have found these areas of work fascinating and they have definitely been steep learning curves. However now it is time to move on, and so with a heavy heart I say "Goodbye" to the many friends I have in this Circuit and in other organisations. I will be moving on to Stockport, where I will have pastoral charge of three churches. Ian will have pastoral charge of two churches in Sale (about 10 miles away). Ian and I will be living in the same Circuit, in the manse in Stockport, but working in different Circuits, so we face new challenges both together and separately! We would very much value your prayers at this time. Yours, Lindsay Kemp CIRCUIT DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS This year , the Circuit is saying goodbye to four ministers and three new ministers will be joining us in September We have already said goodbye to Rev’d Ian Warrall earlier this year and more recently to Rev’d Lindsay Kemp who is now on sabbatical. Rev’d Paula Hunt and Rev’d Ian Kemp will be leaving us in August. We thank them all for their ministry in the Circuit and in the various churches. In September Rev’d Jenny Dyer will be joining us as the new Circuit Superintendant and will be the minister for Chellaston and St Thomas’ Rd. Rev’d Janet Jackson will become the minister for Mickleover, Ashbourne Road and Dean Street and Rev’d Gareth Higgs for Littleover and Findern. We will officially welcome the new ministers at Littleover on Friday 30th August at 7.30pm, but we have asked them to tell us a little bit about themselves in advanced in the next three articles. REV’D JENNY DYER I am very much looking forward to moving to Derby this summer to become the Superintendent of the Derby Circuit, and minister at St Thomas’ Road and Chellaston. Let me tell you a little about me, and Nigel my husband, and our family: After spending my school years in Aberystwyth, I spent a gap year in Germany, on a voluntary service scheme run by the MAYC, and it was here that I came to faith. I then met Nigel at Cambridge University Methsoc. I was reading law and went on to become a solicitor, specialising in charity law. Nigel was studying engineering and went on to a career in telecoms. Our children, Naomi and Jacob, were both born in Liverpool, where we lived for eight years. We attended a multiracial church in Toxteth, where Nigel played the organ and I preached and taught in Junior Church. Around the time that Jacob started school, I felt that God was calling me into the ministry. I served six years in the South Wirral Circuit, and then seven in the Coventry Circuit, where I was also Free Church Chaplain at Warwick University. I have spent the last five years in Harpenden, where I am the minister at a large town centre church with 420 members. Over the years I have felt particularly close to God when involved with religious broadcasting, the training of Local Preachers, Alpha courses, and Messy Church. As a former lawyer, I also get involved in legal matters for the Methodist Church, and in taking the record of Conference. Having taking voluntary redundancy from telecoms, Nigel has completed a PhD in genetics at Warwick University. He is now a post-doctoral researcher at Warwick, working on genetic sequencing. While we have lived at Harpenden, he has spent three days a week there. Our children are now grown up. Naomi is married to Luke, and works at Methodist Church House. Jacob is doing a PhD in theoretical physics at York. I look forward to arriving at Derby, getting to know you all, and finding out what God wants us to do together. REV’D JANET JACKSON My name is Janet Jackson and I began my life in the church at 6 weeks of age and have been going ever since. That does not mean to say that life has been perfect, it has not. It does not mean that I have never had a crisis of faith or a wilderness experience, because I have experienced both. My believing in a personal relationship with God began when I was 14 and I can honestly say that if God had not been with me I would have struggled to survive all the experiences that life has given me. I have four children aged 31, 21, 19 and 18, who are at different stages of flying from the nest. I am happily married (for 13 years) to Colin, a minister who will be working in the National Forest East Circuit and with whom I have shared ministry in the same and neigbouring circuits. I am passionate about animals and we have two Bichon Frize dogs called Pierre and Pascal. I enjoy greatly the gifts God has given me, and spend free time knitting and crocheting for charity. I love reading novels and theology, doing jigsaw puzzles and sudoku, cooking and watching TV, my favourite programmes being factual or crime and murder dramas. Since becoming a minister I have worked with the congregations in 24 different churches with memberships from 5 to 350. Every person had different needs and emotions and every church different ways of doing things. I look forward to learning about yours and your churches. People have found me to be friendly and down to earth: one group outside the church declare me to be laidback and easy to get along with (unlike other clergy they had known). Church members here are very upset that I am leaving, and wished I could have stayed longer! I don’t like wasting time and I have been told that the meetings I chair are some of the best. I don’t like waffle in meetings and I make sure things get done! One thing I really enjoy is spending time with people, whether that is with a group at a coffee morning or individuals in pastoral visits. Ministry for me is a two way process: I am called to give of myself, but I find I always receive back from those I meet. We are all ministers for God and I look forward to getting to know you all when I come to work with you in the Derby Circuit and pray that God may bless our time together. REV’D GARETH HIGGS We are very excited as a family to be moving to Derby in September and particularly excited to be exercising ministry at Littleover and Findern. I (Gareth) am currently a presbyter in the Burnley Circuit working with two village churches and three Methodist Primary Schools. Our experiences in East Lancashire have been positive, seeing our main church grow in size and reduce in average age as we engage young families and children through the circuit's schools ministry. We are looking forward to learning from our mistakes in a new context and setting and building on those things that have been fruitful and significant. Prior to being in Burnley, I was in the city centre in Gloucester, and at Wesley College, Bristol and previous to this was a youth worker for a Methodist Church in Mansfield, so I'm making a return to the East Midlands. Laura is currently at home looking after our two year old son (3 in September) Joseph. They too are excited by the opportunity to make new friendships and Joseph particularly by the chance to get stuck in to Nursery in Littleover and learn even more sophisticated ways to make mischief! Both Laura and I grew up in Bath, where our families still are but have friends all over the place and many in the Midlands. We are looking forward to moving and anticipating the many blessings that life in Derby will bring. We look forward to getting to know many of you before too long. Gareth, Laura & Joseph AROUND THE WORLD IN (ONE HUNDRED AND) EIGHTY MINUTES What a wonderful experience at the Derby Circuit ‘Living Library’ afternoon, held on Saturday 20 April 2013, arranged by the Circuit Missions Task Group. The Circuit Churches exhibited the different countries their members had visited, some for longer than others. Those who wore national dress added interest to the variety of photographs and memorabilia displayed from Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas. We hope it will kindle, for many, an interest for what God is doing in these places. We had three main speakers during the afternoon. Firstly, Reverend Paul Ashby described the call to serve in Zimbabwe and the experience of living in the ‘real world’ whilst he was there. Then Tim Paisley spoke briefly on the work of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and then showed a DVD of the experiences of MAF staff in the field which illustrated the difficulty of flying in and out of some very hazardous areas, often on life-saving missions. Finally, Brian Hollingworth gave a presentation on the Methodist Church in Hong Kong and its growth since the 1950s, which included the transition from being part of the British Commonwealth back to being part of China. Not only were we able to see and hear about many parts of the world and the church’s involvement in it, we were also able to taste food from different parts of the globe. This was a delicious way of sharing fellowship. The event concluded with an act of worship led by Reverend Ted Ager (in Indian dress) and included the Littleover Music Band, the Chinese Congregation Choir and a Singer/Songwriter who was originally from Jamaica. The speaker was Mrs Elaine Robinson, who is the Synod Secretary. Elaine gave a world view reading based on 1 Corinthians 12, where Paul describes one body made up of various parts. Her talk was on how God is working through individuals and Church organisations in many areas of the world. She challenged us as to how God could be working through us to be His good news in our world. A generous amount of £346.65 was raised and will support the work of the Methodist World Mission. Well done to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of this event. All in all it was a wonderful experience and we look forward to other events that the Derby Circuit makes available for us to attend and be blessed and challenged by them. Neil Clarke Lay Chair, Missions Task Group SINFIN MOOR CHURCH NEWS For Christian Aid week a Saturday Coffee Morning was held and an Old Time Music Hall evening "The good old days" to help raise funds. Entertainment was provided by church members, and it was a chance to dress up in Victorian/Edwardian style clothes. Our next Monthly Coffee morning will be held at the church on 29 June, between 10.00am until 12.00 noon, Tea, Coffee, Books, Toys, Bric 'n' Brac and cakes. We look forward to seeing you there. Nathan, Michele and Lily are a family from SMC who have felt a calling on their lives to serve the Lord, and have now moved to Zimbabwe in March. Please uphold them in your prayers Nathan is the Youth Director of Bulawayo Baptist Church, and Michelle is working with the Sandra Jones Centre in Bulawayo. BOOKS IN BLOOM AT SINFIN MOOR CHURCH Over May Day bank holiday weekend SMC was open to all visitors to view their "Books in Bloom" Flower Festival. This ended with entertainment from Newmount Brass Band and a flower auction on the Monday evening. BORROWASH NEWS The Circuit support for our Desert Island Discs evening, on 9 March, was great and everyone enjoyed hearing the musical tastes of Rev Colin Emerson and Margaret Barker and came away knowing a lot more about them both. Well done to Ian and Ann Frearson as well as the Catering Committee who provided such scrumptious desserts. The St Helen Singers had an afternoon concert to raise money for Church funds. Thanks to our Friendship Corner Group for organising this. NEW LINKS AT BORROWASH An approach via our Church website from the local Scout Beaver group, who were holding a sleepover on the weekend of 28 April, prompted our Stewards to invite them to come along with their flag, which was placed at the front of church, at our Local Arrangement – All-age worship service. As one of our 5 stewards was celebrating a special birthday that ended with zero, the theme was ‘celebration’ and the Beavers and their leaders gained so much from the service that they have asked to come again. Comments from the congregation have also been enthusiastic. Neil Clarke asked the congregation to donate 1p during Lent, every time they went to the toilet, to raise funds for the Tearfund Appeal for ‘Toilets in Africa.’ Each toilet costs £60 and so far we have raised £135. Thanks to all those who supported this and those who have recently taken up the challenge. Thelma, the leader of our Toddlers Group was delighted when she was presented with a beautiful birthday cake, made by one of the mums. All the children enjoyed helping her to blow out the candles. This group is growing and is enjoyed by grandmas and mums as well as toddlers and new babies. BORROWASH, DRAYCOTT AND SPONDON METHODIST CHURCHES Will be sharing a marquee at the Derbyshire County Show in Elvaston Park Show Ground on Sunday June 23rd as a combined outreach event. Please come and support us at the Show which is from 8.00 am till 5.30 pm. Our intention is to create a rest area where we will be providing craft activities for Children. On our stand we will have displays for each of the Churches and for the Derbyshire Farm Crisis Network CONGRATULATIONS TO REV’D MAIR BRADLEY Rev’d Mair Bradley received a Commendation at the Divisional Commander's Commendations Ceremony which was held at St Mary's Wharf on the afternoon of Tuesday 30th April. The wording used on the Commendation was as follows: You are commended that in your role as a Force Chaplain you have shown an exemplary level of support, care and compassion to members of D Division. The Divisional Commander's Commendations Ceremony recognises not only Police Officers and staff but members of the public too for outstanding work and on 30th April 38 individuals received Commendations. The event was also attended by the High Sheriff of Derbyshire, Derek Mapp, and his wife Karen, as well as Canon Keith Orford who is the Force Lead Chaplain. The Circuit offers Mair congratulations on receiving this Commendation. THE CHURCH ON OAKWOOD The Walkers & Talkers Toddler Group meets every Wednesday, 1pm-2:30pm (Term time) The cost of each session is £1 per child (additional siblings, 50p each.) June 5th Topic: People that help us: a visit from Dentist Mohammed Sayal 12th “Father’s Day special” 19th Topic: People that help us: Fire Fighters 26th Topic: People that help us: Doctors/Nurses July 3rd Topic: People that help us: a visit from Community Police Officer Anita Phipps 10th People we can help: (Charity TBC) – sponsored walk/event 17th IT’S PARTY TIME!!!!! Fancy dress/party clothes welcome. Last session (resumes 04.09.13) ‘Picnic on Oakwood Park’ – this is an invitation for the whole family!! Wednesday 7th August & Wednesday 21st August Come and join us for a picnic – we will bring some outdoor toys!! (Meeting 12 noon by the play area) To be supported with games/activities by team 153 of the Prince’s Trust . JAFFA CLUB AT ALLESTREE This is s joint project between local churches, run at Lawn Primary School in Allestree. At the moment the churches involved are Woodlands Evangelical Church, St Nicholas (Church of England) and St. John’s. It meets on a Wednesday afternoon from 3.30pm until 4.30p.m.after school and there are fun activities linked to Bible stories. Before this year, Jaffa had been run for children from five to seven years of age. Children from the older section of the school had requested that they would like to have one. A request was sent to Helen White to see if we could provide help. Helen put out the request and now Helen helps with the older ones and a member of the congregation with the youngest. Numbers have increased during the year and there are now 30 on the books in the youngest group and 17 of the older ones. This helps to increase the outreach of St. John’s in the community, together with tots club, lunches, games club, a monthly Saturday cafe and other groups who meet at St. John’s CHELLASTON 140TH ANNIVERSARY This year is the 140th Anniversary of Chellaston Methodist Church. Various special events are taking place during the year in addition to some important annual events. Saturday 1st June : QUIZ 6.30 pm to 9 pm. £1 per person. maximum of 6 per team. Saturday 8th June ; "Spring into Summer Fayre" 10 am to 2pm. Saturday 13th July : Strawberry Tea for Missions - Speaker from Aqua Box. Saturday 20th July : Coffee Morning 10 am to 12noon. Possible Treasure Hunt - date to be decided. Monday 19th August : Afternoon Tea Dance 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. ( Details and tickets to follow) Saturday 31st August : QUIZ 6.30 pm to 9 pm. ( as above) Friday 20th and Saturday 21st September : TALENTS AND HOBBIES EXHIBITION by Church Members Saturday 26th October : Barn Dance in St. Peter's Parish Hall from 7pm. Saturday 23rd November : Christmas Fayre 10am - 2pm The support of friends from around the Circuit would be very welcome. COME AND ENJOY A GOOD TRADITIONAL HYMN SING The Sankey services at Chester Green, which happen once a quarter, have had the same 20 or so people attending for quite a time now, and consideration is being made to phasing them out. But I think it is a great shame, especially as the origins of the Sankey service may not be well known. Dwight L Moody and Ira D Sankey were in part responsible for revival in many parts of the United States. Moody was the Evangelist and Sankey was the worship leader, and the book of Sacred Hymns and Songs produced by Sankey, and which is used for the Sankey services, contains many wonderful gems some of which we still have in our hymn books (for example Just as I am, Blessed Assurance, What a friend we have in Jesus) but many more of which are rarely sung these days, and I think this is a great pity. "All to Jesus I surrender", for example, was left out of hymns and psalms, though it does make an appearance in Songs of Fellowship Volume 3 and Mission Praise, and "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling" is a gem I have only found in the Sankey book apart from on youtube. The Gospel, in the days of Moody and Sankey, was in part preached through the hymns they sung. As a preacher myself, I have latched on to this in a big way - hymns that stir the heart in a way that only Songs of Praise can match, and even then only with an absolute belter - are guaranteed to move a congregation, sometimes literally to tears. No disrespect to the likes of Graham Kenderick and Matt Redman - there is a place for their songs too - but sometimes the old ones really ARE the best, and the opportunity to sing them can still be found at Chester Green Methodist Church once a quarter (though there is currently no Sankey service planned for September, and November may be the last one). If you have a heart for singing traditional hymns, and if you want to hear the Gospel preached through music as well as through the Word, why not try it. The next one is on 9th June at 6pm. ACTION FOR CHILDREN DERBY SUPPORT GROUP Due to family commitments Michelle Woodcock has relinquished the post of secretary of the Derby Support group, a job she has done for the last 6 years and for which we are grateful. She is however continuing as a member of the group. Gwen Petch has now taken over as treasurer and Doreen Hinds as secretary. Any information can be obtained from Doreen on 01332 558721 or e-mail Perhaps you might be interested in becoming a member of the group! Future events for your diary in 2013 June 22nd at St. John’s Park farm Allestree Cream tea 2.30pm until 5pm £3.50 July 12th Coffee morning at the council house 10-12noon further details later July 13th Step out for children sponsored walk at Attenborough nature reserve . A 4 mile walk suitable for all ages, pushchairs. wheelchairs & dogs on leads. For more information and to register please contact Alan Woodcock on 01332 512830 July 14th Action for Children Sunday. We hope that you will continue to support this worthy charity, as over the last year you have helped the Derby support group to raise over £14000 of which around £9500 was raised through Barbara Smith’s shop in Surrey Street. METHODIST HOMES The above quote taken from the Order of Service at Coventry Cathedral is echoed throughout the connection – thank you all those in our Derby Circuit who have given so much in prayer, time and donations supporting Methodist Homes. This work is still growing, and again taken from the Order of Service -“our hope and our prayer is that, as our work continues to develop to meet the needs of an increasing number of older people, the support of the churches will continue to grow as well.” With this in the forefront of our minds please make this year’s Methodist Homes Sunday a special day. It’s designated for Sunday 9 June 2013, but if this date does not fit well with your plans please find a suitable Sunday when you can celebrate – giving your prayers, time, and donations – there is so much need – so please do your part. Each church has a pack with envelopes and posters please use this material to spread the word. It is greatly appreciated. Barbara Sims, Circuit Representative for Derby Part 1. GOOD FRIDAY AT MICKLEOVER On Good Friday we joined with the other churches in Mickleover in a walk of witness through the shoppers in the centre of the village with stops for prayer for the Mickleover community, finishing with a Good Friday Meditation at the Catholic Church and a meal of soup and bread. NEWS FROM ALVASTON - MANY THANKS FROM FRIENDS OF KENYA’S CHILDREN In the last newsletter Alvaston advertised their up-coming “Three Day Charity Shop” in aid of FKC, their little charity which provides for the needs of some 380 orphans and destitute children in Kenya. A big thank you to people who kindly responded to our request that you clear out cupboards and garage and bring your unwanted goods to us for sale. We raised a whopping £4500 in the three days, £1000 of that from the cake stall and coffee bar – food on tap throughout the three days! – and the remainder was all from the sale (very cheap) of donated goods. We have an on-going “charity shop” on term-time Saturday mornings at church, so goods are always welcome, either delivered to the church on a Friday or Saturday morning or ring Sandra on 572598 to arrange to drop goods off. Incidentally, Sandra is always happy to visit groups to talk about this exciting little charity – well, we think it is exciting – give her a ring if you are a programme arranger and stuck for ideas! Sandra Noon HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF THE LAY WITNESS MOVEMENT? There is something strange going on – I should like to reverse the trend as far as Derby is concerned. The Lay Witness Movement ( has worked wonders in up to 1000 churches over the years, and there will be many readers of this article who can testify to the effectiveness of a Lay Witness Weekend in their church, and / or in their own lives as Christians. Now, quite suddenly in the past two years, demand for weekends has dropped off. New team members almost always arise from weekends, as individuals recognise that this something they can do to serve God and the Christian community. So – no weekends = no new members. Most of the funding for the Movement comes from gifts from grateful churches. So, no weekends = no funds. The thing is, the material which teams use on weekends is as fresh, as challenging and as effective as it ever was. What seems to have collapsed is the advertising system whereby one excited church or Minister, after a successful weekend, tells another “Why don’t you consider having a Lay Witness weekend, it has transformed our fellowship…?” So this is a serious suggestion from one Derby member of the Movement. If your church could do with a bit of a shake up – a new challenge – a way of taking time to look at what is needed and find the energy to tackle the future – or just a good weekend together away from the pressure for a bit – please do just have a look at the web site or make contact with the Movement and consider asking for a weekend in autumn or next Spring. It is true there is a good bit of planning and work needed within the church in advance of a weekend, but every church finds it to have been well worth the effort. If you’re interested, the Movement will be very pleased to send someone along to meet your Church Council and talk about what is involved. I guarantee that if you do have a weekend in your church, you will never regret it! AN INVITATION FROM ALVASTON You are invited to an evening of Prayer & Praise led by Rev J Tembo Focus on Fellowship at Alvaston Methodist Church, Brighton Road, Alvaston 7.30pm to 9.00pm, on 13th June 2013, Everyone welcome Tea, Coffee and Biscuits will be served afterwards SPARK TO A FLAME. Spark to a Flame now runs on the second Sunday of every month, encouraging people to explore faith through Music Drama, Dance, Discussion, Art and Craft. Over 50 people of all ages are involved in the sessions which run at the same time as the morning service at Mickleover Methodist Church. They are planned and run by a core team of about ten people. In April we looked back at the ups and downs of the whole Easter story and in May we celebrated the birth of the church in the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. In the next session on Sunday 9th June at 10 am we will try to understand what it was like to be part of the early church after Pentecost. More information from EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN IN FAIRTRADE COFFEE BAR, MICKLEOVER METHODIST CHURCH There will be a Fairtrade Cafe at Mickleover Methodist Church on Saturday 29th June, from 10am – 12 noon. Fairtrade drinks and freshly baked cakes will be available in a relaxed coffee shop atmosphere and a stall selling a wide range of Fairtrade goods. The Fairtrade Coffee Bars will resume in September and will be advertised in the next eNewsletter. If you would like to know more contact Vicky Ager at MICKLEOVER CENTENARY In 2014 Mickleover celebrates the centenary of the building of a Chapel on the current site. We are currently planning a series of events and activities over the period from Easter to the end of September SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TASK GROUP MEETING 14th May This meeting was led by Rev’d Colin Emerson who is the new chair of the group and we spent much of the meeting reviewing what we have done in the past and the scope of things that we should consider moving onto in the future. You will be hearing more about this in the future. We The support of Christian charities in the Circuit was discussed and details are reported elsewhere in the newsletter. The following training courses and workshops were discussed. o A Food Hygiene courses is being planned o Further First Aid courses are being planned. If you would like to book places please contact Phil Johnson. o Colin Emerson is planning to facilitate a Sunday School forum for later in the year. o A Debt Workshop is planned for the autumn and one on Addiction for a later date. o If you have other training needs, please contact Phil Johnson We also looked at what topics we should be considering for future meetings. A Family Barrister will be speaking at the next meeting. Look out for the full notes for the meeting which will be distributed shortly KNITTING PROJECT UPDATE, 20-4-13 1. Fish and Chip Baby Jumpers: According to their website, this project is now ended, but we are using their pattern for the jumper to supply Aquabox with jumpers, and these are sent wherever the Aquaboxes go to disaster areas, and areas of drought. 2. Aquabox: Over 1,000 jumpers have been accepted so far, but not many Teddies. More patterns have been given out, and the supply of teddies is increasing. We have also had a request for Cot Blankets, size preferably 21” x 28”. These may be made using 7” squares, 3 x 4 squares = 12 squares in all. Only 3 knitted items can be included in each box, and 50 boxes per week are dispatched. Ideally, a jumper, teddy and blanket would go into a box, and at the moment we have a surplus of jumpers, which we are keeping until needed. Aquabox will also accept clothes for older children, e.g. - larger jumpers, with short sleeves. The Director of Aquabox, Mr. David Rawson, and his wife Tina, are coming to speak about their travels in The Gambia to oversee delivery of the Aquaboxes at a Strawberry Tea at Chellaston Methodist Church on Saturday, July 13th. 2013, at 3p.m., when the proceeds will be for Aquabox. 3. Padley Centre /Soup Run: Adult hats, and gloves or mittens are appreciated most, but in dark colours, as there are few female clients. We have sent most of these items received to the Soup Run, but we did not have enough to send to the Padley. 4. Lifecare: We sent brightly coloured hats, and various children’s clothes to this organisation in Green Lane, which has contacts with young families. 5. Age UK: Branches at Littleover and Bakewell were appealing for lap blankets made up of squares to give to elderly people with insufficient heating. The size is 35”x42”, made up of 7” squares, 5 squares x 6 squares = 30 squares in all. So far, we have not received any of these blankets – perhaps a project for next winter. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this wonderful effort . Dorothy Robinson (Chellaston Methodist Church) KNITTING WOOL TO SPARE? Some knitting groups are running short of wool for the knitting projects. If you have any sitting in a cupboard somewhere, there may be a knitting group near you who would love to receive it. SOMETHING MISING? If news from your church is missing from this News letter, why not put it right for the next issue and provide information yourself. It is good to share your news of what God is doing in your area. AND FINALLY... Your editor for this issue was Chris Moore. Items for inclusion in the next e-letter should be sent to Chris at . Please keep items short; normally no more than 100 words. Where possible please include pictures, a web link and an email contact. Contributions should have some relevance to Circuit and Church Life. We cannot guarantee publication and reserve the right to edit contributions. Copy Date for Next E-Letter: 20th August.
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