ROOSEVELT FAMILY PAPERS Donated by the Children of Franklin D. and Eleanor Roosevelt c. 1686 - 1959 Accession Numbers: MS. 55-4; MS 55-15 These Roosevelt Family Papers were placed on loan at the Roosevelt Library in 1954 by the children of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and could be consulted only with their permission. In January 1979, the papers were donated to the Library by the four Roosevelt sons. copyright came to the United States Government in 1991 following the death of the last of the Roosevelt sons. These papers are in the public domain and may by reproduced or quoted without permission. I . Quantity: 19 linear feet (approximately 38,000 pages) r ~ Restrictions: None. Related Material: Family Papers (Appendix I) in the Papers of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt; Roosevelt Family Papers collected by Franklin D. Roosevelt; Delano Family Papers; Hall Family Papers: Franklin D. Roosevelt: Papers pertaining to Family, Business and Personal Affairs; Franklin D. Roosevelt: Papers as VicePresidential Candidate, 1920; and Franklin D. Roosevelt: Papers as Governor of New York, 1929-1932. , . NOTE: The pencilled number designation on portions of this collection has no significance for the present arrangement of these papers. This numbering system relates to the order in which some correspondence chiefly among the principals, i.e. Frankl in D. Roosevelt, Sara, his mother and Eleanor, his wife, was microfilmed. Description of Series Container 1 - 6 Series Old Family Papers (Roosevelt, Ludlow, and Hall). c. 1686-1912 and Undated. 6 containers. Among the material in this series are some of the oldest indentures, deeds and estate papers of the Roosevelt family. Chiefly, these are the papers of Elbert Roosevelt, 1767-1817,:a New York City merchant and ancestor of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Also the miscellaneous legal papers of Franklin Roosevelt's parents, James and Sara Delano Roosevelt, 1864-1904 including their 1880 wedding certificate, a deed to land purchased at Campobello by Sara 1903, drawings for a burial plot in St. James Churchyard at Hyde Park, the will of Mary Roosevelt, James' mother and the probate record of James' own will and other estate papers. Some family correspondence between James Roosevelt and his wife and son, 1894-1900 is included here. The papers of the Ludlow Family, 1811-1890 include those of Eleanor Roosevelt's great grandparents, Edward and Elizabeth Livingston Ludlow and her grandparents Valentine G. and Mary Hall 1853-1912; also some family and business correspondence, the latter relating to the maintenance of "Oak Terrace," the Hall family estate at Tivoli, New York. The papers of Elliott Roosevelt, Sr., father of Eleanor Roosevelt consist chiefly of correspondence 1870-1894, (many letters have attached transcriptions) between Elliott, his parents Martha Bulloch and Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., his sisters Anna Cowles and Corinne Robinson, his brother Theodore, his wife Anna Hall and his daughter /Ann~7 Eleanor. - 2 Container 1 - 6 (con't) Series The papers of Anna Hall Roosevelt 1875-1893 include her school memorabilia, prose and poetry fragments (holograph), clippings concerning the Hall-Roosevelt wedding, commemorative booklets in Anna Hall Roosevelt's memory written by friends, her obituaries bound and inscribed, "For Anna's Children, 1893" and a small amount of undated correspondence with her mother Mary L. Hall and her sisters-in-law Anna Cowles and Corinne Robinson. Material in this series is arranged chronologically by family. 7 - 21 Correspondence. 1883-1945 and Undated. 15 Containers. Chiefly, this series consists of personal family correspondence. Included are almost 3,000 letters exchanged among Franklin Roosevelt, his mother Sara and his wife Eleanor 1888-1945; letters of the Roosevelt children: Anna, James, Elliott, Franklin Jr., and John to their parents and grandmother; and correspondence written to the Roosevelts by their relatives. Among the correspondence from family members (Roosevelt, Delano and Hall) are letters from Catherine and Warren Delano II, grandparents of Franklin Roosevelt; Frederic A. Delano, his uncle; James Roosevelt Roosevelt, his half-brother; Susan Ludlow Parish, Eleanor Roosevelt's cousin; G. Hall Roosevelt, her brother; and President Theodore Roosevelt, her uncle. (Note: Only principal correspondents are listed on folder titles. This, however does not preclude correspondence from the principal's immediate family. Where such correspondence exists, it is filed together, e.g. in the file for "G. Hall Roosevelt," correspondence from his first wife, Margaret Cutter, his son Henry and his second wife Dorothy Kemp can also be found). Among the General Correspondence material c.19051945 non-familY letters concerned with business, social engagements and related matters are located; also included is correspondence from Franklin Roosevelt's New York Senatorial Constituency 19111913; get well messages following his polio attack, - 3 - Container Series 7 - 21 (con't) 1921; and letters of condolence on the death of "Rosy," his half-brother in 1927. Some correspondents in this series include; Nancy Cook, Isabella Greenway, Crown Princess Martha of Norway, Langdon P. Marvin, Endicott Beabody, Catherine Smith, Mlle. Marie Souvestre, Margaret "Daisy" Suckley, Edith B. Wilson and Walter Winchell. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and thereunder chronologically. 22-24 Political Files. 1920, 1929-1933. 3 Containers Correspondence, speeches, notes and clippings from Franklin Roosevelt's unsuccessful bid for the vice-presidency in 1920 .. The Correspondence as Governor Files 1929-1933, contain letters, telegrams, and memoranda of a fairly routine nature, arranged alphabetically. Correspondents of note are: Vincent Astor, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Father Charles Coughlin, Mary "Molly" Dewson, Frederic A. Delano, James A. Farley, Fannie Hurst, Colonel Edward M. House, Louis M. Howe, Basil O'Connor, Key Pittman, Alfred E. Smith and Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. 25-34 Writings and Printed Materials. Undated. 11 Containers. c. 1943-1959 and Contains a collection of materials used in published works, namely FDR: His Personal Letters (1949) by Elliott Roosevelt and Affectionately, FDR (1959) by James Roosevelt and Sydney Shallett; a proof copy of This I Remember by Eleanor Roosevelt; copies of presidential logs from FDR's wartime trips, 1943-1945; and a manuscript relating to John Paul Jones. SERIES I Old Family Papers. c.1686-1912 and Undated Roosevelt. 1686-1866 Ludlow. 1811-1890 Hall. 1853-1912 James Roosevelt. 1864-1904 Elliott Roosevelt, Sr. 1870-1894 Anria Hall Roosevelt. 1875-1893. II Correspondence. 1896-1941 and Undated Sara Delano Roosevelt. 1896-1941. Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1888-1945 Eleanor Roosevelt. 1903-1945 Family Members. 1883-1945 General. 1902-1945 III IV Political Files. 1920, 1929-1933 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated Roosevelt Family Papers Donated by the Children c. 1686 - 1959 Container List Container 1 Contents Old Family Papers: Roosevelt and Ludlow, 1686-1890. Roosevelt. 1686-1866. 1. Indenture. Johannes Hardenberg - Jacob Hardenbergh. 1686. 2. Plan (Pen and Ink) New York Harbor and Agreement between A. Rutgers and J_ and J. Roosevelt. June, 1748. 3. Petition. John Roosevelt: New York City Water Supply. 1748. 4. Letter. Adolphus Roosevelt to John de Peyster, Jr. April 16, 1763. 5. Will. Cornelius Roosevelt. February 11, 1771. 6. Account Ledger (2 pp.). Christopher Roselvelt (sic). 1772. 7. Letter. A.N. de Peyster to G. De Peyster. January 23, 1779. 8. Indenture. John Roosevelt - William de Peyster. June 29, 1784. 9. Indenture. 10. Receipt. Jacobus Roosevelt. Margaret Roosevelt. July 9, 1785. April 24, 1788. 11. Commissions. New York State Militia. Elbert Roosevelt 1789, 1793. 12. Indenture. Abraham Van Gelden and Cornelius C. Roosevelt. June 3, 1791. 13. Indenture. John Roosevelt and Elbert Roosevelt. July 18, 1793. 14. Indenture. Roosevelt. Samuel Jones and Cornelius C. April 30, 1794. 15. Receipt. E. Roosevelt for Black Woman, Judith. October 7, 1803. - 2 - Container List - con't Container 1 (con't) Contents 16. Bond. Jonas Smith and Cornelius C. Roosevelt. May 15, 1804. 17. Money Order. Elbert Roosevelt. December 23, 1807. 18. Deed. Elbert Roosevelt. July 12, 1810. 19. Indemnification. Elbert Roosevelt. June 3, 1813 • 20. Receipt. E. Roosevelt to Caleb Pell. February 9, 1814. 21. Letter. S.N. Bayard to Elbert Roosevelt. February 27, 1816. 22. Title Abstract. Elbert Roosevelt. c.1816. 23. Tax Receipt. Caleb Pell to Elbert Rosevelt (sic) January 21, 1817. 24. Report (Printed). Secretary of State (John Q. Adams) to Senate. April 18, 1820. 25. Power of Attorney. Elbert Roosevelt. May 24, 1825. 26. Bond. Henry Roosevelt. June 8, 1826. 27. Sermon (Printed). David Parker on Death of Margaret Tillotson. Reformed Dutch Church. Rhinebeck Flats. March 30, 1828. 28. Title Search. Gilbert Thorne. May 30, 1832. 29. Promissory Note. Calvin I. Van Kleek to Henry Davis. November 25, 1833. 30. Letter. W.H. Marsh, M.D. to Bushnell. January 22, 1866. 31. Ms. "A Description of Jamaica." Anonymous. Undated. 32. Poem. "Satan Visiting New York" Anonymous. Undated. - 3 - Container List - con't Container 1 (con't) Contents Ludlow. 1811-1890. I.Agreements, Contracts, Deeds and Indentures, 1811-1859. ~.Agreements, Contracts, Deeds and Indentures, 1860-1869. a.Agreements, Contracts, Deeds and Indentures, 1870-1884 and Undated. ~.Accounts and Receipted Bills. 1845-1873 and etc. etc. etc. Undated. ~.Accounts and Receipted Bills. 1880-1890 and Undated. ~.Correspondence. 1846-1889 and Undated. *Additional oversize materials are located in drawer; Roosevelt Family Papers. List of items found therein. 2 Old Family Papers; Hall. 1853-1912. I. Correspondence. Family and Personal. 1853-1902 and Undated. ~.Correspondence. Edward Ludlow and Mary Ludlow Hall with their Parents. 1860-1871. a.Correspondence. W.C.P. Rhodes to Hall Family Members. 1871-1889 and Undaed. ~.Condolence Correspondence. Death of Anna Hall Roosevelt, 1892 and Undated. ~Journal. Valentine G. Hall. c.1861-1862. 4.Business and Financial Papers. 1863-1894 and Undated. 1~ills and Probate Records . . 1883-1912. 3 Papers of James Roosevelt. 1864-1904. I.Legal Papers. James and Sara Delano Roosevelt. 1880-1904. LCorrespondence. Family and Personal. 1864, 1900 and Undated. 3.Correspondence. James Roosevelt to Sara Delano Roosevelt. 1894-1896. ~.Correspondence. James Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 1895-1900 and Undated. 5.Condolence Correspondence. Death of James Roosevelt. 1900-1901 and Undated. - 4 Container Contents 4 Papers of Elliott Roosevelt, Sr. 1870-1894. /. Bulloch, Anna. 1877-1883. L Cowles, Anna Roosevelt. 1874-1881 and Undated. & Cowles, Anna Roosevelt. 1882-1892 and Undated. ~.Gracie, Archibald. 1872-1874 and Undated. s. Hall, Mary L. (Mrs. Valentine G.). 1883-1893 and Undated. ~. Miscellaneous Family and Personal Correspondence. 1880-1893 and Undated. 1. Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt. 1876-1892, and Undated. ~ Roosevelt, Anna Hall. c.1881-1889 (Chiefly Undated). ~ -tongratulatory Correspondence on Engagement to. 1883. ~._ Condolence Correspondence on Death of. 1892-1893 and Undated. 5 Papers of Elliott Roosevelt, Sr. 1870-1894. I. Roosevel t, Eleanor. c .1889-1894 and Undated. Elliott, Jr. -Condolence Correspondence on Death of. 1893. ~.Roosevelt, Elliott, Sr. Writings. Undated. ~.Roosevelt, Martha Bulloch (Mrs. Theodore Sr.). c .1871-1877 . s~oosevelt, Martha Bulloch (Mrs. Theodore Sr.). 1880-1884 and Undated. ~.Roosevel t, Theodore, Sr. 1870-1877. ~Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. 1877-1880. ~Roosevelt, 6 Papers of Anna Hall Roosevelt. 1875-1893. Correspondence: h2.. Cowles, Anna Roosevelt. 1887 and Undated (2 folders) ~.Hall, Mary L. (Mrs. Valentine G.) 1883 and Undated. Undated. ~.Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt. S.Miscellaneous. 1875-1892 and Undated. Printed Materials: ~,College Series of German Plays. 1866. l.Certificate. Children's American Missionary Society. 1871 . • ~Out of the Shadows into the Light. (Commemorative Booklet for Valentine G. Hall). 1880. ¥<: q.ARH Prose Book (holograph). 1880. *ILARH Poetry and Scenes of Ireland. 1881. II,Clippings. re: Hall-Roosevelt Wedding. December 1, 1883. ~,Clippings. AHR's Obituaries (bound) for Anna's Children. 1893. la-LIn Loving Memory of Anna Hall Roosevelt. (Commemorative Booklet). 1893. (4 copies) .'13ablet. List of linens belonging to AHR. (ER's holograph). n.d. - 5 Container .7 Contents Correspondence. Sara Delano Roosevelt. and Undated. 1896-1941 Sara Delano Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt I. 1896 - 1898 ~.1899 . a.January - June, 1900 .~September - December, 1900 .sJanuary - March, 1901 .~April - December., 1901 • ,.1902 8 Correspondence. Sara Delano Roosevelt. and Undated. 1896-1941 Sara Delano Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt ." 1.1903 _~.1904 Sara Delano Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt ~ 3.1905 - 1909 ... 1910 - 1914 s.1915 - 1916 1..1917 ,.1918 1.1919 - 1920 ,.1921 9 Correspondence. Sara Delano Roosevelt. and Undated. 1896-1941 Sara Delano Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt: 1.1922 ..1.1924 3.1 925 '1.1926 5;1-927 ,.1928 - 1929 '1.1930 - 1931 f.l932 ql933 - 6 Container 10 Contents Correspondence. Sara Delano Roosevelt. and Undated. 1896-1941 Sara Delano Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt: /.1934 .Il.1935 3.1936 ..,.1937 5.1938 ... 1939 ,.1940 ,..1941 Sara Delano Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt: ,q.Undated. c.1896-1903 .&Undated. c.1900-1904 Sara Delano Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt: .I/.Undated. c.1905-1941 ifll Correspondence. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 1888-1945 and Undated. Franklin Delano Roosevelt to his Parents: 1t1.1888-1896 lr-A.1897 10.$.1898 ;<-/.1899 ~S:1900 Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Sara Delano Roosevelt: )<.1..1901-1904 Franklin Delano and Eleanor Roosevelt to Sara Delano Roosevelt: _'7.1905 'f.1907-1908 ,12 Correspondence. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 1888-1945 and Undated. Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Sara Delano Roosevelt: /.1911-1914 and Undated ~.1915-1918 and Undated 3.1919-1921 and Undated '1.1923-1929 0.1 932-1941 - 7 Container 12 (con't) • Contents Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Eleanor Roosevelt: H.190S 1.1911-1914 and Undated i.1915-191S q.1919-1921 and Undated Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Eleanor Roosevelt and Children: /4.1924-1929 /1.1933- 1 9 4 5 13 Correspondence. Eleanor Roosevelt. and Undated. 1903-1945 Eleanor Roosevelt to Sara Delano Roosevelt: I· 1903, 1910-1917 J..January, 1918 3.February, 1918 ~.March-April, 1918 S.May-July, 1918 ~.October-December, 1918 and Undated 1. January-March, 1919 r. April-May, 1919 q. June-December, 1919 ~.January-May, 1920 1/. July, 1920-1929 tt. 1 931-19 4 1 14 Correspondence. Eleanor Roosevelt. and Undated. 1903-1945 Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Rooesevelt: -1. 1 903 ~.January-February, 1904 --s.March~ril, 1904 '""'i.May-~, 1904 o-.July-October, 1904 ~.November, 1904 and Undated -1. 1 905- 1 9 06 "1".1907-1908 -,}.1909 16.1910 u.1911-1912 1;)..1913 - 8 Container 15 Contents Correspondence. Eleanor Roosevelt. and Undated. 1903-1945 Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt: /. 1914 /J.. 1 915 3. 1 916 Ii. 1917 5. 1 918 1..1919 1. 1920 f. 1921-1923 q. 1924 1~.1925 11.1926 16 Correspondence. Eleanor Roosevelt. and Undated. 1903-1945 Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin Delano Roosevelt: 1.1927 /J..1928 3.1929 '1.1930-1932 5.1 933-1935 1..1 936-1938 1.1939-1942 ,.1943 ~.1944-1945 IO.Unda ted 17 Correspondence. Family Members. Undated. 1883-1945 and I. Adams, Ellen Delano (cousin, ~.Blodgett, Eleanor (godmother, FDR) 1941-1945. FDRf 1901-1930. a.Clark, Grace (cousin, FDR) 1903-1936. Katherine Delano (Aunt, FDR) 1900-1944 (2 folders) ~.Cowles, Anna Roosevelt (aunt, ER) 1905-1930 1.Delano, Catherine (grandmother, FDR) 1893-1895. [Delano, Franklin H. (great- uncle, FDR) 1893. '1-16Delano, Frederic A. (uncle, FDR) 1897-1945. (2 folders) ~Delano, Laura F. (cousin, FDR) 1898-1945. ~Delano. Lyman (cousin, FDR) 1898-1944. Qnelano, Warren II (grandfather, FDR) 1883-189& 1'I.Delano, Warren, Jr. (uncle, FDR). 1898-1920. t~Fellowes-Gordon, Sallie Collier (cousin, FDR) 1904-19' 1~£Forbes, Dora Delano (aunt, FDR). 1891-1940. (3 folders) ~~.Collier, - 9 Container 18 Contents Correspondence. Family Members. Undated. 1883-1945 and I. Grant, Catherine Delano (cousin, FDR). 1912-1941 ~.Gray, Maude Hall (aunt, ER) 1938-1945. 3. Hitch, Annie Delano (aunt, FDR) 1886-1927. ~. Martineau, Muriel Robbins (cousin, FDR) 1894-1941. ~Mortimer, Elizabeth Hall (aunt, ER). 1918. ,.Parish, Susan L. (cousin, ER) 1907, 1915, 1940. 1. Robbins, Warren (cousin, FDR). 1891-1944 ~ Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt (aunt, ER) 1904-1932. ~. Robinson, Helen Roosevelt (~iece, FDR) 1896-1942. '6.~.Roosevelt, Anna (daughter, FDR and ER)c.1912-1944. (3 folders) . I&Roosevelt, Archibald B. (cousin, ER) 1942-1945. I~Roosevelt, Ellen (cousin, FDR) 1906-1943. 19 Correspondence. Family Members. Undated. 1883-1945 and I-.~.Roosevelt, Elliott (son, FDR and ER) c.1916-1945. (2 folders) a-'1.Roosevel t, Franklin D. Jr. (son, FDR and ER) c.1922-1945. (2 folders) s- II. Roosevel t, G. Hall (brother, ER) 1904-1944 (7 folders) 20. Correspondence. Family Members. 1883-1945 and Undated. I-S.Roosevelt, James (son, FDR and ER) c. 1914-1945. (5 folders) ~.Roosevelt, James Roosevelt (half-brother, FDR) c.1905-1942. '-t.Roosevelt, John A. (son, FDR and ER) c.1919-1945. (2 folders) q.Roosevelt, Kermit (cousin, ER). 1911, c.1935-1944. ~Roosevelt, Nicholas (cousin, ER). c.1944. ILRoosevelt, Theodore (uncle, ER) 1883-1944. ~St. George, Katherine Collier (cousin, FDR) 1907-1937. 21 Correspondence. General. c.1902-1945. c.1906-1944 1905-1943 .3. E - F - G 1908-1943 L/.H - I - J 1907-1943 S. K - L 1913-1944 ~.LeHand, Marguerite, c.1927-1944 I. A - ,2. B C - D - 10 Container Contents 21 (con't) I 22 1.M - N - 0 c.1907-1943 r.Martha, Crown Princess of Norway, 1941-1944 q.Marvin, Langdon P., 1916-1921 M.P - Q - R 1906-1942 II. Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor, 1928, 1936-1944. ~.Roosevelt Genealogy 1915-1945 HI.S - Z 1902-1945 N.Unidentified· c.1907-1938 IS.White House Staff, 1934-1944 and Undated. I,~inchell, Walter, March 2-24, 1943 and Undated. Political Files. 1-.2..Clippings Campaign of 1920. (2) ~.Correspondence A- W "/. Miscellaneous S.Speeches and Speech Material 23 Political Files. Correspondence as Governo~ 1929-1933 A - K. ,. A ~. B 3. C "I. D Frederic A. '.Democratic Union 1. Dewson, Mary "Molly" ~Delano, t. F 1. Farley, James A. I•• G II. Greenway, Isabella 11.H 1,.Harvard Class of 1904 '''.House, Colonel Edward M. I~Howe, Louis McHenry IL.I n.J /f.K 24 Political Files. Correspondence as Governor. L - XYZ I. L A. M a.N "I. National Political S. l.. 0 1. O'Connor, Basil 1929-1933 - Container 24 (con't) 11 - Contents '1. P 9. Pamphlets lo.Pittman, Key II. Poli tical I~. R la. S lof. Smith, Alfred E. IS. V ~. Vanderbilt, Cornelius; Jr. I~ Power: Correspondence Water Power: Printed Materials I'. IvWater ~. Ab.XYZ 25 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. FDR: His Personal Letters. Correspondence and Reviews. 1948-1950. A - Z. 26 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. FDR: His Personal Letters. Drafts. 27 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. FDR: His Personal Letters. Transcripts --- (Topical) A-F. 28 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. FDR: His Personal Letters. Transcripts (Topical). F - N 29 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. FDR: His Personal Letters. Transcripts (Topical). N - W. 30 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. FDR: His Personal Letters. Transcripts Unused. 31 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. FDR: His Personal Letters. Transcripts Unused. Presidential Logs (Wartime Conferences) 1943-1945. - 12 Container 32 Contents Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. Bound Page Proofs. This I Remember. Manuscript. "John Paul Jones. 11 33 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. Affectionately, FDR. Selected Family Letters (copies). 34 Writings and Printed Materials. c.1943-1959 and Undated. Affectionately, FDR. Selected Family Letters (copies).
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