Foster Parent STARK COUNTY Job & Family S E R V ICES Grapevine Stark County Job & Family Services, Children Services Division Julie Barnes, Executive Director, Stark County Job & Family Services Nedra Petro, Deputy Director, Stark County Children Services Division January - February - March 2014 2014 Adoption Calendars Available Now We are very excited to bring you the 2014 adoption calendar featuring 15 children currently available for adoption. This year we visited the Pro Football Hall of Fame and our photographers took some outstanding photos that really highlight our wonderful children. We currently have 125 children looking for their forever families right here in Stark County. This year, we have distributed nearly 5,000 calendars with the help of local businesses, churches and community organizations. The calendar is free of charge. For more information about the 2014 adoption calendar, please contact Garret Kloots via e-mail - SCJFS Mission To partnerwith our customers, community and other service providers to protect children and vulnerable adults, stabilize and strengthen families, and encourage self sufficiency and personal responsibility. Greetings to each of you! As we look forward to 2014, and another year of working together for the benefit of Stark County’s most vulnerable children, I want to share some thoughts on the importance of taking care of yourself. Choosing to care for children who are hurting comes with a unique set of challenges and it is important to create a support network that can encourage, empower, and uplift you during difficult times. To Report Abuse/Neglect (330) 455-KIDS (5437) (800) 233-KIDS (5437) TDD (330) 438-8879 Foster Parenting & Adopting (330) 451-8789 Most families come to fostering with a support network of family, friends, and work colleagues. These same people can be part of your support system as a foster parent, but they are probably not enough. Fostering carries very unique challenges that are not understood by most people. Even your most supportive friends and family will not be able to truly understand some of what you will be going through, and there may even be things that you cannot share with them. “Foster Parent Grapevine” is a publication of Stark County Job & Family Services, 221 3rd St. S.E., Canton, OH 44702. One thing you can do to address the isolation that sometimes accompanies fostering is to actively seek out relationships with other foster parents. Other foster parents will not question your decision to go down this very difficult but rewarding path. They will support and encourage you. They can also provide you with insight if you are in a situation that they have dealt with. You can commiserate together when dealing with the struggles associated with raising a child with FASD. You can share ideas on what has worked for each of you in the past. If you have questions or comments please contact Garrett Kloots at (330) 452-4661 or e-mail . In the last couple years we have worked together to create a formal support group for Stark County foster parents. For one reason or another, our Foster Parent Forum was unable to provide what you needed. Although it is currently on hold, it can and will be resurrected any time you need it to be. Meanwhile, I urge you to create your own foster parent support network. If you need help locating a foster parent with experiences similar to yours, or foster families who live nearby, please let us know. We will do our best to help you find the support network you need. Best wishes for a safe and prosperous 2014. And, as always, know that your dedication and sacrifice are valued and appreciated! Nedra Petro, MPA, LSW Deputy Director, Children Services 2 Connect with Us Please share our social media pages with family and friends. The more social media followers we have, the more people know of the important work we are doing throughout Stark County. @starkcountyjfs @starkcountyjfs starkcountyjfs @starkcountyjfs SCJFS: Eyes Wide Open We have begun new efforts that will help change the way we showcase our children looking for forever families and in turn we have also begun to showcase you, our foster and adoptive families in new and exciting ways. I wanted to take the photos and written biographies of our children and bring them to life through video. We started out with a few brave children who want so badly to be adopted. These videos give amazing folks like you the chance to hear their voice, see their facial expressions, and connect with them as a person. I had a great time working with the kids in putting these videos together. We had so much fun that we decided to make an outtakes video of each child, which are filled with laughter and smiles. After the videos were posted to our Facebook page and YouTube channel, more of our children stepped forward to have their own videos made. We are very excited about the way this concept has taken off and look forward to bringing you more videos over the next few months. I really enjoyed talking with the kids and learning about each individual. Despite the struggles and hardships that these children have endured, at the end of the day, they are all like you and me. They love to share their interests and desires, have fun and laugh, and most of all, they want to share these moments with a family, and that is what love is really all about. These videos also gave us the opportunity to meet some amazing parents that have given their homes and hearts in order to foster and adopt children right here in Stark County. The first family I had the privilege of meeting was Curtis and Carolyn Arny. They have opened their home to children and SCJFS for several years through both foster and adoptive care. They have five beautiful children, three of which they have adopted. Their story is truly one of love, family and a desire to give children the love and the family that they all deserve. As we move into the New Year, I look forward to sharing more stories of children and families with you. If you would like to share your story with us, please contact me. May you all have a wonderful New Year! Welcome New Families James and Sharon Charmley Sean and Ronna Kibler James and Laura Coombs Rebecca Mason Joshua and Christina Weaver Matthew and Darcee Beach Christopher and Haley Huey Leon and Krista Raber Destry and Diane Nesbitt Compliance Corner Alternative Caregivers Alternative caregivers are individuals who may temporarily care for foster children (i.e. emergency caregivers or babysitters). Keep in mind that only alternative caregivers approved by the agency are able to provide care to foster children. If you need to know who the agency has on file as approved alternative caregivers for your family, contact your Family Resources worker. If you have individuals who you would like to submit for approval, request a form from your Family Resources worker. Garret Kloots Specialist, Marketing & Recruitment 330-451-8882 Emergencies & Inclement Weather On the day of a scheduled class, use this cell phone number to contact a member of our training staff after 4:30 p.m. Also, in the event any class is cancelled due to an emergency and/or inclement weather, you may access a voice mail message at this number. (3 3 0) 575 - 6 0 6 3 Cancellations will also be posted on WHBCs website, 3 Winter Foster Parent Training January Training SUCCESSFUL TRANSCULTURAL PARENTING: DEALING WITH THE DYNAMICS OF DIFFERENCE Date: Saturday, January 4, 2014 Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Facilitator: Janice Williams Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton This workshop is filled with practical strategies to empower successful families who have adopted or are fostering transculturally. Concrete tools are provided to build cultural identity based on predictable developmental stages. Parents will learn how to enhance cultural connectedness, how to talk frankly with children and youth about cultural issues, and how to advocate for youth in a manner that is respectful, reflective, and sensitive to cultural diversity. Sibling and extended family issues are explored within a framework of positive and successful family building. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 6 hours, Stipend: $60 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop LIVING THE LEGACY: THE DRAMATIC EFFECTS OF PRENATAL SUBSTANCE EXPOSURE Date: Tuesday, January 7, 2014 Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM Facilitator: Ronna Johnson Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton The tragic legacy of drug abuse is lived out by the children whose lives are forever changed by prenatal substance exposure. This course will provide an overview of commonly abused drugs, with a focus on how prenatal exposure impacts the developing child both before and after birth. Focus will be on understanding and supporting children, from birth through adolescence, who are challenged by drug withdrawal, prematurity, sensory integration disorders, and nutritional and health risks, as well as processing and attentional challenges that impact skill acquisition and learning. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 3 hours, Stipend: $30 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN HAIR AND SKIN CARE: AS I AM 981-32 Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM Facilitator: Dionne Miller-Fitch Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton This course provides information to caregivers concerning the home maintenance and professional maintenance of hair and skin care of children with bi-racial and African-American heritage, in addition to how hair care and grooming affects the self-esteem and confidence of the child as a whole. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 3 hours, Stipend: $30 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop “We have to start at home. There are too many sick kids, orphaned kids, kids who have never gotten to open a Christmas present, right in our own backyard.” -Jamie Foxx 4 CULTURAL ISSUES IN FOSTER CARE: DEALING WITH THE DYNAMICS OF DIFFERENCE Date: Saturday, January 25, 2014 Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Facilitator: CeCe Norwood Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton This workshop will explore the importance of culture in a foster family. Participants will learn to differentiate culture from race, ethnicity, or gender. Common cultural misconceptions and conflicts, particularly those involving foster families, will be addressed. Participants will learn about ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. The formation of racial identity for children will be presented. Finally, participants will develop parenting strategies to assist children in the development of strong, healthy identity formation and self-esteem. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 6 hours, Stipend: $60 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop February Training MANAGING THE STRESS OF PARENTING: PEACE IS A CHOICE FOR PARENTS Date: Saturday, February 1, 2014 Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Facilitator: Vicki Solomon Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton Raising children today presents challenges that our ancestors never dreamed of. Dealing with these challenges can be a source of great heartache for parents, causing worry, resentment, and stress that can threaten our emotional and physical well-being. We long for peace of mind at such times, but too often we look outside ourselves to find it. We think: “If only my child… then I would be peaceful.” And so peace eludes us, because the truth is that peace is an inside job. The trainer brings lessons learned and insights from her own experiences as the parent of a troubled adolescent as well as principles of cognitive psychology to teach caregivers how to maintain their peace of mind when the storms of childhood and adolescence roll through their homes. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 6 hours, Stipend: $60 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop CPR & FIRST AID Date: Saturday, February 1, 2014 Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Facilitator: Lori Covington, 1st Choice CPR Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton Registration: Contact Lori Covington with 1st Choice CPR at 330-415-4401-Cell or 330-499-4838-Office Limit: 30 Participants Training Credit: 5 hours Stipend: The cost for this class is $35.00; however your stipend will be $50.00. You MUST be licensed by SCJFS in order to be reimbursed. CPR& First Aid classes may also be taken at 1st Choice CPR . Their office is located at 4255 Portage St NW, North Canton. The North Canton location offers evening and Saturday classes. Please call the numbers listed above to register for this class. DEADLY DISTORTIONS: UNDERSTANDING EATING DISORDERS IN TEENS Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 Time: 9:00- 4:00 PM Facilitator: Ronna Johnson Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton If your teenager shows signs of having an eating disorder, you may hope that with the right mix of love, encouragement, and parental authority, he or she will just "snap out of it." If only it were that simple. This course discusses the importance of recognizing early signs and symptoms, treatment approaches that work, how to help your teen take charge of changes in eating habits and exercise, and finally, how to put up a united family front to prevent relapse. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 3 hours, Stipend: $30 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop 5 WHAT FAMILY TREE? SCHOOL ISSUES AND THE ADOPTED CHILD Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM Facilitator: Beth Cardina Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton Like all children, children who are adopted or in foster care spend a good portion of their waking hours in school. Because school is such an important aspect of children's lives, it is crucial that the child's school experience be a positive one. When a child experiences a problem at school, the parent might wonder if the problem is related to the child's child welfare experience or if it is a “generic” problem common to all children. This workshop will help parents know how and when to share information with their child's teacher and other school personnel, be able to talk with their child about how and when to share their “story” with peers, identify challenging assignments / moments that fostered or adopted children face in the school curriculum and be able to identify alternative strategies for approaching those assignments, and identify behaviors or situations that may require special help in the school setting. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 3 hours, Stipend: $30 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop UNDERSTANDING BIRTH PARENT ADDICTION AND THE IMPACT ON THE CHILDREN IN YOUR HOME Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM Facilitator: China Darrington Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton This training will provide some information to help foster parents understand the addicted birth parent. Presented by a trainer who battled these same issues as an addicted parent herself, she will try to explain why it was so challenging to put down the drugs and reclaim her role as an effective and active parent. Come away from this training with new awareness of how substance abuse takes over the brain and how to engage your birth parents in their treatment and recovery as well as their parenting, protect your own sanity and role as awesome foster parents and to communicate and be open with your foster kids about addiction and how it affects families. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 3 hours, Stipend: $30 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop March Training ANXIETY DISORDERS AMONG CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: RECOGNITION AND INTERVENTIONS Date: Thursday, March 6, 2014 Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM Facilitator: Stacy Simera Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton The purpose of this three-hour course is to educate foster parents and other caregivers on the diagnosis and treatment of child and adolescent anxiety disorders. DSM-IV diagnostic criteria and evidence-based treatment practices will be of primary focus. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 3 hours, Stipend: $30 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop "I was adopted into this incredible home, a loving, positive environment…I have a lot of respect for my birth mother and no feelings of anger or any of that. I know she must have had a lot of love for me to want to give me what she felt was a better chance.” -Faith Hill 6 RECOGNIZING AND RESPONDING TO CHILDREN WHO HAVE BEEN SEXUALLY ABUSED Date: Saturday, March 8, 2013 Time: 9:00- 4:00 PM Facilitator: CeCe Norwood Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton This workshop is designed for foster caregivers and adoptive parents who are caring for children who have been sexually abused. The workshop is offered with the understanding that many children in care, or who have been adopted, have not yet disclosed sexual abuse they have experienced. This workshop examines the definition and dynamics of sexual abuse of children. The training will examine the pervasive pathology existing within the sexually abusing home. The workshop develops understanding of the characteristics of caregivers that can best adjust to the needs children who have been sexually abused. Extensive parenting strategies, including strategies to prepare the home to receive children who have been sexually abused as well as strategies to enhance their ongoing care, will be presented. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 6 hours, Stipend: $60 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop RUNNING AWAY FROM FOSTER CARE Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014 Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM Facilitator: Katie Terry Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton This three-hour training session provides an overview of legal issues when children run, reasons for running behavior, and how to deal with each of the reasons. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 3 hours, Stipend: $30 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop HOW COME THE GLUE DOESN’T STICK? RELATING TO KIDS WHO STRUGGLE WITH BONDING Date: Saturday, March 22, 2014 Time: 9:00am- 4:00 PM Facilitator: Jim Still-Pepper Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton This training explores the impact placement has on the kids in their care. Caregivers will gain knowledge and insight into Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). Caregivers will be able to develop their own specific strategies to assist the children in their home in rebuilding trust. Increased understanding of this topic will lead to decreased frustration and improved relationships between caregivers and the kids in their care. Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 6 hours, Stipend: $60 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop HARD TARGET, KEEPING THEM SAFE IN CYBERSPACE Date: Monday, March 31, 2014 Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM Facilitator: Anthony President Location: Renkert Building, 300 Market Ave. North, Canton It is estimated that over 30 million children under the age of 18 use the internet (U.S. Department of Justice). Generation Y is the largest segment of the U.S. population with internet access. Although the internet is a great educational & social networking tool, there are very real dangers that lurk in the virtual world. This workshop deals with internet maladies in the form of sexting, internet predators, cyber bullying, and youth internet addiction and what Caregivers can do to help keep youth safe and protect themselves in cyber space. . Register at (330) 451-8246 or Limit: 40 Participants Training Credit: 3 hours, Stipend: $30 paid to each SCJFS foster parent who completes this workshop 7 Fall Harvest Party Our annual Fall Harvest Party continues to be a big hit with our children and families. We were very excited to have the OMG gaming trailer this year, which the kids really enjoyed. The weather was terrific throughout the day and the laughter and smiles made all of the effort worthwhile. 8 Meet One of Our Stars Adoption Advocacy Day at the Statehouse Jaquir Jaquir is one of our teens looking for a family. Jaquir is an outstanding student at Timken High school. He has a 4.2 GPA and is enrolled in the early college program, upper bound, young scholarships, CAMP (internships for future degree and jobs,) and Caring & Sharing Together at Glenmoor (volunteering and helping out). Adoption Advocacy Day shined a light on the importance of adoption and permanency for youth during the event that was held last Wednesday in the Ohio Statehouse. Representing affected children and families from across the state, the event speakers included an adoptive family and a former youth who was adopted and now advocates on behalf of youth in the child welfare system. In addition, Cynthia Dungey, Director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services spoke about the importance of children having parents. Director Dungey explained that her internship with children services was a catalyst to her getting involved with policy development. Representative Dorothy Pelanda and Attorney General Mike Dewine received awards for their work developing legislation that impacts the child welfare system. Melinda Sykes Haggerty accepted the award on behalf of the Attorney General. For the first time in the history of the event, Ohio Adoption Planning Group members incorporated a legislative advocacy initiative after the event; members visited legislators that represented their districts to speak about adoption and permanent homes for foster youth. 9 STARK COUNTY JFS - CHILDREN SERVICES DIVISION - PHONE LIST DECEMBER 2013 If calling from outside the county phone system, please dial 330-451 and the number listed. ADMINISTRATION PETRO, NEDRA - Dep. Director NEISEL, MICHELLE-Admin. Assistant 2 LOBBY KRAJCI, TINA - Receptionist 8032 LEGAL DEPARTMENT COLEMAN, JERRY - Legal Counsel BARCALOW, LAURA COMPTON, QUAY- Attorney Supv. EOFF, CRISTINA - Attorney LOUY, LISA - Attorney PARIANO, RENEE PHILLIPS, JAMES - Attorney POTWORA, CHRISTINE 8891 8891 8781 8796 8891 8781 8781 8796 8846 8846 ASSESSMENT/INTAKE SMITH, DENISE- Prog. Admin. ON-CALL FILM, JENNIFER HASKELL, CATHY BELEAL, STEPHANIE-Supv. BAILEY, CAYLA CAMPBELL, ALICIA MCLEOD, MONICA MOLL, BRIAN SALAZAR, MERISA STEGEMAN, JESSICA YARD, LYNSEY REPORT LINE DEAN, JESSICA - Supv. 8840 3390 3390 8959 1718 8689 8518 8987 8673 8133 8030 8855 *3390 IS AN INTERNAL LINE ONLY FISCAL DEPARTMENT PAYMENT PROCESSING LEWIS, BARBARA-Supv. AMAN, SUSAN BEARD, KAREN BERGER, DEBRA GORE, BARBARA SHRIGLEY, SANDY BENEFIT MANAGEMENT SNYDER, BARB - Supv. LOURY, NANCY SIVY, JUDY SNAUFFER, MICHELLE STEVENS,, KERI ADOPTION & FAMILY RESOURCES JOBE, NANCY- Prog. Admin. PLACEMENTS/INDEPENDENT LIVING CROOKSTON, KENNY - Supv. INDEPENDENT LIVING GOINS, SARAH - IL Specialist HAYSLIP, JULIE - IL Specialist PLACEMENTS DUNGAN, MELISSA KERRY, LISA MONTERRUBIO-BRADY, MICHELE PLACEMENT LINE ADOPTIONS FRANCISCO, TARANNA- Supv. CARPENTER, ROBERT CHANEY, MONIQUE FUSSELL, ANDY - PPLA HILL, KOURTNEY -Unit Support Wkr. MILLER, ANDREA MULLEN, ANN MARIE - PPLA FOSTER PARENT TRAINING/HS FRANK, LINDY-Supv. JONES, DIANA - HS LOOMIS, JENNIFER- Inquiry Unit Support PODA, SUSAN - FP Trainer WENDY's WONDERFUL KIDS BELL, IVY - WWK Recruiter GRASS, ALISA - WWK Recruiter ROWE, AMANDA - WWK Recruiter COMPLIANCE/SUPPORT KENNEDY, SHANNON - Supv. EITMAN, CHRIS FURR HAMILTON, DAPHNE GLADIEUX, LISA MAYLOR, MARNE - Unit Support Wkr. McMASTER, CONNIE PARSONS, ELIZABETH ADOPTIONS MONTGOMERY, LYNDA-Supv. BAUMGARDNER, THEANA - Post Adopt LEWIS, REBECCA - PPLA LUCHITZ, DENISE SMELSER, LAURA STRICKLAND, KELLY - Post Adopt WILKERSON, CARLSON 8627 8699 8700 8908 8898 8698 8593 8764 8247 8978 8584 858 8842 8209 8899 8828 8295 8751 8849 8688 8729 8148 8804 8696 8199 8870 8785 8905 8754 8789 8822 8820 8730 8760 8806 8839 8746 8767 8246 8810 8848 8147 8594 8812 8294 8878 8149 8721 COULTER, SANDRA FOSTER, ANGELA HUMMEL, KATIE HUTCHISON, CATHE MYERS, LYN STEIN, JENNIE WARLEY, LYNN SEXUAL ABUSE UNIT GRIFFITH, CHELSEA-Supv. CUTLER, SUZANNE MACK, CARLA PRATER, STEPHANIE SPENCER, PAMELA STONE,, BRITTNEE TAYLOR, CJ - Forensic Interviewer DIFFERENTIAL RESPONSE UNIT MORTON, MONICA-Supv. CARO, ROZ DEHAAS, LINDSAY HAMILTON, DARRYLYNN JONES, ELIIZABETH LELLO, LINDA- Unit Support Wkr. MOORE, AMBER DIFFERENTIAL RESPONSE UNIT PEDANI, TRACY -Supv. BATES, KRISHINA CONROY, DAYTONA JEFFERS, JENNY- Unit Support Wkr. KIDDER, ANGELA SANDERS, LATRESE SIKAFFY, LESLIE - Supv. ARMSTEAD, CHARITI ASHLEY, JOSEPH BROWN, KRISTAL HARRIS, BRANDON KNICKERBOCKER, JENNIFER SUPPORT SERVICES MAYLE, TRICIA - Prog. Admin. COA TUCKER, JENNIFER- Evaluator WILCOX, KRISTEN - Evaluator FTM & PROTECTOHIO MYERS, KIM - FTM Facilitator RALSTON, HOLLY - FTM Facilitator SIEGFRIED, CHERYL - Kinship Coord. TRAINING UNIT DUCK, ANGI- Supv. KEIM, JEANNINE ALBRECHT, ELISABETH LAMB, MEGAN PARKER, RAE THORN, MEREDITH TOWNS, KELLAN WILLIAMS, KIMBERLEY INTERNS DEMKO, ERIN MURRAY, MORGAN SNYDER, JENNIFER- Supv. MCALLISTER, TRACEY - Admin. Asst. I NORTHWOODS BLOOD, APRIL - Unit Support Wkr. GALES, EMILY - Unit Support Wkr. RECORDS KOPCHA, SHIRLEY - Clerical Specialist 3390 3390 3390 3390 3390 3390 3390 8044 8779 1720 8136 8138 8778 8 8 8904 8717 8985 8106 8078 8519 8982 1719 8825 8144 8135 8918 8145 8118 1721 1713 8137 8629 8130 8773 8077 MAYLE, DERRICK WALTHER, ALLISON YOUNG, ANITA FIELD SUPPORT UNIT KINDY, DESIREE - Supv. CRUTCHLEY, KAREN - SS Aide DUFFY, DENISE - SS Aide KROLL, LORI - SS Aide LAUGHLIN, MEIGHAN - SS Aide ROWLANDS, SUMMERLY - SS Aide WYMER, DOREEN - SS Aide DIFFERENTIAL RESPONSE KURTZ, PHILLIP-Supv. BIEHL,, ZINA COBLENTZ, NICOLE MCARTHUR, BREANNE MCPHERSON, DENISE MUNO, CAROLE- Unit Support Wkr. RENZI, KELLY SHEDLOCK, LAURA WEINGART, RACHEL MOORE, CINDY-Supv. ARMSTEAD, DIONNE HOSTETLER, CARRIE OLDAKER, WENDY POUNDS, WANDA REYNA, ROBIN - Unit Support Wkr. SINGLETON, MICHAELE SMITH, CHERI WILLIAMS, KELLI CHILDREN'S NETWORK CURRAN, CHELI - Program Director COSTELLO, MARIO - Peer Navigator HICKEY, JACKIE - Unit Support Wkr. VON SPIEGEL, JOHN - Investigator MENTAL HEALTH Admin. Conf. Room - 2nd Floor 8903 8881 8143 Conference Room C - 1st Floor 8927 8146 8146 8146 8146 8146 8146 8146 8146 8146 8146 8783 8121 8505 8893 8851 8031 SACWIS TUNNEY, KRISTI - SACWIS Coordinator 8790 8109 8809 8841 8529 8914 8720 8091 8837 8896 8205 8913 8731 8834 8029 8398 8815 8923 8782 8772 8897 8588 8618 8103 8193 8701 8761 8916 8 6 8780 8836 8836 8819 8753 8802 8391 8650 8142 8907 8833 8221 8794 8838 8291 8784 1705 1701 1702 1734 8189 CONFERENCE ROOM NUMBERS 8850 8646 MCGREW, MOLLY- Clerical Specialist 10 ONGOING/FAMILY SERVICES HILANEH, MARY- Prog. Admin. CHAMBLISS, LINDA-Supv. EGGENSCHWILER, LISA HOREY, JAMIE MITCHELL, VICKI PAUL, MAGGIE ROUSSEAU, AMBER SENFF, STACY SNYDER, SUE WEIR, TRACEY - Unit Support Wkr. CLIFFORD, TERRELL-Supv. BASH, SHERI CHENAULT, ADRIENNE CRAIG, AMY FORTUNE, JULIE - Unit Support Wkr. Conference Room A - 1st Floor Conference Room B- 1st Floor Conference Room D - 1st Floor Conference Room E - 1st Floor Interview Room #1 - 1st Floor Interview Room #2 - 1st Floor Legal Conference Room ADMINISTRATION FAX BENEFIT MANAGEMENT (IV-E) LEGAL DEPARTMENT FAX NETWORK FAX 452BOOKKEEPING FAX 8046 8039 8038 8037 8056 8085 8034 8035 8884 8706 8546 8769 2181 8788 VISITATION CENTER 8092 SECURITY 8847 STARK COUNTY JFS ~ CHILDREN SERVICES DIVISION ALPHABETICAL EMAIL DIRECTORY ~ DECEMBER 2013 (All email addressess end in LAST NAME A ALBRECHT AMAN ARMSTEAD ARMSTEAD ASHLEY B BAILEY BARCALOW BASH BATES BAUMGARDNER BEARD BELEAL BELL BERGER BIEHL BLOOD BROWN C CAMPBELL CARO CARPENTER CHAMBLISS CHANEY CHENAULT CLIFFORD COBLENTZ COLEMAN COMPTON CONROY COSTELLO COULTER CRAIG CROOKSTON CRUTCHLEY CURRAN CUTLER D DEAN DEHAAS DUCK DUFFY DUNGAN E EGGENSCHWILER EITMAN EOFF F FORTUNE FOSTER FRANCISCO FRANK FURR HAMILTON FUSSELL G GALES GLADIEUX GOINS GORE GRASS GRIFFITH H HAMILTON HARRIS HAYSLIP HICKEY HILANEH HILL HOREY HOSTETLER HUMMEL HUTCHISON J JEFFERS JOBE JONES JONES K KEIM KENNEDY KERRY KIDDER KINDY KNICKERBOCKER KOPCHA KRAJCI KROLL KURTZ L LAMB LAUGHLIN LELLO LEWIS LEWIS LOOMIS LOURY LOUY LUCHITZ FIRST NAME ELISABETH SUSAN CHARITI DIONNE JOSEPH CAYLA LAURA SHERI KRISHINA THEANA KAREN STEPHANIE IVY DEBRA ZINA APRIL KRISTAL ALICIA ROZ ROBERT LINDA MONIQUE ADRIENNE TERRELL NICOLE JERRY QUAY DAYTONA MARIO SANDRA AMY KENNETH KAREN CHELI SUZANNE JESSICA LINDSAY ANGI DENISE MELISSA LISA CHRISTINE CRISTINA JULIE ANGELA TARANNA LINDY DAPHNE ANDY EMILY LISA SARAH BARBARA ALISA CHELSEA DARRYLYNN BRANDON JULIE JACKIE MARY KOURTNEY JAMIE CARRIE KATIE CATHE JENNY NANCY DIANA ELIZABETH JEANNINE SHANNON LISA ANGELA DESIREE JENNIFER SHIRLEY TINA LORI PHILLIP MEGAN MEIGHAN LINDA BARBARA REBECCA JENNIFER NANCY LISA DENISE EXT. 8146 8699 1713 8142 8137 1718 8891 8731 8144 8594 8700 8959 8820 8908 8916 8505 8629 8689 8985 8148 8809 8804 8834 8913 8780 8891 8781 8135 1701 3390 8029 8209 8897 1705 8779 8855 8106 8927 8588 8295 8841 8839 8796 8398 3390 8729 8905 8746 8696 8893 8767 8899 8898 8730 8044 8078 8130 8828 1702 8109 8199 8529 8907 3390 3390 8918 8842 8754 8519 8146 8806 8751 8145 8772 8773 8851 8032 8618 8761 8146 8103 8982 8627 8812 8789 8764 8786 8294 EMAIL albree amans armstc armstd01 ashlej01 bailec02 barcal bashs batesk baumgt beardk beleals belli01 berged01 biehlz blooda brownk13 campba04 caror carper chambl chanem01 chenaa clifft coblen colemj06 comptq conrod costem coults craiga02 crookk01 crutck curram cutles deanj01 dehaal ducka duffyd dungam eggenl eitmac01 eoffc fortuj fostea01 franct frankl hamild01 fussea galese gladil goinss01 goreb grassa01 griffe hamild harrib05 hayslj hickej hilanm hillk11 horeyj01 hostec hummek hutchc01 jeffej joben jonesd13 jonese02 keimj kennes01 kerryl kiddea01 kindyd y knickj kopchs ktajct krolll kurtzp lambm laughm lellol lewisb04 lewisr04 loomij louryn louyl01 luchid LAST NAME M MACK MAYLE MAYLE MAYLOR MCALLISTER MCARTHUR MCGREW MCLEOD MCMASTER MCPHERSON MILLER MITCHELL MOLL MONTERRUBIO MONTGOMERY MOORE MOORE MORTON MULLEN MUNO MYERS MYERS N NEISEL O OLDAKER P PARIANO PARKER PARSONS PAUL PEDANI PETRO PHILLIPS PODA POTWORA POUNDS PRATER R RALSTON RENZI REYNA ROUSSEAU ROWE ROWLANDS S SALAZAR SANDERS SENFF SHEDLOCK SHRIGLEY SIEGFRIED SIKAFFY SINGLETON SIVY SMELSER SMITH SMITH SNAUFFER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SPENCER STEGEMAN STEIN STEVENS STONE STRICKLAND T TAYLOR THORN TOWNS TUCKER TUNNEY W WALTHER WARLEY WEINGART WEIR WILCOX WILKERSON WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WYMER Y YARD YOUNG 11 FIRST NAME CARLA DERRICK TRICIA MARNE TRACEY BREANNE MOLLY MONICA CONNIE DENISE ANDREA VICKI BRIAN MICHELE LYNDA AMBER CINDY MONICA ANN MARIE CAROLE KIMBERLY LYNETTE MICHELLE WENDY RENEE RAE ELIZABETH MAGGIE PEDANI NEDRA JAMES SUSAN CHRISTINE WANDA STEPHANIE HOLLY KELLY ROBIN AMBER AMANDA SUMMERLY MERISA LATRESE STACY LAURA SANDRA CHERYL LESLIE MICHAELE JUDY LAURA DENISE CHERI MICHELLE BARB JENNIFER SUE PAMELA JESSICA JENNIE KERI BRITTNEE KELLY CJ MEREDITH KELLAN JENNIFER KRISTI ALLISON LYNN RACHEL TRACEY KRISTEN CARLSON KELLI KIMBERLEY DOREEN LYNSEY ANITA EXT. 1720 8815 8077 8246 8121 8836 8031 8518 8810 8836 8870 8914 8987 8849 8147 1719 8650 8717 8785 8819 8903 3390 8846 8833 8781 8146 8848 8720 8825 8846 8781 8822 8796 8221 8136 8881 8753 8794 8091 8760 8193 8673 8118 8837 8802 8698 8143 1721 8838 8247 8878 8840 8291 8978 8593 8783 8896 8138 8133 3390 8584 8778 8149 8904 8146 8146 8850 8790 8923 3390 8391 8205 8646 8721 8784 8146 8701 8030 8782 EMAIL mackc mayled maylet maylom mcallt mcartb01 mcgrem01 mcleom mcmasc mcphed millea05 mitchv mollb montem montgl01 moorea01 moorec05 mortom01 mullea01 munoc myersk myersl neisem oldakw pariar parker04 parsoe paulm pedant petron phillj04 podas potwoc01 poundw d prates ralsth01 renzik reynar roussa rowea01 rowlas01 salazm sandel senffs shedll shrigs siegfc sikafl singlm sivyj smelsl smithd25 smithc27 snaufm snydeb01 snydej04 snydes spencp stegej steinj03 stevek stoneb strick tayloc03 thornm03 townsk02 tuckej02 tunnek waltha01 louthl weingr weirt wilcok01 wilkec01 willik13 willik01 wymerd yardl younga03
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