A pocket history of the NSPCC NSPCC, Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH Telephone: 020 7825 2500 email: info@nspcc.org.uk www.nspcc.org.uk Images from NSPCC archive. Child photography on pages 30, 34-38 by Jon Challicom, posed by models. Registered charity number 216401 and SC037717. NS/0039 A pocket history of the NSPCC The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) was founded in 1884. Its aim then was to protect children from cruelty and to support vulnerable families. The Society today may look very different, but its purpose remains the same: to end cruelty to children. Introduction Since the Society formed, it has been integral to the development of child protection policy and practice in this country, and has helped more than 10 million children. We now have 180 teams and services helping to protect children across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. Scotland and the Republic of Ireland now have their own independent societies for the prevention of cruelty to children, established in 1909 and 1956 respectively. What follows is a brief history of the NSPCC, explaining the Society’s key achievements so far and looking to the future for the challenges the NSPCC will face in the 21st century. A pocket history of the NSPCC 3 Life in Victorian Britain The late 19th century was a time of social deprivation and great hardship for many children. The Reverend George Staite summed up the inhumanity of the era in a letter to the Liverpool Mercury in 1881: “…whilst we have a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, can we not do something to prevent cruelty to children?” However, social attitudes made a very clear distinction between the public and private lives of Victorians. Even the famous reformer Lord Shaftesbury said to Staite: “The evils you state are enormous and indisputable, but they are of so private, internal and domestic a nature as to be beyond the reach of legislation.” Liverpool banker, Thomas Agnew, on a trip to New York in 1881, visited the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. He was so impressed by the charity, that on his return he set up a similar venture in Liverpool in 1883, the Liverpool Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Children suffered greatly in the 19th century as the Government resisted passing legislation that would interfere in the private lives of Victorians. 4 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 5 1884-1914 Early days of child protection The London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was established on 8 July 1884, following guidance from Thomas Agnew. Lord Shaftesbury was appointed as president and the Reverend Benjamin Waugh and Reverend Edward Rudolf as joint honorary secretaries. Waugh was to be significant in shaping the Society’s future. After witnessing the levels of deprivation and child cruelty in Greenwich, London where he lived, Waugh’s urgent priority was to draw public and government attention to the plight of children. By 1889 the London Society had 32 branches, known as aid committees, throughout England, Wales and Scotland. Each branch raised funds from donations, subscriptions and legacies to support an inspector, who investigated reports of child abuse and neglect. At the 1889 annual general meeting the Society changed its name to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Queen Victoria became Patron and Waugh was appointed as Director. The Reverend Benjamin Waugh, founder of the NSPCC. 6 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 7 The Children’s Charter was also passed in 1889. This was the first Act of Parliament aimed at protecting children from cruelty and for the first time ever, British law could intervene in relations between parents and children. The police could now arrest anyone found ill-treating a child and could obtain a warrant to enter the home of any child thought to be in danger. The Act proved a crucial landmark for the Society, which had spent five years lobbying Parliament for the need to govern the treatment of children. Princess Mary, who later became Queen Mary, subscribed to the Society in 1891. She inspired the formation of the Children’s League of Pity, a forerunner of today’s NSPCC Schools Fundraising. By the start of the 20th century the NSPCC had been granted a Royal Charter and had 163 inspectors, a six-fold increase on ten years earlier. The 1904 Prevention of Cruelty Act granted the NSPCC its unique authorised person status, enabling inspectors to remove children from abusive or neglectful homes with the consent of a Justice of the Peace. By 1905 the NSPCC had helped more than one million children. An early NSPCC inspector. 8 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 9 1914-1944 The war years The onset of the First World War meant many of the male NSPCC inspectors were called up for military service, and for the first time women took on this role. Following the 1916 War Charities Act, the NSPCC began using street collectors to raise money. Branches held annual NSPCC Flag Days, which quickly became highly effective means of raising revenue. In 1920, the NSPCC started providing specialist services to meet specific social needs. Four female inspectors in London set up a medical branch to deal with problems relating to poor nutrition and living conditions. An NSPCC inspector was also established to help canal boat children, who were living in appalling conditions and received no education. The era’s emerging media also had a major impact on the Society: the future King Edward VIII spoke on behalf of the NSPCC in a 1926 radio broadcast and by the early 1930s the NSPCC was one of the first charities to screen fundraising films in cinemas and later on television. Women inspectors were first employed during the First World War when many of their male counterparts were called up for military service. 10 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 11 The 1932 Children and Young Person’s Act, and the further Act of 1933, served to improve child protection in Britain, bringing together all existing child protection legislation into one Act. By the outbreak of war in 1939, five million children had been helped by the NSPCC. The public now widely accepted the work of the charity and parents and relatives of children came to the charity directly for help. During the Second World War the NSPCC continued to operate and it advised the Government on child protection issues raised by the war, for example the treatment of evacuees. In 1944, Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth became President of the NSPCC and at the NSPCC’s 1944 Diamond Jubilee meeting said: “I do not think there is any organisation which performs a more vital service to our country’s welfare.” HRH The Princess Elizabeth, President of the NSPCC 1944-1952. 12 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 13 1945-1974 The state of British welfare The experience of war taught Britain the vital necessity of protecting its most important asset – the future generation. Immediately after the war, rates of divorce, separation and child neglect increased and by 1947 a national committee had been set up to look into the problems affecting British family life. The 1948 Children Act saw the establishment of local authority children’s committees and children’s officers, following the recommendations of the Curtis Report. The NSPCC was involved in the Curtis Committee, which looked at protecting children in foster homes, following the death of Dennis O’Neill at the hands of his foster carers. At this time the NSPCC was also calling for preparation for parenthood lessons at school. In the post-war period the NSPCC experienced an increased number of calls for advice directly from parents and carers. The increasingly demanding workloads on inspectors prevented them from providing the follow up support required by such families, so the NSPCC established a Women Visitors’ Scheme in 1948, where female staff would visit families, offering advice and help. An NSPCC inspector in the post-war period. 14 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 15 As the Welfare State became fundamental to British life, state-run child protection services began to overlap with those provided by the NSPCC. The 1960 Ingleby Report drew up a list of recommendations of how to forge a better relationship. As a result, the NSPCC agreed to co-ordinate cases with governmental bodies, but its status as an authorised person and its power to intervene were called into question. This prompted the charity’s director, the Reverend Arthur Morton, to launch a major campaign and the Society successfully maintained this legal power. By 1963 the NSPCC had a child protection staff of 325, who helped 121,565 children in that year alone. In the same year, the Children and Young Persons Act gave many local authorities responsibility for providing support to families at home, in order to reduce the number of children being taken into care. This radically changed the number of vulnerable families being dealt with by the NSPCC, and meant that the charity could start developing other, more specialised services, such as child and family therapies. NSPCC President (1953-2002), HRH The Princess Margaret, meeting some of the last uniformed inspectors. 16 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 17 The 1960s was a decade of change for the charity. The NSPCC developed its child protection research and consultation service, which later became a leading authority on child protection. A network of playgroups for children between the ages of two-and-a-half and five thought to be at risk, or from deprived communities, were set up and it further modernised its structure. By the start of the 1970s the NSPCC had introduced a training course for fundraisers, a social work training course, abolished its uniforms and all female child protection staff enjoyed the same status as their male counterparts. It also set up its first Special Unit in Manchester in 1973, which was on call 24 hours a day for child counselling, professional consultation and a central register of children at risk. Pop singer Lulu and champion boxer Henry Cooper take to the streets as part of the NSPCC Support the Stars Appeal, 1972. 18 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 19 1974-1999 100 years of the NSPCC The 1970s saw an increase in public and media scrutiny of social work following several high profile child deaths. In 1974, the NSPCC set up a Battered Child Advisory Centre with a full range of specialist services for children in need of protection and their families. The Special Unit in Manchester opened a Family Day Centre at the unit in 1976; this proved to be such a success, 13 more units were developed together with local authorities and the Department of Health. The Special Units produced a series of groundbreaking reports at the end of the 1970s covering 10 per cent of the population. The findings showed that each year at least 7,700 children suffered physical abuse, which included 110 deaths. Annual Council Meeting address on the battered baby syndrome. 20 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 21 In 1983, despite feeling the effects of the worldwide recession, the NSPCC drew up a Centenary Charter with the Society’s priorities for the future to coincide with the NSPCC’s centenary. The Centenary Charter’s first aim was to set up 60 child protection teams across the country to replace inspectors. In order to raise funds to achieve this, the Society launched a Centenary Appeal. A series of fundraising events followed and donations totalled more than £14 million, most of which came through 30,000 volunteers. The Children Act of 1989 brought about a review of the services provided by the NSPCC. The subsequent Strategy for the Nineties outlined how the Society could best use its resources to protect children. Services were developed on the basis of local need from eight regions throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In May 1989 the NSPCC also opened its purpose-built National Child Protection Training Centre in Leicester. The centre is now widely recognised as a national centre of excellence for child protection training and consultancy. The NSPCC marked its 100th birthday in 1984 with the launch of the Centenary Appeal. 22 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 23 The 1980s also saw the opening of the NSPCC’s first public affairs department and the Society’s first major public awareness campaign using a multimedia approach. The NSPCC’s Public Policy department contributed to and influenced both the Children Act in 1989, and the 1996 Family Law Act. It also campaigned hard for legal reform, and in 1996 children were awarded the right to give evidence by video, including during cross-examination. During the 1990s, campaigning and parliamentary work continued to play a major role in the NSPCC’s mission to end cruelty to children as they had done since its earliest days. The Society felt that far greater resources were used to deal with the aftermath of abuse, than were used to prevent abuse happening in the first place. As such, the NSPCC set up its Child Protection Helpline in 1991. This free, 24-hour, nationwide service was the first of its kind in Europe. Anyone worried about the safety of a child could obtain advice quickly and easily from an experienced telephone counsellor at any time of the day or night. The NSPCC also funded the National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention of Child Abuse in 1994. Promotional material from the NSPCC's first multi-media campagin, The Forgotten Children, in 1986. 24 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 25 1999-2007 The FULL STOP Campaign and Appeal The National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention of Child Abuse produced a report in 1996 stating “child abuse can almost always be prevented, provided the will to do so is there.” Following this report, the NSPCC drew up its most ambitious campaign ever in March 1999, the FULL STOP Campaign and the associated FULL STOP Appeal. FULL STOP has one single aim – to end cruelty to children. This means creating and sustaining a society where all children are loved, valued and able to fulfil their potential, free from the fear of physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. The NSPCC hopes to bring about fundamental changes in attitudes and behaviour towards children, and involve individuals, communities and organisations from every part of society in the Campaign. The FULL STOP Campaign launched with a series of hard-hitting adverts showing famous faces covering their eyes. 26 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 27 The FULL STOP Campaign required the NSPCC to work at a level that it never had before. In order to support this, the FULL STOP Appeal was created to raise £250 million on top of the NSPCC’s usual fundraising income. The Appeal, which lasted until April 2007, exceeded its targets and, with the support of NSPCC supporters and partners, helped to create a period of unprecedented change. Just a few of the achievements made possible by the Appeal include: ● ● ● Expansion of the NSPCC’s services for children. In 1999, there was just one Specialist Investigation Service team, based in London. Now called the Independent Enquiry and Assessment Service, it exists as a national network across the UK and Channel Islands. Support for the Appeal also enabled the NSPCC to continue providing all of its existing services whilst ChildLine joined the Society. The NSPCC’s other activities to end cruelty to children – including lobbying, training and consultancy services and public education campaigns – have also increased, and are helping to change the way society thinks and behaves. The Appeal has created an amazing platform for the continued success of the FULL STOP Campaign. The so-called "cartoon boy" advert used animation to depict abuse and encouraged people to take action if they thought a child was being abused. 28 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 29 Being someone to turn to In 2006 ChildLine formally became part of the NSPCC, meaning the Society was able to help, support and protect even more children and young people. ChildLine’s memorable number, 0800 1111, remains the same, and it continues to provide a 24-hour free, confidential helpline service for thousands of callers each day. They call to talk about many different things, but some of the more common subjects include bullying, family tensions and abuse. The ChildLine in Partnerships (CHIPS) outreach service also continues to work in schools and other youth settings, helping to equip children and young people with the skills to support each other. Whilst joining the NSPCC, ChildLine also celebrated a milestone of its own: its 20th birthday. Since 1986 it had helped more than a million children. CHILDREN 1ST provides the ChildLine service in Scotland on behalf of the NSPCC. 30 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 31 The NSPCC is committed to ensuring that ChildLine can provide help, support and advice for all children and young people who need it. In 2007, the UK Government gave the NSPCC a grant of £30 million over four years to help develop its helpline services and ensure that more children and young people are protected, and receive the support they need. The funding will help to strengthen ChildLine’s existing telephone helpline service, as well as enabling it to provide support and advice online or by SMS text. It will also boost the NSPCC’s adult-facing Child Protection Helpline service. However, much more is needed if the Society is to be able to answer all calls, both from children and adults. For this reason, the helpline services are the focus of the NSPCC’s fundraising for the immediate future. ChildLine wants to be there for all children and young, whatever their problem. 32 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 33 NSPCC – the future Today the NSPCC’s purpose remains the same – to end cruelty to children. The objectives by which it aims to achieve its mission are: ● To mobilise everyone to take action to end cruelty to children. ● To give children the help, support and environment they need to stay safe from cruelty. ● To find new ways of working with communities to keep children safe from cruelty. ● To be, and be seen as, someone to turn to for children and young people. Children and young people are now more involved than ever in all aspects of the Society’s work, as the NSPCC aims to both speak on their behalf and make sure they have someone to turn to for help. Children’s views are especially important as the charity increases ChildLine’s ability to offer support. Meanwhile, increased support for the Child Protection Helpline will enable any adult who is concerned about a child’s wellbeing to receive the support and advice they need. Our vision is of a society where all children are loved, valued and able to fulfil their potential. 34 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 35 Rather than simply continuing to expand in all areas, the NSPCC’s strategy for the future focuses on enabling others across society to do everything they can to end child cruelty. This means spreading good practice by ensuring the Society’s services work with local authorities and others with an interest in protecting children and young people. It also means more working in partnership with other organisations of all shapes and sizes to put essential safeguarding measures in place. New projects such as the Safe Place and Fresh Start centres, in Merseyside and London respectively, will act as centres of excellence, providing services for children, conducting research and offering training for other professionals. Local campaigns will help to address the differing issues faced by children and young people in individual communities. Meanwhile, on a more personal level, the annual Be the FULL STOP campaign gives you a range of good deeds by which you can play your part throughout the year. Protecting childen remains the sole focus of all our activities. 36 A pocket history of the NSPCC A pocket history of the NSPCC 37 The NSPCC believes there can be no more important achievement in the UK and Channel Islands than to end cruelty to children. As the Reverend Benjamin Waugh observed, “The NSPCC is not just another children’s charity. It is an organisation which will fight to obtain the citizenship of every child and justice for all children.” Play your part at: www.nspcc.org.uk 38 A pocket history of the NSPCC
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