CET CONTINUING EDUCATION & TRAINING 2 FREE CET POINTS Approved for: Optometrists 4 AS Points 4 SP Points OT CET content supports Optometry Giving Sight 4 IP Points Having trouble signing in to take an exam? View CET FAQ Go to www.optometry.co.uk 4 substantially ‘damaged’ (see OT, August Management Options for UK Optometrists Part 4 General eye irritation and allergic conjunctivitis 13 2010). Such compromise will likely be Course code: C-14569 O/AS/SP/IP (fTBUT) values then cause ocular surface associated with a change in the goblet cells, such that a vicious cycle can result in mucin deficiency that destabilises the tear film; very short fluorescein tear break-up time desiccation and a worsening of the staining. Immediately under the 33 conjunctiva are numerous nerve fibre terminals that endow the conjunctiva with sensitivity to mechanical stimuli as well as to sensitivity to tactile stimuli of the bulbar conjunctiva is rather lower than that of the central cornea, but has also indicated that sub-normal sensitivity is associated with a higher than normal eyeblinking.4 This sensitivity is, in some way, linked to the function of the trigeminal nervous Professor Michael J. Doughty, PhD This article considers the aetiology and demographics of general conjunctival irritation, including seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC) and perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC). In terms of patient management, assessment system that forms organised fibre bundles slightly deeper in the sub-epithelial connective tissue (Figure 1). Therefore, an acute response to an irritant might and follow-up, guidelines need to be carefully considered for each type stimulate of condition as does the finer details of legislation relevant to the use of reflex lacrimation), while a longer-term different drugs in eye brighteners, decongestants, decongestant / topical consequence of chronic irritation appears antihistamines, and oral antihistamines, as well as mast cell stabilisers. to be a reduction in conjunctival sensitivity Special consideration will be given to access to topical ocular antihistamines that also results in increased eyeblinking. and a topical NSAID by additional supply (AS level) optometrists. The sub-epithelial connective tissue excessive eyeblinking (and (parenchyma) is richly supplied with Aetiology of ocular irritation and reactions to external allergens lacrimation and eyeblinking are likely, as blood this system attempts to clear the tear film distinctive smooth muscle surrounding Patients can report a variety of symptoms of the cause. There will also be changes in them and the venules more likely to associated with tear film deficiencies, the complex structure of the conjunctival have a fenestrated endothelial lining often loosely referred to as ‘dry eye’ (see epithelium tissue and the connective tissue (Figure 1). All the blood vessels are likely OT, July 16 2010). Slightly different immediately underlying it (Figure 1). innervated by the autonomic nervous Most of the healthy conjunctival surface system (ANS), with the sympathetic symptoms, including ‘discomfort’ or vessels, the arterioles having ‘itchiness’, can also be experienced in is patients not having dry eye disease (DED); within the layers of which are goblet cells arterioles and the parasympathetic nervous all, however, are sensory responses to providing mucin that forms the basal system anything abnormal and/or threatening aspect of the tear film layer. The surface venules. It is unknown how the balance to the conjunctiva. If the exposure to of the conjunctiva can change such that of these ANS effects is altered if there irritants (eg, organic fumes) or allergens it will ‘stain’ with fluorescein if slightly is a change in conjunctival sensitivity. (eg, compromised and with rose bengal if more pollen) persists, then increased composed of non-squamous 1-3 cells (adrenergic) The system (cholinergic) parenchyma dominating controlling also the the contains 15/10/10 CET irritants. Recent research confirms that the CET CONTINUING EDUCATION & TRAINING 2 FREE CET POINTS Approved for: Optometrists 4 AS Points 4 OT CET content supports Optometry Giving Sight SP Points 4 IP Points Having trouble signing in to take an exam? View CET FAQ Go to www.optometry.co.uk 4 vessels, means that substantial and rapid changes in fluid flow to and from these vessels can occur, which results in changes to the fluid content of the parenchyma. It is such changes that are responsible for the (sometimes) dramatic changes in the 34 external appearance of the conjunctiva and eyelid marginal skin, when there is an acute response to an irritant or allergen. A progressive impairment of this lymphatic system is also thought to be responsible for the development of conjunctivochalasis,5 perhaps better known by the acronym lid- 15/10/10 CET parallel-conjunctival-folds or LIPCOF. Overall, all of the components outlined here are involved in response of the eye to external irritation as well as to allergens. The general response is traditionally Figure 1 Schematic diagram to illustrate the complexity of the conjunctiva. From Bergmanson JPG, Doughty MJ (2005) in Clinical Contact Lens Practice (Bennett ES, Weissman BA, eds). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadephia. Chapter2, pp. 12-39 associated with the innate immune system inflammatory cells, whether these be system, the distinguishing symptom often the natural complement of mast cells noted is that of ‘itching’. This can often is also reflected in the use of both non- or additional white blood cells (eg, result in the patient wanting to rub (rather eosinophils) that have migrated from the than ‘scratch’) their eyes. A patient with capillaries into the tissue in response to acute-onset allergic reaction may indeed irritation;3 both cell types are special in have an overwhelming desire to rub their that they generally contain granules which eyes and, in the process, actually worsen can release inflammatory mediators such their condition leading to redness and as histamine and certain prostaglandins. puffiness of the eyelid margins and even Medicines and non-medical products for managing general eye irritation and allergic conjunctivitis These inflammatory mediators generally the bulbar conjunctiva. This secondary With cause dilatation of the blood vessels and response is mediated by the lymphatic conjunctival system, there is no single also mediate the sensory responses to system within the parenchyma. These can approach to pharmacological management irritation. Some patients may complain of be seen as having similar size to blood of general eye irritation and allergic general ‘irritation’ or ‘discomfort’ or even vessels (Figure 1) or, at least at some conjunctivitis. Furthermore, the legislation ‘smarting’ of the eyes, as opposed to saying locations under the conjunctiva, as very relevant to the range of products available that their eyes are ‘dry’, although some 2,5 substantial in size (volume) (Figure 2). has changed substantially in recent years. patients experiencing progressive allergy The electron micrograph (Figure 2) Eyewashes and eye ‘brighteners’ are general reactions to eye drop preservatives (eg, illustrates just how loosely packed the sales list (GSL), with the latter being an benzalkonium chloride) may report ‘dry parenchyma is, especially in the vicinity alternative eyes’. If the irritant is actually an allergen ie, of a dilated lymphatic vessel. This containing topical ocular decongestants or is triggering the specific immune response attribute, along with the specialised loops a decongestant and antihistamine. A topical system rather than the innate non-specific in the endothelial lining of the lymphatic mast cell stabiliser has been recently added 2 and the allergic response with a more specific immunoglobulin E (IgE)-activated system. These distinctions are far from clear by modern-day perspectives and this specific as well as specific pharmacological interventions to manage the wide spectrum of presentations for this group of conditions. numerous to components pharmacy to the (P)-medicines to the GSL category (as well as (even though the latter can being available as a P-medicine), still be efficacious). Older and topical remedies included use of ocular antihistamines have been “true” astringent (eg, very discontinued, oral antihistamines hypertonic solutions such as are available as GSL products and as 5% saline), but modern-day P-medicines. individuals with a mild-to- P-medicine Non-therapeutically trained optometrists may access all moderate the above-mentioned products by are most unlikely to tolerate way of wholesale trading and then the use of such products. may sell and supply them to their patients at the recommended retail price. With the Additional Supply (AS) legislation changes in 2005, optometrists with appropriate training may access prescription-only medicines (PoM) including mast cell stabilisers, most of the topical ocular antihistamine eye drops and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of (NSAID). The Optometrists relevant clinical College management guideline (CMG) is ‘Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis; Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis’ which notes the major role optometrists can play in pharmacological management of these conditions with referral to an ophthalmologist not required. Figure 2 Very high magnification (electron microscope) image of part of a sub-conjunctival lymphatic vessel with distinctive loops on the very irregular lymphatic lining that appears only loosely attached to the numerous round bundles of collagen fibrils that make up the parenchyma. From Doughty MJ, Bergmanson JPG (2003) Optometry 74: 485-500. a non-specific irritant conjunctivitis. The external appearance of the eye will indicate that the conjunctiva is reacting slightly to irritants and a very mild ‘red eye’ develops (Figure 3). There should be no discharge of a mucopurulent nature but some lacrimation (or even slight epiphora) may be present perhaps along with little white mucous strands in the lower fornix Astringent eyewashes and eye drops and topical ocular decongestants (as the goblet cells can discharge slightly Once-common causes of ocular irritation sign of oedema (puffiness) etc. with the were smoke-filled rooms (now reduced degree of bulbar conjunctiva hyperaemia with changes in workplace legislation) usually being low. In addition, there but either traffic exhaust fumes or perhaps will usually be little or no signs of ocular barbecue smoke or indoor grills are surface compromise (eg, significant ocular the likely replacements, in addition to surface staining with sodium fluorescein) numerous other indoor airborne micro- but fTBUT values may be reduced. in response to general irritation). In many such presentations, there will be little particulates causing mucous membrane irritation. These irritants film is a logical first step to management, sometimes referred to as volatile organics either by avoidance or with the use of and associated with conditions such as eyewashes or lotions. Such remedies have ‘sick building syndrome’. A recreational mild ‘astringent’ action, a term indicating exposure chemicals that there is a slightly greater cleansing (eg, swimming pools) can also cause action than a simple isotonic (0.9%) saline chlorinated 35 irritation Reduction of tear film irritant levels can therefore be effectively achieved by the use of eyewashes containing plant extracts such as Hamamelis (witch hazel) (eg, GSL Optrex Eye Lotion),6 and are generally most effective if performed with patience and using an eye-cup, at the end of the working day or after the recreational exposure to irritants. Patients can also use eye drops containing the same ingredients or dilute zinc sulphate (0.25%). If simply washing out the irritant is not successful, the next logical step is to use drugs that actually work on the superficial blood vessels to reverse the changes that have been induced ie, reduce hyperaemia and discomfort.7,8 If the cause can be established as essentially a minor irritant, then the use of brighteners or decongestants is appropriate. A number of products are available, which are designed to attenuate these mild reactions regardless of the actual nature of the stimuli; these are labelled as Reducing the level of irritants in the tear are to latter ocular Figure 3 Very mild ‘red eye’ associated with chronic environmental workplace irritation where some conjunctival blood vessels are notably dilated. 15/10/10 CET while CET CONTINUING EDUCATION & TRAINING 2 FREE CET POINTS Approved for: Optometrists 4 AS Points 4 OT CET content supports Optometry Giving Sight 4 SP Points IP Points Having trouble signing in to take an exam? View CET FAQ Go to www.optometry.co.uk 4 eye drops) were introduced in the 1950s to children (ie, those less than 12 years of age), replace the use of adrenaline (epinephrine) and the current recommendation is that the 1:1000 eye drops as a vasoconstrictor combination product Otrivine-Antistin is Eye drops containing not for use in children at all, or should be phenylephrine were discontinued in the half the dose recommended for an adult. (decongestant). 9 UK in 2003, but may be accessible over the 36 Internet along with eye drops containing other drugs such as tetrahydrozoline or oxymetazoline. At the concentrations used, the adrenergic drugs act as vasoconstrictors on the smooth muscles of the more superficial vessels of the conjunctiva, to 15/10/10 CET whiten the general appearance of the eye.10 the use of topical ocular decongestants is whether there is rebound vasodilation with overuse.14,15 This can be part of a general irritation response of the conjunctiva that includes a follicular reaction and it may thus be considered as an ophthalmic ‘medicamentosa’. Safety issues are both ocular and systemic. Overuse, in an attempt last for at least an hour to help relieve to alleviate all signs and symptoms of any symptoms such as irritation, mild burning acute red eye with these products, could and photophobia,10,11 and reduce reflex allow a (mild) infectious conjunctivitis to products progress,16 and even dilute solutions may introduced produce a slight pupillary dilation.10,17 While to also produce a “calming effect on only slight pupil dilation has been measured blepharospasm” associated with ocular with the use of combination products (with irritation,11 and this logically applies to the an antihistamine),18,19 an additive effect current UK combination of xylometazoline might be due to mild cholinergic blocking with Combination antihistamines were and antazoline (Otrivin-Antisine). Their combination with antihistamine, an astringent such as zinc sulphate,9 or a coloured dye such as brilliant blue,6,13 to minor eye irritations” or to “reduce below), but a recurrent issue that arises with rapid in onset (ie, within a minute) and lacrimation. “for the relief of redness of the eye due of these products relates to safety (see The effect of these products should be 11,12 Figure 4 Packaging for an ophthalmic brightener product to indicate use and precautions The primary reason for limiting the use may provide extra relief and added cosmesis (eg, Eye Dew Dazzling eye drops). The recommended doses for symptomatic relief and cosmesis (ie, whitening of the eye) vary widely. They have been assessed actions of the antihistamine. Even slight pupil dilation in at-risk individuals could be associated with acute-onset angle closure glaucoma.20 Such an adverse reaction is definitely not wanted, and is the reason for the small print warning on some of these products that they “should not be used in patients with glaucoma” or a far more vague warning about ‘eye disease’ (Figure 4); some small print warnings include the redness so making the eyes brighter with and used at anything from one to eight type “Do not use for more than 72 hours whiter whites” (Figure 4). These products drops per day in each eye, but current except under the advice and supervision contain low concentrations (sometimes perspectives are that such products should of a ‘doctor’ or ‘physician’”. Overall, not specified) of drugs that primarily act not be used ‘as needed’ for long periods therefore, all such decongestant-containing as alpha-1 adrenergic agonists on the and that the number of uses per day should products should be used with caution and blood vessel smooth muscles. Drugs such be limited, eg, ‘do not use more than three should not be recommended for use in as naphazoline (eg, Murine eye drops, times per day’ (Figure 4). As can be seen on patients who are known to have a narrow or Eye Dew Sparkling eye drops) and the pack of a contemporary GSL product, anterior chamber angle. Pupillary dilation xylometazoline these eye drops are not intended for use in is more likely to be evident under lower (eg, Otrivine-Antisitine LEGAL BOTTLE (DRUG) STATUS SIZE (mL) now deregulated, with the responsibility PRODUCT NAMES for safe use being transferred to the user. This responsibility comes in the form of the small print on the antazoline P 10 OTRIVINE-ANTISTINE sodium cromoglicate GSL 10 CLARITYN sodium cromoglicate P 5 or 10 OPTICROM, VIVICROM EYE DROPS, CROMOLUX EYEDROPS, CLARITEYES, OPTREX ALLERGY EYE DROPS, OPTREX ALLERGY RELIEF EYE DROPS, HAY-CROM HAY-FEVER RELIEF EYE DROPS, BOOTS HAYFEVER RELIEF EYEDROPS, POLLENASE ALLERGY EYE DROPS, DOMINION PHARMA HAYFEVER EYE DROPS, VANTAGE ALLERGY RELIEF EYE DROPS 1 packing and product inserts (Figure 4). sodium cromoglicate P 30 x 0.3 CATACROM (preservative-free) sodium cromoglicate PoM 13.5 OPTICROM, HAY-CROM EYE DROPS, VIVIDRIN EYE DROPS, CUSILYN EYE DROPS, SODIUM CROMOGLICATE EYEDROPS (generic) Mast cell stabilisers For chronic and recurrent allergic conjunctivitis, part of an appropriate management approach is the use of ‘mast cell stabilisers’,21 with several drugs marketed in the UK (eg, sodium cromoglicate, lodoxamide and nedocromil sodium). There are others with a combined action of being mast cell stabilisers and antihistamines drugs (eg, (H1-receptor ketotifen, blocking) olopatadine). Illustrated in Figure 5 is the corneal surface, at extremely high magnification, to show the presence of extremely small ‘fuzzy balls’ of pollen grains amidst a background of the pre-corneal mucin. The lodoxamide P 5 ALOMIDE ALLERGY EYE DROPS lodoxamide PoM 10 ALOMIDE nedocromil PoM 5 RAPITIL ketotifen2 PoM 5 ZADITEN be from animal dander, dust mite excreta, olopatadine2 PoM 5 OPATANOL workplace processes, from furniture and azelastine PoM 8 OPTILAST stick to the epithelial surface mucus emedastine PoM 5 EMADINE coating. Due to the persistent exposure, epinastine3 PoM 5 RELESTAT emedastine PoM 5 EMADINE epinastine3 PoM 5 RELESTAT density of these very small (circa 1μm in diameter) pollen grains is in excess of 1000,000 per mm2, and these resist washing with saline. Other micro-particulates might carpeting etc., all of which can tenaciously it should make sense therefore that the use of a mast cell stabiliser may well be needed, along with twice-daily astringent eye washes, to reduce the allergen load on the ocular surface. Indeed, the idea Table 1 UK marketed mast cell stabilisers and topical ocular antihistamines. 1 antihistamine in combination with a decongestant, xylometazoline; 2 considered to have dual action as mast cell stabiliser and antihistamines; 3 not on additional supply list for use of a mast cell stabilizer is to try to levels of illumination and in blue-eyed Overall, while some ocular irritation be achieved, there should be a reduction individuals and probably is more likely can develop with overuse, these products in the tear film levels of inflammatory when there is significant compromise have an excellent safety record and this mediators despite the continued presence of is why some of the allergen. With repeated contact of the corneal epithelial surface. 20 of these products are 37 reduce or even prevent the mast cells from discharging histamine and prostaglandins (degranulation) following their IgE- mediated activation by allergens. If this can 15/10/10 CET ACTIVE INGREDIENT CET CONTINUING EDUCATION & TRAINING 2 FREE CET POINTS Approved for: Optometrists 4 AS Points 4 OT CET content supports Optometry Giving Sight SP Points 4 IP Points 4 Having trouble signing in to take an exam? View CET FAQ Go to www.optometry.co.uk especially sodium cromoglicate, can be antihistamines can be used to manage SAC,29- used to manage a range of types of allergic 31 conjunctivitis, and have an extraordinary the faster onset in reduction of symptoms, good safety record in that local adverse ie, a patient can start using these at the effects reports are both unusual and perhaps first exposure to allergens and can expect actually due to the benzalkonium chloride useful effects within minutes to hours (as preservative. As a broad principle, therefore, opposed to days with a mast cell stabiliser). there are no restrictions to the use of sodium It is unclear, however, whether the overall cromoglicate eye drops other than known longer-term tolerance to airborne allergens allergy to the drug or the preservative is better when comparing use of topical benzalkonium chloride, regardless of patient antihistamines to mast cell stabilisers. The age. For a named patient, preservative-free antihistamines all have some restrictions (unit dose) sodium cromoglicate eye drops on use, with the various products having are available through a specialist hospital warnings that they are not indicated for use pharmacy, eg, Moorfields Eye Hospital. on children below the age of three or four the ocular surface with allergens, the mast The commoner indications for the use years, largely because appropriate efficacy cells (as well as other inflammatory cells) of sodium cromoglicate eye drops are for and safety data has not been provided for can be expected to migrate towards the chronic conditions such as SAC and PAC. conjunctival surface.3 These cells can then such use. Considerable assessments have The available P-medicines can be used for respond progressively faster and more been made on their safety, with particular most presentations and are designed to extensively even for the same allergen load. attention being paid to the ocular surface. improve tolerance to the external allergens Certain types of deposits on contact There is no obvious ‘drying’ effect from such that symptoms are reduced in severity. as use of these drugs on the corneal and However, if symptoms are dramatically allergens.22 These mast cell stabilizers conjunctival epithelium (eg, as evidenced reduced in response to sodium cromoglicate should reduce mast cell degranulation in by sodium fluorescein staining) but patients eye drops (or another mast cell stabilizer),26 a dose-dependent fashion,23 and may also with chronic allergic conjunctivitis are then substantial activation of the mast cells reduce migration of white blood cells.24 more likely to have low grade staining and has not occurred, and such a patient could Sodium cromoglicate eye drops are lower fTBUT values.32 Patients who already likely be managed with occasional use of have DED may be more likely to show widely available as P-medicines and moisturisers, brighteners or an eye wash. such staining or punctuate epitheliopathy. even as a GSL product (see Table 1). All The optometrist with training to AS level However, it should not be forgotten that of these cromoglicate products can be may chose to manage other conditions such the ocular reaction to allergens could accessed by optometrists, along with a as vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)27 or produce significant morbidity. Lastly, it P-medicine in the form of lodoxamide. To adult atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC)28 should be noted that patients can prefer increase tolerance to allergens, these drops with PoM mast cell stabiliser products. different antihistamine eye drops despite need to be used regularly (ie, four times They can also access the dual acting drugs, their overall ocular discomfort,30,33 with per day) and continuously for the entire ie, ketotifen and olopatadine, as well as the period for which exposure to the allergen selective antihistamines (eg, azelastine and to be due to the pH of the eye drops. is expected. This might be seasonal (eg, emedastine), all of which can be used in pollen) or perennial (eg, animal dander, a similar manner to a mast cell stabilizer indoor allergens etc.). It may take a week with certain caveats. The most important of Oral antihistamines and related products or so before a reasonable tolerance to these is that they are not generally indicated For patients with more substantial SAC, allergens is achieved, thus the potential for use in young children (see below). ocular symptoms are more than likely to need for eye washes, decongestants or Another drug, epinastine, is marketed be accompanied by non-ocular symptoms. topical ocular antihistamines to initially as eye drops in the UK but not on the These may range from sneezing, nasal manage these conditions. These drugs, additional supply list. These topical ocular congestion and rhinitis, to a general irritation 25 15/10/10 CET 38 Figure 5 Pollen grains (the small round balls with irregular surfaces) adhering to pre-corneal mucus layer on the corneal epithelial surface of a cow eye, as viewed at extremely high magnification with the scanning electron microscope lenses may, in themselves, act with their principal advantage being differences in acceptability likely (itching, burning sensations) of the routine periocular skin (extending onto medication the eyelid skin). The periocular patient use of anti-depressants (eg, response to allergens may prompt monoamine oxidase inhibitors, a patient to want to rub their eyes, MAOIs) being a notable contra- and the nasal symptoms can be indication. In addition, medicines rather disconcerting as well. It is for logical, therefore, to use an oral relevant to the special use of antihistamine to reduce the non- another ocular symptoms, which may also hydroxyzine. reduce the need to repeatedly instill for use in glaucoma has already mast cell stabiliser or antihistamine been described and is of greater eye importance in elderly patients too. Suitable antihistamine-containing products include chlorphenamine, acrivastine, cetirizine. 32,34 azelastine, Orally clemstine, loratidine assessments, anxiety and administered Figure 6 Patient information leaflet accompanying product containing an older oral antihistamine (chlorphenamine) are oral 34 oral history and with particularly antihistamine, The precaution with a shallow anterior chamber; slight cholinergic blocking effects are notable with some older ‘sedating’ oral antihistamines. There is also a general antihistamines are used to ‘dry up’ pharmacy chains. The dose used will warning about limiting alcohol use and secretions (eg, a runny nose) and therefore, likely be an important determinant of both ‘Do not drive or operate heavy machinery for some patients, can actually reduce ocular the overall efficacy and the likelihood of if the tablets make you feel drowsy’. symptoms of watery and itchy eyes too. adverse reactions / side effects; indeed Patients’ lifestyles should therefore be Older drugs such as chlorphenamine have the use of oral antihistamines can be considered been classed as ‘sedating antihistamines’ associated with ‘dry eye’ symptoms.37,38 particular for many years,35 with each of the newer With the reduced regulation of these Last, but not least, consideration needs to 2nd generation drugs being successively drugs for the management of common be given to patient age. Most of these oral presented as ‘non-sedating’; there is a conditions such as SAC and PAC, the antihistamines can be used in children, further drug that is considered to have responsibility for safe use has been largely with a general recommendation that a even lesser-sedating effects, but it should transferred to the user, as with the use of lower dose should be used as compared to be borne in mind that a condition such as decongestants. Various precautions apply, adults. P-medicine and GSL oral solutions seasonal allergic rhinitis (with congestion) and while most are relevant to the older of most of the antihistamines are also may in itself cause a form of drowsiness antihistamines (still available in large packs available to facilitate this low dosing (ie, 36 (ie, a ‘thick’ or ‘stuffed’ head feeling). as P-medicines, rather than small GSL half a spoonful for a child), eg, Allerief Oral antihistamines are indicated for use packs), these still need to be considered (chlorphenamine), Benadryl Allergy Oral on a QDS basis for older antihistamines by the optometrist recommending their Syrup (cetirizine), Benadryl for Children to once daily for newer antihistamines. use or even supplying them to their Allergy Solution, Clarityn Allergy Syrup Current products include the P-medicines patients. Some of these precautions are on (loartidine), Piriteze Allergy Syrup, Zirtek of Allercalm, Hayleve, Piriton, Pollonase the packaging, but more typically are in Allergy Solution and Zirtek Allergy Relief Antihistamine Tablets (chlorphenamine), the ‘small print’ on a Patient Information for Children (cetirizine). Tavegil (clemastine), Benadryl Allergy Leaflet inside the packaging (Figure 6). Beyond considering the use of oral Relief (acrivastine), Zirtek and Piriteze As opposed to warnings of substantial antihistamines as part of management of the Allergy Tablets (cetirizine), plus the P / risk of severe side effects, many of these ocular effects of SAC and PAC, optometrists GSL drug Clarityn Allergy (loratidine). precautionary notes relate to possible should also be aware of numerous over- There are also a number of small pack effects of the antihistamines on the the-counter (OTC) nasally-administered (seven tablets) products available as GSL actual bioavailability of the medication. products for patients for whom the nasal products manufactured by the major Optometrists should already be taking congestion and inflammation is more of before oral 39 recommending antihistamine a product. 15/10/10 CET drops medical CET CONTINUING EDUCATION & TRAINING 2 FREE CET POINTS Approved for: Optometrists 40 4 AS Points 4 SP Points 4 IP Points Having trouble signing in to take an exam? View CET FAQ Go to www.optometry.co.uk 4 a problem. These OTC products include entail instillation of eye drops (either a stabilizer should be continued until the nasal decongestants such as phenylephrine decongestant, mast cell stabilizer or a topical papillae are greatly reduced, preferably 0.5% (eg, Fenox), xylometazoline 0.1 % ocular antihistamine) 5 to 10 minutes prior as (Otrivine Adult Nasal), xylometazline 0.05 to morning lens insertion. After lens wear, a fluorescein (see OT May 21, 2010).49,50 % (Otrivine Child Nasal) or oxymetazoline patient could then instill further eye drops. Most resolution should take two to four 0.05 % (Afrazine). OTC nasal products It would not be unexpected for such a weeks, after which the dosing could be containing sodium cromoglicate (Vividrin patient to instill the eye drops in the middle reduced to TDS or even BDS for a further Nasal well of the day with the lens in place. However, two to three weeks to ensure complete as a number of products containing this is not generally recommended for resolution of mild-to-moderate CLPC. corticosteroids (see article 6 in this series). soft lens wearers because these eye For contact lens wearers with allergies, A last option, available to AS-trained drops are preserved with benzalkonium the use of oral antihistamines might prove Spray) are available, as OT documented with problematic as a result of the ‘drying’ effect Not withstanding, for contact lens wearers which could reduce tear secretion,51 and form, which works to reduce production it has been reported that shorter-term would be expected to be greater with the of prostaglandins (see article 6 in this BDS use of olopatadine eye drops could older sedating antihistamines. Therefore, series). There are only vague guidelines as reduce symptoms, redness and papillary it might be beneficial to simply avoid use to when these eye drops might be used for reactions,42 while the extended use of of the older drugs and to recommend a SAC, but they should reduce inflammation decongestant (tetrahydrozoline) eye drops 2nd generation drug such as cetirizine. and redness while having little impact BDS had no obvious beneficial effects on Slight These superficial punctate keratitis (SPK), follicles, contact lens wear, could be managed eye drops, which are preserved with vasodilation etc.43 Sodium cromoglicate with the as-needed use of a contact lens thimerosal, should be considered perhaps eye drops QDS use has been assessed in rewetting drop (see OT July 16 2010). as an adjunct medication to be used contact lens wearers,44-46 and, especially alongside mast cell stabilisers as well as oral for RGP lens wearers, has been reported Summary or topical antihistamines. Recommended to be effective and without significant side Irritation or allergic reactions of the eye dosing with diclofenac eye drops is QDS. effects for up to 18 months. For nedocromil are commonplace, and it is rarely possible eye drops, the situation is different since to prevent exposure. Optometrists have the eye drops have a yellow colour and so a range of simple options available As noted earlier, certain deposits on contact could stain a hydrogel lens matrix;47 the to them to manage these conditions lenses may serve as allergens leading to the product use should also be limited to 12 as part of providing a comprehensive development of Contact Lens Papillary weeks. Currently, the various UK marketed eye Conjunctivitis (CLPC) or the more severe products clearly state that they should not Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC). In be used whilst wearing contact lenses. addition, contact lens wearers may also The principle of management of CLPC Professor Doughty has been teaching suffer from SAC or PAC and individuals is similar to that for many other ocular ocular pharmacology, as well as many with these conditions are perhaps more allergies,22 with a period of discontinuation aspects of ocular physiology and eye likely to develop CLPC.41 With care, of contact lens wear recommended as part disease, for over 25 years and authored many of the options outlined above can of the management, and the treatment books on the subject. He has held the be on symptoms such as itching. 29,39,40 Allergy and contact lens wear considered, both for maintaining (see 16 and diclofenac (PoM Voltarol Multi) in eye drop chloride July assessed 2010). optometrists, is access to the NSAID 15/10/10 CET OT CET content supports Optometry Giving Sight dryness, care service whilst to continuing their patients. About the Author is usually with a mast cell stabiliser. post of Research Professor at Glasgow- contact lens wear in those with ocular A discontinuation of lens wear should Caledonian University, discomfort reactions to external irritants result in reduction in the severity of the of Sciences, or allergens, and for managing CLPC. condition over several days, often allowing 48 advocate resumption of contact lens wear within a conservative approach for daily lens a few weeks. With contact lens wear wearers with allergies, which would discontinued, a QDS regimen of a mast cell Some practitioners might Vision Department since 1995. References See www.optometry.co.uk and search ‘references’ Course code: C-14569 O/AS/SP/IP 1. Which of the following symptoms is typically experienced by those suffering acute-onset allergic conjunctivitis? (a) Dryness (b) Itching (c) Scratchy feeling (d) All of the above 7. Which of the following is TRUE about eye drops containing antihistamines? (a) They are approved for use by patients of all ages (b) They are not recommended for use in young children (c) They should not be used along with decongestants or brighteners (d) They can be used safely in all elderly patients 2. Which of the following is TRUE about bulbar conjunctival lymphatic vessels? (a) They are very small and are controlled by the corneal nerves (b) They have distinctive sets of smooth muscle cells around them (c) They have a specialised endothelial lining facilitating rapid fluid exchange (d) They are only altered when there are specific IgE-mediated reactions 8. For moderate severity of contact lens-induced papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC) causing lens discomfort, the most appropriate therapy would be: (a) Use of diclofenac eye drops QDS (b) Use of a decongestant eye drops up to 3 times per day (c) Use of a topical antihistamine as-needed whilst continuing lens wear (d) Discontinue lens wear and use lodoxamide eye drops QDS 3. Which of the following is TRUE about Hamamelis extracts? (a) They are included in eye drops as vasoconstrictors (b) They have specific dilation-mediating effects on conjunctival mast cells (c) They have astringent actions equivalent to saline 5% solutions (d) They can be expected to cleanse and sooth the eye 9. Which of the following is TRUE about orally-administered antihistamines? (a) They cannot be legally supplied to patients by optometrists (b) They should not be used concurrently with antihistamine eye drops (c) They are widely available as P-medicines that can be sold by all optometrists (d) They all have the potential to cause substantial drowsiness 4. Which of the following can be found in products labelled as ophthalmic decongestants? (a) naphazoline (b) xylometazoline (c) tetrahydrozoline (d) all of the above 5. Which of the following is TRUE about rebound vasodilation? (a) It is a possible effect of overuse of brightener eye drops (b) It occurs when the conjunctival vessels over-react to environmental allergens (c) It is mediated by IgE effects on the conjunctival lymphatic vessels (d) It is the cause of slight mydriasis associated with use of a decongestant 6. Which of the following is TRUE about topical ocular mast cell stabilisers? (a) They are designed to provide immediate relief in allergic conjunctivitis (b) They can be used effectively on an as-needed basis along with saline eyewashes (c) They should reduce the severity of symptoms in both SAC and PAC (d) They are currently only indicated for use in adults with SAC 10. How does Ketotifen, as PoM Zaditen eye drops, work? (a) Effect on alpha-1 adrenergic receptors in conjunctival arterioles (b) By combined stabilising effects on mast cells, white blood cells and eosinophils (c) Effect on specific histamine H2 receptors on conjunctival venules (d) As a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug to reduce prostaglandin synthesis 11. Which of the following is TRUE about airborne pollen grains and other micro-particulates? (a) They can enter the tear film and stick to the ocular surface epithelia (b) They are usually too large to mix with the tear film (c) They are generally inert and will not activate the specific immune system (d) They should usually be easily washed from the ocular surface by the tears 12. Soft contact lens wear can usually be continued with the use of which of the following? (a) Astringent eye drops (b) Topical ocular decongestants (c) Topical ocular mast cell stabilisers (d) None of the above PLEASE NOTE There is only one correct answer. All CET is now FREE. Enter online. 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