O W :

I Will Call Upon The Lord
A Wonderful Savior
Here In This Place
Garden of Prayer
Had It Not Been The Lord
He Knows My Name
Lord’s Supper*
We encourage everyone who is a believer in Jesus Christ to participate in the Lord’s
Supper. The bread represents Christ’s body, the juice his blood. By participating in
the Lord’s Supper we “proclaim his death until he comes.” (I Corinthians 11:26)
There Is A Redeemer
I Love You Lord
Children are dismissed to S.C.U.B.A. Kids (ages 3 - kindergarten)
Soldiers Of Christ Arise
Sermon: The Contest Between Faith and Magic
Acts 8:4-24
John Siburt
The Battle Belongs To The Lord
Shepherd’s Wrap
* Gluten-free communion wafers are available in the foyer.
MEMBER / GUEST (circle one)
Names: ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________ home / cell
Email: ____________________________________________________
Members: □ I would like my shepherd to contact me.
□ I would like to subscribe to the weekly prayer email.
Ages: □ Teen □ College □ 20’s □ 30’s □ 40’s □ 50’s □ 60’s □ Senior
Your Family: □ Single □ Married
□ Widowed □ Single Again
Children in attendance:
______________________ (___)age ______________________ (___)age
______________________ (___)age ______________________ (___)age
______________________ (___)age ______________________ (___)age
Home Church: _________________
□ I am looking for a church home. □ I would like to talk about baptism.
□ I would like to know how to join this church family.
□ How did you hear about WHCC?______________________________
John Siburt is a respected church leader and social entrepreneur who serves as Vice
President of Program Administration for CitySquare, a non profit based in
Dallas. CitySquare exists to fight the root causes of poverty by partnering with
those in need. In addition, John provides oversight over a new partnership
between CitySquare and Abilene Christian University. John and his wife, Sarah,
have two children: Katie and David.
August 18- Mark Lanier: Teaches Biblical Literacy at Champions Forest Baptist
August 25- Lee McLeod
September 1- Lee McLeod
September 8- Randy Harris: Bible Professor at Abilene Christian University.
September 15- Randy Harris
September 22- John deSteiger: President at Oklahoma Christian University
On August 23, Arms of Hope will have its Reaching Generations Gala and
Auction (benefiting Medina and Boles Children’s Homes) at the Hyatt Regency
Houston. Guest speaker will be Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty. Limited
seating is available. For additional information and to register go to
the website at ArmsofHope.org.
DivorceCare is a great ministry we offer at WHCC for people going through the
pain of divorce. This is a 13 week class is starting on September 4th. The class is
90 minutes long so we are looking for 2 volunteers to watch the children for the
last 30 minutes (after Bible Class.) If you would be willing to help with this great
ministry, please contact Chris Pierson in the office 281.856.0001 or
Upcoming Events:
Teacher Training……...…….8/18
UNITED Marriage starts…...8/18
Aug 11, 2013
Adoption Support mtg……....8/23
Bus Buddies……………...8/26-28
Martha Spell
DivorceCare starts……….…...9/4
Baby Bible Day………….…..9/15
For the week of Aug 4, 2013
1st Service ...….……..…………………………………………...……………...200
2nd Service … ...….……………………………………………...…….…….…551
Spanish Worship ………....….………………………..………………...….…… 75
Total Worship …….……………………………..………………..…...…….….826
Bible Class…….…….……………………………………………...………..…303
Contribution .....….………………………....……....……………...……… $50,969
Baptisms in 2013…....……….……………………………………...….…..…….14
WHCC offers electronic giving for your offerings! It is fast, safe and easy.
For ms
a re a v a i l a bl e a t w w w . w e s thou sto nc hurc h . org a nd
at the Welcome Center. For information contact Harriett Raindl
Ladies Retreat…………...10/11-12
Golf Tournament……….......10/19
Holy Land Trip …........2/12-21/14
Schedule of Services
First Service • 8:15 am
Bible Classes • 9:30 am
Second Service • 10:45 am
Spanish Service • 10:45 am
Wednesday Classes • 7:00 pm
There will be an adoption support group meeting on August 23, 6pm at the
building with a potluck meal. All families who have adopted, are adopting
or fostering, or who just want more information about the foster adopt
journey are welcome to attend. As always, children are welcome and
childcare will be provided. Please RSVP to Rebecca Brinkley at
Ride a school bus with elementary students returning home at the end of the
first three days of the school year (Aug 26-Aug 28). Volunteer all three days
or pick your days. A brief training program is required. They are held at the
Berry Center and you only need to attend one.
 August 19-9:30am-10:30am
 August 20-6:30pm-7:30pm
 August 21-7:30am-8:30am
To register, go to (www.cfisd.net) for more information call Partners in
Education at 281.894.3949.
This year we are collecting school supplies for 2 schools, Aragon Middle
School and Emery Elementary. Aragon Middle School needs general
school supplies. Emery Elementary needs supplies for their
Art department. Supply list are available at the School Supply Drive table in
the main mall.
Tonight - Interns Farewell Party- 6-9pm at the Nolan’s house (21303 Fairhaven
Creek Dr, Cypress TX 77433). Bring a towel and $5 for food. We will have night
of fun and fellowship as we thank our interns for all their great work. Maps
available in the Well and at the Youth Ministry Booth.
7/14-Refuel- 7-8pm in then Well
8/23- Incoming 6th Grader Welcome – Details coming soon!
8/24- Incoming 9th Grader Welcome – Details coming soon!
The Jr and Sr (going into 11th and 12th grade) trip has been pushed back to
August 19-21. This will be a time of leadership development and spiritual
We are in need of a full time (Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm) receptionist for the
church office. This person needs to have a pleasant personality and excellent
phone etiquette. Greeting guests and answering the phone is a very important part
of this position. This person will need to be proficient in Microsoft Office software (MSWord, Excel, Publisher and Outlook) and be able to learn other software
programs used in the office. If you are interested in this position, please e-mail
your resume’ to Mary Eichelberger at (meichelberger@westhoustonchurch.org),
drop it off at the office, or mail it to Mary at 17100 West Road, Houston, TX
77095 to set up an interview.
Emery "Meet The Teacher” volunteers needed for August 22, between
5:30pm-7:30pm.We want to have a good representation from West
Houston to serve the families at Emery Elementary during this event. Please
register at the School Supply Drive table in the mall or in our website. We
want to have a final list of volunteers by August 20.
The Children’s Ministry at West Houston wants to help you, help our kids. On
Sunday, August 18, from 9:30am-12:00pm in room 104 (room off the gym), we
are having training classes every quarter. If you are teaching the Fall quarter, and
you have not attended a previous class you are required to come to the next class.
We will cover topics such as: safety, discipline, how to structure your class time
and much more! A light breakfast will be served. To RSVP for the class, please call
or email Cindi Cervas at the church office 281-856-0001 or
Come One, Come All, everyone is invited to the West Houston Church Golf
Tournament on Saturday, October 19. It is a 4 person scramble at the
Cypress Lakes Golf Club. 1 pm shotgun start with dinner to follow. Contact
Derek Nuckols for additional information 832.928.5420. Sign up at the
Outreach Ministry Booth Sign or by email at (derek.nuckols@gmail.com).
Sunday Mornings - through August 25
Learning to Pray Like Jesus (Psalms)
Young Adults (Singles/Marrieds)
Room 203
Parents of Primary
Room 206-208
Parents of Teens
Room 202
Empty Nesters
Room 207-209
College Age Class
Mixed Class
Wednesday Nights - through August 28
 Gospel of Matthew taught by Tim Goode in Room 206
 Lessons from Mayberry taught by Jack Rawlings in Room 202
 Ladies Class Summer Video Series in Room 203.
The Thursday morning women's Bible study has finished it's summer study of
Nehemiah. We will begin Priscilla Shirer's study of Gideon on September 5. We
are also looking for some loving volunteers to watch our children during the study.
If you are interested in volunteering, or if you are planning on coming to the study,
and will need child care, please email Suzy Adams at (suzynurses@aim.com).
Please remember the following in your prayers:
Rene Cortez (father of Rachel Cortez), Dominick Fasullo’s mom, Betty McNeill,
Frank and Kimberly Haaks, David Harville’s (former WHCC member) father , Eddie
passed away on Monday, Seth Scott (Air Force Academy).
Congratulations to Tim and Adrienne Applewhite, they welcomed baby Beckett on
Aug 6, he weighed 9 lb 2 oz, and is 21.75 in.
Cameron David Berry, son of Lindsay and Bryan and brother of Cayden was born
on August 7 weighing 8 lbs, 6 oz and 20 3/4 long. Proud grandparents are Mary
and David Waller
Wee Hearts Mother’s Day Out is currently looking for a teacher or a teacher’s
assistant for the upcoming school year. If you are interested please contact
Kim Turney at 281-995-9448 or Susan Steffee at 832.693.8351 ASAP.
Wee Hearts Mothers Day Out has spots available for children ages 18 months
to 5 years for the upcoming school year, contact Susan or Kim for
Hearts for our Heroes has an urgent need for bedding (new or lightly used) and
toiletries: twin size sheets, pillows/pillow cases, blankets, towels, shampoo,
body wash, deodorant, shaving cream, foot powder, chap stick. If you can
supply any of these items or donate money for us to purchase them, it would
be greatly appreciated. A donation container is next to the Women's Ministry
Booth or contact Lori Reynolds at (lmreyno@gmail.com).
Registration for the Ladies Fall Retreat on October 11-12 at Northwest Forest
begins today! Pick up your registration form at the Women’s Ministry Booth in
the mall area.
Our next Baby Bible Day will be September 15. This will be for all children
born between February and August of this year if that included you, please
contact Debbie Potter at the church office (dpotter@westhoustonchurch.org).
First Service: Stacey Delafosse, Matt and Amber Hurst
Bible Class Greeter: Gay Ford
Second Service: Amanda Lytton, Cindy Castillo, Claudia White, Luke Cooper,
Jennifer Hawes, Jessica Armendariz, Angie Tippit, Pamala Cooper
To join this team of volunteers and minister to our children and their parents,
please contact Debbie Potter (dpotter@westhoustonchurch.org).
I would like more information about:
□ Life Groups (small groups)
□ Children (birth - 5th grade)
□ Youth (6th - 8th grade)
□ Youth (9th - 12th grade)
□ Bible Classes
□ Praise Team
Support Groups:
□ Restore Ministries
□ Job Search Assistance
□ Spanish Language Ministry
□ Wee Hearts Mother’s Day Out
□ Young Adults
□ Women’s Ministry
□ Greeting and Ushers
□ Retiree Ministries
□ Elder Marriage Mentoring
□ Gambler’s Anonymous
Would you like this included in the public prayer requests?
□ Yes □ No