NORTH C O U N T RY PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID NORTH COUNTRY SUN ASHLAND, WISCONSIN 54806 P.O. BOX 425 IRONWOOD, MI 49938 906-932-3530 LOCATED IN THE POWERHOUSE MALL WFCP CIRCULATION AUDIT CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL VOLUME 37 NUMBER 34 SHOPPING NEWS FOR THE U.P. & N. WISCONSIN DECEMBER 1, 2014 IN STOCK NOW! TEST DRIVE TODAY! HARDEST WORKING, SMOOTHEST RIDING FEATURES CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS INC Gary Kuklinski 300 E. Cloverland Drive, Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-1202 or 800-932-1202 • CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS INC Gary Kuklinski 300 E. Cloverland Drive, Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-1202 or 800-932-1202 CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS INC 300 E CLOVERLAND DRIVE IRONWOOD, MI, 49938 CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS INC Gary Kuklinski MOTORSPORTS INC 300 E. Cloverland CLOVERLAND Drive, Ironwood, MI 49938 300 E CLOVERLAND DRIVE 906-932-1202 orIRONWOOD, 800-932-1202 MI, 49938 INC CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS 300 E CLOVERLAND DRIVE IRONWOOD, MI, 49938 Offers good on new and unregistered units purchased between 11/1/14-12/31/14. *On select models. See your dealer for details. Rates as low as 2.99% for 36 months. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Fixed APR of 2.99%, 5.99%, or 7.99% will be assigned based on credit approval criteria. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on all new and unused 2008-2014 Polaris ATV, RANGER, and RZR models purchased from a participating Polaris dealer between 11/1/2014 and 12/31/2014. Offer subject to change without notice. Warning: The Polaris RANGER® and RZR® are not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver's license to operate. Passengers must be at least 12 years old and tall enough to grasp the hand holds and plant feet firmly on the floor. All SxS drivers should take a safety training course. Contact ROHVA or (949) 255-2560 for additional information. Drivers and passengers should always wear helmets, eye protection, protective clothing, and seat belts. Always use cab nets or doors (as equipped). Be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Never drive on public roads or paved surfaces. Never engage in stunt driving, and avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Riding and alcohol/drugs don't mix. Check local laws before riding on trails. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. Polaris adult models are for riders 16 and older. For your safety, always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing, and be sure to take a safety training course. For safety and training information in the U.S., call the SVIA at (800) 887-2887. You may also contact your Polaris dealer or call Polaris at (800) 342-3764. ©2014 Polaris Industries Inc. SNOWMOBILE DEMO RIDES DEC. 1ST-7TH CALL AND SCHEDULE YOUR DEMO RIDE TODAY SECTION 1 PAGE 2 DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN ® ® PLAY NEW MADMEN , MONOPOLY & 3D SLOTS Animals Specializing in small dog grooming since 1986 GEORGIA’S GROOMING For Appointment Call 715-561-3361 Hurley, WI DO YOU HAVE ITEMS TO SELL? .... GET RESULTS! Affordable advertising that fits your budget! Reach OVER 300,000 homes! Place your ad in MANY weekly Wisconsin Shoppers & Buyers’ Guide papers for as low as $36.00 Call today! Publishers Development Service, Inc. (PDS, Inc.) 1-800-236-0737 CATKINS ANIMAL RESCUE in Park Falls, WI This week we are spotlighting some of our favorite residents. PIG: Pot-bellied Pig Petunia is a very smart and affectionate girl. We’ve seen Petunia around other animals (dogs, cats, chickens and her goat buddy), but we’ve never seen her around other pigs. She is very social and interactive, so we think she might enjoy a piggy family member in her new home. She would do best with someone that has experience with pot-bellied pigs and can give her all kinds of love and attention. BUNNY Persephone DOGS: All dogs are spayed/neutered, up to date on shots and microchipped. In the doggie spotlight this week are: Tulip Adult Female Black Labrador Retriever/Hound Mix Tulip has finished raising her puppies and would now love a home of her own. If you can give Tulip a lifelong commitment of love, please contact Catkins. Jasper Adult Lhasa Apso Mix Jasper is looking for a calm adultonly home. Young children are too Bad River Lodge & Casino is proudly owned by the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa LAHTI TOWING & SALES • 1-800-777-7449 • 715-682-7121 • 10 Miles East of Ashland 73370 US Hwy. 2, Odanah • Like on • 24 HOUR TOWING 906-364-0299 We reserve the right to modify, alter or cancel any promotion or event at any time. TACCONELLI’S TO GO AS GOOD AS IT GETS! GREAT PIZZA & DELI Corner of West U.S. 2 and South Massie Street Bessemer, MI 49911 Phone: 906-663-9900 Fax: 906-932-4681 This Year Give Them A GIFT CERTIFICATE They Can Really Fill Up On SUNDAY LAKE SUPERMARKET East U.S. 2, Wakefield, MI 224-9491 Sized right to fit anyone on your gift list! ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE much energy for him, and he doesn’t appreciate the antics of unruly dogs. If you like to spend afternoons quietly working outside or taking care of house work, Jasper is your guy. He still has that young dog energy, but he isn’t looking to go for long outings. Jasper is neutered, potty trained and up to date on shots- now he just needs to find his forever match! Kaiser and Wilhelm Male Beagle and Basset Hound Mixes - Kaiser and Wilhelm are a bonded pair of beagle/basset mixes that were found after running the countryside together for nearly a week. These guys are gentle and affectionate. They love other dogs and kids and would really like to find a home together. CATS: Sunny - Adult Male Buff and White DSH - Sunny came to Catkins after being shot in the spine. Sunny is paralyzed from the middle of his spine and through his back legs. Sunny will need some more hands on care, but he will pay it back in spades with all the love he has to give! He is happy, social, adventurous and quick to make friends with every species! He also is about the coolest cat around and comes with his own wheels! Alice - Adult Female DSH - Alice is a laid back and mellow 3 year old girl. She enjoys her people, but knows not to be overly demanding. Alice would be great for a calm household with another cat or a calm dog. WE PROMOTE A CAGE-FREE ENVIRONMENT SO OUR RESIDENTS ARE ABLE TO INTERACT WITH VISITORS AND FIND THEIR PURRFECT FOREVER HOMES. For more information, please contact Catkins Animal Rescue at 715762-0122 or Follow Catkins Animal Rescue on Facebook and Open Adoption/Visiting Hours: Thursdays (except holidays) 3-7 pm; Other times by appointment. See for directions to the adoption center. (Catkins WI License #268236-05) FRIENDLY FELINES ARE LOOKING FOR HOMES! Consider adopting from the Chequamegon Humane Association! The following cats and kittens are available for They’ll Love Our Gift Certificates HITT’S Fine Furniture Ironwood Hours 7:30-5 M-F; 8-Noon Sat.; 8-Noon Sun. (906) 932-2311 Bedroom, Living Room, Dining Room & More Aurora St., Ironwood 906-932-4400 •Ironwood •Caspian Choose a gift certifcate from one of these local retailers! Cloverland Motorsports 53 300 E. Cloverland Dr., Ironwood • Kubota • New Holland 932-1202 64850 US Hwy. 63 Mason, WI 54856 Stock Up Now On Snowmobile & ATV Accessories 715-746-2478 Can’t find a gift just right for that special someone? Give them a Gift Certificate! GIFT CERTIFICATES Electronics & Appliances AN AUTHORIZED RADIO SHACK FRANCHISE STORE 629 W. Cloverland Dr. Suite 6 Ironwood, MI (906) 932-9018 Gift Certificates MATTSON’S TV & APPLIANCE Appliances, Televisions & More 122 E. Aurora Ironwood 906-932-0510 At As Good As It Gets! Tacconelli’s down towne Restaurant • Pub • Banquet Facilities Gift Certificates Available Phone 906-932-2101 215 S. Suffolk St. Fax 906-932-4681 Ironwood, MI 49938 Scarves • Mittens Designer Jeans • Jewelry & SO MUCH MORE! 124 E. Aurora St., Downtown Ironwood Hours: Tue.-Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 906-932-8110 adoption: Katara is a female frontdeclawed 7-10 year old grey short hair. Sky is a male 2-3 year old white short hair. Oki is a male 3-5 year old short hair black and white. Junior is a male 2-3 year old black short hair. Bandit is a male 2-3 year old grey and white short hair. Pooh is a male 1-2 year old short hair brown and white tabby. Dot is a male 4 year old white and black short hair. Blackberry is a female 1 year old black short hair. Aurelio is a male 3-5 year old black and white short hair. Kittens: Tina is a female 11 week old black and white short hair. Max is a male 1 year old long hair brown tabby. Rae is a male 19 week old white and tan short hair with a docked tail. Sherman is a male 15 week old short hair black and white. Toulouse is a male 21 week old short hair orange. Andromeda is a female 19 week old short hair black and white. Sokka is a male 19 week old grey and white short hair. The taxdeductible cat adoption fee is $50. Senior cats are $35, and kittens are $75. All animals are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on age appropriate vaccines including rabies, feline leukemia tested, and dewormed. For more information please call 715-682-9744. Visit to see photos of our animals, go on to our Facebook page, or stop by at 405 Old Airport Rd. Ashland WI, Open11am-6pm EVERYDAY!! WI Lic. #268464 WONDERFUL CANINES ARE LOOKING FOR HOMES! Consider adopting from the Chequamegon Humane Association! The following dogs are ready for adoption: Pongo is a male 1-2 year old black lab. Mischief is a male 2 year old American Bulldog/English Bulldog mix. Panda is a male 1 year old tri-colored hound. Paige is a female 5 year old dalmation/lab mix. Buddy is a male 5 year old dachshund mix. Buck is a male 23 year old St. Bernard mix. Sam is a male 2 year old black lab/hound mix. Sadie is a female 5-6 year old shar pei/doxy mix. A $120 taxdeductible adoption fee applies. Senior dogs ages 7 and over are $85. Puppies are $150. All animals are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on age appropriate vaccines including rabies, heartworm tested, and dewormed. For more information, please call 715-682-9744. Visit to see photos of our animals, go on to our Facebook page, or stop by at 405 Old Airport Rd. Ashland WI. OPEN 11am-6pm EVERYDAY!! WI Lic. #268464 DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN prefer salmon.”) He likes everyone life?” There is help. N.A. meets 759-6266. PARK FALLS SATURDAYS: he meets: other cats, dogs, weekly! Peace Lutheran Church children and adults. He IS the Remember Alcohol is a Drug! 7:00 P.M. most interesting cat in the world. BAZAAR: ASHLAND SUNDAYS: 600 2nd Ave. North Park Falls, WI “Stay furry my friends.” Our “Free Presbyterian/Congregational Presbyterian-Congregational PHILLIPS THURSDAYS: Cats for Vets” program will be Church, Ashland, Saturday, Church, First Presbyterian Church ending soon, so to have a furry December 6th, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 7:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. feline for the holidays, act now! Tea Room Opens 10 a.m. 214 Vaughn Ave., Ashland, WI Phillips, WI Helping PAWS Pet Rescue of Granny’s Attic, Crafts, Baked ASHLAND FRIDAYS: RED CLIFF TUESDAYS: Washburn, WI is currently offering Goods, Candy. Behavioral Health (Behind Mishomis House no cost cat or kitten adoptions to Memorial Medical Center) 7:00 P.M. Veterans. Just bring a copy of 12 NOON 37390 North Brandum your DD-214 or Veteran I.D. to 1615 Maple Lane, Ashland, WI Helping PAWS and pick me out. Meetings FIFIELD FRIDAY: For more information or to see our St. Francis Catholic Church available cats and kittens contact N. A. MEETINGS Helping PAWS at (715)373-2222 7:00 P.M. “Are Drugs a Problem in Your or visit our website: Fifield, WI e.html. For more information about these and other pets and their applicable adoption fees, call HPPR at 715-373-2222, or email See all our animals at – FREE DELIVERY – Bessemer Commons Bldg. able.html. RAMME’S SNOWPLOWING LOADER SERVICE The Mattress Store 906-364-2647 “Cabin, Cottage or For the Kids” Announcements Events Check Out Our AFFORDABLE, TOUGH TO BEAT PRICES! FREE DELIVERY OULU GLASS HOLIDAY SHOW Open Daily. Glassblowing Demos & Classes. Register online. Open through Jan. 5. Call 715-3724160. PUPPY PARLOR GROOMING TICKETS! Buy and sell Green Bay Packers, Wisconsin Badgers football and basketball, Milwaukee Bucks and all local and national events. Schmitty’s Tickets 920- Reasonable Rates Accommodating Hours NO Cage Drying Non-Smoking Environment HEALING HANDS Massage and Bodywork MAJOR & MINOR MECHANICAL REPAIRS Certified Mechanics Jay Edyvean and Pat Rye Make Your Appointment Today LAHTI TOWING & SALES E5696 U.S. Hwy. 2, Ironwood 906-932-1100 We Also Haul Snow Ironwood Area - Starting at $25 (906) 932-5470 Tetzners Milk Food Stamps We’re On Fa cebo ok! 127 Luxmore St., Ironwood, MI • 1 Block South of Burger King 715-561-2880 932-2600 or 364-4680 • Vicky Templer - Owner/Groomer Th Wee is H Spe ks US EAR TO DA CH TLA cials O P ! US RO ICE ND TO DA CH UND BONE FARM RO LESS S BO P SI OICE AS ST NELES RLOI T .. UF S A N S ..... FE PP T ..... $ D P LE, EA K Ho CR O 69 RK ANB .... me . E . C ma .. $ R lb. de HOP RY .. 8 9 S. A r Sal . $ . .. e B mo ac n P . 29 lb. k! a h Street Marke Sixt t 1413 6th St. W. Ashland, WI 715-682-9608 Hours: 7 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Prices Good: Mon.-Sat., Dec. 1st - Dec. 6th LET 4 GIF US TA tti es K RE T G E CA AD IVI Y NG RE O W A MA THI E F CA VA DE ILA GI S SE YOU GI N F A F C T B SO R An T U B dy BO ST LE OX N! S O ’ S aus s Ho X OM R ES F a m l 5 4 lb. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK OR M W ack ges e A isc s C & S Smo Y K o o L ns unt nac ked OU! E A ry oc in k Im al Pr Chee Store Sticks po odu Larsons Pomeranians, Pom & Pom mix puppies $200 & $300. Vet checked, shots & dewormed. Free older dogs. 906-368-0066 Helping PAWS Pet Rescue, Inc in Washburn, WI; all cats are neutered when their health and age permit this to be performed safely and are current on ageappropriate vaccinations. Meet Furnando Alvaro Lamas y de Santo fka Og! Meet Furnando, so named because like his Dos Equis namesake, he is the most interesting of his species. They say he is so big, he looks down on Saint Bernards and Rottweilers. They say he is so smart, he once taught border collies how to herd sheep. They say he sings so beautifully that the birds come to him for lessons. These legends may or may not be true, but we do know that Furnando is a big (not fat) kitty with a dog-like personality and a melodious little chirping voice. He will do a variety of tricks if there is a treat involved. (“I don’t always eat treats, but when I do, I Banks Pushed Back Driveways Widened Twin Mattress........$129 Full Mattress........$169 Queen Mattress........$199 Dog Cat SECTION 1 PAGE 3 MONDAYS NIGNT MEETINGS: 8:00 P.M. MAETC (Meth ETC) Woodland Church N10234 Curry Street Ironwood, MI TUESDAY NIGNT MEETINGS: 7:00 P.M. NA Meetings Wesley United Methodist 500 E McLeod Ironwood, MI 6DYH WKLV DG 75((5 ,1',$15,9(5$5($ 6%(67 ,3( 75((5,3(1(')58,7,6%$&. QHZFURS*$SHFDQVKDOYHV +RQH\EHOOVFWDYDLO-DQ WKLV :K\WUHHULSHQHG"7UHHULSHQLQJLVWKHNH\WRSURGXFLQJWKH VZHHWHVWPRVWÁDYRUIXOFLWUXV(QMR\HDWLQJFLWUXVDJDLQ ZZZWUHH²ULSHFRP :KDWHYHUWKHZHDWKHUZH·OOEHWKHUH 021'$<'HF :HFDQDOVR6+,3 /$'<60,7+$&(+$5':$5(/DNH$YH:²DP +$<:$5'6/80%(5/$1'86+Z\²SP 78(6'$<'HF 3$5.)$//66+23.2+20(72:16WK²DP 3+,//,36$:&/8% 1/DNH$YH+Z\²SP 0(')25'0226,(·60(')25',11 1WKMXVW1RIMFW+Z\V²SP )5,'$<'HF-DQ Holiday Party Cheese Trays Available Ask About Specialty Cheese Trays Holiday Cheese Balls Specially Made Here Specialty Roasts Spee-Dee Shipping Available • Al Capone Roast • Italian Sausage, Almond & Spinach Stuffed Pork Loin Roast Check Out Our Website for Gift Box Ideas or Pick up a Flyer at the store! Gift Certificates Available! COUPON Winter Free Frames For All FREE Closeout Frame with Lens Order Over 300 Frames to Choose From 7HOOD 0(55,//(&212/2'*(3LQH5LGJH$YH QHDU:DO0DUWSP IULHQG 6$785'$<'HF-DQ ($*/(5,9(5/(,)·6&$)e5DLOURDG6W+Z\1RUWKDP 0,12&48$48$/,7<,1186+Z\ P ort st C odu he off cts r Ho n Ne ee M ne cta ill s y r GIVE AS A GIFT! TRE ECITR RIPE U CO S . Smoked The Only Locally Double Smoked HAM 3LQN6HHGOHVV*UDSHIUXLWFW RQ·W ' 1DYHO2UDQJHVFW PLVV se rod B rt Ch cts uc ts ay ee Big J field ses ak W P Co a ffe ter N e & A roduc e Andy’s ort mo ts s h N we Pr Double Help Those Less Fortunate Provide Christmas dinner to those who may otherwise go without! See store for details. 86:HVWSP %8<5,*+7)520 7+(758&. All Other Frames 6FKHGXOHVDUHDYDLODEOHIRURYHU:,,/,$01 0,ORFDWLRQV2UDQJHYDULHWLHVFKDQJHDVWKH VHDVRQSURJUHVVHV*UDSHIUXLWDYDLODEOHDOOVHDVRQ 30%-50% OFF 2XUWK\HDUEULQJLQJGHOLFLRXVIUXLWGLUHFWWR\RX with Lens Order BANKRUPTCY Debt Problems? Need A Fresh Start? NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION SATURDAY & EVENING APPOINTMENTS UPON REQUEST EASY PRE-FILING PAYMENT PLAN Lein Law Offices We Are A Debt Relief Agency 15692 U.S. Hwy. 63 North Hayward, WI 54843 800-944-3949 Reminder: We Offer Overnight Repairs on Frames Hours Mon-Fri 9:30am - 4:00pm Lunch 11:30am - 12:30 pm 207 2nd Ave. West Ashland, WI 715-682-8181 Bring In This Ad • Sale Good Until December 31, 2014 COUPON SECTION 1 PAGE 4 E DECEMBER 1, 2014 Shopper Network SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN CASH FOR SIGNING UP! Call local dealer toll free 1-877-3676988 mention code GNC1210 mployment Opportunities Employment Midwest Truck Driving School Inc. Get your Class A CDL today. We offer 4 wk courses & 1 week refresher courses. 1-800-3775567 or 906-789-6311. 98% Plus Placement of Qualified Graduates. Countryside Auto Transport, Inc. of Menasha, WI is looking for drivers for specialty auto transport. We have 25 years of business experience. We offer: Full-time Position, Consistent weekly miles, Paid by HUB MILES, Higher rate of pay for East miles +.10 No NYC, Paid per vehicle, Late model equipment, EZ load 7 cartrailers, 5-10 days out. Paid vacation, 401K, Health/Dental/Vision Insurance, Accident Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance & Direct Deposit. If you have a Class A CDL w/3 years experience & a good driving record, we will train you to haul cars! 800-7390701 M-F 8-5 Local Business Looking For Part-Time Employee. Starting wage, $12.00 per hour plus bonuses. Free dental insurance. Will train right candidate. Send application or resume to: Schilleman Bus Service, 3000 Odanah Rd., Hurley, WI 54534. Or call Lee at 715-561-2526. VALLEY EXPRESS -OSHKOSH MID-WEST REGIONAL DRIVERS! Class A 53’ Dry Van Freight. Able to Avg. 2,500 Miles/Wk. Performance Bonuses & Profit Sharing. Needed Immediately! Semi Truck Driver Call Bob 906-224-1000 Paid Life Insurance & Full Benefit Package Available. Questions? Call Sean @ Valley Express 920-231-1677 (wcan) Commercial Sign and Graphics Installers needed. Experience Preferred. Vinyl Graphics installation, sheet metal fabrication, welding, torching, electrical troubleshooting, blue print reading, forklift and crane operation. CDL preferred. 920337-0660. Shawano County is accepting applications for Data Entry Clerk with the Register of Deeds Office. This is a temporary, one-year position working 21 hours per week, $12.50 per hour. Will be hiring 2-4 individuals from this recruitment. Please go to our website at to apply. Please call 715-524-4611 if you have any questions. Application Deadline is 1-2-2015. HELP WANTED: Full & Part Time Cooks & Wait Staff Flexible Schedule All previous applicants must reapply. Apply at: TOM’S COUNTRY CAFE Hwy. 51, Mercer, WI or Call 715-476-2433 DRIVERS! Run Midwest/Southeast! Closest thing to regional with OTR pay! Call 800-227-0020 or apply at OTR Drivers Wanted Refer/Flat/Stepdeck, Mileage Paid + Benefits. Sign on safety & fuel bonus. Also Hiring O/O’s, w/or w/out trailer. Percentage pay; call or stop in: Zernicke Trucking Inc. 2808 Cty Rd EE, Abrams WI. 1800-772-9312 Shawano County is accepting applications for an Office Assistant with the Clerk of Courts office. Go to our website at to apply. Please call 715-524-4611 if you have any questions. Application Deadline is 12-12-2014. OTR TRUCK DRIVER We are a Gladstone, MI based company currently hiring flatbed and van company drivers and o/o immediately for outstanding runs with 2500 to 3000 miles per week and predictable home time. Competitive wages based upon experience. OPHTHALMIC TECHNICIAN Northern Waters Ophthalmology is seeking the right candidate for position of Ophthalmic Technician. This is a full time position with excellent benefits. Occasional travel. Education: Successful completion as COA, COT or COMT. Two years’ experience as Ophthalmic Technician, computer proficiency and outstanding interpersonal skills. We will consider providing on the job training for candidates that have a strong medical background and experience. Please send your cover letter, resume and transcripts to: Northern Waters Ophthalmology Nancy Brede, Clinic Manager 2111 Beaser Avenue, Ashland, WI 54806 Application deadline is Monday, December 15, 2014. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Regional Hospice Services, Inc., a private nonprofit organization providing end-of-life care and services to patients and their families, seeks a mission-driven leader to serve as our new Executive Director. Working under the direction of a Board of Directors, this position is responsible for the total management of the organization which provides nursing care, social services, spiritual care, grief services, and bereavement services to patients living with terminal illness in 7 counties of NW WI and 2 counties in Michigan’s western upper peninsula. Headquartered in Ashland, site offices are also located in Bessemer, MI; Hayward, WI and Spooner, WI. Requirements of the position include a 4 year degree or its equivalent training and experience in a clinical field, i.e. nursing; business; healthcare administration; or another related area. Must have management or leadership experience and demonstrated skills in strategic planning, financial management, and staff supervision. Must also have strong skills in communication, relationship-building, and collaboration. Nonprofit experience, especially in hospice services, is strongly preferred. Must be willing to travel extensively within the service area. Must demonstrate an understanding of hospice philosophy and mission and be able to lead an organization in mission fulfillment. Competitive salary and benefits. To apply submit cover letter and resume by 12/31/14 to: Diana Anderson, Regional Hospice Services, Inc. 1913 Beaser Ave., Ashland, WI 54806 Fax: 715-682-6404 • EOE Contact Kevin or Randy 906-420-8480 for more info. Job Information DENTAL ASSISTANT Be one in just 10 SATURDAYS! Fan us on FACEBOOK! Next class begins 1/3/15. Call 920730-1112 Appleton (Reg. WI EAB) (wcan) Call Attorney Norman Moore for a FREE Bankruptcy Consultation and get some sleep tonight! Serving the Upper Peninsula and Wisconsin since 2004. 920-3934616 or 906-420-8262 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 800-960-0307 to start your application today! (wcan) HEATMOR STAINLESS STEEL OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES. Winter super sale! The best investment you’ll ever make. Limited lifetime warranty. For info and prices call Nick 906-3415065. LAHTI TOWING & SALES 24 HOUR TOWING Auctions Auction Antiques & Collectibles 50 year Collection 12th Auction in Series Saturday, Dec 6th, 10 am Sharp, (8 am Inspection) Whistle Inn, Nichols, WI (5595 Depot Road, 54152) (gnc) Business Services Bankruptcy Services STOP...Creditor Calls, Foreclosures, Garnishments, Lawsuits, Repossessions. STOP WORRYING! FREE Initial Consultation - We can help. Call Viau & Chapekis at 906-786-2277 TODAY! REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW! 800-492-0375 (wcan) DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 800374-3940 (wcan) Home Improvement All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 800-991-1602 (wcan) Financial ARE YOU in BIG trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 800-601-2165. (wcan) Do you owe over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? Get tax relief now! Call BlueTax, the nation’s full service tax solution firm. 800-671-9189 (wcan) LED Light Bars from $169 Rovelsky’s Downtown Ironwood 906-932-1830 BUCKY’S SNOW REMOVAL • Seasonal Residential Rates • Monthly Rates • Individual Plowing • Shoveling - Decks & Walkways • Snow Blowing ~ FREE Quotes ~ 24 Hour Service ~ Chad Bucknell 509 E. Lead Street, Bessemer, MI 906-364-5853 Miscellaneous FOR SALE: Murry Sno-Blower, 26” 10hp, electric start, like new, $500. Call 715-561-3803. FOR SALE: Pellet stove by Whitfield, includes piping and 5 bags of pellets, $450 obo. 715339-6332. LUMBER SALE: Curly Birdseye Maple, Walnut, Oak, Quartersawn, Cherry, Lots More, Dried & Plained 715-7623737 FOR SALE: Factory front bumper fits 2011-2013 Chevy & GMC 2500, 3500 trucks, $275. Call (715) 292-2950. HIGH SPEED INTERNET 3x FASTER THAN DSL. Now Available! Get High Speed Internet wherever you live! Get instant web access, faster browsing & downloads without using the phone line. Save $120 first year when bundled with DISH TV. Ask about FREE installation and a $50 rebate for signing up! Don’t wait another week! Call local dealer toll free 1-877-367-6988code HSIGNC0612 OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE CENTRAL BOILER CLASSIC, E-CLASSIC AND MAXIM PELLET FURNACE Get your “Classic” before the E.P.A. new source performance standards go into effect and save big money with our fall rebates! We have a large inventory of Classics to choose from. We stock Thermopex insulated underground pipe and a full line of parts for the do it your-selfer and we offer professional installation including excavation. Hurry winter is almost here! Get yours today and avoid paying big bucks for propane. Call SWARTZ ENTERPRISE at 715-893-2324 Today! or visit for current pricing and rebates. My Computer Works Computer Problems? Viruses, Spyware, Email, Printer Issues, Bad Internet Connections - FIX IT NOW! Professional, US Based Technicians. $25 off Service. Call for Immediate Help. 800611-2173 (wcan) BRATU’S HARDWOOD INTERIORS in Ironwood, offers made to order Hardwood Flooring, Wall Paneling, Casings and Stair Components. Call for species and prices. 906-932-1990 AEI DISH. TV’s Best Value! Local channels plus 190 more only $29.99. FREE HBO, CINEMAX, STARZ & Showtime. FREE HOPPER DVR WITH SLING. FREE Installation and equipment. Up to 6 TVs. Quick install. $50 WANTED: Old antique toys. Tin, Wind-up, Battery, Cars and Trucks, ‘20’s, ‘30’s, ‘40’s, ‘50’s , ‘60’s, plastic, cast iron, steel, rubber, vintage playsets, GI Joe’s, Barbies. Call Jerry 479-273-9939. *ROOF RAKING *SNOW SHOVELING *HANDYMAN/PAINTING *SNOW BLOWING CALL PHIL OLSON 715-292-5202 Solenoids, Springs, Hoses, Controls, etc. LED Emergency Lights from $39 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 906-364-0299 Auction Antiques & Collectibles 50 year Collection 12th Auction in Series Saturday, Dec 6th, 10 am Sharp, (8 am Inspection) Whistle Inn, Nichols, WI (5595 Depot Road, 54152) Watch for signs! Furniture, Glassware,Unusual Items, Old Toys & More! View Details/Photos at Col. Barb’s R.E. & Auction, LLC (920) 525-1130 Col. Barb Helein, Reg. WI Auctioneer #583, W4226 Shady Road, Bonduel, WI 54107 SNOW PLOW PARTS MEDICAL ASSISTANT Northern Waters Ophthalmology will be expanding our team of professional staff. We are looking for the right candidate to work as a Medical Assistant at our Ashland Office with travel to our outreach locations approximately 2 days per week. This is a full time position with excellent benefits. Travel is required utilizing a company vehicle. Education: Successful completion of Medical Assistant Program, two years experience as medical assistant, computer proficiency and proven record providing outstanding customer service. Certification as Ophthalmic Assistant is a plus. Please send your cover letter, resume and transcripts to: Northern Waters Ophthalmology Nancy Brede, Clinic Manager 2111 Beaser Avenue, Ashland, WI 54806 Application deadline is Monday, December 15, 2014. “We Plow from Hurley to Wakefield” • SNOW BLOWING • SNOWPLOWING • ROOF SHOVELING • REMOVING SNOWBANKS • ICE REMOVAL TRUSTED IN THE NORTHLAND FREE ESTIMATES • Residential and Commercial • 24 Hour Service • Low Rates • Fully Insured 906.932.3227 CLOVERLAND MOTORS & EXCAVATING Sanding & Salting Front End Loaders Plow Trucks • Snow Plowing & Removal • Banks Pushed Back • Driveways Widened WE HAUL SNOW! *Commercial & Residental* (906) 932-1202 *Reasonable Rates* DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN SECTION 1 PAGE 5 IN NEED OF EXPERT SERVICE or ADVICE...TURN TO THE PROFESSIONALS! We’re At Your SERVICE GUIDE VEHICLE RENTALS FINANCIAL SERVICES HOME SITE PREP Brian Binz Construction RED’S RENTAL CARS INC. • 4 Door Sedans • 12 Passenger Vans • 7 Passenger Mini Vans Home: (715) 561-3219 • Work: (715) 862-0063 Call For Reservations 906-932-4449 Or Go To An Ameriprise Platinum Financial Services® practice GARAGE DOORS Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 910 E. Cloverland Drive Ironwood, Michigan 49938 Bus: (906)932-1981 Fax: (906)932-9771 Cell: (906)364-1638 Jerry T. Synkelma Senior Financial Advisor CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM Practitioner • House Raising and Moving • Under Pins • Demolition • Land Clearing and Stumping • Excavation • Homesite Prep • Basements • Water and Sewer Lines • Pond Digging • Septic Digging • Sand • Gravel • Topsoil • Crushed Granite & Road Gravel 9 Montreal Street • Montreal, WI 54550 Yvonne Morzenti INVESTMENT PROFESSIONAL Located at Gogebic Range Bank 155 E. Cloverland Dr. P.O. Box 39 Ironwood, MI 49938 OFFICE: 906-932-4071 Securities offered through Cetera Investment Services LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other entity. WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING BINZ BROS. Drilling since 1950 WELL DRILLING & PUMP SERVICE COMPLETE WATER SYSTEMS HYDRO FRACTURING SERVICES AUTO CARE SERVICES From Small Cars to Oversize Trucks DAN’S AUTO REPAIR CALL TODAY! 715-561-2635 110 5th Ave. N., Hurley, WI SECTION 12 AUTOMOTIVE Minor & Major Repairs WHEEL ALIGNMENTS In Stock Batteries TIRE SALES CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS WESTERN PLOW SALES & SERVICE Reliable & Affordable • Fast & Friendly (906) (906)932-1700 932-1700 N10866 Section 12 Road, Ironwood, MI 49938 e-mail: ANIMALS Something Tropical Areas Largest Aquatic Shop! Lutey’s Flower Shop 906-932-0410 101 S. Mansfield, Ironwood Mich. License #93-2060 Wisc. License #3570 GOLD • SILVER • JEWELRY SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Over 10 Years Experience In Wheel Alignments PLOW SALES & SERVICE Lutey’s Has Provided 110 Years of Excellent Service to Our Community! 6400 Odanah Road • Hurley, WI 54534 NEWEST & LATEST EQUIPMENT GREAT PRICES!! Owner: Jim Wuorinen See Us For ALL Your Plant & Floral Arrangements • ROTARY DRILLING • WATER WELL PUMP REPAIR • WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS 715-561-5590 Need A Wheel Alignment? YOUR AUTHORIZED “Your Local Well Drilling” Contractor STEEL OR PVC CASED WELLS LUTEY’S FLORAL SHOP PENCE SMALL ENGINE SALES & SERVICE ~ ALL MAKES & MODELS ~ Also buying all other types of Gold & Silver U.P. COIN & CARD 715-561-2668 WE BUY GOLD Reserve Your Space In The Next North Country Sun Service Guide TRAVEL $963 Per Person • Double Occupancy 11 days – 10 Nights • March 20-30, 2015 (715) 561-5506 Please Call: 906-663-4030 1002 E. Lead St. (U.S. 2), Bessemer, MI 906-932-3530 SAN ANTONIO TEXAS 5954 W. Rangeview Drive Hurley, WI 54534 Subject to market fluctuations Used Lawn & Garden Equipment Trailer Rentals Free Pick-Up Service * $39.95/Hr. Shop Rate Spring Tune-Up Specials Only $69.95 + Parts Upper Peninsula Travelers Presents Fish, Pets & Supplies BUYING!!! PRE-65 Silver Coins paying $11.90 Per Dollar PRE-36 Silver Dollars VG/+ paying $16.50 & up 10K Gold $11.15 Per Gram - 14K Gold $15.70 Per Gram 18K Gold $20.20 Per Gram Price Includes: Transportation, Lodging, 18 Meals, Guided Tour of San Antonio, Cruise along the famous River Walk District, Alamo, S.A. Missions, LBJ Ranch, San Fernando Cathedral, El Mercado, National Museum of the Pacific War and much more, too much to list all. For Information & Reservation contact: SHEILA HEIKKINEN at 906-524-7003 or 135 E. AURORA ST. IRONWOOD, MI PHONE 906-932-5679 SECTION 1 PAGE 6 DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN Real Estate/Auctions TANKS OUTDOOR WOOD BOILERS (William Tank & Son) Burn 1/3 to 1/2 Less Wood Proven efficient design includes: • Multi-pass heat exchanger, maximum heat recovery area of any outdoor wood boiler. • Water cooled grates. • Easy-to-dump ash pan keeps ash away from the fire pot to reduce ash insulation. • Double boiler style welded joints. • Strong round fire pot requires fewer welds and has less risk of warping & cracking. • Free Estimates. Best Built!–Most Efficient! See why you will save more money at William Tank & Son, Inc. E-mail: 715-264-4422/715-663-0309 FOR LEASE: Large downtown Ironwood apartments. All utilities paid. Safe and secure. Laundry. Miners Mural Apartments. Call Frank 906-364-7250. monthly, includes water, trash, seasonal care, sheds. MSHDA accepted. Pet friendly. Call 906634-7086. Rental Real Estate FOR RENT: 2 & 3 bedroom mobile homes available at Ironwood Estates, $400-$500 APARTMENT FOR RENT Hometown Village Mercer - Minong - Centuria NOW WITH FREE WIFI Affordable 1 bedroom apartment homes for adults 62+ and/or those with disabilities. Rent is based on income. 715-635-3031 Meridian Group, Inc. EHO Apartments FOR RENT Wakefield, Large 2 bedroom, ground floor apartment. $475 mo. plus security deposit includes heat. ~ AVAILABLE OCTOBER 15TH ~ BUILDING FOR RENT OR SALE Old Purse Palace location at 132 E. Aurora. 700 sq. ft. Turn-key ready, new furnace, great downtown Ironwood location for Retail or Office Space. 1 Year Lease Required for Rental. Call 906-224-1000 TOTAL COVERAGE IS NOW YOURS! FOR RENT: One bedroom upstairs apartment, includes all utilities, Hurley, $445.00 a month. Call 715-561-3883. FOR RENT: Wakefield Central School modern 2 bedroom apartment, $540 month, includes heat, storage, (no pets). Call 906224-9130. Commercial Property COLONIAL COURT APARTMENTS Flexible Leasing!\~ ASK ABOUT OUT SPECIALS! 1 bedroom starting @ $600; 2 bedrooms starting @ $700. 3 bedrooms starting @ $900 Cats/Dogs some buildings. Indoor Pool/Spa/Underground CALL LISA • 906-224-1000 parking. Security Deposit $399. 430 C Nancy Lane, Pulaski. WI 920-822-3456. FOR RENT: Commercial space, suite 8, 750 sq. ft., 629 West Cloverland Drive, Ironwood, MI. Located in the beautiful Sunnyside Plaza. For more information call 906-932-9018. Homes HOUSE FOR RENT: Ironwood Northside, quiet neighborhood, side-by-side duplex, garage, 2 bedroom, stove/refrigerator, references/security deposit required, available December 1st. No Pets, $350.00 month. Call 906932-4672. MEMBER-AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS CS Design & Engineering, Inc. & 803 Lake Shore Drive West ASHLAND, WISCONSIN 54806 “Specializing In Residential & Commercial Building Design, Inspections & Consulting” Sale Real Estate STEPHEN G. SCHRAUFNAGEL, BUS: (715) 682-0330 REGISTERED ARCHITECT TOLL FREE: 1-800-723-0451 LEED ACCREDITED PROFESSIONAL FAX: (715) 682-4308 REGISTERED HOME INSPECTOR FOR SALE: 700 sq. ft. building, downtown Ironwood. Prime location, turnkey! $21,900. Call 906-285-0409. Visit us on the web at: WANTED - TRADE - BUY - SELL - RENT - LOST - HIRE - LEASE USE THIS FORM FOR QUICK RESULTS ALL 3 AREAS 20 WORDS OR LESS ONE AREA 20 WORDS OR LESS It doesn’t have to be a jungle out there anymore. Put your classifieds in our hands. We make it simple for you. $3.00 ONLY EACH ADDITIONAL WORD 5¢ $4.50 ONLY EACH ADDITIONAL WORD 15¢ HOMES, LAND AND DEALING IN BUSINESS ARE 15 WORDS FOR $4.00, EACH ADDITIONAL WORD IS 20¢. COUNT EACH WORD, INCLUDING YOUR NAME & PHONE IF USED IN THE AD. THESE CHARGES PER PAPER. - GIVEAWAYS ARE FREE NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ OVER 41,000 HOMES _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ WE ARE THE SHOPPER NETWORK THAT GETS RESULTS _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ $3.00 / $4.50 $3.25 / $5.25 ALL 3 PAPERS At Our Special Rate $4.50 $3.40 / $5.70 $3.45 / $5.85 $3.20 / $5.10 $3.50 / $6.00 $3.60 / $6.30 $3.65 / $6.45 $3.70 / $6.60 $3.75 / $6.75 $3.80 / $6.90 Name ________________________________ Or Run Your Ad In Any One Area. Address ______________________________ $ City ____________ Ph. ________________ Amount Enclosed MONEY MUST ACCOMPANY AD EVERGREEN ZONE 2 10,606 Homes Park Falls - Phillips - Prentice Select Any ONE Market, or Get Total Coverage And Save By Placing Your Ad In ALL THREE PAPERS EVERGREEN COUNTRY SHOPPER 14,330 Homes Ashland NORTH COUNTRY SUN 16,429 Homes Ironwood USE THIS FOR GREAT RESULTS $3.35 / $5.55 $3.15 / $4.95 WANT AD DEADLINE: THURSDAY AT 5:00 P.M. All Three Papers. FRIDAY AT 10:00 A.M. Evergreen Country Shopper. Run Your Ad In HANDY Want Ad Form $3.30 / $5.40 $3.10 / $4.80 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ $3.55 / $6.15 Of Only $3.05 / $4.65 *HOMES, LAND AND DEALING IN BUSINESS ARE 15 WORDS FOR $4.00, EACH ADDITIONAL WORD IS 20¢. COUNT EACH WORD, INCLUDING YOUR NAME & PHONE IF USED IN THE AD. THESE CHARGES PER PAPER. SAVE • SAVE • SAVE K ALL THREE PAPERS $4.50 K NORTH COUNTRY SUN K EVERGREEN COUNTRY SHOPPER K EVERGREEN ZONE 2 P.O. Box 426 Park Falls, WI 54552 P.O. Box 425 Ironwood, MI 49938 417 9th Ave. West, Ashland, WI 54806 DECEMBER 1, 2014 HOLIDAY MUSIC RELEASES ON THE HORIZON Traditions vary from family to family, but many families share a love of holiday songs and carols at this time of year. Many notable performers have lent their voices to timeless classics or created entirely new songs that have gone on to become perennial favorites. Every year new singers showcase their talents with Christmas releases, and 2014 is no different. Holiday albums available this year include country artists’ collaborations, a carol collection from a singer-songwriter and a surprise swing-jazz release from an actor and voiceover artist. • Grammy-winning vocalist Michael W. Smith teams up with a bevy of country music greats on his “Michael W. Smith & Friends: The Spirit of Christmas.” Popular artists Lady Antebellum, Jennifer Nettles, Little Big Town, and even U2’s Bono appear on this album, which features an orchestral flavor. The album is Smith’s fourth holiday release. • Those looking for another Christmas album to freshen up their collections can look to “Sings Christmas Carols” from Mark Koselek. The singer-songwriter and frontman for the band Sun Kil Moon lends his baritone and guitar chops to several classic Christmas carols, including “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” and “The First Noel.” • Seth MacFarlane may have Oscar and Grammy nominations to his name, but soon he will have a Christmas album to his credit as well. MacFarlane recorded “Holiday for Swing” during the holiday season last year. The release follows MacFarlane’s critically acclaimed musical debut, “Music Is Better Than Words.” The actor collaborates with Norah Jones, Sarah Bareilles and others on the tracks, which have a jazz-blues feel. In case you happened to miss the release of the variety of Christmas albums last year, choose among “I Wanna Go Surfin’ With Santa,” by the Hollyberries; “Horror Xmas,” from The Misfits; “Snow Globe,” by Erasure; or “On This Winter’s Night,” from Lady Antebellum. HL14C768 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN 0 SECTION 1 PAGE 7 HUGE THIS IS THE BIGGEST SALE IN OUR HISTORY! VALUABLE COUPON Coupon Additional Savings up To % 60 OFF 10 al’$ FURNITURE 10% Savings up To 10% % OFF % 60 Does not apply to previous purchases Limit One Coupon Per Person OFF EXPIRES 12-6-14 COFFEE TABLES Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$349.00 Sale From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$99.00 W/10% off Coupon . . . . . . . . . . .-$10.00 $ SOFAS Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$599.00 Sale From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$299.00 W/10% off Coupon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-$30.00 8900 $ $ 26900 2 PC. SECTIONALS LOVE SEATS Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$549.00 Sale From . . . . . . . . . . . .$249.00 W/10% off Coupon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-$25.00 Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$999.00 Sale From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$699.00 W/10% off Coupon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-$70.00 $ 22400 62900 Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$399.00 Sale From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$249.00 W/10% off Coupon . . . . . . . . . . . . .-$25.00 Mismatch Mattress & Box Spring Set $ 22400 Reg. .........................................................$499.00 Sale From ................................................$199.00 W/10% off Coupon ..................................-$20.00 17900 Choice Of Colors Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$249.00 Sale From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$149.00 W/10% off Coupon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-$15.00 $ 13400 Choice Of Colors 15 YEAR WARRANTY $ 5 DRAWER CHEST Choice Of Colors RECLINERS QUEEN SIZE Gel Memory Foam MATTRESS & BOX SPRING SETS FULL SIZE Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,339.00 Sale From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$899.00 W/10% off Coupon . . . . . . . .-$90.00 $ QUEEN SIZE Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,599.00 Sale From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$999.00 W/10% off Coupon . . . . . . .-$100.00 80900 al’s FURNITURE $ 89900 KING SIZE Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,399.00 Sale From . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,399.00 W/10% off Coupon . . . . . . .-$140.00 $ 1,25900 • Fast FREE Delivery & Set Up • FREE Layaway • FREE Removal of Old Furniture & Bedding Locally owned and operated for 21 years Ironwood, MI • 125 E. Aurora St. • 906-932-4499 Give Mom What She Wants For Christmas at the The Fabric Patch December 1st Thru December 6th 906-932-4499 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-5; Sat. 9-3 Perfect for the Holidays NEW Clothing in for Snowmobile Season Now Carrying FXR Brand Jackets, Bibs and Boots We Still Have Castle Wear Remaining Authorized Dealer Husqvarna/Viking Celebrating 30 Years Of Creativity Visit Our Website: The Fabric Patch “Quilting Headquarters of the North” 100 W. McLeod Ave., Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-5260 STOP IN AND CHECK OUT OUR NEW LINE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Closed Sundays CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS 300 E. Cloverland Dr. (U.S. 2) Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-1202 • SECTION 1 PAGE 8 DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN NO HOLIDAY CELEBRATION IS COMPLETE UNTIL EGGNOG HAS BEEN SERVED S t o r m y K ro m e r F l a g s h i p S t o re E x t e n d e d Holiday Shopping Hours Extended Hours For the Holiday Season The holiday season is rife with tradition, from Christmas trees to lighting displays to visits with Santa Claus at the local mall. Families reunite come the holiday season to exchange gifts, enjoy meals together and do a little catching up along the way. But the holiday season also is synonymous with parties. Whether it’s to enjoy an office holiday party, a gathering with November 17, 2014 - January 2, 2015 Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Check out the weekly specials and factory seconds. 1238 Wall Street • Ironwood, MI Your FREE LAYAWAY PLAN Less Than 25 Days ‘Til Christmas Tel: 888.455.2253 HOLIDAY SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS Register to Win TWIN SIZE SEALY POSTUREPEDIC MATTRESS, BOX SPRING & FRAME Gift Certificates Available Macaulay Plush - Ironwood Store • Macaulay Firm - Ashland Store $800.00 Value Home Theater SECTIONALS ASHLAND STORE ONLY With Power Recliners Was $ 1,899 IN STORE SPECIAL ASHLAND STORE ONLY $ Many RECLINERS From $ 299 SOFAS, LOVE SEATS, CHAIRS, SECTIONALS & OCCASIONAL TABLES SOFA LOVE SEAT COMBOS CLOSEOUT 1,500 BEAUTIFUL AREA RUGS $ $ 1,298 BAR STOOLS From DAYBEDS & BUNK BEDS Fresh Arrival Of NEW Lamps 169 GLIDE ROCKERS From $ 284 Excellent Selection Of HEADBOARDS From $ 47 Finished & Unfinished From $ 34 FUTONS With Pad From CLOSEOUT ENERGY EFFICIENT ELECTRIC FIREPLACES IN STORE SPECIALS NEW BEDROOM & DINING GROUPS From CLOSEOUT SELECT BEDROOM FURNITURE PIECES $ 328 Finished & Unfinished HOME OFFICE DESKS “The Manhandlers” Big Man’s Chair From $ 659 MAGAZINE BASKET & QUILT RACKS Finished & Unfinished From $ 417 Solid Oak HOME OFFICE FURNITURE SOFA SERVERS JEWELRY ARMOIRES Power & Lift RECLINERS Many Colors, Styles & Sizes $ 153 Solid Wood KIDS ROCKERS $ 89 From $ 833 Beautiful Selection In Our ART GALLERY LOOK NO FURTHER FOR YOUR NEXT MATTRESS Twin Sets From $299, Full Sets from $469, Queen Sets From $535 All Sizes Available Hurry In for Best Selection Latex & Gel Foam OVER 15 MODELS To Choose From Prices Starting at $ 299 FREE Local Delivery…FREE Regional Delivery Up To 75 Miles On Orders Of $299 Or More (Stop For Details) “The Furniture You Want...The Way You Want It!” 90 Day Free Financing with Approved Credit FREE Removal Of Old Bedding Free Layaway Plan Certified Member Complete Finished or Unfinished, Bedroom Sets, Dining Room & Kitchen Sets, Living Room Sets & Recliners-Everything You Need To Make Your House A Home. 128 E. Aurora Street, Ironwood, Michigan 49938 906-932-4400 or 906-932-3400 504 Main Street West, Downtown Ashland 54806 715-682-8900 Website: the sugar and beat until it reaches a creamy consistency. 3. Add the brandy, rum and bourbon, and then the milk, beating well. 4. In a medium-size mixing bowl, beat the egg whites with a hand mixer until soft peaks form (be sure before beating the whites that you have cleaned and thoroughly dried the beaters). 5. Fold the egg whites into the yolk-sugar-alcohol mixture. Refrigerate the mix until well chilled (at least 3 hours). 6. Stir to recombine as needed. Serve the eggnog in mugs, topping each serving with some nutmeg. TF148452 Excellent Eggnog Serves 8 8 large eggs, preferably organic 2-1/4 cups superfine sugar 8 ounces brandy 8 ounces rum 4 ounces bourbon 1 quart milk Freshly grated nutmeg for garnish 1. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites, setting the whites aside for a moment. 2. In a large mixing bowl, beat the yolks with a hand mixer until completely combined. Add GUN CABINETS Nice Selection From family and friends or a more intimate gathering at home, such celebrations are a big part of the holiday season and a main reason why this is such a festive and beloved time of year. As this is a season of celebrating, it’s good to remember that no holiday party is truly complete until eggnog has been served. Enjoyed almost exclusively during the holiday season, eggnog is as much a staple of holiday celebrations as stockings hung by the chimney with care. This year, impress your holiday guests with the following recipe for “Excellent Eggnog” from A.J. Rathbun’s “Good Spirits” (Harvard Common Press). HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9-6 Saturday 9-3 Hallmark Greta’s STOCK UP EARLY! Great Stocking Stuffers & Exchange Gifts $ 00 $ 00 Get The Excitement Going With This Family Tradition ELF on the SHELF 10 - 20 Don’t Forget The Keepsake Hallmark Ornaments For All Your Family & Friends 222 Cloverland Dr., Ironwood, MI • (906)932-4432 • Open 7 Days A Week YOUR ADULT PARTY STORE! Ignite the Flames of Passion Visit Our Darlingsre Eldorado’s Super Sto ua f Minocq South o 3 miles 51 y. w H 5 701 rst, WI Hazelhu 683 8 5 715-3 -5 Darlings Osseo wy. 10 I-94 & H Junction s South ile m 15 laire of Eau C 5683 759 571 Bus. 1 mile Hwy. 51 Sou th South of Steven Downtown s Poin t 715-34 3-9877 Where you get more for your money and much much more for your honey! SPECIALIZING IN VIDEOS & DVD (6,000+) LINGERIE • SHOES • TOYS GREETING CARDS • FULL TOBACCO SHOP HOOKA SUPPLIES SENSUAL BOOKS & MAGAZINES • JEWELRY• JEWELRY GREETINGPERFUMES CARDS • PERFUMES SUN - THURS: 10AM - 8 PM FRI & SAT: 10AM - MIDNIGHT HOLIDAY LIVING MADE EASY With so much on our plates between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, the holiday season can be hectic. Fortunately, there are many ways to save time and make the holiday season more manageable. • If you don’t have plastic clips to hang lights around windows and to the eaves of your home, inexpensive clothespins will work just as well. If you’re concerned about the color of the wooden clips, paint them holiday hues before stringing the lights. DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN • Put a bath mat, rug-side • Store one or two strings of • Old maps make interesting • Save plastic bread ties, down and rubber-side up, lights in a plastic shopping bag gift wrap and are a nice change which can be used to make beneath your Christmas tree to keep the strands from of pace from commercially tags for the wires on certain stand. This allows you to spin getting tangled. Hang the bags produced paper or newsprint. devices. Such ties also can be the tree as you hang lights and from a hook in a garage or • Wrap duct tape or another used to organize decorating ornaments without damaging stack them in a storage bin. type of sticky tape around your components and to keep your the floor underneath. It also • Use plastic zip ties to attach hand. Pat over fallen pine place on a roll of tape. makes it simple to undress the garland and lights to needles that accumulate • Measure the inside of your tree once the season is over. bannisters. They’re easy to around the tree. In hard-topicture window and construct a Use a tree skirt to hide the mat. assemble and will not damage reach areas, wrap the tape wooden frame to its • Squeeze artificial tree the bannisters. around a broom or a floor dimensions. Staple holiday portions into concrete form • A paper towel holder can be sweeper. lights to the frame and then tubes. First wrap the tree screwed to the wall in a craft • When traveling for the easily slip the frame in and out portions in twine and then slip room to neatly hold spools of holidays, use a brightly colored of place each year. them into the concrete sleeves. ribbon. Simply pull the length suitcase or flashy tape to make • Hang a live wreath or some Each tube can be stowed in you need from the spool and your suitcase stand out from boughs of evergreen in your attic or garage rafters, freeing cut for easy decorating. others at the airport. home to give it that fresh pine up precious space. • Mount a tree stand to a piece • Place hardened brown sugar scent if you have an artificial • Use empty squirt bottles to of wood with screws or glue. in a baking dish, cover it with a tree. make baking and cooking This prevents spills from moist paper towel and either • Color-code storage easier. Pancake and cookie reaching the floor while microwave it on high for 20containers so you can easily batters can be squirted from stabilizing the tree. second intervals or place it in a find holiday decorations in the the containers for less mess. 300 F oven for five minutes. attic or basement. This will soften the sugar, • Pack for a holiday excursion making it easier to use the using a collapsible clothing sugar to prepare your favorite storage hanger for closets. holiday cookie recipes. Fold clothes on each fabric 17th Annual McR ae McRae T rue Value Value Christmas Christmas True Tool T o Sho ool Show w Now Is The Time To Get Your Holiday Gifts FFactory actor a y Reps on hand both days! Save 30-50% 10% Of Offf On All Furniture, Lamps & Accessories All T Tools o oo ools & Accessories Fr From om ON SALE NOW! Levels Levels Trade T rade in your old DeW Waalt Batte Batter ies ffor or o DeWalt Batteries 18 on 20 Volt Volt o Batteries Batteries 1 10% 2̆ 2 ̆ 4VIRXMI%ZI%WLPERH 4VIRXMI%ZI%WLPERH How Logging Has Changed in the Last 150 Years It is 42 minutes long and contains demonstrations of how logging tools were used. Still pictures (from private collections) of a Shay locomotive and vintage tractors. Vintage footage of a river drive in the 1920’s, logging footage of the 1960’s and an interview of an old logger. Very Educational Holiday Special: Both DVDs for $30 and free S&H. TJ Productions, 135 Cherry Lane, Ontonagon, MI 49953. Girl’s Holiday Dresses All L adders Ladders McRae McR ae True T rue Value Value Hardware Ha rd dware The producer does the introduction with a railroad map. This DVD consists of 6 exclusive interviews of loggers’ lumber camp days during the logging of virgin timber. These are their best stories and their greatest memories, for example the story of a bride who had never cooked before, yet became the camp cook. And hear about the failed attempt to unionize the loggers in the 1950’s. These loggers range in ages 78 to 98 years old. The DVD is filled with historical pictures matching the loggers’ stories. The photo’s range from 1920’s to 1958. Watch one interview or all six for a total of 137 minutes. shelf and then collapse it into your suitcase. When you get to your destination, unfold and hang it in a closet so all of your clothes will be at the ready. Make the holidays even more enjoyable with a variety of timesavers and clever tips. HL14C773 30 Years PRICES T OO LOW TOO T O ADVERTISE! TO A Century of Logging Stories PAGE 9 Celebrating Thursday Thursday, day y, Decem December 4th & Friday, Friday y, December 5th, 2014 Purchase Purchase $50 of DeWalt DeW Wa alt or Stanley Asscessories & receive recei ve a FREE Stanley 25’ tape measure! measure! #33-725 SECTION 1 HOURS: Mon.-Wed. Mon.-W Weed.. 8am - 6pm Thurs.. 8am - 7pm Fri.. 8am - 6pm Sat.. 8:30 am - 5pm Sun.. 10 am - 3pm Register for our Anniversary Drawings 101 E. Aurora St., Ironwood, MI 906-932-0830 • 1-888-868-0830 Hours: Monday-Friday 9a.m.-5p.m.; Saturday 9a.m.-4p.m.; Evenings & Sundays by Appointment HOLIDAY FABRIC PATCH FOOD DRIVE Now Through December 13th Bring in 5 or More Non-Perishable Food Items and Receive a 20% Off Fabric Patch Coupon to be used anytime before January 1, 2015 All donations will be donated to a local food pantry. We will also accept cash or grocery gift card donations. Authorized Dealer Husqvarna/Viking Visit and Like Us on Visit Our Website: The Fabric Patch 100 W. McLeod Ave., Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-5260 HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Closed Sundays SECTION 1 PAGE 10 DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN Experience Ashland Shopping Stores Loaded With All Your Holiday Needs Clip & Save GIFTS FOR ALL On Any One Regular OFF Priced Item! Thank You & Merry Christmas 25% JEWELRY • WATCHES • CLOCKS Trade In Your Old Unwanted Gold, Silver & Platinum Jewelry For Cash, Or the Value Toward The Purchase Of Any New Jewelry! To All Our Regional Neighbors 116 Main St. West, Ashland, WI 54806 of Ashland 715-682-2455 ALSO GIFT CERTIFICATES Savings for the Whole Family We Ship Anywhere! 413 W. Main St. • Ashland, WI 54806 • 715-682-2114 Clip & Save % Let us help you with your holiday needs. On Any One Regular Now A rriving Priced Item! ! 25 OFF Thank You & Merry Christmas 505 W. Main St. Ashland, WI 54806 715-682-4393 Open 7 Days A Week Downtown Ashland LOCAL FOOD & GIFTS Expires 12/7/14 Featuring th Street Market Six 1413 6th St. West Ashland, WI Call 715-682-9608 •Andy’s Snack Sticks & Smoked Sausages • Wisconsin Cheese/Specialty Cheeses • Local Made Products We’re On Fac eb oo k! In Stock NOW! (715) 682-5443 1-800-570-0073 408 West Main Street, Ashland, WI QUALITY SERVICE .BJO4USFFU8FTUt"TIMBOE8*t Let us help you with your holiday needs. Cheese & Sausage Trays, Gift Boxes & Baskets Available! Wisconsin & Specialty Cheeses • Many Other Gourmet Treasures We will be open the day after Thanksgiving Shop Ashland Then... Bring Your Kids To Splashland Waterpark Call For Hours Of Operation Only $ “Mention This Ad” Limited Time WE SHIP! 715-746-2561 23920 County Hwy. F Downtown Benoit, WI 9-5 Mon.-Sat. 2 $ 00 OFF On All Preorders DELIVERIES CAN BE ARRANGED 715-682-2717 • 1022 MAIN ST. E., ASHLAND, WI TOWING & RECOVERY SPECIALISTS 7 - TOW TRUCKS AVAILABLE • TRACTOR/TRAILER PARTS & SERVICE AIR CUSHION RECOVERY SERVICE 00 7 per Child $ 00 3You’llFor 20 Love Shopping & WATERPARK TOMLINSON’S 2500 East Lake Shore Drive Ashland, WI • 715-682-9699 Open 24 Hours • 7 Days A Week Gift Boxes & Baskets Available! MANY STYLES FINE FOOTWEAR SUPER CENTER We Ship! Women’s Classic Everyone welcome! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon-Sat 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.-6 p.m. • Handmade German Christmas Cookies & Chocolates • Homemade Jams & Jellies • German Christmas Specialties • German Christmas Decorations • Advent Calendars • And Lots More! Allan Smiles, Owner Downtown Ashland, WI Expires 12/6/14 Christmas Sales On All Brands 3009 Lake Shore Dr. E. • 715-682-9950 • Your Kids Will Love Swimming! Complete Automotive Services! Store Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00; Sat. 8:00-12:00; Sun. Closed 200 E. Main Street, Ashland 715-682-4744 or 1-800-261-4744 Dealer For • Goodyear • Bridgestone • Firestone • Michelin • BF Goodrich • Uniroyal • Dayton • Dunlap • Republic DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN SECTION 1 PAGE 11 Automotive/Recreational FOR SALE: 25 deer infested wooded acres in Ironwood, MI. 906-932-1316 Sale Real Estate Place your ad with the Great Northern Connection and reach over 375 000 homes in Northeast WI and Upper Michigan Easy, fast with great results. Go to and place your ad. We accept VISA and MasterCard. Local company helping local people with their advertising needs. 920-829-5145. FOR SALE: Wooded 60 acres parcel along Altamount road in Bayfield County. Call 608-2497067. Miscellaneous CHRISTMAS TREE SALE at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 11am to 5pm daily beginning November 29th. 330 Scott Street, Ironwood. Commercial FOR SALE: Sauna Polar electric heater, 240V 8KW, 6 ft.x8.5 ft., $1,500 or best offer. Buyer responsible for moving. In Port Wing. Call 715-774-3743. BUY YOURSELF A SECURE FUTURE Tacconelli’s To Go Bessemer, MI Pizza - Deli - Chicken - Ribs & More Dine In - Take Out - Delivery Completely Equipped & Updated Turn Key Operation $160,000 Call Peter 906-364-9292 FOR SALE: Truck box, complete with tailgate, fits 2007-2013 Chevy 3500 dually long box trucks, near new condition, $950 obo. (715) 292-2950. Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99 FREE Shipping! 100% Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 800-916-8059. (wcan) Vacant Land FOR SALE BY OWNER: 620 wooded acres. 5 miles south of Copper Harbor, Michigan. Will divide, CFR tax. $372,000 OBO. Land contract available. 715-4782085 ESTATES WANTED: Call us first. We buy and clean out homes in Gogebic and Iron Counties. Helping Hands Furniture. (906) 364-7152. still in box, size 10 1/2, retail $115 a pair, asking $65 a pair. 906-9320119. Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-940-3411 for $750 Off. (wcan) MAJOR & MINOR MECHANICAL REPAIRS FOR SALE: Premium Wood Pellets, $225 a ton. Call 715-8932495. FOR SALE: Vito clarinet, nice condition, used 1 semester, case and more, $200 obo. 2 pairs new Nike Shox men’s running shoes “WHERE THOUSANDS HAVE $AVED MILLIONS” BIG VALLEY FORD • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP • RAM 2010 FORD F-150 65,429 miles, vermillion red ext., 4.6L, auto., adj. pedals, AC, CD, cloth, cruise, pr. locks/seats/ windows, sat. radio, TGSTEPs, TPMs, towing pkg. Certified Mechanics Jay Edyvean and Pat Rye Make Your Appointment Today LAHTI TOWING & SALES $23,500 #L871 2010 FORD F-150 75,509 miles, vermillion red, 4.6L, auto., adj. pedals, block htr., CD, cloth upholstery, pr. seats, SYNC, tailgate steps, TPMs, towing pkg., XLT. E5696 U.S. Hwy. 2, Ironwood 906-932-1100 Local Trade $20,900 #L918 2012 YAMAHA NYTRO 2002 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500H 102,707 miles, pewter, diesel, auto., AC, cloth upholstery, cruise, day run lights, long box, privacy glass, pr. locks/windows, towing pkg. MSRP $12,999, 2012 XTX-FX, 1049cc, 4-stroke, EFI, electric start, reverse, 144”-1 1/4” Ripson track, 2,700 miles, 1 owner trade, absolutely like new!! Sharp!! Sharp!! $18,900 #L933 FOR SALE: 1978 full-size Pacman arcade game in working condition. Great for recreation room. Working coin mechanisms. True collectors item, $1,000 obo. 906-932-0119. 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS SAVE, SAVE!! 85,230 miles, 1.8L, I4, 16V, MPFI DOHC hybrid, auto CVT, dark gray, pr. windows, ABS & driveline traction control, MP3. $ 7,599 CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS 300 E. Cloverland Drive (U.S. 2), Ironwood, MI 49938 USED $14,900 #L911 2008 JEEP WRANGLER 36,039 miles, red. $21,300 #L737 2008 FORD SUPER DUTY F-250 144,278 miles, dark slate, 6.4 diesel, auto., CD player, fiber topper, htd. seats, keyless entry, leather upholstery, navigation, pr. seats, runboards, sliding rear window, towing pkg. $19,900 #L938 2010 FORD EXPLORER 88,551 miles, silver, 4.0L, auto., adj. pedals, AC, bucket seats, CD, cruise, htd. seats, keyless entry, pr. locks/windows, R. SEN, SYNC, sat. radio, sunroof, trailer hitch. $16,900 #L799 2006 BUICK LUCERNE CXL 44,552 miles, white, 3.8L V-6 SFI, 4 sp. auto., AM/FM, air bags, AC, cruise, htd. seats, pr. locks/ mirror/pass. seat/ steering/ windows, tilt. $12,500 #L565 906-932-1202 2010 CHEVY HHR 2014 MXZ 1200 TNT 62 miles, warranty, cover, bag & more. $ 8,995 2013 MXZ X 800 E-TECH ES Mirrors, studs, like new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8,599 $ 6,495 2012 RENEGADE 800 E-TECH ES Studs . . . . . . . . . . 8,299 2010 RENEGADE X 800 E-TECH ES . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,699 2009 SUMMIT X 800 New engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6,995 2011 MXZ TNT 600 E-TECH ES Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . .$6,995 2004 MXZ 500 SS New track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,999 2012 MXZ X 800 E-TECH ES Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ - Other Brands Available - Your Western U.P. Can-Am Dealer 42,267 miles, red ext., auto., AC, CD, cloth upholstery, cruise, pr. locks/ seats/windows, side air bags. RAMME’S SUV SALE 600 E. Cloverland Drive 1 Block East of McDonald’s on U.S. Highway 2 2009 FORD EDGE SEL AWD 2003 JEEP LIBERTY 4x4 4 door, loaded, silver ..............$5,395 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED Leather, loaded, black........................................................$5,995 #L934 2003 INFINITI QX4 4x4 Leather, silver..............................$5,995 2004 VOLKSWAGEN TOURAGE 4x4 Leather, loaded, red ........................................................................$6,995 2004 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED 4x4 Leather, moon roof, excellent condition ..........................................$6,995 $5,995 #L948 2009 CHEVY IMPALA $13,700 2006 DODGE DURANGO 56,675 miles, red, auto., CD, cloth upholstery, pr. locks/seats/ windows. $10,200 #L887 2004 FORD TAURUS 148,103 miles, brown, 5.7L, auto., 3rd seat, AC, CD, cruise, htd. seats, leather, MP3, navigation, pr. seats, sat. radio, sunroof, towing pkg. $8,995 #L835 2006 CHEVY EQUINOX AWD Loaded, excellent condition, black ..................................................$7,995 2006 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 4x4 4 door, loaded, only 101,000 miles, excellent condition ............................$8,995 2007 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 4x4 Silver, only 60,000 miles, loaded ..................................................$9,995 906-932-5470 76,126 miles, dark blue, 2.2 ltr., 16 valve, 4 cyl., 5 sp. manual, AM/FM, air bags, AC, disc brakes, pr. steering, security system. 103,102 miles, sterling gray ext., 3.5 ltr., V-6, 6 sp. auto., 4 doors, SUV, AM/FM, adj. steering, air bags, AC, anti-lock brakes, CD, cruise, MP3, pr. brakes/locks/ steering/windows, rear parking assist, sat. radio, security system 2011 FORD F-150 126,944 miles, merlot ext. $3,995 #L901 1998 CHEVY BLAZER 70,101 miles, sterling gray ext., 3.5L, auto., adj. pedals, block htr., CD, cloth int., keyless entry, pr. locks/seats/ windows, SYNC, sat. radio, towing pkg. #L695 Many More Vehicles To Choose From W. M-28, Bergland, MI • 906-575-3397 $11,900 #L878 1999 SUBARU LEGACY AWD Only 50,000 miles, auto., blue ..........................................................................$3,995 2002 BUICK RENDEZVOUS AWD Leather, loaded ........$4,695 2005 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 2 DR. COUPE $25,000 161,047 miles, black. $3,950 #L867 Right on M-28, Ewen, MI • TOLL FREE • 1-800-562-7112 Visit Us On The Web At (906) 988-2323 Ironwood, MI Receive a FREE Loaner Vehicle if your vehicle is in for service or body repair...A courtesy from BIG VALLEY 2013 NISSAN ROUGE ALL WHEEL DRIVE 4 door, fully loaded, only 10,000 miles, sharp. $ 2013 FORD F-150 4x4 CREW CAB 4 door, XLT pkg., 3.5L, Ecoboost, fully loaded, only 9,000 miles, $ great MPG, like new ........................................ 31,999 2013 DODGE RAM 2500 CREW CAB 4x4 Cummins Diesel, auto., SLT pkg., only 15,000 miles, fully loaded, sharp!! .................................................................................................................SAVE $41,999 2010 DODGE 2500 CREW CAB 4x4 4 door, 5.7 Hemi, SLT package, loaded, only 15,000 miles, LIKE NEW .......................................................................................................................................$32,999 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL AWD Leather int., 3rd seat, rear AC & heat, black, fully loaded, only 20,000 miles, 5 yr./100,000 mile warranty, sharp! ...................................................................$31,999 2012 DODGE 2500 CREW CAB 4x4 LONG BOX 5.7 Hemi, V-8, auto., SLT pkg., only 23,000 miles, loaded, like new! ...............................................................................................$31,999 2013 FORD EDGE ALL WHEEL DRIVE SEL EDITION Leather, dual moon roofs, navigation, loaded, loaded, only 5,000 miles, silver, sharp, sharp............................................................SAVE $30,999 2013 FORD EDGE ALL WHEEL DRIVE LIMITED EDITION Leather, dual moon roofs, navigation, loaded, loaded, only 23,000 miles, black, sharp, sharp .......................................SAVE $29,999 2013 CHEVY DOUBLE CAB 4x4 LT pkg., fully loaded, 5.3, V-8, aluminum rims & tires, $1,500 update, only 15,000 miles, 5 yr./100,000 mile warranty, 1 owner, absolutely like new.........................................................................................................SAVE, SAVE $28,999 2012 GMC TERRAIN AWD SLT pkg., V-6, moon roof, fully loaded, only 11,000 miles, 5 yr./100,000 mile warranty, like new!...................................................................................................................SAVE $24,999 2013 HONDA CR-V EX AWD 4 door, power sunroof, fully loaded, only 3,000 miles, 5 year warranty, great MPG, local trade! Like new! ............................................................SAVE!! $24,999 2012 HONDA CR-V EX AWD 4 door, power sunroof, fully loaded, 5 yr. warranty, great MPG, 2,000 miles, like new..................................................................................SAVE, SAVE $23,999 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX LS AWD 4 door, fully loaded, only 7,000 miles, great MPG, 5 yr./100,000 mile warranty, like new! .............................................................................................$23,999 Quality & Service 19,999 2008 FORD F-250 SUPER DUTY 4x4 EXT. CAB LONG BOX Lariat pkg., leather, 6.5 DIESEL, auto., only 67,000 miles, fully loaded!!! 1 owner truck, always garaged, extremely clean!!...........................................................................................................SAVE, SAVE $23,999 2013 HONDA CR-V EX AWD 4 door, power sunroof, fully loaded, only 10,000 miles, 5 yr. warranty, great MPG, like new .....................................................................................................SAVE, SAVE $23,999 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX ALL WHEEL DRIVE Blue, 4 door, loaded, only 13,000 miles, 5 yr./100,000 mile warranty...........................................................................................SAVE, SAVE $22,999 2009 DODGE 1500 CREW CAB 4x4 SHORTBOX 5.7 Hemi, 20” wheels, SLT pkg., fully loaded, only 37,000 miles, 1 owner, like new ......................................................................................SAVE $21,999 2013 FORD ESCAPE AWD 4 door, SE pkg., fully loaded, only 18,000 miles, 5 year warranty, local trade, like new! .............................................................................................................SAVE!! $21,999 2011 HONDA CR-V EX AWD 4 door, power sunroof, fully loaded, only 27,000 miles, 5 yr. warranty, great MPG, like new!! ..............................................................................................$19,999 2014 CHEVY MALIBU 4 door, new body style, loaded, 5 yr./100,000 mile warranty, only 3,000 miles, like new ...............................................................................................................$17,999 2007 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4x4 4 door, V-8, auto., power sunroof, rear AC & heat, bucket seats, console, roof rack, running board, alum. rims, 3rd seat, fully loaded, like new ....................................................................................SALE PRICED $16,999 2011 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT CARGO VAN Fully loaded, includes all inside shelves, great MPG, only 42,000 miles, like new!!........................................................................................ $16,999 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX FWD 4 door, fully loaded, local trade, only 35,000 miles, 5 yr./100,000 mile warranty, great MPG, black, sharp, sharp .............................................SAVE!! $16,999 2012 CHEVY EQUINOX LS AWD 4 door, fully loaded, only 29,000 miles, local trade, sharp, sharp!! 5 yr./100,000 $ mile warranty, like new ............SAVE, SAVE 19,999 2004 FORD F-250 4x4 SUPER DUTY REGULAR CAB XLT pkg., V-8, auto., includes 9’2” Boss V-Plow, only 69,000 miles, excellent shape .....................................................$15,999 2012 HYUNDAI ELANTRA LIMITED 4 door, leather, sunroof, loaded, loaded, 100,000 mile warranty, 1 owner trade, only 26,000 miles. Absolutely like new!!!....................................................SAVE!! $14,999 2003 GMC 2500 CREW CAB 4x4 V-8, auto., loaded, includes 8’2” Boss V-Plow, local trade, excellent shape ...............................................SAVE, SAVE $13,999 2012 FORD FOCUS SE 4 door, auto., fully loaded, only 15,000 miles, sharp, sharp, great MPG, 5 year warranty ............................................................................................................$13,999 $ 6999 OR LESS 1999 JEEP WRANGLER 4x4 5 speed, hard top, local trade, excellent shape!!...............................................................................................................SAVE, SAVE $6,999 2001 HONDA CIVIC LX 4 door, auto., loaded, only 82,000 miles, great MPG. Excellent shape!!................................................................................................................................$6,999 2004 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT 4x4 4 door, fully loaded, local trade, excellent shape .................$5,999 1999 FORD WINDSTAR VAN 7 passenger, V-6, loaded, only 107,000 miles, extremely clean..................................................................................................................................$4,999 2000 FORD RANGER 2WD REG. CAB LONG BOX XLT pkg., 4 cyl., 5 speed, great MPG. Excellent shape..................................................................................................................................$4,999 2005 FORD TAURUS 4 door, V-6, loaded, 107,000 miles, local trade ........................SALE PRICED $2,999 1999 GMC 1500 4x4 REG. CAB LONG BOX V-8, auto., local trade, runs great!!!.................................................................................................................SAVE, SAVE!!! $2,599 2002 PONTIAC MONTANA 7 passenger van, V-6, loaded, local trade ..................SALE PRICED AT $1,999 Cloverland Motors 300 E. Cloverland Drive (U.S. 2), Ironwood, MI 49938 1-800-932-1202 • Phone: 906-932-1202 • Fax: 906-932-3295 Great Selection & Price PAGE 12 We Do Complete Automotive, Mechanical & Auto Body Repairs Cars 2010 SUBARU FORESTER AWD 2.5L, auto., loaded, 67,000 miles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,495 2008 TAURUS X AWD 3.5L, loaded, only 61,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,995 $14,495 2009 SUBARU FORESTER AWD 2.5L, auto., loaded, 50,000 miles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,495 2012 FORD FIESTA 4 door, 4 cyl., 5 speed, 10,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,995 $10,495 2009 FORD FOCUS SE 2.0L, 49,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,495 $9,795 2010 CHEVY COBALT LT 4 door, black, 73,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . $8,995 2008 DODGE CALIBER SXT 4 cyl., 5 speed, 84,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 $7,395 2007 FORD TAURUS SE 62,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,295 $7,495 2005 HONDA ACCORD LX SPECIAL EDITION COUPE 2 door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,995 2003 SUBARU OUTBACK WAGON AWD 2.5L, 5 speed, loaded, blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,995 2002 SUBARU OUTBACK WAGON AWD 2.5L, 5 speed, red . . . . . $4,995 1998 SUBARU OUTBACK WAGON LIMITED 2.5L, auto. . . . . . . . $3,995 2001 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY VAN LXi V-6, auto. . . . . . . $2,995 1998 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE V-8, auto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,795 $1,995 1995 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Excellent condition, only 70,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL Lake Shore Sales & Service - 3 Mo./3,000 Mile Warranty On Most Vehicles - 715-682-9790 2502 Lake Shore Drive, Hwy. 2 West, Ashland Financing Available Just South of Mellen on Hwy. 13 • 715-274-AUTO AUTO SALES Don’t Be Chicken SQUEAL ON DOWN TODAY!! WINTER IS HERE You know you need a new vehicle Just come visit , call or go online to SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT Trucks & Vans 2003 FORD F-350 SUPER DUTY CREW CAB 4x4 6.0L, lariat, leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,995 2001 FORD F-250 SUPER DUTY CREW CAB 7.3 diesel, auto., air, tilt, cruise, power locks, windows & seats. . . . . . . . . . . $13,495 $12,995 2004 FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRAC 4x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,995 $8,495 2006 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY VAN 3.3L, auto., 32,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,495 2000 DODGE COACHMAN CONVERSION VAN . . . . . . . . . $5,995 $4,995 Stop Cheating Yourself Automotive/Recreational DECEMBER 1, 2014 LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT SECTION 1 64850 US Hwy. 63 Mason, WI 715-746-2478 53 GRZQ $ 3 5 ¿QDQFLQJ IRU XS WR PRQWKV RQ SXUFKDVHV RI QHZ .XERWD HTXLSPHQW H[FOXGLQJ 7 *5 * ) =HV5 LV 96DYDLODEOH 6HUL WR ([DPSOH $W UHSD\PHQW PRQWK PRQWKO\ WHUPLQVWDOOPHQ DW TXDOL¿HG SXUFKDVHUV IURP SDUWLFLSDWLQJ GHDOHUV¶ LQ VWRFN LQYHQWRU\ WKURXJK $ 3 5 UHTXLUHV SD\PHQWV RI SHU ¿QDQFHG $ 3 5 LQWHUHVW LV DYDLODEOH WR FXVWRPHUV LI QR WLRQ GHDOHU SUHSDUDWLRQ GRFXPHQWD IHH LV FKDUJHG 'HDOHU FKDUJH IRU GRFXPHQW SUHSDUDWLRQ IHH VKDOO EH LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK VWDWH ODZV PD\ ,QFOXVLRQ UHVXOW LQRID LQHOLJLEOH KLJKHU HTXLSPHQW EH DYDLODEOH ORZ UDWH ¿ZLWK QDQFLQJ PD\ QRW EOHQGHG $ 3 5 1RW DYDLODEOH IRU 5HQWDO 1DWLRQDO $FFRXQWV RU *RYHUQPHQWDO FXVWRPHUV $ 3 5 DQG FXVWRPHU LQVWDQW UHEDWH RIIHUV )LQDQFLQJ LV DYDLODEOH WKURXJK .XERWD &UHGLW &RUSRUDWLRQ&$ 8 6 $ VXEMHFW 'HO $PRWR %OYG 7RUUDQFH FUHGLW DSSURYDO 6RPH H[FHSWLRQV DSSO\ 2IIHU H[SLUHV 6HH XV IRU GHWDLOV RQ WKHVH DQG RWKHU ORZ UDWH RSWLRQV RU JR WR ZZZ NXERWD FRP IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ 2SWLRQDO HTXLSPHQW PD\ EH VKRZQ Miscellaneous Dan’s Antiques LOOKING TO BUY: Old ammo, smoking pipes, cant hooks, log tongs, mining items, copper ingots, cast iron pans, blankets, old photos, wool postcards, wool jackets, fur coats, wood skis, toboggans, wood snowshoes, wooden beer or pop cases. I buy partial estates. 906932-5002 or 906-932-2272. FOR SALE: 52” octagon 3-in-1 table- dining, poker, bumper pool with 4 chairs, new set of balls, cues, racks. Halex air hockey table. CER soccer table. Old steamer trunk and 2 other, make offer. 906-932-3892 leave message. FOR SALE: Kenmore 3.1 cu. ft. stainless 2 door refrigerator, $150. 5 ft. folding aluminum wheelchair ramp, $150. Small woodstove, Vogelzang EX42, $200. 906-3647038. MUSICAL OLDER WANTED: INSTRUMENTS Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, Amplifiers, Drums, Mandolins, Banjos, Accordions, Violins. Gibson, Fender, Kay Silverstone, Martin. Call Jerry 479-273-9939. SALE: Factory front FOR bumpers, fits 2015 GMC 25003500 Sierra trucks. Bumpers is complete and gas factory fog light holes, $500. Hard to find. 715292-2950. MAJOR & MINOR MECHANICAL REPAIRS Certified Mechanics Jay Edyvean and Pat Rye Make Your Appointment Today LAHTI TOWING & SALES E5696 U.S. Hwy. 2, Ironwood “Cash Is King” Raffle Sponsored by the Ashland Elks Lodge #137 • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • LULICH IMPLEMENT • More Winners! Larger Pay Outs! 1st Prize 906-932-1100 10,000 CASH ~ 94 CASH PRIZES AWARDED ~ $ 2nd $5,000 ~ 3rd $2,500 4th-8th $1,000 (5) ~ 9th-18th $500 (10) ~19th-49 th $250 (31) ~ 50th-94 th $150 (45) Just think...94 Cash Prizes totalling $42,000! Imagine how you will feel if you win the Ten Thousand Dollar 1st Prize! Total $42,000 CASH PRIZES ONLY 800 TICKETS TO BE SOLD $100 PER TICKET Tickets available from many Elk Members & many Taverns. We encourage you to purchase them early, because “When tickets are gone, they’re gone!” This is an opportunity to have fun & help support your local Elks Organization. For more information & tickets call: Elks 715-682-5215, Chicago Iron 715-682-3011, Evergreen Country Shopper 715-682-8131, Harvey Metz 715-682-3121, John Moran 715-682-4329 or John Yachinich 715-682-5155. If you bought a ticket you’re invited to the Drawing & Celebration: FEBRUARY 21, 2015 at 4 p.m. Niblick Bar & Grill • 3000 Golf Course Rd., Box 364 Ashland, WI ~ Need Not Be Present To Win ~ license no. R002175A-10351 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN FOR SALE: Factory front and rear bumpers, fits 2011-2013 Ford F250 and F350 trucks, $200 each. Call (715) 292-2950. HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at (wcan) HOLIDAY SALE-STOREWIDE Vendor Deals/New Products!, M-F 86, Sat 8-4 Oneida St off 41, right @ Subway, 2965 Ramada Way, Green Bay 800-891-9003 (wcan) FOR SALE: Tongue and Groove Paneling and Hardwood Flooring, quality wood at discount prices. Call John at 906-364-2868. IRON MOUNTAIN, MI FOR SPRINGS MADE TO YOUR NEEDS 1-800-551-5057 1 CEL EB $ FOR SALE: 7 1/2 ft. pre-lit artificial x-mas tree. 900 lights, beautiful, $75 obo. Call after 5pm 715-561-4247. FOR SALE: Dodge 2500-3500 Ram tailgate, fits 2006-2009 trucks, nice $250. 715-292-2950. ATV TIRES FOR SALE 4 brand new take offs!! Carlisle-AT-489 25-8-12 25-10-12 25-11-12 OR 26-9-12 26-11-12 SAVE! SAVE! 300 $ 2 tone blue & silver. CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS 300 E. Cloverland Drive (U.S. 2) Ironwood, MI 49938 $ 2,995 $ 7,995 ALSO JUST ARRIVING TING 41 RA Y 97 3 - 2014 RED’S N W 906-932-1202 OOD, MIC G HI BUDGET CENTER 906-932-4443 Location East U.S. 2 • Ironwood, MI OPEN TIL 6 P.M. MON.-FRI.; SAT. 8-4 For more pictures & information go to Everything $7,995 OR LESS THIS WEEKS SPECIALS! 2010 TOYOTA MATRIX AWD Sunroof, power locks & windows, CD player, automatic, only 38,400 miles. 2013 HONDA ACCORD SPORT 1 owner, local trade, CD player, power seat, only 14,126 miles. NADA Book Value $15,750 $ 13,998 1 owner, aluminum wheels, XM radio, 6 speed manual, only 22,997 miles. 6,900 NADA Book Value $21,225 $ SPECIAL PRICE 18,998 2007 CHEVY 1/2 TON 4x2 REG. CAB. 1 owner, local trade, 6 cyl., automatic, air, cruise, tilt, AM/FM, CD. Call For Complete Listing $ 18,995 2014 CHEVY 2500 DURAMAX REG. CAB LT 4x4 Longbox, 21,000 miles, white, trailer tow pkg., alloy wheels, like new. $ 41,995 2008 SUBARU OUTBACK 2.5i LIMITED 4x4 4 cyl., 4 speed auto., diamond grey metallic, power steering/brakes/locks/ windows, air, tilt, cruise, heated leather, fog lamps, traction control, power sunroof, 6 disc CD changer, dual climate control, keyless entry. $ 16,995 2007 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4x4 6 cyl., 4 speed auto., black clearcoat, power steering/brakes/locks/windows, air, tilt, cruise, rear defroster/wiper, fog lamps, power driver’s seat, privacy glass, power sunroof, 6 disc CD changer, dual air bags. $ 11,995 6 cyl., auto., platinum metallic, power steering/brakes/door locks/ windows, air, cruise, tilt, rear window wiper, CD, fog lamps, privacy glass, dual electric mirrors, keyless entry. $ 9,995 2009 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA W/PLOW 22,995 8 cyl., auto., tuxedo black metallic, air, cruise, tilt, turn signal mirrors, MP3, Sirius, CD, trailer hitch, fog lamps, privacy glass, electric rear view mirror, dual electric mirrors, power steering/brakes/locks/ windows, running boards/bars. $ 26,995 2007 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLE Z71 4x4 8 cyl., auto., fire red, power steering/ brakes/door locks/windows, air, tilt, cruise, rear defroster, CD, trailer hitch, fog lamps, push button 4x4, privacy glass, dual climate control. $ 16,995 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT 4x4 8 cyl., auto., silver ice metallic, power steering/brakes/door locks/ windows, air, tilt, cruise, On-Star, bed liner, CD, dual electric mirrors, privacy glass, dual air bags, keyless entry. • 24 HOURS $ NADA Book Value $14,775 $ SPECIAL PRICE 12,998 NADA Book Value $10,750 SPECIAL PRICE $ 6,998 *Includes all rebates & dealer incentives & 99’ or newer trade assist. RAMME’S COLLISION CENTER 800 SUTHERLAND 906-932-5470 w/new box 9.2L, DXT, poly plow w/flap & pistol grip control, all new with a new set of tires, charcole grey ext., super clean. #14508A #U4168 Corner Lake and Airport Roads, Ironwood IRONWOOD, MI 49938 2004 GMC EXT. CAB 4x4 2500 HD 2011 FORD F-150 XLT 4x4 $ FREE Loaner Cars 19,995 $ 2012 CHEVY CRUZE ECO TOWING • FREE Towing For Collision Work $ 6 cyl., jeep green metallic clearcoat, power steering/brakes/locks/windows, air, tilt, cruise, Sirius, MP3, 6 disc CD changer, fog lamps, traction control, remote starter, hard top, rear defroster. #14489A SPECIAL PRICE RICK’S MUFFLER CENTER 906-932-3827 Red, quad cab w/shortbox. 2006 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX 4x4 #U4158 4 cyl., manual, rust free Oregon truck. 8,995 2004 DODGE 2500 HD LARAMIE 4x4 DIESEL CUMMINS 2003 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4x4 Super nice, dark blue. ...................$7,995 2012 CHEVY IMPALA Black, AC, cruise, tilt, police interceptor .................................$7,995 1998 FORD F-150 REG. CAB XLT 4x4 Two tone maroon & gold, low miles, AC, V-8.......................................................................................................$4,995 2004 FORD RANGER EDGE 4x4 6 cyl., auto., dark shadow grey clearcoat metallic, power steering/brakes/door locks/windows, cass., CD, MP3, air, tilt, cruise, privacy glass, fog lamps, keyless entry, trailer hitch, Control Trac 4WD, cargo cover. ...........$7,995 2003 GMC SONOMA SLS ZR2 6 cyl., auto., fire red, power steering/brakes/door locks/windows, air, cruise, tilt, bed liner, fog lamps, push button 4x4, privacy glass, 6 disc CD changer, keyless entry .............................................................................$6,995 2006 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 4x4 6 cyl., 4 speed auto., superior blue metallic, power steering/brakes/locks/windows, CD, air, tilt, cruise, privacy glass, keyless entry, trailer hitch, rear window wiper.............................................................$7,995 2004 FORD FREESTAR SES 6 cyl., auto., medium steel blue clearcoat metallic, 3rd row seats, power steering/brakes/locks/windows, air, tilt, cruise, rear defroster/ wiper, CD, power driver’s seat, keyless entry .............................................................$4,995 2004 NISSAN SENTRA S 4 DR. 4 cyl., auto., radium, power steering/brakes/locks/ windows, CD, dual air bags, air, tilt, cruise, keyless entry, tinted glass, dual electric mirrors.....................................................................................................$5,999 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING TOURING 6 cyl., 4 speed auto., satin jade pearlcoat, power steering/brakes/locks/windows/driver’s seat, CD, air, tilt, cruise, rear defroster, tinted glass .........................................................................................$7,995 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT 6 cyl., auto., white, power steering/brakes/locks/ windows/driver’s seat, CD, dual climate control, air, tilt, cruise, power sunroof, keyless entry, On-Star, Homelink, remote starter .......................................................$5,995 2006 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT 6 cyl., auto., liquid silver metallic, power steering/ brakes/locks/windows/driver’s seat, Monsoon sound system, 6 disc CD changer, power lumbar, air, cruise, tilt, power sunroof, rear spoiler, On-Star, tinted glass...................$5,970 2005 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE 6 cyl., auto., galaxy silver metallic, power steering/ brakes/door locks/ windows, air, tilt, cruise, keyless entry, rear spoiler, tinted glass .................................................................................................................$3,990 1999 CADILLAC DEVILLE 8 cyl., 4 speed auto., cotillion white, power steering/ brakes/locks/windows/dual seats, cass., air, tilt, cruise, Twilight Sentinel, leather, tinted glass, electric view mirror, interval wipers ...........................................$3,990 2009 SATURN AURA XE 4 cyl., auto., polar white, power steering/brakes/locks/ windows, air, tilt, cruise, On-Star XM, attraction control, dual air bags, keyless entry...............................................................................................................$7,995 2005 BUICK LACROSSE CXL 6 cyl., auto., cardinal red metallic, power steering/ brakes/door locks/windows/dual seats, XM, CD, dual climate control, air, cruise, tilt, heated leather, power sunroof, keyless entry, On-star, Homelink, remote starter .............................................................................................................$5,995 2003 GMC SIERRA 1500 EXT. CAB 4x4 5.3L, V-8, SUPER CLEAN!.......................$7,995 2007 PONTIAC G6 Air, tilt, cruise control, power windows, locks .............................$6,995 AIRPORT AUTO BODY, INC. Body, Frame & Fender Repairs Expert Refinishing E5540 Airport Road Ironwood, MI 906-932-1497 Cell: 906-364-0708 1996 TOYOTA TACOMA 4X4 9,995 Black leather, heated seats, sunroof, V-6. $ RS EA MICHIGAN - WISCONSIN SPRING & BRAKE DENTAL ASSISTANT Be one in just 10 Saturdays! Fan us on FACEBOOK! Next class begins 1/3/15. Call 920-730-1112 Appleton (Reg. WI EAB) Dark blue, super sharp. W/ 3rd row seat, fully equipped. O IR I&H BEAMS $3/ft & up PipePlate-Channel-Angle-TubeReBar-Grating-ExpandedOrnamental-Stainless Steel & Aluminum. NEW-USEDSURPLUS. 12 acres usable items Pal Steel Co 262-495-4453 Palmyra WI (wcan) FOR SALE: BF Goodrich Mud Terrain TA LT25575R17, complete set of four, with only 250 miles on them, $550. 715-292-2950. 2006 SUBARU FORESTER AWD 2007 DODGE DURANGO LIMITED 4x4 A N EVERKWIK SIGNS & BANNERS Offers High Impact High Quality Signs & Banners FAST! Boat Lettering, Banners, Yard Signs, Window Lettering, Magnetic Signs, & Much More. FREE ESTIMATES Call 715-682-3100 E. U.S. 2, Ironwood, MI • Open til 6 p.m. M-F; Sat. 8-4 Visit • For More Info & Pictures 2004 CADILLAC CTS 2002 DODGE DAKOTA 4X4 CREW CAB SLT FOR SALE: Drumset, complete set, excellent condition, $1,000 list, $275 obo. 715-682-5795. ATTENTION! Loggers - Farmers - Landowners SNOW RIDGE LUMBER is a year round buyer of logs, timber, and wooded lands. We purchase most species of northern hardwoods and buy on a grade and scale basis. We feature top prices, prompt payment, fair scale, and steady markets. Forestry assistance available to private landowners. Call us for more information and prices!! SNOW RIDGE LUMBER 1200 Odanah Road Hurley, WI 54534 (715) 561-5208 IG W OOD MICH , FRESH NEW ARRIVALS 906-932-4449 Areas Best Budget Center For Over 20 Years FOR SALE: Madshus skate skis, 180-200#, Alpina boots, 10-1/2-11, Exel poles, 165cm, like new (I’ll stay with classic), $150 package. 715-373-0274. PAGE 13 REDS AUTO Of Ironwood HUGE SELECTION OF NEW ARRIVALS ALL VEHICLES $7,995 & LESS B WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous people are ready to take your money! PLEASE BE CAREFUL ANSWERING ANY AD THAT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to file a complaint regarding an ad, please contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800-4227128 (wcan) RED’S BUDGET CENTER 1 WANTED: RCBS reloading press. 715-360-0352. N CEL E NOTICE: May the Scared Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified and loved throughout the world now and forever sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. saint Jude worker of miracles pray for us, Saint Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us. 9 times per day on 9th day your prayer will be answered. Never know to fail. BUY HERE! The area’s Largest Selection of jewelry for a fraction of the retail store prices! As always, buying unwanted/broken jewelry & gold/silver. American Antiques & Jewelry. Green Bay, 1800-499-2111. 3 - 2014 RED’S O IR WANTED TO BUY: Old Barney Miller wood carvings Top prices paid. Call 906-295-1427 97 RS EA Automotive/Recreational SECTION 1 TING 41 RA Y A N DECEMBER 1, 2014 Jeff Von Holzen Check Us Out On The Web At: e-mail: • U.S. 2 E., ASHLAND Don Kontny (Sales Manager) Jordon Von Holzen Greg Larson 715-682-8141 1-800-341-5440 Rusty Williams David Mainguth Bill Moore (Internet Sales) HOURS: Mon., Wed., Thur. 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Tues. & Fri. 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 32,995 JOHN DEERE CT332 With heat and AC, Hi & low flow, 2100 hours, rubber tires 80 h.p. diesel. Snow and dirt bucket. $ 32,995 SECTION 1 PAGE 14 DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN Automotive/Recreational LOGS TO LUMBER Portable Sawmill, Dry Kiln, Flooring, Paneling, Moulding 715-765-4599 Miscellaneous DO YOU NEED TO ADVERTISE? Make ONE call to affordably advertise in 79 Wisconsin Shoppers & Buyers’ Guides! Reach nearly 1.6 MILLION households! As low as $2.27 per paper! Call us today! Publishers Development Service, Inc. (PDS, Inc.) 1-800236-0737 (wcan) IN STOCK: LOG SPLITTERS 15 & 22 ton. Choice of motors. Also, Electric Log Splitters and a variety of Land Pride 5, 6 & 7 ft. Rotary Cutters. See them at LULICH IMPLEMENT Mason, WI or call 715-746-2477 BUYING JUNK CARS & TRUCKS RAMME’S 906-663-6080 ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered to the door Omaha Steaks! SAVE 74% PLUS 4 FREE Burgers - The Family Value Combo - Only $39.99. ORDER today 800-931-1898. Use code 49377PXR or father72 (wcan) Medical Guardian - Top-rated medical alarm & 24/7 medical alert monitoring. For a limited time, get free equipment, no activation fees, no commitment, a 2nd waterproof alert button for free & more! Only $29.95 per month. 800-281-6138 (wcan) MATTRESS & FURNITURE WHOLESALER-WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE! Queen sets $199, King sets $299, All sizes available! Couches, dining & more! Can deliver-call Mark for details: 920590-1110. FOR SALE: Chevy 1500 Silverado factory front bumper, fits 2007-2013 truck, near new, $275. 715-292-2950. Acorn Stairlifts. The AFFORDABLE solution to your stairs! **Limited time - $250 Off Your Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Direct & SAVE. Please call 800- 598-6714 for FREE DVD and brochure. (wcan) Appliances FOR SALE: Amana electric smooth top cooktop, model AK2T30W2, good condition, works well, have manuals, $200. 715682-4396, leave message. Paying cash or trading for gloves, choppers or towards items in Gift Shop. Call 906-932-3870. METAL ROOFING CHEAP - CHEAP - CHEAP $.60 sq.ft. 906-428-3600 Surplus Steel Center 12 Robert Hupy Drive, Gladstone, MI 49837 M-F, 8am-5pm & Sat, 8-Noon Now buying Basswood Saw Logs. High Prices Paid. Call Wilson Evergreens at 906-4975040 for details. Furniture FOR SALE: 2 recliners, like new, will separate, will negotiate. 906932-7259. NEW MATTRESS SETS from $89 All Sizes In Stock! 9 Styles! 2133 Eastern Ave Plymouth WI Open 7 Days A Week (wcan) Wanted To Buy FURNITURE WANTED Donate Your Furniture or Cash Paid for Furniture or Appliances 1-Piece or Complete Estate We Pick-up - Antiques Also HELPING HANDS FURNITURE Ironwood 906-364-7152 WANTED: Beef and Deer hides. *PAYING CASH* for gun collections, firearms, military souvenirs, swords, pistols, handguns, rifles, black powder muskets, etc. NO APPRAISAL FEE. NO AUCTION FEE. 920655-8324 or Wilson Evergreens buying BALSAM BRUSH. High prices paid. Call 906-497-5040 for details. Agriculture Farm Equipment U.P. TRACTOR, INC. 14502 M-35. Rock, MI. (906)-356-6518 (M-F) 8:00-5:00, (Sat) 8:00-12:00. Used: kicker wagon; 2000 Ford F450 pickup, 120,000 miles, $8500.; 2 used Loaders (1 off of Ford 2000); New Ariens Model Zoom 50 Zero Turn mower, $2600.; Large variety of 3pt equipment.; New 33-90hp LS Tractors and Kuhn hay equipment in stock. U.P. TRACTOR, INC. 14502 M-35, Rock, MI. (906)-356-6518 (M-F) 8:00-5:00, (Sat) 8:00-12:00 Used: Zetor-3320 43HP, 2-WD.; J.D. Model-A, wide-front, straight; J.D. Model 50 w/3pt and new tires; Massey Ferguson-135; Century w/loader, 40hp, 4WD; Oliver-1855 w/cab; Farmall II w/3pt; International T6 dozer; M&W 4500 round baler. Feed, Hay R D I Y V O E T 1982-2014 To Celebrate the Holiday Season, Von Holzens is giving back to the local community by participating in the Ashland Fire Fighters of 875, Toy Drive. From November 17th–December 18th, WE ARE AN OFFICIAL DROP OFF POINT for any new, unwrapped toy donations for children. Those who donate at our drop off point will have an Additional Cash Donation made in their name and those who purchase a vehicle between November 17th–December 18th will also have a donation made in their name by Von Holzen Chevrolet Buick GMC. FOR SALE: 2001 Towmaster tandem axle 16 ft. 10,000 lb. skidsteer trailer, fold up ramps. Call 715-292-1117. For Sale: 4501 Iron Mule $19,500, Hitachi processor 4 roller fab tech $32,500, log truck with pup $18,500, 350 timber jack skidder $15,500, John Deere 490D buncher $12,500, or $82,500 for all. Call 906-241-3715. Lawn & Garden FOR SALE: 6 h.p. 25 ton MTD log splitter, 3-1/2 years old, excellent condition, $800 or obo. Call 715264-2074. FOR SALE RYE STRAW & BARLEY STRAW Clean, Weed Free Call 715-209-1572 IN STOCK: LOG SPLITTERS 15 & 22 ton. Choice of motors. Also, Electric Log Splitters and a variety of Land Pride 5, 6 & 7 ft. Rotary Cutters. See them at LULICH IMPLEMENT Mason, WI or call 715-746-2477 FOR SALE: Straw and horse hay. Also, 2nd crop large squares 3x3x8, alfalfa hay for deer, sun flowers, soy beans. Call 715-7654730. FOR SALE: Craftsman 26” snowblower, 3 years old, 208cc O.H.V., electric start, power steering, joy stick, $600. Call after 5:00. HAY FOR SALE: 1st & 2nd crop small bales. Call 715-746-2979. Recreation Firewood Ashland Fire Fighter’s Heavy Equipment IN STOCK: LOG SPLITTERS 15 & 22 ton. Choice of motors. Also, Electric Log Splitters and a variety of Land Pride 5, 6 & 7 ft. Rotary Cutters. See them at LULICH IMPLEMENT Mason, WI or call 715-746-2477 TRAILERS @ LIQUIDATION PRICING. For boat/ATV/sled or pontoons. 2 or 4 place/open or enclosed. American Marine, Shawano 866-955-2628 ( WE BUYBOATS/RVS/PONTOONS/SLED/ ATVS & MOTORCYCLES! “Cash Paid” Now. American Marine & Motorsports Super Center, Shawano 866-955-2628. ( Unchained Nearly 30 Years Ago, BOSS Broke the Chains BOSS uses a Hydraulic Direct Lift Cylinder, More Reliable, No Bounce when Traveling, More Refined Look, A Reliable and Fast Lifting System To Donate – Drop Off New, Unwrapped Toys at Any Drop Off Site or the Fire Station. Cash Donations are accepted at the Fire Station at 300 Stuntz Ave. To sign up children–Newborn through 14 years old can receive a gift or two if needed. The Parents or Legal Guardians may call RSVP at 715-292-6400 ex. 2 or ex. 3 to sign children up for toys. Toys will be distributed December 19th at the Brettings Center from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Over 100 New 2015’s In Stock and Coming Soon! Don’t Miss Out On These HUGE SAVINGS ONLY 4 LEFT 2014 GMC 1/2 TON 4x4 REG. CAB 2015 GMC SIERRA DOUBLE CAB ONLY AT YOUR BOSS DEALER! Ironwood, MI 906-932-1830 Local Trades 1991 POLARIS TRAIL BOSS 4x4 350cc, auto., front & rear racks, push button, 2WD & 4WD, includes 46” plow, 1 owner trade, 800 miles, original tires, absolutely like new!!! Snowplow pkg., trailer pkg. $ 1,999 SAVE List ..........................$45,110 V.H. Disct. ................-$3,081 Black Friday Rebate -$9,022 SOLD List ..........................$32,870 V.H. Disct. ................-$1,572 Black Friday Rebate -$6,574 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE #15091 Example $ 33,007* #14305 Example $ 24,724* 2014 CHEVY 1/2 TON 4x4 DOUBLE CAB 2014 BUICK AWD ENCORE Trailer pkg., rear defogger. Pearl white paint, navigation radio. List ..........................$35,910 V.H. Disct. ................-$2,412 Rebate ....................-$1,000 Bonus Cash ............-$1,000 99’/Newer Trade Assist ......................-$1,500 #14407 Example $ 29,998* SALE PRICE $ #14456 Example 27,498* *Includes all rebates & dealer incentives & 99’ or newer trade assist. HOURS: Chevy Runs Deep Jeff Von Holzen 715-682-8141 • 1-800-341-5440 Don Kontny (Sales Manager) Jordon Von Holzen Greg Larson Rusty Williams David Mainguth Bill Moore (Intern Sales) Check Us out On The Web At: e-mail: • U.S. 2 E., ASHLAND differential lock, front winch, front & rear racks, front brush guard, heated hand & thumb warmers, Special Edition pkg., independent front & rear suspension, ITP aluminum wheels with 27” ITP tires, only 1,400 miles, 1 owner trade, absolutely like new!! SAVE, SAVE!! $ 5,599 2010 HONDA RANCHER 400 4x4 List ..........................$30,235 V.H. Disct. ................-$1,737 Rebate ........................-$500 Bonus Cash ................-$500 SALE PRICE 2009 YAMAHA GRIZZLY 550 4x4 550cc, EFI 4x4, auto., push button 2WD or 4WD, electronic power steering, Mon., Wed., Thur. 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Tues. & Fri. 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Sat 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 400cc, 4-stroke, 2WD or 4WD, automatic or electric shift transmission, power steering, independent front & rear suspension, front & rear racks, ITP aluminum rims with 26” ITP tires, 1 owner trade, only 1,500 miles, absolutely like new!!! SHARP, SHARP! $ 5,999 2014 POLARIS SPORTSMAN 400 4x4 300 miles, 455cc, auto., independent front and rear suspension, push button AWD & 2WD, absolutely like NEW!! SAVE, SAVE!! $ 4,499 CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS 300 E. Cloverland Drive (U.S. 2), Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-1202 DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN SECTION 1 PAGE 15 Automotive/Recreational Recreation HUNTERS & SNOWPLOWERSATV & UTVS AT BLOWOUT PRICING. YOUTH ATVS STARTING AT $895. OVER 100 HONDA & CF MOTO AT LIQUIDATION PRICING. HUGE SAVINGS=866-955-2628 (wcan) JACK’S GUNSMITHING LLC. General repairs, restoration, bluing, stock refinishing, appraisals, etc. BUY-SELL-TRADE 12497 Friday Q.1 Rd, Rapid River, Michigan. Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm & Saturday 10am-1pm Closed Sunday/Monday. 906-359-0021 FOR SALE: Yamaha 500cc liquid cooled V-Max, low miles, new reverse, cover, $1,850. Four wheeler 5 ft. snowplow, $325. 715-292-0223. HUNTERS & SNOWPLOWERSATV & UTVS AT BLOWOUT PRICING. YOUTH ATVS STARTING AT $895. OVER 100 HONDA & CF MO too AT LIQUIDATION PRICING. HUGE SAVINGS=866-955-2628 ATV’s & UTV’s ATV’S/Motorcycles/Scooters/Sidex Sides/Trailers/Snowmobiles. New and used. 100’s in stock. Verne’s Honda/Suzuki/Kawasaki/Arctic Cat of Antigo. 715-623-2378 or 800-537-4892. FOR SALE: Yamaha ATV Raptor 125, 2011, low hours, like new, nerf bars, hand guards, shock covers, $2,400. Call 715-2923208. Fishing FOR SALE: Ice auger, Jiffy 9” propane with wall rack and ice dipper, brand new, never used, over $600 retail, will sell for $400. Won as prize, don’t fish. 906-5753562. FOR SALE: Clam Ice shack, one person, molded sled, adjustable seat, pull rope, canvas cover, hitch, excellent condition, $300. Call 715-332-5347. Sporting Goods CHRISTMAS SALE Canoes, Kayaks and Paddle Boards are on sale for Christmas 715-266-2990 Store open Saturdays 9am-4pm Happy Holidays! Automotive CHECK US OUT! SAVE MONEY! Affordable advertising in MANY papers! WISCONSIN COMMUNITY PAPERS (WCP) and the WISCONSIN CLASSIFIED AD NETWORK (WCAN) Call toll-free 1-800-7278745 or visit our website: (wcan) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK, OR BOAT, to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-Day Vacation. Tax Deductible. Free Towing. All paperwork taken care of! 800-856-5491 (wcan) REMANUFACTURED ENGINES: Labor back warranty for up to 3 years available. Engine parts, reconditioned and new heads, crankshaft kits. Auto Haus Engine Builders, Shawano. 715524-4631 or toll free 1-888-8773401. AIRPORT AUTO (Next To The Airport) Ironwood Township 906-932-1497 906-364-0708 OR BOATS & PONTOONS R US!! (OVER 700 NEW/USED IN STOCK) VISIT THE LARGEST MARINE & MOTORSPORTS SHOWROOM IN THE USA & SAVE HUGE. AMERICAN MARINE & MOTORSPORTS, SHAWANO. CALL 866-955-2628 WWW.AMERICANMARINA.COM (wcan) BOATS & PONTOONS R US!! (OVER 700 NEW/USED IN STOCK) VISIT THE LARGEST MARINE & MOTORSPORTS SHOWROOM IN THE USA & SAVE HUGE. AMERICAN MARINE & MOTORSPORTS, SHAWANO. CALL 866-955-2628 WWW.AMERICANMARINA.COM (wcan) TRAILERS @ LIQUIDATION PRICING. FOR BOAT, ATV, SLED OR PONTOONS. 2 OR 4 PLACE/OPEN OR ENCLOSED. AMERICAN MARINE, SHAWANO. 866-955-2628 (wcan) FOR SALE: 2000 Dodge 4x4 plow truck, club cab, 69K miles, new tries, $6,000. 715-779-5707. 2004 FORD CROWN VICTORIA, very good condition, good tires, high mileage 715-509-0120. GNC FOR SALE: Goodyear Wranglers, 285-70-17, 50% tread left, $300. 715-686-2171. Trucks FOR SALE: Nice looking 2000 Dodge Caravan, newer tires, new front struts, newer brakes, only 90,700 miles. Engine will maintained, $3,800 obo. 906-9320119. LAHTI TOWING & SALES FOR SALE: 1999 Ford Ranger 4x4 club cab, automatic, 4.0, 6cyl, 106,000 miles, topper, Mag wheels, Wrangler tires, trailer hitch, vizor, fender flares, runs good, well maintained, some lower rust, first $2,500. 906-932-5321. Cars Kevin Lahti-Owner; Jean Smith-Bookkeeper; Jim LaBlonde-Sales; Pat Rye & Jay Edyvean-Mechanics Our FOR SALE: 1994 Ford pickup with Western Plow, $2,500 obo. 906-932-0960. FOR SALE: 1993 Mercury Marquis GS, 4 door Sedan, 71,000 miles, good shape, good ride, $2,300 or best reasonable offer. 715-762-3642. STOP IN AND MEET OUR FRIENDLY STAFF FREE ESTIMATES FOR SALE: 1996 Dodge 2500 extended cab, mechanically sound, 8 ft. box, Cummin 5.9 engine, 4WD, good woods truck, 140,000 miles, 715-663-1898. 1999 FORD F-150 4x4 EXTENDED CAB Black...............................................................................$1,477 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500.................................$11,977 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Z71 4x4 Red ..............................................................................$12,977 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Z71 4x4 Silver birch ...................................................................$15,977 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Z71 4x4 Green ...........................................................................$16,977 2006 GMC SIERRA SLE Z71 1500 4x4 Gray .............................................................................$15,477 2007 FORD F-150 4x4 EXTENDED CAB White ..............................................................................$8,977 2008 FORD F-150 4x4 CREW CAB White............................................................................$17,977 2008 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LT Z71 4x4 Blue..............................................................................$21,977 2009 FORD F-150 4x4 XLT CREW CAB Red ............$19,977 2010 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LT Z71 4x4 Silver ............................................................................$21,977 2011 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LT 4x4 CREW CAB Black .......................................................$26,977 2012 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LT Z71 4x4 Only 12,000 miles, gray ...............................................$26,977 Vinci Auto Sales A F T B C U ESSEMER REDIT NION US 2 BESSEMER 906-364-2647 SUPER BUYS! 2004 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT 4 door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY REDUCED $4,888 2013 CHEVY MALIBU LT2 $ 27,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LS AWD 45,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY REDUCED 56,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY 2003 MAZDA PROTEGE LX 5 speed, manual, loaded, clean! 3,995 $ 2006 DODGE STRATUS V-6, auto., loaded. 5,995 $ 2008 SUBARU OUTBACK AWD $ 10,995 2001 HONDA CRV EX AWD 4,995 $ 2003 SUBARU OUTBACK AWD Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W/WARRANTY 2004 FORD EXPLORER 4x4 84,000 miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY 2001 DODGE CARAVAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY 2005 PONTIAC TRANS SPORT 7 passenger van . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY 2001 CHEVY IMPALA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY 1997 CHEVY 1/2 TON EXT. CAB 4x4 . . . . .W/WARRANTY 1999 FORD F-250 REG. CAB 4x4 Auto, Tommy Lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY 2009 WELLS CARGO 8x18’ cargo trailer . . . . . . . . . . . HUGE 15,888 $ 19,888 2009 CHEVY IMPALA LS Local trade, aluminum wheels, power locks & windows. 1 owner, local trade, only 52,500 miles, GM Certified. #14159A Example SALE PRICE $ 8,998* SALE PRICE $ 15,888 $ 4,888 $ 3,888 $ 2,222 Many More To Choose From WE DO FULL MECHANICAL REPAIRS MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY Certified Mechanics Jay Edyvean and Pat Rye 906-932-1100 $ 4,988 $ 3,888 $ 3,888 $ 2,888 $ 5,999 • Detailing • Accessories • Repairs 24 HOUR TOWING Across from Wal-Mart • E5696 U.S. Hwy. 2, Ironwood, MI 906-932-1100 or 906-364-0299 12,998* A L A P M I Y LE HEV C SA WE NEED YOUR TRADES! 2010 CHEVY IMPALA LT 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LT Local trade, power seat, only 41,615 miles, GM Certified. Local trade, GM Certified, remote start, only 29,800 miles. #14371A Example #U4129A Example $ SALE PRICE 11,998* 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LIMITED 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LIMITED 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LIMITED Sunroof, GM Certified, remote start, only 19,532 miles. Power seat, sunroof, only 9,755 miles, GM Certified. Bucket seats, remote start, only 11,350 miles, GM Certified. Sunroof, 6 cyl. engine, leather heated seats, GM Certified. #U4154 Example #U4155 Example SALE PRICE $ 13,998* 2014 CHEVY IMPALA LIMITED LT 2013 CHEVY IMPALA LT #U4125 Example ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE Try Us And Get Hooked USED 2007 CHEVY IMPALA LT #U3927 Example BODY SHOP NOW OPEN!! is FOR SALE: 1997 Z71 Chevy Silverado ext. cab, 135,000 miles, good tires, some rust, has Tonneau cover, asking $3,200. 906-884-2927. FOR SALE: 2008 Chrysler Town & Country Limited, 121,000 miles, $12,000 obo, 4.0 V-6 engine, with remote start, navigation, heated leather seats, Sirius radio, stow and go seating, newer tires and brakes. please call 715-682-5535 evenings, 715-682-8617 work, ask for Jason. CROSS ROM HE *** If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves. You can gain more control over your life by paying closer attention to the little things. -Emily Dickinson *** SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN Lost and alone, victims of sexual assault don’t know where to turn. The New Day Shelter is a safe place where others stand with you in your pain. Your donation puts an advocate next to the hurting one. PO Box 88 Ashland WI 54806 (715) 682-9566 *** 1994 JEEP CHEROKEE 4x4 84,000 original miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W/WARRANTY $3,888 2012 JEEP LIBERTY 4x4 $ Loaded. WE BUYBOATS/RV/PONTOONS/SLED/A TVs & MOTORCYCLES! “CASH PAID” NOW. AMERICAN MARINE & MOTORSPORTS SUPER CENTER, SHAWANO 866-955-2628 (wcan) COLLECTOR CARS WANTED: #1 condition, original and restored, 1950’s, ‘60’s, ‘70’s. Mopar, Corvette, T-Bird, Chevelle, Camaro, Mustang. Call Jerry 479273-9939. mud and snow condition, better left, P-225-R60Phone 906-663- FOR SALE: 2002 Mercury Sable, 150,000, $1,500. 715-685-4186. FOR SALE: 2006 Chevy Suburban, excellent condition, only 54,000 miles, heated leather seats, DVD player, power sunroof, Reduced Price, $19,000. 906-3641340. Heated seats, loaded, clean! Boats FOR SALE: 4 tires, very good than 90% tread 16, $375 obo. 4162. #U4127 Example 3.6L, V-6, auto., 12,967 miles, GM Certified #U4178 Example Guns GUN SHOW! MARSHFIELD FAIRGROUNDS Friday December 12th 4-8pm & Saturday December 13th 9am4pm $5/admission. For Information Call 715-676-3972 (wcan) GUN SHOW DEC 5, 6, 7 OSHKOSH Fairgrounds Sunnyview Expo, 500 E Cty Rd Y. Fri. 3-8, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3. Adm. $6, 14 & under free. 300 8 foot tables 608-752-6677 (wcan) SALE PRICE $ 16,998* SALE PRICE $ 17,998* $ 17,998* SALE PRICE $ 19,998* SALE PRICE $ 17,998* Included With Certified Vehicles 2 Year/24,000 Mile Maintenance 4 - Oil Changes & Tire Rotations GM Certified Extra 12 Month/12,000 Mile Bumper To Bumper Warranty HOURS: Chevy Runs Deep Jeff Von Holzen Snowmobiles FOR SALE: 2003 Indy Classic, 700 and 600, aluminum trailer, well kept, $4,750. 715-339-3697. SALE PRICE 715-682-8141 • 1-800-341-5440 Don Kontny (Sales Manager) Jordon Von Holzen Greg Larson Rusty Williams David Mainguth Bill Moore (Intern Sales) Check Us out On The Web At: e-mail: • U.S. 2 E., ASHLAND Mon., Wed., Thur. 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Tues. & Fri. 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Sat 8 a.m.-4 p.m. SECTION 1 PAGE 16 DECEMBER 1, 2014 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NORTH COUNTRY SUN #,)#+ ?A8=C FAST PUU^aSPQ[T FULLCOLOR ÕÊVÀÊ«ÀÌ}ÊÃÊÀiÊ>vvÀ`>LiÊÌ >ÊiÛiÀ° ÊëiV>ÞÊvÀÊÃ>iÀʵÕ>ÌÌiÃÊ>`ÊÀÕà ʫÀiVÌðʮ &5,,#/,/2#/0)%3 "2/#(52%3s&,9%23s"53).%33#!2$3 0/34#!2$3s'2!$5!4)/.!../5.#%-%.43 ).6)4!4)/.3s02/'2!-3s2!#+#!2$3 %6%.40/34%23s#!,%.$!23s-5#(-/2% ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊqÊ/9Ê, /Ê/"Ê "*,ÊqÊ7iÊV>ÊÕÃiÊÞÕÀÊ`}Ì>ÊviÊ*Ê«ÀiviÀÀi`®ÊÀÊVÀi>ÌiÊ >Ê«ÀviÃÃ>Ê`iÃ}ÊvÀÊÞÕ°Ê >Ê> i>`ÊvÀÊV«ÕÌiÀÊviÊÀiµÕÀiiÌð $ONTFORGETWEDO3#2%%.02).4).'%-"2/)$%29 0LUS6).9,3)'.3!.$"!..%23 Ê 1UALITY/FFSET0RINTING!VAILABLE&OR ,ARGE1UANTITIES0ROFESSIONAL2ESULTS À>« VÊ`iÃ}iÀÃÊÊÃÌ>vvÊÌÊ}ÛiÊ >ÊÞÕÀÊ«ÀÌ}Ê>Ê«ÀviÃÃ>Ê VÕÃÌÊtÊ Ê>ÌÌiÀÊÜ >ÌÊÌÊÃ°Ê qÊ>ÃÌÊ>`Ê>vvÀ`>LiÊÃiÀÛVi° #/-0,%4%'2!0()##%.4%2 {£Ê Ì ÊÛiÕiÊ7iÃÌÊUÊà >`]Ê7 ««ÃJV >ÀÌiÀ°iÌÊUÊÇ£xÈnÓΣää
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