WAGG.~ TArul$ - Richland Kennel Club

WAGG.~ TArul$
Richland Kennel
P.o. Box 386
Richland, WA
Chuck Ames
Vice President
Dave Criswell
Bruce Glenn
Board of
Kevin Davis
Marilvn Clark
Historian /
Handling Class
Bonnie Ames
Bonnie Ames
Kim Glenn
Valerie Brown
Next General Meeting
November'itb, 2014
7:30 pm
Richland Community Center
Marion Ford
RKC Board
Nov, 2014
To Be Determined
Handling Classes
We are back at 4-Paws
Deadline for
Nov. 5th -Skeeter
Nov. 12th -Kim & Bruce
Nov. 19th-Bonnie & Chuck
Nov 26th -No Class
15th of the month
Any material received after this
date will be considered for
inclusion in the following
Contact Info:
BrucelKim Glenn
There will be no class also
thru the month of December
Please bring proof of
vaccinations if your dog has
not been here before.
4502 Arlington, Dr.
W. Richland, WA 99353
President's Bark
It is that time of year where daylight gets shorter and dog activities slow down. We will
even lose an additional hour of daylight this coming weekend with Daylight Savings Time (fall
back one hour). With the time and weather change, I want to be sure everyone stays safe and
healthy, including your dogs. Get lots of sleep, keep your dogs out of the weather and well fed,
and take time to enjoy all of your friends (including the 2 legged variety!).
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my personal, and the club's condolences to
several of our members who recently lost members of their families. Both Michele Murray and
Lori Stevens recently lost their fathers. Our thoughts and prayers go out to both their families and
we have Michele and Bill, and Lori and Aaron in our hearts. Our prayers also go out to Sheri
Everett who lost Ch. Sharobi's Off Shore Racer through a tragic accident. None of us is ever
ready to handle the loss of those dear to us. Remember that your friends are available to help fill
some of the void these losses create.
I would also like to take this time to appreciate some of the good things that happen in this
Richard Welty's pug just finished his Championship at the Boise dog shows.
Congratulations to Richard. I think he is still walking 3 feet off the ground!! Bonnie had some
success as well as her 9-12 puppy girl went winners bitch and best of breed on the Friday; at the
puppy's first show! What a great win.
We are collecting prizes for our next instant raffie in September 2015. We will be raffling
off only 1 scooter, as we are adding a 32" HDTV and a Microsoft Surface 2 tablet to the prize mix.
Best Buy gave the club a great discount on the Surface 2. We also ordered more pens, RKC
bags, and large and small Frisbees to support the raffie and the upcoming family Expo. Bonnie
will continue to collect other prizes and fillers over the year if you have them available. The club
trailer is really paying dividends in this area providing needed storage. Speaking of club trailers,
the new trailer worked out excellently at the show. Everything was easy to get to and easily fit
into this new trailer.
I would like to end my report by congratulating (pre-maturely- the official date is November
6 the new board members for the club. While the President (Chuck Ames), Treasurer (Michele
Murray), and Corresponding Secretary(Bonnie Ames) remain the same, the Vice-President Kevin Davis, Recording Secretary - Liz Suma, and Board members - Alyssa Paxton and Laurie
Weed are new. Putting new people on the board is one way the club can ensure long term
success. Welcome to all!.
Our next meeting will be on November 6th at the Richland Community House starting at
7:30. I hope to see you all there.
Your President
Chuck Ames
Brag's Continued .....
Greater Clark Co. KC
Ridgefield, WA
Dates: 12/6-7/2014
Closes: 11119/2014
S"melhin, I" 11"..,1 /46".1
Cl.6 mem6er
Bonnie Ames & Kim Glenn
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Amsburg's Signed Sealed & Delivered "Si"
15t show (Richland)
Took 1 both days in the 6-9 class
Mary Brownlee
Scott & Roseann Farris
Lauzuli Hera's Horne at Seeonee "Hera"
BOB at Richland
Hound Group 2 & 3 at
Glacier Lk KC
Marion Ford
PapillonAM CH Akais Dresden Green
Papillon Canada Nat. Specialty
Akai's Sky High
Papillon Canada Booster Show
Chris Larson
Norwich Terrier
White Diamond
4 BOB wins & a Group 4 placement at
Paul & Sarah Tragesser
2nd Novice Weight Pull at
2014 National
Courtney Gutherie
The Black Chrome Exceutioner Von Marien Haus
Cheryl Stevens
CH Draymia's Packing Heat "Plum"
Cindi McInturf
German Shepherd
Kaleef's WPT Texas Hold'em "Rio"
HICIHIT For herding on Sheep
Skeeter Benton
German Shepherd
Back to back 4 pt major's
Laurie Weed
Wild Sage Lady Princess Tiffany
Resv (out of 4)
Wenatchee KC
Ken & Liz Summa
Finished with 5 pt major
SCA National
place in 12-15 dogs sweeptakes
Richard Brady
Old Eng. Sheep Dog
OES Winners Bitch
Both days at Richland
Alyssa Paxten
River Citys Smooth Movin Hotrod
WDlBo Op. Sunday Richland
Richland Kennel Club
General Meeting
October 2,2014
Meeting was called to order at 6:42 pm by President Charles Ames at Round Table
Pizza. Roll Call of members and Brags was done. Brags was won by Liz Summa.
Motion to accept minutes as printed in the Newsletter was made by Cheryl
Stevens, second by Chris Larson motion was carried.
Report of the President: Thank you to all club members who helped make our
show a big success.
Report of Secretary- None
Report of Treasure- Michelle Murray reported on the status of the Treasury.
Handling Class- Handling class is at 4 Paws at 7:OOpm.Remember to bring proof
of vaccinations for new dogs being brought to class.
Show Committee- Great job by all involved with the show. Thank you. Junior
raffle made $3100 this year.
New members- Vote for new members James and Marta Meador. Motion to
accept Meadors as members made by Bonnie Ames second by Michelle Murray.
Motion was carried. Welcome to James and Marta. First reading for Richard and
Debra Calcavecchia who have West Highland White Terriers.
Old Business- None
New Business- Nominating committee has announced nominees for next year.
Chuck Ames President Kevin Davis Vice President Corresponding Secretary
Bonnie Ames, Recording Secretary Liz Summa. Request was made for nominees
from the floor. No nominees were made.
Meeting was adjomed by motioned made by Mark Glaman and seconded by Cindi
McInturf at 7: 15pm. Pizza was served and enjoyed by all.
Richland Kennel Club
Board Meeting
The meeting was called to order at Denny's Restaurant in Richland, Washington by President Charles
Ames at 7:25 pm. Board members present Vice President Dave Criswell, Corresponding Secretary
Bonnie Ames, Treasurer Michele Murray, Recording Secretary Skeeter Benton, Board Members Marilyn
Clark, Kevin Davis, Show Chairman Bruce Glenn and non board members in attendance Bill Murray,
Steve Clark and Kim Glenn.
General Meeting Minutes- Motion was called for to accept minutes as printed in the newsletter. Motion
was made by Dave Criswell seconded by Bruce Glenn, motion was carried.
Corresponding Secretary- Bonnie Ames reported receiving several Thank you letters from judges who
were at the Fall Show. One judge is printing an article about our show in the next Dogs In Review
magazine. A good time was expressed by all. AKC sent a letter regarding dogs that were misentered and
the TriCities Visitor Center requested the club to fill out a survey regarding its participation in our show.
Treasure Report- Accounting of accounts was reported by Michelle Murray. All but one bill from the
show has been paid. Fiscally the show was a success. Junior handling scholarships remain well funded.
Fall Dog Show-Show Chairman (Bruce Glenn) Bruce expressed Thank You to all who helped make the
show a success. A suggestion was made to provide owner handler class again for one day. Suggestion was
made to honor all law enforcement dogs at the Fall show. Suggestion was made to research K9
participation from Coyote Ridge Correction dog training program.
Handling Class- Class is going well and the donation jar was turned over to Michelle with $103. Last
class before the Holidays is Nov 19,2014 and class will resume on Jan 7, 2014.
New member Reading- There was a reading of application for membership in RKC for Richard and
Debra Calcavecchia. Motion was made by Michelle Murray and seconded by Dave Criswell to present
application to the general membership. Motion was carried.
New Business- Raffle prizes for 2015 show discussed ... 32" TV, Tablet, scooter and assorted appliances
will be purchased. More RKC logo items pens, frisbees, bags need to be ordered. Motion was made to
spend $1200 on the above items by Michelle Murray seconded by Skeeter Benton.
Old Business- none
Motion to adjourn- Motion to adjourn was made by Dave Criswell, seconded by Kevin Davis and
motion was carried. Meeting was adjourned by Charles Ames at 7:56 pm.
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Marion Ford
This came through my FB page from an exhibitor today.
"your kennel club (Richland KC) puts on a wonderful show. The venue is
fantastic and the club members are delightful. I hope to return next year."
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Skeeter Benton
A BIG Thank you to all RKC members who volunteered their time to make this
past weekend a beautiful show. Most of my GSD people were very impressed
with how the show was run and the beautiful setting. They are looking forward
to returning next year.
Richland Kennel Club
P.O. Box 386
WA 99352