November 2014 St. Veronica CES "In an instant, I saw five brilliant rays of light shine forth from his most holy wounds, and all came to my face." FROM THE PRI NCI PAL In Flanders Fields by John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. The Feast of All Saints and All Souls Days on November 1 and 2 are important days in the Catholic Church. The primary reason for establishing a common feast day was because of the desire to honor the great number of martyrs. The Church has consistently encouraged the offering of prayers and Mass for the souls of the faithful departed. On All Souls Day, the faithful on earth can assist the souls of the departed through their prayers, good works and the offering of Mass. At this time as well, we remember Mr. Cutcher who passed away in August, and pray for his eternal rest. The Progress Reports for Grades 1-8 students will be coming home on Tuesday November 11. All students, JK to Grade 8, will be having a Parent Teacher Interview on November 13 or 14. Forms have already gone home to arrange suitable times. Please note that November 14 is a P.A. Day for this purpose, so there is no school for students. We would like to wholeheartedly thank the St. Veronica Community for their support of the Spook-a-Thon. We all enjoyed an amazing time at the dance, and were able to raise approximately $15000 (before costs). The Fundraising Committee of the Catholic School Council was instrumental in assisting with the organization and implementation of this great cause. These funds will be used towards the second phase of our Technology Plan. Once again, this year our school will be putting on a Christmas production. We are excited to invite you 'Gabriel's Message’. The production will take place on Wednesday, December 10th and Thursday, December 11th with performances at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Like last year, tickets will be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis with a limit of 4 tickets per performance per family. The classes involved in the Christmas production are: Grade 1/2, all Grade 2s, Grade 2/3, all Grade 3s, all Grade 6s, all Grade 8s (including Ms. Terminesi's 8's). The classes not involved will be part of a Spring Production. We look forward to another great production showcasing the wonderful student and staff talent at St. Veronica. @StVeronicaCES York Catholic Communities of Faith Character Trait: Fairness Catholic Virtue: Justice I Will: Treat others in a just, equitable and unbiased manner; Play by the rules, take turns and share; Be open-minded and listen to others. Trustee: Maria Carnovale Director: Patricia Preston Superintendent: Donna Hackett School Council Chairs: Tanya Barbosa & Rocchina Di Tommaso Principal: Sandra Tuzi-De Caro Vice Principals: Travis MacDonald, Franco Di Marco Secretaries: Mrs. Gallo, Mrs. Lancia, Mrs. Robinson Pastor: Fr. John Borean, Fr. Peter Turrone Dates to Remember Nov. 1—All Saints Day Nov. 2—All Souls Day Nov. 3—CSC Mtg; Daylight Savings Time Ends Nov. 11—Remembrance Day; Progress Reports go home Nov. 13 & 14—Parent Teacher Interviews Nov. 13—Cookie Dough Orders Due Nov. 14—P.A. Day (No School for Students) Nov. 17-21—Bullying Prevention Week Nov. 28—Civvies Day ($2 for ShareLife) 171 Maria Antonia Rd., Woodbridge, Ontario, L4H 2S8 905-653-5920 PAGE 2 ST. VERONICA NEWS York Catholic District School Board Shared Vision We are a Catholic Learning community of collaborative partners, called to serve one another by being committed to and accountable for quality learning by all, with Jesus as our inspiration. Allergy Alert Anaphylaxis (anna - fill -axis) is a serious allergic reaction. It can be life-threatening. Food is the most common cause of anaphylaxis, but insect stings, medicine, latex, or exercise can also cause a reaction. The most common food allergens are peanuts, tree nuts, seafood, eggs and milk products. The Ontario Allergy Society tells us that “it is impractical to achieve complete avoidance of all allergenic foods as there can be hidden or accidentally introduced sources.” However, “it is definitely possible to reduce children’s exposure to allergenic foods within the school setting.” Please be vigilant and do your part to reduce the risk. Help keep our school safe for all! 21ST CENTURY LEARNING AT SVA The term “21st Century Learning” refers to learning that extends students’ thinking to meet all of the expectations of the subject areas of the Ontario Curriculum and to develop additional attitudes and skills that they will need in the future. These 21st century learning skills are clustered within six key headings, namely Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Citizenship and Catholic Character. Four staff members at St. Veronica were provided with iPads as well as extensive training in this area over the 2013 – 2014 school year. The team has been expanded by two more members this school year and they will continue to be provided with training and will share their expertise at the school with the rest of the staff and students. Over the 2013 – 2014 school year, we were able to purchase 60 iPads and three Learning Labs to house the iPads. Each Learning Lab has an Apple TV and a MacBook Pro to support the iPads. Students in all divisions will be able to use the iPads this year to support their learning. Our goal this year is to purchase an additional 10 iPads as well as 20 – 40 new desktop computers to support student achievement. CIVVIES DAYS AT SVA This year, we will continue to have Civvies Days. On these days, students do not have to wear their Standardized Dress Code clothing. This month, Civvies Day will take place on Friday November 28. On these days, students may dress in non-Standardized Dress Code clothing for a $2.00 donation to ShareLife. A reminder that clothing worn on Civvies Days must still be appropriate to the school dress code (neat, no inappropriate slogans, fully covered, no spaghetti straps, no short shorts, etc.) DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Remember that Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday November 2. Clocks must be turned back one hour. This is also a good time to change the batteries on your smoke detectors. OUTDOOR CLOTHING Now that we are into November the weather is getting colder. We continue to remind parents that the children must come appropriately dressed for outdoor recess periods. Only during inclement weather (i.e. rain) will children remain indoors. Fresh air is a necessary ingredient for a responsive child, as is exercise between periods of class work. If your child is too sick to go out for recess, then they are too sick to come to school. All students who come to school are expected to go out for recess. NEWS FROM THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB Waste- Free Lunch Challenge Results Way to go SVA! St. Veronica’s Eco Club would like to thank all participating students for your efforts in reducing waste at our school. Your choice to pack a waste-free lunch has helped our school make a difference to the environment. In just one day, our waste consumption decreased by 10KG! Throughout the week, we increased our organic waste compost, and were using appropriate bins for recycling and garbage. These efforts allowed SVA to decrease our waste consumption by a total of 52KG during our waste -free lunch week! We encourage students to continue to bring in waste-free lunches for the rest of the school year so that we can do our part to help our planet. SCHOOL VISION CARE We are proud to announce that a School Vision Care Clinic is coming to our school! This clinic will be offering every child that participates a complete comprehensive EYE Examination and a FREE pair of Prescription Glasses to all children in the program requiring glasses. This is a generous opportunity for our students so we strongly encourage you to sign your child up for the Clinic. The permission forms will be sent home with your child. Please make sure the forms are completed properly to ensure your child will be tested. Child must have a valid OHIP # and MUST NOT have had an Eye Examination by an Optometrist in the last 12 months. PAGE 3 ST. VERONICA NEWS Community Noticeboard SAFE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT EARLY ARRIVAL SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM Parents must plan early arrival for their children. Supervision in the school yard begins at 8:45 a.m. Students may be safely dropped off at that time. Early arrival enables students to line up with classmates when the bell rings at 9:00 a.m. JK & SK students have DIRECT ENTRY starting at 8:45 a.m. Those children entering the school through the front door and not with their class are late and must get a late slip from the office. ABSENCES—WE NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school if their child will not be present at school. As the parent you are required to report your child’s absence by logging onto the Safe Arrival Parent Portal at OR by calling the Toll Free Safe Arrival Phone Number at 1-855-856 -7862 . If we cannot reach anyone, it is our duty, under the Safe Arrival Program, to call the police. Let’s work together to make sure that our children are safe. PARENTS IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING CELL PHONES / ELECTRONICS / TOYS All parents/guardians, volunteers and visitors are welcome to our school. In the interest of safety, and to prevent interruptions to classes, all parents/guardians and visitors MUST first report to the school office when entering the school. Please sign in and wear the visitor identification provided. For the safety of all occupants in the building, it is important that the students and staff know that you are an approved visitor (Policy 611). On behalf of your children’s safety, we thank you for adhering to this procedure. PARKING / DROP-OFF & PICK-UP Our drop off/parking situation at St. Veronica has undergone a transformation. The Kiss ‘n Ride lane is running smoothly as a drop -off only (no parking). You may use the Kiss ‘n Ride lane to drop off your child(ren) but you must remain in your vehicle and move along as soon as they are dropped off so the flow of traffic can continue. No vehicles should be stopped or parked in the Kiss ’n Ride lane at any time. Also, PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK ANY DRIVEWAYS OF THE HOMES ACROSS FROM THE SCHOOL. The parking lot is open for parents who wish to park their vehicles. Please do not double-park or block anyone in. Think safety for all children, staff and community. STANDARDIZED DRESS CODE It is wonderful to see the students of St. Veronica dressed in their standardized dress code. Remember, navy blue bottoms and white, grey, or navy blue tops are permitted. No jeans are permitted according to the new policy. This year students who do not comply to the SDC will be subject to Progressive Discipline. Thank you for supporting this initiative and encouraging your children to wear the school colours. It definitely promotes and illustrates our great school spirit! LUNCH DROP-OFF / ROUTINES In order to reduce the number of classroom and office disruptions, we ask that students are sent to school with their lunch in the morning. If a lunch must be brought to school at lunch time, we ask that you let your child know to come down at 12:00 to get it in the foyer. A lunch table sits in the foyer so that the child’s labeled lunch can be left on the table for pick up. We will not be calling into classrooms as this is disruptive to both student routines and the office. Thank you for your cooperation. The use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in the school. Students will be allowed to use the school phone in emergency cases. All electronics—MP3, IPOD, video-players, tablets, etc., must be safely left at home. If a cell phone is brought to school, it must be OUT OF SIGHT AND TURNED OFF. If it is seen, it will be taken away. As well, all expensive jewellery, clothing items, or toys should also be left at home. The school is not responsible for lost / stolen items. MEDICATION If your child requires medication during the school day, please call the office to get a medication form. The form and the medication must be brought to the office. Medication cannot be stored in the classroom or with the student. INCLEMENT WEATHER When it is raining in the morning before school begins, inclement weather procedures will be in place. In this situation, at 8:45 a.m.—9:00 a.m., students will begin their day indoors. All outer doors will be locked, except for the front doors and the kindergarten exit doors. All students, except for Kindergarten students, are asked to enter from the front doors during inclement weather in the morning. Kindergarten students are asked to enter through their play area to their exterior classroom doors. Staff members will be there to greet your child and direct them to their classrooms. During the school day, inclement weather procedures will be followed for all recesses when it is raining. ST. VERONICA WEBSITE & TWITTER Please visit our website regularly at for lots of up-to-date information. As well, follow us on Twitter @StVeronicaCES for updates on daily events. Twitter is the fastest and most efficient way to remain current with all that is happening at SVA!! Please follow us! PAGE 4 ST. VERONICA NEWS School News at St. Veronica CES LUNCH TIME ROUTINES Most students stay for lunch at school on a regular basis; however, some students do go home. It is imperative that your children’s teachers are informed of this routine. Any changes in the routine need to be clearly communicated to the teacher. Parents wishing to treat their children to a “special” lunch are asked to come to the office to pick-up their children and sign them out. This applies to all grades, including intermediate. Students are NOT allowed to leave school property for lunch, unless: 1) they are accompanied by an adult who picks the student up at the school office; 2) they go home for lunch everyday. STUDENT SIGN IN / OUT BOOK Again this year, if you pick-up your child early from school for an appointment or your child arrives at school after 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m., it is requested that you sign your child in / out at the office. It is imperative to know the whereabouts of all students. In the event that another family member / friend must pick-up your child, you must inform your child’s teacher via a letter and they must follow the procedures. It is best that arrangements are made in the morning so a letter can be sent rather than calling the school as this cuts down on class disruptions. MORNING ROUTINES & SAFETY Please remember that only students and staff members on supervision duty are allowed to be on the playground. Parents or Caregivers who bring children to school in the morning must walk their children to the yard and then leave them in the care of the teachers on duty. For the safety of all, the only adults in the yard should be the teachers and staff members wearing their safety vests. If you are dropping off your kindergarten child, please bring them into their gate and then return to waiting behind the parking lot fence. No one should be standing outside the kindergarten fence, since that is in the Primary playground area. On behalf of your children’s safety, I thank you for respecting this. BELL TIMES 9:00 a.m.— Morning Entry 10:25 a.m. —10:40 a.m.— Morning Recess 12:00 p.m.—12:20 p.m.— Lunch 12:20 p.m.—1:00 p.m.—Lunch Recess 2:20 p.m.—2:35 p.m.—Afternoon Recess 3:30 p.m.—Dismissal CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Thank you to all who came out to our meeting on October 6. It is wonderful to see such a large and enthusiastic group once again. Our next meeting will take place on Monday November 3 at 7 pm in the Staffroom. See you there. CROSS COUNTRY MEET On October 15th, St. Veronica's Cross Country team went to Bruce's Mill to participate in the Cross Country Meet. Students represented our school with great enthusiasm and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. Several of our students placed in the top ten for their grade level. In grade 4, Anthony K. finished in 1st place with Steven P. right behind him in 2nd place. Izabella S. finished in 8th place for grade 4 girls. In grade 6, Nicholas S. finished in 6th place. In grade 8, Matthew S. finished in 10th place. We are so proud of all of our students' dedication leading up to this event. A special mention goes out to Anthony K and Steven P in grade 4 who went on to compete at the Cross Country Regionals, where they ran against all of the top runners of the grade 4 boys in our School Board. A big Congratulations to Anthony K for placing 6th overall at the Regionals. The entire team's hard work, commitment and perseverance brought them to the finish line. Go Vipers!! We thank Ms. Amato and Ms. Leo for the dedication to coaching this team. SAFETY FIRST! This is a good time for parents to learn about and review ways to protect their children from potential dangers. Here's what children need to know: GRADE 8 VISUAL ARTS: TWO-POINT PERSPECTIVE DRAWING The Grade 8s have learned important concepts related to twopoint perspective drawing. Students were given a photograph of the Taj Mahal which they had to draw using a double complementary colour scheme. Below is a sample drawing completed by a student, Kristen M., in Mr. La Gamba's class. Their name, age, telephone number, address, city and province. This can be done through rhyme or song. How to contact their parents at any time, by memorizing cell or work numbers. How and under what circumstances to call 911. To never approach or enter a stranger's vehicle. A responsible adult would never ask a child for directions or any other question for that matter. Make sure they know they have a right to say "no" to an adult, especially when the adult is asking them to do something they have been taught is wrong or feels uncomfortable. Reminding children of this right is important because children are taught from a young age to respect adults. To always tell parents where they will be and to never enter someone's home without their parent's permission. If home alone, never admit it when answering the phone. Never answer a knock at the door or speak through it. Adults can be very persuasive. Teach your child to call you if there is a knock at the door and if they fear for their safety, teach them to call 911. Make sure they know that police officers are there to help them and would not get mad if it were a false alarm. If they think they are being followed or are in danger they INTERMEDIATE BOYS VOLLEYBALL AND should run home or to a public place. If someone grabs them, ATHLETICS they should try to get away, yelling and screaming while doing so. It is important to play in safe areas, never take shortcuts and stick The Intermediate Boys Volleyball Team are scheduled for tournaments on the following dates: with a buddy whenever possible. Exhibition Tournament on Nov. 6th at SVA (after school) It is never too early or too late to teach children the importance of Divisional Tournament on Nov. 24th at St. Clare (during personal safety. Common sense, communication and consistency school) St. Jean de Brebeuf Tournament on Dec 4th are the keys. Remind children to alert a responsible adult if something strange happens that makes them feel uncomfortable. (during school) Please remember to be a spectator you must have parent supervision (a parent must be with Remember, crime prevention is everyone's responsibility. you). For more information on this subject, contact the York Regional Go, Vipers, Go! Police Community Services Bureau at 1-866-876-5423, ext. 7980, or by e-mail at, or visit As well, we would like to inform all Parent(s)/Guardian(s), that REMEMBRANCE DAY On Tuesday November 11, at 10:45 a.m. in the gym, we will be commemorating those who have fought for our freedom with a Remembrance Day Service. All parents are invited to attend. we will be using the SVA webpage ( to communicate to parents regarding expectations or events that are being held at SVA by your child's Physical Education Teacher. Thank you, Ms. Nalli and Ms. Greco. BULLYING AWARENESS WEEK November 17-21 is designated as Bullying Awareness Week. During this time, classrooms will be working on various activities designed to raise awareness about Bullying among students and what can be done to stop it. November 2014 S M U N T O N W U E T E D F H U S R I A T 1 All Saints Day 2 All Souls Day 3 CSC Mtg—7 pm 4 Daylight Savings Time Ends (Clocks back 1 hr) 9 5 Gr. 8 Leadership Links Conference 7 8 Night @ St. Jean de Brebeuf—7 pm Int. Boys Volleyball Exhibition Tournament—SVA 4-9 pm 10 11 Remembrance Day Service—10:45 am 12 Gr. 1/2, 2 & 2/3 Trip to the Kortright Conservation Centre 13 Parent-Teacher 14 P.A. Day—No Interviews school for Students Cookie Dough Orders Due Parent-Teacher Interviews—am 15 YCPIC Conference for CSC 19 Gr. 8 Mental Health Workshop (Stress) 20 22 Progress Reports go home (Gr. 1-8) 16 Bully- 6 Gr. 8 Parent Info 17 ing Prevention Week 18 Gr. 8 Montreal Trip Parent Info Night—7 pm 21 Gr. 7 Trip to the EcoSchool Kids O’ Course Awards Night—7 pm 23 24 Gr. 7 & 8 Immunizations Intermediate Boys Volleyball @ St. Clare 30 25 Intermediate Girls Volleyball @ St. Padre Pio 26 27 St. Jean de 28 Civvies Day— Brebeuf Concert— Bring $2 for Gr. 6-8 ShareLife 29 Catholic School Council News Remaining Catholic School Council Meetings for 2014-2015: Meetings are held this school year on Mondays at 7pm in the Staffroom as follows: Nov 3 Jan 12 Feb 9 April 13 May 4 June 8 You are always welcome to join us at our next meeting! Have ideas for the Catholic School Council? Come out to our next meeting and share your ideas and/or send an e-mail to Nov 2014 Spook-a-Thon Huge Success! What a wonderful time all children and even parents had as they all joined in the dancing and “spooking”! A great big THANKS to members of Fundraising Committee who worked so hard at making it a great event! The CSC Bulletin Board in the school foyer is always updated with current news and information. Please check it out regularly so you know what great things are happening at SVA! Look for the plaqued photos of the two children from the Philippines that our CSC is sponsoring. They will be placed in the foyer. “We all need to count our blessings and share them”.
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