Volume 7, Issue 9 Columbus UU News Sunday Programs September 1 9:30 Adult Religious Education: TED talk video on Atheism 10:40 Children’s RE: Kirstin Mix, “Friends are Special” 10:40 Sunday Program: Members of the Fellowship Title: “Poetry in Praise of the Worker” Service Leader: Rick Spradlin Opener: Nikki & Chris Rohrs Closer: Linda Hagberg Greeters: Barry White & John Land September 8 9:30 Adult Religious Education: Healthy vs. Unhealthy Religions 10:40 Children’s RE: Paul Lee, Art Project 10:40 Sunday Program: Bill Edwards Title: UU Water Ceremony Service Leader: Bill Edwards Opener: Linda Hagberg Closer: Michelle Midgette Greeters: Bill Edwards & Kirstin Mix September 15 9:30 Adult Religious Education: “Tapestry of Faith” 10:40 Sunday Program: Rev. Marti Keller Title: Discussion of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan Service Leader: Barry White Opener: Michelle Midgette Closer: Paul Lee Greeters: Hal Midgette & Angie Oliver September 22 9:30 Adult Religious Education: “Tapestry of Faith” 10:40 Sunday Program: Sali Shadi Title: “Baghdad to Columbus: An Arab Woman’s Story, Part II” Service Leader: Paul Lee Opener: Paul Lee Closer: Barry White Greeters: Robert Burnham and Mark Berger September 29 9:30 Adult Religious Education: “Tapestry of Faith” 10:40 Sunday Program: Pat Hart Title: “Frank Lloyd Wright’s UU Church: an Exploration of our UU Heritage” Service Leader: John Nix Opener: Barry White Closer: Rick Spradlin Greeters: Evelyn Roebuck and Ann Newland Thank you to Pat Hart for coordination the programs for September. Social Action The Third Sunday Give-Away-The-Plate donation will be given to Back Pack Blessings. This program provides food to needy children on weekends. September, 2013 In This Issue Sunday Programs Calendar of Events Birthdays Social Action Joys and Concerns Adult RE Women’s Night Out Newsletter Editor Paul Lee lee.paul19@yahoo.com 706-315-0568 Meeting Address: 1442 Double Churches Road Columbus, GA 31904 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 698 Fortson, GA 31808 Phone: 706-660-1442 E-Mail: uucolga@bellsouth.net Website: www.uucolumbusga.org Page 2 Sidney Wilson Robert Burnham Dixie Turman Julie Bouchard Jena Puckett Marshall Simpson Happy Birthday! Sept. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Sept. 18 UU Fellowship of Columbus Hal Midgette Maureen Humphries Ron Ussery Don Nahley Kayla Spradlin Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 22 Joys and Concerns Several of our members who have had health concerns have been in attendance after recuperating. It was great to have Sidney Wilson, Grace Jordan and Shirley Gray in attendance again at our Sunday gathering. Remember our Fellowship and Friends in your thoughts and prayers throughout the year. It is a pleasure to let everyone know that we have two new members. Kayla Spradlin and Evelyn Roebuck joined our Fellowship on August 25. They have been a regular part of our congregation for a long time. We are gratified that they have decided to become official members. Movie Night will resume in September. The movie “Quartet” will be shown on September 27 at 7 pm. Bring your favorite beverage and snack. Several women have mentioned an interest in starting a UU Women’s Book Club. A meeting is planned on September 3, 2013 at 6 pm at the Fellowship. If you are interested, your are requested to bring your ideas about how the club should function and some suggestions about books you would like to read. If you have not been to The Mountain, now is your opportunity. A group of Columbus members and friends are planning to visit The Mountain on October 4-6. If you are interested in participating contact either John Kamisky or Barry White for more information. Carpooling can be arranged. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to visit a wonderful mountain retreat. There will be churches from the Atlanta area also there so you will be able to meet other UU church members. Women’s Night Out The Women’s Group will meet on Thursday, September 12 at 6 pm. The gathering will Take place at Connie Ussery’s home. You are requested to bring finger foods. Connie will provide drinks and desserts. Her address is #5 Cascade Road, Columbus. Your are requested to inform the office if you are planning to attend. The office number is 706-660-1442. You can also e-mail your intentions to uucolga@bellsouth.net. Adult RE (Chris Rohrs, VP of Religious Education) On Sunday, September 15th we are going to start working through the Faith Like a River program, which is part of the Unitarian Universalist Tapestry of Faith series. I want to take this opprtunity to tell you how I'd like to handle this series. The Tapestry of Faith series according to the UUA web site, is "Embodying a faith development focus for our congregations, Tapestry of Faith is a series of programs and resources for all ages that nurture Unitarian Universalist identity, spiritual growth, a transforming faith, and vital communities of justice and love." You can view more of the Tapestry of Faith program at http://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/ We are going to start on the Faith Like A River series. "Faith Like a River explores the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history—the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage. It invites participants to place themselves into our history and consider its legacies. What lessons do the stories of our history teach that can help us live more faithfully in the present? What lessons do they offer to be lived into the future?" The Faith Like a River program can be found at http://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/adults/river/index.shtml Faith Like A River consists of 16 workshops. The materials for these workshops are available online. I will provide the links to the materials we will be using and it will be up to you to view them online through your computer or print copies if you wish. The UU Bookstore does not provide paper copies of Faith Like A River. I will provide you the links two weeks before each workshop. That will give you time to review the materials. We will start on September 15th with Workshop #1. I will send out an email before September 1st with links to the Workshop #1 materials we will be using. We are not going to spend all our time on Faith Like a River. We will take breaks to work on other items you've expressed interest in. you can contact Chris Rohrs if you have any questions or comments Page 3 Volume 7, Issue 9 September 2013 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu Fri Sat 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 Discussion Group Women’s Night Out 7 pm 6 pm 19 20 21 26 27 28 Adu lt RE: T ed T alk vi d eo o n Ath ei sm Program: “Poetry in Praise of the Worker” D i s c u s si o n Group Service Leader: Rick Spradlin Opener: Nikki & Chris Rohrs 7 pm Closer: Linda Hagberg Greeters: Barry White & Linda Hagberg Children’s RE: Kirstin Mix, “Friends are Special” 8 9 10 Adult RE: Healthy vs. Unhealthy religions, a discussion Program: Bill Edwards, UU Water Ceremony Service Leader: Bill Edwards Opener: Linda Hagberg Closer: Michelle Midgette G r e e t e r s: Kr i st i n M i x , B i l l E d wa r d s Children’s RE: Paul Lee, Art Project 15 Connie Ussery’s home 16 17 Discussion Group Adult RE: “Tapestry of Faith” series begins Program: Rev. Marti Keller, Discussion of the book Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth Service Leader: Barry White Opener: Michelle Midgette Closer: Paul Lee Greeters: Angie Oliver, Hal Midgette Children’s RE: No Children’s RE 22 7 pm 23 24 Adult RE: “Tapestry of Faith” Program: Sali Shadi, “Baghdad to Columbus: An Arab Woman’s Story, Part II” Service Leader: Paul Lee Opener: Paul Lee Closer: Barry White Greeters: Mark Berger, Robert Burnham Children’s RE: No Children’s RE 29 25 Movie Night Discussion Group 7 pm 7 pm “Quartet” 30 Oct. 1 Adult RE: “Tapestry of Faith” Program: Pat Hart, “Frank Lloyd Wright’s UU Church: an Exploration of our UU Heritage” Service Leader: John Nix Opener: Barry White Closer: Rick Spraklin Greeters: Evelyn Roebuck, Ann Newland Children’s RE: No Children’s RE Oct. 6 18 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Discussion Group 7 pm Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 UU Fellowship of Columbus P.O. Box 698 Fortson, GA 31808 A Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning!
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