WELCOME CLUB OF HENDERSON COUNTY NOVEMBER 2014 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The leaves are changing color, temperatures are dropping, and fall is in full swing! As the cooler weather settles in, be sure to recharge with all the opportunities Welcome Club has in store for you. For the first time a Coffee and Conversation is being combined with an Annual Meeting. The Historic Courthouse is the place to be on October 21 at 10 AM. There will be yummy food, a short business meeting, election of officers, and a door prize to a lucky attendee. I hope you have RSVP’d to one of our Coffee and Conversation co-chairs Lorraine or Ingrid. More details and information can be found in the October Newsletter. Our annual Holiday Luncheon at the Hendersonville Country Club is slated for December 5. This final luncheon of the year provides our members an opportunity to visit with friends and have a wonderful lunch, in a festive Holiday setting. There will be a 50/50 raffle as well as the installation of officers. Make your reservation early as there is limited space and you won’t want to be left out. The last Coffee and Conversation for 2014 will be held on December 16 at the home of Lorraine Greco. Directions and information are included in this newsletter. We hope to see you there in your “Holiday Spirit” wearing your “Holiday Sweater.“ A gal just doesn’t have enough places to wear them! The 2015 New Member and Renewal application is available in your newsletter and on our web page. Jan Hexdall, our Membership Chair, will have the forms available at the Annual Meeting. Bring your checkbook and you can join or renew on the spot. As a reminder, if you submit your application by December 31, 2014, your vote will count for the 2015 Charity of your choice and your information will be included in our 2015 membership booklet. Your Board held the final New Member Luncheon for 2014 in September. The New Members in attendance appreciated a chance to get to know the Board members and learn more about Welcome Club. Your Board intends to continue the New Member Luncheons in 2015. Until December, take care and log in to www.welcomeclubhc.org Harriet The Charity Corner By Mary Boteilho NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 3 4 5 7 9 10 10 13 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 23 23 24 25 26 26 28 28 28 29 30 Kaye Pfromm Janie Skolnick Lenore Towe Sandy Brittain Leah Cosoi Barbara Blomerley Sandy Butler Dianne Johnson Jean Kirkland Sandie Kay Wilma Pomerantz Florence Younkin Judy Arthur Judy McDonald Barbara Ehrlich Sue Kaplan Barbara Patton Judith Beller Vicky Lieber Susan Snowden Patricia MacDuff Corinne Maier Elizabeth Stover Suzanne Green Marcia Hecht Gerry Schroer Legare Head Barbara Andrews As we near the end of 2014, it has been a great pleasure in getting to know another local Charity and providing financial assistance to Feed The Kids Coalition. As of the end of October, our total combined financial and in-kind gifts total $ 2,435.00. Due to Welcome Club's efforts in providing books, original CD's and VHS tapes, a check in the amount of $ 79.46 was presented to FTKC from Books For Good. Welcome Club will continue to collect books, original CD's and VHS tapes at our combined Coffee & Conversation and Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 21st and our Holiday Luncheon on December 5th. PLEASE remember to bring your donations to the final two events for 2014. A collection box will be available for your donations. This is such as easy way for each of us to contribute to the financial success of Feed The Kids Coalition. As always, I want to thank each and every member for their continued support of our annual Charity. The slate of Charities for 2015 and a description of these Charities is found on your renewal membership application. In order for your vote to count, you must renew no later than December 31, 2014. With 2014 drawing to a close and our club members prepare for their holiday traditions and celebrations, "May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours wherever you may roam".......- Irish Blessing- WELCOME CLUB MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM 2015 AND NEW MEMBER FORM 2015 Please PRINT all information Date First Name Last Name Mailing Address City Home Phone State Zip Cell Phone (You may list one or both numbers. If you list both, but have a preference as to which number WC members should use, please asterisk the preferred number.) Spouse’s Name Formerly From E-Mail Month/Day of Birth NEW MEMBERS ONLY At this time I am interested in: Boggle Fun ‘N Games Book Clubs Luncheon 8’s Bridge Witty Knitters Canasta Rummy Q Coffee & Conversation Scrabble Evening Socials ______Mah Jongg ______ Mexican Train Dominoes ______ Hand & Foot ______ Other ______________________________ Please make your selection and vote for one of the following Charity Nominations for 2015: ______ Only Hope WNC, Inc. _____ St. Gerard House ______ The Healing Place (See descriptions of each nominated charity following this form.) ANNUAL DUES for the calendar year are $20.00 per year. AMOUNT INCLUDED: _______________ CHECK NO. ____________DATE_____________________ NEW MEMBERS ONLY HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US? _____ Friend/Member _____Welcome Club Brochure _____Realtor _____Visitor’s Center _____Newspaper _____Other _______________________ Please complete and mail the entire form, along with your check payable to Welcome Club to: Jan Hexdall 259 Willow Place Circle Hendersonville, NC 28739 Phone: 828-696-1724 Email: janhexdall@att.net Nominated Charities for 2015 Only Hope WNC, INC--is a non-profit program which aids the close to 300-350 homeless students in Henderson County. In 2009 a group of concerned citizens came together for the purpose of fighting against youth homelessness. Five years later, their passion has grown into a full on assault. Their mission is to promote the value of education, honor individuality and diversity, nurture respect for self and others and provide hope for young people in need. Services that are offered include; basic necessities (soap, toothbrush, canned goods), school supplies (throughout the year), assistance funding (gas for the car, clothing for a job interview, class dues) and emergency housing. In the event a student is left out in the cold, Only Hope provides temporary housing for 1-2 nights in a hotel. The long term plan is to build a Dream Home, where homeless teens can come and feel safe. St Gerard House--.is a non-profit foundation offering evidence-based treatment for individuals with ASD, learning disabilities, developmental delays, and behavioral health needs. In addition, they provide training, consultation, and support for families, educators, institutions, and any others involved with the treatment or care of these individuals. St. Gerard House is comprised of a school and resource center for children with autism and their families. Offering parent and sibling support groups, behavior assessments, nutritional consultation, and training for parents, educators, and professionals. The Healing Place--.is a non-profit program providing specialized services in English and Spanish to help men, women and children of all ages, in Henderson County, recover from sexual violence; including rape, sexual assault, child sexual abuse. All services are free and confidential and include: Crisis intervention, Hospital accompaniment, Counseling, Case Management, Court Support, Victims Compensation, Therapeutic Intervention and as well as a Parenting Series to non-offending parents. The Healing Place manages a 24 hour crisis hotline. Last year the agency served 1,065 individuals in Henderson County. Forty-one percent were children and 59 percent were adults. Of the individuals served last year, 97% of the victims knew their offender. The Healing Place has seen a 50% increase in the need for their services in just four years. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? BOWLING BRIDGE BRUNCHES AND LUNCHES BUNCO(BUNKO) MAH JONGG COUPLES PINOCHLE TENNIS OTHERS ARE TOO!! CONTACT SHARON MCGREEVY TO FIND OUT HOW TO START A GROUP TO MEET YOUR INTERESTS! 697-0977 dpmcgreevy@gmail.com BOGGLE GROUP Third Tuesday Third Thursday CHAIR Vicky Lieber, 890-3408 evlieber@bellsouth.net Linda Holt, 698-6670 HOSTESS Ace Hardware/Cuppys Linda Holt DATE/TIME 18 Nov 2014 1:30 pm 20 Nov 2014 1:30pm The third Tuesday Boggle groups wants to remind you that they are welcoming new players! Even if you haven’t played before, Boggle is easy to learn and fun to play. Give Vicki a call and join in the fun. GROUP CHAIR HOSTESS DATE/TIME Second Tuesday Book Bugs Sue Hatch 890-0151 Betsy Tibbs 11 Nov 2014 10:00 am Ladies of the Evening Book Club Rose Marie Puncke, 777-6832 Rose Marie Puncke 10 Nov 2014 7:00 pm Page Turners Book Club Jan Scott 230-4039 Fran Friedman 13 Nov 2014 1:30 pm Blue Ridge Readers Betsy Robson 595-4958 Patricia Shub 954-208-4600 Jan Kaiser, 973-2196205 Jkkaiser06@yahoo.com Betsy Robson 19 Nov 2014 1:30 pm 10 Nov 2014 1:00 pm 12 Nov 2014 1:30 pm Ravenous Readers Rambling Readers Sharon McGreevy Barbara Andrews BOOK/AUTHOR To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee Museum of Extraordinary Things Alice Hoffman The House at Tyneforde Natasha Solomons Planning Meeting Outliers Malcolm Gladwell TBD BRIDGE CHAIR Harriet Stafford, 697-3318 HOSTESS Plays once a month in member’s homes HOLIDAY COFFEE AND CONVERSATION The December Coffee and Conversation will be the last one for 2014 and will be held at the home of Lorraine Greco. DATE: TIME: PLACE: RSVP: Tuesday, December 16 10:00 am The home of Lorraine Greco No later than 14 December to either Ingrid Mahler (693-0396) or Lorraine Greco (693-8281) Co-Hostesses: Lucy Cumston, Rosemary Gess, Rita Klein, and Lenore Towe Post Office Directions to Lorraine’s home: Address: 3 Shadow Brook Drive, Flat Rock, 28731. From downtown Hendersonville, take 225 south towards Flat Rock Playhouse. Once you pass Kenmure, travel 1.2 more miles. Entrance to Shadow Brook will be on your left. If you reach Cobblestone Village or the Zirconia Post Office, you have missed the turn off. Once you are in Shadow Brook, Lorraine’s home is on your left at 3 Shadow Brook Drive. You can park in the driveway or on Shadow Brook. If you park on Shadow Brook, please be sure that you do not BLOCK ANY DRIVEWAYS. FUN ‘N GAMES CHAIR Lynne Stafford, 696-1581 HOSTESS DATE/TIME Does not meet Nov/Dec/Jan HAND AND FOOT CHAIR Lenore Towe, 435-1184 HOSTESS DATE/TIME Please contact Lenore Ace Hardware, Cuppy’s TBA 12:30pm LUNCHEON 8’S CHAIR HOSTESS DATE Terri Gibson, 699-5502 Terri Gibson 4 Nov MAH JONGG CHAIR HOSTESS DATE/TIME Lenore Towe, 435-1184 Lenore Towe Every Tuesday, 12:30pm Mary Boteilho 595-2769 Rotates each week Every Monday, 1:00 pm Kaye Pfromm, 595-9059 First & Third Monday, MEXICAN TRAIN CHAIR LOCATION DATE/TIME Michele Hyde, 237-2040 Ace Hardware, Cuppy’s 7 Nov 2014, 1:00 pm RUMMY Q CHAIR LOCATION DATE/TIME Nancy Chiarenza, griffon67@aol.com Nancy Chiarenza Ace Hardware, Cuppy’s 14 Nov 2014, 1:00 pm Ace Hardware, Cuppy’s 21 Nov 2014, 1:00 pm CHAIR HOSTESS DATE/TIME Sharon McGreevy, 697-0977 Clubhouse at the Oaks 4 Nov 2014, 1:30 pm NOTE: Please let Sharon know if You will be attending or not WITTY KNITTERS CHAIR Rhoda Galvani, 551-4679 HOSTESS DATE/TIME No meeting in Nov MEMBERSHIP NEWS Membership VP: Jan Hexdall, 696-1724, janhexdall@att.net Please make the following addition to your membership directory: Linn Parris (Douglas) 4925 Pinnacle Mountain Road Zirconia, NC 28790 828-595-2408 DOB: 22 August Formerly: FL parrislinn@gmail.com SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP CLARIFICATION NOTE: We currently have 168 members and we have many with the same, or similar first names – which isn’t surprising for a group of 168 women! We have 9 Nancy’s, 9 Sue’s or Susan’s, 8 Barbara’s, 7 Linda’s and even 5 Betsy’s! But, for the first time in our history, we have two women with both first and last names the same!! In order to minimize the confusion that may result from this unusual situation, the following repitition of these two members information is provided for your clarification. Barbara Andrews 260 Sugar Hollow Road Hendersonville, NC 28739 Home: 697-0833 Cell: 230-8954 Spouse: Don DOB: 30 Nov Formerly: KS barbaraannwin@gmail.com Barbara Andrews 800 Summit Farm Lane Hendersonville, NC 28739 Home: 891-1985 Cell: 699-0500 Spouse: Robert DOB: 11 Jan Formerly: OR horseshoe.nc@startmail.com NOVEMBER 2014 SUN MON 2 END OF DAYLIGHT SAVINGS 9 16 23 3 Mah Jongg (2) 10 Book Club (2) Mah Jongg 17 Mah Jongg (2) 24 Mah Jongg TUE WED 4 THUR 5 FRI 14 15 21 22 28 29 Mexican Train 11 12 Book Club 13 Book Club Rummy Q VETERANS DAY 18 Boggle Mah Jongg 19 Book Club 25 20 Boggle 26 Rummy Q 27 Mah Jongg THANKSGIVING 30 7 1 8 6 Luncheon 8 Mah Jongg Scrabble Book Club Mah Jongg SAT
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